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Stuart Shelton

Vision& Mission Statement Development

Why are you in business?
What do you want for yourself, your family and your customers?
For myself, I want to be successful in producing and
performing music that has artistic value and fills an
inspirational need for customers interested in jazz and new
age music.
Think about the spark that ignited your decision to start a
business. What will keep it burning?
A feeling of creating something original, not only receiving
monetary reward, but also I get inspiration from the listener
who is inspired from my music.
Who are your customers?
Persons who enjoy Jazz and New Age Music.
What can you do for them that will enrich their lives and
contribute to their success--now and in the future?
To provide art in the form of original music that will hopefully
inspire the listener for a richer prospective on life.
What image of your business do you want to convey?
Customers, suppliers, employees and the public will all have
perceptions of your company.
A respected & emerging musician/composer providing original
music for live and recording consumption.
How will you create the desired picture?
Creating this picture through a coordinated media & branding.
Each medium reinforcing the other to make impact to the
prospective public audience.
What is the nature of your products and services?
Music Production and Live Performance in Jazz and New Age
music genres.
New Age music is geared to a different audience that jazz,
some overlapping maybe.
What factors determine pricing and quality?
The market will dictate. Supply and demand combined with
like musicians and how they are setting the price for
performance and recordings.
Consider how these relate to the reasons for your business's
existence. How will all this change over time?
Volume of recording sales with change focus from performing
to recording productions.

What level of service do you provide?

Most companies believe they offer "the best service available,"
but do your customers agree? Don't be vague; define what
makes your service so extraordinary.
Recording Studio Services:
Expertise of medium to small recording projects that are
budget minded finding ways to attain the end quality
recordings. Years of experienced in the studio since the
inception of the DAW Recording studio.
Live Performance
Live performance of Jazz and New Age Music has had a
great reputation in the local area, public and musicians as
well. Hope to span out performing in other areas state-wide
then interstate.
What roles do you and your employees play? Wise captains develop
a leadership style that organizes, challenges and recognizes
My role is to compose, direct musicians and either record or
perform the original music.
Employees would be termed as fellow musicians here when in
bands together or in the recording studio. The roles that they
play are critical that they are very much a part of the creation
process or original music. My leadership style must be able to
nurture their interest both monetarily as well as artistically in
musical ventures.
What kind of relationships will you maintain with suppliers? Every
business is in partnership with its suppliers. When you succeed, so
do they.
Suppliers again would be synonymous with fellow musicians
however would span out to CD manufactures, media creators,
venues, and volunteers. When I would succeed, that
succession would translate into more involvement with
How do you differ from your competitors?
Many entrepreneurs forget they are pursuing the same dollars as
their competitors.
What do you do better, cheaper or faster than other
Music performance is better than most period given current
local competition.
How can you use competitors' weaknesses to your
Weakness of competitors tends to be organization and
effective marketing. These will be a continuing priority by

increasing email campaigns and local advertising of

performance. As for recording sales networking on a large
scale to penetrate market in the New Age music sector.
Airplay on Echos Radio Station will be a top priority with
website in place. In addition direct marketing to massage
therapist registered with state to develop mailing
How will you use technology, capital, processes, products and
services to reach your goals?
As continued from abovenetworking with other websites,
snail mail to target audience to develop email base, attaining
specialty database list of New Age potential customers for
example all the people that are members of Echos Radio
station and if there is a way to get that. Local performance
need a procedural process to media release in coordination
with website and email campaign. Printed newspaper adds to
farm emails as well (sign up on website). Making more
contacts and relationships in the medias at large. A
description of your strategy will keep your energies focused
on your goals.
What underlying philosophies or values guided your responses to
the previous questions? Some businesses choose to list these
separately. Writing them down clarifies the "why" behind your
My responsibility as an artist/musician to contribute in a
meaningful way to society that will have inspiration and
longevity. My relationship with churches and music venues have
already proven this from live performances and hope to continue
this trend at yet higher levels of musical expression.

Website Development Questionaire:

What we should know

1 Requirements
1 Website to be a public portal for
marketing/networking/storefront of recordings of
Stuart Shelton. Two basic sections-one for Jazz and
second New Age.
2 Files that would be important will be audio demos,
content, various photos & graphics that will portray
the image/branding that will be focused and

developed. Sign up form for performances and

Business Details:

Vision- A world better through creative and

inspirational jazz and new age music.
Mission- (statements-other options)

1) To compose,
perform and produce music of jazz and new
age genres for a better world for today and

2) It is our goal to continue to artistically produce unique jazz & new

age music to stay pertinent in tomorrow's world.
3) It is our business to continue to artistically compose and perform
world-class music as well as endeavor to produce unique music in
these genres for consumption.
4) It is our vision to artistically produce unique new age and jazz music
to inspire the world.
5) Our goal is to artistically productize unique jazz while endeavoring
to produce world-class new age.
Logo-Hand-drawn with word mark
3 Style to achieve: creative/musical/new age/jazz
Website to accomplish:
1 Mood of website would feel expansive, moving, spacious,
creative & interactive.
2 Inviting frequent visits with dated material pertinent to
3 Networking with Social sites,
4 Email Newsletter campaigns, Farming contact information.
What to sell:
1 Recordings
1 New Age
2 Jazz
3 Services-performing musician, bands, recording
studio services (redirect)
How to sell:
1 Selling by storefront (?), redirection to iTunes and other
2 Audio demos, images, content
3 Social Media Sites
4 Email campaigns
5 Direct mail campaigns
6 Local media outlets such as newspaper, magazines and
further networking

Why should they buy:

1 Musically unique, competitive
2 Reputation

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