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Density and Specific Gravity

In industrial process analysis it is often necessary to know the density or specific

gravity of a material being tested. The density of a material refers to its weight per unit
of volume. Typical measures of density weight are g/cm 3 and lbs/ft3. Specific gravity is
a measure that compares the density of a sample with the density of water at a
particular temperature. Specific gravity is a dimensionless value.
Specific gravity and density are often used interchangeably when evaluating liquids
and solids. The weight of a ft3 of aluminum, for example, is 167 lbs at room
temperature. An equal volume of water at the same temperature is 62.3 lbs. The
specific gravity of aluminum is therefore 167 divided by 62.3, or 2.68. This means that
aluminum is 2.68 times as heavy as water.
Specific-gravity values may be greater or smaller than 1. A value indication of less
than 1 indicates that the sample is lighter than water. When the value is greater than 1,
the material is heavier than its wter counterpart.
The density of a material can also be determined by the product of its specific gravity
value and the density of water. Mathematically, this is expressed by the formula
density [weight) = 62.3 lbs/ft3 x SG
density [weight) = 1 g/cm3 x SG
The density of a material with a specific gravity of 0.5 would be 62.3 lbs/ft times 0.5, or
31.5 lbs/ft3. This means that if any two values of density, weight, or specific gravity are
known, the third value can be determined by calculation.
Specific Gravity and Density Instrumentation
Specific gravity and density measurements are primarily achieved by some type of
interaction that takes place between a test sample and a form of mechanical energy.
Such things as a float, displacement, purged air, and weight are in common use today.
One of the simplest ways of measuring liquid density or specific gravity is with a float
hydrometer. This instrument has a weighted float that displaces a volume of liquid
equal to its own weight. The float mechanism is usually made of hollow glass or a metal
tube and is weighted at one end to make it float in an upright position. The position of
the hydrometer float depends on the density of the liquid. A less-dense liquid causes
the float to position itself lower in the liquid because a greater volume of liquid is
displaced. A density or specific-gravity scale appears on the upper portion of the float.
A reading is taken by noting the point on the scale to which the liquid rises. A
hydrometer generally has a thermometer housed in the float mechanism. The
temperatura of the test sample is taken so that any density changes due to ambient
temperature can be corrected.
The displacement instrument in Figure 7-19 is used to determine the specific gravity or
density of a liquid. With the displacement element completely immersed in the sample
solution, the resulting buoyant forc is directly dependent on the weight of the
displaced liquid. Mechanical energy is therefore a function of specific gravity or liquid

In an operating process system, a test solution is first admitted to the displacer

chamber. When the sample level is of a constant value, the resulting buoyant force
raises the displacer accordingly. The torque lever in Figure 7-20, attached to the
displacer, monitors position changes by turning a proportional amount. The opposite
end of the torque lever acts as an actuating mechanism for the indicator. In directreading instruments, the lever simply moves an indicating hand on a calibrated
specific-gravity scale. The same type of mechanism may also be used to actuate a
pneumatic or electrical measuring instrument.
In an electrical specific-gravity instrument, displacer action is used to change the
inductance of a coil or the core of a LVDT. The resulting output is amplified and used to
drive a digital display, chart recorder mechanism, or computer. The output signal
voltage is calibrated in density units or specific gravity.
The density of liquid or fluid flowing through an operating system can also be measured
by using a vibrating densitometer. This instrument was developed for extremely
accurate fluid metering, pipeline interface detection, blending operations, and
automatic process control applications. Figure 7-21 shows the installation of a vibrating
densitometer in a process line.

The vibrating densitometer in Figure 7-22 shows two vertical tubes housed in a metal
enclosure. The two tubes and end pieces form a mechanical resonant vibrating system.
Fluid entering at the bottom of the left tuve travels to the top, crosses to the right tube,
flows down, and exits at the bottom. The two tubes are mechanically vibrated at a
resonant frequency by an electronic oscillator, and the fluid flowing through the two
tubes is a function of the resulting vibration. The resonant frequency of the vibrating
tubes will vary with the density of the fluid. The driver piezoelectric element attached
to the left tube is used to vibrate the tube at the resonant frequency. The pickup
piezoelectric element attached to the right tube responds to vibration of the entire
assembly, which depends on the density of the fluid passing through the instrument. A
high-density fluid tends to slow down the vibrations, while a lower density causes it to

return to the natural resonant frequency. The resulting output frequency is amplified
and converted into a signal that is proportional to the density of the fluid passing
through the instrument. The output can be converted into a 4 to 20 mA analog signal or
a digital signal with a changing frequency that can be counted.
Fluid density or specific gravity can be determined by instruments that respond to the
pressure of liquid in a container with a fixed height. Instruments of this type are
commonly referred to as hydrostatic-head devices or bubbler instruments. This
approach to density measurement is very similar to that of the head-level measuring
technique. In level measurement, the specific gravity of a liquid was known and level
was determined by a difference in pressure. In density measurements, the head or tank
level is maintained at a constant value, with different specific-gravity values producing
changes in pressure.

In principle, the pressure of liquid at a given position is equal to the

height of the liquid (H) times the density (p). In its simplest form, the pressure
of a tank of liquid at a constant height varies directly with its density. A pressure
transmitter placed at the bottom of a constant-level tank can therefore be used to
determine liquid density, as shown in Figure 7-23(A). A liquid purge installation is
shown in Figure 7-23(B). Two taps connected to a vertical line are purged with a liquid
reference fluid, such as water. In effect, a differential pressure is produced by the two
water columns because of the position location. The purge rate of water is quite small,
so only a minimum of dilution occurs. Density measurement of slurries is commonly
achieved by this method.
A common specific-gravity test is achieved by the air-bubbler installation shown in
Figure 7-23(C). The difference in head pressure developed between the reference liquid
(water) and the process liquid is an indication of specific gravity. The reading or display
of this instrument is normally calibrated directly in specific gravity.
One of the most widely used methods of density measurement is shown in Figure 723(D). In this unit, two bubbler tubes are installed in the sample solution at different
positions. With one tube lower than the other, the difference in pressure will be the
same as the weight of a constant height of the liquid. The resulting differential pressure
is therefore equal to the weight of a constant volume of the liquid, and can be
represented directly as specific gravity. This method of measurement is usually
accurate to within 0.3 to 1 percent of the specific gravity.

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