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O The flow of blood through

arteries and capillaries

delivering nutrients and
oxygen to cells and
removing cellular waste.

Symptoms of Brady Cardia

O Pale, cool skin
O Hypotension
O Weakness
O Angina
O Dizziness or syncope
O Confusion or disorientation

Treatment of BradyCardia
O Atropine
O Transcutaneous pacing
O Dopamine
O epinephrine


O For Sinus Bradycardia

O If pt is Symptomatic: Tingling around

mouth, SOB, Lightheadedness than a

pacemaker is needed
O If pt is Asymptomatic: No action is

Ventricular sinus Tachycardia

O Occurs when an ectopic focus or

foci fire repeatedly and the

ventricle takes control as the

Ventricular sinus Tachycardia
O Hypotension
O Pulmonary edma
O Decreased cerebral blood flow
O Cardiopulmonary arrest
O VT can be stable:pt has a pulse
O VT can be unstable: pt is pulseless

O Functioning Cardio-

Pulmonary system
O Adequate fluid volume
O Free from clots and
atherosclerotic blocks

O Warmth
O Oriented

O Appropriate organ function

O Blood pressure WNL
O Capillary refill (<2sec)

O Pulses WNL
O Mean arterial pressure WNL

Arterial Fibrillation
O Is characterized by a total

disorganization of atrial
electrical activity because of
multiple ectopic foci,
resulting in loss of effective
atrial contraction

Treatment for Arterial

O Calcium channel blockers
O B-adrenergic blockers
O Dronedarone
O Digoxin
O If needed, long term therapy with


Arterial Flutter
O Is an atrial tachydysrhythmia identified by

recurring, regular, sawtooth-shaped flutter

waves that originate from a single ectopic
focus in the right atrium or less commonly,
the left atrium.

Treatment for Arterial Flutter

O Calcium channel blockers
O B-adrenergic blockers
O Corvert to return flutter back to sinus rhythm
O Amiodarone, flecainide, dronedarone to

maintain sinus rhythm

O Surgical procedure: radiofrequency catheter

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