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Malarie Hahn

Table of

Malarie Hahn
125 East 2nd South
Rexburg, ID 83440

Event Ad
Web page
Business Card
Photo Design



A two-sided folding brochure
July 9, 2016
Course and Section/Instructor:
Comm 130 Section 3
Ben Pingel


Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Set up and align a two-sided folding document
Learn how to wrap text around an image
Use paragraph styles in InDesign
I first used Adobe Illustrator to create the logo for the company. I used
the pen tool and the ellipse tool to create the plate, knife and fork for
the logo. I then practiced on a piece of paper how I wanted to set up
my folds. Once I decided, I opened a two page document in Adobe
InDesign and placed lines where I wanted my folds. I then inserted my
logo on the front flap of the brochure. I decided to use a light teal and
a burlap texture throughout the brochure because those are elements
used in a lot of events in the South. For the image of the macaroon
cookies I placed the image in Adobe Photoshop and used the Quick
Selection Tool to remove the background from the image. I then used
the Refine Mask tool to refine, smooth, and contrast the edges of the
image. I then places the image in my InDesign document and used
text wrapping around the alpha channel of the photo to wrap the text
around the image.

And They Lived

Happily Ever After...


Event Ad

Dance Tech Academy

Is Proud to Present Their 4th Annual

A color full-bleed event ad to promote a benefit dance recital using
only Microsoft Word.

D ecital

May 13, 2016

Course and Section/Instructor:

Comm 130 Section 3
Ben Pingel
Microsoft Word (PDF converter)

Find and scan in a high quality image
Create a full-bleed design
Insert text boxes for layout in Word
Insert and Edit images in Word
I first decided on the image that I wanted to use, and then scanned
it into my computer. Afterwards I researched different designs for
ads that I could use as inspiration for my design. I then decided that
I wanted to use the image as the entire background. I found new
fonts that matched my idea for the design and started to put things
together. I chose two different fonts one bold script font for my title,
and a thin small font for my body copy. Next I added lines between
all of the different parts of information to distinguish the different
sections. Finally I added the different color elements according to the
color wheel and the color scheme I picked.

Friday th
M 0 pm

The National Los Angles Dance Competition
1st Place Champions
AT: The Colonial Theater
450 A Street | Idaho Falls

7: 0

Tickets are $7 for Adults and $5 for kids

12 and under

All proceeds to the

Make A Wish Foundation

Web page
A web page designed to showcase a personally created logo.
June 25, 2016
Course and Section/Instructor:
Comm 130 Section 3
Ben Pingel
Text Wrangler
Adobe Photoshop
Size an optimal photo in .png format for a website
Write content describing the design process to put on the website
Design a website using HTML
Understand the basics of HTML and CSS
I created this web page using only TextWrangler. I learned the basics
of HTML/CSS a few years ago, but had never gone into the detail I
did to create this website. It was really interesting to see how you
can make a website look only using simple text editor. It was also
interesting to use a HTML validator to make sure that all of my coding
was correct. After I marked up all my content and inserted my image,
I attached a premade CSS document to my HTML. Then I opened
my logo in Photoshop and used the eyedropper tool to find the color
codes to use for my web page. I also changed my fonts to Lora, which
is the serif font used in my logo. I declared some back up fonts just in
case the viewers browser didnt have those fonts. I also used padding
around the logo and text to make sure that they would not be too
close to the edge of the web page.

Business Card
Matching letterhead and business card designed using a personally
created logo
June 11, 2016
Course and Section/Instructor:
Comm 130 Section 3
Ben Pingel
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Illustrator
Create a logo to fit a business or personal image
Design consistent layout for letterhead and business cards
Learn and use the basic tools of Illustrator and InDesign
I designed the logo using simple shapes and text in Adobe Illustrator.
Once my logo was finished, I opened a new page in Adobe InDesign
and placed my logo into a two page document to finish creating the
business card and letterhead. I first decided to create my business
card. I used the rectangle tool to create the front and back layout
for the business card. Then I placed my logo onto the card, and then
continued to place my information on the other side of the card. I
brought in a black line to the front of my logo, and brought another
black line across the back of my business card to provide repetition.
I also brought some of the flowers from my logo onto the back to
promote unity.



Event Planning
Matching letterhead and business card designed using a personally
created logo.
June 11, 2016
Course and Section/Instructor:
Comm 130 Section 3
Ben Pingel
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Illustrator
Create a logo to fit a business or personal image
Design consistent layout for letterhead and business cards
Learn and use the basic tools of Illustrator InDesign
I designed the logo using simple shapes and text in Adobe Illustrator.
Once my logo was finished, I opened a new page in Adobe InDesign
and placed my logo into a two page document to finish creating
the business card and letterhead. For my letterhead I made sure to
keep my information about .5 away from the edges. I then brought
in my logo again, and brought over the same contact information
I placed on my business card. I made my name 12 pt font, and my
contact information 8 pt font to provide contrast. I then separated my
information with a black line to bring unity between my business card
and letterhead.

Malarie Hahn
125 East 2nd South
Rexburg, ID 83440


Charming Little Fashionistas


Logo for a company
June 4, 2016
Course and Section/Instructor:
Comm 130 Section 3
Ben Pingel
Adobe Illustrator
Create a logo for a company or personal image
Learn and use basic tools of Illustrator
For this project I started out creating three different logo types, all
with different fonts, shapes, and colors. Then I had people vote on
their favorite one, and I chose this logo to refine and use. For the
necklace on the logo I used the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator to create
the different shapes. I also refined my typography so that it was all
legible and easy to find out what company the logo was for. I made
sure the spacing between the text and the design was equal on both
sides, and then picked out colors from the visual focus color wheel to
add to my design.





An inspirational montage made by blending 3 images together, and the use
of typography
May 28, 2016
Course and Section/Instructor:
Comm 130 Section 3
Ben Pingel
Adobe Photoshop
Learn to use Photoshop layers
Learn to blend images together using masks
Apply filters
Use appropriate typography
I first found the images and decided on a theme. Then I cropped the
background image to be 8.5 x 11 inches. Then I added the other two images
on top of the background image and added a mask on top of them. With
black paint and 100 percent opacity, soft edge brush, I painted away
the hard image edges. With a larger black brush at 20 percent opacity I
blended the images together and into the background image so you can
see some of the background photo through the images. I then added text
to the page, picking two contrasting fonts so that I could have certain
words stand out more than others.

Photo Design
Demonstrate good photography and photo editing skills. Incorporating
a color scheme into a poster layout with the original photo.
May 20, 2016
Course and Section/Instructor:
Comm 130 Section 3
Ben Pingel
Digital Camera
Adobe Photoshop
Learn basic photography skills
Edit image in Photoshop
Use appropriate typography
I first decided on a color scheme from the Visual FOCUS color
wheel that I wanted to incorporate in my design. I decided on a
complementary color scheme with red and green. Then I went and
captured a quality photo with good composition and focus. I then put
the image into Photoshop and used the editing tools sharpness, color
balance, saturation and vibrance, and levels. I also used the stamp
tool to make the entire background of my image white in places that
my white backdrop didnt cover. Then I continued to make a 8.5 x
11 design including my picture, text, and other repeated elements. I
incorporated my color scheme swatches, color scheme title, and color
names into my design. I used the eye dropper tool in Photoshop to
pull colors from my image and match them a little closer to the color
wheel I was using. I liked the flow the that lines I put in added to the
photo, so I changed them to match my color scheme, and set them to
85 percent opacity so that you could see a little bit of the background
through them. Once those elements came together, my design had the
flow and the look I wanted it to have.

A black and white flier to promote a leadership conference for
graduating seniors.
May 8, 2016
Course and Section/Instructor:
Comm 130 Section 3
Ben Pingel
Adobe InDesign
Apply design principles
Use appropriate typography
Learn and use tools in InDesign
First I researched different layouts for fliers that would work for what
I needed to display in my flier. Then I sketched out different design
ideas that I could use. After I decided on one idea, I used Adobe
InDesign to replicate the layout. I used the rectangle tool to make the
boxes for my title, and then used the direct selection tool to add a
slant to one of the sides of the rectangle to make it more interesting.
I also used the direct selection tool to make my picture fit into the
corner of my flier. I used black to fill in the boxes for a stark contrast
against the white background, and repeated the same shape I created
for my title down at the bottom to bring it all together. I made sure
there was adequate white space, and bolded one word in my title to
create diversity and emphases.

Do you want to have the

competitive edge in business?
Come learn how at Vouant Communications
annual Graduate Leadership Conference.


Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrows leaders
gain essential leadership skills in the workplace. During this dynamic
three-day seminar, attendees will meet with top executives of Vouant
Communications to discuss breakthrough leadership techniques,
while cultivating attributes of leadership that will market to
any employer.
Conference is available to graduating seniors. Space is limited.

October 21
8 a.m. 5 p.m.
Lincoln Convention Center
Registration and more information available at

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