Residant SW

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Contents page
Adventure start up
Information files
Clear level
Blue level
Red level
Silver level
Platinum level
Weapons development
Bio enhanced creatures

Adventure start up
The adventure starts in the space port monopoly on the planet Umagal. While going through
customs the pcs should be removed of all weapons especially lightsabers. If the pcs do
manage to get a weapon through try to limit it to a blaster pistol. Due to the currant spate of
terrorism in the sector.
When the pcs leave the space port have them make spot checks DC15 to see a big black
liquid cargo ship taking of above them. Checks higher than 30 they notice a hazardous liquid
symbols on the ship. The pcs are then picked up by a contact in a limo. About 3 minutes later
the big ship crashes have the pcs make fort saves but they still fail (game plot).
When the pcs awaken tell them that they are sat in the limo that has crashed against the wall.
Let them know the time if they ask it is 6 hours after they got in the limo. In realty it has been
3 days and 6 hours that they have been unconscious.
If they get out of the limo immediately let them see allsorts of people coming up the street
dragging there feat along the floor. Now try to heard them to the destination of your choice
with the zombies. If the pcs prove this to be problem tell the force users that the force is
trying to guide them somewhere

Information files
Cut along the lines and give out these files when necessary or when you feel like it. You will
find them at the back of the document. They are designed to be used as an anticipation
device. If the pcs think that hunter is going to jump out on the at every corner they will
become on edge (I suggest throwing a foam ball at them occasionally to keep them alert)

Title/when to give it
A note-Reward
Pest control-Blue level on a notice board somewhere
Sewer snake-Reward
Bio tech ships-Blue level underneath conference table
Vigor-Clear level when the pcs first see Vigor
First sale-Reward
Killer/Fett- Dr Hydes office
Final will- Dr Hyde office
Weapons development-Reward
Please-Reward (if completed give the pc a force point)
Requisition order-Red computer area
Future Prospects-one of the silver offices

Clear Level
Mesh gate 7m high connected to fence going round complex entrance. 1 type-e (guard) on the floor with pistol
and one clip + white key card
Blast doors About half a meter thick. White key card and retinal scan needed to get through when the pcs go
through note on the dull flashing orange lights.
Tunnel 4 m wide 15 m long with slope going down leading to another blast door access white + retinal scan
Car park 16m by 14m there is a pathway marked in yellow lines on the floor. The yellow pathway is a secure
zone while walking in this the auto gun on the ceiling will not fire on you but if the pcs step outside the yellow
lines make the auto gun fir on them.
Auto gun heat/motion sensor WP 8 att +6 dmg 4d8 crit 20
Security Office the entire room is a mess of broken tables. There is a desk shaped like a bantha shoe with
surveillance monitors stacked on it all smashed .2 type-e (clear guards) both with pistols no clips empty
chambers. Also in the side office is a weapons locker disable device DC25 to open it has 3 clips, a pistol and
what looks like a rack for a larger weapon.
Hall and containment labs there are 2 type-E creatures milling around this hallway
As the pcs enter the room they will see blood everywhere. A dead human on the floor(Lab technician
blue user) in a large pool of blood the body has been chewed and slashed by a sharp object .A Pain of
3 cm thick glass runs through the room with a man sized hole smashed into it spot check DC15 to
notice a black liquid on the glass shards
The pain of glass has a man sized whole smashed into it. There is a black liquid all over the floor if
the pcs attempt to walk on it ref DC13 to avoid slipping if the check fails save verses anti body skin
contact. 2 Phantoms are in here
Same as Room A without body
Same as Room A without body
Containment suits all over the floor. Bent open containment doors lead to the growth chamber. In the
growth chamber there are 8 small growth tubes along each wall all with type-es in. At the end of the
room there is a large tube and the remains of 2 other tubes on ether side of it. If the Pcs come within
1m of Vigor let him wake up. It is unto you if you want to start the fight between the pcs and Vigor this
early in the adventure.
Anti-body storage chamber on the back wall of the room there is a tank used to contain the Anti-body. There is
also an L shaped desk (maybe give a note)
Chemicals area this area is full of cupboards that contain varies chemicals DC10+2D10 to find any given
chemical. A Red card is needed to enter the room also the is a type-e on the floor (Scientist bothan silver)
Cloning and cybernetics lab there are 4 spaairti cloning tanks in this area as well as varies cybernetic
components. If the pcs are haggered by this point drop a conventional bacta tank in here. Red card needed to
Clear shower and locker rooms maybe give a note
Cleaning droid storage cupboard (Paranoia Idea moving zombies are actually being dragged by the cleaning bot

Blue level
Metallic hallway at the end of this 15m long hall way is a cylindrical doorway (blue to pass). 2 type-d creatures
await the pcs here
Staff communal area blood is everywhere as the pcs look upon 20 odd bodies ripped, slashed and torn apart
Search check DC15 to find any given item. On the way out of the complex 10 of the bodies have turned into
type-E creatures
Computer room 14 computer terminals no power is currently fed to machine. When main power is restored they
ask for ID and password. There are 6 type-E creatures in here (5 lab technician, 1 guard 4 bullets left in gun all
blue users)
Showers and toilets Listen check DC14 to hear Ilea Verpax a minor lab assistant. After calming down she tells
the pcs how Fett and Hunter just ripped people apart almost for the fun of it.
Conference room A type-e lies under the table
Red user locker room
Observation room to snake pit a 2m thick plassteel window from one side of the room to the next. From this
point you can see into the next room (9). There are 4 dead bothans (red users) and a dead human guard with 3
clips and a full gun.
Test room a large room that holds the snake for experiments. Spot checks DC25 to notice the trap door which
the snake comes up in. If the pcs have activated the lift the sewer snake is in here
Cleaning droid storage
Security room Smashed screens a dead guard with full ammo in gun (red user). Search checks DC15 to find an
empty weapons locker.
Experiment room 4 hover beds with type-E creatures strapped to them. Spot check DC20 to see the control
panel that controls the auto gun and blast door release. Game terms the auto gun kills the snake without them
having to fight it. Most of the research on the Anti-body was done in this room

Red level
Blast doors red card + retinal scan to bypass as the pcs enter tell them they can hear a clanging sound
Corridor 4 meters wide that leads to most rooms on this floor
Prison cells any body who enters this area with a pair of vice cuffs on is shot at by 3 auto guns on the ceiling
(Auto gun heat/motion sensor WP 8 att +6 dmg 4d8 crit 20). There are 7 prisoners in the cells also there is a
computer terminal for operating the cells.
Autopsy and mortuary 4 hover beds, a computer for controlling the morgue.
Yuuzhan vong autopsy and morgue to enter you need a platinum card. 4 burnt and semi melting Yuuzhan vong
Infection room Subjects are infected with the Anti body in here; there is a magic mirror for observation. 3 TypeE creatures
Security 4 dead human guards 1 gun and clip a piece (red users)
Observation rooms 2 computer terminals
Autopsy lab Magic mirror so people can see into room from observation
Locker room 4 Dead humans (red), 1 dead Bothan (silver) 1 dead tweilik (red) all 6 are type-E creatures
Firing range 2 type-E creatures (guards no ammo) doors to weapons lab
Weapons lab there new designs in weapons are researched and made here in the room the pcs will find, An Ark
whip. Desert song (only 8 shots), Spore cannon, and a p28 modification kit and over 200 bullets in boxes (refill
them clips) the bullets carry the anti body
Computer core room like every where else the consoles have no power. If power is restored the pcs could learn
the whole story.
Stainless steel blast door, a silver key card is needed to pass through door. Killer is waiting here and attacks the
pcs on sight there is a dead body on the floor next to him with a shot gun (12 shots in total)

Silver level
Offices as soon as the pcs come out of the lift they are attack by 7 type-E creatures
An L shaped desk with a dead human female (silver user) draped over it she died via a slash to the
neck. Spot check DC10 to notice a Holograph of the dead women with 4 kids.
Cut out door handle Dead ithorian (Silver user) on the floor search check DC 15 to find 3 encrypted
data pads.
Door has been bust down. A desk and a conference table occupy this room. There is a dead
bothan on the
floor (platinum user). The desk note says that Dr Jekyll Hyde. Search checks
DC20 to find all the
Pcs lightsabers.
Bedrooms For supervisor technicians
Vong biotech Lab contains 4 ampi staffs, 6 gnullifs, 2 jars of bloarish jelly, 12 villips and 4 set of
vouduim crab armour.
Vong anatomy storage, silver fridges with Vong body parts in
Vong containment area, smashed magic mirror 3 minorly liquidized Yuuzhan vong
Security, all monitors smashed
Snake viewing area antibody collection control
Snake containment area
Hanger bay 12 type e zombies and 2 typed zombies

Platinum lift

Platinum level
Hall way spot check DC10 to see trail of blood leading to (3) a blast door to the left
Record room, there is a holo transceiver comms console and a complete memory core
Generator room, *Hunter is in here spot and listen checks to see him are DC 35. To get the generators working
the pcs must find a power source to jump start the system and a repair check DC25 (the star fighters a perfect)

Anti body
When Dr Jekyll Hyde first heard about the Ithorian spores that attacked the Yuuzhan Vong armour. He had an
idea, create a virus that reacts to the Yuuzhan vong. After being refused funding by the new republic and the
Imperial Remnant he had all but given up, when he received an offer from an unknown source, he was to set up
on Umagal and start design the virus and all funding will appear in his bank account.
The virus was made very easily it almost jump of the data pad and did all the research by its self. After testing it
was found that it could kill a Yuuzhan vong within 3hrs. Until an accident happened and a scientist was infected
the accident turned into an entire wing of the monopoly corporation and so the Bio Enhanced Fighter program
Anti body effect on Yuuzhan vong
If a Yuuzhan vong comes into contact with the anti body it must save DC20, inhales DC22, injests DC25 or
injected no save he must make a fort save relevant to the situation. If they fail they suffer the following, Start to
convulse in 60 mins, cough up blood in 90 mins and dies in 2 hrs
If a native of the star wars galaxy
fails the following they will turn into a type-e creature in 14 hours
Skin DC10
Ingested DC13
Inhaled DC13
Injected DC20
The testing
When the anti body takes control of its host it immediate starts to think like a blood thirsty animal and add the
following changes to the character +4 str, -8 int ,-8 wis, -8 chr and x 3 wound points also they lose all hero
classes and gain 7 levels thug. And become force sensitive (considered fallen)
The truth
In realty Dr Jekyll Hyde created a complete perversion of the force and deeply linked to the dark side. This new
creature hungers to control everything. And so when a force sensitive creature in infected the character gets a
direct link to the dark side. Add the following changes
8 levels thug or keep Chr classes
+6str, +4dex +4con
+2 speed
Roll on table on the bottom of the page
The Chr can only draw on the dark side

No noticeable variation
Broader/ -2 wis -2 int +2str +2con
Extra eyes/ +2 spot
Muscular legs/ speed 20m
Blade like/ claws 2d8+3
Extra arm/ another claw attack
Horns/ Gore attack 2d10
Oozing pores Skin fort save for antibody
Long head/Breath weapon 7m cone of fire 3d6 ref (DC hd/2+con mod)
Thick Skin/ +6 natural defence
Vestigial Wings/ can fly 15m
Battle mind 8 ranks
battle mind and enhance ability 8 ranks + 1 force skill of choice at 3 ranks
Roll twice

Weapons development
After the Anti-body was created Dr Hyde needed a way of delivering the virus to the Yuuzhan Vong with out
having to come into close range with the vong. After the P 982 was designed the weapons lab grew and took on
more projects.
Lone flamer
Ark whip
Spoore cannon
Desert song















Even though the galaxy at large does not use slug throwers the P-982 was still designed. The gun is design to
fire a bullet with the Anti-body in so that if the bullet does not kill it the virus will. If a Yuuzhan vong is dealt
wound dmg from the Anti-body bullets they are infected with the anti body as if they had been injected with the
virus. Also the gun is so well balanced that it gives the user a +2 equipment bonus to attack rolls. It clips holds 9
bullets. (Looks like a berretta)
Lone flamer
A personal flame thrower. 75 cm long. Can fire 5 times before the flame rounds must be replaced
Spoore cannon
Is basically a motorised water gun that fires the Anti-body in liquid state
Desert song
The most powerful hand slug thrower ever made. the chr who uses this weapon must have a str of at least 13 or
have to make str check DC12 each time they fire the gun. 8 shot clip
Shot gun
In the first range increment the shot gun deals damage as above. In the second range increment the damage
drops to 3d8 and any body with 2 m of the target must make a ref check DC10+ attackers base att bonus or take
2d8 dmg. The shot gun holds 6 shells and reloads on its own


Init +3; Defence 16 (+6 natural,-1 dex) ; Spd. 8m; VP/WP: 0/30; Atk +12/+7 melee (1d12+7, claw); SV
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will 0; SZ M; FP 3; DSP 3; Rep. 1; Str 18, Dex 9, Con 10, Int 4, Wis 3, Cha 3.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Toughness, Weapon Focus(Combat claw Languages: Basic.
stench if anyone comes with 3 meters of a type-E they must make a fort save DC 13 or have a -2 penalty to all
checks made for the next 1d4+4 rounds due to retching sickness
Type E creatures that have survived more than 3 months of life gain the force sensitive feat and the abilty to
breath fire (cone 3d6 ref DC 12/none)

Type-D codename cerebus

Init +7; Defence 18 (+5 natural, +3 dex) ; Spd. 12m; VP/WP:0 /36; Atk +10/+10/+5 melee
(1d12+7/1d12+7,bites), +12/+7 punch (1d3+4, unarmed); SV Fort +8, Ref +6, Will -1; SZ M; FP ; Rep.
2; Str 18, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 3, Wis 3, Cha 3.
Skills: Hide +13, Listen +6, Move Silently +13, Spot +9, Survival +13.
SQ: 3 breath weapons fire, 3m wide 5 metre long 3d6 DC15/none
Feats: Blind-fight, Improved Initiative, Multi-weapon Fighting , Multidexterity, Skill Emphasis (survival).
Languages: Basic.

Type-D were the next logical step from the type E model. The garrels lost there hyper
sensitivity but grew 2 more heads and the ability to breath fire

Type C codename phantom

Init +4; Defense 14 (+4 natral) ; Spd. 6m; VP/WP: 0/48; Atk +10/+5 melee (1d4+1, Knife), +9/+4
punch (1d3+1, unarmed); SV Fort +9, Ref +2, Will -2; SZ M; FP3 ; Rep. 2; Str 12, Dex 10, Con 16, Int
3, Wis 3, Cha 3. .
Skills: Move Silently +7.
SQ: light fracture (invisible) -4 to hot them +2 to hi others
Feats: Blind-fight, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus(whip cord), Weapon Group (simple weapons).
Languages: Basic.
Phantoms are almost completely made up of the Anti-body. when a phantom is hit it with a piecing or
slashing weapon anyone in a 3 meter radius must make a anti body save against inhaled .
Phantoms are the result of testing the Anti-body on plant life from Naboo

Type-B codname Pyrohydra

Init +2; Defence 17 (+5 natral, +2 dex) 4; Spd. 8m; VP/WP: 0/18; Atk
+12/+12/+12/+12/+12/+12/+12/+12/+7 melee (bite 1d12+8), +13/+8 punch (1d3+5, unarmed); SV Fort
+10, Ref +4, Will -2; SZ M; FP ; Rep. 2; Str 20, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 3, Wis 3, Cha 3.
Equipment: Knife.
Skills: Listen +7, Spot +11.
Feats: Multidexterity, Blind-fight, Multi-weapon Fighting,
Languages: Basic.
This snake secretes the Anti-body through its skin.

(A lot of information/history about the above creatures is in the pcs files so make sure you read them)

Bio-Enhanced-Fighter Codename Vigor


(8 solider)
+7 (+3 dex, +4 improved init)
19 (+6 armour, +3 dex)
Elbow blades +11/+11/+6
Elbow blades 2d8+7
Fort: + 8 ref: +8 Will: +2
str 18, dex 16, con 14, int 12, wis 10, chr 8
improved init, ambi-dexterity, two weapon fighting, weapon focus (elbow
blade), Force sensitive, sense, all solider feats and weapon groups
spot +11, search +11, listen +11, hide +6, move silent +6

Vigor is 1.8 meters high, he has armour built into his body and blades coming out of his
elbows. Vigor was a man that was force sensitive that was captured by an enemy force user
and brought to the monopoly facility to be experimented on. As the first model of a new
breed Vigor has all ready beet out dated and is kept in containment (drugged). When Vigor
awakes he is fully aware of his surroundings and is keen to follow the instincts that the dark
side and the anti body have given him.

Bio-Enhanced-Fighter Codename Killer


(8 solider/4 elite trooper)
+8 (+4 dex, +4 improved init)
22 (+8 armour, +4 dex)
claw +18/+13+/+8
heavy blaster rifle +16/+11/+6
claw 2d8+7
heavy blaster rifle 3d8
fort: +13 ref: +8 will: +5
str 20, dex 18, con 16, int 14, wis 12, chr 10
cleave, blind-fight, endurance, martial arts, stealth, improved init, dodge, point
blank shot, weapon focus (claw), precise shot, force sensitive
computer use +17, disable device +8, intimidate +15, bluff +7, hide +13, move
silent +13, profession(cook) +9

Killer is 2 meters tall and pure muscle. He is a clone of one of the emperors elite royal
guards. In testing of this B.E.F Killer had to be severely sedated to keep him under control.
When the cybernetersist joined the research team he placed a stun chip in his brain to help
keep him under control. If the chance for combat arises he takes with an almost feral glee.
Also his knowledge of computers is high and has escaped twice.

Bio-Enhanced-Fighter Codename Hunter/Fett


(4 scout/3 solider/8 bounty hunter)
+9 (+5 dex, +4 improved init)
25 (+10 armour, +5 dex)
see below
see below
fort: +12 ref: +12 will: +10
str 16, dex 20, con 16, int 14, wis 16, chr 10
track, force sensitive, sense, multi-dex*, multi-weapon fighting*, point blank
shot, rapid shot, improved init, improved multi-weapon fighting*
climb +19, gather information +8, hide +20, intimidate +11, jump +19, move
silent +20, search +10, spot +16, survival +18**, see force +15, enhance
senses +11

Fett was the obvious advancement in the Bio-Enhanced Fighter program. A clone of Vigor
but with advanced cyber tech, longer time being developed in the tank and flash memory
cloning process of the best Jedi hunters in the last 100 years has led to the creation of the
perfect warrior, the perfect hunter and the perfect creature. Although Fett is a living being he
is controlled by his cybernetic implants.
2 m tall muscular armour plates and four arms and the grace of a cat
**Ren-orm bio-computer - add a bonus to survival equal to current force points when
tracking a living being.
Combat awareness chip- Improved init feat
Control spine- allows somebody to control hunter from an external source (when active all
checks are made at a -4 penalty
Combat modes
Because Fett has a large amount of cybergear imbedded into him his combat awareness chip
takes over in combat (military tactics +15) it has 3 basic modes (note he does get 11 attacks
in multiple target mode)
Assault mode---distance

Lone flamer 4d10 Heavy repeating blaster rifle 3d8

Assault mode---melee

Claws 2d8+6

Assault mode---multiple targets


Lone flamer 4d10 Heavy repeating blaster rifle 3d8

Claws 2d8+6

A note
I leave this note to any other survivors. I have taken the shotgun from the
clear level security room. Also I have set out the base floor to restore
power to the entire complex
Site engineer

Ted Forester

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Type-D code name cerebus
After success with the type-e program we moved our research onto
animals. Some of the first animals tested were 4 garrel they lost the hyper
sensitivity (we think because the anti body destabilizes the genetic
structure) and grew 2 more heads as with the older type-E creatures they
have the ability to breathe fire.
Lab technician

JD Walter

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pest control-Memo
The snake is becoming harder to control. Monopoly decided to install a
defence grid in the containment area.
Security grid activation-4944618
Lab supervisor

John Smith

While testing the virus a scientist became infected with the antibody. He
gained phenomenal strength but started to lose motor functions and de
composes. He had an unbelievable amount of resistance to damage. So
another branch opened. We started the ultimate solider program
2 months after testing the older type-Es gained a series of abilities that
resemble Jedi powers
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sewer snake pyro-hydra
Yet another mistake leads to another success. Somehow a sewer snake
managed to get into the test floor we arrived at work the following day to
find a 5m wide, 5 ton, 8 headed reptile (quadruped) that could breathe
fire. The break through was until now we could only produce 1 litre of anti
body a day, the snake secretes that in an hour.
Lab technician

JD Walter


Bio-tech ships
After receiving a coral skipper we set out to create a hybrid skipper/ewing, the result was the Nalfshi. After combat testing it was revealed that
the skip was better able to take damage. And that the skippers semiconciseness helped fly the ship. We should be able to put the ship into
production soon.
Our shadow partner turned up a gungan with a human in vice cuffs. He
told me to infect him; I said o at first until he threatened to withdraw my
funding me reluctantly agreed. The gungan a Mr Tuber told me to take
blood samples of the subject and store them. And to wait for an
equipment delivery and a specialist (huh what does he think I am). I did as
he said it was remarkable this man kept his intelligence, he was stronger,
faster and tougher than the type models. The equipment arrived with a
bothan, I was surprised to find out that the equipment was a series of
spaairti cloning tanks (I hope the NR dont inspect this facility)
Dr Hyde
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------First sale
Our non-so silent partner has asked for a Fett model Bio Enhanced Fighter.
I have authorised the production of a new Fett model
Jekyll Hyde
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Killer and Fett
The clone was put on an intense military flash program. He became as
skilled as an elite storm trooper but his hunger to kill Yuuzhan vong was
unsatable. He was put in stasis but has escaped several times
I employed a cybergear engineer for my next experiment. The gungan
turned up with 2 humans one a volunteer to be mutated the other was
silent (he had these strange tattoos on his face). This time the body had
cyber implants to control him.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Final will
What have I done I have played god in order to get revenge on the
Yuuzhan Vong for the death of my family and now the force is punishing
me. I fear I will not live until the military come to my aid. Therefore I leave
the complex to and all my funds to the finder of this data pad on the
condition that he takes a complete the memory to the new republic.
User: J. Hyde

Password: Vulture 2

Access: admin


Weapons development
P-982- well balanced and reliable gun
Desert song- Extremely high powered hang gun
Lone flamer- unlike predecessors fast and reliable
Ark whip-a melee whip micro fibre that is electrically charged
Spoore cannon- advanced water cannon
I acquired 3 lightsabers for 100,000 credits
If anyone reads this would you please tell my family what has happened
to me. I have left my address on correlia on the back of this note.
Tim Balker
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Requisition order
12 Micro brain dampeners
6 frallix clock (internal)
12 body trackers (to be placed in all products)
12 vibro swords and cyber mounts
4 Heavy repeating blaster rifles
2 lone flamers
2 grenade launchers
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Future prospects- Memo to Mr Hyde

Assimilation of all Yuuzhan vong bio-tech

Bigger lab on nabob
Anti-body to be tested on a wider range of creature (amphibians)
Larger weapons lab
Larger team of cyber gear specialists
More military contracts
Closure of Umagal facility
Assistant manger

Pssk Dormosk

Plant life is affected dramatically by the Anti-body. Most plants shrink and
die but a few samples from Naboo gain mobility, also these plants while
alive (if such a word can be used) developed the ability to bend light. Also
when pierced the phantom releases a large amount of anti body in to air.

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