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The Paul family lived in a house in a small town in Klang.

Paul had two sons- Br

yan was five and James was thirteen. His wife, Nicloe, worked at home, sewing cl
othes for neighbors and friends. James and Johnny is a classmates. Also live in
the same neighbourhood. Although they had known each other since their were in p
rimary school.
Johhny and his father-Kent is our neighbors. Kent was a widower and felt sad to
heard that his mother was paas away 3 years ago. Evermore, they lived happily li
fe of two people,Kent had short black color hair and a pair of kind sympathetic
eyes. He also has an interesting sense of humour. He is very philosophical in hi
s thinking. His father was a kind-hearted and caring social worker. He alwasys l
ent a hand to old folks as well as the needy. Hes a really good cook, sometime he
will share home-baked bread and cakes to the villagers.
One night, Paul family finished their dinner in the house. After dinner then cle
an the tableware, their watch movie together in living room. Jame and Bryan play
toy in sofa. Their family seem like very happiness in the sweet home. ''Tick...
tock...tick...tock...'' the vintage clock on the wall kept reminding. Each secon
d was like a thousand years. Their parents continue enjoy their movie, James and
Bryan was happily playing . Unfortunately their house lost electrical power sud
denly, it was as black as pitch inside the house. It's very creepy in the house
without electrical power. Their two brother felt scared at the moment.Bryan was
cried out, because it's dark around with him till he cannot see anything when p
ower failure. James kept holding his hand and told him don't cry.
Father and mother light up candle immediately, father hand holding torch light a
nd light up candle in every corner. Bryan stop crying when he saw candle light u
p. Very late at the night, their family feel so tired and going to sleep. Their
family were sleeping soundly and James felt thirsty so he woke up and walked sle
epily to the kitchen for a drink. Suddenly, there was smoke coming from the livi
ng room. He quickly ran to the living room to have a look and see the candle fel
l on the curtain caused house fire burning. He could not believe his eyes. Part
of the living room was on fire! James's heart started to pound and his hand grew
James immediately ran to parents' room and told them everything. His father cal
led the Fire and Rescue Department at once. Mother holding Bryan, Father and Jam
es tried in vain to put out the fire. There was thick smoke and they could hardl
y breathe. Soon, the whole living room was ablaze and the heat was unbearable. F
ather took them exited the home through the back door. Our neighbour Kent and hi
s son came to help us put out the fire. There was nothing much they could do, si
nce the candle fell on the curtain house was burning furiously within a short pe
riod of time.
Soon, a fire engine arrived. After putting in a lot of efforts, the firefighters
managed to put out the fire. However, most parts of our house had been reduced
to ashes. Luckily, there were no injuries. Paul family were deeply sad by the t
ragic incident. The fire had made them homeless and no place to spend the night.
While they were thinking of a solution, suddenly someone patted Paul on his sho
ulder. He turned around and saw Kent."Don't worry, Paul, you and your family can
stay in our house. You can share my bedroom and your family can use our extra b
edroom," said Kent
Tears rolled down his cheeks when Paul heard Kent kind words. He then hugged Pau
l and comforted Paul. Paul very thanked his profusely. Then Paul heard Kent offe
ring the same assistance to his family. Paul's family were extremely thankful to
them and gratefully accepted their kind offer.
It took three months to have Paul home rebuilt. During the three months' stay in
Kent's house, He had been extremely supportive to me, especially emotionally. H

e understood the felt after losing a home. He tried his best to make Paul and hi
s family feel at home. He even organised a donation campaign at school to help u
s rebuild Paul's home. No words could express gratitude to him. Now Paul realise
the value of a true neighbour.

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