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For this project, you will need to work in groups. The objective is to create an indepth technical drawing of a fort from an aerial perspective. You can be as creative
as you like for this assignment, but do be aware of time restraints. It can be trueto-life (based on a historical fort), fantasy, or a combination of both. Get creative
with it, just dont copy your example completely. However, here is a list of things
that MUST be included in your drawing:

Buildings (dining hall, living space, administrative offices, etc.)
Latrine facilities
Communication system (electronic (alarms) or primitive (bells and beacons)

Make sure to make your fort as self-sufficient as possible & able to withstand an
attack or siege. It would also be wise to address how many persons your fort can
accommodate comfortably. You will also be responsible for a 2-3 page (doublespaced, 12pt., Times New Roman) description of your fort highlighting some of your
favorite features and explaining why you think that it will be successful.
I will provide a large sheet of paper for each group for your final draft, but be sure to
have your initial plans settled and agreed upon by the entire group prior to creating
your final draft. I suggest starting with a rough sketch, then progressing to a
finalized sketch before beginning your official final drawing. Your forts will be due in
3 weeks. At the end of each week, Ill be checking in with your groups to make sure
that things have remained on-schedule. Heres a tentative schedule; Ill let you
know if anything changes.

Week 1
Assign roles

Week 2
Rough Drawing
Rough Draft of Description

Week 3
Final Draft of

Rough Sketch

Collaboration is key for this assignment. Since in-class time for this assignment will
be limited (well devote a small portion of each day to it), you will have to work on it
some at home. Therefore, it is highly important that groups use their time wisely.
Use the attached diagram to optimize your group learning experience.

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