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July 15 2016

Faiyaz Koya In Sydney To Strengthen
Trade, Investment Ties

Minister for Industry, Trade and Tourism Faiyaz Koya (middle) with Permanent Secretary for Industry, Trade and
Tourism Shaheen Ali (fifth from right), with some of the members of the Australian business community in Sydney,
Minister for Industry, Trade and reforms and initiatives announced in the Division was also welcomed by
Tourism, Faiyaz Siddiq Koya, yesterday 2016-2017 National Budget, Mr Koya Australian investors.
met with some of the members of the said.
This was particularly for those interested
Australian business community in He reassured investors of the Fijian in manufacturing, IT and business
Sydney, Australia.
Governments continued commitment process outsourcing sectors.
Mr Koya also met with the President and support to expand Fijis economic The Australia-Fiji Business Council
of the Australia-Fiji Business Council, base.
has indicated their support for the
Greg Pawson, as part of his visit to This is along with maintaining a infrastructure investments undertaken
further strengthen trade and investment conducive business environment through by the Fijian Government that
relations with Australia.
stable, inclusive and consistent policies is
Mr Koya said: This visit is an that foster private sector led growth and strengthening its competitiveness and
opportunity for the Fijian Government investment.
has positioned Fiji as the hub of the
to engage with key Australian investors The meetings held thus far with potential Pacific region.
and explore market access opportunities Australian investors have reflected Whilst in Sydney, Mr Koya was
for Fijian exporters.
confidence in the Fijian economy with interviewed by ABC, and other media
He said it was also opportune to introduce firm interest shown in Fijis dairy, rice, agencies on the Fijian economic and
the Consul General/Trade Commissioner tourism and ICT sectors, he said.
the growing Fiji-Australian economic
(designate) to stakeholders.
Other initiatives
The business lunch was an opportunity Mr Koya added the Fijian Governments He will also be meeting with international
for investors and stakeholders to obtain initiative of establishing a Service and agencies and investors from the renewable
information on key Government policies, Manufacturing Zone in the Western energy and the sports tourism sectors.



Fiji News

SODELPA Replies To Claims By

Former Youth President

The Social Democratic Liberal Party

(SODELPA) has replied to claims
made by former party youth leader, Pita
On its Facebook page, SODELPA Fiji,
the party said: The Party considers
the statements by Pita Waqavonovono
following his resignation from the
Party as regrettable, and issues this
Pita was reminded of the need for the
Youth AGM to be held before the Party
AGM earlier this year by the then interim
party general secretary. However, Pita
insisted that the Youth AGM to be a

closed meeting only, and not public, as

annual general meetings usually are. Pita
insisted that the SODELPA Youth Forum
AGM should be open only to already
registered youth forum members, which
is contrary to the partys constitution
and contrary to the partys ideals and
advocacy for democracy, transparency
and good governance. Despite numerous
requests for a discussion on the youth
forum AGM, Pita refused to meet with
the general secretary
It went on to state that from February/
March 2016, Mr Waqavonovono
purported to be the president of

the SODELPA youth forum in

communications with the Party general
However he had resigned as president
of the youth president forum on 28th
January, 2016. The general secretary
was advised of this resignation on June
15th, 2016.
Setareki Loco and Talei Karavaki were
representing the youth forum in the
management board from October, 2015
and in the first half of 2016.
On June 24, on the day of the
SODELPA annual general meeting Mr
Waqavonovono posted on his Facebook
account: I decided to resign from
SODELPA 2 days ago. Majority of the
reasoning, is to do with leadership styles
and the exercise of duties, including
attempts to block SODELPA youth
representatives from sitting on the
management board or even hosting a
youth AGM.
This was all done in order to usher in
SITIVENI RABUKA as the new Party
Leader. Preventing young people from
participating, so you can force the
election of a Dictator is disgusting and
thats the kind of thing I did not sign up
Waqavonovono yesterday, but remained
unanswered when this edition went to

Jone Usamate Tells Opposition To Calm


Take it easy, the truth hurts, Jone

Usamate told the Opposition.
The Minister for Health and Medical
Services made these comments while
responding to a series of criticisms from
the Opposition on the 2016-2017 national
budget in Parliament on Tuesday.
He was responding to comments by
the Opposition that Government lacked
vision and that the budget had no theme
Mr Usamate said that was a false
understanding of what the Government
was all about.
Calm down, calm down. Take it easy,
the truth hurts, he said.
We believe we have a vision that we
have a strong united country where
everyone in this country is regarded as

one, he said.
If we are able to do that, we will have
a strong country. Today we have heard
some of the most despicable filth that
has ever come into this House.
Mr Usamate said FijiFirst Government
believed in a united Fiji.
A Fiji that builds a strong country,
a Fiji that doesnt demarcate people
according to what their hair looks like
or whether they have their hair and do
not have their hair, what their religion is,
what they speak and what they eat.

We treat everyone equally and when

we are looking at our country, and when
we are trying to tell ourselves what we
should do in this country, we do not look
at the ethnicity or religion of people, he
Mr Usamate said they selected the best
possible person for every occupation,
because it was all based on merit.
If we are able to do that, they can do the
kinds of things in those organisations
to develop and to deliver value for our

Fiji News

$13M Allocated For Ba Hospital


Around $13 million will be allocated for

the completion of the Ba Hospital.
Minister for Health and Medical
Services, Jone Usamate said the
construction of the hospital was
expected to be completed by this year.
He said the hospital was an example of
a partnership between Government and
the private sector; a model that would
also be used in other areas.
With health, you require good people,
you require medicine, you require places
for them to work; good buildings, Mr
Usamate said.
He said $6.3 million had been allocated
for the Keiyasi Health Centre to be
upgraded to a sub-divisional hospital
and $2million for the extension of the
Rotuma Hospital.
The minister said one of the most
important things they had to do was to
make sure, that health centres such as
the ones in Galoa, Korovisilou, and all
the nursing stations in those areas would
continue to be able to provide services.

Opposition MP Salote Radrodro with Minister for Health and Medical Services
Jone Usamate
He mentioned that Government had set facilities were up to speed to continue
aside $2 million to make sure that those their work.


Fiji News

6 Fijians Caught In South Sudan Battle

Battle is raging between two South
Sudanese factions metres away from the
United Nations House in Juba where
six Fijians have taken shelter.
Five Police officers and a Republic of
Fiji Military Forces officer are amongst
United Nations Mission in South Sudan
(UNMISS) members sheltering in
United Nations House.
The violence in South Sudan comes just
months after President Kiir, an ethnic
Dinka, and rebel leader Riek Machar,
a Nuer, formed a new power-sharing
transitional government, under a deal to
end two years of civil war .
Some of the most recent outbreaks saw
a UN building attacked, and a Chinese
United Nations peacekeeper killed.
At least 300 people have already been
killed in the latest round of violence.
Contingent commander ACP Unaisi
Vuniwaqa posted on Facebook: Today
was one of those days in mission. As
reported in the media, heavy shooting
between the two factions here in Juba,
Sudan near UN House re-commenced at
about 8am this morning, Sunday 10th Jul.
It lasted the whole day and ceased at about
8.30pm when Divine Power intervened
through heavy rain and thunderstorm.
Whether the shooting will continue in
the days ahead remains to be seen but we
urge our dear families and friends not to
be alarmed as the Lord is in control.
We are all safe and thank God for his
protection for He is ever faithful! Many
thanks to all for prayers offered on our
behalf. Please continue to pray for South
Sudan and her people and for all Fijians
in Peacekeeping missions through-out
the world.
RFMF chief of staff Colonel Litea

Smoke rises as gunfire rages on at Jebel Kujur, near Eye Radio and UN base
Seruiratu confirmed that the Fijian
contingent in Juba is now on high alert.
As of 0600 hrs on 10/07 (Sunday),
area security alert for Juba had been
upgraded. This was due to sporadic
shooting that took place that night
around Juba.
However at 0830hrs, heavy shooting
started again near the UN House
between the two factions (SPLA Sudan
Peoples Liberation Army and the SPLA
IO Sudan Peoples Liberation Army In
Five Fiji Police Force officers and one
RFMF officer are billeted at the UN
House. All Fiji Contingent in Juba are
safe but on high alert, Colonel Seruiratu
Police Commissioner Brigadier-General
Sitiveni Qiliho said he has been in touch

with his officers and they continued to

closely monitor the situation.
Any decision to evacuate our officers
from South Sudan would be made by the
United Nations securities division, he
The UN Security Council urged both
sides to end fighting and called for more
peacekeepers after a meeting on Sunday.
The councils 15 members demanded
Kiir and Machar genuinely commit
themselves to the full and immediate
implementation of the peace agreement,
including the permanent ceasefire and
redeployment of military forces from
Our officers in Juba, the capital of
South Sudan are posted there under the
United Nations Mission In South Sudan

2016-17 Budget Passed

The 2016-2017 National Budget was

passed in Parliament after a week of
heated debates between Government
and the Opposition.
The Attorney-General and Minister
for Economy Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum,
said outside Parliament they would be
conducting a series of workshops before
the financial year begins next month to
discuss the implementation.
The Budget was passed 30 votes to 14
while 6 didnt vote.
Mr Sayed-Khaiyum said before the
Budget debate they had a meeting with

Permanent Secretaries.
Workshops will be conducted before
August to ensure that all implementation
is on track and there is a huge rebuild
allocation for expenditures, he said.
In terms of rebuilding, schools and
health centres, public buildings, roads,
bridges and jetties, so all that needs to
be implemented as soon as possible.
He said they had other ambitious
programmes along the pipeline in terms
of rebuilding infrastructure; construction
needed to start soon.
Some planning had already been done

and some are ready to go and commence

almost immediately.
For us key priorities is to get it right
and we have other plans. Ministries will
be visiting maritimes islands; we will
be co-ordinating all of that, Mr SayedKhaiyum said.
He said the Opposition had made
unfortunate statements on the Budget
when it was debated in Parliament.
However, Mr Sayed-Khaiyum said
the public were able to hear each
ministers explanation on Budget


Fiji News

Mushroom Farming Has Potential In Fiji:

Chinese Ambassador

Mushroom Cultivation has a lot

of potential in Fiji, says Chinese
Ambassador to Fiji Zhang Ping.
This project has great social economic
benefits for farmers in Fiji, he said.
The project which had been an initiative
by the government of China was started
in Legalega in Nadi.
Chinese ambassador to Fiji Zhang Ping
said: There is no locally owned mushroom
farm in Fiji and now we are able to grow
and cultivate mushroom in the country.
He said by promoting and training
local farmers to cultivate mushrooms
at home, farmers can sell them in
local markets and generate cash in
development in rural households.
I think agriculture is an area that has

potential for bilateral co-operation

because here we have very good natural

condition suitable for

development, he said.

An Indian national, Anil Kumar

who is charged with conspiracy to
defraudinfluencing a public official will
be sentenced on the 26th of this month.
Kumar pleaded guilty to the charge and
has been further remanded in custody.

Meanwhile, Asaf Ali who is also charged

with conspiracy to defraudinfluencing a
public official has pleaded not guilty to
the charge.
Anil Kumar and Asaf Ali allegedly
conspired together with the intention of

dishonestly influencing Fiji Immigration

Officers in the exercise of their duties in
the issuance of a passport.
Ali will appear in court again on the
17th of November.
His bail has been extended.

Captain Cook Cruises MV Reef

Endeavour is to make two more visits to
Vanua Levu this year.
Last weekend, the vessel made a
stopover at the Malau wharf outside
Labasa, bringing in 70 tourists. Labasa
Tourism Association president Paul
Jaduram said the two upcoming trips is
good news for the town.
I believe many business outlets
benefited from their visit, he said.
Captain Cook Cruises Captain Ian
Davison said as part of their annual four
cultures cruise they have been making
trips since 2011.
It starts from Port Denarau marina for
a seven night cruise to showcase the
diversity of cultures in Fiji and Labasa
showcases our Indian culture, Mr
Davison said.
The last cruise was at the beginning of
May this year and we plan to sail again
in September.
The shore excursions included a bus trip

around Labasa and a walk through the

market. The vessel also made stopovers
in Kioa Island, Rabi Island, Kia Island,
Galoa, Yaqaqa and Nananu-i-ra.
Grand Eastern Hotel manager Krishneel
Ram said they were privileged to
provide services to the tourists.

Surely the tourism sector in the Macuata

province will greatly benefit from this
cruise visit. As usual we prepare our
town creating a welcoming spirit for
our visitors and I am sure they will have
fond memories of our beautiful town
and surrounding.


Indian National To Be Sentenced For

Conspiracy To DefraudInfluencing A
Public Official

Tourist Cruise Boosts Norths Economy


Fiji News

Disabled Humiliated By Bus, Taxi Drivers:


Humiliation and abuse continue to

be dished out at people living with
An official of the Fiji National Council for
Disabled Persons (FNCDP) has witnessed
these as public service vehicle drivers
bypassed her while waiting for transport.
I live in Vunivau, Labasa and sometimes
when the bus driver sees me waiting for
the bus it hesitates to stop and at times
pass remarks like when I take my time
to get off he says jump out from the
bus, said FNCDP office administrator
of the Labasa office Monisha Rao.
Ms Rao said many bus and taxi drivers
in Labasa did not understand that people
with disabilities had the same rights
as able bodied people for the use of
concession cards.
30-year-old Ms Rao during her
submission on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities Bill to the Standing
Committee on Social Affairs said she
had been humiliated by taxi and bus
drivers numerous times.

I have physical disabilities, finding

difficult to walk like normal people and so
its takes me a while to walk, Ms Rao said.
In one incident I showed the concession
card and the bus driver questioned me
what is this?; we dont about this;
you have to pay the full fare.
When I sit in a taxi and show my
concession card, the driver laughs at me
and forces me to pay the full fare.
When FijiSun contacted the Fiji Bus
Operators Association president Parmod
Chand, he said bus drivers needed to be
passenger friendly.
If Ms Raos complaint is found to be
true, I must say that kind of attitude of
bus drivers cannot be condoned, Mr
Chand said.
Fiji Taxi Association (FTA) general
secretary Rishi Ram has issued a warning
to all taxi drivers to abide by the deed of
agreement which was signed in 2011.
Under the deed of agreement the
driver who refused to provide service to
underprivileged, senior citizens or anyone


with a social welfare identification card

(ID) will be taken to task and will face
the full belt of the law, Mr Ram said.

Monisha Rao of Vunivau, Labasa

informing the Standing Committee
on Social Affairs during a public
hearing on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities Bill in Labasa how some
taxi drivers and bus drivers make fun
of her disabilities

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Fiji News

Telecom Fiji Gives $10 Million In Dividend

Telecom Fiji Limited handed over a
dividend cheque of $10 million to its
parent company, Amalgamated Telecom
Holdings Limited.
This was from the financial year ending
March 31, 2016.
Telecom Fiji recorded another year of
exemplary profit after tax of $20.71
million depicting a year-on-year growth
in profitability of 12 per cent.
This was not an easy feat as Telecom
Fiji continued to face a lot of challenges
and competition from the market, said
TFL chairman, Tom Ricketts.
We will continue to exercise prudence
in our investments and resources.
And we will also continue to support
the Fiji Governments initiative for a
better informed and smarter Fiji.
He said these can only be achieved
information mediums via the Internet.
Telecom Fiji chief executive, Mothilal
De Silva, said the turnaround registered
in the 2014/2015 financial year is
continued for the second consecutive
This, he said, by any standard is a
remarkable achievement.
Strategically, the performance of
Telecom Fiji is in line with its three year
Business Plan prepared in 2014, Mr De
Silva said.
For this, he said the company will
continue its pursuit for business
growth and adding more value to its
Past few years
Past few years TFL pursued strategies

From left: Telecom Fiji Limited (TFL) chairman Tom Ricketts, chief executive
officer Mothilal De Silva, ATH general manager Ivan Fong and TFL director
Arun Narsey
of cost rescaling and monetisation of
existing resources.
Since the second quarter of 2015, TFL
started building capacity using different
access technologies such as ADSL,
VDSL, GPON, WIFI, LTE in order to
cater to the demands of the different
In this financial year, TFL gives priority
to build resiliency and redundancy while
pursuing strategies of revenue growth,
cost optimisation and diversification.
New Connect Internet caf
Telecom Fiji also launched its New
Connect Internet caf today.
This has been relocated from the now
FNPF Ganilau House to TFLs New

Wing Building.
The caf has been serving more than
100s of customers per day, Mr De
Silva said.
He said the Connect Caf, which
generates in a consistent amount of
revenue, houses a total of 12 internet
stations with a separate space allocated
for the business clients of Telecom Fiji
This is known as the TFL Experience
Centre, he said.
The aim is to provide internet service
to customers and at the same time
experience fast speed internet from
the comforts of our newly renovated
luxurious caf.

Schools from day one.

On similar grounds of financial pressure
exerted on parents through collection of
Cool Stuff brand tags that the Minister
has articulated.
Mr Arya said the natural process of any
commercial competition was massive
increase in revenue for the commercial
entity promoting the competition.
He said another area that needed to
be seriously looked and brought to a
halt was the Coca-Cola Games where
massive commercial funding was

received for students to compete in.

That not only gives the commercial
entity the financial advantage but also
adds to the woes of students health as the
competition only allows sale of CocaCola products and majority of school
based canteens sell these fizzy products
except the 22 Sabha schools, he said.
Such a ban will provide a balanced
approach and an ethical way of dealing
with such matters and providing a level
playing field free of discriminatory

Sabha Backs Reddys Call

A religious body has not only come

out in support of the call by Education
Minister Mahendra Reddy in putting a
stop to a popular schools competition,
but had walked the talk from day one of
its inception.
The Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji
thanks the Minister for Education for
taking the bold step and putting a stop
to commercial exploitation of schools
in Fiji by Goodman Fielder through the
cool Stuff Competition, said the Sabha
media relations officer Kamlesh Arya.
Mr Arya said the Sabha on its own
volition as owners and managers of
22 schools had restricted their schools
from participating in the Cool Stuff for

Appeal Unsuccessful For Men Who Burnt

Two men who burned a 21-year-old
supermarket worker to death over his
life savings have failed to have their
convictions overturned.
Both also unsuccessfully appealed
against their sentence of life
imprisonment of 17 years.
Shivneel Kumar, 20, and Bryne Permal,
22, were sentenced in the High Court
at Auckland in May last year over
the death of Shalvin Prasad, whose
smouldering body was found on a rural
South Auckland road on the morning of
January 31, 2013.
The Crown said during the trial, Prasad
was assaulted at an unknown location
and bundled into the boot of Permal's
mother's car, driven by Kumar.
The defendants then bought 15 litres of
petrol, using the stolen money, before
driving to McRobbie Rd in Kingseat,
where they doused the victim in petrol
and set him alight.
During the trial, medical witnesses gave
evidence that Prasad was conscious
when the fire was ignited.

Shivneel Kumar (left) and Brynne Permal in Auckland High Court

In a judgment released, Justice Harrison
said there was sufficient evidence
Kumar and Permal had assaulted Prasad
with intent to murder him before setting
him alight.
"The cause of Mr Prasad's death was not

"He died because one or both of Messrs

Kumar and Permal set him alight.
"That fact was in itself compelling
evidence of the parties' continues
intention to kill him which originated in
the unlawful act of rendering him deeply

Some Facts About Our Economy - Dear

Mr Prasad

National Federation Party leader and

Opposition spokesperson on Finance
Biman Prasad made a number of
remarks in Parliament about how our
economy was doing.
Not all is what Mr Prasad would have
you believe from his contribution to the
Budget debate.
A quick check reveals some examples:
On borrowing
$2.86billion was inherited as debt stock
as at December 2006 which Government
is still paying. But what is there to show
for this past borrowing?
What can be seen now is that the
FijiFirst Government is very strategic,
cost and risk conscious when it comes
to its borrowings. They aggressively
pursue blended financing.
The approval of US$31 million (F$64.6
million) grant for the Urban Water Supply
and Wastewater Management Project
by Green Climate Fund in late 2015 is
evidential of Governments pursuit for
cheaper funds and more importantly, for
funding with no repayment obligations.
On people living with disabilities

Mr Prasad stated that Government

seems to have discovered that disabled
people exist and need support.
What he does not say is that previous
Governments have neglected to directly
consult with them.
And to introduce policies that would
encourage employers to treat them
the same as able-bodied employees,
increase their employability and reduce
their reliance on Government.
On corporate tax rates
Just five years ago, tax on businesses
was 55 per cent higher than what it is
today, if one considers the corporate tax
rate of 31 per cent.
With the reduction in tax rates and the
implementation of final assessments, we
need to strengthen compliance through
stiffer penalties for non-compliant
taxpayers who deliberately evade or
avoid paying the correct taxes.
On plastic packaging
In regards to Mr Prasads statement
for Government to urgently look at
devising tax measures and incentives for
alternative and environmentally friendly

plastic packaging, he will be pleased

to know that that Government in 2011
introduced a ban on importation of nonbiodegradable plastics.
Biodegradable plastics are currently at
five per cent fiscal duty, while importation
of raw materials and machineries for
production of biodegradable plastics
were zero rated.

Biman Prasad

Fiji News


Durga Prasad Awaits Korea Report

Sea View Shipping managing director
and owner Durga Prasad is awaiting a
report from the marine department in
South Korea over his new vessel.
Mr Prasad said an official from the
Korean marine department has already
inspected the vessel.
Once I receive the report from Korea
then I will submit all the documents to
the Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji
(MSAF) for approval, he said.
I cant go to MSAF until I have that
report in my hand. I want everything
to be cleared from Korea as I dont
want to do any other modification or
maintenance once the boat is in Fiji. I
also want them to submit the photos of
the boat once everything is done.
Mr Prasad said the cost of this new
ferry is around $5 million and hopes
that his vessel is going to open up the

Durga Prasad
I dont want to see any sort of monopoly Lau. A lot of customers are requesting
and this ferry, which is a very fast one is me if I could get another vessel soon
going to service Savusavu, Taveuni and because of the demand that is out there

Lives Revived After TC Winston

Governments Help for Home Initiative
to assist victims of severe Tropical
Cyclone Winston has brought a new
lease of life for many.
For 73 year old Kalesi Liku of Lausa,
Tavua building a new home was only
a far-fetched dream.
I wouldnt have been able to build this
new home if it wasnt for the assistance
provided by the Government. Having
this new home would have just been a
dream, but thanks to our Government
for making this possible for the needy
families in Fiji. I would like to thank

the Honorable Prime Minister, Voreqe

Bainimarama for this great assistance.
Ms Liku purchased materials worth
$7000 through the e-card.
She also receives a monthly Social
Pension Scheme over the past 3 years.
Beneficiaries of the Help for Home
Initiative (HFH) have acknowledged
the Fijian Government for the assistance
that has enabled many families to rebuild
their homes.
The initiative was rolled out by the
Ministry of Women, Children and
Poverty Alleviation in May. So far over

23,000 families have been assisted.

Sainimere Buliasewa of Nadolodolo in
Tavua said that through the programme
her family will now have a spacious
Our old family house was completely
destroyed by Tropical cyclone Winston.
Through the assistance of $7000 from
the Help for Home, we are currently
building a new house. It is certainly
a new beginning for my family. We
are thankful for this support from the
Meanwhile, Minister for Women,
Children and Poverty Alleviation Rosy
Akbar said that second phase of the HFH
distribution would continue in areas that
had missed out.
We will finish the first phase so all those
who have received the e-cards should be
able to purchase their building materials
from hardware stores and rebuild their
homes. As announced in 2016-2017
budget we have been given another $20
million for the Help for Home initiative
and its going to continue in the second
Through the initiative the Fijian
Government has spent $88 million to
assist people in the areas most directly
in Winstons pathincluding Koro,
Taveuni, southern Vanua Levu, northern
Viti Levu, Ovalau and Vanuabalavu.


Fiji News


Fiji Airways Improves Skytrax Ranking

Fiji Airways chief executive, Andre
Viljoens, strategy to improve its
Skytrax ratings seems has worked as
our national airline was ranked 91 out
of 100 best airlines in the world.
Fiji Airways has moved from 100th
position from its ranking the past year
to an improved 91st position meaning
a significant improvement in its service
had been noted.
If you consider the hundreds of airlines
which operate globally, to be in 91st
position is really good.
This is especially if you are competing
against big guns of the industry like
Emirates, Qatar Airways, Singapore
Airlines, Qantas and Air New Zealand.
Mr Viljoen, upon taking up the position
to lead our national airline, had in his
first public statement in November,
assured he will focus on improving Fiji
Airways Skytrax rating.
Mr Viljoen has successfully achieved a
better Skytrax rating of four-star in product
and service for Air Mauritius which he
was heading before he joined Fiji Airways.
At the same time, Fiji Airways continues
to rank top 5 Best Airline in Australia
and Pacific.

It is on fifth position behind Qantas,

Air New Zealand, Virgin Australia and
Jetstar Airways.
The announcement was made during a
gala ceremony at Farnborough Airshow
in England where Skytrax presented its
World Airline Awards.
The leaders and top management from
airlines across the globe attended the
event where Emirates was voted the
Worlds Best Airline by air travelers.
At the awards event, Edward Plaisted of
Skytrax commented: We are honoured

to have so many airlines receive their

accolades after being voted as Best
Airlines in many different categories.
For many years we have been dedicated
to providing a survey and awards
process that remains independent, and
delivering an event that is aptly known
as the Passengers Choice Awards.
We have seen many familiar names
here appearing as repeat winners, which
I guess reflects that in many cases once
a winner, always a winner in many
customers eyes.

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Fiji News


Fiji And Japan Expand Aviation CoOperation

Fiji and Japan have agreed to a series

of modernised aviation provisions
that will increase passenger and cargo
opportunities for designated carriers,
says Attorney-General and Minister
Responsible for Civil Aviation, Aiyaz
The new provisions will also expand
entitlements and improve safety and
security, allowing for greater economic
collaboration between the two countries.
The new provisions mark the first update
to the air services arrangement between
the two countries since 1993.
The new provisions allow for designated
airlines of both countries to operate
three passenger or cargo flights per
week between Fiji and Japan, with
an expansion to four flights per week
beginning in late 2019.
They also provide the opportunity for
designated carriers to code-share, and
bring safety and security provisions
more in line with international aviation
industry standards.
These new provisions will benefit

Japan Civil Aviation Bureau , Senior Air Talks Officer, Sanae Mizuta with the
Attorney-General, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum
airlines, tourists and shippers, and Japanese airlines, we have set the stage
increase flows of investment and trade for greater co-operation between our
into both Fiji and Japan, Mr Sayed- aviation industries and the establishment
Khaiyum said.
of direct routes between our two
By granting more access to Fijian and countries, he said.

Woman Distraught Over Death At Sea

This was the comment of distraught

Lavenia Tagimoucia, whose husband
was found dead in Vunisea waters,
Kadavu, last weekend.
Ms Tagimoucia's husband, Luke
Uluikadavu, 29, was drinking with four
other villagers at Vunisea harbour last
Friday and was found dead on Saturday
morning. She said the last she heard
from her husband was on Friday after
6pm informing her that he was going to
have a haircut and later to drink kava.
The mother of four daughters said she

got the shock of her life on Saturday

when the police came to their home and
informed her of the sad news.
She said her husband, who was a farmer,
was a lovely family man with a good heart
and respected and loved by everyone.
The Namalata woman said her children
the eldest being five years old while
and the youngest three months would
not understand what happened to their
father until they came of age. Meanwhile,
police spokesperson Inspector Josaia
Weicavu said Mr Uluikadavu and four

others were drinking on a boat when

they felt it sinking.
They jumped out of the boat, swam to the
shore and later realised Mr Uluikadavu
was missing.
The matter was reported to police and
a team of officers from Vunisea swam
to where the boat sank and managed to
locate the boat, but efforts to locate Mr
Uluikadavu proved futile.
Inspector Weicavu advised members of
the public not to drink alcohol out at sea,
especially in an open punt or boat.

Minister for Women Rosy Akbar

confirms that the first phase of the Help
for Homes initiative has been completed.
Akbar says that more than 23,000 people
have benefitted from this initiative so
She says that $88 million was used
in the first phase to assist people
in Koro, Taveuni, South of Vanua
Levu, North of Viti Levu, Ovalau and

Akbar adds that in the second phase
they will distribute the e-cards to areas
that were not covered in the first phase.

She says that $20 million has been

allocated for this.
Akbar will announce when the second
phase will begin.

Rosy Akbar Confirms First Phase Of Help

For Homes Initiative Completed

Fiji News


Fiji-Born Medics Shares NZ


WHILE many look forward to spending

their annual leave with loved ones,
a group of Fijian nurses currently
practicing in New Zealand has chosen
to use their vacation time to give back
freely to members of the public in
The nurses are part of the Friends
of Fiji Health Services, offering
free laparoscopic services at Labasa
Former Fiji nurse Vuki Koro said the
experience was a humbling one.
Ms Koro, who is currently practicing
in Auckland, New Zealand, says the

training they received at the Fiji School

of Nursing prepared them to learn and
achieve more in hospitals abroad.
"Most of us had applied for annual
leave to come back home and offer our
services to the Friends of Fiji Health
Services, an experience we cannot put a
dollar value on," she said.
"We would like to thank the organisation
and the Ministry of Health for enabling
us to be here and to offer what we have
gleaned overseas with our nursing
colleagues back home."
Ms Koro said their training and
experience working with limited

resources in hospitals around the country

enabled them to perform better.
"Therefore, we will not hesitate in
the future to say yes to these sorts
of initiatives and give back to our
homeland and the people of Fiji," she
The team's mission manager, Shailendra
Sharma, said they had given surgical
medications to the hospital as part of
their tour activity.
Mr Sharma thanked the Fijian
community in New Zealand for their
support in making the trip to Fiji a

A 31-year-old man who raped a tourist

in Taveuni has been sentenced to nine
years and two months imprisonment.
The court was told that the tourist from
USA had gone to see the water slide in
Waitavala in Taveuni.

It was in an isolated area and she was alone.

High Court Judge, Justice Priyantha
Fernando says Jone Bogi raped the
tourist and also stole her iPhone which
was later recovered in a bush.
Justice Priyantha Fernando while handing

down the sentence said that tourism is one

of the major sources of foreign exchange
in Fiji and tourists who visit Fiji should
be encouraged and protected.
He told Bogi that he deserves a deterrent

Police are now tracking down the

location of the mother of the baby who
was found dead inside a K R Latchan
bus in Wainibokasi.
Several people have come forward with
information and this is now being used
by Police in their investigations.

Police spokesperson Inspector Josaia

Weicavu said they were still trying to
locate the mother.
It has been a week since the babys body
was discovered but unfortunately we
arent able to locate the mother, he said.
We are trying and seeking public help

to help us with our investigations.

The baby was found by two mechanics
inside a bus parked at the K R Latchan
garage in Wainibokasi.
Police are now treating the case as murder
because the post mortem examination result
revealed that the baby was suffocated to death.

31Yr-Old Sentenced To 9 Years

Imprisonment For Raping Tourist

Police Searching For Mother After Dead

Baby Found On Bus


Fiji News


Agri Cooperation Talks With


A delegation from Fiji is participating

in the first Joint Agricultural Working
Group meeting with our Agriculture
Ministry officials and cooperatives of
The meeting is being held in Bangkok,
This is a follow-up to the memorandum
of understanding (MOU) that was
signed in Bangkok in December 2015
for agricultural cooperation between Fiji
and Thailand.
Owing to the Thailands success in
agriculture, Fiji is seeking to collaborate
on issues such as animal nutrition,
improvements in tissue culture facilities,
technical expertise in virgin coconut oil
(VCO) processing, veterinary services
and contract farming.
On the other hand, Thailand has sought
Fijis assistance in coconut field gene
bank management and utilisation of
coconut varieties for VCO production.
While proposals have been tabled,
exchange of technical information will
take place to facilitate cooperation on
these issues.
In recognising the MOU will pave
the way to strengthen agricultural
production, both countries have

Delegates of the first Joint Agricultural Working Group Meeting (FijiThailand). Chair, Inspector-General (seated third right) Wimolporn Thitisak
and Co-Chair, Permanent Secretary for Agriculture (seated third left), Jitendra
Singh with other officials
encouraged attachments and visits to As part of the visit, the delegation
respective agencies in Fiji and Thailand will also be visiting agro-processing
to gain further knowledge as a necessary businesses in Bangkok to gain an
first measure.
understanding of their operations.
With improved knowledge, officials will The next Joint Agricultural Working
be able to ascertain the best way forward Group Meeting will be held in Fiji in
for implementation in the host countries. 2018.

Bail Refused For Rape Accused

A MECHANIC charged with rape of

a 16-year-old student was refused bail
by the Navua Magistrates Court on
Parmendra Maharaj, 37, who faces
11 counts of rape, appeared before
Magistrate Senileba Levaci.
The accused, who is a bus driver,
understood all charges when they were
read out to him in court.
The court was told the alleged offences
took place between May and June this
year at various places along the Queens
While making his client's bail
application, defence lawyer Mohammed
Afzal Khan told the court the accused
was from a reputable and respected
household in Navua, his father being
one of the directors for a prominent bus
company in Navua.
Mr Khan informed the court his client
had a prosthetic leg and needed frequent
medical attention to prevent infection
and should be allowed out on bail. The
court was told the accused was married

to a police officer and came from a

family of preachers.
Divisional prosecution officer (DPO)
Southern, Assistant Superintendent of
Police Nasario Fisi objected to bail on
the grounds that the case was of public

Ms Levaci refused bail on the grounds

the accused was charged with an
indictable offence. She transferred the
matter to the High Court.
Mr Maharaj has been remanded in
custody and will reappear at the High
Court in Suva.




Stay Hydrated With These Vegetables

Though summer is almost on its last
leg, the oppressive heat is lingering on.
Dieticians say that eating the right kind
of food can help abate dehydration and
make you feel better as you deal with
the heat.

Bottle gourd

juice, in a salad or on your biscuits or

have as it is." Clinical nutritionist Nupur
Krishnan says, "Choose the green
cucumbers and do not peel them. Having
them with their skin is very good."


This vegetable contains 90 per cent

water, so it is low in calories and, at the
same time, a good rehydrating food,
explains dietician and sports nutritionist
Deepshikha Aggarwal. She adds, "One
hundred grams of dudhi or bottle gourd
is just 15kcal. One can gorge on it in
various ways like dudhi raita, dudhi
pancake, or can make a sweet dish of it
like halwa."

This green leafy vegetable increases

your immunity and also helps in
digestion thus helping you beat the
severe heat. Spinach is high in iron and
other micro-minerals which we tend to
lose during intense activities. "100gms
of this vegetable equals to 24kcal. It is
high in fibre and around 0.2 per cent
fat. Spinach is considered excellent
for people looking for weight loss.
Add it in your pasta, dal or soup," says

Considered one of the best midmeal snack or finger food in summer,

cucumber (kakdi, kheera) is known
to flush out toxins from the body.
Deepshikha says, "One hundred grams
of cucumber has 10kcal and zero fat.
You can add this veggie in a vegetable

Ridge gourd
This vegetable helps in purifying your
blood and also aids in digestion. It gives
a very cooling and calming effect. It is
also good for blood pressure patients,
say experts.

This is considered a basic salad and you

can actually binge eat this because it is
high in fibre and 100gms of lettuce has
only 15kcal. Experts say that people
who suffer from constipation problems
should have plenty of lettuce. It is rich
in vitamin K, which helps increase bone
mass. Deepshikha says, "There are
many ways one can have it lettuce
can be added in burgers, sandwiches,
salads and stews. It also goes well with



With its high water content of around 90

per cent, this vegetable is great to battle
dehydration. Experts say that 100gms of
Zucchini has 17 kcal and zero saturated
fats. It is also rich in electrolytes
like potassium that we lose due to
perspiration. One should have it on a
regular basis to replenish electrolytes.
It can be combined with broccoli, red
and yellow capsicum and red fruits, to
enhance its flavour. This vegetable is
excellent when it comes to satiety.

Ladies, you may want to add walnuts to

your diet as a recent study has found that
they can keep age-related health issues
at bay.
The Brigham and Women's Hospital
research suggested that consuming
1-2 servings of walnuts per week was
associated with reduced risk of developing
impairments in physical function, which
helps enable older women to maintain
independence throughout the aging process.
This paper emphasized that overall diet
quality, rather than individual foods,
may have a greater impact on reducing
risk of physical function impairments.
Specifically, diet quality traits most

associated with reduced rates of incident

physical impairment were higher intake
of fruits and vegetables; lower intake
of sugar-sweetened beverages, trans
fat, and sodium; and moderate alcohol
intake. Among food components, the
strongest relations were found for
increased intakes of oranges, orange
juice, apples, pears, romaine or leaf
lettuce, and walnuts.
Senior author Francine Grodstein said
that the simple message from this study
is that eating an overall healthy diet,
including certain foods, such as walnuts
and other whole foods, may help women
with the ability to do key everyday tasks

as they age, like carrying groceries or

dressing themselves.
The researchers looked at data from
54,762 women in the Nurses' Health
Study, which tracked women for over
30 years. Between 1992 and 2008, the
women were asked questions about their
physical function, including their ability
to perform basic activities of daily living.
"These results add to the large body of
evidence that outline the many benefits
of a healthy diet for women. Additional
research is needed to better understand
how diet and lifestyle choices can help
maintain our health and well-being as
we age," said Dr Grodstein.

Here's another reason as to why your

platter should have more fruits and
veggies - it may reduce the risk of vision
loss from cataracts.
At an international conference on
refractive surgery, doctors recommended
that children should be given carrots,
cucumbers and green leafy vegetables
to make their eyes healthy.
Cataracts that cloud the eye lens,
develop with age, but growing evidence
suggests that diet may play a greater

role than genetics in their progression,

said senior ophthalmologists Dr Amar
Agarwal at the two-day event organised
by the intraocular implant and refractive
society (IIRSI).
Almost 55% of the 12 million blind in
India lost their vision to cataract.
Several hospitals - both government

and private - offer subsidized and free

treatment to poor. "Yet, we have a
huge backlog of patients. If we have to
effectively control blindness, we will
have to take up preventive measures,"
he said. Doctors recommended
practising eye exercises as mentioned
in yoga.



Walnuts Can Knock Years Off Your Age

Eat More Veggies, Prevent Cataracts


World News

Queen Stuns Drinkers When She Pops In

Pub For Meal And Drink - But What Did
She Order?

Drinkers in a local pub were amazed when

none other than Her Majesty the Queen
popped in for a drink and a bite to eat.
The monarch and her companions
enjoyed two portions of the 16.50
portion of lamb, a fillet of seabass, a
martini and half a bottle of wine at the
The Sheep Heid Inn in Edinburgh last
Friday, it has been reported.
The pub, reputedly Scotlands oldest,
is a short drive from Holyrood Palace
where the Queen stayed last week.
Staff was given an hour's notice to prepare
for the royal visit, which followed a day
at Musselburgh Racecourse.
She sat in the public dining area by a
window, reports the Edinburgh Evening
A worker said: "I've been sworn to
secrecy unfortunately and have no idea
how her visit got out there."
The Queen rarely eats out at restaurants,
usually opting to dine at private London
clubs and hotels.
The pub, which local historians claim
has stood at the site since as early as
1360, has welcomed royal visitors in the
Mary Queen of Scots used to stop there
on her regular jaunts between the royal

palaces of Craigmillar and Holyrood.

Her son James VI enjoyed playing
skittles in the yard and thanked the
innkeeper with the gift of an expensive
ram's head snuff box.
Councillor Alex Lunn told the paper:
The Sheep Heid Inn is something the
local community is very proud of and a
visit from the Queen is another string to

add to its bow.

"I eat there regularly so Im sure Her
Majesty enjoyed an excellent meal.
Kate Middleton says she's 'just popping
to loo' as royals cheer on Andy Murray
during Wimbledon final
Buckingham Palace would not comment
on the Queens visit, only saying she had
spent the evening privately.

Former Radio India Broadcaster

Sentenced To 4 Years For Temple Shooting

Maninder Gill, 53, has been sentenced to

four years in prison for a 2010 shooting
outside a Surrey, BC temple.
Gill shot and injured Harjit Atwal
outside Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara
temple on Aug. 28, 2010 when an ongoing feud culminated in violence.
"It's a very trying time for him ... a man
who has spent and dedicated his entire
life to giving back to the community to be
ordered to go to jail. It's something that he
and his family will have to endure," said
Gill's lawyer Tony Paisana as he left court.
In March of 2016 the former managing
director of Radio India was convicted
of five charges, including aggravated
assault and discharging a firearm with
intent to wound or disfigure.
Outside court the man Gill shot reacted.
Atwal said he respects the court decision.
"It [took] a long time but finally we have
justice," Atwal said.


World News


Nice Attack: Police Scour Home Of 31Yo

French-Tunisian National After 84 People

French police are searching the home

of the prime suspect in a terrorist attack
on Bastille Day in Nice that left 84
people dead and another 50 critically
A truck barreled down the famed
Promenade des Anglais seafront
on Thursday evening local time,
sending hundreds of terrified
people fleeing and leaving bodies
strewn in its wake in what has
been described as the "worst
catastrophe" in the French Riviera's
modern history.
The driver then fired a pistol several
times before being shot dead by police,
authorities said.
The identity papers of a 31-year-old
resident of Nice who was born in Tunisia
were found inside.
Police said he was known to them as a
petty criminal and his home was being
"Investigations are currently under way
to establish if the individual acted alone
or if he had accomplices who might
have fled," interior ministry spokesman
Pierre-Henry Brander said.
'Tunisia stands by France in fight against
Meanwhile, Tunisian security sources
have said that the suspect came from
the Tunisia town of Msaken, but had not
been back there for four years.
The Tunisian Government issued a
statement condemning the attack "in the

strongest possible terms".

"Tunisia stands by France in its
fight against terrorism and supports
any measure taken by the French
Government to protect its territory and
the security of its citizens and visitors,"
the statement said.
No group has claimed responsibility for
the attack yet.
The president of the Nice region,
Christian Estrosi, said the truck was
loaded with weapons and grenades and
the driver was firing a pistol when he

Jim MacIsaac had one of the luckiest

days of his life when he won the lottery
14 years ago.
But his luck appears to have run out in
the course of trying to sell a home he
bought with his winnings.
The ex-salesman from Corner Brook,
N.L. bought a Lotto 6/49 ticket at
Gander Mall on his way home in April
2002. He soon found out he had won
$10 million, CBC News reported.
MacIsaac used some of the money to
buy a waterfront mansion in the town of
Deer Lake, just over 50 kilometres from
Corner Brook.

He is now the home's only resident, and

he's been trying to offload the home for
four years. It is now listed at $1.195
The property is a two-storey stone house
that MacIsaac has renovated and added
to over the years.
It has four bedrooms, four bathrooms
and it sits on a site overlooking Deer
Other features include Swarovski crystal
chandeliers, geothermal in-floor heating
and fibre-optic interior lighting.
There's also a dedicated theatre room
with a 100-foot screen and a bar.

was shot by police.

President Hollande said France had been
hit by a terrorist attack on its national
day, "the 14th of July, the symbol of
"Nice is now hit. It's all of France which
is under the threat of Islamic terrorism,"
he said.
"In these circumstances, we must show
absolute vigilance."
Several children are among the 84
victims, while another 50 people are
critically injured.

Lottery Winner Hasn't Been Lucky Selling

His Newfoundland Mansion

Owning a luxurious home is one thing.

Trying to sell it is another.
A 20-room stone mansion in Magog,
Que., for example, spent two years on
the market before it sold for $13.25
million last year after being marked
down from $25 million.
Former prime minister Brian Mulroney
had listed his mansion in Montreal's
Westmount area for over a year before it
sold for $5.8 million in 2015.
He also had to slash the home's price,
after initially listing it for $7.9 million.
MacIsaac may eventually find a buyer.
But clearly, the price has to be right.



World News

Calgary Boy Seriously Burned By Hot Tim

Hortons Tea Has Father Looking For Answers
A Calgary father is asking Tim Hortons
to turn down the heat after his three-yearold son was seriously burned by very
hot tea in hopes that it doesn't happen to
anyone else.
"His screams were horrible," Adam
Dreece said with tears in his eyes while
describing the moment hot tea spilled on
his son, Nathan.
He and his two sons were at the Tim
Hortons on 16th Avenue N.W. in the city
Wednesday morning when a large cup of
tea was knocked over onto the toddler.
Dreece says he thinks it happened when
he had his back turned momentarily.
"His skin that outer layer of skin
was like wet tissue paper. There were just
all these little folds," he said.
Dreece said other customers and staff
tried to help.
One having a bucket of water, others
having a fistful of ice, some people
having napkins."
But when the scene became chaotic,
Dreece asked the crowd to back off and
they rushed the boy to the nearby Alberta
Children's Hospital.
"Thankfully there was no queue," he said.
"The triage nurse took Nathan from me
and we went straight into emergency.
One of the nurses kept remarking on she's

Adam Dreece says his son's injuries could have been worse if he had been
wearing shorts.
never seen such a short amount of time
between somebody having a burn and
being here and that was going to make a
big difference."
The boy suffered serious burns to his
thighs, left arm and stomach and Dreece
has sent a complaint to Tim Hortons.
"If he'd been wearing shorts like his
brother, I can't imagine what would have

happened," the father said.

"Accidents happen, but I can't believe that
the tea needed to be that scalding hot."
He also says there should be staff trained
in first aid working in each restaurant.
Tim Hortons said in a statement they are
aware of the incident and are reviewing
the matter further with the restaurant

chicken, dal makhni or paneer makhni

or even ras malai, barfi and other Indian
sweets. So really speaking, the fat tax
should cover a lot of foods," Zainab
Gulamhusein, a clinical dietician, told
the Times of India.
Others say that the tax is unfairly singling
out multinational fast food chains.
"A lot of local food is more fatty and
unhealthy. I don't think the tax is a bad
thing but it has to be comprehensive
and acceptable to all the stakeholders,"
Isaac Alexander, a local cafe owner
said. "Otherwise it is discriminatory.
Just because you serve pizza and burger
doesn't mean other people are serving
healthy food."
Indeed, the finance minister himself said
that the tax is designed to target Kerala's
elite, according to Shereen Bhan,
managing editor of CNBC-TV18. The
tax, the minister said, "targets the rich
and not the common man".
Time will tell whether Kerala's fat tax
curbs expanding waistlines. India also

happens to have the third highest rate of

obesity in the world, behind the US and
China, and other states in the country
will look to Kerala to see if the fat tax
will be worth imitating.

Indian State Announces Country's First 'Fat Tax'

The opening salvos of the fight against

fat have been fired in the southern Indian
state of Kerala.
The state Government has announced
a 14.5 per cent "fat tax" on burgers,
pizzas, donuts, tacos, sandwiches and
pasta served in branded restaurants.
With Kerala having the second highest
rate of obesity in India, the new tax
is a "preventive measure," the state's
Finance Minister Thomas Isaac said.
"People are eating a lot of junk food and
rejecting traditional food," Isaac said.
The tax will be levied in fast food chains
like McDonald's, Burger King, Pizza
Hut and KFC. It's the first state in India
to impose such a tax.
"The fight against fat has just begun,"
Isaac said.
Already, some are questioning the
efficacy of the tax.
"Why just burgers and fries, Indian
food is also laden with empty calories,
which give no concrete nutrition - take
for instance vada pao or bhajiyas, butter


1 Denmark introduced the world's first
ever fat tax in 2011, when it implemented
a tax on all foods with a saturated fat
content above 2.3 per cent
2 The Government scrapped the tax in
2013 because it found that Danes were
buying high fat foods across the border,
and also that the tax only increased
companies' administrative costs
3 Hungary also has a fat tax, which it
rolled out in 2011, taxing foods that are
high in fat, salt and sugar
4 Mexico has a similar tax, as well as a
one-peso-per-liter tax on sugary drinks
like Coca Cola
5 Last month, Philadelphia became the
first major American city with a soft
drink tax


World News


Chatham, Ont., Police Force Woman To

Remove Her Bra For Breathalyzer Test In
Front Of Male Technician

When a 34-year-old Chatham, Ont.,

teacher was instructed to provide two
breath samples at Chatham-Kent police
headquarters last year, she did so sitting
in a room with a male officer, without
her bra.
Defence lawyer Brian Ducharme of
Windsor says the act of removing the
undergarment was intimidating for his
client, and an Ontario court judge has
agreed. In fact, Justice Lucy Glenn told
a Chatham court Thursday she has never
heard of such a policy.
The chain of events unfolded following
a traffic stop at 10:19 p.m. on March 7,
Outside court, Ducharme said that
after his client was taken to police
headquarters, a female staff sergeant
ordered her to remove her bra.
According to police, this woman was
polite and co-operative, and they had no
concerns about her giving the police a
hard time, he said.
They said it was policy to make a
woman remove her bra, and so she was
turned over to the male breath technician
braless, and she was braless for several
hours, and my client testified that she
felt intimidated by this.
Chatham-Kent deputy Chief Jeff
Littlewood told The Chatham Daily
News that the services policy on
removing a womans brassiere is based
on a number of factors.
Some situations warrant the removal
prior, but that depends on the accuseds

actions and frame of mind.

Also, she may have been lodged (in
a cell) waiting to hear from her lawyer
before she gave a sample. The bra is
always removed if she is being lodged,
Littlewood said.
Police view a bra as a ligature that can
be used to harm oneself in a holding cell.
During earlier testimony, court heard
that an officer in a marked cruiser
stopped the defendant when he noticed
a vehicle weaving between lanes, almost
hitting a snowbank.
But Glenn found the arresting officer
failed to ensure the woman understood her
legal rights to counsel when he quickly
read her options in a loud voice after
she failed a roadside breath test.
When asked if she understood, she
replied: I guess so.
Glenn said the officer didnt ask any
followup questions such as Do you
want to call a lawyer now?
The woman testified that the officer
was large and appeared irritated and she
didnt want to cause him more irritation,
so she remained co-operative.
Glenn said the defendant didnt
understand what was being read to her.
The arresting officer was reading fast
from a notebook, the judge said.
Im arresting you for driving over 80,
the officer told the woman.
Over 80 what, kilometres per hour?
the judge asked.
Glenn added that the womans rights
were given in seconds and described

the various options provided to the

defendant as a puzzling piece of legal
No one told her she could call any
lawyer she wanted, the judge said.
Court heard a staff sergeant believed the
arresting officer had properly instructed
the woman on her legal rights.
Neither officer had notes to confirm
their independent recollection of parts
of their conversations with the accused.
Glenn also noted a video of the exchange
was not introduced as evidence.
Ducharme said the judge found at least
four charter violations in the case.
Justice Glenn found that these rights
are very important and she found the
arresting officer had very poor, or
inadequate notes and the Supreme Court
of Canada has ruled that the police have
a duty to make accurate, precise and
comprehensive notes when conducting
an investigation, Ducharme said.
Glenn said she would order a copy made
of her decision.
I hope Chatham-Kent police read
this judgment carefully, and it seems
to me that to force a female to remove
her bra before breath testing is truly
unnecessary, Ducharme said.
She is an experienced judge and if
given similar facts, I think other (Ontario
court) judges should be persuaded by
this reasoning of Justice Glenn, he said.
Glenn dismissed the charge of driving
with over 80 milligrams of alcohol in
100 millilitres of blood.

Former Skycity Worker Back In Court

A Hamilton woman accused of stealing
more than $2 million from SkyCity has
reappeared in court.
Tessa Fiona Grant, 40, pleaded not guilty
to 49 fraud-related charges totalling
$2.56m in the Hamilton District Court
in April.
Grant worked at SkyCity's Hamilton
casino as finance manager between
2006 and 2013 when she was promoted
to general manager.
Her contract was terminated in 2014.
The company claims they referred the
matter to police after allegedly spotting
a number of "financial irregularities".

Grant's partner and her mother-in-law

have also been drawn into the fold with
SkyCity last month applying to the High
Court to have Grant's assets frozen The
orders were granted by the court.
Today's case review hearing saw
Grant's lawyer, Guyon Foley, ask for

information regarding fringe benefit tax.

Judge Philip Connell granted a non-party
disclosure hearing for the discussion
and decision to be made.
Grant was remanded on bail to reappear
in the Hamilton District Court for the
hearing next week.

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You will start doing initial paper work for

some creative and ambitious project that
is very dear to your heart. You will receive
whole-hearted support from close friend
and relatives. You will find yourself at
your best in public relations and will be
able to muster enough support for your
work even from financial institutions. If
working towards starting a co-operative
venture, it is advisable to have one single
institution, or financier, to back your
project and then distribute some shares
to others rather than having a loose-knit
group. Those seeking elections to board
of directors or to important committees
will emerge successful. Youngsters
will plan a holiday-cum-study tour to
a forested or mountainous region. It
will be a fruitful trip. Some of you are
likely to get emotionally involved with
a colleague of the opposite sex. A new
romance is in the air and assures a happy
and lasting association.


You will get involved in some social or

cultural work or community development
schemes. It seems your close friends or
associate will urge you to participate
more in such social activities that will
benefit you in the long run. The pressure
of new work that comes along suddenly
will thwart your plan for taking a leave
or withdrawing from routine work. The
employed may be facing some problems
at home. Perhaps heavy entertaining has
increased expenses and you are now
finding it difficult to cater to the needs
of the family. You will have a grand get
together at home inviting most of your
relatives and close friends. Love life
is fine. There is a word of caution for
those involved in love for long, but not
married. Someone may now try to create
a rift between you and your beloved by
speaking lies and spreading unpleasant


You will succeed in every endeavour and

achieve excellent results in your work
and career. An improvement in financial
position spurs you on to take risks in
new ventures that prove immensely
profitable. Businesspersons will sign
new deals that will assure them of longterm benefits. Those in artistic or creative
fields will do extremely well. Youngsters
trying to achieve a breakthrough in the
field of cinema or television will get an

opportunity to work with a person of

renown. Those desirous of setting up
a small-scale industry will be able to
do so. Benefits accrue to you through
state and governmental agency, hence
if seeking any sanctions or financial
assistance through such organisations
you are certain to get these soon.
Personal affairs run smoothly. You will
enjoy the delights of intimate romance
in the company of your beloved.


The current period is extremely beneficial

one and monetary returns from your
investments will be substantial. If you do
not need cash this week you should wait
for a while longer to make further profit
in your investments. Security at work
will give the confidence that you need to
explore new areas and move from one
success to another. However, do not be
in rush to make large commitments in
fresh ventures, for there will be other,
and more beneficial offers coming
your way soon. The employed will be
assigned a special task that gives them
an opportunity to display their talents.
Your tendency to flirt could now land
you in an embarrassing situation. Try
not to push your luck, especially if you
are already in love. You will find your
sweetheart seeking commitment from
you regarding your future plans. You
have to decide now else your relationship
or your association will end.


A sudden travel plan may take you

towards south or southeast. Some of
you may travel overseas of a special
assignment. Some of you may travel
abroad to scan opportunities for job or
business. It will be a fruitful journey.
Some of you will start a new work or
open a branch office in another city.
Those seeking employment overseas
will get favourable offers this week.
Students will join training classes in a
preparation for a competitive exam. A
study or training programme is on the
curriculum for most of you. Students
preparing for tests for the enrolment to
a foreign university will succeed in their
exams. A younger relative who lives
away from you will visit you for a few
days. Those of you, who have married
recently, will get the good news of a new
arrival. Love life is quite exciting.


Married women looking for buying a

new house will receive an enticing offer

that suits their requirement perfectly.
You will have the resources to purchase
this property and will soon move your
residence. Those of you who are keen to
bring about a major change in their career
will be determined to go ahead with their
plans at any cost. This is particularly for
those in age group 45 - 50. The employed
are given additional responsibilities at
work that entails working until late hours.
You may have to cancel your social
engagement or other extra curricular
activities due to heavy workload.
However, your employer will suitably
compensate you. Love life is returning
to normal, especially for those who have
been having constant tiffs with their mate.


You need to concentrate on routine work

activities. The present environment at
your work place may not be conducive
and you could feel frustrated at times.
Do not harbour thoughts of changing
your job or work for this could result
in a setback. Business people will do
better and will be able to successfully
conclude their current assignment. Your
past arrears will be cleared this week
and you will be able to pay off a debt or
a loan. At home matters are much better
especially since you have started to spend
more time with your family. Married
women desirous of progeny are likely
to conceive this week. Those already
in an advanced stage of pregnancy are
advised to seek constant medical advice
to avoid any complications at the time
of childs delivery. Seniors may require
seeking medical attention.


This is a fortunate period for taking

up some of the pending and unfinished
work, which has been put off for some
reason. This will help you to take up work
on your new venture on which you have
set your heart and have already sounded
a few friends. The pressure of work at
your work place may be less giving you
an opportunity to get closely acquainted
with a couple of colleagues who are more
experienced and have been sympathetic
and understanding. This may help you
in getting certain ideas to build up your
career not necessarily in the same set up.
Domestic matters will also occupy your
time as a misunderstanding over money
matters will need a lot of convincing to
remove seeds of doubt created by some



outside sources and may require all

your ingenuity. If you are fancy-free a
romantic interlude is indicated.


It is a favourable week for the employed

in that they will be given an important
task to handle. All facilities will be made
available to you for this project. Those
in the field of mass communication and
media may become the recipients of
award. Business people will get news of
a large contract from the government or
state agency. Some of you may decide
to set up ancillary units for a large
organisation that will underwrite all
your production. Workingwomen may
decide to go into their own business in
partnership with close friends. Those in
the field of dress designing, jewellery,
advertising or exports will succeed in
setting up a lucrative enterprise. Love
life remains happy with your giving
complete attention to the needs of your
mate or beloved.


This is the time to renew your contacts

or devote attention to public relations. It
is quite likely that some domestic issues
and responsibilities act as a constraint
in your working. Do not waste any
time on such affairs because by doing
this you could be ruining your chances

of success in your work. Working

women, especially those in the field
of advertising, marketing, or public
relations, will get sudden promotion
and additional facilities at work. The
married will hardly get any time for
romance. It could be due to your busy
schedule or your mate could be wary
of a friend of your own sex, who may
be trying to keep you away from your
beloved. Listen to the advice of your
sweetheart who has an uncanny instinct
to recognise unsavoury elements.


In business you will be able to carry out

your activities without any hitch. Do not
waste your time in recoveries but rather
follow up with vigour your new project
that needs all your attention and efforts.
At your work place, carry out your
assignment with all the speed sincerity
and attention as there are some elements
that are waiting for a lapse on your
part. Fortunately your seniors know
you and your work and you will not be
affected at all. If you are given some
extra assignment you should not refuse
it though you may have been burdened
with work. This may affect promises
you made to the family, as you will
not be able to fulfill them. If you have
been planning to buy a house or a shop


you have bright chances of finding and

finalising one now which will almost
be a dream come true. Youngsters will
be successful in competition or contest
bringing a reward, which make them
happy and proud.
Your business plans hit a snag stalling
most proceedings. Do not worry for the
delays, as these may eventually prove
to your advantage. In fact, if you can
withdraw some of your money from
incomplete or loss making ventures
you should get the amount and call it
quits. You will be in mood to socialise
and attend several functions and prove
that age is no bar for enjoying life and
getting along with people. Keep away
from some bores or those who are
known to indulge in scandals. At home
while reviewing your finances you may
come across an unpleasant fact about the
amount you have and the sum you are
committed. This may require you to take
up some extra assignment and sacrifice a
part of your luxurious living. But by any
chance do not go in for speculation or
gambling, which will entail loss. Do not
give credence to some people who have
something to tell you about your mate
or beloved that may be an exaggerated
version of a minor happening.

Kung Pao Chicken


1 pound skinless, boneless chicken

breast - cut into chunks
2 tablespoons white wine
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons sesame oil, divided
2 tablespoons cornstarch, dissolved in
2 tablespoons water
1 ounce hot chillie paste
1 teaspoon distilled white vinegar
2 teaspoons brown sugar
4 green onions, chopped
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
1 (8 ounce) can water chestnuts
4 ounces chopped peanuts
To Make Marinade: Combine 1
tablespoon wine, 1 tablespoon soy
sauce, 1 tablespoon oil and 1 tablespoon
cornstarch/water mixture and mix
together. Place chicken pieces in a glass
dish or bowl and add marinade. Toss to
coat. Cover dish and place in refrigerator

for about 30 minutes.

To Make Sauce: In a small bowl combine
1 tablespoon wine, 1 tablespoon soy
sauce, 1 tablespoon oil, 1 tablespoon
cornstarch/water mixture, chili paste,
vinegar and sugar. Mix together and add
green onion, garlic, water chestnuts and

peanuts. In a medium skillet, heat sauce

slowly until aromatic.
Meanwhile, remove chicken from marinade
and saute in a large skillet until meat is
white and juices run clear. When sauce is
aromatic, add sauteed chicken to it and let
simmer together until sauce thickens




Honey Mustard Lamb Rack

4 large yellow potatoes
1 large sweet potato
1 Spanish onion
1 whole bulb of garlic
2 tablespoons olive oil for the vegetables
Salt and pepper
5 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1/2 cup bread crumbs
1/2 tablespoon olive oil for the lamb
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon rosemary, finely chopped
1/2 tablespoon honey
1 /2 tablespoon Dijon mustard
Heat oven to 350F.
Cut the potatoes and sweet potatoes into
1-inch-thick pieces. Cut the onion in
half and remove the outer layer of skin.
Place 2 tablespoons olive oil into a
baking tray. Place the vegetables,
including the whole unpeeled garlic
bulb, in the tray and coat them in the oil.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake the
vegetables on the bottom oven rack for
45 minutes.
When the vegetables have been baking
for 15 minutes, mix together in a bowl
the 5 cloves chopped garlic, bread

crumbs, 1/2 tablespoon olive oil, salt,

rosemary, honey and mustard Stir well
until it forms a paste.
Spread the paste evenly over the lamb
rack. When the vegetables have been
cooking for 25 minutes, place lamb in

the oven directly over the vegetables.

This will allow for the drippings to
collect with the vegetables..
Roast the vegetables and lamb for 20
more minutes for rare meat or 30 more
minutes for well-done

Chinese Lemon Chicken can be easily

prepared with common ingredients
found in your kitchen.
For the chicken, you will need:
68 chicken breasts, (boneless,
skinless) cut into bite-size pieces
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 cup water
4 egg yolks, beaten
2 cups vegetable oil
For the sauce, you will need:
1 1/2 cup chicken broth
1/2 cup lemon juice
3 Tbsp brown sugar
1/4 tsp ground ginger
Sauce Preparation
In medium saucepan, combine all
ingredients and cook over medium heat
5 to 6 minutes or until sauce boils.
Keep at low simmer.
Chicken Preparation
Heat vegetable oil in wok or large skillet.
In medium mixing bowl, combine salt,
pepper, water, and beaten egg yolks.
Place chicken pieces into bowl, coating

pieces with mixture.

Place chicken pieces in vegetable oil,
frying 5 to 7 minutes, or until golden.
Remove chicken from oil and drain on

paper towel.
Place chicken in serving dish and pour sauce
over, tossing gently.

Lemon Chicken



Manoj Going An Extra Mile For 'Budhia

Bollywood actors can go miles without
having a sigh of relief. With the kind
of schedules their work demands,
they barely have any time for rest or
recuperation. Recently the fine actor
Manoj Bajpayee was seen promoting his
film 'Budhia Singh: Born to run' in spite
of being down with Viral.
According to sources, the two times
National Award winning actor has been
down with severe viral since 5 days that
has made him very weak. However,
the devoted actor goes on to promote
his upcoming film by sustaining on

`He has been under the weather since

a week which has resulted in a lot of

weakness, but its commendable how he

still manages to actively participate in
the promotional activities. We see him
survive only on fluids and take medicines
in the breaks that he gets in between,
and then graciously put himself together
for the next pit stop.` says a source from
the 'Budhia Singh' team.
Manoj has been advised bed rest, but
the responsible actor understands that
his presence for the film's promotion
is very important. Even after all those
medicines in the system and ill health,
Manoj Bajpayee ran for a marathon that
was held by the film's team as part of the
promotional activities.

villain Prem Chopra along with Jinal

Belani, Divya Seth, Bharati Achrekar
and Tiku Talsania in pivotal roles, PATEL
KI PUNJABI SHAADI is directed by

Sanjay Chhel and is produced by Bharat

Patel under the banner of Bholenath
Movies while the music is churned by
Lalit Pandit and Uttank Vora.

Rishi Kapoor-Paresh Rawal To Be


In the upcoming season of marriages

this November Bollywood's power
house Rishi Kapoor and Paresh Rawal
will become 'samdhis'. The Bollywood
veterans who have cast their spell in
acting and were featured in DAMINI
(1993) are poised to become a family
after 23 years.
Now before you guys go crazy in your
imaginations, we would like to interrupt
your wild dreams and say that it is the
funny rom com PATEL KI PUNJABI
SHAADI we are talking about. The duo
along with others recently wrapped up
the shooting, of this gujarati-punjabi
roller coaster ride.
quirky, funny cross culture take on a
Punjabi boy played by Vir Das and a
Gujarati girl played by Payal Ghosh.
Rishi Kapoor plays Vir Das father and
will be seen at his comic best in the role
of a staunch Punjabi while Paresh Rawal
will tickle our funny bones by playing
a strong Gujarati as the father of Payal
Loaded with quirky, funny encounters
Rishi and Paresh up the fun quotient in
this rom com which is set to release this
year in the month of November.
Other than the primary cast mentioned
above, PKPS also boasts of the veteran



TS Times Sports

French Ambassador, Michel Djokovic

Keen To Assist Fiji FA

French Ambassador to Fiji, Kiribati,

Nauru, Tonga and Tuvalu Michel
Djokovic is keen to assist in the
development of football in the country
through exchanges between Fiji Football
Association and the French Football
Speaking the media, Ambassador
Djokovic said he is pleased to know that
there are more than 25,000 registered
footballers in the country and his
embassy would be interested to assist and
work closely with Fiji FA. Football is
the most followed sport in the world and
as one of the bigger footballing nations
in the world we would be delighted to
assist the teams in the Pacific region.
Football is the main sport in Tahiti and
New Caledonia and our Government
assists in the development of the sport.
Kiribati, Wallis and Futuna and Nauru
also have the sport growing slowly
but I see the Fijian population is quite
passionate about the sport and it is
the second most followed and played
sport here. We certainly would love to
hold exchange programmes between
Fiji, New Caledonia, Tahiti and other
nations. We know football is evolving
and getting bigger here with the Fijian
team heading off to the Olympic Games.
We are supporting the team and know
the young Fijian players will surely get
their much needed exposure by playing
huge nations like Mexico and Germany.
Surely there is huge potential here and
Fijian players can secure big overseas

deals if they do well on the world stage.

Ambassador Djokovic said he would be
interested in meeting Fiji FA officials
for more discussions and dialogues to
facilitate exchanges between Fiji, New
Caledonia, Tahiti and France. I will
talk with the Cooperation Section here
in the embassy and see how best we can
facilitate the exchanges and assist Fiji in
terms of football development and other
programmes. Meanwhile the French
Residence in Suva today hosted more
than 50 guests as the Les Bleus played
Portugal in the grand finale of the 2016
Euro Cup in Stade de France. The
guests included expatriates, members
of the French community and members
of European Union missions in Fiji
and representatives of the British High
Commission. Fiji Football Association
chief executive Bob Kumar and his
officials were also in attendance. It was

an important function for us because not

only was France playing the final but
it was also a final on our home soil. So
we decided to have a little get together
and invite people to come and enjoy the
game here at the French Residence,
said Ambassador Djokovic. Football
is the biggest sport in Europe and we
got together to enjoy the beautiful
game on a large screen and share some
good moments. It was a very good final
with Portugal winning in extra time.
Both teams played excellently and we
congratulate Portugal for winning the
tournament and also salute the French
team for fighting hard and giving good
performances especially against world
champions Germany in the semi-finals.
Portugal despite losing Captain Cristiano
Ronaldo managed to win their first
major tournament thanks to substitute
Eder's superb extra-time strike.

The 18-member national mens football

team to next months Olympic Games was
announced yesterday. Top on the list is
Wellington Phoenix striker Roy Krishna.
This was confirmed by national team
director Tarunesh Reddy who said last
night that Krishna has fully recovered from
a niggling injury and is ready for selection.
Roy is looking sharp in camp, Reddy
He indicated that they currently have 21
players in camp. Four were sent home
last week and the latest was Ba midfielder
Manasa Nawakula who was dropped
early this week because of injury.

Lots of good players have missed out

as we have to follow the guidelines set
by FASANOC. The coach Frank Farina
preparing the team well, we will see
how it will go, Reddy said.
The Olympics football competition
allows three players over the age of 23 to
participate. Also tipped to join Krishna,
is national defender Alvin Singh who
captained the side during their tour to
Spain and Brazil.
An interesting tussle also looms between
veteran goalkeeper Simione Tamanisau
and Samuela Kautoga.
The Fijians have been drawn in a tough

Group C where they face defending

Olympic champions Mexico, Germany
and South Korea.
If we look at the Under-20 games
during the world cup last year, we were
in a tough pool but thats part of football,
we have to face them. We have qualified
for the Olympics, so we have to expect
those types of opponents, we will go and
enjoy the game, he added.
The Fijians start their campaign against
Korea on August 4, faces Mexico on
August 7 and the final pool match against
Germany is on August 10 at Fonte Nova
Arena in Salvador, Brazil.

Roy Krishna Tops List


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