How Much

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One of the most common misconception about numbers is that it starts with

zero and ends with really big number, and that really big number is said to
be infinity (). This is not true, infinity is not a LARGE number, its not
tremendously large, but its ENDLESS. Infinity is not a number but rather an
idea of being endless. It also doesnt get big; it is fully formed.
As infinity is not a number, then what is the largest number known to human
beings. We have discovered, some say it is a GOOGOL or a GOOGOLPLEX.
A googol is basically 1 followed by a 100 zeros after it. The mathematician
who found this number was thinking just thinking of a really big number.
Edward Kasner, the great mind who came up with the idea of a Googol, but
didnt know what to call this big number. He asked his 9-year old nephew
Milton Sirotta, and he said a silly name GOOGOL.
Lets visualize how big a googol actually is. Take a room which you are quite
familiar with and spend a lot of time there, and you wanted to fill it with
sand, then how many grains of sand do you think will fit in that room? Well if
it is normal sized room than around 50-100 billion grains of sand would fit in
Now think about the number of particles in the universe. There are roughly
1080 particles in the universe. Therefore, a googol is bigger than that. Then
imagine that the whole universe was filled with just grains of sands. There
would be roughly be around 1090 grains of sand in the universe. Which is still
less than a googol.
Edward than thought what if he raised 10 to the power of a googol itself (


), this number is known as a GOOGOLPLEX. Imagine writing out

googolplex with all the zeros. Instead of writing on a piece of paper lets say
we could write one zero on each particle in the universe and that still
wouldnt be enough to write googolplex down.
If the particles in your body was arranged differently, there are roughly


ways that the particles can arrange themselves. A googolplex is

bigger than that. If you travel more than



then you will start to see

repetition of the same arrangement. Therefore, if you travel a googolplex

meter than there is a high chance that you are going to run into yourself. The
size of the universe is just

( 1026 ) m long and this is really, really tiny

compared to googolplex.
Common intuition, and recently discovered evidence, indicates that numbers
and counting began with the number one. (Even though in the beginning,

they likely didnt have a name for it.) The first solid evidence of the existence
of the number one, and that someone was using it to count, appears about
20,000 years ago. It was just a unified series of unified lines cut into a bone.
Its called the Ishango Bone.
Since then these numbers have been developed into many groups such as
Natural Numbers, these numbers are all positive Integer. An integer is a
whole number with no decimal points. Prime Numbers which can only be
divided by one and itself e.g. 2,3,5,7 etc. Recently they found a really large
prime number which is around 22,338,618 digits and the number is 2742072811. This number was found by a lecturer named Curtis Cooper. This number
was established by a computer software called Great Internet Mersenne
Prime Search (GIMPS).
Curtis Cooper has also found many other Mersenne Prime numbers and have
won numerous award. Curtis Cooper has found 4 Mersenne Prime numbers in
total. The first Mersenne Prime Number he found was on 15th
December,2005, this was the first 43rd known Mersenne prime number. The
next was on 4th September,2006 and the next one after that was found on
25th January, 2013. The last Mersenne prime number found by him was on
17th September,2015, but this number wasnt noticed until 7th January,2016.
Curtis Cooper ran the GIMPS software on 800 different computers in order to
find this number.
You think the largest Prime number which is ONLY 22,338,618-digit long. Well
that is the not the largest number which is used in many

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