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Supervisor: XXXXXXX

March 2009

Business Impact of Online Application Forms


Word count: Insert 10,521

Product and Development files:

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the University of Greenwichs

Business information technology

This project will look at the company XXXXXXXXXXXX and how the online application forms
can help the development of companies, how it can save time and work by making it online and not
paper based.
This will be carried by creating a online application form so applicants can apply for a position in
working with them by filling the application form and leaving their details.
The details then will be stored and kept in a database for the company to look at the applications and
then make a decision on to accept them for a position within the company or reject them.


I would like to thank to all the teachers, friends and family that helped me trough out my project:
First of all I would like to thank my project supervisor XXXXXXX as I feel she helped me the more
by guiding me in the right direction and being patient with me even though I did not use to go an see
her as often as I should, but thanks to you I was able to finish my project thank you.
I would like to also thank the librarian who helped me in my research as I was a bit lost and she had
the patience to show me how to do research properly and even came with me to look for the books I
I want to thank my family and friends that where always there supporting and giving me moral support
when I needed it the most, always pushing me to finish my studies thank you to all of you.


Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgements .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.ii
Contents ................................................................................................. iError! Bookmark not defined.

Introduction .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.1 Background information..1
1.2 Overview..1
1.3 Aims and Objectives2
1.4 Project road map..2

Methods and Tools...4

2.1 Introduction.4
2.2 Methodology4
2.3 Tools.7
2.3.1 Programs7
2.3.2 Languages..8

3 Literature Review.9
3.1 Introduction.9
3.2 Computerised HR System9
3.2.1 Advantages of a Computerised HR System10
3.3 Web Navigation.11
4 Evaluation and existing online application forms.13
4.1 Introduction13
4.2 Eat Job Application form..13
4.3 HMV Job Application Form..14
4.4 Conclusion..15

Security Issues..16
5.1 Introduction16
5.2 Security..16
5.3 Data Protection Act17
5.4 Copy Rights17

Requirement Analysis18
6.1 Introduction.18
6.2 Target Audience..18
6.3 Functional Requirements18

6.4 Non Functional Requirements.19

6.5 Summary.19

Design of the Website.20

7.1 Introduction.20
7.2 Design of the website and Form.20
7.2.1 Possible Programs and Languages20
7.2.2 Program Chosen21
7.2.3 Languages Chosen....21
7.2.4 Database Chosen..22
7.3 Models of Website and Database22
7.3.1 ERD..22
7.3.2 Use Case23
7.4 Layout.25
7.5 Conclusion..26

System Build..28
8.1 Introduction..28
8.2 Software..28
8.3 Language.29
8.4 Summary.34

9.1 Introduction..35
9.2 Testing.35
9.3 Summary.38

10 Evaluation39
10.1 Introduction39
10.2 Project Evaluation.39
10.3 Personal Evaluation..40
10.4 Summary41
Appendix A - Project Proposal.43
Appendix B - Website Guidelines Screen Shots..48
Appendix C - UML Diagrams..54

Chapter 1- Introduction
1.1 Background information

The demand of online application forms has grow in the past few years, most companies have or want
to introduce online application forms system for customers, applications can be to apply for a position
with that company, making a request, complaining etc
By designing online application forms the companies can have more information about the person and
what the demands are on the market, they can gather information of the person who has filled the
application as they are requested to leave their details when filling the application form and by
obtaining that information they can benefit as the person who filled the form can now be a potential
customer, employee etc
1.2 Overview
In this project I intend to look at XXXXXXXXXXX company and how it operates in
order to build a prototype of a online job application form where a user can get information on what
the company does and how it operates and can be able to apply for a position online by filling and
completing the job application form online.
I would have to do research on human resources in order to get information to start designing the
application form, than I would have to create the job application form that will collect the entire
applicants data, like personal information, qualifications obtained, previous job they had etc And
personal details so it could be stored and organised in the companys database.
Then the managers or the HR department can look at the application and can decide whether to accept
the application or reject it, the applicant then will be notified of the decision the company has made in
To do this I have to research and analyse current online job applications that are on the web at the
moment, I would have to look at the structure of the webpage, the format it has been designed, the
different questions being asked etc by doing his I will be collecting data on how a online application
form can look and get me started on designing my own form and page.
I will also have to do research on the current types of software available on the market to implement
my prototype of the application form and page, and carefully analyse which software would be better
for the type of application I am designing.

1.3 Aims and Objectives

To successfully complete the project a list of objectives was created at the beginning of the project
(Appendix A) these are:
Carefully research information about HR and how to employ personnel
Carefully analyse the web navigation of the site
Compare existing online applications forms to get a better view on how to
design the application form
Look at the security issues
Analyse requirements needed from the client
Analyse findings from research
Research on the system requirements
Design the application form
Implementing or creating the application form
1.4 Project road map
Chapter 2 Methods and tools
This chapter talks about the method used to complete the project and the possible tools that can be
Chapter 3 Literature review
This chapter is about the research done before starting the development of the project, the main areas I
needed to know to be able to complete the project.
Chapter 4 Evaluation and existing online application forms

This chapter looks at different online application forms that are currently on the market and compares
them to get ideas and knowledge on how to do my website.
Chapter 5 Security issues
This chapter looks at some possible security issues that could emerge in the website.
Chapter 6 Requirement analysis
This chapter describes the requirement analysis needed to create the product and who the target
audience is.
Chapter 7 Design of website
This chapter shows the designing of the product and how it will be carried and what tools will be used.
Chapter 8 System build
This chapter describes how the system was build and what tools and programming languages where
Chapter 9 Testing
In this chapter you will be able to see the testing it was carried to see if the product was working.
Chapter 10 Evaluation
This chapter talks about how the project went and my opinion on how I did.
Chapter 11 References
In this chapter is all the references I used to complete my project.

Chapter 2 - Methods and tools

2.1 Introduction
To be able to complete the project successfully I had to choose a methodology I will use and also some
of the tools that can be used to carry the product of the project.
2.2 Methodology
After doing some research on different methodologies I have come to the conclusion that for my
project it would be best to use the waterfall methodology so I can manage and complete my system in
The waterfall model is a process of creating software, the progress of the development of software
flows from the top to the bottom like a waterfall, with each step following the one before.
The steps or stages this model has are:
Requirement analysis are the tasks needed to determine the needs or conditions that need to be met
for a new product or project taking in account the expectations of the user, also it should be taking in
consideration the possibly conflicts of the various stakeholders, such as beneficiaries or users.
These features have to be quantifiable, relevant and detailed. These kinds of requirements are often
called functional specifications. Requirement analysis is an important step for project management.
Design refers to the process of making or designing a product, in other words the originating and
development of a plan for a product, structure in this case it means to a system. Designing the system
means planning the development of the system the steps and actions needed to design a structure of the
proposed system so then it can be proceed to complete the task.
Implementation is the realisation of a design, the execution or the building of a plan, model, design
or specification, in other words is the actual building of a system, product or project. This means that
the design plan is being followed in order to produce the product by implementing the necessary steps,
actions, software or hardware needed so the final outcome can be the proposed system or product.
Testing is an investigation carried out to test or to prove that the system or product is working as it
should be doing by a carrying a series of test in different areas of the system or product and under
different circumstances.

Providing information about the quality of the system or product, by doing this it would be possible to
see if the requirements have been met or if the system or product needs improving or some changes
Maintenance means that after the product or system has been delivered it should be checked and
correct any faults, improve the performance, or adapt the product or system to a modified

Waterfall Model

Figure 2.1

Waterfall model is a structured well documented and a disciplined process that allows multiple
projects to run at a time, this method is usually used for stable projects.
An advantage of using the waterfall model is that it allows the managing and control of the project. A
schedule is normally set with deadlines for each stage of the process, for this process to be completed
correctly each stage has to be completed before moving to the next phase or stage and there is no
turning back. In theory this process will lead to success and for the project to be delivered on time as
every step has been carefully planned in detail.
Each stage of the model proceeds in strict order, without overlapping or taking any iterative steps.

2.3 Tools
To be able to successfully design and implement the online application form I must chose the right
tools and languages that will help me to process the design and building of this webpage according to
the specifications or requirements that I need to implement, after carefully doing some research and
analysing the possible programs that could be used I have come with some of the material I will be
using to implement my webpage.
These are:

Microsoft expression web, this program will help me to write the language (java script, to
create and integrate the online application form webpage for RCS.
This program is easier to use as it highlights the errors that I may input on the code or language being
used so that way it will be faster for me to identify where the error is and correct it, Microsoft
Expression Web also helps you by providing the ability to install add-ins from third-party developers,
extending the capabilities of Expression Web.
Edit plus, is a program used to write and design web pages using the same languages as mentioned on
Microsoft expression web, this is a simple program like note pad only that it numbers the lines and
highlights different parts of the code depending if they are incorrect or something is missing.
This program is not as advanced as Microsoft expression web but is one of the programs I feel more
comfortable using as I learned to design web pages in this program before Microsoft expression web
was introduced.
ASP.NET is a web application framework that allows programmers to build websites, web
applications. ASP.NET is built in the common language runtime that lets programmers write
code using any supported .net language.
It is with this framework that I will build my online application form to meet the requirements needed.
Access, is a database management system from Microsoft that uses the database with graphical user
interface and some other development tools. Access collects and stores data from users or actions that
need to be stored e.g. data from shipments, time tables, stocking etc
I will be using this program to store all the details from the applicants that fill in the online application

JavaScript, is a language used in programming for the web development. This language will be used
to write the coding of the online application being built, JavaScript is design to look like java but it is
easier to write and understand giving an advantage to non programmers to work with. JavaScript is
usually used to code websites as a client side JavaScript.
HTML, is a Hypertext mark up language, it is the main language used for web pages it allows to
design the structure of text based information by indicating certain text as links, headings, paragraphs,
lists, pictures etc and it also allows to supplement that text with form, images, and other objects.
This will help with the way the web page looks, to make it more appropriate for the site being built.

Chapter 3 Literature Review

3.1 Introduction
These are some areas in which I done research to be able to understand what I have to do in order to
carry my project correctly.

3.2 Computerised HR system

In this time of life organisations have a lot of pressure for increased efficiency and effectiveness of
online or computerised Human Resources information.
An information system should be designed, developed and implemented according to the company
needs, provided that the correct information is collected by the system or application the computerised
system will be able to provide right information at the right time in response to the variety of
managerial needs.
There is a temptation in the development of computerised HR systems to collect every piece of data
about every worker as any and every information needed can then be met.
Every organisation will require data from individual employee to provide with information for the
different levels of decision making.
Individual employee data may include:
Personal Details
Contractual arrangements
Pay and Pensions
Education and qualifications
Appraisal and record ratings
Job history
Attendance records
Disciplinary details
Health records
Termination details including reason for leaving

Support systems should be developed and responsibilities given for the collection and maintenance of
data, for example if a persons address or martial status changes his/hers personal record should be
3.2.1 Advantages of a Computerised HR System
Speed With the computerised HR system computers can handle and work faster with large amounts
of data saving time and money and by making the process quicker.
It is also easier and faster to get the information of an individual employee from the database of
records saving time.
Reliability and accuracy Collecting information or data manually has a high possibility for error as
humans are likely to commit errors when inputting data or defining reports, most times computers are
blamed for inaccuracy and errors but if data is input correctly into the computer it will stay that way.
Storage and retrieval To storage large amounts of data is expensive and the manual storage
consumes physical space and time for filling, with computers also takes space in the form of a
computer memory and time to input and update data but the physical labour of processing manual data
more expensive than a computerised system as the computer memory and processing prices are
Consolidation Manual personal files can often be located in different departments or places in an
organisation with no complete information of an individual, several files may exist for one employee,
for example:
The personnel department may have a master file of personal details of an individual, the health
department may have another file with the health history of a person, the payroll department may have
a file containing the persons bank details and contract etc
But in a Computerised HR system all file records can be found in the same place in a computer.
Decision making One of the main reasons organisations hold personal data is for decision making.
Organisations need to be based in the availability and profile of HR and computerised HR systems can
provide accurate and timely information while doing this manually can take time and may not be
complete or may have an error.


3.3 Web navigation

As the web is growing more and more it is important to keep and manage the content of the website
efficiently, to do this it is better to keep the website simple for the user to understand.
The content of the website could be wonderfully mysterious and but getting around should not be, if a
user spends too much time trying to navigate the site he/she will get fed up and leave so the best thing
is to keep it simple.
Here are ten qualities of a successful navigation, they should:
Be easily learned users should be able to navigate the site easily and not have much trouble
trying to get their objective otherwise they will get bored and leave.
Users wont stick around if they are not happy and there is only one chance to make a first
Remain consistent if you develop a site that works users will rely on your site, make sure that
the navigation is consistent otherwise you may confuse the users and push them away without
realising it.
Provide feedback one way to know if your website has been successful is through feedback
so the website should have navigation feedback.

Appear in context to complete tasks, people need the right tools at hand. Users need to see
possible routes, navigation should always be available when the user needs it and wont have
to be guessing or trying hard to get to where they want to.
Offer alternatives users are different from each other and computers so their preferences are
not the same, the site should have some navigation alternatives incorporating alternatives such
as low-end site versions, site maps, or search boxes may help match various user behaviours.
Require an economy of action and time if a site structure features layer upon layer of
subcategories may get a user frustrated and waste time.
Provide clear visual messages - Interface design is not just about looking good. It should be
about how usable they are.

If they are hidden, difficult to find, look like too much text, look like too much images
or are otherwise visually confusing the users will have trouble getting around.
Use clear and understandable labels Navigation labels are like the ingredient or product
labels that prevent the user from swallowing something that they should not swallow, labels
are a good way of communication.
Labels should be written in simple clear messages that the user can understand and not
terminologies of the designer.
Be appropriate to the sites purpose The navigation approach of a website will depend on
what the goal of the site is and what the users will expect of it. Mismatches between the sites
purpose and the navigation approach can cause confusion for the user.
Support users goals and behaviours In particular the users goals is what the user wants to
do? How might they behave? Understanding these goals and behaviours is the most important
step in designing a navigation that works.
There is no correct way or answers in designing a website it requires a lot of fore work and planning,
what works for one site may not work for another.
The answer is not in looking for a correct navigation solution but in understanding why and what
purpose the website has.
Balancing these principals mentioned above with the needs and goals of the audience will help to
design a navigation that works.


Chapter 4 - Evaluation and existing online application forms

4.1 Introduction
The objective of the literature review is to look and compare at relevant products currently on the
market relating the project.
I will be looking at different online application forms on the market and comparing them to see their
weakness and strengths, how they are built, what interfaced was used etc
4.2 EAT job application form
Application forms can come in many ways and designs but all get information and details from the
user, I have looked at EATs job application form from their website and the applications interface
has been designed in a very simple way, what I mean is that the form does not ask you for any kind of
experience or qualifications, it only asks for personal details which can only mean that if they need
personnel they will probably call you for an interview, this kind of design can be good and bad at the
same time for a company depending on what the organisation does.
Having a very simple form can be good in the sense that it will be easier for the user to understand and
complete the application form without having much difficulty as it asks mostly the basic questions, it
also clear to understand and does not take much time to complete as there are not complicated
questions being asked, this kind of forms are mostly used just to get details of candidates so the
organisation can call them for an interview, which in this case EAT has chosen to implement on their
online web application form.
This type of design can also be bad for the organisation because the design is so simple it does not
collect enough information regarding the applicant which in most cases it means that the organisation
will have to call the applicant to an interview or another class of meeting to collect all the necessary
details, like I said before it all depends on what the company does or what the companys requirements
for employment are.
Most organisations will prefer to have a more complete form so then save the hassle of meeting with
the applicant just to get their detail which they could of gotten from the application form in the first
place, these details include qualifications, experience they have had in the past, position they would
like to work and are best at, reasons for leaving previous job etc.. This are main aspects of a job
application form that EAT does not have in their job application form.


In my opinion EATs job application form is weak as it does not collect enough information from an
applicant to process whether the applicant has any knowledge or experience regarding the kind of job
he/she will have to do, and I think that even to call a candidate for an interview an employer should
know at least if that person has any knowledge on the field of work they are applying for, this is vital
information an employer should know before making a decision.

4.3 HMV job application form

I have look al HMV job application form online and could say that the way they have designed their
application form is more professional and are asking specific questions regarding the type of
information they want to know from the applicant.
Unlike EATs job application form that was very simple HMVs application form has a more variety
of questions, but most questions on the application are questions with multiple choice answers, this
means that when a question is asked there are a couple of answers on the application for the applicant
to chose from that best matches them, and only a few questions have the option of other, please
specify, this means that if none of the pre-written answers are the correct for the applicant they can
write their own answer in the empty box provided for the applicant to write their answer.
The design used in HMVs application form can be good because the structure of the application is
organised and clear, not only looks nice but it also helps the applicant to understand the question more
easily, this way it helps the applicant to fill in the form faster and it also makes it easier to answer as
the answers are pre-written in the form ready for the applicant to choose from, then the applicant just
has to select the correct or the best answer that applies to him/her to the best of their knowledge, also
the questions being asked are not complicated therefore should be able to answer them without
This type of design can also be bad as it limits the type of answer the applicant can give, what I mean
is that because the application is a multiple choice answer the answers the applicant gives are answers
already pre written on the form meaning that if the applicant had a different answer he/she cannot give
that answer and can only try to choose the answer that gets closer to the answer they have.
In a few questions in the application for there is the option of other please specify allowing the
applicant to write their own answer but is only a few questions that have that option, for most of the
questions you have to choose a pre-written answer.
In my opinion with this application form HMV cannot collect accurate information from the applicant
as the answers are limited and the applicant can only select the answers that are pre-written in the

form, with this method HMV can only collect enough information to have an idea of the qualities and
qualifications the applicant has, this will help them choose in their decision but an interview will be
needed before any decisions can be made.
4.4 Conclusion
By looking at these two different online application forms I was able to see different styles of layout,
in one of them it was a simple application where it only asked personal questions about the applicant
which gives an idea of how I could design my application form, at the same time I think the
application was simple so I looked at another application form HMV where the layout is different, this
application form was more of a multiple choice answer form but it has more questions regarding the
applicant and collects more information about the persons knowledge and qualities, it also has
questions about the health of the person making it easier to see if the applicant id fit for the job.
By analysing the forms I have an overview of the different applications there are on the market and
can relate to them to design my own application form which I will use both layouts but in my own
work, meaning I will design my form where I can collect personal information and also try to get the
necessary information I need to know to see if the applicant qualifies for the position applied.
I will do this by making my form so the user can input their own answer in boxes provided but also in
some categories the answers will be multiple choice answers so the application will be easier to fill and
the applicant would not get confused, by doing this I will get the most of my application in order to
collect enough information for the managers to came to a decision whether the applicant is fit for the
job or not.


Chapter 5 - Security issues

5.1 Introduction
The need of security when browsing the net or using a program is high so some security issues have
been looked at to ensure peace of mind when browsing this site.

5.2 Security
The need of security on the World Wide Web is essential. To be able to manage security on the wide
world web we may divide the issue into four interrelated concepts.
System security Makes sure that the use of web browsers or servers do not expose the host computer
to unwanted intrusions.
Authentication It verifies the identity of web clients or servers on either end of a connection on a
entrusted network.
Authorization it decides or determines what operations or acts are allowed for certain entities on the
Confidentiality It Protect private data or information from being captured or captures as it travels the
World Wide Web or network.
All these security points are important most of the efforts of security have been aimed at the
authentication and confidentiality aspects of communications on the web.
A couple of solutions have been looked at to address these needs, like the structure HTTP as well as
system using message digest authentication. By authenticating web clients and servers the data
exchanged between them can be protected.


5.3 Data Protection Act

A raft of recent legislation provides protection for individuals and insures that information given in
confidence remains confidential and cannot be disclosed without consent unless it is in the public
The legislation includes:

Human Rights act 1998

Public interest disclosure act, 1998
Data protection act, 1998
Freedom of information act, 2000

5.4 Copy rights

Copyright is a form of legal rights that gives the producer or creator of a piece of work the
rights for that work for a certain period of time so none else can use it as their own, this
includes its publication, distribution and adaptation.


Chapter 6 Requirement analysis

6.1 Introduction
Before we can start on the design and implementation of the project (online application form) the key
aspects or requirement need to be analysed, requirement analysis is a very important step or stage in
the procedure of creating the project because it looks at the aspects needed to properly carry out the
project so this can be functional, this includes research, opinions and essential keys to the project.
6.2 Target audience
The aim of the project is to develop an application form that could be used as part of the companys
website as a application form that could be fill in by any user, the end user will need to have basic
understanding of how the web page works in general.
The target audience anyone over the age of 18 who is permitted to work in the country of residence in
this case the United Kingdom and wants to apply for a position with the company and thinks is eligible
for the job, in other words the target audience is anyone looking for a job that has the initiative to start
working, the user can complete and submit the form by filling in all the questions asked which then
will be passed on to the HR department who will view and process the application.
6.3 Functional requirements
The functional requirements are the important or essential requirements the project needs to have in
order to build the product successfully and in working conditions, by saying that I mean that these
requirements are the main aspect for the product to actually work.
The use of ASP.NET to create the web page
This is a vital requirement needed in the implementation of the project as it allows the web page to
interact with a database in this case access making it possible to create a web enable database for the
online application form that will collect users details from the form and it needs to be stored in a
The design of an application form in the webpage
Designing the form in the web page is essential as it is the main and only way that an applicant can
apply online for a position with RCS, at the same time is the main form of collecting data, history and
personal details of the user.


Validation of the application form

It is very important that the form is validated in order to be able to collect the correct information from
an applicant and avoid mislead information.
By this I mean to make sure that a user does not put invalid information or forgets to fill in a question
that is essential, for example in the Date Of Birth Field the user puts an age under of 18 or leaves it
blank the form should not be processed and an alert message should appear saying what the problem
The creation of a database to store the information
In order to be able to store users details collected from the application form a database must be
created where all the records can be stored and kept so they can later be retrieved for the manager or
HR department to see and make any procedures.
6.4 Non Functional Requirements
Appearance should be presentable
One thing that can help a web page is appearance; if the appearance of the web page is well design and
looks nice the target audience will be more interested in the webpage therefore would put more effort
in filing in the form and applying making the webpage a success and would also produce good
publicity for the company as it shows that it has a professional business.

Application Form should be easy to read and understand

A Form is normally successful to complete when it is not too hard to fill in, If the application form is
not very complicated to complete then the user will be able to understand and fill in the application
without any trouble, therefore giving the user a more pleasant time and leaving less room to input
wrong information, also it can save the applicant time and effort.
6.5 Summary
This chapter discussed the requirements needed for the project by listing some of the vital
requirements it needs to be completed in a satisfactory way and some requirements that are not
essential as the main requirements but could be beneficiary for the project and the final outcome of the
product by increasing its appearance to the target audience.


Chapter 7 - Design of the website

7.1 Introduction
In this chapter I will talk about the design of the site, what possible softwares, languages and
databases I could use and also the actual ones I used to carry my implementation of the website.
It also shows some models of the website and database design before implementing and building the

7.2 Design of the website and form

7.2.1 Possible programs and languages

Before I could start designing the website and the form I had to do some research on the possible
software, programming languages and database available for me to use in order to build my website,
forms and database.
For the website I had a choice of some programs that are useful when building a website, some of the
options I had where:
Visual basic
Microsoft expression web
Also when building a website you need to use a programming language that will go with the program
used to build the website and some of the option programming languages I had where:


Because I am creating a online application form I will also be required to build a database where all
the information collected from the forms can be stored, and here are some database programs I have
come across which could be used to build my database:
Microsoft SQL server

7.2.2 Program chosen

After some consideration the program I decided to use for building my website was Microsoft
expression web because it is a very helpful program that highlights most of the errors I could make
when writing the programming language giving me a better chance on correcting and implementing
the language correctly which will lead to the successful implementation of my website.
This program will be useful to build my website because it lets me use a connection with a database by
using the programming language which I will need in order for my form to work properly and
store the details gather into the database I will create, I can also use JavaScript in this program which I
will be using to validate the forms I am creating so the form cannot be submitted if wrong information
is input.
7.2.3 Languages chosen
To build my website the main language I chose was which is essential to make a web enable
database connection which I need for my product to work properly, this language will allow me to
make a direct connection with a database so the information input in the websites form can get stored
directly on the database it can also retrieve information from the database and display it on the website
if the codes are written correctly.
I also used JavaScript in order to validate the form and by doing this I can prevent wrong information
to be send to the database as it will first check that the information inputted on the form is correct
before sending it to the database.


7.2.4 Database chosen

I had a couple of choices to build my database but I feel more comfortable using Access as I have used
it before and know how it works, by building my database in access I can make a connection with the
software I will be using to make my forms and the data can easily be stored in the database.
In the database I will be creating different tables with names that are relevant to the form I will design,
for the different tables created in the database each table will have fields that are related to the form
and the correspondent data inputted in the form will be kept and stored in each given field.
I will also create a relationship that will link the tables together so the information of an applicant can
be view or retrieved later, to do this I will be assigning a primary key in each table that relates to the
other tables in the database.

7.3 Models of website and database

7.3.1 ERD
An ERD (Entity Relationship diagram) is a diagram that shows the model or entities that exist in the
system it also shows the relationships between those entities. Usually a ERD diagram is made to see a
visual concept of the database, each entity represents a table in the database and the line that unites
them represents the relationship they have according to the unique primary key in each table.
There are three important or basic elements in a ERD models:
Entities are usually the thing looked at to get information for the database from the user, in other words
the name of the table can be an entity. An entity can be represented by a box within the ERD. Entities
are concepts representing an area from the product or program being created.
An attribute is the data that has been collected and inserted in to the table about the entities that are on
the database through collecting information.


A relationship shows the connection between entities, this connection is represented by lines between
entities, they show whether they are a one to one, one to many or many to many relationships.



Fig 7.1
The diagram above shows an example of a relationship, in this example it is showing a one to many
relationship as one student may be enrolled in different courses.
Student is one entity that has form a relationship with the course entity witch both have a primary and
secondary key that allows them to form the relationship.

7.3.2 Use case

Is the description of the behaviour of a system that responds to a request from outside the system, a use
case describes what everyone involve with the system does or who can do what in the system, the use
case diagram is used to interpreter a system and to show the behaviour of the system by detailing the
scenarios that happen in the system and also showing the functional requirements that the system may
In other words the use case diagram describes the system from the users point of view, the diagram
describes the interaction between the primary actor (the user) and the system itself represented as the
sequence of different scenarios that take place when interacting with the system.
For the website I am designing to implement I have drawn a use case model showing the behaviour of
my system and how it interacts with the user and RCS itself, and as you can see in the diagram below
the use case shows the steps taken from the user and the company to complete the process of the online
application form.


RCS Use Case Diagram

RSC Website

Enters RCS website

Loads RCS website

Navigates website

Application form link

Accepts terms and



Allows user to continue
after accepting terms and

Fills the
application form

application form

Recives application

Accept or declines

Fig 7.2

7.4 Layout
The site
Key point of the layout:

Avoid using frames and tables

Do not use too much graphics
Do not make the site too complicated
The overall layout of the page is simple and stylish, very easy to get around with links you can follow
to the desired page of the site.
The site has a very simple navigation system with links of the main pages at the top region of every
page and the content in the bottom region of the page of the page.

Top region with






with the Content

Fig 7.3
As shown in fig 7.1 the navigation of the site is simple so anyone can navigate the site without too
much hustling.


Application form
The way the application form was design so the user will be able to fill it in without making to much
effort so the question being asked are the most important ones a employer needs to know before they
hire someone.
The form is made in three stages to avoid confusion of the user, stage one asks for the personal details
of the applicant and is fitted in one page to avoid scrolling down as that sometimes confuses applicants
and gives them a hard time filling in an application, at the bottom of the form there is a submit button
that the applicant has to click on after filling the first sate and that will take them to the second stage.



Fig 7.4
In the second stage the applicant will be asked to fill in details about themselves and like in the first
stage there is a submit button that will take them to the stage 3 after completing that section of the
After completing all 3 stages of the form and submitting the details a message will appear saying that
the application has been completed, there also will be a link that will redirect the user to the main page.


The Database
The layout of the database is simple there is a table for each stage of the application Table form and in
each table there is fields that are also in the form so when an applicant inputs information in the form
the information goes to the database to its respective field.
Every time a new application is filled the information gets saved in the database, and here is a view of
the relationship between the tables and their fields.



7.5 Conclusion
In this chapter you can see the different approaches taken to design the website so it could be build,
you can see how the website will look and how it was done for it to be that way.


Chapter 8 System build

8.1 Introduction
In this chapter I will be talking about how I got to build my website and application form by showing
what languages and software I used to do what in the website.
8.2 Software
To be able to build the website I had to choose a software in which I design, and programmed the
necessary tools and languages.
Microsoft Expression Web
In order to successfully build my website and application form I chose to use Microsoft expression
web software as it allows me to use the necessary languages I needed to build my website and can
highlight the errors I make when writing the language, it also helped me with the design as it provides
with the ability to install add-ins from third-party developers, extending the capabilities of Expression
Microsoft Access
To build my database I used Microsoft access because is a database management system with
graphical user interface and some other development tools that allow me to build the database how I
want it in order for the information collected from the application form to be stored.


8.3 Language
During the system build it was important to choose the correct languages that will allow me to build or
implement my product in this case the website and the application form, to do this I had to choose a
language that will allow me to design the website, a language that could let me validate the form and a
language that will let me do the connection to the database.
Languages used to design body of website
I build the body of my website using mostly HTML as I could design how the website will look by
using this language.
This language could only let me design the body as it allows designing the structure of text based
information by indicating certain text as links, headings, paragraphs, lists, pictures etc it also lets me
input images and other object into the design or look of the site.
As you can see below that is the code used in the HTML language to build my main page.


<body background="back2.jpg">
<div class="style2">
<span class="style4"><em><strong><br />
XXXXXXXXXXX</strong></em></span> <br />
<br />
<a href = "contactus.asp">Contact us</a></em></strong></p>
<center><img src="clening.jpg"><br />
<br />
<div class="style2">
<strong><em><span class="style5">Welcome to RCS online job application</span><br class="style5">
<span class="style5">Here you can apply for a position with us and you can do it online saving you and us
time</span><br class="style5">
<span class="style5">by simply completing the online form which you can start to fill by clicking
</span></em></strong> <a href = "acceptterms.asp"><strong><em>
<span class="style5">here</span></em></strong></a><strong><em><br class="style5">
<br class="style5">
<span class="style5">Please also feel free to look around and inform your self of what the company does if you
don't already know.</span><br class="style5">
<span class="style5">if you have any questions or queries please see the contact us section where you can find
our contact details.<br />
</span><br class="style5"><a href = "acceptterms.asp"><span class="style6">Apply now</span></a>
<center><img src="rcslogo.jpg"></center>


Unlike HTML JavaScript is a language used in programming for the web development, I used this
language to code my application form in order to validate the application form in my website, this
language helped me to validate the application form so data would not be sent incorrectly to the
JavaScript does not allow the user to design in a website it is only used for programming.
<script language = "JavaScript">
function checkall(theForm)
if (theForm.firstname.value == "")
{ alert ("You must enter a First Name");
return (false);
if (theForm.lastname.value == "")
{ alert ("You must enter a Last Name");
return (false);
if (theForm.address.value == "")
{ alert ("You must enter an address");
return (false);
if (theForm.postcode.value == "")
{ alert ("You must enter a Post Code");
return (false);
if ( == "")
{ alert ("You must enter a Phone Number");
return (false);
if (theForm.dateofbirth.value == "")
{ alert ("You must enter your Date Of Birth");
return (false);
if ( == "")
{ alert ("You must enter an E-mail Address");
return (false);
This section of the code validates the fields that where design using HTML so wrongly input
information or fields left in blank would not go to the database.


<form method = "POST" onsubmit = "return checkall(this);" action = "CustomerAdd2.asp">

And this bit of the code from JavaScript activates the validation code when a user will try to submit the
application form.
I used ASP.NET because is a language used to make connections with a database. To make the
connection between the application form and the database I created I had to write a code using this
language as it was the most suited language for me as I have used it before and had some knowledge
on how to make these type of connections.
// FileName="Connection_ado_conn_string.htm"
// Type="ADO"
// DesigntimeType="ADO"
// HTTP="true"
// Catalog=""
// Schema=""





This code above using ASP.NET makes the connection to the Microsoft Access database that I created
to store and keep the information gathered from the application form.

<!--#include file="Connect.asp"-->
var varnext_of_kin_name = Request.Form("next_of_kin_name") ;
var varnext_of_kin_number = Request.form("next_of_kin_number");
var varnationality = Request.form("nationality");
var varuk_resident = Request.form("uk_resident");
var varlicence = Request.form("licence");
var varhours_a_week = Request.form("hours_a_week");
var varmonday = Request.form("monday");

var vartuesday = Request.form("tuesday");

var varwednesday = Request.form("wednesday");
var varthursday = Request.form("thursday");
var varfriday = Request.form("friday");
var varsaturday = Request.form("saturday");
var varsunday = Request.form("sunday");
var varethic_background = Request.form("ethic_background");

<title>about you</title>
<style type="text/css">
.style1 {
font-size: xx-large;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
<body background="rcs2.jpg">
sql = "insert into tblaboutyou (next_of_kin_name, next_of_kin_number, nationality,
uk_resident, licence, hours_a_week, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday,
sql = sql + " values('" + varnext_of_kin_name + "', '" + varnext_of_kin_number + "', '" +
varnationality + "', '" + varuk_resident + "', '" + varlicence + "', "
sql = sql + " '" + varhours_a_week + "', '" + varmonday + "', '" + vartuesday + "', '" +
varwednesday + "', '" + varthursday + "', "
sql = sql + " '" + varfriday + "', '" + varsaturday + "', '" + varsunday + "', '" +
varethic_background + "');" ;


This part of the code that you can see above was using ASP.NET an it takes the information from the
fields in the application form and inserts them into the correspondent fields in the database where the
information will be kept.

8.4 Summary
This chapter shows the system build of the website in terms of what software was used and what
languages where used to build the product, it also showed some coding for different parts of the
implementation of the product and what they do.


Chapter 9 - Testing
9.1 Introduction
This chapter looks at the testing and evaluation undertaken for the website and the online application
form , it looks at specific areas or fields of the product and what action it takes depending on different
circumstances while navigating through the site and also while filling in the online application form.

9.2 Testing
Testing relates to the functionality and performance of the product, below you can see the testing that
has been done in certain areas of the product showing you the task number that means the number of
tests that have been done.
The action being taken on the site or the form, the expected result is what is expected the product to do
when the specified action takes place. Actual result is what the website did or showed when the action
mentioned took place. And the expected results confirm indicates if the actual result given is what I
expected from the action that took place.
After carrying the testing I should be able to identify in there is any errors on the site or the form
which can help me to improvise the product by correcting the possible errors if any that could show.

Action Taken

Expected Result

Actual Result




Load main page

Main page will load

Click on link about rsc

About rsc page will About


page Yes


Click on link apply Accept terms and Accept terms and Yes
conditions page will conditions



Click on Back link in Be redirected to the Main page loaded

accept terms page





Click on link contact Contact us page will Contact page loaded


Main Page Loaded

main page

Click on terms and Pop




on with


window Pop



window Yes

and appeared with terms


accept terms page



and conditions

Click on close window Terms




and Terms

and yes

and conditions window conditions

window will close



pop up



continue Alert message pop Alert


without up saying to accept popped up

accepting terms and terms


conditions in accept conditions

terms page

personal Stage

after accepting terms details





Click continue button Stage


message Yes

window details

on open


personal Yes



conditions page

Click submit button Alert





the saying


leaving only the last saying




you appeared saying that

missing field

Click submit button Alert


message Yes

stage have to fill in the you must fill in the

1personal details page


message Alert

required field

message Alert

must appeared saying you

without enter a last name


message Yes

must enter a last


personal details



submit Customer add2 page Customer add page yes

button with all the load saying details loaded saying details
fields filled in on the have been added

have been added

stage 1 personal details




submit Error page saying Error page appeared yes

button with details of that


already saying


an already registered registered and the already



details could not be and the details have




Click on back link on Stage

error page customer details

not been added


personal Stage

personal yes

page details page reloaded


add2 page


Click next on customer Stage 2 about you Stage 2 about you Yes
add2 page


page load

Click submit button on Alert

stage 2 about you page saying


message Alert

message Yes

you appeared saying that

the have to fill in the you have to fill in


page loaded

missing field

Click on submit button Alert

on stage 2 about you saying

the missing field

message Alert

message Yes

must appeared saying you

page without filling enter a next of kin must enter next of

next of kin name field


kin name

Click on submit button Alert

on stage 2 about you saying

message Customer add3 page No


must details added loaded

page without choosing choose your ethic

your ethic background


Click on submit button Customer add3 page Customer add3 page Yes
on stage 2 about page details added load



details added loaded


filled in

Click next on customer Load




Click submit button on Alert


3 Stage 3 employment Yes

added employment history history page loaded



3employment saying

message Alert

message Yes

you appeared saying that

history page without have to fill in the you have to fill in

filling the form

missing field

Click on submit button Alert

the missing field

message Alert

message Yes

on stage 3 employment saying enter date appeared



history page without you started working



filling the from field

started working


Click on submit button History add details History add details Yes
in stage 3 employment added


load added page loaded

history without filling saying


have saying

the other jobs you had completed the from



completed the from


Click on submit button History add details History add details Yes


on stage 3 employment added


load added page loaded

history page filling all saying


have saying

the fields

completed the from

Click on click here to Main page load



completed the from

Main page loaded


finish on history add

details added page

9.3 Summary
After carrying a couple of test on the site I was able to see that most of the site was working as
expected but also was able to identify that there could be some improvements, also in the form I came
across one error that I have not noticed before and that was that if you do not choose an ethnic
background on stage 2 about you page and click on the submit bottom the page will still add the details
into the database but it really an alert message should appear saying that you have to choose an ethnic
background before you can proceed to the next stage.
Aver all my site works in a satisfactory level but can improve it by changing some bits and correcting
any errors showed on the testing table.
I have come to realise that testing is an essential part of successfully building a product or completing
a project.


Chapter 10 Evaluation
10.1 Introduction
In this chapter I will be talking on how the project went, what went wrong and what problems I had, I
also be talking about the problems I came across as an individual, what I need to improve and what I
have learned.
10.2 Project evaluation
It was important that from the start of the project there was planning as on how I was going to carry
the project, this was done by planning the stages and steps I had to do to successfully complete the
project, to achieve this the project proposal was done giving me a guideline on how to do the project.
Also the contents page was done in order to give me an overview of the chapters I had to do for the
report section of the project.
By doing this I had an idea of how I was going to carry my project but now I needed to set some kind
of deadlines and order for each task in which I was going to do them, this would help me to do my
project in time.
However when the project was started some problems came across so the project was delayed and
could not follow the original plan.
Although I done research in the areas of the project I was to create there were some arguments on how
I was going to design the form and what type of software and programming languages I was going to
But by doing this research on the subject areas it allowed a solid foundation on what I was going to
base my project.
One of the problems I had when doing my project was making the connection to the database using
ASP.NET as I wrote the code for the connection but the data was not being inserted into the database I
created so I had to carefully go over the code time after time delaying the time I had proposed for me
to do the connection.
But after carefully going over the connection code I was able to get the connection working and the
information was finally going into the database, so at the end I have a working web enable database


But that was only one section of the project I also had to design and created a website where the online
application form was going to be and to do this I used html which everything went according to plan
but when I was writing the coding with JavaScript to validate the form online I came across some
more problems as some of the validations I have tried to do where not working and the information
was going into the database when it was supposed not to.
After going after some information and trying to rewrite the code I was able to fix most of the
problems but there was one field which I was not able to validate and that was the radio bottoms on the
ethnic background, the form is not meant to allow the user to go to the next stage if a ethnic
background is not chosen but as the validation for that field does not work the form sends the
information to the database leaving that field empty on the database.
Apart from that field the rest of the validation codes work and the form gets validated before sending
the information to the database.
When I was writing my report I had a difficult time writing the literature review because I did not
know what areas to do research on in particular but after seeing my project supervisor I had a more
clear idea on what I had to go and do research for me to be able to do my project.
And by doing the literature review I had more knowledge on the subject area that I needed to create
my project and was able to complete it.
Overall I manage to finish my project but did come across some problems which means I have to make
a better plan for the next project or piece of work that I will need to do.

10.3 Personal evaluation

By doing this project I learned new things like how to write a literature review, how to plan in a more
efficient way what I have to do in order to complete a task or several tasks I also learned that not
everything goes according to plan so I must always be ready for changes.
But I also became aware that I need improvement in some areas that I know will help me in the future
like managing skills I realised that my managing skills are not up to what they have to be and I have to
work on improving them, also time management I did not manage my time properly for the project, I
left things always for the last minute and that does not help me as I run out of time and do not
complete all the tasks as I am supposed to, I also need to work on my research skills as I had trouble
doing research for the project, I did not know where to look most of the time and how to carry it in
order to extract the right information, although I did learn something on doing research as I kept trying


and was able to get information, also had help from teachers and the librarian that pointed me in the
right direction so now I know at least the basics on doing research.
I also realised that my skills in some areas are not as good as I thought they were, like in JavaScript I
had trouble validating radio bottoms, so I need to read and inform myself on that programming
language to have my skills in that area sharp.
If I had to do my project again I will change certain thing as the way I carried my project, to start up
with I will manage my time better giving me more time to plan the project as I realised that if the
project was better planed it would have been easier to completed in other words the better the planning
the better the product will be.
I also will take more time in doing research as I can get useful information for the project, for example
I will do questionnaires, more interviews to get an idea of what the user of the product would like so I
can improve it and make it better.
So next time I have to do a project or piece of work I know what skills I have to improve and what
steps I need to take by improving the areas mentioned above.

10.4 Summary
After doing my project I have come to realise that I still have room for improvement I need to learn
new things and have to sharpen my management skills, I also noticed that my skills are not as good as
I thought they were in some areas and that is telling me to practice and revise more in those fields.
But I also by doing and finishing my project learnt new skills that I can use in the future that will help
me trough life.


Second edition People resourcing HRM in practice by Stephen Pilbeam and Marjorie
Corbridge, page 89
Web navigation designing the user experience by Jenifer Fleming Pg 13

Online application form:

Water fall Methodology


Appendix A
Project Proposal

Web enable database

Date Proposal Submitted:

Project Hand In Date: 14 March 2009


Keywords associated with the project:

Web Enabled Database, XML

Database,, User Friendly, Research, Investigate, and Development.


The purpose of this project is to analyze and build a prototype of a online application form that would
allow the user to apply for a job position with the company and also it allows head office to log in and
see all applications that have been done online.
This project is based on suggestion I made, the company is a cleaning company which does window
cleaning and office cleaning.
I am to create a website for this company so users who want to join the company can apply for a
position online and at the same time the company can view the applications and applicants details
online if they get accepted they will be notified by writing.
I am planning on using the DSDM method for this project because I have done some research and
think is one of the best methods to use.
In order to do this I will be doing research on the company and how it works so I could build the
website and can be informed of what it does and how it operates, then I will probably use to
develop my website.



Objective 1: Research and analyse requirements of the client

Write and explain the clients requirements.
Describe in detail how the company works.
Look at possible applications for the system.
Explain how the system will be used.
Specified research on the company


Questionnaire to get clients requirements

Research on current applications


Objective 2: Analyse findings from research

Gather all information from research
Conclusion of information obtained
Analyse ethical issues of project
Detailed report of research
Written conclusion of information obtained
Show finding on ethical issues
Objective 3: Start with the design of the applications
Analyse the system
Develop prototype
Indicate different software that can be used for the system
Describe how the system can be implemented
Planning of the system
Show diagrams and designs for the system
Show comparison on applications being used at present from different sources
Demonstrate different applications that can be used for the system
Objective 4: Implementing the system



Implement the system according to the design chosen

Select and implement software into the system

Create system
Implement of coding into the system
Objective 5: Testing

Create test plan

Test the system
Fix problems found

Design test plan

Test plan results
Show fixed errors
Objective 6: Conclusion

Write a conclusion of the project findings

Evaluation of project
Recommendations and improvements

Written conclusion


2 Relevance to Programme and courses.

This project will help me to understand better the business industry and how it operates giving me a
wider knowledge of business it also can help me expand my IT skills by designing and developing the
I will also be able to practice my time managing, planning and organising skills as I have to write a
report for the project.

3 Legal and Ethical Issues

When building the website I will have to consider the data protection act as the database will be
holding personal information of applicants that have applied for a position with the company.
The website will have the data protection act in use in order to protect the information given to us.

4 Resources and people

The resources I will be using to carry on my project will be research from books, the library, browsing
the internet, talking to my supervisor and talking with the company for information, also the use of
software packages e.g. Microsoft word, notebook etc

5 Critical success factors

Some of the critical issues that I should be aware of are:

Time Management
Quality how good is the product
Financial problems
Software issues
Not enough research
Unanticipated problems.
Literature review


Appendix B
Website Guidelines screen shots

This is the main page were user will first be directed to when entering to browse the companys


This is the about RCS page were a user can easily enter by following the link from the main page and
learn something about the company and what it does.

This is the Contact us page were a user can get all the useful information for contacting the company,
and it also has the link to other pages.

If you click on the apply online link it will first take you to this page and ask you to accept the terms
and conditions if you want to continue forward, if you do not accept you wont be ablr to proceed to the
next page.

After accepting the terms and condition you will be directed to the first stage of the application form.


When you submit the first stage of the application form this page will appear telling you that the
details have been added and to click next for the next stage.

When you click next this page will come up this is the second stage of the form.


After submitting the second stage of the form this page will again tell that the details have been added
and that you can continue by clicking next.

After clicking next from the second stage you have the third and last stage of the application form.


After you have completed all three stages of the form this page will appear saying that you have
completed the application form and that the company will write to you telling you if they can offer you
a position with them or not.


Appendix C
UML Diagrams
Form Use Case

Form Use Case Diagram

Application form

Enters the form

submits 1 stage

confirms details
added 1stage

submits 2 stage

confirms details
added 2 stage


submits 3 stage

confirms details added

3 stage and form









date of birth


next of kin name


uk resident

Hours a week



ethnic background

next of kin number

days a week




other job

About you
date from

date to


type of business

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