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PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities
(ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016, Singapore
27-28 June 2016
Conference Venue
Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899


Subrata Chattopadhyay Banerjee

RWTH Aachen University, Germany

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Intersemiotic In Balzacs Novel The Unknown Masterpiece

Kubilay Aktulum
Hacettepe University Faculty of Letters

Kubilay Aktulum

The interpretation of a semiotic object can call on interpretants which doesnt use
all time the same system of signs (quote from another language), or: not the same
semiotic modality. A text serves interpretants to understand an image, an image
to understand a text. In this work I will first define the concept of intersemiotic.
After, I will study the presence of painting in the Balzac novel. The theme of the
painting is fully integrated into the structure and theme of the novel. I propose to
make a analysis of the relationship between pictorial and thematic writing in
Balzacs novel.
Cruxes of Homelessness in Southern Philippines
Mila A. Samin
College of Arts and Sciences
J. H. Cerilles State College
Mati, San Miguel, Zamboanga del Sur

Mila A. Samin

Homelessness is a complex social problem inimicable to the concern individuals.
This paper aims at the determination of factors causing massive homeless
individuals in the four select regions in Southern Philippines. The sample
comprised of randomly chosen 100 homeless respondents in each select city in
considered regions. An observation guide was outlined to describe the homeless
and to determine possible driving factors of their displacement while a
questionnaire-interview consisting the perceived causes of homelessness was
employed to gather the necessary data. The study shows that the causes associated
to homelessness are individual and structural factors. Poverty, abstinence of
education, leaders poor management, unemployment, absence of public
assistance, relationship with friends, domestic violence, force resettlement, and
existence of drugs and crimes were among the persistent cruxes of homeless in the
region. The identification of causal factors of homelessness is crucially substantial
in advocating intervention solutions to end the problem so that possible pervasive
risks and effects could be altered and prevented.
Keywords: Cruxes, homelessness, interventions, Southern Philippines
The Logistics Systems National Fish And Welfare Of Household Fishermen In
Vina Salviana Darvina Soedarwo
Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Muhammadiyah Malang, INDONESIA.

Vina Salviana Darvina


In Indonesia, the phenomenon of the low level of welfare of fishermen and the
problems of the fish supply chain management remains a national problem until
now. The Indonesian government has sought to regulate the fish supply chain
management system to improve the existing conditions with the enactment of the
Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia through
the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 5/PERMEN - KP/2014 on National Fish Logistics System. Base on this
phenomenon, the purpose of this research was to assess the socio-economic
condition of households of fishermen after the regulation of the National Fish
Logistics System. The location of this research is selected in Lekok, Kabupaten
Pasuruan, East Java. The research method used in this study is Participatory
Action Research with the approach of the Rapid Rural Appraisal. Research
subjects in this study are the fishermen who are members of the Joint Business
Group (KUB). The results of this research describe that there is no significant
change in the level of welfare of fishermen after the issuance of the regulation.
"Extra Judicial Killing in Bangladesh: A violation of human rights and
Accountability of Bangladesh under National and International Law"
Md. Razidur rahaman
Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Md. Razidur rahaman


Bangladesh is a democratic country and got independence from Pakistan in 1971
after nine months of war.The judiciary has been separated from other organs of
the government in November 1 of 2007. Right to life is a non-derrogable human
right which is ensured by the constitution of Bangladesh and also by various
international instruments. In no circumstances no one shall be deprived from
his/her right to life. Since 2004, the government of Bangladesh has arbitrarily
deprived of person's right to life after the introduction of Rapid Action Battalion
(RAB). RAB is an elite force which has been added to the existing law
enforcement agencies. It is very common scenario in Bangladesh that the killing
of accused persons by law enforcement agencies including RAB without any
judicial process which is the violation of the fundamental right. Article 26 to 47A
of the Constitution of Bangladesh guaranteed the fundamental rights of the
citizens of Bangladesh. Article 32 of the constitution provides that person shall
not be deprived his/her right to life and personal liberty. But in practice, the
government of Bangladesh bluntly not only fails to ensure the constitutional
fundamental right to its citizens but also the provisions of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Article 3 of the UDHR ensured the right
to life, liberty and security of every person. This inalienable right also ensured in
various international instrument under which Bangladesh has accountability.
Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
ensured this inherent right to life. Bangladesh, as a member of the ICCPR, cannot
deny its international obligation under this provision. This paper will be discussed

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

the violation against right to life of person extra-judicially and what are
accountability of Bangladesh under national and international law for such

How Western perceptions of Third World women have reinforced differences and
hierarchical relationships?

Md. Ashrafuzzaman
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Md. Ashrafuzzaman

Akiko Nanami

The main focus point of this research paper is to uphold the poor and prejudiced
picture of the women of the third world, which is contributed by Western
feminism. To find out how the perception "the other" was emerged, I will
examine different discourses and literatures on gender issue from the British
colonial period to modern age. To study present condition, I will take Afghanistan
in consideration. With a view to find out the reason of difference between the
West and the rest, I will present gender, class and ethnicity together. The struggle
of women in different societies is not same. So, without considering ethnicity and
class, it is not possible focus on any particle struggle of women. Therefore,
struggles of women should not be considered the struggle of women only; rather
social and cultural traits should be considered studying their struggle .I will try to
show how class and ethnicity are related to gender norms, or how one is affected
by another.
Key Words: Chandra Mohanty; Edward Said; The Other; Third World women;
Feminism; Gender; Intersectionality theory; Colonialism.
Settlement Support for Foreigners in Japan
Akiko Nanami
International Politlcs, Faculty of Law, Hiroshima Shudo University, Japan
A massive flood of refugees mainly from Syria in 2015 has been creating great
waves of political and social impact on European society. Though serious
argument has risen, some European states, Germany in particular, has made best
efforts to welcome refugees who fled from violence-stricken country for
humanitarian reasons.
When we take a look at Japan, the third largest economy in the world after the
United States and China, situation shows quite a difference. Logically and
morally, it is expected to be able to make much contributions to maintaining
international peace and stability as one of the richest developed nations. The
country seems to be keen on making that effort from semi-military international
contributions after passing the bill on Security Laws in September 2015, but

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

surely the refugee issue is one of the major international concerns that Japan
should face for international peace and security. However, the nation has been
well known for its tight immigration policy and a close-door policy for both
refugees and immigrants. Statistically speaking, the actual number of Japans
reception of Syrian refugees in 2015 was three accepted as official refugees out of
63 applicants, while 47 are granted temporary staying for humanitarian reasons
(Colum, Mainichi Newspaper, October 6, 2015).
Having said so, inviting and welcoming foreigners as workers is a rapid rising
issue for this fast aging state. Though Tokyo still maintains very strict rule on
accepting foreigners such as refugees and immigrants (Kondo,, 2009), NonGovernmental Organisations (NGOs) such Takatori Community Centre (TCC) and
Nanmin-Kyokai (RefugeeAssociation), as have worked through to help their
settlement in Japan with various methods (Nanami, 2013). The question is how
they have been trying to make it possible in the foreigner unfriendly country?
What kind of political and social tools the NGOs are using to impact Tokyo and
the receiving society from outside the official decision-making process in Japan?
This paper has tried to answer the above questions based on the authors
intensive fieldwork in Japan from 2014 to 2015 to provide some inside view on
how Japan is managing foreigners settlement under strict control. In addition,
this study also made efforts in clarifying political and social factors which impact
NGOs organisational behaviours.
Perceived Motivation-Specific Benefits and Intention to Continue Volunteering
with Role Identity and Satisfaction as Mediators

Pow Yih Ling

Department of Psychology, Faculty of Behavioural Science, HELP University

Pow Yih Ling


To assess whether perceived motivation-specific benefits predicts intention to
continue volunteering while being mediated by role identity and satisfaction of
volunteering, 154 youth volunteers from various NGOs in Malaysia were
recruited through a non-probability convenience-purposive sampling method.
This study had a non-experimental correlational design. Participants were asked
to report their perceived motivation-specific benefits, intention to continue
volunteering, satisfaction of volunteering, and role identity. Results showed a
significant positive correlation between perceived motivation-specific benefits and
intention to continue volunteering. These findings supported the hypothesis that
perceived motivation-specific benefits would positively correlated with intention
to continue volunteering. There was also significant partial mediation of role
identity and satisfaction of volunteering between perceived motivation-specific
benefits and intention to continue volunteering. These findings supported the
hypotheses that role identity and satisfaction of volunteering would mediate
mediate the relationship between perceived motivation-specific benefits and
intention to continue volunteering. Additionally, the relationship between
perceived motivation-specific benefits and intention to continue volunteering was
weaker while controlling for role identity than satisfaction of volunteering. As
such, the hypothesis is not supported as role identity is a stronger mediating
variable between the relationship of perceived motivation-specific benefits and

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

intention to continue volunteering than satisfaction of volunteering.

The Role of Attachment and Coping Strategy in Self-Harm Behaviour among
Young Adults

Tan Hui Yin

Department of Psychology, HELP University, Malaysia

Tan Hui Yin


Self-harm, an emerging important topic across the globe, is still an underresearched subject. This regression study sought to explore the relationship
between attachment, coping strategy, and self-harm behavior among young adults
by recruiting 60 participants with a history of self-harm within the period of one
year prior to this research via purposive sampling to answer Coping Strategies
Inventory, Experiences in Close Relationship, Relationship Structure Scale, and
Self-Harm Inventory online. Through forced entry multiple regression analysis,
attachment-related avoidance was the only and strongest significant predictor of
self-harm behavior among those with attachment-related anxiety, engagement
coping strategy, and disengagement coping strategy. Results suggest attachment
might play an important role in determining likelihood of self-harm. Further
implications were discussed.
Building Organizational Identity: An Insider Action Research from a Founders
Cristine Margaret R. Atienza
President, Institute for Integrality, Inc

Cristine Margaret R.

This paper features the implementation of an extensive insider action research,
exhaustively following the framework of Coghlan and Brannick (2010, 2014). It
consists of two action research projects - the thesis action research and the core
action research - which were done in a parallel manner, both consisting of the
iterative cycles of constructing, planning, taking, and evaluating action. The
thesis action research was aimed at developing a theory on building
organizational identity from the viewpoint of an organizational founder and
validating some theories related to the topic. On the other hand, the core action
research was focused on promoting integrality as the specific identity of the
Institute for Integrality, Inc. Both aims were achieved by the research project.
The relevance of the research topic Building Organizational Identity: An Insider
Action Research on the Institute for Integrality, Inc. is established in the
presentation of its academic, organizational, social, and personal contexts in the
succeeding section. In the comprehensive Review of Related Literature, the role
of an authentic organizational identity, the importance of the pursuit of
integrality as an organizational identity, and the usefulness of action research in
change management are discussed.
Quality and rigor were observed in the implementation of the action research
cycles. Preunderstanding in the first-, second-, and third-person were all done.
In the fieldwork, there were three main cycles undertaken understanding

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

organizational identity, fine-tuning the practice of this identity, and designing the
integration of this identity in organizational culture. Thereafter, meta-learning in
the form of content, process, and premise reflections were done, from which
significant learnings were derived.
Through the critical reflection of the project in the light of the experience and
theory, I was able to develop A-Founders Integrative Theory of Organizational
Identity Building, an important contribution to knowledge that is a fruit of a
rigorous implementation of this insider action research. Other contributions to
knowledge, such as the More Directed ORJI Model, the Model of Integration, the
3P Leadership, etc., were also discussed. The extrapolation of the research
project to a wider context led to its confirmation as good research - for me, for us,
and for them.
Preventing Childhood Obesity Campaign: The Ministry of Health (Malaysia)
Health Poster Campaign from 1991 - 2013
Hafizah Rosli
Department of Animation, Faculty Film, Theatre and Animation, University
Teknologi MARA
Nur Nafishah Azmi
Universiti Teknologi MARA/Faculty of Film, Theatre and Animation, Malaysia
Hafizah Rosli

Globally the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity throughout United States
has lead to a critical situation and it is a public threat for 21 st century. By looking
at this analysis on Ministry of Health (Malaysia) focusing on health poster
campaign from 1991 to 2013 researcher identify that they start to produces their
poster design concentrating on sugar intake, exercise and health food intake from
2005 till 2012 and after that there is still no new campaign and the percentage of
childhood obesity is still increasing. The aim for this research is to identify the
health campaign that had been done and the content message of the health
campaign is focusing to children? The methodology consists of an observational
analysis that involve collecting and gathering primary source such as sample
health campaign identity examining the chronology of all the campaigns from
1991 2013. As conclusion, researcher identify that there is no specific content
campaigns focus on childhood obesity campaign till today the focus is more to the
whole concept of healthy lifestyle.
Keywords: Childhood Obesity, Brand Identity, and Public Health Campaign
Analysis of Reverted Character as Heroine in Film Tsu Feh Sofiah (1986)
Nur Nafishah Azmi
Faculty of Film, Theatre and Animation,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Hafizah Rosli
Faculty of Film, Theatre and Animation, Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

Nur Nafishah Binti Azmi


Chi-Hua Li

A heroine character is often portrayed as the antagonist who is a very important
character in films. In addition, the heroine in Malay films are aligned with the
hero because they are always paired up together (Azhar Salleh, 2010). However,
some films like Fenomena (1990) and Perempuan Melayu Terakhir (1999) do make
the heroine as the main character and show her journeys and stories which also
make the appearance of the hero to be fade. This research studies the portrayal of
the heroine in Tsu Feh Sofiah (1986) who is a reverted woman by referring Rahim
Razali as the director. This study aims to analyze the character Tsu feh Sofiah, a
Chinese woman who understands and loves Islam more than the originally born
Muslims. This research uses the qualitative method such as content analysis in
order to analyze the character, Tsu Feh as the heroine who plays a vital role in
fighting for womans rights. The coding and evaluation form for the meaning of
the film is used to gather data for this research. The data collected is analyzed
uses narrative analysis. The findings showed that the character Tsu Feh Sofiah is
respected from the aspect of woman emancipation especially reverted woman who
is brave enough to fight for her rights and her freedom of faith in the Malay
society. This study also finds the existence of feminisme based on Islam elements
in the film called Tsu Feh Sofiah (1986).
Keywords: Reverted, Character, Heroine, Film
The Influence of Consumers Price Perception and Involvement on Consumers
Intention to Purchase Tourism Products through Online Group Buying Websites
Chi-Hua Li
Department of Tourism, Shih Hsin University, Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Given that the e-commerce market for tourism products is growing day after day,
more diverse buying channels become available for consumers give consumers
greater room to bargain. Many online platforms have followed the trend to
launch group-buying as a new merchandising and business operations model in
an attempt to encourage consumers to join a group and increase sales
opportunities in todays economic recession. Selling tourism products on groupbuying websites is an alternative to get out of the rut of traditional techniques of
sales promotion, use group-buying prices to attract consumers, and show
consumers the best prices before consumers decide whether to purchase a travel
itinerary, accommodation voucher, food voucher, or air ticket or not. However,
very few previous web shopping studies looked into purchasing tourism products
through group-buying websites. In light of this, this study wishes to find out what
factors affect consumers intention to purchase tourism products through groupbuying websites. As revealed by research results, consumers perception of the
prices of group-buying website products and level of involvement are the two
main factors that affect consumers intention to purchase products or services
through group-buying websites. Meanwhile, consumers group-buying intention
has a positive influence on consumers transactional loyalty and relational loyalty.

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

We anticipate that results of this study are helpful for future scholars relevant
research and could be a reference for tourism service providers to delve into the
group-buying market and keep consumers loyal.
Keywords: Online group-buying, Involvement, Trust, Brand image, Loyalty
The role of Literary Criticism in the interaction between cultures
Abulghasem Amirahmadi
Department of Persian Language and Literature, Sabzevar Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Sabzevar, Iran


In todays world, literary Criticism (LC) as knowledge that can reflect humans
life with all its delicacies and illuminating the various aspects of culture and the
interaction between different nations have attracted many researchers. LC
invokes deeper attitudesin dealing with scholarly discussion and analysis of the
sociological issues. In the process of surveying a literary work, the reviewer
considers all its sides in order to find an unknown and transfer it to the reader in
a tangible manner. Marinating an innovative and comprehensive outlook at the
artistic and scientific works glorifies their importance. In this status quo, the
reviewers talent and creativity open a new horizon for him in order to evaluate
the works in a tremendous and decent way. Nowadays, in which case science and
technology has grown exponentially, more interaction and communication on the
part of people can best be done via knowing their culture deeply. And the
interface between such knowledge can best be appreciated through LC.
Keywords: Literary Criticism, society, culture, science, art
Preventing Childhood Obesity Campaign: The Ministry of Health (Malaysia)
Health Poster Campaign from 1991 - 2013
Hafizah Rosli,
Department of Animation, Faculty Film, Theatre and Animation, University
Teknologi MARA

Hafizah Rosli,

Nur Nafishah Azmi

Department of Animation, Faculty Film, Theatre and Animation, University
Teknologi MARA
Globally the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity throughout United States
has lead to a critical situation and it is a public threat for 21 st century. By looking
at this analysis on Ministry of Health (Malaysia) focusing on health poster
campaign from 1991 to 2013 researcher identify that they start to produces their
poster design concentrating on sugar intake, exercise and health food intake from
2005 till 2012 and after that there is still no new campaign and the percentage of
childhood obesity is still increasing. The aim for this research is to identify the
health campaign that had been done and the content message of the health
campaign is focusing to children? The methodology consists of an observational

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

analysis that involve collecting and gathering primary source such as sample
health campaign identity examining the chronology of all the campaigns from
1991 2013. As conclusion, researcher identify that there is no specific content
campaigns focus on childhood obesity campaign till today the focus is more to the
whole concept of healthy lifestyle.
Keywords: Childhood Obesity, Brand Identity, and Public Health Campaign
The Role of Social Capital in Enhancing Adaptive Capacities and Improving
Wellbeing in the Face of Climate related shocks (Lessons Learned from Small
Scale Fishing Communities in Southern Sri Lanka)
Anuradhi Dulangi Jayasinghe
Nha Trang University, Vietnam

Anuradhi Dulangi

Social Capital, mainly the cooperatives, play an identical role in strengthening
adaptive capacity (resilience) of small scale fishers in Southern Sri Lanka at the
face of climate changes specially, hurricanes. A study was initiated in the year
2013 in search of adaptive capacities of small scale fishers in four countries; Sri
Lanka, Vietnam, Fiji, Ghana. The Sri Lankan study was employed mainly in two
villages with clear differences on the availability of social capital, with the help of
pretested questionnaires and focus group discussions. The study revealed the
centrality of relationships with the cooperatives and other social groups at the
face of climate changes such as unexpected Climate Changes. This was further
verified from the facts which show the comparisons in between the two villages by
means of statistical analysis of a relational wellbeing survey carried out as a part
of the project. Finally it proved that small scale fishers are centralizing among
socially build up relationships at the face shocks mainly climate changes such as
unexpected hurricanes in strengthening adaptive capacities as well as improving
wellbeing. The study offers insights into the need of enhancing the adaptive
capacities of the fishers by strengthening the availability of social capital at the
face of climate changes.
Keywords: Social Capital, wellbeing, Adaptive capacities, Climate Changes

Community Development by Using Local Song : Morlum

Amporn Ruknongsang,
General Administrative Officer, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science,
Khon Kaen University, Thailand

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Amporn Ruknongsang

Rattana Chanthao
Deputy Dean of Research and Academic Service, Faculty of Humanities and
Social Science,
Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Morlum is a local song of the Northeastern or Isan region of Thailand, in addition
Morlum is also popular traditional performance of the people. The performance
will be shown at night by mixing between Morlum and traditional song. The
contents of Morlum songs mostly present Isan region; way of life, culture, history
and their people. The government use Morlum to communicate with people so
the contents of Morlum was been added the government policy and what is the
news related to people.
This data was grouped from in-depth interview the villages and Morlum singers
and the observation in Morlum performance in Khon Kaen city of Isan region.
The finding was found that the contents of Morlum can communicate to people
and their use the information from listening Morlum to know what the
government policy and the news. The people knew mostly the contents of Morlum
about healthy, economic, festival, education and what the city or government
policy. So Morlum was been the tool of the city or government for development
the village or community specially communication.
Keywords: Community development, Morlum, Isan song, traditional song
New Researcher development in the National Research Universities in Thailand
Kwannakorn Sonman
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Khan Kaen University
Rattana Chanthao
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Khan Kaen University

Kwannakorn Sonman

In Thailand have 3 University types technical university; teaching university and
research university. Khon Kaen University as one in 9 research Universities of
Thailand.The national research universitys policy push the new lecturers to be
professional researcher in their field. This paper will be explained how the new
lecturers will be developed to be research expertise. The data analyzed and
explained by the descriptive from in-depth interview and questionnaire for 22
new lecturers of faculty of humanities and social sciences, Khon Kaen university.
The research was found that the new researchers had known what they have to do
as lecturers and researchers of Khon Kaen University. They need the supporting
from faculty and university specially how to design the proposal to apply grant in
Thailand and other foundations. The new lecturers had few researches and
publications before they apply work at Khon Kaen University, however they
have to publish research and article in each semester according to the university
For attitude of the new lecturers toward the national research university was
found that this university has good policy; Khon Kaen University, to develop the

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

staff and lecturers in addition here has much supporting about doing research
and paper publication.
Keywords: Researchers, National Research Universities, lecturer development
The Need to Develop Information Systems for Quality Assurance of Workers of
Quality Assurance, Khon Kaen University
Sasithorn Sitthiprom
Master of Education. Professional Level, Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Khon Kaen University

Sasithorn Sitthiprom

This research was a survey research. For further information system
development requirements. Quality assurance, according to workers of Quality
Assurance. Khon Kaen University. The instrument was a questionnaire. Data
were analyzed for frequency, percentage, average and standard deviation by
using a computer program. The samples were workers of Quality Assurance of
Khon Kaen University of 120 people 70 questionnaires were returned,
representing a 58.33 percent. The results showed that the majority of respondents
were female, 57 percent of 81.4. Aged between 25-35 years were 34, 50.0 percent.
36 single people accounted for 51.4 percent. Bachelor's Degree or the equivalent
of 37 people, representing 52.9 percent. Type a staff of 42 employees, civil
servants accounted for 60.0 percent. Work is currently held other positions of 32
people, representing 45.7 percent. Government under the age of five years were
25 people, 35.7 percent. Experience more than 6 years 34 people, representing
48.6 percent. There is a need to develop information systems for the high quality
of the system issues reported performance problems in the system clearly at a
high level (Mean = 4.50, S.D. = 0.812).
Keywords: Need, Develop Information Systems, Quality Assurance
Evaluation of Implementation under the University of Happiness Policy (A Happy
Organization) of Khon Kaen University
Udomluk Bumrungyart
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University
Dusadee Ayuwat
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University
Ounruan Mongkolchai
Development and Training, Personnel Division, Khon Kaen University

Udomluk Bumrungyart

Wilawan Aunurean
Nurse Productivity, Srinagraind Hospital, Khon Kaen University
Kwannakorn Sonman
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University


3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

The research entitle Evaluation of Implementation under the University of

Happiness Policy (A Happy Organization) of Khon Kaen University, was aimed
at studying the work place happiness, structural factors, individual factors
affecting the happiness in the work place, and considering recommendations for
work place happiness promotion methods. The mixed research method was used
in the qualitative research study. The data was collected by means of group
interviewing and non-participation observation of 118 administrators and faculty
members from 21 faculties including Nongkhai campus and 38 administrators
and staff of 6 centers, institutes and offices. Content analysis was performed to
analyze the data content. The qualitative part of the research was performed
using the questionnaire with 557 informants. The findings are as follows:
1. Outcomes of implementation was carried out in 8 categories. Namely:
(1) Happy Body, (2) Happy Heat, (3) Happy Relax, (4) Happy Brain, (5X
Happy Soul, (6) Happy Money, (7) Happy Familys and (8) Happy
Society, It was found that personnel evaluated the implementation
under the University of Happiness Policy at the highest (57.8) and high
(41.2) levels. When compared to happiness at work places seen by
personnel, it was found that their happiness at the faculty organization
was higher than at the university level.
Analysis of the overall evaluation of implementation . It was found that
most of Khon Kaen University personnel who were government officials,
university officers, permanent employees, officers of autonomous
organizations, and non-permanent employees; rated their work places at
the highest level in terms of implementation policy, especially the
permanent employees(68.8). while 72.3 percent of personnel holding PhD
degrees thought their work places followed the universitys policy for
3. Factors affecting implementation it was found that the factors including
length of time employed by Khon Kaen University, status of being
permanent employees, the highest education level (bachelors degree,
masters degrees, PhD degrees), attitudes of personnel towards happiness
in faculties/organizations were important in the implementation under
the University of Happiness Policy of Khon Kaen University
Keywords: University of Happiness Policy, a happy Organization, happiness in
the work places.
Fauziah Hassan
Ph.D Student,
Department of Communication,
Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication,
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siti Zobidah Omar
Department of Communication,
Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication,
Universiti Putra Malaysia

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Fauziah Hassan

Prof. Dr. Md. Salleh Hj Hassan

Department of Communication,
Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication,
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Dr. Akmar Hayati Ahmad Ghazali
Department of Communication,
Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication,
Universiti Putra Malaysia

Maheen Malik

A study on news sources become important as the news sources measure the
credibility and reliability of one news story. Therefore, this study attempts to
examine the differential of sources used by The Wall Street Journal and The Daily
Telegraph in reporting the terrorism issues specifically in Malaysia and Indonesia.
The terrorism issue is selected as this specific issue sparked the worlds attention
especially when it relates to the discussion of Islam/Muslims in the media. By
using quantitative content analysis, this study considers the objectives which are;
1) To examine the types and frequencies of sources, 2) To identify the types of
quotations (either direct quote or indirect quote) and 3) To study the role of
major sources used in reporting on terrorism news stories. The data have been
collected based on the pilot study project within the year 2012 until 2014. The
total of 290 news paragraphs relating to terrorism issues have been analyzed by
using NVivo 8. The findings of the study displayed 178 news paragraphs from The
Wall Street Journal and 112 of news paragraphs from The Daily Telegraphs are
related to the theme of terrorism. It suggests that the majority of sources used
were among political actors, experts and the government institutions which
framed the story of terrorism issues.
Keywords: News sources, terrorism issues, Malaysia, Indonesia
Lack of Awareness Is A Major Cause of Gender Based Violence
Maheen Malik
Department of social sciences
This research takes into account how ignorance about ones own rights
contributes to the prevalence of gender based violence in Pakistan. It delves upon
the various norms and mores that have become a part of various sub-cultures in
our country over the span of many centuries and today such traditions might
have a different faces but they translate into a single phenomenon, i.e. gender
based violence.
For the purpose of this research both archival and observational methods were

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

employed. While archival research (incorporated in literature review) provides an

overview of the situation on ground, the observational method encompassing a
survey with 20 respondents aims to grasp the level of cognizance among women
about their own rights.The research explicitly manifests an acute lack of
understanding that women have about their rights and ways and means to protect
themselves against various forms of gender based violence. This oblivion is
prevalent across various strata of the society. It also shows the aloofness of the
society towards the plight of women and how that has served to reinforce the
spiral of violence.The findings call for immediate action and highlight the need to
sensitize the masses (both men and women) with regard to gender based violence
if a sustainable change is to come. Moreover, adequate legal structure is required
to address this problem; alongside law enforcement agencies also need to be made
stronger and more responsible in tackling this problem.
National Identity Historical and Globalization
Abulhassan Mobayen
Assistant Professor, Departement of History, Bojnourd Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Bojnourd, IRAN.

Abulhassan Mobayen

For all the nations of the world, national identity is of particular importance
that consists of the various elements and the different forms that somehow is
related to the structure of human society.
National identity, collective spirit of solidarity and the development of a nation
and also characteristics and definiteness it among other nations.
Among these elements, the history of developments that has created when the
fate of humanity and ethnic identity is national or affect him. National identity
rooted deep in the history and culture of a nation. The special quality of a nation,
but all nations those are great and civilized. In fact, history of several thousand
years their nations foundation identifies and determines the type of attitude.
Historical identity in the age of globalization the role of subject that can link
people to maintain yesterday and today and this article attempts to a systematic
way to investigate it.
Key words: Key words: national identity, history, culture, nation, globalization.
Climbing to Harbour Bridge: Two Social Mobility Types of Thai Migrant
Labourers in Australia
Dr. Thanapauge Chamaratana
Department of Social Development, the Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Dr. Thanapauge

Migration is one of the major issues of this century. More than 190 million people
stay and work outside their birth country. This rapidly increasing phenomenon is
examined in a large number of studies on migration and transnational. However,
most of these studies focus on experiences and practicalities of migrants at the
place of origin and destination. In this study, I provide insight into the other issue

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899


of the migration study by investigating the social mobility of specific Thai migrant
labourer in the name of Thai-Aus, who was student in Australia. I aim to
contribute to the understanding of the social mobility type of them. Data were
collected via in-depth interviews as well as by participatory and non-participatory
observations with 18 key informants as Thai labourers-Thai-Aus who are
working in Sydney, Australia. Data analysis was contents analysis by the program
of ATLAS.ti. The results of the study indicated that the mobility format of labour
brokers is upward mobility. There are two types of mobility include; Gradually
Mobility and Accidentally Mobility. The first type of mobility is the mobilization
of Thai students who were intends to be Australian permanent residents for a
good opportunity in benefit work after graduate the higher education in
Australia. They planned to study and work in high attention. Other type of
mobility, Accidentally mobility, this is the mobilization of Thai students who were
not intend to live in Australia but they had something to change their way of life
such as met the spouses, then they applied to be Australian permanent residents
for living with a new family and got a job. However, both type of mobility is not
easy path to climb. Both of them found many troubles in mobilizing way, the
major trouble are language and cultural chock. Also, they have to confront with
bias wall of the real residents.
Key Word: Social Mobility, Gradually Mobility, Accidentally Mobility, Thai-Aus,
Thai Migrant Labourers
Utilization of E-learning tools by Office Technology and Management Lecturers,
Lessons from North-Western Nigeria Polytechnics
Mohammed, Rabiu Kankia
Department of Office Technology and Management
Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic, Katsina

Mohammed, Rabiu

The emergence of e-learning is one of the most powerful revolutions in education.
Utilization of e-learning tools is of paramount importance in teaching and
learning. This study examined the utilization of e-learning tools among Office
Technology and Management lecturers in north-western part of Nigeria
polytechnics. Two research questions were answered and two hypotheses were
tested at 0.05 level of significance. The population of the study consists of 86
OTM lecturers in eight polytechnics in North Western Nigeria. A five point scale
Likert type was used to provide answer for each questionnaire item. While t-test
was used in testing the two hypotheses. The major findings were that there was
poor utilization of e-learning tools among lecturers in north western Nigeria
polytechnics, and that there was acute shortage of e-learning tools in polytechnics
in the region. It is recommended that the institutions management should
provide the necessary e-learning tools to the OTM departments and the lecturers
must embrace e-learning in earnest, so as to enlist in the global e-learning family.
Keywords:Utilization, e-learning, tools, OTM, polytechnics
Paul T.K. Lin and his contribution to Sino-Canadian academic relations (19651982)
Kenneth Lan

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

United International College

Kenneth Lan

This paper explores the 17-year experience of Paul T.K. Lin as the founding head
of East Asian Studies at McGill University. With the release of his memoir, In
the Eye of the China Storm (2011), Paul Lin gave his life story as a child prodigy
of a Chinese Canadian Methodist pastor choosing to abandon of his Harvard
doctoral studies in 1949 and move to Communist China. In next 15 years, he
became Premier Zhou Enlais English press secretary but abruptly returned to
Canada with his family. His 2011 memoir boasted his contribution to SinoCanadian relations as a McGill Professor but barely scratches the surface on
his effort to re-establish East Asian Studies in this prime Canadian institution.
What caused McGill to have a sudden desire to offer courses on China and
Japan? Why would it hire such an outright communist sympathizer in midst of
Cold War? If Lin claimed to the leading figure in the development of Chinese
Canadian relations, what specific contribution did he make till his sudden
retirement in 1982? The author argues that Lins McGill recruitment in 1965
was accidental and his contribution to Sino-Canadian relations was somewhat
Keywords: academic; Sino-Canadian relations; East Asian Studies
Five Livelihood Assets: Household Livelihood Security of Home-based Garment
Workers in the Lao PDR
Hanvedes Daovisan
Institute: Department of Social Development, Faculty of Humanities and Social
Science, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Hanvedes Daovisan

Buapun Promphakping
Research Group on Wellbeing and Sustainable Development (WeSD), Faculty of
Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Thanapauge Chamaratana
Department of Social Development, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science,
Khon Kaen University, Thailand
This paper review the current household livelihood security concept comprises
the capabilities, assets, and activities required a means of living. We then briefly
considered in-term of the livelihood assets (i.e., human, economic, social, physical
and natural). The objective proposes re-examine the framework are constantly
effort vociferous debate on core conceptual issue in the Lao PDR. Yet, given any
context, the home-based garment workers dis-proportionate economic structural
transformation, the trend growth rate of employment, and promotion of
industrial working. The framework argues that the home-based garment
workers assets are possibilities converted holds into the household livelihood
security. We anticipated this a key determinant of (a) household role and function
(b) household relationship (c) household capabilities and (d) household assets. The
studies adopted the qualitative documentary method. Although data analysis, we

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

identified interventions wish to study the home-based garment workers in the Lao
PDR. A critical review that human assets, economic assets, social assets have had
a significant holding converted the assets into home-based garment workers'
livelihood security. A livelihood asset dimension tends toward activities and then
comprised the capabilities are highly required a means of living. We discussed on
core conceptual issues are entrapped in a dichotomous concept of livelihood
Key words: Livelihood Assets; Household Livelihood Security; Home-based
Garment Workers; the Lao PDR
The security dynamics of drought-prone community in upper Chi watershed.
Serthpol, S.
Doctor of Philosophy (Development Science), Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences Khon Kaen University, Thailand.

Sombat Serthpol

Kunurat, P.
Department of Public theologians, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Khon Kaen University, Thailand.
Although many communities in upper Chi watershed have experienced drought
continued on a regular basis, but those communities can exist forever. So, this
research aims to study the security dynamics of drought-prone community in
upper Chi watershed. Qualitative research is used in this study. Data were
collected by indept-interviewing with the 100 samples on individual and groups,
who are the key informants. They are the community leaders; both official and
unofficial, local scholars, village committees, group and network committees, the
board of chief executive of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization (SAO)
and Farmers in drought-prone community in upper Chi watershed. Content
analysis and descriptive presentation are used in this study. The results showed
that the security dynamics of drought-prone community are two types; 1)
existence is the ability to maintain or abstract preserve the ways of life. Its
consists of: (1) the economy, it has processes following; production, consumption,
exchange and distribution or sales; (2) the society, it has processes following:
leniency each other, harmony, synergy and heritage culture; (3) the food, it has
processes following: food production, consumption, processing, storage,
distribution and sales; (4) Natural resources and environment: it has processes
following, resource-rich and enough. 2) Wellbeing Self-reliance is the ability to
communitys participle self-management in the form of group, organization and
network. Until the community can living strongly, stability and security on: (1)
economic, it consists of; working, no debt, saving and investment (2) Social, it
consists of; group/organization/network, welfare and participation (3) food, it
consists of; availability, access, utilization, safety and value (4) national resources
and environment, it consists of; rich, access, useful, safety and no pollution.
Key words: The security dynamics, drought-prone community, upper Chi
watershed, wellbeing Self-reliance.
Influence of External and Internal Factors on Corporate Entrepreneurship in
Nigerian Manufacturing Companies

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

TSADO, Emmanuel
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Management and Social Sciences
Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai

Emmanuel Tsado

While CE has been recognized as an effective strategy that can help business
organizations to cope with the uncertainties of the modern day business
environments, a number of factors in both internal and external environment
have been identified as antecedent to CE. Unfortunately, little research has been
done to identify the factor or factors that specifically determine CE. Therefore,
this study is designed to investigate the factors that determine CE in Nigerian
manufacturing industry. Specific objectives include to: (i). identify the specific
internal factors that determine CE in Nigerian manufacturing industry, (iii).
examine the external factors that influence CE in Nigerian manufacturing
industry. The will study adopt a survey research design; it make use of primary
data which shall sourced using questionnaire. Data will be collected from 328
companies registered with Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) using
simple random sampling technique. Data will be analysed using descriptive
statistic and multiple regression analysis.
Key words: Employees, Environment, Factors, Manufacturing, Organizations
Evolution of Urbanization in Khon Kaen Peri-Urban, Thailand
Kritsada Phatchaney
Master Degree Social Development, Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences,KhonKaen University, Thailand
Thanapauge Chamaratana
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Kritsada Phatchaney

This article aims to study the evolution of urbanization in Khon Kaen PeriUrban. Khon Kaen province will become to ASEAN center and rapidly changing.
The methodology is qualitative research and there are several methods to collect
the data such as interview guideline, participatory and non-participatory
observations. This article studies in three areas; Baan Phed municipality, Pra Lab
municipality and Sum Lan municipality. The key informants are fifteen
households which are multiple occupations. The results found that the evolution
of urbanization in Khon Kaen Peri-Urban has been expanded more than thirty
years in non-pattern. The expansion was divided in two categories. (1) Physical
activity expansion, for instance, the land used on roadside and the rural and
urban road which are caused of human livelihood changing. (2) Technology
expansion, for instance, ring roads, water supplies, government agencies,
companies, industries, toll ways and markets which are caused of the
infrastructure changing. In addition, there are four aspects that are caused from
the expansion which are demographic aspect, economical aspect, infrastructure

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

aspect and, consumption aspect.

Keyword: Thailand, Khon Kaen, Urbanization, Peri-Urban
Projection of Children Salvation in Ngayun Budaktradition in Cicinde Village,
Karawang, West Java, Indonesia
Aries Widiastuti
Indonesia University of Education
Iwan Ridwan
Indonesia University of Education
Aries Widiastuti

Arista Mega Utami

Indonesia University of Education
Rizki Ayu Wulandari
Indonesia University of Education
Suci Anggraeni
Indonesia University of Education
In this modern era, children violence cases have been currently founded
everywhere. It threats the children life harmonization in the future. Whereas in
this case, children are young generation and it proves how important the role of
family to put attention of the childrens future is. In Cicinde Village, Karawang,
West Java, Indonesia, the term ngayun budak tradition aims to mediate children
who were born to obtain salvation earlier. As a part of Sundanese tradition, it has
some rituals such as showering the baby, serving the dish, praying, and swinging
the baby. Those rituals reflect the view of a society who still keeps the lifes
harmonization. Reflected from those things, this research will reveal the problem:
(1) type and function of ngayun budak tradition in Cicinde Village society,
Karawang, West Java, Indonesia; (2) projection of children salvation which
reflects in ngayun budak tradition in Cicinde Village society, Karawang, West
Java, Indonesia. To answer those problems, this research uses qualitative
ethnographic method with oral literature as a basic of the research. Technique
that used is recorded and written technique. The result of this research shows that
ngayun budak tradition has a function as an education media, culture
endorsement, and social control instrument in society. Nevertheless, this research
reflects the lifes harmonization between human and human, human and God.
Keywords: local wisdom, tradition of ngayun budak, oral literature
Social Force for Corruption Protection in Local Organization Administration of

Wichai Thammavijitdej
Development Science Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Khon
Kaen University, Thailand

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Pornamarin Promgird
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social
Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Thanapauge Chamaratana
Department of Social Development, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science,
Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Wichai Thammavijitdej

This paper reviews on core conceptual issue of protection in the local organization
administration of Thailand. The objective aims to study social force effective on
corruption protection. We employed qualitative documentary research, with
collected approximately 30 cases under the Office of Public Sector AntiCorruption Commissions (PACC) in the year 2011-2015. Data analysis by
method of 5Ws on core corruption as public budget and position misused. The
result indicated that there are seven characteristics on corruption in local
organization administration of Thailand. Commonly attributed as (1) avoided
legal (2) defame (3) position exemption (4) embezzlement (5) misacting in position
(6) common interest (7) righteousness-based. We also found that there are three
type of social force for corruption protection in local organization in Thailand, (1)
role of PACC, (2) meeting and seminar and (3) population information network.
Key word: local organization administration Thailand, corruption protection,
social force
Migration Process factors of Lao female workers in Udonthani, Thailand
Chanthala Vanhnahong
Master Degree Social Development, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Thanapauge Chamaratana
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Chanthala Vanhnahong

The objective of research was to study on migration process factors of Lao female
workers in Udonthani, Thailand. The methods of this study were usage in-depth
interviews which participatory and non-participatory observation. Moreover,
selected fifteen key informants of Lao female workers and be legal migrant
registration working in Thailand by using Snowball Technique. The Snowball
Technique was suitable to study for analysis of migration process both before and
after working in Thailand. The results of study on migration process factors in
Lao female workers have two factors such as push factor and pull factor. The
push factors are including poverty, popularity and the lower wage rate compared
with other countries, lack of incentives for career advancement and unsuitable
employment policies. The pull factors are including the wages and salaries, which
salaries in Thailand are higher than the home countries of migrants. The
popularity and incentives from target countries for career advancements are the

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

civilization and convenience on work. Furthermore, relatives and Friends from

other and their village are also influenced for Migration.
Keywords: Migration, Lao female workers, Udonthani
Projection of Children Salvation in Ngayun Budak Tradition in Cicinde Village,
Karawang, West Java, Indonesia

Iwan Ridwan
Department of Indonesia Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and
Literature Education, Indonesia University of Education

Iwan Ridwan

Aries Widiastuti
Department of Indonesia Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and
Literature Education, Indonesia University of Education

Arista Mega Utami

Department of Indonesia Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and
Literature Education, Indonesia University of Education

Rizki Ayu Wulandari

Department of Indonesia Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and
Literature Education, Indonesia University of Education

Suci Anggraeni
Department of Indonesia Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and
Literature Education, Indonesia University of Education

In this modern era, children violence cases have been currently founded
everywhere. It threats the children life harmonization in the future. Whereas in
this case, children are young generation and it proves how important the role of
family to put attention of the childrens future is. In Cicinde Village, Karawang,
West Java, Indonesia, the term ngayun budak tradition aims to mediate children
who were born to obtain salvation earlier. As a part of Sundanese tradition, it has
some rituals such as showering the baby, serving the dish, praying, and swinging
the baby. Those rituals reflect the view of a society who still keeps the lifes
harmonization. Reflected from those things, this research will reveal the problem:
(1) type and function of ngayun budak tradition in Cicinde Village society,
Karawang, West Java, Indonesia; (2) projection of children salvation which
reflects in ngayun budak tradition in Cicinde Village society, Karawang, West
Java, Indonesia. To answer those problems, this research uses qualitative
ethnographic method with oral literature as a basic of the research. Technique
that used is recorded and written technique. The result of this research shows that

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

ngayun budak tradition has a function as an education media, culture

endorsement, and social control instrument in society. Nevertheless, this research
reflects the lifes harmonization between human and human, human and God.
Keywords: local wisdom, tradition of ngayun budak, oral literature

Interpicturality As A Postmodern Phenomenon And Mona Lisa

Oktay Kose
University of Sleyman Demirel
Murat eliker
University of Sleyman Demirel

Oktay Kose

In a postmodern perspective, we will discuss some various versions of Mona Lisa.
These various versions refer first to the heterogeneous aspect of the practice of
interpicturality. The phenomena of citation, reference, dialogism, palimpsest are
also in the nature of heterogeneity related to interpicturalit. Recall that these
characteristics are found not only in the various versions of Mona Lisa but also in
many postmodern paintings. So we want to define briefly the postmodern
perspective. We do not want make certainly a deep theoretical definitions of
postmodernism. We just want to look the part of dialogism, of polyphony, of
referentiality, of hybridity, in short, of heterogeneous appearance in various
versions of Mona Lisa. We will provide some elements of our methodology in
interpicturality and intersemiotic approch, notions that are derived from
intertextuality. We will study thus formal and semantic transformations through
the paintings of Mona Lisa. We chose this example because Mona Lisa is a true
classic that is cited, taken more often. We'll study three painters Mona Lisa
Key words: interpicturality, intersemiotic, Mona Lisa, postmodernism

Urbanization and Social Vulnerability of Udonthani Province, Thailand

Monchai Phongsiri
Research Group on Wellbeing and Sustainable Development, Faculty of
Humanity and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Buapun Promphakping
Research Group on Wellbeing and Sustainable Development, Faculty of
Humanity and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Thanadorn Phuttharak
Research Group on Wellbeing and Sustainable Development, Faculty of
Humanity and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Monchai Phongsiri

Nattapon Meekaew
Research Group on Wellbeing and Sustainable Development, Faculty of
Humanity and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Urbanizing in Thailand is slower than many countries in Southeast Asia, but the
expansion of urban areas of some provinces are very fast such as Udonthani
Province. These urban areas need structural transformations of both physical
spaces and cultural spaces to serve the urbanizing world and to face with the
problems from climate change. The target study areas were the urban area of
Udonthani (city) Municipality and the peri-urban area of Nong Bua (sub-district)
Municipality. Qualitative data were collected via focus group discussions,
quantitative data were collected via questionnaire for households representatives
and the secondary data of satellite photos of land use, city design, statistic and
report of Udonthani Province. The study found that the urban populations of
Udonthani (city) Municipality have significant decreased since 2000s, meanwhile
the urban areas and their physical structures were expanded. They move out to
live in peri-urban or rural areas in hinterland. Because, urban land functions
were increasingly served the constructions of government offices, commercial
buildings, infrastructures, etc. while for dwelling, agricultural activities and water
catchment were decreased. Consequently, the social vulnerability in many
dimensions have occurred such as flood, traffic jams, environment of urban
dwellers changed, etc. The attitude of food vulnerability of the people in periurban areas are higher than the urban, even though the land for producing food
and water catchment more than the urban. It was indicated that attitude on food
security not related to only agricultural activities, but related to other factors.
Local and Religious Values Relations on Woman Empowerment in Indonesia and
University of Muhammadiyah Malang
This Research aims to focus some studies was done by researhers in Sociology,
Culture and politics, sociology of Islamic society and women studies. To
strengthen and focus on previous study, this research will create relation
construction local and religious value on the women empowerment in Indonesian
and Japananese family. However, the specific purposes of this research are (1) to

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899


describe local value (tradition and culture) and religious value in Muslim
community in Japan and Indonesia; (2) to study about the process of relations
between local and religious values that have been done by Muslim woman in
Indonesia and Japan; (3) to explain the relations between local and religious
values in the women empowerment in Indonesian and Japanese family. From
three of those specific purposes, the target of this research is international
publication in every step and on the final we will create the education book that
also for getting intellectual property right on this. In implementatiom, this
research will divide into three steps in three years. This is qualitative research
and data collection done by observation, document gathering and in depth
interview. The analysis will done by qualitative descriptive and the result of the
observation that needs for deep understanding to find the menaning given by
subject of the research by indepth interview. This process will going from one
informant to others as snow ball method until the information will relative fix. In
other hand, to implement the principles and conceptualization technique based on
data, for describe the shape of social-culture relations in pattern or to understand
the meaning behind the shape of relaty, this process following the characteristic of
qualitative research that it will be vice versa, cyclus and unlinear.Islam is a socialpolitical power in Southeast Asia. Islam is a official religion of the state in Brunei
Darussalam Kingdom; official religion in Malaysia; a religion of 90% Indonesian,
the fifth most populated country in the world; a faith of minorities group in
Japan, Viet Nam, Philipines, Thailand, Cambodia and Singapore. From the
population point of veiewm almost 200 milions peoples in all of Southeast Asia is
Muslim. From this fact, Islam has been spread in out of Islam territorial in
Southwest Africa until South Asia, which most populated Muslim. But, in every
country, Muslim face some specific problem that distinguish them from other. In
general, it is caused by the influence of social, culture, economy and politics
condition in every country. Thus, the general purpose on this study is to give
contribution for solution on the problems faced by Muslim minority, especially
for Muslim woman in Japan and majority in Indonesia. To gain this purpose,
both researcher from Indonesia and Japan, based on their experiences, try to
share this purpose and support each other. Based on that condition, this research
need to collaborate with counterpart in the country where the research will
conduct. From this method, the result of this research can be responsible and
used for literature review and sourece of data in both countries. Eventhough, the
researcher experience to did collaborative research with foreign researcher,
Ishomuddin (2010), with researcher from University of Malaya, Malaysia, studied
about the social-cultural construction and modern Muslim political orientation,
and also Islam in the post reform in Indonesia, will give contribution on the
foundation of this study. Soedarwo (Syamsul, et all, 2013) have experience with
University of Melbourne about teological reconstruction of relations between
Islam and freedom of religion in Indonesia and Australia, and Effendi (2013) have
experience on discussion about Indonesia and Japan relations in Aichi University,
Colonizing the Other? How Western perceptions of Third World women have
reinforced differences and hierarchical relationships?
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Md. Ashrafuzzaman

The main focus point of this research paper is to uphold the poor and prejudiced
picture of the women of the third world, which is contributed by Western
feminism. To find out how the perception "the other" was emerged, I will
examine different discourses and literatures on gender issue from the British
colonial period to modern age. To study present condition, I will take Afghanistan
in consideration. With a view to find out the reason of difference between the
West and the rest, I will present gender, class and ethnicity together. The struggle
of women in different societies is not same. So, without considering ethnicity and
class, it is not possible focus on any particle struggle of women. Therefore,
struggles of women should not be considered the struggle of women only; rather
social and cultural traits should be considered studying their struggle .I will try to
show how class and ethnicity are related to gender norms, or how one is affected
by another.
Key Words: Chandra Mohanty; Edward Said; The Other; Third World women;
Feminism; Gender; Intersectionality theory; Colonialism.
Need for Ocean Acidification Laws in India
Siddhi Vhora
Hidayatullah National Law University, New Raipur, Chhattisgarh, INDIA
Pranjal Kalantri
Institute of Law, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Siddhi Vhora

The increasing pace of mans economic development has made him to forget his
role as a protector of environment. A huge increase in the carbon emissions due to
the human activities like deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, cement production
and other activities at the world level has not only increased global warming but
also has resulted in negative consequences on marine biodiversity. These carbon
emissions get dissolved into oceans, rivers, lakes etc. and decrease pH of the water
which in turn trigger Ocean Acidification. As it has been mentioned in UNEPS
Fact Sheet on Ocean Acidification, Ocean Acidification is the reduction in the
pH of the ocean over an extended period of time, caused mainly by uptake of
carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. It can also be caused by chemical
additions and subtractions from the ocean. Anthropogenic ocean acidification
refers to the component of pH reduction that is caused by human activity . It has
also been described as evil twin of Global Warming. Various Conventions like
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) etc. focus on the protection of marine environment
and includes measure to prevent, reduce and control pollution of marine
environment. Article 1(4) of UNCLOS , 1982 defines pollution of the marine
environment as the introduction by man, directly or indirectly, of substances or
energy into the marine environment, including estuaries, which results or is likely
to result in such deleterious effects as harm to living resources and marine life,

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

hazards to human health, hindrance to marine activities, including fishing and

other legitimate uses of the sea, impairment of quality for use of sea water and
reduction of amenities. The present article focuses on the causes of ocean
acidification, its adverse effects on marine biodiversity and human livelihood and
how does it cause climate change. It also deals with measures to prevent it,
challenges and the need for ocean acidification laws in India.
Key Words: Global Warming, Ocean Acidification, Sustainable Development,
Marine Environment.
Between Human Dignity And Capital Punishment In Nigeria: Homiletical
Reflection On The Rehabilitationists Theory

Anthony Ishaya
Affiliation: Department Of Practical Theology (Homiletics And Liturgy), Faculty
Of Theology,Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Anthony Ishaya

Globally, there is a clamour to uphold, respect and promote the human dignity.
Since, to have dignity is to have value that makes life precious and priceless, or
without equivalent. In Nigeria, the debate on the capital punishment has become
increasingly prominent after the execution of Ken Saro-wiwa and the eight Ogoni
activists in 1995. Uniquely, the proponents and opponents of capital punishment,
softly based their arguments on belief in the worth of human life and the dignity
of persons as created in Gods image. Thus, human dignity and capital
punishment are seen as having a symbiotic relationship. In view of that, this work
uses the rehabiitationists theory in regard to punishment within the field of
homiletics, to argue that capital punishment as means of punishment contradict
the sanctity of human life, and therefore, endangers the dignity of persons. In
addition, this article aimed at stimulating the Christian pulpit ministry in Nigeria
to engage in the conversation to abolish capital punishment, and to promote
human dignity.
Drug Dependency: An Exploration Of Its Causes
Niclie Landas-Tiratira,
University of Rizal System / New Era University, Philippines

University of Rizal System / New Era University, Philippines

Niclie Landas-Tiratira

Vincent C.
University of Rizal System / New Era University, Philippines
University of Rizal System / New Era University, Philippines
Joanna Marrie P

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

University of Rizal System / New Era University, Philippines

University of Rizal System / New Era University, Philippines
Lesly Ann A
University of Rizal System / New Era University, Philippines
Molina, Myka Mae C
University of Rizal System / New Era University, Philippines
The study aimed to determine if attachment styles could predict drug dependency
and other factor that may contribute to its development. There were 77
participants from the Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Center (DTRC),
Quezon City, Philippines. Specifically, participants includes 56 males and 21
females whose age ranges from 18 and above. The researchers utilized purposive
sampling technique in the selection of needed representatives.
Drug Abuse
Screening Test and Adult Attachment Scale were the instruments used.
Participants were briefly interviewed afterwards. Using hierarchical regression
analysis, it was found that attachment styles do not predict drug dependency but
three common reasons for drug dependency are peer pressure, family problems,
and/or lack of leisure activities.
A Critical and Realistic Approach to the Impact of Superfluous Usage of Cellular
Packages on the Education of Pakistani Youth
Lutfullah Saqib
University of Swat, Pakisthan

Saleha Azam Ali

University of Swat, Pakisthan
Lutfullah Saqib

This study explored the impact of the excessive and superfluous usage of late
night cellular packages on the education of Pakistani youth. Specifically, the study
investigated: (i) How cellular companies develop their setup in Pakistan and
introduce new and varied packages to grab the attention of users; (ii) How
different types of packages affect the Pakistani youth and society and negatively
impact their time management. Reasons to explore, why telecom companies
introduce cheap call rates and packages, were also scrutinized. The Purpose of the
study was to understand the impact of cellular low cost, night packages on the
education of youth as well as explore the consequences of the blind and
extravagant use of cellular technology. The study has adopted descriptive
technique and is based on secondary data. The different books, researches and
articles related to the subject matter have been examined and an analysis has
been carried out. Findings show that the late night inexpensive call and SMS
packages negatively influence the education of the younger generation. The

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

advertisements supporting cell usage also encourage the young population to avail
cellular packages without paying any heed to their social responsibility.
Key words: late night call packages, SMS (Short Messaging Service), Youths
education, Cellular advertisements, Pakistans cellular services
Theism and Atheism: Justified Belief-Decisions For or Against The Concept of

Tennyson Samraj
Burman University, Canada

Tennyson Samra

The debate between theism and atheism cannot establish the veracity of whether
or not God exists. For should God exist, the mere existence of God cannot
establish that God necessarily exists.
The ontological necessity that God
necessarily exists is an unfalsifiable proposition; as such, beliefs related to God
are belief-decisions decisions for and against the concept of God. What must be
acknowledged is that the veracity of this truth is unverifiable. Questions and
concerns related to conscious life necessitate such beliefs. As such, the meaning of
religious beliefs is not tied up with the veracity of its truth, but with the relevance
of the questions that necessitate such beliefs. While a good question makes
millions think, what is considered as a good answer can make millions debate over
its truth. If theists argue for the existence of God, then theists posit for the
existence of an existing being and cannot posit for the existence of a non-existing
being. However, if atheists argue for the non-existence of God, atheists cannot
posit for the non-existence of an existing being, nor posit for the non-existence of a
non-existing being. So what theists and atheists accept or reject is related to the
same being, namely the existence of a non-contingent being. In earnest, the debate
between theists and atheists is related to why they accept or reject the existence or
non-existence of a non-contingent being. However, an atheist is an atheist not
because of the presence of theists, nor is a theist a theist because of the presence of
atheists. Both theists and atheists address the same questions that necessitate
decisions for or against the concept of God.
Theism, Atheism, Belief, Belief-Decisions, Dennett, Harris, Sartre, Chalmers,
Swinburne, Plantinga
Puliran: A Critical Assessment of the Sustainability of the Laguna de Bay and its
Implications to the Bio-Region
Sylwyn C. Calizo Jr.
University of Santo Tomas, Philippines

Sylwyn C. Calizo Jr.

Amidst the global shift towards sustainability, critically assessing the Laguna de
Bays sustainability as a bio-region is imperative. Its role as a large natural
ecosystem offers an opportunity to observe the sustainable framework
phenomenon. The human-environment interaction is rich, and the ecological

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899


degradation of the lake can be linked with nearby lakeshore towns. With a holistic
framework composed of the four fundamental elements of sustainability, that is,
institution, society, ecology, and economy, the sustainability of the Laguna de Bay
can be assessed. In doing this, microcosmic representatives through the barangays
of Limbon-Limbon and Ithan have been taken. The data framework is composed
of both quantitative and qualitative data triangulated with secondary data to
produce a strong data output. Regression analysis, indexing, and plotting in the
Cartesian plane are the quantitative data analyses used whilst a
phenomenological approach has been applied to the qualitative data for
understanding the human experience. Findings have shown that the Laguna de
Bay has a very weak sustainability index (i.e., 0.0001) and a bias towards an
anthropocentric worldview. Additionally, qualitative analysis has shown that the
community has a deep regard for cultural capital whilst falling in the rest of the
components. Puliran holds deep possibilities for social change as it estimates the
phenomenon of sustainability, and quantitatively leads to how a weak sustainable
framework can be optimized and balanced for a strong sustainable framework.
Keywords: Laguna de Bay; Sustainability; Puliran; Gaia Theory; ISEE Model;
Binangonan; Fisheries
A Critical and Realistic Approach to the Impact of Superfluous Usage of Cellular
Packages on the Education of Pakistani Youth
Lutfullah Saqib
Assistant Professor at the University of Swat, Pakistan
Saleha Azam Ali
Assistant Professor at the University of Swat, Pakistan

Lutfullah Saqib

This study explored the impact of the excessive and superfluous usage of late
night cellular packages on the education of Pakistani youth. Specifically, the study
investigated: (i) How cellular companies develop their setup in Pakistan and
introduce new and varied packages to grab the attention of users; (ii) How
different types of packages affect the Pakistani youth and society and negatively
impact their time management. Reasons to explore, why telecom companies
introduce cheap call rates and packages, were also scrutinized. The Purpose of the
study was to understand the impact of cellular low cost, night packages on the
education of youth as well as explore the consequences of the blind and
extravagant use of cellular technology. The study has adopted descriptive
technique and is based on secondary data. The different books, researches and
articles related to the subject matter have been examined and an analysis has
been carried out. Findings show that the late night inexpensive call and SMS
packages negatively influence the education of the younger generation. The
advertisements supporting cell usage also encourage the young population to avail
cellular packages without paying any heed to their social responsibility.
Key words: late night call packages, SMS (Short Messaging Service), Youths
education, Cellular advertisements, Pakistans cellular services
The Socio-demographic pattern of depression in Iraq
Naamah Humaidi

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Psychiatrist, Iraq
Mohamed Al-Kureish

Naamah Humaidi

Mohamed Alkureishi

122 depressed patients, 82 (67%) fe-males and 40(33%) males were observed at
the outpatient clinic in Ibin-Rushid psychiatric hospital in Baghdad. Depres-sion
affected the middle age females, married patients more frequently. 72.2% of all
the patients were between 30-49 year of age. Table (1) shows the Age and sex
distribution of depression.
The majority of females patients at-tempted suicide by nonviolent methods
(medicine over-dose, poisoning while males by more violent methods (self in-jury,
shooting). Disadvantageous family environment and recent life events were found
as important factor in precipitating the illness. A female to male ratio of 2:1 in
this study was attributed to hormonal and child birth influences, in addition to
the facts that female are more likely to express and complain of depression than
males. The married to single ratio was 5:1 for females, and 2: 1 for males. Ta-ble
(2) shows the effect of the marital status on the incidence of depression.
Approximately 50% of female patients experienced at least one vulnerable provoking life events, with much lower number of males experienced such events.
About two thirds of the patients had not reached post primary school .Low
literacy level observed in this study may reflect the back ground of population in
Iraq. Table (3) shows the relation between depression and level of education.
Higher incidence of depression was ob-served in urban dwellers (84.4%).Table 4
shows the distribution of the patients between rural and urban areas. Approximately 50% of the female patients were house wife.
The Socio-demographic pattern of depression in Iraq
Mohamed Alkureishi
Psychiatrist, Iraq
Naamah Humaidi
122 depressed patients, 82 (67%) fe-males and 40(33%) males were observed at
the outpatient clinic in Ibin-Rushid psychiatric hospital in Baghdad. Depres-sion
affected the middle age females, married patients more frequently. 72.2% of all
the patients were between 30-49 year of age. Table (1) shows the Age and sex
distribution of depression.
The majority of females patients at-tempted suicide by nonviolent methods
(medicine over-dose, poisoning while males by more violent methods (self in-jury,
shooting). Disadvantageous family environment and recent life events were found
as important factor in precipitating the illness. A female to male ratio of 2:1 in
this study was attributed to hormonal and child birth influences, in addition to
the facts that female are more likely to express and complain of depression than
males. The married to single ratio was 5:1 for females, and 2: 1 for males. Ta-ble
(2) shows the effect of the marital status on the incidence of depression.
Approximately 50% of female patients experienced at least one vulnerable pro-

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

voking life events, with much lower number of males experienced such events.
About two thirds of the patients had not reached post primary school .Low
literacy level observed in this study may reflect the back ground of population in
Iraq. Table (3) shows the relation between depression and level of education.
Higher incidence of depression was ob-served in urban dwellers (84.4%).Table 4
shows the distribution of the patients between rural and urban areas. Approximately 50% of the female patients were house wife.
Beauty and Horror A Personal Investigation
Udagedara Priyantha
Department of History and Art Theory, University of Visual and Performing
Arts, Sri Lanka

Udagedara Priyantha

This paper studies the way in which I have contributed to broadening the field of
creative art practice, in particular within painting and what I uncover as an art
practitioner using material and paint as my tool. I have produced a series of
paintings that address and question diverse issues of conflict and traumatic
experiences of war.
The artistic research investigates the ethnic conflict and civil war on the island of
Sri Lanka, examining the significant changes and effects and their relationship to
its colonial history and perceived identity as a place of paradise.
The paintings I created - landscapes, portraits and figurative compositions as
well as images featuring religious objects are followed by typical images of
paradise. But I created these images as beautiful as well as full of horror. The
parallel narratives of dark life experiences over the paintings further establish a
notion of horror or loss. When comparing the images of beautiful flora and fauna,
religious objects and images of native people in traditional costumes published on
the web sites and the travel magazines representing Sri Lanka's authentic beauty,
my paintings are beautiful as well as discomforting and unsettling to the viewer.
The complex relationship between painting and conflict is conceived with specific
reference to collage painting and contemporary artistic examples that
contextualise the fantasy and myth in a tangled, war-torn society. The subversive
nature of collage is an artistic tool to undermine political and cultural hegemony
by challenging the traditional approach to painting in Sri Lanka. This way of
working not only questions violence but the politics of representation in Sri
Lankan art. In this case I use my mixed media paintings to challenge and
suffocate established ideologies around art, conflict and memories war.
Commercial buildings in Central Asia during 10 th - 16th century
A comparative Architectural Archaeological study
Mahmoud Roshdy Salem Gpil
Lecturer Fuculty of archaeology Cairo University
Central Asia includes a lot of commercial buildings that the oldest of Khans
date back to the early Islamic era , on the other hand the oldest of them in Central
Asia date back to the period of Alqura khanyeen . in addition we have a lot of

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Mahmoud Roshdy
Salem Gpil

these khans from the tenth l sixteenth century their plan consisted of one storey
included an octagonal hall covered with a central dome abutted on Turkish
triangles .
This protrudes the importance of these khans and their plans with back tracing
of their architectural motifs and units included in these khans . this study making
a comparison between these khans and the contemporary in khans in Iran and
Anatolia through plans , diagrams or figures rather than protruding the
similarities and differences among plans , and architectural motifs and
architectural units
Does price AND COMPENSATION SPEED influence consumers RESPONSES
after service failure?
Tzu Shan Liu,
Institute of Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University ,145
Xingda Rd., South Dist., Taichung City 402, Taiwan (R.O.C.),
Fei Fei Cheng,
Institute of Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University, 145
Xingda Rd., South Dist., Taichung City 402, Taiwan (R.O.C.),

Tzu Shan Liu


Hung-Yi Wu

Nowadays, more and more people search information and purchase products on
the internet. The connected population is going to double in five years. In other
words, there are huge opportunities as five billion people go online by 2020.
Everyone has the entire Internet in his pocket. Once if a service failure occurs, the
service providers response or action has the potential either to restore customers
satisfaction or to reinforce the loyalty. The main purpose of this study is to
explore the effectiveness of different service recovery strategies in the context of
service failure in online retailers. A 2 (price level: low/high) x 2 (service recovery
speed: immediate/delay) between-subjects experimental design was conducted to
examine consumers responses in different service recovery scenarios. Besides, we
regard two personality levels: internal/external locus of control as the moderator
that might influence the relations between the independent and dependent
Data were collected from 232 respondents in a laboratory experiment. The
findings showed that the consumers revealed more positive responses when the
service compensation was provided immediately after the service failure
occurred, and we also found that compared to the high price product, taking
immediately remedial measure would enhance the repurchase intention,
especially for the low price product. In addition, as for the female consumers
offering compensation would help to promote the satisfaction and repurchase
Keywords: service recovery, compensation, internal-external locus of control
Performance Evaluation of Sustainable Management for Cultural and Creative
Hung-Yi Wu

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Department of Business Administration, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Hung-Shu Wu
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Information, Huafan
Chu-Han Chang
Department of Business Administration, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
This study attempts to integrate sustainable development (SD) with the
framework of balanced scorecard (BSC) to construct a performance evaluation
model of sustainable management (SM) of Cultural and Creative Parks (CCPs).
Relevant literature are summarized and analyzed; and experts having knowledge
and/or experience of related cultural and creative industries are consulted.
Through questionnaires surveys and interviews consensus, a hybrid method
combing fuzzy Delphi method (FDM), Quality Function Deployment (QFD), and
Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) are applied to identify the critical criteria of
performance evaluation for SM of CCPs. This research involves two stages of
surveys. In the first stage survey, by the expert consensus, FDM is adopted to
select out 8 criteria (referred as Customer Requirement (CR) / Voice of Customer
(VOC)) of the SD goals of CCPs and 15 criteria (referred as Technical
Requirement (TR) / Voice of Engineering (VOE)) of performance evaluation of
SM of CCPs. In the second stage survey, QFD is employed to establish the
relationship matrix using the entropy method to calculate the objective weights of
CR/VOC. Finally, GRA is applied to determine priorities of the critical criteria of
TR/VOE. The results indicate that Historical of cultural identity and
inheritance, Characteristics of regional space and presentation of cultural
value, and Deepened cognition of cultural industries are the top three
important SD goals of CCPs. Moreover, the three top critical criteria of
performance evaluation of SM of CCPs are Features of cultural and creative
theme park, Multiple communication platform for cultural and creative
industries, and Professional quality. Consequently, according to the research
results, business operations strategies are developed to serve as important
references of SM of CCPs for related operational institutions. In addition, some
suggestions are provided for the relevant authorities in setting or amending the
policies of SD of cultural and creative industries.
Keywords: Cultural and Creative Park (CCP), Sustainable Management (SM),
Balanced Scorecard (BSC), Performance Evaluation, Quality Function
Deployment (QFD)
Culture, Myth and Memory: Perspectives on the Rhetorical Construction of the xeno in
Gabriel Garca Mrquezs Short Stories
Anupa Lewis
Department of Media Studies, School of Communication, Manipal University, Manipal,
Karnataka, India.

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Anupa Lewis

Octavianus Digdo

Nobel Prize awardee, Gabriel Garca Mrquez (1927-2014), fondly recognized as gabo in
Latin America, is widely acknowledged as a novelist, short-story writer and journalist.
Whilst his novels One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) and Love in the Time of Cholera
(1985) have received critical acclaim in the light of magic realism, his short stories in
particular pay a subtle tribute to his artistry in rhetoric: in that, Marquez is legendary for
his signature choice of diction given his treatment of multifarious themes that border on
the dilemma of binary oppositions, accentuated by what appears as a conscious focus on
aspects such as hybridity, irony and authorial reticence.
Furthermore, at a tangent, considering the polemical thrust of cultural theory in the
domain of memory studies, it is apparent that perceived notions of culture, myth and
memory complexly combine to create a rich tapestry of rhetorical visuality in Marquezs
short stories; whereupon the reader is ushered into quaint little towns peopled with
seemingly uncanny characters who are often portrayed as merely incidental to the plot,
and yet they represent what may be aptly termed the xeno in cultural theory. In Greek,
the notion of the xeno loosely translates to foreigner, alien or stranger. Although, in
the discipline of memory studies, the term specifically connotes the politics of inclusion
and exclusion, pointing to the other of culture the animal, the outcast, the bizarre, the
bodily grotesque etc. generally viewed as the very parody of societal norms and mores.
For instance, the reader encounters outlandish images of a woman who has morphed into a
spider, or an old decrepit man with wings cast away on the shore who rants in a strange
heretic tongue, or a tawdry leper whose sores magically sprout sunflowers. All these fringeline characters occupy the world of spectacle, and are constructed in the language of
Thereof, the paper at hand is an attempt to lend perspective to the rhetorical construction
of the xeno in Marquezs short stories, stressing the trope of ambiguity which is
identified as pivotal to the analysis. Moreover, the notion of the xeno is discursively
perused based on the application of various precepts by several theorists in logical
progression: William Empsons categories of ambiguity, Claude Levi Strausss concept of
bricolage, Bakhtins premise of the carnivalesque-grotesque, Derridas principle of
binary opposition, Viktor Shklovskys technique of defamiliarization, and Vladimir
Propps idea of archetypes.
Keywords: Memory Studies, Cultural Theory, Literature, Gabriel Garca Mrquez,
Rhetoric, Ambiguity, Xeno

Promoting Peace Education In Ambon Through Developing Strategic Alliances

Octavianus Digdo Hartomo
Faculty of Economic and Business Soegijapranata Catholic University, Indonesia
Yustina Trihoni N Dewi
Faculty of Economic and Business Soegijapranata Catholic University, Indonesia

Hermawan Pancasiwi
Faculty of Economic and Business Soegijapranata Catholic University, Indonesia

Soegijapranata Catholic University has developed Peace Education Module that
is an integration of local wisdoms, universal values, and the context of the conflict
situation in some Indonesias Post Conflict Areas. It is designed in order students
are able to have more realistic pictures and basic concepts in giving contribution
to their respective community in initiating and building peace, to provoke tolerant
living within pluralistic society. However, peace education is for all, not just

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899


students of universities. Considering that a lot of young people do not go to

universities but they experience their daily life within pluralistic society, it is also
necessary to provide them peace education according to their own understanding.
The important idea is to form strategic alliances with universities and some
possible parties so that the module and activities that will be able to be used as a
guide for peace education, both in and outside classrooms. This means the peace
education is also possibly disseminated to some parties like the head of village,
NGOs, local government, traditional leaders and community leaders that are
expected to see and even to implement the peace education module and activities
in any kind of community education activity
Keywords : Peacebuilding Education, Strategic Alliances, Post Conflict Areas
States power space extension and negotiation of Phu-tai ethnic group in the
Northeast of Thailand
Ninlawadee Promphakping
Research Group on Wellbeing and Sustainable Development, Faculty of
Humanity and Social Sciences, Khonkaen University Thailand
Manemai Thongyou
Research Group on Wellbeing and Sustainable Development, Faculty of
Humanity and Social Sciences, Khonkaen University Thailand
Viyouth Chamruspanth
Research Group on Wellbeing and Sustainable Development, Faculty of
Humanity and Social Sciences, Khonkaen University Thailand
This article is interested in states power space extension under which local people
are controlled, and in return, how local people deal and face with these controls.
A Phu-tai ethnic community in the Northeast that used to join the Community
Party of Thailand was selected to serve as the study site. A qualitative method,
through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, was used for data
collection. This research found that states extension of its power space has met
with different types of response and negotiation from local people. Due to states
administrative reform, the state insert its control into local community through
different means, i.e. village heads that appointed by the state, tax-collection
system. The state power was seriously contested during the presence and the
growing influence of Communism in rural areas. However, the state regained
political space again after the end of conflict between the state and Communism.
This paper argues that within the political space which is virtually under control
of the state, local people can find their ways to deal with the state power. They
were constantly negotiating with the state by using the history of being involved
with the Communist Party of Thailand.
Keywords: ethnic identity, social space, Phu-tai
The Islamic State (IS): Manufacturing CIAs Consent in Syria
Syed Zohaib Abbas
Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Syed Zohaib Abbas


Morteza Oreizi

Syrian Crisis is limited to Middle-East, but the strategic interests of USA and
Russia have made Damascus a test case for future crisis in any other country.
Most countries of Levant and Gulf region are desperate to topple Assads
government in Syria, but President Assad has firm support from Iran, Lebanons
Hezbollah and most importantly Russia. US reliance on proxy forces and their
subsequent corroboration is the norm for the Democratic Party under President
Russian resurgence has not only prolonged and strengthened the period of Syrian
regime but it also has constrained USA not to repeat the Iraq episode in Syria
under the same slogan of weapons destruction, chemical this time. USA has
worked on the alternate i-e creating strong opposition forces of indigenous
Syrians, (FSA) but the groups like Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and Al-Nusra
Front are a worry for every Middle-Eastern country since their plans include the
establishment of a borderless Caliphate. The study also suggests the aftermath of
this bloody war; the countries fueling the fire might end up on the burning side
especially if they keep on treating every opposition group as the same irrespective
of their agendas.
Relations between Iran and the Islamic resistance groups and its impact on
Iranian foreign policy
Morteza Oreizi
Faculty of Tehran, Iran
After Islamic revolution of Iran, the government of Iran focus to pursuing
national interests In addition to its transnational and by the coordination between
these two interests, foreign policy to drive. One of the tools Iran's foreign policy in
West Asia, the Islamic resistance groups Which by establishing and supporting of
and harmony with the ideas, Performances and interests are able to promote their
interests, especially against Israel. In the first part researcher presents the
theoretical foundations of the Islamic Resistance and deal about them And then
Investigate relations between Iran and the Islamic resistance groups from the
Islamic Revolution of Iran(1979) to the presidency Hassan Romani(2014).
Finally, will Indicate the impact of these relationships on foreign policy and
national interests. The hypothesis is that the Iranian-backed Islamic resistance
groups have strengthened Iran's foreign policy in West Asia.
Keywords: foreign policy, Israel, Islamic resistance groups, Islamic Revolution of
Iran, Rowhani, west asia

Joshua G. Maputi

Child Labor and Tourism: Impacts of Self-imposed Laboring to the Welfare of

Tour Guides in Minalungao National Park, General Tinio, Nueva Ecija
Joshua G. Maputi

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

College of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Santo Tomas,

Alexis V.
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Santo Tomas,
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Santo Tomas,
Aaron Israel SJ.
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Santo Tomas,
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Santo Tomas,
Dan Zena E.
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Santo Tomas,
Joanna Erika T.
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Santo Tomas,
Mary Josyl R.
College of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Santo Tomas,
The core factor that leads the children to participate in self-imposed laboring is
poverty. However, child laboring, in form of tour guiding, offered opportunities
for the children to obtain benefits from tourism. This study provided an overview
about the existing child laboring in Minalungao National Park and determined if
pro-poor tourism exists in the tourist destination. Moreover, this study gave
insight on the impacts of self-imposed tour guiding to the welfare of the children
participating in the tourism industry of General Tinio, Nueva Ecija. Also, it
presented the motivators that lead the children to participate to tour guiding and
the governments actions to ensure the protection of the childrens welfare.
Qualitative research was utilized to understand how self-imposed laboring affects
the welfare of the children. In relation, interpretive study using semi-structured
interview and observation were used to draw conclusions to the existence of propoor tourism in the research setting. This study aimed to raise awareness to the
public regarding the participation of children in self-imposed laboring and its

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Ahmed Kalaja

effects to their welfare and to suggest training programs and assistance to ensure
that the welfare of the children is not exploited by the opportunity offered by the
tourism industry.
Keywords: Poverty, Pro-poor Tourism, Child Laboring, Child Welfare, Tour
Issues on Religious Coexistence Tolerance in Albania (1912-1945)
Ahmed Kalaja
Department of Sociology, Europian University of Tirana, Tirana
The religious tolerance is one of the rarest values of the tradition of the Albanian
people. It is widely accepted that Albanian people are well known about these
values, about an excellent coexistence among the believers of different religious
communities that are in Albania, mainly Muslims and Christians. In this study
we bring the essentials of this phenomenon, promotional roots ofthese values,
while viewed from a previously untreated point of view, and in an attempt to
answer the questions: Where does it stem from the religious coexistence in
Albania? What are the main promoters of this phenomenon? What has been the
attitude of the religious clergy in Albania? Have they been and are the imams and
priests, the promotion of tolerance and religious coexistence in Albania?
These are some of the questions answered in this modest study, focusing on how
nice and with how much delicacy the lectures of the Clergy have addressed this
issue to the faithful or to the world in general.Since they enjoyed undisputable
reputation and influence in the majority of the population, in the most critical
moments of national history, the leaders of Muslims believers, not only have
promoted tolerance and religious coexistence, but they have considered the
believers of other faiths as brothers preaching this conviction in front of their
Muslim believers. These preachings were firstly begun by Vehbi Dibra, who was
the first Chairman of the Muslims and all clerics without exception to this
day.Also unforgettable are the sermons of priests like: Fr. Gjergj Fishta, Fr.
Shtjefn Gjeovi, or Metropolitan Visarion Xhuvani to conclude with pearls of
Orthodox priest, Fan S. Noli, who amazed the world with his three speeches in
front of world leaders, the League of Nations, being representative of all
Albanians, although Orthodox believers were only 20% of the population.
Key words: Tolerance, coexistence, clergy, nationalism, Albania
Anti-corruption Value Reflection Portrayed by the Main Character in Novel
Orang-Orang Proyek by Ahmad Tohari
Ani Aristiani
Department of Indonesia Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and Art,
Semarang State University, Indonesia

Ani Aristiani

Sofiana Safira Tofa

Semarang State University, Indonesia,

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Literary work is often used as a media in delivering message from the author to
the readers as outlined in prose both novel and short story. There are many
Indonesia novels which tell about the culture around the authors life that
contains so many moral values. Ahmad Tohari is one of Indonesian writer who
most of his work is a life reflection of him containing the values in life. One of his
novels entitled "Orang-Orang Proyek. The novel talks about a bridge
construction project that full of anti-corruption values showed by the main
character in the novel.Inner conflict experienced by the main character while
running the bridge construction project is described simply by the authors, but it
has a deep meaning. One of the messages contained in the novel "Orang-Orang
Proyek" is that the value which is anti-corruption that should be instilled early
considering that corruption is increasingly rife. According to Transparency
International Indonesia (TII), Indonesia is in the bottom four ASEAN countries in
order of the level of corruption (Tempo, November 7, 2013). Therefore, this study
will be discussed the reflection of the anti-corruption values portrayed by the
main character in the novel "Orang-Orang Proyek" as a role model for the
Indonesian. The method used in writing this article is descriptive method of
analysis which was done by describing the facts that are followed by analysis.
Keywords: literature, anti-corruption, anti-corruption values reflection in the
Anti-corruption Value Reflection Portrayed by the Main Character in Novel
Orang-Orang Proyek by Ahmad Tohari
Sofiana Safira Tofa
Semarang State University, Indonesia,

Ani Aristiani
Department of Indonesia Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and Art,
Semarang State University, Indonesia

Sofiana Safira Tofa


Literary work is often used as a media in delivering message from the author to
the readers as outlined in prose both novel and short story. There are many
Indonesia novels which tell about the culture around the authors life that
contains so many moral values. Ahmad Tohari is one of Indonesian writer who
most of his work is a life reflection of him containing the values in life. One of his
novels entitled "Orang-Orang Proyek. The novel talks about a bridge
construction project that full of anti-corruption values showed by the main
character in the novel.Inner conflict experienced by the main character while
running the bridge construction project is described simply by the authors, but it
has a deep meaning. One of the messages contained in the novel "Orang-Orang
Proyek" is that the value which is anti-corruption that should be instilled early
considering that corruption is increasingly rife. According to Transparency

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

International Indonesia (TII), Indonesia is in the bottom four ASEAN countries in

order of the level of corruption (Tempo, November 7, 2013). Therefore, this study
will be discussed the reflection of the anti-corruption values portrayed by the
main character in the novel "Orang-Orang Proyek" as a role model for the
Indonesian. The method used in writing this article is descriptive method of
analysis which was done by describing the facts that are followed by analysis.
Keywords: literature, anti-corruption, anti-corruption values reflection in the
An Analysis of Humanistic Values in the novel "Bumi Manusia"
by Pramoedya Ananta Toer Using Sociological Approach
and Its Relevance in Modern Era
Ana Aristiana,
Semarang State University, Indonesia

Ana Aristiana

Fredi Budiyanto,
Semarang State University, Indonesia
Pramoedya Toer Ananata is one of Indonesia writers whose works were never
worn with age. His works are always interesting and invites the reader to feel the
colonial era that so touching and moving inward. It is the Masterpieces of the
works which was translated into 41 languages. Tetralogi Buru is the fourth novel
masterpiece which remains the best-selling in the market until now. It is proven in
only weeks since the reprint in July 2015 has sold 10,000 copies
( Tertralogi Buru tells stories of the formation of
nationalism in Indonesia. One of his works that became detractors is "Earth of
Mankind". The novel that tells the life in the mass of the Dutch era and Javanese
culture in contrast to the humanist values that should be upheld in the life of
mankind. The novel also contains the values of life that are relevant to the
It will have relevance if The novel "Earth of Mankind" by Pramoedya Ananta
Toer examines using the sociological approach with people's lives during his time
in the modern era until now. The relevance can be seen in terms of the norms
prevailing in society, culture, customs, social life; social economic and cultural,
and political conditions. Therefore, in this study the reasercher will investigate
the humanist values contained in the novel "Bumi Manusia" and its relevance in
the modern era that will be studied by using a literature sociological approach.
The method used in the writing of this article is descriptive method of analysis
and it will be done by describing the facts and then followed by analysis.
Keywords: humanistic values, sociological approach, the relevance of the values
humanists in modern era
The Investigation of Life Values in Begalan Tradition of Custumary Marriage
Banyumas Society
Ginawan Rianto
Departement of Politics and Civics, Faculty of social Science, Semarang

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

State University, Indonesia
Mala Rovikasari
Departement of Politics and Civics, Faculty of social Science, Semarang
State University, Indonesia

Indonesia has many culture, one of them is Java culture. There are kinds of arts and
traditions that are unique and distinctive can be found in Java. One of them called Begalan
tradition that comes from Banyumas, Central Java. According to Supriyadi in Rufaida
(2011), the term Begalan tradition is an art form that is presented in the marriage
ceremony in Banyumas. The presentation of this tradition is such as dance and dialogue
whose contents give a lesson or guidance particularly addressed to the bride and society
who attended in the marriage ceremony commonly.The culture that developed in the
middle of society have certain philosophies are based on the daily life of the community of
supporters. Similarly, Begalan tradition in Banyumas also has the intention to be conveyed
and the philosophies that underlie these traditions exist and develop in society.The goal of
this paper is to investigate related to the life values contain Begalan tradition in customary
marriage Banyumas society. The method of collecting the data in this paper is a collection
of secondary data through a literature review of national scientific journals, scientific
articles, papers, and the official website of Department of Education and Culture in
Index TermsBanyumas Society, Begalan Tradition, Customary Marriange, Life Values.

The Investigation of Life Values in Begalan Tradition of Custumary Marriage

Banyumas Society
Mala Rovikasari
Departement of Politics and Civics, Faculty of social Science, Semarang
State University, Indonesia


Ginawan Rianto
Departement of Politics and Civics, Faculty of social Science, Semarang
State University, Indonesia

Indonesia has many culture, one of them is Java culture. There are kinds of arts and
traditions that are unique and distinctive can be found in Java. One of them called Begalan
tradition that comes from Banyumas, Central Java. According to Supriyadi in Rufaida
(2011), the term Begalan tradition is an art form that is presented in the marriage
ceremony in Banyumas. The presentation of this tradition is such as dance and dialogue
whose contents give a lesson or guidance particularly addressed to the bride and society
who attended in the marriage ceremony commonly.The culture that developed in the
middle of society have certain philosophies are based on the daily life of the community of
supporters. Similarly, Begalan tradition in Banyumas also has the intention to be conveyed
and the philosophies that underlie these traditions exist and develop in society.The goal of
this paper is to investigate related to the life values contain Begalan tradition in customary
marriage Banyumas society. The method of collecting the data in this paper is a collection
of secondary data through a literature review of national scientific journals, scientific

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

articles, papers, and the official website of Department of Education and Culture in

Index TermsBanyumas Society, Begalan Tradition, Customary Marriange, Life

An Analysis of Humanistic Values in the novel "Bumi Manusia"
by Pramoedya Ananta Toer Using Sociological Approach
and Its Relevance in Modern Era
Fredi Budiyanto
Semarang State University, Indonesia
Ana Aristiana
Semarang State University, Indonesia
Fredi Budiyanto

Pramoedya Toer Ananata is one of Indonesia writers whose works were never
worn with age. His works are always interesting and invites the reader to feel the
colonial era that so touching and moving inward. It is the Masterpieces of the
works which was translated into 41 languages. Tetralogi Buru is the fourth novel
masterpiece which remains the best-selling in the market until now. It is proven in
only weeks since the reprint in July 2015 has sold 10,000 copies
( Tertralogi Buru tells stories of the formation of
nationalism in Indonesia. One of his works that became detractors is "Earth of
Mankind". The novel that tells the life in the mass of the Dutch era and Javanese
culture in contrast to the humanist values that should be upheld in the life of
mankind. The novel also contains the values of life that are relevant to the
It will have relevance if The novel "Earth of Mankind" by Pramoedya Ananta
Toer examines using the sociological approach with people's lives during his time
in the modern era until now. The relevance can be seen in terms of the norms
prevailing in society, culture, customs, social life; social economic and cultural,
and political conditions. Therefore, in this study the reasercher will investigate
the humanist values contained in the novel "Bumi Manusia" and its relevance in
the modern era that will be studied by using a literature sociological approach.
The method used in the writing of this article is descriptive method of analysis
and it will be done by describing the facts and then followed by analysis.
Keywords: humanistic values, sociological approach, the relevance of the values
humanists in modern era

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Teacher-Student Relationships, and Maintaining Classroom Discipline

Zeynep Kiziltepe
Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education, Bogazici
University, Istanbul


Teaching is a challenging profession, which imposes notable demands on teachers
as soon as they enter the schoolhouses. One of the main demands of this
profession is classroom management, and relatedly maintaining classroom
discipline. Teachers tend to find various solutions to maintain discipline from
physical punishment to persuasion. This study explores the views and perceptions
of teachers regarding their relationships with their students, and how they
maintain classroom discipline. The findings reported are based on responses from
face-to-face semi-structured interviews with 12 teachers working in state schools
in Istanbul, Turkey. During the interviews three major questions were asked: 1)
Can you talk about your classroom relationships with your students? 2) How do
you maintain classroom discipline? 3) How do the psychological counselor(s) in
your school support you with your relationships with your students? The
interviews are analyzed with constant comparative method; and as a result three
major themes emerged. They are (1) teacher-student relationship in the
classroom; (2) ways of maintaining classroom discipline; and (3) support from
psychological counselors.
The entrepreneurial university in the 21st century
Fatma Nevra Seggie
Department of Educational Sciences, Boazii University, Istanbul,

Nevra Seggie

This stanza is from the best-known lyric of Blake. The stanza conveys at once the
renascence of wonder and contempt for a mechanistic postulation of God.
Apparently the and in the title given for writing this paper is a conjugation and
hence innocuous; but the relationship between the three bristles with
controversies. To fully appreciate the tension between literature, science and
religion, we have to constantly keep in view the development of science and the
progress of literature and the state of religion vis--vis science. What is known as
science today came into existence from the 17th century onwards. When
Copernicus and Galileo propounded their theories not even a tremor was caused
in the intellectual circles, excluding the religious. In the 17th century, after the
establishment of the Royal Society in England and the publication of Principia by
Newton the stage was set for the conflict or opposition between science and
religion. The way in which literary men treated scientific phenomena was entirely
different from that of scientists. Milton called light as the effulgence of bright
essence in create whereas his contemporary, Isaac Newton, a matter of corpuscular emission. Donne, too, was aware of scientific advancements. Donne
writes:The new philosophy calls all in doubt, The element of fire is quite put
out;The sun is lost and the earth, and no mans wit,Can well direct him where to

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Paria Rahimi

look for it, And freely men confess that this worlds spent,When in the planets
and the firmamentThey seek to many new; they see that thisIs crumbled out
again so his atomies.In general in the 17th and 18th centuries, there was not
much, of antagonism between science and literature. Everyone knows of Popes
epitaph for Newton:Nature and Natures laws lay hid in Night!God said, Let
Newton be! And all was light. It was only in the 19th century that litterateurs
began to attack science. By this time, science had advanced so much that it
became the chief aid for the material life of man inclusive of luxuries. This
material prosperity of England along with a longing for it was criticized as
philistinism. All are familiar with R.L. Stevensons novel, Doctor Jekyll and Mr.
Hyde. The fears expressed in the book and also in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein
Monster continued in the 20th & 21st. century also. Writers like H.G. Wells write
science fiction but, he too, was disillusioned as evident from his book Mind at the
End of its Tether.
Intercultural Comparison of Gender Discrimination in Chantal Akerman and
Tahmineh Milanis Movies
Paria Rahimi
Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of
Tehran, Iran


We are living in a period of time that man is under domination of images; i.e.
movies, social media, Television, print media and so on. Now is the time of
studying and researching on these type of texts. Visual texts likewise reconstruct
lifes realities and represent them. My purpose in this research is to know
reconstructed reality and its deficiencies in order to represent a more ideal
reality. This article is seeking to explore and explain the gender discrimination
representations in cinematic works of two feminist directors by encountering
feminism subculture with dominant culture which is approximately patriarchic;
in this context I can assess these two directors interaction and communication
with the major culture, the communication is provided by cinema. On the other
side, through an intercultural approach I compare two different cultures, each is
involved with patriarchy to some degree. In addition I consider Belgian and
Iranian director's distinguished representations of gender discrimination existing
in their societies. The article seeks to understand which gender discriminations
are in two different cultures of Iran and Belgium or in a more general words east
and west alongside comprehending the quality of critiques of feminist filmmakers
towards these discriminations.
Key words: gender discrimination, cinema, representation, feminism.
Study and Survey regarding Iranian Culture in American Features, the Way its
being processed and represented as of 2000 till 2015.
Amirreza Tajvidi
The Related Field: Intercultural Communications
Dr. Ameli

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

One of the most important issues which an American Cinema paid an special
attention to constantly in recent years is the representation of an image of a
typical Iranian citizen and macroscopically Iranian culture. this vision has been
implemented drastically in American historical, ancient, political and social
features all alike and has always been the centre of attention in various forms.
Today Iran as an important strategic country in the middle east, has observed
many political and social requirements in its intercultural relation with other
countries which have always been the so many topics and controversies of vast
international orders. American cinema has been on the loop as well and took
advantage of abundance of these eras and occurrences in iranian culture and
history as dramatic stuff in order to produce cinematic features.But, this vision
has never been accompanied by the same tendency and interpretation, rather its
being re-implemented over and over in various forms and eras. sometimes
Hollywood has conveyed a precious notion beyond what it once was supposed to
be like with recruiting intellectually elite directors in order to re-construct its
structures or better to depict it as expanding its horizons beyond commercial
dreams. the way Hollywood placated and compromised with its origin, began a
new era merged with the progression in post-modernisations of ancient values
induced by Hollywood itself at very first place. this whole new model which was
being formed in past two decades, has influenced on the previously represented
vision and perception of Iranian culture and society in which Hollywood makes
its best efforts to end the controversy and give an idea of appropriately balanced
review on what was once called rough tendency towards Iranian society
The Interaction between Human Ecology in Khmer Pagoda Communities in Tra
Vinh Province of Vietnams Mekong Delta

Ly Quoc Dang
Urban Climate Resilience for Southeast Asia Program, Thailand and

Ly Quoc


Ly Van Loi
Urban Climate Resilience for Southeast Asia Program, Thailand and
Lam Huon
Urban Climate Resilience for Southeast Asia Program, Thailand and
Thach Thu
Urban Climate Resilience for Southeast Asia Program, Thailand and

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Biodiversity, community culture and conservation education - three of many

issues which related to development and those are anxious. In the context of
climate change seriously today, the preservation and conservation of biological
diversity and enhance the value of the humanities to the community iare essential
and the multi-stakeholder needs to be involved. In each community, the
interaction between ecosystems is exchanged firmly, they desmonstrate in the
socio-economic and environment aspects, and this is bidirectional. In the Mekong
Delta of Vietnam, the Khmer Pagoda communities formed into the Vietnams
society long time ago, the relationship between human and the environment in the
communities of the study areas is a swap which is together positive benefits, local
authoriry is willing to intervene the activities in order to protect the ecosystems
and the environment. Moreover, the indigenous communities cultural of Khmer
Ethnicity Group is very well aware of preservation of their own culture for
future generation. Futhermore, the communities are managed well their natural
resource, both quality and quantity, a huge ammount of fauna and flora species
in the Khmer Pagoda communities still maintain weathily, it can be seen that
Khmer Pagoda communities are thorough spaces which develop spiritual tourism
and conservation education for students, community and tourists.
Law and Economics Analysis: A Case Study of Bilateral Investment Treaty
Between Developed Countries and Developing Countries.
Natcha Holmqvist
International Trade Law and Economics, Faculty of Law and Faculty of
Economics, Thammasat Univsersity, Thailand


The globalized and borderless world renders the movement of capital from one
country to another country or event from one region to another region to be more
conveniently. The movement or flow of investment occurs after the investors
have assessed whether or not the climate or atmosphere in such country or region
is conducive to the investment. It is known that investment has risk and the
investors have to manage for minimizing said risks which include commercial risk
and political risk.The agreement on investment promotion and protection is an
international agreement that governments of both or more countries jointly
prepare to impose commitments for providing protection to investors who are
permitted to make investment under local laws of such receiving country. The
agreement involves with the protection after the establishment of investment
(post-establishment) in the countries. This type of agreement protects the
investors only when being impacted by State Measure and does not protect the
risk arising from normal business operations of private investors. For the case of
breach of agreement by a private contracting party and no intervention by the
state, such case will not be included in said agreement.
The commercial risk can be lessened by the knowledge and competency in

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899


management. The political risk such as political instability, riot or commotion

and uncertainty of laws and regulations in various countries can be lessened when
the government assures to provide the protection for investment. There are many
aspects of political risk such as being a factor driving the currency of foreign
investment to increase. In addition, the trend of opening of free trade zone has
created challenges and opportunities to the investors to gain benefits and
enhancing the competitiveness by investing in various countries and break into
new potential market such as the markets in the Middle East and Africa.
Therefore, it is the duty of government to provide assistance and armor in favor
of the investors when making investment in overseas where they may encounter
risks and uncertainties like political instability, riot or commotion and
uncertainty of laws and regulations in various countries.
Representations or warranties to protect investors from political risk are done
through the agreement for the promotion and protection of investment between
contracting parties. It is because the said agreement will guarantee minimum
standards of international standard in favor of investors who have invested in the
receiving country which is a party to the agreement on investment promotion and
protection. The arrangement will give confidence to the investor that if there is
any political risk by whatever reason and if it falls under the scope of the
agreement on investment promotion and protection, the investors will be
protected by the government of receiving country. Until present Thailand has
entered into agreement on investment promotion and protection with 35 countries
and they are already in force. The negotiations with more than 50 countries are
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has significant strategy in
accomplishing the agreement on investment promotion and protection. The key
aspect is to encourage Thai investors to invest in potential countries such as
Africa and Middle East by having agreement on investment promotion and
protection as a tool to protect Thai investors in overseas and to attract investment
from overseas as well as to strengthen and restore the confidence of foreign
investors in Thailand by aiming to create a favorable investment climate and
transparent and consistent law system.
The Impact on Thai Exporters of Thailands Durian Exports to China. .
Kusuma Suantako
International Trade Law and Economics, Faculty of Law and Faculty of
Economics, Thammasat University
From 2004, Thailand has been the main importer of durian to the People's
Republic of China. In that year, a protocol was signed on the inspection and
quarantine conditions of fruit, designating sanitary and phytosanitary measures
(SPS) on fresh fruits exported from Thailand to China. These include the
registration of exporters and packing houses, and following good manufacturing
practice (GMP) in accordance with the Thai Department of Agriculture. Thailand
in turn has also imposed SPS for durian exports from the Kingdom. Using a
comparative law approach, current regulations on Thai exports of durian to
China were evaluated in terms of Chinese regulations on importing durian from
Thailand. Results were that although legislation is consistent between the two
countries, the export and import processes are mostly controlled by Chinese

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

businesses. As a result, Thai farmers do not benefit from any trade surplus,
creating a difference between real cost and transaction cost. These findings may
help Thai farmers.
Keywords: phytosanitary measures, impact of export, comparative law, costs
Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed

Access to and Conflicts over Natural Resources in the North East Arid Zone of
Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed Jajere
Department of Geography, Federal University Gashua, Yobe State, Nigeria
This study was carried out in the North East Arid Zone of Nigeria to explore
strategies of enhancing pastoralists access to natural resources to attain
sustainable livelihoods. The primary sources of data used include key informant
interview, FGD, Oral histories, Geo coded transect walk and Administration of
interview schedule. A total number of 275 farming, agro-pastoral and pastoral
household heads (94 farmers, 90 agro-pastoralists and 91 pastoralists) were
interviewed. The study reveals that ensuring access to natural resource for
survival of livelihood is primary cause of conflicts among and between natural
resource users. Among the classes of conflicts, farmers pastoralists conflict is
perhaps dominant with unprecedented levels of violence. Data from this study
reveals lack of consensus between resource users on causes of conflicts and this
posed a major threat to conflict management. The study recommends the need for
shifting paradigm from conflict resolution to conflict prevention strategy,
building and developing the capacity of pastoralists and, giving livelihood support
to conflict affected pastoralists.
The Influence of Cultural Communication Factors on English Communication in
an International Service Industry


Supawadee Nualsri
Department of English and Linguistics, Ramkhamhaeng University,
Rick Whisenand
Lecturer, Department of English and Linguistics, Ramkhamhaeng
The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between cultural
communication factors and English communication and to examine the influence
of cultural factors on English communication in the service industry in Thailand.
The sampling method was convenience sampling; 202 participants were randomly
chosen by the human resource managers from the 10 international hotels
participating in this study. As part of their jobs, the selected participants had to
have contact with other international service industries or overseas branches and
to communicate in English in various ways in their daily work routine. The
research instrument was a questionnaire specifically designed to investigate the

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

influence of cultural factors on English communication in the international

service industry. The participants were asked to answer questions based on the
concepts of body language, cultural awareness, cross-cultural communication,
spoken communication, written communication, and nonverbal communication.
The research findings can be summarized as follows:(1) cross-cultural
communication factors were found to have an influence on English
communication primarily whilst staff were using email, which was the most
widely used form of communication in the industry; and (2) there were three
cultural communication factors that affect English communication, which can be
mapped into three significant groups: (a) body language, (b) cultural awareness,
and (c) cross-cultural communication.
Keywords: English communication, cross-cultural communication factors,
cultural awareness, internal communication, international service industry in
The Cultivation of Environmental Character Cares Through Procedures Text on
Language Learning For Junior High School Students in Indonesia
Fredi Budiyanto
Semarang State University, Indonesia
Mala Rovikasari
Semarang State University, Indonesia
Fredi Budiyanto

The environment is a unity with all things surrounding, power, state, and living
creatures, including humans, and behavior that affect the living and well-being of
humans and other living creatures. Environment now days, in the 20th century is
growing issue of global warming due to an increase in emissions of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere that cause the temperature of the earth increases. Global
warming that happened in Indonesia is marked by frequent experience long dry
season. In East Kalimantan, forest fire has reached the extent of more than 4
million hectares. Environmental damage occurs not only in large cities, but also in
many areas, whether it is conducted by a multinational company, country or folk
periphery.Based on the existing problems in the field, strategic measurement is
needed to reduce environmental damage. For which the author presents an idea
titled The Cultivation of Environmental Character Cares Through Procedures
Text on Language Learning for Junior High School Students In Indonesia. The
objective is to instill the character values of environmental cares among learners
in schools, especially junior high school students. Through instilling the character
values of environmental cares to students, the writer expects that they can
implement in their surroundings. This paper is expected to provide a new
reference in implementing eco-character value through language learning and
can it be an alternative to increase the motivation of learners in the learning
procedure text.
The method of writing this paper is using qualitative descriptive approach based
on the study of literature. This approach is expected to provide an accurate

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

picture of the potential object of study. The data collection ids from conditions in
the field were presented by speakers at once the resources that come from books
and theories that are relevant to the topic of hair like the idea of writing
newspaper articles, journals, and Internet. The source of this study is expected to
amplify the discussion of the topic. Data collected through the case study
technique as well sort out the sources of literature that support the settlement of
the problem in this paper.
Keywords: environmental character care, language learning, procedure text.
The Cultivation of Environmental Character Cares Through Procedures Text on
Language Learning For Junior High School Students in Indonesia
Fredi Budiyanto
Semarang State University, Indonesia

Mala Rovikasari

Mala Rovikasari
Semarang State University, Indonesia

The environment is a unity with all things surrounding, power, state, and living
creatures, including humans, and behavior that affect the living and well-being of
humans and other living creatures. Environment now days, in the 20th century is
growing issue of global warming due to an increase in emissions of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere that cause the temperature of the earth increases. Global
warming that happened in Indonesia is marked by frequent experience long dry
season. In East Kalimantan, forest fire has reached the extent of more than 4
million hectares. Environmental damage occurs not only in large cities, but also in
many areas, whether it is conducted by a multinational company, country or folk
periphery.Based on the existing problems in the field, strategic measurement is
needed to reduce environmental damage. For which the author presents an idea
titled The Cultivation of Environmental Character Cares Through Procedures
Text on Language Learning for Junior High School Students In Indonesia. The
objective is to instill the character values of environmental cares among learners
in schools, especially junior high school students. Through instilling the character
values of environmental cares to students, the writer expects that they can
implement in their surroundings. This paper is expected to provide a new
reference in implementing eco-character value through language learning and
can it be an alternative to increase the motivation of learners in the learning
procedure text.The method of writing this paper is using qualitative descriptive
approach based on the study of literature. This approach is expected to provide
an accurate picture of the potential object of study. The data collection ids from
conditions in the field were presented by speakers at once the resources that come
from books and theories that are relevant to the topic of hair like the idea of
writing newspaper articles, journals, and Internet. The source of this study is
expected to amplify the discussion of the topic. Data collected through the case
study technique as well sort out the sources of literature that support the
settlement of the problem in this paper.
Keywords: environmental character care, language learning, procedure text.

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Getting Better Results from Performance Reviews

Olamma Agwu Kalu

Human Resource Management Strand, Faculty of Business and Management,
University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines

Olamma Agwu Kalu


Performance Management is indispensable to the function of managing human
resources. Utilizing tools such as performance reviews it aims to gauge the
developmental potentialities of an employee as well as to obtain information for
control or administrative purposes. The performance review process is a central
part of the system because it is based on a fundamental requisite for successful
management communication and feedback. Research reveals that the lack of
feedback, discourse and open channels of communication severely cripples the
effectiveness of managers duties of evaluating employees.Through documentary
analysis of literatures supported by statistics from internationally reputed survey
firms, this paper suggests that the effectiveness of the entire performance
management system lies in maximizing the efficiency of the performance review
process. This feat is only accomplishable by trained managers who are skilled
communicators and understand the contexts within which performance reviews
can and should occur.Thus, getting better results from performance reviews is
advocated as a strategic approach to ensuring the success of performance
Keywords: Feedback, HRM, Performance appraisal, Performance management

Gukas Theophilus
Plateau State Polytechnic Barkin Ladi, Jos, Plateau State Nigeria
Abutu Regina Ulumma
Bursary Department, Benue State Polytechnic, Ugbokolo. Benue State.
Abutu Regina Ulumma
Bursary Department, Benue State Polytechnic, Ugbokolo. Benue State. , Nigeria

3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Tara karki
Tourism Activities, Nepal
Ven Debapriya Bhikku
Bhikkhu Sammiloni, France
Rajendran Mercinah
Department of Social Work, Bharathidasan University, India

Upcoming Conferences
4th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 18-20
July 2016, Kuala Lumpur
5th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 29-30
August 2016, Istanbul
6th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 17-18
October 2016, Hong Kong
7th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 7-8
November 2016, Singapore
8th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 17-18
Dec 2016, Dubai
10th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 18-19
Feb 2017, Dubai
9th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 26-27
Dec 2016, Bangkok, Thailand
11th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 19-20
Sept, 2016, London
3rd International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 27-28 June 2016,
Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore

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