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Chapter IV: Findings And Discussion

4.1. Data Description

This chapter presents the analysis and the result of the study about Muslims
portrayal in The Muslim Show comic strip. The analysis and discussion consist of
findings and discussions to answer the problem previously stated in the Chapter I.
The data are image, color, and words from the five The Muslim Show comics
which is posted in year 2013 to 2015.
4.2. Findings
Through analyzing the data of the image, color, and words from the five The
Muslim Show comics which is posted in year 2013 to 2015, the writer could find
the Muslims portrayal that inferred in The Muslim Show comics. The result
shows that The Muslim Show represents the act of protest against anti-muslim
prejudice which is a major in these days, especially in the western community.
The pictures and dialogues in the comics dominantly represent the muslims
portrayal based on theory. The data indicates that the Muslims portrayal in this
comic as being kind and gentle, even giving hospitality and respect to anyone with
different cultures. The first data shows how Muslim is very obliged to the
obligation to worship God, the second shows how Muslim must not afraid to be
who they really are, the third shows how Muslim does not fight fire with fire, the
fourth shows how Muslim provides hospitality to anyone, and the fifth shows how
Muslims and westerns could have a good relationship to each other in harmony.



4.2. Discussion
In this part of the study, the writer describes all the discussion that is attached
in the table of signification process. This study analyzed five The Muslim Show
comics which were posted in year 2013 to 2015 to find out the Muslims portrayal
in The Muslim Show comic strip. The analysis is based on Barthes theory of
semiotics by the concept of denotation and connotation, also interpretation.
4.2.1. Call of Duty: The Muslim Show posted on Facebook at 16 August 2013
(3) A car
and a line
on the

(5) A blonde
halting the

(1) First
and a
old man

(7) The
young man
still pouting
(6) Second
speech balloon
and the old man

(2) Two
men doing

(13) The
young man

(8) The old


(9) The
beside the
two men

(10) The
young man
still pouting

(4) A

(11) The
(12) The
old man
seemsdoing Salah

25 Denotation
This comic consists of four panels and contains thirteen signifiers in total. The
first panel have four signifiers. The first signifier is the speech balloon that says,
Pfff... They think they can just do anything, these people? and a pouting old
man with grey hair, drinking coffee. The second signifier is two wearing Thobe
and there is sajadah on their feet while they are doing Salah beside a car. The
third signifiers is a car and a line on the background which depicts that this event
takes place somewhere near a parking lot. The fourth signifier in this panel is a
pouting young man that responds to the old mans comment. There is a cup of
soda in his hand and a pack of french fries.
In the second panel there are three signifiers that can be found. The fifth
signifier is a policeman who is running towards the two men while shouting
Wait! Then the sixth signifier is the second speech balloon that says, Aah...
Finally. A cop doing his DUTY! pointing to the old man who is now smiling.
Meanwhile, the seventh signifier is the young man who is still pouting.
Move on to the third panel, the eighth signifier is the old man that chuckles
He he he. He sees to the ninth signifier which appears that the policeman seems
getting something from his pocket, while the tenth signifier, the young mans
expression, is still not changed.
In the fourth panel, the eleventh signifiers is the old man with sudden
expression change, his eyes are widely opened and is shocked of what he just
sees. The twelfth signifier is the policeman doing sujood, he is doing salah along


with the two men. The last signifier is also the sudden expression change of the
young man, he is smiling and chuckles He he. Connotation
The first connotation depicts from the first panel of the speech balloon and the
old man. The old man seems not happy with what the Muslim men is doing. By
looking at his appearance and a mug of coffee which usually drank by an old man,
he represents the old generation. Another connotation in the first panel is the men
in the background, their appearance describe as Muslims and they are doing
Salah. The other connotation in the first panel is the fact that parking lot is not a
usual place to do Salah. The last connotation in the first panel is the pouting
young man, he seems not happy. There is a cup of soda and a pack of french fries,
these two are modern fast food which depicts him to be representation of young
In the second panel, the policeman depict as a symbol of justice. His blonde
hair represents the typical appearance of western people. By the appearance of the
policeman the old man is happy that the police here doing his duty, that is to stop
the Muslims doing Salah. Meanwhile the young man expression does not change
from the first panel, he is still not happy or might be not interested.
The third panel describe how the old man is happier to see the policeman is
going to do something to the Muslims because the gesture of the policeman


indicates him will get something to the Muslims. The young man, however, still
has the same expression.
Finally in the fourth panel, the sudden expression change from both the old
man and the young man after they both see the policeman is actually a Muslim
because he followed the Muslims doing Salah. The old man is surprised to see
what happens does not the same as he had expected while the young man is happy
to see what happen in the end. Interpretation
The first interpretation in the first panel is that the old man is representing an
old and closed way of thinking where he does not accept the Muslims while the
young man represents new and open way of thinking. The Muslims doing Salah
on the parking lot means that Salah is the most obligatory and important act of
worship in Islam and as it is the most important, Salah should be done on time
and it can be done anywhere as long as the place meet the requirement.
In the second panel the police is a symbol that represent bearer of justice, it
corrects the wrong and punish the evil. In this case, the policeman represents the
typical appearance of western people which is also usually not a Muslim and the
old man is thinking the police is finally here to bring justice while the young man
does not agree with him.


The interpretation in the third panel consists of the gesture of the policeman,
the gesture looks like he is taking his equipment to stop the Muslims and that
makes the old man seems happier while the young man still not agree with him.
In the final panel, it turns out that the policeman is also a Muslim and doing
Salah along with the Muslims. It indicates that even there are also Muslim in
western people. And that he is doing his DUTY as a Muslim, a bearer of justice.
This made the old man really surprised to see what happens does not the same as
he had expected while the young man with new and open thinking which accepts
the Muslims. This comic interprets how Muslims is very obliged to the obligation
to worship God.

4.2.2. The Muslim Show: National Pride! Posted on Facebook at 28 August 2013

(3) Comments
from two men

(8) Another
comments from
two mens


(9) Second
two mens


and men
in the

(7) A man

(6) Men
photos and

30 Denotation
There are four panels in this comic and nine signifiers in total. The first
panel of the comic consists of what appears to be stadium in the background and
the first signifier of white-colored narration as the first signifier at the top of the
panel, narrating ..and the French runner wins THE RACE!!! INCREDIBLE
PERFORMANCE!!!. The second signifier shows three men dashing towards
the finish line and there are tiny white curved lines above each of their head; with
the white-skinned man in blue sleeveless shirt and white shorts being on the front,
both of his arms are stretched back leaning his top body forward, followed by a
dark-skinned man with yellow sleeveless shirt and green shorts from his left and
another man in right of him, though only his head can be seen.
In the second panel, the third signifier is two speech balloons containing the
dialogue of the two men with headphones on their head and papers in front of
them. The upper speech balloons pointing toward the man in the left, the dialogue
is Oooh yesss! These types of athletes make me proud to be FRENCH!
Awesome!, meanwhile the lower speech balloon pointing towards the man in the
right, the text in the speech balloon is This runner is the true EXAMPLE for the
French youth. The fourth signifier is the two men who appear to be smiling and
cheering. The left man wearing gray shirt with one of his hand risen up and the
right man wearing glasses and maroon shirt.
The third panel contains fifth, sixth and seventh signifiers. The fifth signifier
is the background which appears to be inside the stadium with two men and they


seem sweating, one is sitting down and one is holding his knee. The sixth taking
photos and videos facing downward, two men holding photo camera and one man
holding a video camera, they have tchak above their head which is known as a
sound effect. In front of those three men there is also a microphone hanging
from above. Meanwhile, the seventh signifier is a man with blue sleeveless shirt
and white shorts, which appears to be the man in the front in the first panel,
bowing down while holding a French flag.
The last panel in this comic is the fourth panel on the far-right and contains
eighth and ninth signifiers. The eighth signifier is the speech balloons, with the
same position as the second panel. The upper speech balloon shows the dialogue
oh yes, but no..., while the lower speech balloon dialogue is Uhhh... Mind you.
When I say EXAMPLE I mean... Uhhh... The ninth signifiers shows the two
men now with different expressions, they are not smiling anymore and the left
man also not risen his hand anymore. Connotation
In this comic, the first connotation related to the first signifiers can be
inferred that the place is set in a stadium and the event that is held is a running
race as it is written in the white narration on the top of the panel. Furthermore, the
narration also delivers good and very important news that the French runner is
winning the race as it is being emphasized by bolding the text so it stands out
more than the rest of the text.


The next connotation is related to the second signifier, the man in the blue
sleeveless shirt and white shorts indicating that he is the French runner mentioned
in the narration because the French sportswear in international event is usually in
blue and white. What to note that the runner is a white-skinned man this is
showing that he is a western man (Mohita, 2013). Meanwhile, the other runners
are dark-skinned, especially the man in green sleeveless shirt and green shorts
indicating him as a Jamaican.
The third connotation is from the speech balloons and the men in the second
panel. The dialogue shows the men complementing the French runner for winning
the race and making them proud to be French, even set him as an example for the
French youth. These two men appearances with headphones on their head and
papers on tables are indicating that they are commentators for the French.
The fourth connotation is related to the men taking photos and videos and
the French runner who is bowing down while holding the French flag. These men
who are taking photos or videos of the French runner are journalists and
photographers. They wanted to record the moments after the race. It turns out that
the French runner is a Muslim because he is doing sujood after the race; it is a
way to thank the God in Islam.
The last connotation is related to the last panel of the comic. In this panel the
commentators are both surprised and their expression shows how they dislike as
the runner they very proud about turns out to be a Muslim.

33 Interpretation
All the signifiers in the comic mean more than meets the eye. The first
interpretation that the bold and capital letters written in white color in the
narration in the first panel means it is a good and a very important news as it is the
most stands out words in the text. Furthermore, the description of the background
and the narration along indicating that the event happens in Olympic as it is an
important event where athletes around the world competes each other. Second
interpretation is regarding the contrast of the skin color of the runners, the color
contrast clearly intended to show the French runner to be more dominant than the
dark-skinned runners and to be easily recognized as a western man.
The third interpretation consists of the dialogue in the speech balloons and
the expression of the commentators. the dialogue and bolded and capitalized
words of FRENCH and EXAMPLE clearly shows how the commentators
are emphasizing these words because they are very proud that his national runner
wins the race while the smile and cheers described how joyful it is to see their
national runner wins the race.
The fourth interpretation refers to the runners in the background, this
background means the runners already crossed the finish line but being defeated
in the race and it describes how minority they are compared to the western runner.
Then the signifiers of journalist and photographers are recording the French
runner, interpreting media are taking part of the moment. The next interpretation


is the French runner doing sujood is actually a Muslim, a plot twist where people
mostly judged a western man for not a Muslim.
The fifth interpretation consists of the speech balloons and the
commentators expression. They deny their winners happened to be a Muslim and
they looks like they wanted to take back their words. Also, the commentators
expression is changed, they are not happy anymore showing that they dislike if the
Muslim wins, especially the Muslim is their nation representation.
In conclusion, the whole comic interprets how the French people see and
think about the Muslim. They mistakenly believe that Muslims are only the
Middle Eastern people and deny the fact that there are also Muslims in their kind.
It is to show how to not be embarrassed to be who you are, in this case a Muslim.
The athlete in this comic represents as an example for Muslims, especially French

4.2.3. The Muslim Show Posted on Facebook on 27 March 2014

(2) A white
balloon and
a bearded
man with a
cup of
honey on
his hand

(1) Four black speech

balloons and a blonde
man that looks angry

36 Denotation
This comic contains two different signifiers. The first signifier is the black
speech balloons along with the blonde man. The first speech balloon says,
Listen, Neighbor! Ive never liked Muslims!! And Im not afraid to say that
youre all... the second speech balloon says, Blahblahblah This isnt your
country blahblah... the third speech balloon says, I hate Muslims! I hate Islam! I
hate you all, all of you! and then the fourth speech balloon says, ...and have you
seen your nose?! Youd mistake it for a camels!! All the black speech balloons
are pointing toward the blonde-haired man that is wearing grey tuxedo and
pointing his finger to the bearded man angrily.
The second signifier is a white speech balloon says, Ive brought you some
HONEY, so you dont wear your throat out.that is pointing towards the bearded
man wearing keffiyeh and thobe. He is smiling and offering the blonde man a cup
of honey to the blonde-haired man. Connotation
In this comic the black color represents evil and scary. All dialogues in the
speech balloons consist of hate speech from the blonde man. It escalates from just
blaming his neighbor, his country, his religion, then his appearance. The blonde
man with tuxedo itself is indicating the typical appearance of western people. And
he clearly does not like Muslims, one like his neighbor.


Meanwhile, the other connotation is that the color white represents purity and
honesty. The dialogue in the white speech balloon is being emphasized on the
word HONEY which is believed to be a remedy for every illness in Islam.
Judging from his appearance, it is clearly that his man describing a typical middle
eastern man, and a Muslim. He does not get angry from the blonde mans insult,
but he gives him an offering instead. Interpretation
The signifiers which are collected define interpretations in this comic. The
first interpretation is that the black speech balloons represents the evilness comes
out from the blonde mans speech. The dialogues itself consist of hate speech
from only insulting his neighbor to hating all the Muslims and also their
appearances. The blonde man here also represents western people based on his
appearances. In contrast, the white speech balloon represents pure and honest
intention from the bearded man; he is a representation of Muslims. The bearded
man does not fight fire with fire, he instead gives offering of kindness represented
by honey which could cure all illness, in this case the blonde mans hate
against Muslims.
The comic is describing how the Muslims would react to the bad manner of
the western who insults them. The Muslims do not fight fire with fire but offering
kindness and hospitality instead.

4.2.4. The Muslim Show Posted on Facebook on 15 January 2015

(4) The
with its
light on and

(1) A
with its
light shut
(2) The sky
is black
with the
and a street
lamp turned
(6) Speech
and three
men comes
out from
the mosque

(5) The
man on the
ground and
the molotov
is on the air

(8) Black
balloon and
the man

(7) The man is

on fire and
screams for help

(3) A running
man holding a
wearing beanie

(9) A
and three

39 Denotation
This comic consists of four panels and nine signifiers. In the first panel the
first signifier is a building with dome-shaped roof resembles a mosque, the light
inside it is turned off. In the background, the sky is black and there is a city
silhouette and also a street lamp with its light on. Then there is a running man
wearing beanie cap and running toward the mosque-like building while holding a
molotov. He also cries Raaa!!
In the second panel, the fourth signifier is the mosque-like building turned his
light on and there are question marks on top of it while the man is on the ground
and the molotov is on the air. The sound effect says, PAAM!
Then in the third panel, the sixth signifier consists of speech balloons. The
first speech balloon says, Whats going on? Then the second speech balloon
says, I dont know... I heard some NOISE outside and then I saw this man on
FIRE!! those speech balloons are pointing toward the three men who come out
from the mosque-like building. One is wearing keffiyeh and glasses and splashing
water from a bucket to the man on fire, behind him is running while bringing
towel, and the last one is wearing keffiyeh while he just comes out from the
building. The seventh signifier is the man with beanie cap who is on fire and he
screams Help... help me!
Lastly in the fourth panel, there is a black speech balloon says, Whew...
Tha... THANK you, guys. The speech balloon is pointing to the man with beanie
cap which is now covered with towel. Then there is speech balloon says, Oh, its


nothing! You would have done the SAME FOR US. That is pointing to the three
men gives him comfort and brings him inside. Connotation
In the first panel, from its features, the building can be concluded as a mosque
with the light turned off and the time is in the night when this event happens. It
appears that the man with beanie cap is an arsonist who is going to burn down the
mosque with the molotov he has in his hand.
The second panel connotes that the people inside the mosque is awake because
of the noise outside and also because the man is tripped and fell down while the
molotov is slipped and flung from his hand.
In the third panel of the comic the three men come out from the mosque as
they heard some noise, they do not know what happens before but they are
helping to put out the fire from the man anyway. From the appearance and the
place they are in, it can be concluded that those men are Muslims. Meanwhile, the
man can only scream for help.
Lastly in the fourth panel, the black color represents secret, it gives protection
from external emotional stress. The man is covered in a towel from the three
Muslims who helped him to put the fire out. He thanked them for saving his life.
And the Muslims comforts the man, telling him that even he would have done the
same thing even though they did not know who or what he had been done.

41 Interpretation
From all the signifiers collected in the comic. The first panel interpretation
refers to the building is a mosque and the people inside it is sleeping because as
the background described, the time is in the night when people are sleeping and
also perfect time to do a surprise attack. The man appearance with beanie cap
represents a ruffian or a troublesome person; he wants to burn down the mosque
with the molotov.
The second panel depicts the people inside the mosque is awake because of
the noise the arsonist made when he cries while wanted to throw the molotov and
after he is tripped down. He fell down hard and the molotov is slipped from his
hand toward where he is fell down.
In the third panel, the Muslims helps out the man to put out fire from him even
though they do not know what just happened. It infers that they will help anyone
in need while the man has a taste of his own action, means that someone who does
bad deed will get a punishment.
Finally in the fourth panel, the black speech balloon means the man is hiding
something from them. Furthermore that he is also covered in towel, it refers to a
protection and comfort given by the Muslims who saved him. Lastly the Muslims
have a positive thinking and even let him to be closer to them by offering
hospitality even though he was doing something that almost took their lives.


4.2.5. The Muslim Show Posted on Facebook at 18 November 2015

(6) Second
balloon and a
smilingbearded man
with keffiyeh
on his head
and thobe on
the right
bringing tea,
walking to the

(1) A
(2) First
balloon and
a smiling
man on the
walking to
the middle

(7) A
colored door

(3) Eiffel
tower on

(4) Hands from

below the water
and a time bomb
with ISIS tag on it

(5) A bridge
the houses

43 Denotation
This comic contains seven signifiers. The first one is the white-colored door
on the left house. Then the second signifier is the speech balloon that says, Hi
neighbor! I brought you some croissants... The speech balloon is pointing to the
smiling man waving his hand and walking to the middle while bringing croissants
on his other hand.
The other signifier is the Eiffel tower can be seen standing far in the
background with city silhouettes. In contrast, there is also a signifier placed on the
lower part of the comic. There are hands from below the water setting a time
bomb the bridge with ISIS tag on the bomb and - A sound effect of tic tac tic
tac beside it. Also, there is a simple wooden bridge connecting between the
houses used for both men to cross into another.
Other signifier is the speech balloon that says, SALAM! ... and I brought you
some tea. Pointing to the smiling-bearded man who has keffiyeh on his head and
wears thobe walking to the middle with his right hand holding a tea pot while the
other holding a trays with two cups on it. Finally, the last signifier is the colored
door on the far right.

44 Connotation
There are several connotations from the signifiers that can be found in this
comic. The first connotation is regarding the doors on the left house; the white
colored door represents the origin of the man, as the men in the western have
white-colored skin. Beside it, the man on the left is greeting his neighbor warmly.
The croissants represents that he is a French man as croissant is a traditional snack
from France.
The Eiffel tower in the background indicating that it takes place somewhere in
France. Meanwhile The hands below the water shows a hidden movement of ISIS
is trying to blow away the connection between the men above the bridge and the
simple wooden bridge indicating a fragile bridge to cross on.
Another connotation is that the appearance of the man in the right is
suggesting that his origin is from Arab and also a Muslim. He returns the favor for
his neighbor by bringing a beverage to accompany the croissants as snack. The
door on the right also represents the origin of the man, as middle-eastern men
have colored skin. Interpretation
From the signifiers that have been collected, writer could draw interpretations
from each of it. The first is the two doors on the right and the right depict these
men comes from different origin of the world. While the background indicating
that there are culture diversities in France.
The French man greets his neighbor warmly and brings the signature snack
from his country; offering a hospitality. Then Arabian man shows a respect to his
neighbor by offering a beverage to accompany a snack. It represents a mutual
friendship between the cultures.


In the middle, the simple wooden bridge represents how fragile it is for the
connection and friendship between the cultures being held together and the hands
that is setting the bomb represents a secret movement by ISIS is trying to sabotage
the connection and friendship between two cultures. Also they set the bomb in the
middle because if it will be more impactful to the relationship between the
cultures to be broken when they already close enough to each other. In whole, this
comic represents how Muslims and western people could have a good friendship
with each other and could have lived together in harmony.

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