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Larkana Campus

Mid term test 2015-16

Class X
Subject: Islamiat

Total Marks: 75

Section 1
Q no 1: Tick on the correct option from Multiple Choice Question
1: How many Surhas are there in Holy Quran?
(a) 114

(b) 115

(c) 116

(d) 117

2: How many obligatory Sajdaas(Prostration) are there in the Quran

(a) Ten

(b) Twelve

(c) Fourteen

(d) Sixteen

(a) Africa

(b) Europe

(c) America

(d) Asia

4: What is the total area of the world?

(a) 796096 k.m(b) 696096 k.m

(c) 596096 k.m

(d) 496096 k.m

5: Which is the worlds biggest cattle farming country?

(a) U.S.A

(b) U.K

(c) Argentina

(d) Brazil

6: Who gave the Two-Nation theory first of all?


Quaid-e-Azam (b) Allama Iqbal

(c) Sir Syed Ahmed

(d) Liaquat Ali

7: Ceylon is the name of which country?

(a) Burma

(b) Vietnam

(c) Sri lanka

(d) Hongkong

8: When Syed Ahmed Khan was conferred the title SIR

(a) 1866

(b) 1877

(c) 1888

(d) 1899


9: Where was Allama Iqbal born?

(a) Lahore

(b) Sialkot

(c) Faislaabad

(d) Rawalpindi

10: Who was First chief martial law administrator?

(a) Gen Musharraf

(b) Gen kiyani

(c) Gen Iskandar Mirza

Q no 2: Fill in the blanks

I: Fukushima


nuclear power plant was destroyed by___________________.

II: ________________and_______________are
III: Population
IV: United
V: World

(d) Gen Ayoob

the main green house gases.

of the world is around_______________________billions.

Nation headquarters is at________________________________.

War II started in________________________________________.

VI: ___________________________is

the secretary general of U.N.O

stands for_________________________________________

VIII: Nelson

Mandela spent________________years in prison of his life.

IX: Ottoman

Empire was abolished by_____________________________.

X: Martin

Luther, leader of the civil rights was a______________citizen.

Q no3: Match the personality the country which he belonged.

1: Yasir Arafat


2: Mahatir Muhammad


3: Mustafa Kamal

Saudi Arabia

4: Ban ki moon


5: Aung San Sukyi


6: Robert Mugabe


7: Nelson Mandela


8: King Faisal


9: John F Kennedy

South korea

10: South Africa

South Africa

Q no4: Attempt all Short Answers


(Marks 20)

What is the total period of Qurans revealation?


Which Sahabis name is mentioned in Quran?


III: Which

holy book was revealed on prophet Moosa(A.S)?

IV: What

do terms Import & Export mean?

V: Define

term seeking asylum

VI: What

does literate mean?


VII: What

does migration mean?

VIII: What

is term trade surplus mean?

IX: Which

is the miracle of prophet Essa(A.S)?

X: Which

holy book was revealed on prophet Daud(A.S)?

Section II
Note: Attempt any FIVE questions

(Marks 50)

Q no 1: What are the advantages of monsoon climate?

Q no 2: Explain the role of communication for industrial growth.
Q no 3: How does education help a country?
Q no 4: What are the problems of increasing population?
Q no 5: Write down about the discoveries of Marco polo, Columbus, and Vasco
da gama.
Q no 6: Write down the achievements of Nelson Mandela in detail?
Q no 7: What are the problem faced by refugees and why people become
refugees in their own country?
Q no 8: What was Werner von Brauns invention contributed in Americas space
Q no 9: What role Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Allama Iqbal played for muslim?
Q no 10: Germany and japan are two powerful nations but still they are not
member of Security Councils permanent member. Why?

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