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1. After you log in, you'll see this screen. Click Create Campaign

2. You'll want to create a Regular Campaign

3. Select which mailing list you want to send to (this will almost always be the entire concert
mailing list first), then click next in the bottom right.

4. Name the campaign this is purely for internal use, but name it something obvious so it can be
referred or resent later if needs be.
5. Enter the email subject this is what recipients will see as the subject line.
6. PERSONALIZE by default this field is just *|FNAME|* - you should edit it to *|FNAME|*
*|LNAME|* as in the screenshot, this will better prevent the email getting accidentally blocked by
spam filters.

7. All of these options can be left as is. Click Next.

8. Select Saved Templates

9. Use the LandandPeople template, by clicking Select. This is already set up the way we want, just
the text and image need to be changed.

10. You'll now see this screen. First edit the email header by hovering over it and selected the edit

11. You'll now see the editing pane. Edit the text as necessary, then click Save & Close

12. Now Edit the Body hover over the body pane and click the Edit Icon.

13. You'll now see the editing pane again edit the text as necessary until the body looks correct on
the preview. Click Save and Close

14. Now edit the email header image. Hover over the image and click the Edit buttom

15. Almost invariably we'll want to replace this by uploading the new image saved to your computer
somewhere. So click Replace in the editing pane.

16. Click the Upload button in the top right, to browse your files, or drag and drop the image on to
the screen.

17. The image is likely the wrong size, so we need to crop it. Back in the editing pane, select Edit

18. In the Image Editor, select the Crop Tool.

19. Crop the image. Keep the Crop Width at maximum, just adjust the height to area of the image to
be shown on the email. Ideally keep it rectangular as shown, but not so tall as to be distracting.
20. Press Apply in the Top Right of the Editor when done.

21. Back on the preview screen, be sure to ALWAYS SEND A TEST EMAIL. Hover over Preview
and Test and select Send a test email

22. Enter your own email address and click Send Test

23. If the test email all looks okay (the content is fine, your name looks correct in the To: field, the
subject is correct in your email) then you can click Next in the bottom right. If anything is wrong,
go back and edit it. Then SEND ANOTHER TEST to verify.

24. On the Final Checks screen there will be some Warnings, these can safely be ignored. Click
Send to send the campaign!

25. You probably want to resend the campaign to the Oriana Members list so they can also forward
it on. Create a new campaign, but at the Template selection step, select Campaigns instead, and
simply re-use the complete campaign you just sent.
WARNING: Because this is a campaign it is legally required to have Unsubscribe links at the
bottom of the email. If Oriana members FORWARD the copy they get to friends without deleting
the Unsubscribe link automatically attached to the bottom of the email, they risk allowing those
they are forwarding it onto accidentally unsubscribing them from the Members List. This hasn't
happened yet though, to my knowledge at time of writing (July 2016).

1. From the Mailchimp homepage, go to Lists

2. Click the Add Subscriber button for the list to which you wish to add (looks like a plus sign
and a person).
3. Fill out the information requested.
4. TICK BOTH THE BOXES. Only ever add people this way if they have explicitly requested it.
5. Click Subscribe at the bottom.

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