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negotiate meaning

expand language resources

notice how language is used
meaningful intrapersonal exchange

1. Learners engaged in interaction and meaningful

2. Effective classroom learning tasks:

Ten assumptions of current

communicative language teaching

inductive or discovery learning

language analysis and reflection

5. Language learning facilitated by activities


use several language skills or modalities

3. Meaningful communication from relevant,

purposeful, interesting, and engaging content
4. Communication a holistic process

Ten assumptions of current

communicative language teaching

creative use of language and trial and error

errors are normal while learning
goal is to use new language accurately and fluently

7. Learners develop their own routes to language

learning, progress at different rates, and have
different needs and motivations for language

6. Language learning is gradual

Ten assumptions of current

communicative language teaching

climate conducive to language learning

opportunities for Ss to use and practice language
opportunities for Ss to reflect on language use and
language learning

10. The classroom is a community where learners

collaborate and share

8. Effective learning and communication strategies

9. Teacher is a facilitator:

Ten assumptions of current

communicative language teaching

Text-based Instruction
Competency-based Instruction

Product-based approaches

Content-based Instruction
Task-based Instruction

Processed-based approaches

Two directions in current


Focus on learning outcomes

Product-based approaches

Focus on creating classroom processes that facilitate

language learning

Processed-based approaches

Two directions in current


Use language as a means of acquiring

information, rather than as an end in itself
Better reflects learners needs
Provides a coherent framework to link and
develop language skills
Content can be from school curriculum or
related to learners interests and needs

Content-based instruction

Content and Language Integrated Learning CLIL (Europe)

CLIL from the British Council Website
Knowledge of the language becomes the means
of learning content

English used to teach other subjects (math, science)

Bilingual Education/ English Across the


Content-based instruction

Language is integrated into the broad curriculum.

Learning is improved through motivation and the
study of natural language in context.
CLIL is based on language acquisition rather than
enforced learning.
Language is seen in real-life situations.
CLIL is long-term learning.
Fluency is more important than accuracy.
Reading is essential.

Content-based instruction

Focus on meaning
Use communication strategies and interactional skills

language acquisition may occur

Something learners do using existing language

Outcome not simply linked to learning language

a) Key characteristics of a task:

Task-based instruction

pedagogical tasks
real-world tasks

b) Two kinds of tasks:

Task-based instruction

Task - Language awareness - Follow up activity

Grammatical syllabus not needed

Grammatical knowledge built around task
Reverses the standard P-P-P lesson format and
replaces it with one consisting of:

c) Learning claims

Task-based instruction

Teaching the structures and grammatical features of

spoken and written texts
Linking spoken and written texts to the cultural
context of their use
Designing units of work that focus on developing skills
in relation to whole texts
Providing students with guided practice

a) TBI is based on an approach to teaching

language that involves:

Text-based instruction

Factual recounts
Personal recounts

Information reports
Conversations and
Short functional texts

e.g. procedures used in carrying out a task

e.g. explaining how and why things happen
e.g. reviews, arguments, debates
e.g. magazine articles
e.g. anecdotes, diary/journal entries, biographies,
e.g. fact sheets
e.g. stories, fables
e.g. dialogues, formal/informal letters, postcards, e-mail,

Text types on the Singapore 2002 syllabus

b) Contents of a text-based syllabus

Text-based instruction

c) Implementing a text-based approach

Phase1: Building the context
Phase 2: Modeling and deconstructing
the text
Phase 3: Joint construction of the text
Phase 4: Independent construction of the
Phase 5: Linking to related texts

Text-based instruction

A focus on successful functioning in society

A focus on life skills
Task- or performance-oriented instruction
Modularized instruction
Outcomes are made explicit
Continuous and ongoing assessment
Mastery of performance objectives
Individualized, student-centered instruction

Characteristics of CBI:

Competency-based instruction

All four approaches are complementary.

Interchange, Third Edition draws on all
four approaches.


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