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Strawberry Shortcake

Sponge Cake
2 eggs *room temperature
60g granulated sugar
60g cake flour
20g melted butter
20ml hot water
1/2 tbsp. Granulated sugar
300ml fresh cream (heavy whipping cream)
1 1/2 tbsp. Granulated sugar
A few drops of vanilla extract
1. Line the cake pan with parchment paper. Preheat the oven to 170C.
2. Beat eggs with wire whisk in a metal bowl. Mix sugar and place it over a bowl of hot
water and melt the sugar and warm them up to body temperature. Then remove from
the hot water and beat the batter on high speed with an electric mixer until white and
fluffy. Then on low speed, beat for about a min to set the texture.
3. Sift in flour little by little and gently cut through the mixture with wire whisk until
somewhat combined. Then using spatula, sprinkle melted butter, and quickly lift up
the batter to mix.
4. Pour the batter from heights of 30cm into the pan (like ribbon) and drop the pan
lightly on the counter to raise the air bubbles out of the batter.
5. Bake at 170C for 25mins
6. Place a cutting board and a paper towel on a wire rack. Then place the cake pan
upside down and cool with the pan on top.
7. When its completely cool, wrap with plastic wrap and rest the sponge cake in the
fridge for a few hours. (up to 2-3days before decorating)
8. Mix granulated sugar and hot water until dissolved
9. Combined fresh cream, granulated sugar, vanilla extract in a dry, clean bowl. Float
the bottom of the bowl in ice water, whisk the cream until it forms a soft peak.
10. Slice the sponge cake into 2 layers. Gently brush it with syrup and decorate in
11. Rest the cake in the fridge for 1 or 2 hours before you serve. In this way, you can
easily cut the cake.

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