Diary From The Wind

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Doesnt mean anything to anyone

On one wall, my name is engraved with blade, it doesnt mean anything to anyone and bygone
days already no one remembers, except me. I shall furiously bang the window in the night
without wind, invoke the names that are just faded Polaroid pictures, the name by which are
called grandchildren, sometimes living people. I will run these halls as before, going through the
smiling, be a whirlwind there where I once laid and woke up. Whoever follows me Maybe for
one to whom I was the last picture, just shout and a flash that he saw when he blinked and
became the light, perhaps a woman with a gaunted face, of almond color, whose bitter from
poison lips I have kissed, leaving into the light and peace, I will still stayThe head follows the
sound of the piano, ghostly rocking while going through the pages written in a fever, which has
drunk poet written in Bonn attic, a century before I could walk alone on the earth.Then he will sit
in a chair curiously and their words will seek my voice, flee to their homes, talk how I was
among them, an interesting sign that there is another coast. I'll watch them, tied and fastened,
from sycamore tree ...grin happy how cheerfully they walk, signs of their warmth and affection
follow with a look deeper than the lake. And again hurry back, in circles, which I repeat deep
into the night.

Nocturno, August 2013.

Its two o'clock.
Again, the young voices that come from the street keep me awake, through, near the post
office where, they spend the night moneylessly, youngs of high school age but, tonight is
different. . They are talking, perhaps they are around coming of age, just formal only cause they
are waited for ossification that the grindstone of life makes to people. Different, until yesterday
they were accents and sounds, roughly pretense, in the time of growth they already wanted to
create fear around themselves, but, who are these tonight? They talk with passion. Mixed
company. They are reminiscent of a time when I was like that.
We read Grass, Elliot, with such voices also talked at night, listening to the passing trains,
waiting for our return in the rough world of reality, war, all that premonition. Then, we wrote
letters, diaries, we were important.
We felt time, quiet ticking of eighties, in a vortex that is just starting now. But, of they speak like
that outside, so rapturously than these done nothing. They did not conquer the world with their
poisons and hypnosis, they did nothing. .. while the group of young discussed what will
tomorrow bring. Who are they maybe they were summoned by my deep loneliness. During the
decades in which all greater sin is to be unnecessary literate. Let it be So, all is not lost.
And they literally whisper loudly, but it heard. They are conflicting. speaking at the same tame.
under public lightening, a young man reads to them another article about something and
interprets breathlessly. I`m sorry, you failed. You didn`t turn all of us into a sick corn. Curiosity
and unconditionality are stronger. Even when one is hungry.

Before Vermeers canvas

I was 22 years old when I spoke in Vienna for the Croatian cause, in the hall of one hostel, in
front of about hundred people who were equally young, but before them there were not as many
ablauts and thickets as before us from Croatia, where the sky was becoming cloudy and where
tans were already preparing to occupy the corners and cities.
I felt important and strong in a way that has died in other nations with nineteenth century and
ours has not, a feeling was carrying me, a feeling that will probably go with me in to wooden
coffin when I exhale till the end but remains one like that, outnumbered and somewhat
misunderstood and tragic, overabundant time to say something from the other side of river.
I went to the gallery and when I was in front of the canvas of Johannes Vermeer from Delft, I
stood and watched the masterful work, I was completely quiet, full of that respect which exists in
small European nations, with what the countless students from Croatia stood in silence, as well
as my grandfather after all. Loud and arrogant American tourists were passing by, it felt that they
rule the world, not me who wouldnt arrived in Vienna if I did not came there for my artful
expression and persistence, not at my own expense and for me, with great mission.
The times are passing, and little things are changing. So again. If I was born a thousand times,
again it would be even closer and more honest to be such as I should have been and could only
be. It will pass a century, maybe two, again a young student in some fateful time will stand in
front of a screen and keep quiet, it would be great and important to him, for many it wont be.
But we can be full of wonder and firm at the same time. Sometimes it costs us and sometimes its
a priceless gift.
And soon, Vermeer and Gigli, Shishkin and Andrew, all again became a temptation and a
companions of one nightmarish time, in which I am silent chronicler. And with them I entered,
from country roads, in a forest rutted with boars fleeing from shelling.

Like blossoms
Whether we like it or not, the steps will never echo through the night, as they echoed back then.
The time, like a river that carries logs into the time of spring water, carries logs in time of spring
waters, carries our string memories further and further into the memories, all are now less
present and more important fossils to us. All new presents of blue fields of our days, new winters
are creeping into out bones, endless race for food and gas, this is the time when eternal noon is
stinging. But but as soon as the drum of life slow down and sometimes flashes the images
of bright colors and moving, I thing of orchards in bloom, before dawn in a special night, and
this picture grows as big as the world. And in that, there is nothing I would know to transfer to
you brothers And I would wanted that fervently. Orchard in bloom, its intoxicating scents in
the distance, and they are rushing to me, serious threats and dangers. And one inebriation, not
only from consciousness how big a judge I am for such big events..oh if I just knew but as
from unpreparedness as much as from too much oxygen. One of such melancholy nap on my feet
and passion desire to live that you suppress, because you do not know if you will be able to
satisfy it. And you think, how someone chooses us, as flowers. But I did not convey anything.,,
One fragrant and indescribable sadness, which won over all fear. And survived until today.

About anger
There is a deep root in the human species in the belief that from adversity and terror cannot be
defended without justified anger. I remember an exciting movie about exorcist with C.C. Scott in
the lead role, where he actually negotiates with demons and in the end ge falls into raging affect
and that one frightensand withdraws himself into the abyss of that anger. And the most of
American movies are actually based on revenge. From the movies about Rocky Balboa and
further on, every one is based on the story of how the hero finds himself in an unbearable
situation, losses common sense and in justified fury he wins upon a superior opponent. When
that doesnt happen in the story, we remain deceived. But every believer knows that the devil
wins only if you enter into dispute with him, like Ivan Karamazov with the devil and every
historian knows that the Russians in December of 41 did not reject Germans from Moscow , nor
they were angry because it was winter. But because they transferred 26 untouched divisions
under Moscow from the Far East. And we all know that the operation storm was a success
because it was prepared on Dinara and because the relationship greatly changed with ones wise
effort. But, we dont like to hear that. This civilization is assured over long period of time how
let the feelings out actually means to be angry and how thatsolves things.
Personally, I in my job, the only thing I do is waiting when people are a little less dumb, so I
could catch them in that time and hooked upon constructive solutions that are the best for them.
It means everything for them. And it is amazing how much these solutions are a folk-school
logical and the only ones possible, but in his justified anger, and in fear and pain, in distrust and
hysteria, people are throwing themselves left and right, so they could do anything but that what,
in the end, will again be the result. I am deeply ashamed because the thing I know is in fact
nothing. The only thing that the next is cult of insanity that is ruling, it is long, painful and
circuitous path. Anyway, millions continue to believe so, that is old and more, and more
dominant story how it is best when there is no looking back.

The anger gives a sense of greatness and that is the essence of tragedy. Because we love the
defeat, not victory. Because victories dont have incomprehensible in itself, defeats do.
But now I wonder about this, where did this come from Who seduces us and bred to, when
Hussein goes to the gallows, we call outand scream, ant by that we only stir up one big fireplace
in which is some picturesque global flame.
Who if not that abstract and metaphysical power, which does not suit, so man could live without
that fireplace, which throws onthe chuckles on his hands and legs and leads people into the
Which wants the man to be sick, so she could heal him with poisons and curb it, And that, which
wants to be distrustful and frightened creature that will reach for all kinds of fury, so he could
feed a perverse need for warmth.

I was silent for a moment

What is possible to man, it is not possible to any creature, and in particular to set thing up to that
black and white clarity in which meaning is being so far away from reality that is completely
useless for anything else but destruction. But it is so often that I am impressed, and I am a little
envious of whoever can explain things so hearty that he would always match the story in which
his truth and overall and all-usable and easy, no matter how absurd it was.
Because the reality is, a bitch, always fool niche in which are hiding exceptions to the rules, such
as underwater cliffs, she never wears strait lines, rather some amorphous collage.
With the trace of the above, that silencetowards divergences from the desired truth always , and
obtain so many counter directions and sabotages that it is relatively determination that has
always growing inefficiency.
The determined individual is always ineffective, indecisive is motionless. Only then, in between
bears some growth. That professor from Vernes Journey to the Center of the Earth was pulling
leaves in a jar to make the plants grow bigger, but it is hard with what he has achieved.
The reality is inconsistent and relative, one mixture of facts from which can be derived little
healthy conclusions. What is the "earthly", however, so clear ... Recommendation of the Old
Testament, and many other wisdom texts ..even Tolstoy in his enlightenment work "way of life".
it's not good to make noise, drink, and similar.
The question was a better living thirty years ago is impossible to give answers. Butelectricity
in man, the zoon politikon in it, those do not give peace ... And people will passionately prove
how thirty years before, the living was excellent or terrible. And that is impossible to say.Finally,
it has nothing to do with politics, nor with technological development.In some ways it has
something to do mostly with the circumstances of years we had back then. As well as the rest.

But personally, I am terribly afraid of that. Sometimes I am speechless of how wide the river that
should be run over by a man is, in order to start to realize that in everything he does, he finds
reasons for his righteous wrath. It is horrible, but every simplification leads only to violence. And
all violence leads to defeat.
I do not know where is that level at which we communicate when we do not have a chance to
exchange a word even non-verbal signals, but it exists. It may be less expressive, actually
certainly, so when we maintain misguided about the others we do not know how we do this
And not only the people but also the circumstances in which we find ourselves. And I'm not
talking about the establishment of hypnotic rapport and other satanic nonsense but something
quite intimate, more like whisper of underground waters. I do not speak, therefore, of a
deliberate, concentrated and reasonably messaging with some learned method. Some, quite
properly, calls this network.
I'd like to talk about it more and I am sure of two things. The first is that the force of these new
age allegations of this does not stand,and I am sure how we all when we were kids, and certainly
many people and later, are or have been aware of this. And finally, it is just consequently
important why something is, but more important is, that it is like that. Because all the material
that out mind digests is firstlywith that mind observed, even if he has spawned himself.
I remember thinking about the subject when it was clear it would go to war. And I wondered,
because I read that, am I contributing to that possible evil destiny by my fearfulness and of others
too. It was claimed how it is like that. And then you begin to fear that you do not fear, it's similar
to when stupid parents yell at the small children to stop to cry. Then I realized that there is a
"proper condition" in which should lead self if we want prayers to be answered. That, prayers,
because I prayed a couple of times for a purpose and I achieved nothing.
Over time things changed. And yesterday I was excited about one possible unpleasant telephone
conversation that I was supposed to do and it turned out just fine. Butsignificantly
And at the time A, I called the man and had to convince him in something. He did not answer.
sitting over coffee I prayed that all goes as was the best, but that did not returned the call. Or has
not seen or already knows what I'm going to tell him and it makes him opposed. AT the time B, I
have realized something and prayed to be the best for all. At the time C, he answers the phone
and I take care of everything, so it was clear that the prayer was answered.
Question- Is at the time A, he was opposed to or was asleep. The question is whether there is a
moment A beyond me at all. Because, if I had not changed my inner attitude, C would look
different, and that's for sure.

So about our prayers and attitude about her, about our awareness that the outcome depends on it,
is formed not only that time after which was outcome - that is C, but also that before.
That was impossible to man, but to God it is possible, and that is important because He is beyond
time and we speak to him.
The reality is in constant dependence of the divine, in addressing, we always exist in the present,
if so, and then the past and the future are transformed into fiction. so much of Lazarus and his
but what is that essential position that enables this, firstly it is the awareness that we are dust and
life in us as it is in the hands of God. The second is that for something to be accepted as we seek,
it must have a purpose, which is in favor of everyone, otherwise it is magic. The most important
is that we may not want it, that glass that cannot go past us, nor immediately be understood.
There is still something important, an awareness of our own ignorance, and about the whole,
because it is exactly what happens what and where we were looking for, even if it is not clear to
us. This is not the fear of fear, because fear is not punishable if it does not produce hatred and
The circles are closing. the older I get the more I am realizing. Elijah was an angel, an angel or
as they saymelek, said- rise up and walk. Over time I was more and more clear when I need to
see what is spoken to me and why .
By communicating, therefore, mutually and without contact and in what everyone knows, we'll
find a common and benevolent hand, which stands over us in all our differences and
relationships and leads a dialogue with us, teaching us of self that isgoodness.

Under cherry- Makarian aquarelle

Do not know Is there still is a cherry under which from the red double-seat bus seatrules of one
of the pivotal people of my, indeed rarely happy childhood, measured Dumina. She was low and
wide, and her mother had a black bun and she made the best salsa uporko.Facade of their old
house was washed burgundy color ..with a shower outside. When after many years and Since
three, entered the Makarska by obelisk from Napoleonic times, so I had to bite my lip, so I would
not fall apart. . Uncle is, in fact, emotional and melancholic, always have been, and there are a
little places where remained so many burning candles in memory, as right there. From there I
would peak, among those cherries,whether will I come across my every measure of femininity,
then in their twenties I think, Belinda, which was not supposed to know my childhood dreams in
the age of ten years and that they were of romantic nature.Countless pictures ..thousands. If the
root exists, its there. And in the courtyard of the Franciscans among stone sarcophagi, in a pine
forest of St. Peter, and in ... yes, most in front of "Riviera" on the beach, with the head on an
orange bathing suit, these are the first memories.And then, it was all somehow, I met Mira, the
old Mira thatof pebbles made huge mosaics in his palace and on the stairs, over has been Sunko
lady who loved Benyamin Gigli as much as I did, and back then, small uncle. and we have seen
Mira and we recognized each other. ah.. It was awful, my legs would have hung from the stairs
because they were not reaching the level of those thirty centimeters. And now I was already
uncle. Not real, but like real.That, every square meter in this city is soaked with memories. That
over the years do not fade, but only the shadows are lengthening as the sun of life all lower.


Why semantics of Nazism never ceases to attract the attention

A German could not be a positive character in the world of Holmes and Watson, the pilot without
legs could not be the bad guy at Mrs. Christie ... but that German was not from the Ardennes, he
was from the Somme. And he is an empty symbol, almost pointed hat. This was the first. And it
has passed, and now James Bond drives"German car".The second was that Adenauer is almost
forgotten, and he was the one who gave birth to the modern Germanthat gave rise to a firm
growth and in which, after having been flat like frying pan soon began to arrive nationals of
victorious countries in search of bread. Long live that German. and Hitler ... he was in a bunker,
realizing that the 9th Army does not exist, dreaming to drown Berlin because Germans betrayed
him. and then he was gone and the German has risen like never before. But again.... Whoevers
not going to school or with women,draws with a divider swastikas or on YouTube listens "that
kind of music".
Why? Why is Lord Vader so remembered ...
Because long before the society of Thule, there is one inversion, evil and black magic that intoxicates
weak. And because Nazism was not German, but something else entirely.The first country with health
protection is Prussian, and its her spirit and militarism,moltkeovian and ludendorffiam horns and oak,
one semantics and music where the black line was stolen the "Prussians Gloria", that ritterian but
constructive world of steam punk solutions, which lives on today,had to be violated with their
negation. This negation was just the tragedy of Nazism. As much as the world of three K is not south of
the United States, so much far is to the German peasantwhat he had once been cheated. Because in
the testimony by Guido Knopp, witnessed a girl once and now an old woman. My grandfather said- what
if it is not our leader, then it is a demon, and it is.
But, why am I telling this anyway, everyone knows my standpoints and knowledge of this Maybe in
order to return in the rime of the early Teutonic order an how it was made and by whom it was funded?
And why did the Knights Hospitaller despised Tautons No, that trap I will not swallow.
But I will say- stay on guard. Recognize the colors and what they bring. Today more than ever.
And in the picture is a family coat of arms Vapp von Ruhla.


About whole, with primitive but usable attitude (king and country are one)
There.... for some time now, last some pressures and doubts, in business or not, but everything in
the total is somehow hold tight. Yoda would say that he feels in the force something heavy.Of
course, the system is established by the Roman principle, it can take a lot of torpedoes in the side
of the ship before he leans.and so it is.
But today, on the bypass of the road, a Mercedes in drive has shut down. It turned out that it was
nothing, something in the computer has flashed. My faithful gimli, after few years almost had
an epi attack, but he fought. Uncle doesnt feel well too, he was defeated by a fatigue , a kind
that he doesnt remember. Actually, in driving, I lost consciousness for a few seconds, something
was dark, pinched inside as pliers. And those three things are related. Empire is under attack. It
was piling up.
Here, he is sitting in my room because he is afraid. Guttegimli would never admit it, but I can see
it. We are old ( not the car ), experienced and we are a whole like the a phalanx of Spartan
pedestrians. But, imperial lines war brings into the forests, where they can get lost.
Again, this is nothing, considering what we have been through. And fully aware of everything,
my uncle searches for that spark, a spark that will return a wave of coldbloodness into
truncatedsystem, and it is there. It calls him, with a prayer while walking and in inner reflex
The most important of all, I feel, literally and physically, how the streams are filled with water,
how it will be overcome with power, health and a sharp spirit. I can literally see it, as I saw when

the cloak shrank. Now, I can clearly feel that inner flood, how it gushes out, cleans before itself
the powers of darkness and weakness, how the fire in steam punk machine is burned out and how
against us, there is no victory. And all that from a single point.
on the clock, which is a whole, it says - 17 rubies.This is the same logic and truth which they
knew in the time of Arthur and which, he who sees, knows even today.Hadrian's Wall is standing.
tomorrow can come, legionnaires in impatience are throwing shields, running down into the
valley, hungry for victory.


About encounter of Krleza and Tito in 1939. in Luksic and aboutscarlatina

In this meeting, what can be important for us, why is someone even mentioning it Yes, it is
very important, and not only because it traces and shows one relationship between the two
important contemporaries, but it talks about incomparably broader thing.
Retelling this meeting, Krleza describes many of his actions and safety precautions during the
meeting with one leader, who was retelling this meeting, Krleza describes many of his actions
and safety precautions during the meeting with one leader, who was globallyclose, but who is
also the enemy of the state and with whom he must meet in the greatest secret. In that kind of
matter, he is very clumsy, but also extremely caring. In his words you can feel fear, not only from
the fact that he would be killed from Karadjordjevics secret police, but also from the movement,
whose leader he would discover. He is a journalist and a writer of left orientation, he is
oppositional to the dynasty and the regime, but he is not revolutionary. Krleza recalls how in the
street Rako took a taxi,how the taxi driver was too close and how he stood in sixths, in order to
get rid of him and so he could continue on foot. When he arrived at the tavern, Tito was furious.
Krleza retells this after Titos death, but in that, of course, regime. That anger is not a small thing
to Krleza, but there are two following moments. The first is, so tells Krleza, his interest in all
those communists who disappeared in Stalins purges. He is directly interested in that, and that
firmly and calmly assures him how that is not most important topic. Tito is a master, he prevents
him from asking too much and calms him down. By the way, he is sovereign, because behind all
of that ,there is an attitude that makes clear to Krlezacould come across him in future, that
means- dont ask too much. But like all intelligent and strong, Tito reveals his potential brutality
on the spoon and if it is necessary.

At some point, arrives a automobile with possible agents, which proved that those are not
policemen, but Tito pulled out a gun, and calmly puts him along himself. After he put the frame
in the gunstock, he was ready. To Krleza he gives completely coldly, advice where to withdraw
when and if he starts shooting. Few year earlier, in Caf Korzo, Tito resisted the police for a few
hours, barricaded and surrounded. Krleza was impressed. But he is also overwhelmed with
consciousness, he doesnt tell that although it is visible- this is not for me. we all know that
episode withKra and we all know how Krlezawas resented that he was not a part of that world,
where they pulling out revolvers. Ant there is one point which is the essence of this topic.
Tudjman was somewhere in a quarter distance closer to Krleza, and about three-quarters from
Tito. Tito did belong among action heroes too, unscrupulous criminals with political ambition
and with a mission. Once, he retells, with over eighty tears, how his mother held him in her arms
for a long time, when he had scarlet fever, and immediately after he heard a neighbor, who
thought that he doesnt hear him, told- he is done. And he was really deeply moved while he was
remembering that.
That pulling out of a gun on a bench and coldblooded and relaxed behavior, but we have such
even today, on all sides. Finally, the experiences from the Spanish Civil Wan to foreign legion,
they are similar, or the hijackings of plains.
And just now the question.
Is that fact of the presence of gun on the bench, causes a political options and its fruits?
Adenauer was not the gunman, neither was Roosevelt, neither was Pavlic, although Luburic was.
The man is marked by his habituation to physical jeopardy, and many of you does not know that.
Finally, Krleza heard many steps up the stair and wondered whether they will take him away.
And Tudjman too, who was , after all, textbook type. Tito was not. So, this is not a political topic,
it is only sociologically interesting.
Men who read this ...
There Women will give them to you, even without assuring yourself how it is important to be
able to carry a gun, we know that you didnt have him without a reason, but if you did. That is
sorrow and misery.And that is not the topic. At that age that will never return again. I was with
transparent veins as a young leaf of apples, at that age that will never be again When the
trouble was pulsing in anticipation of big events, and I, in my mutely anxiety, alreadywas silent.
Oh, when I only remember After all , everything was just imitation. Its hard that everyone
will knowwhat Im saying, but a skilled listener will recognize that I have to, maybe he will
knock in that step already fading sound of great Veker.
The late eighties, for us, who walked along the tracks. . . Hesse, T.S. Elliot, in the distance one
cool wind that is only about to blow, maybe just in toes, I would know how to feel that growing
shade, and a year of letters was yet to come. Ah, whatever will be later, no one can break that
restlessness out of my young lungs You know how I could run a mile faster than two and half

minutes? That is not much, but, it is still very fast. Back then, I still wrote songs on paper,
crossed over, recited still put opium and patchouli behind my ear. I am still in prepaid
Sometimes, I smile maliciously to the fact I was so young. An no matter how much Ive darken
later, no matter how gangrenous cynical black spawn corrodes a foils of one soul, there was a
time that will, at least in the manuscript, remain ilmio Tesoro intanto. No matter what that was.
That is my big advantage and it will be later. Because, a painter remembers.Because he
flickers with a paint brush and the painting is left, an image like a print of one present. And if
everything turns around, if the painting does not burn out, she is the only testimony, the one who
is smiling on the painting. No matter how much one repents and frowns later, he remains
smiling. So, dont fear of nice things, even if you withheld them, not three, but three hundred


Why is creepy newly posted footage about the bombing of Nagasaki?

There are a lot of war footages, snuff movies, expressive pictures Some of us have seen
something by ourselves.
There is one thing in this footage that is particularly difficult. Be aware, it is about 60-70 000 of
dead, so, like in Dresden, but with only one bomb. Secondly, this was after Hiroshima, when
humanity has already witnessed about the power of nuclear weapons. Im not even getting into
some questions of justification, we are a species that if there is a bomb, if the other side cannot
fight back..We will throw it. Both Russians and Americans would fire the rockets during the cold
war- if the other side did not have them. But they did it, after a thousandsof participants in
preparations. One crew of an aircraft, and what is so much impressive is next- relaxedness.
Gunner, hangman or doctor. Judge, police officer even a serial killer He radiates awareness
that makes something really great if he goes to judge something to someone, maybe even with
sadism, that is not even a valuable topic nor question. They are in shorts, very unmilitary, totally
focused on the boarding, quite sure of themselves, but without any consciousness they are
becoming, at least, a part of history.
Something else, who can be any of us. Either the navigator or copilot or taxi driver in Nagasaki,
depends on how the maps are divided. I dont think that in that situation someone is better or
someone is worse. It is horrible, I only have to say that, how all similarly board on gas cylinders
in Renault 4, which will take her to the cottage for preparation of stew. And all those boys were,
until end of their lives 90% just that- those who boarded and dropped atomic bomb.

Indeed, it could not be easier to them than to others. But these are important things. I believe that
for the team, they were selected, perhaps by the psychological stability, if you can call it that, but
mostly by their expertise. We all could be that on the grounds of competence, and that offensive
relaxedness is exactly why- because the psyche needed to regress into most durable form. They
knew what they were doing, they knew that that must be so, and to protect themselves, they were
holding a little excursion-like. They could not get drunk, like those in firing lines, which had to
do a superb job. And of course, to survive. And live on. And they are also the victims of the
atomic bomb.

Uncles New Years speech to the earthlings on the occasion of the end of 2013 and the onset
of 2014
Tomorrow will again perform at midnight that hypothetical point of linear counting of time
where we witness repeatedly.Here, you found a purpose as some geodesic point from where is
measured and compared on the more but one side, but usually on two, as though time goes by
like a freight train in which we are arrogant packages with oranges.Everything that is along the
tracks is from a closed freight wagon, it cannot be seen. We are rethinking with passed
determined conditional now, and we dream about the future equally, it was a difficult dream, or
in love.
My dear,
That thing that will shoot tomorrow around midnight, which will open a few berks or Bacharach,
will not change anything. But it does not mean that anything can change, of course. Days will
still slide and the nodes will get involved and the man will still jump from stone to stone as
before. But there will always be
There will always be a possibility that a man will make an incredible move, brave and creative,
an entirely new and unexpected, It will flash below the frontal bone, some thought and the
lanterns will be lit up one by one through forest huts and guardhouses, ships and wandering
shelters, cornfields, under crucifixes and in monasteries. Have you forgotten how the heart is
beating in your chest when it wakes up and fire up, when the biting whispers spreads through the
streets and it becomes a roar and then thunderstorm?
Believe in man, He is the image of God himself, his footsteps no one else cannot measure.Let in
your souls raise a mighty wind, surrounded by love and strength tear the chains of fear and
drowsiness, beery evil sounds and moaning, dont let them to lead us with chains to the valley!
The ground is soaked with poisons, the words are heartwarming and committed are forgotten, in
the silence, a buzzing can be heard, a buzzing intended to conquer the sky and the earth, where
disappeared in man ability of hoping It just fell asleep. I know. Thats why I am shouting these
words , rumple with these words shirts of passing-biers- wake up. Living water is going to break

out of the earth, blossoms of cherries and apples will burst into flames in the spring, Again will
come blood in peoples faces. The time is coming. Guard in silence. The fallen world will not
last forever.
The land is sold in prairie, for which even the Roman legions were fighting, for half a euro, for
euro. Watch how the ravens are flying over the land and measuring Yes, that evil voice is in
the air. But until the blood the peasant will bite his lip and throw in the grass rakija, he will start
to think how, and he will turn the grass green as never before, Do not lose courage. In you, in
those prairies, there are strands of young wheat from that time when people of the plow were
invited for consuls. Here, the guards of the ancient world were changing, on the Danube river,
that is out world upon which every money lender will eventually break teeth and escape. Every
disease, every seed of wheat enchanted in order to create slaves.
Forgive one another, encourage each other and lift up the fallen, not every time is easy. It is not
hard to fall, in every persons souls attractively rattles thirty pieces of silver. Do not have hatred.
Good will conquer the darkness.
This is what I want for you, And for those, in whose lives I had some role Im sorry that I gave
you and still was too little, it will be in some hour to tell ourselves- Im here, and resurrect the
best in ourselves. Im counting on you, and I believe in the most difficult time and I believe in
myself, to be there and spread my arms for you. Believe in man. An in those who you consider as
adversaries, believe in those whom you dont trust, believe that in them will open that window
about good Polish was speaking. Because it will, they are just people, like every one of us. Love
yourself, silver will create from somewhere by itself. Dont be ashamed from pain nor from
hunger, nor from debts. Pray for your enemies, let an evil get hurt,because he failed to put out the
candle in human generation, he failed to destroy lily of love with weeds of hatred. But cautious
as serpents, always joyful.
There all of this, all in themselves. and all you know and recognize on your own, and I am one
of you, maybe sometimes grotesque and self-ironic, sometimes fly high and weak, sometimes
greedy and boastful, sometimes unreliable and distracted. But when I can already see in myself
this desire which I shared with you, I want to say it out loud. She tears apart heavy clouds, gives
courage and love, faith that we will be like mountain stream in this year which is at the door.
All the best, from uncle.


Everything else is a lie just one aquarelle from which the steps in the night are heard
Everything else is a lie just one aquarelle from which the steps in the night are heard, old and
unskillfully painted. And that steps were interrupted by loudly slamming of the train, in the time
when something was important when people were traveling. Quiet autumn wind and I can
remember more words, but I remember voices very well. I sold the painting, but I never got rid
of it. On each wall by which I sleep, she is still hanging, and Ive never even painted her.
Sometimes is hard to breathe, and then she comes alive especially faithfully. As the water in the
streams withdraws, she heads it behind and she is reminiscent. Everything else is a lie
Just one aquarelle showing autumn night and some street, that has to be the western part of the
city, towards Crnomerac, maybe that is in the driveway or crosswise. It contains a lot of fear,
forebodings and memories when hearts were so open they could feel both what was real and
what was made up, everything as single reality. While not hungry, yet, for life froze first drops
of morning whiteness, when everything still existed And now there is nothing, only rougher
men who are fighting behind the truck with bread. No matter how much theyvestrengthen, we
are doing just that. And then Oh, then
That is that canvas cut from deepest intimacy, about which needs to be silent and/ or no one can
see it if everybody can , only pass by it Why didnt just pass then, cutthat painting, in
Hubertus Im lying. In ballonet and on purpose I planted it, but to you, its all the same. But he
knows that he adjudicated everything by himself, not others. And what happened next? Nothing.
One really difficult world happened after. It could not be stopped. And why would it.
And that picture never brings emptiness and suffering. She carries with her all the thunderstorm
of color and sound, and one creepy scream. She carries so much color, that a heart can fall apart.
Then it passes. Again, like the train then. And now strikes so deep as before, solid drum of life.
And then just passes. And bites.

Never will all ships be listed

Never will all ships be listed People would want that, but they cant. What did kind of fierce
anger generation came up so he could gear and see everyone, but in vain. And pills, yes, there are
all kinds of pills and vaccines and satellites, and who knows what about else, about what you just
keep silent. But I know it is all in vain.
That instinctively part somehow, can even be breaking peoples arms and legs as well as to thing
that he can manage with his mood, but, again, none of that.
I can see. That some movie, plain, gone with the wind, how, now, he is almost
incomprehensible even though it was closest to the most diverse people. Everything became
simpler in the man, he became all-seeing and manages with it like it is a bullet caliber 7.9 when
putting carbine into the tube.
Its full of evil magic Although, people gather easily. And it is not needed to be all, it is enough
that and that much And there you go, so much will take to watch at one point. Like in
CarminaBurana , heavy sound of mortality. Appetite and fear, the strongest thing. They nail into
the coffin and only coffins are walking down the street, not people anymore. Well, I knew
But in vain. They knew to say to me- look, it is not important, you cannot live from that thing. I
know. But there, I do. And I have meat and rakija, and somehow I know how to find my way
around. And why wouldnt be same in constant struggle and competition. But Im not.


Some cars are pulling a short top on the muddy road. It has to be Galicia, an Austrian soldier is
lying on gun carriage and travels with it like that, bending tobacco and writing something down.
Maybe just this, but to him than, already all was close and understandable. I dont know what
happened with him, but some part of him was not listed, And it cannot be.
Did he write home in Moravia or whatever, also I dont know. But I know that he got away from
this evil which looking for to conquer the man.


Last night, with one troubled director from one public sector, commenced a lively discussion
about circassians, the cruel and wicked skilled warriors on horses and reluctant runabout. I think
that he was a little romanticized about that, but there was that nietschelianism which is common
to those born in fifties, which was bypassed by an opportunity to fell from cinema gall in their
twenties into wastelands of Dinara or into cortex of those turning points of time at which we are
still trying to be proud of. The take off, Is speaking about one type of man, that observer rapture,
in which is left a little of that unreachablefor them. I was always afraid of that ever-boyish
subjectivism, I thought if I believe in that lie I was almost fearless, that I might be more radiant,
but its safer to be aware of yourself even if it starts shooting, I will be able to cope with that,
knowing that the bullets are real. No matter about it was. When stealing at least let it be known
that its stealing. And when it was showing of, let it be aware of that, and not to imagine how its
wild and rebellious.
And in that conversation, I recognized my strong desire, to say something of which I am deeply
aware from the period of my own adolescence. Aware that savagery doesnt even intoxicates, that
Schiller is a jerk and that Im openlytend to abidermayer world, and not to that from the pen of
Russian romantics with wide soul. And since I am not really stupid, I realized right away why
did that desire effervescent. Because I am, in my incomplete life had many episodes which
reminded of something big, and that gives me goose bumps, Ive had enough and it makes
me sick.


Only nausea and heartburn. From Tolkien counties, I choose shire trice, Rohan world does not
interest me, nor I want it. Strudel with cherries with Staub sugar is quite a good choice. forsake
me, how would say one religious nun that I know. And where from that Krakonja himselfcrept
outto me, who is constantly on the move, to explain how he admires to Circassians Of course,
I do not admire them. Nor Circassians, nor Mexican revolutionaries, nor flying barons No. and
I thought it was an open demonstration of clientilistic worldview and a way of life, which he
shows now so openly, how much he remained outside of real life, so he can and wants to reason
like this. Eh, my good doctor. Anton Pavlovic He would understand this.
And maybe he spoke stupid like this deliberately. To humiliate. To say with his stupidity I am
stupid and nave because I can be, and you cannot because you suck, you are an ordinary
shopkeeper and a thief who must constantly watch with eyes if the gendarmes are coming, in
scale and towards new customers. If he lived 80 years before, he would swear that he will go to
Abyssinia. For aviator.


Lapis aeternus
Winters are tightening and spring weave with spidery roots, years are passing and the step is
getting firmer. One part of my total organism is both in a substance and in thought, and in
completely airy light, its depositing at the center of being. God leads me through the woods and
meadows, wasps and fieldcreatures are approaching me, I belong less and less to the temporal
world and clatter, to the noise of the world. And I dwell in that din easier and easier, because I
am not fully dependant of it, I only recognize the sounds- mine and others, and they are all mine
and not only mine. Just one part, one layer just for me
I see like imitatio of that supremacy of timeless from old Byzantine icons, one like immersion
like on Grunewalds paintings. Imago dei develops deep into the temples from what has the time
been seen when the heart was beating as in sacrificial calf, and nothing more was there,
according to this placid in the spirit of being on the move, in many ways unequal, but tighter,,
more ossifiedcenter where from the stone originates that what was once called fons vitae.
It is a strange link between various landscapes on the road toward peace and faith. Deeply old
European, this path has remembered all the languages companions were speaking, and those
from the forge of mute Argonauts prehistoric times, and those baroqueswall, which in itself
woven golden strings which were separated significantly from luxury. And that genetically
hidden whispers on the languages of ancient people who ponder ornamentationly, not narrative.
If a man must flee and be pursued with sufficiently dilated eyes, and not only physically, he will
get to know only good, himself as an crock, which has breath imprinted and the path drawn just
to become aware of that, of himself. There is a scale, on which he will be even more heavier.I
believe that when the road sets in the fog of the mountain, everything will already be full of that
life that he will not need to skip even one big rock. That fog, which good Goethe sensed in the
song Mignon, and which every Christian spirit feels like permeation of sense of self, that is
unsafe, and eternal therefore stepsonly.

Old school, about elite - quite frankly

I ... despite the heartily democracy by many criteria, am elitist and I have a very clear picture of
the contents of that elitism of which I am a silent supporter I according to whose standards I feel
good because I was mostly led by them, and I was adjusting according to them. Maybe this text
carries an amount of bad taste, because it openly talks about something that is completely
personal and cannot be universally accepted, although for me and for many is, and for the
others... For the most, I dont care too much. I have to say that elitism costed me of many
relationships, although I never transfuse into words, nor open attitudes or choices. But it is
always there. The reasons for that is because the public awareness of the values has eroded so
much, that in that explosion of bad taste I, myself, want to express my subjective statement.
I am most pleased that I ran 800m, in youth, that I studied and finished law, that I had read
Milton on Cmrok as a kid and I was always refrained from drinking, gambling or whining. I
consider all this as advantages and not something on what I would lose. Scrappy scales of selfappointed elites were constantly changing and have not brought lasting happiness to anyone. If
the wheel of time turns back it would just acted equally in many issues. Life is beautiful and has
advantage to that who hardens in it and is vigorous and equal. No one did anything wrong to me,
everything that did not suit me I can only thank to my recklessness or stupidity. And I do not
resent to anyone absolutely anything. Im sorry of the ones a took the time away, from which he
learned nothing, I turned out until now more traveler through life, rather than some deep root.
About the war ... yes, many of us took a machine gun from theatrical cafs, and pretending to be
up to the task, entered into the night, there wewere managinghow we knew, and that did create
from us stringer and more vital people , if we were lucky to survive, and often we did. Thos,

before whom a women has knelt and he gave up or had water in the knee, they did not profit
anything more serious, they just paved their way in the valley for further. And that voice- come
on, please give that people some water, was the voice of one Central European Croatia. No, we
didnt act badly if we would catch any prisoners. Not from navet, but from civilizational
superiority. I remember that voice that was afraid that someone will lose something; people who
are still living from their work and ingenuity, and nobody know that they once were, absurdly,
some warriors.
Here, I watch even now, all those values that I respect are still there equally. One young man
from the area of SanskiMost, trains MMA, struggles, lives sporty, extremely lucid. But its
already seen how he will always be positive and a straight-A student, because he thinks
positivelyand it is clear that he is indeed a certain kind of elite. Then who will survive if not him.
And my neighbor with Northeastern properties, there are always same criteria that I can see and I
know, and I cannot keep quiet how they are in several levels elitist. andthe only possible ones. I
can, with these other, comment on Ezekiel or Jung. That is elite.
And what promotes the national television, or this smallstronghold I do not watch that, and
that is a program for those who eat hamburgers. To find and good fish and wine, cheese and
interesting people. It is important to stick with some general and high quality affinities, curiosity,
role models and it can be either quality survive or quality perish. And thats all that matters.


I do not want to see this post

I think .... as soon as I have to click so many times the command I dont want to see this post
on facebook, so many times to pretend that it didnt affect me, encounter of indisposed people or
animals ... here, and I said indisposed and I thought- pathetic, and in order to conceal that it
affects me.(and I have not lived year as a princess kitty ... although I did not, of course, neither
some sandokan or Janosik. Then again, I think I proved harder part of me with some kind of
imaginary and non-existent eyes that I can speak more freely about) That means that I am
either too sensitive for the adult- and that goes in the waste from the start, or that something in
the world itself is thick and unspoken wrong.
And now I see lately some signals that the realization that we were falsely humanizing and
build up from not having empathy, false temple, that it penetrates on all sides. It seems to that the
man, as a species, cannot be successfully degraded. And that if, from thousands of chimneys of
spirit are constantly smoking, because they are working in order to make amorphous robotic
gelatin, but it doesnt work. It is seductive to thing that people can be convinced that they feel
only hunger and revenge. It cannot. The throat is moving under the fingers, the world hasnt
fallen people. The weirdest thing is. it showing completely out of institutions and those brave.
On the horizon is seen oncoming spirit of times, entirely thin smoke that is warm and trusting.
Fundamental lie, how it takes to be a cannibal to survive, it hasnt gripped to such extent it
seemed it would. But we Croatians, we were sloppy enough students in all of this
mefistofelocskianprojects that we have left a lot of those qualities that are not insulted in the
alchemical boiler in which we are all thrown in. In some time, all those points through which the
sun brakes through the mask and it starts to shout into the network woven from the heart and
feeling. Inhuman world will be weaved with cracks and will collapse forever.


I remember with a mild and pleasant melancholy, Some days which would someone remembered
once with amount of sadness, but these feelings is difficult to separate, probably I grew up in all
this loud years, such as more smiling like an old man zosimethat like LjubaTadic in Marinkovics
Cyclops. I remember The sound of mine steps after the concert in the church of St. Francis,
when Mario Penzar was playing and Sergei Belov was a vocal, one fierce baritone. All time was
in front the start of those sufferings from nineties, while shared secret orders by the corpuses,
then those military in which he moved the last generation and Croatian recruits. The war was
In the church was relatively cold, on the border between winter and spring, at least in the
calendar chronology and the year was that ninety-first. That archetypal sound I remembered
many times later, when steps echo through the streets of the Central European city that is always
a little hint of trouble,Although this observation does not make any sense. but there is always
someone arrested or carries to him some call for some court, war or serving a sentence.
The concert was exceptionally beautiful. If there was not that heavy cloud over us, it wouldnt
carry so much Bach lived in another time and in his bones was such sensitivity for the
difficultsimilarly, Professor Raucher described Richter's concert at the institute, once in the late
40swhen more families lived in the same apartment.


Here... Just how much time has passed. Many of us were tired of the way that they have lost
those neurons that have penetrated deep into the soul,those hairs as the tips of the roots of young
radish. I did not.I still feel and remember,in me these images are multiplying even with
mimeograph machine and stored like that, fragrant and heavy in memlive cellars of my still
young heart.
Strange. I am painfully alone. Nobody remembers. People remember events, screams, divorces
and they do not remember like this. not in that way. Everything else can share my life and I, as
two day laborers. But the colors of these memories do not/ Im painfully alone.


The execution of killer - Iran 2014

I presented on my facebook wall a footage in which the mother of murdered comes in the
position to slip away the chair, on which under the gallows is standing a killer of er son, it is a
chance that have her the old and very Contributionalsystem of Sharia Court.
She, and it can be seen that they are all very small and the men of the people, the murder
occurred during a fight. it strikes symbolical rain at convicted and goes away, abandoning
retalion executions. Her assertion was that, through the dream, her murdered son ordered to do
that, forgiving the killer. Comments on this scene of biblical power was not too much, nor in
private communication.
And.... actually happened evangelic message of forgiveness in which the law of blood flinched
back from the power of love. Maybe this woman, in her strength, spared all of us from Gods
wrath, maybe she made some kind of balance, that got us away from nuclear war. God saw it!
Unless already my Facebook friends who are only interested in whatStanimirovic or Vekic said.
It she was there, and that message, in Sodom, or perhaps in Sodom XXI century, perhaps the city
would not hurt.She gave up a strong impulse for revenge and blood impulse, essentially - in the
context of the opportunities that offers her one theocratic legal system, and actually she cried
God ( Allah in her world ) is merciful. And he is, nut we are hardened both in crime and in
With something she rose above her time, in human race, regardless of spirituality which they are
following, she showed herself as a believer in undiluted clarity of meaning, more than many
clerics and monks hundreds of miles around her, and more than I do, certainly, that in this
difficult chance never came, although I did in one a similar, less in their power.She sent us a
strong message and gift-and renewed a vow of thief on the cross and his "remember me", yes, the
God remembered this killer, who is one of us.

Miricordo ... or why the circle is closed

I remember the sound of the leaves on the Strossmayer Promenade, under my steps, 1988 ....
when I was, in worn Burberry ballonetprocured from the old Engineers and sometimes rowers of
Split pirates, coming down from Cyril and Methodius ... From where, in the same they, I passed
two most challenging exams in first year of the Zagreb law faculty. I lived in the old loft by
tracks in center of Zagreb, not far from the tobacco factory, there was a cockroaches, the size of
an inch of a three-year old girl, everything seemed quite mitteleurope civilized and important,
they were days that smelled like Grass, Hesse, on the cheap packages of "Banat roses",Perfumed
and cut for my good pipe made from heather. In the air, it could already be felt that spurious of
heavy and windy days that are about to come, it has been a year since I left extended for
mischievousness of serving those army with which I will soon go to war.Last days I have
described in manuscript which have people close to me read, entitled "Kosovo Rhapsody". born
in Zagreb, I knew to buy from colleagues vouchers for the student cafeteria that year, and there
we would wait for each other, we were translating and discussed about T.S. Elliot, we were
important, studying in the park in front oh that Austrian university library. In the spirit of that
romance, I even had small a tripartite secret society, which met in order to fight with
knivesand which I founded underimmature nickname The raven, and I did not speak to
anyone about that, except to Carkovcan and Metkovac, who were the members, the only
members of the society. We were placed along the road towards Cmrok, not far from where
BrankoMiljkovc hung himself, one poet from the past, and where the matches were held and
sometimes the witches were burned. How big event were visits to Cinematheque, a little artistic
cinema where I watched Bergam, neorealism and Cocteau. And Casablanca, maybe twenty
times, and every time I would be outraged, I wanted Rick to go to Portugal instead Szaba or
whatever was the name of beloved of Freud realized how much of internal resistance can
make man forgetful. But the anxiety was already all around. And it grew bigger.
Those memories might not be so beautiful if there was not that anxiety. Like this Like this are
equally flew by, without I could take a bite with full power of that beauty. It is a closed circle.


About masks in the Rye

That, when I ran mistakenly before the pipe, eyes have encountered, and it was too much for the
young man to all of a sudden and sober shoot at meand I in fear have passed, spared thanks to the
pressure that has been common. If he had a mask, he would shoot for sure. And if I had it, he
would shoot at me same- but he didnt, because of anonymity.
Because a mask with slits for the eyes did not only overlap personality,non-individualization, but
the uniform itself collectivize you. Both as a target and as a factor.
The mask is both, invocation and shamanic depersonalization.andtranspersonalization in that,into
obedient invoked, a follower which was released of every wrong. An executioner does not wear
an mask with ax, very similar, so the family if executed would not remember him, but also
because its easier for him like that.
Because a part of their personality, therefore guilt, leaves to masks and what it has invoked.a
Today's world war was fought with a lot of semantics,entirely psychological, with the penetration
that is at least possible iron.
all design, military objects, body posture, balance all was deeply ritual.In Kosovo, American
tanks had depicted rune on the frontal armor, indeed, visually that tank was out of sight ... it has
the role that had paintings on the shield in the Middle Ages. About it, Mr. Radisic speaks
perfectly, and excellent Serbian analyst and thinker. Way of having a firearm of pro-Russian
forces in Ukraine is a sort of shamanistic and layered labeling. Something else is on the opposite
And this is firstly, not even a little bit proclaimed as Soviet, which radiates red-gebburah, that red
from the Kabbalah,but it has ktonskic. with black. and that black is what the Soviet era had,
indeed in the first division of the NKVD and in the a Navy infantry. So where ever was sung to
death. Right sector was more chthonic, but in the cruder way, more in the spirit of militarism
from the 40's.the first one is more frightening, it can be seen that hermaphroditic feminist from


the rejected frames of Jackson Tolkien when he comes out of Barad-dur to warn good guys. Find
it on the YouTube.
Without a dose of effeminacy, there is no full threat, it is manly to be dumb. mordred. mordred.
And in Morgana.Slavic cruelty and the magic are. systema is Femina, they are not some stupid
egzercir and honvendic beating with the rifle.


Eugne de Rastignac, my secret advisor

there are reasons in my deep immaturity that when I play, usually in the driving, of different
dialogues ... Sometimes I host 21 year old adviser who, as the title says, represents himself like
Eugne de Rastignac. with him I arranged a lump sum which I will, he thinks naively, pay as
compensation to advise me in social skills. To help me to be less clumsy and inconsistent
romantic and farmer at the same time. He is the guy from better home and he remained in larger
metropolis than where I was born, and thanks togetting over of meningitis in the maternity ward,
I also remained. Both of us were in some time hungry of life. That marker This raster actually,
that Eugene ( I call him Ogi ), recognizes and interprets, he should help me to understand how
different things are essential in survival. So I tell him Im sorry, monami That when I first
met you, lived in completely different circumstances and I did not understand quite well your
concerns and efforts, you seemed so miserable and limited. And he shrugged his shoulders as if
he wants to say- and it was not strange to me, and I would remain stupid if I had a chance.
But that is why, dear children, I write this,,,whether because he doubts in my worthiness, or
because he up to something, but lately, he has becameRastignac, somewhat absent and distracted.
we were driving and he said nothing to my question about my position in one to me reluctantlymentioned business arrangement, a little look back and says ....

My man, we will again come to the same. so stop trying so much, life is one.and this
what I, teaching you, this will not save you. I know that you pay me poorly, Im not silly,
but when it gets tough, you will take out bunt like some evazionist. But to still be
equal, you teach me different than I know. Im sick of feeling like tighten bourgeois.
Eh, Amice, the point is that you are quite ambitious and you dont even notice that.
Appetite is a relative term. Only when it comes to hunger, it becomes utilitarian


Escape from the cage - please read carefully. There is the essence of everything that I know
to say
From the cage in which we are captured are many opportunities of escape, they are so structured
that we just think that this is an escape.Lets say that ... here, as if the train slows down, near
some curve, panting man sees the opportunity to jump out of it and he jumps.He lives for days in
a pine forest, change his clothes and settles in a nearby colony of denim, live out still thinking
that he escaped the rules of world order, the matrix or whatever has not. Its just a niche in this
generator cage that is not stupid.That opportunity is set in the beginning, in order to mark out
some more entrepreneurial and to help to keep them in the system.
What would then, you ask, would even be a criterion by which we would know whether we are
slaves or where would we hide or release of something, if that sets it and if we eat healthy foods
somewhere in untouched nature, we do not kill and do not gamble, but behold, someone claims
that all of this is still within that space which is a moving radius of the dog on a chain.It's very
I watched last night on Facebook .....but wait, it does not even matter what it is Facebook and
not the actual renaissance town or anything, what kind of commune, village, whatever .... that
came up with one profound clarity how everyone types in different colors, ideologies, theories of
liberation,various not instinctive and non-confrontational teachings .... Actually,ONLY with the
intention to impose and get to the warmth, acceptance, sex and money.everything is upgrade,
method and style ..but meaning is this. Even this blog is written so I would "turned out smart" ,
satisfy mine compulsive needs to express and to be recognized by others and thus pampered and

on concrete ways hosted and rewarded.And I would still feel like I jumped out of the train, which
forces the fallen world to transportlisted people from point to point ... giving them a pill so they
could think that they are free. All the anti-globalizationaly, all spiritual self-appraisal systems,
can service like just that reserves, beautified reality that we have become free of something,
although we didnt of, course.
It is more honest when things are clearly set as an exchange or a spoil, but when like this,
mechanism becomes complicated because of that hunger, so we can make sure that this is not
such. But anyway. All of you have realized that there is touched a point about which spoke Ivan
Karamazov, but suicide is a victory of the system and lack of freedom rather than defeat and let's
forget this.Today it is not necessary to transport people in cattle cars, so they have to jump out, a
pill solvers everything and it does not have to be material, Ive just described it.
Abstinence from power is also an illusion. We are not Lady Macbeth and her husband, but John
Lennon and Yoko Ono, and we imagine if we are hungry of something, we will not jump on each
other We will make even the slightest movement with the mind, besides conditioning by
hunger, we tore down all that world around us. That is that grain of heartburn, which is stronger
than the mountains, about which Jesus spoke and which does not prevent us from competing in
humility to not fight again for this. And we are not for something else than the traces of the nails
in the wall of gas chamber. At the root is conditionality instinct. Not in Schopenhauer, not in
Indian magicians, we cannot suppress it with by renunciation, we can just lay low.
Then, what can we do? If we cannot give up nor win ...We can think about this. We can
recognize in ourselves the whole world and thus become aware of what is missing in this whole
which we became closer to by raising awareness. Anonymous agape will begin to appear,quiet
and unaccountable. Without collar even that is deserved and about which Paul wrote.Schindler
will begin to emerge even if it was, and was, a lot of calculations in him, but not only
those.Empathy is the only value. Only there we change something in / around ourselves.The only
marker.Antibiotic against fear. It is the only escape, and meaning.When the wolf will not
slaughter all sheep in a fold in which he entered, although he is not in a hurry.And it will not be
because of his reputation in the pack, whatever it is, and so that criterion is now set. When he
realizes what he's doing and why.

Section from Uncle's collection of '' ab occidente "

"In the woods among silent hornbeam, in January, he , in the morning mist, saw the old woman
who was quietly standing facing east, arms wrapped around the shoulders in the cloth of almond
color and he felt speechless sweet fear.Before his eyes, he saw field of rye which he was looking
into one sunset with his father's window, and blue-gray book from botany, which then had in
front of him, when he realized he was in front of a long journey, the wind and years of
uncertainty.She is, perhaps a view, saying that the time has come when the end of a journey has

approached, but did not know whether the boat will break or land, neither he knew where. He
only knew that the wind which carries it is backing down and it becomes a burden to him. He
remembered the car from which he watched how he goes by cold and wet branches which
reminded him on the predatory fingers and old, he remembered a look iHaar church in Sunday
before he left, and whole class, he remembered the sun and the month in which the hops
becomes mature. In loved ones, in their timid days, spent in solitude.He remembered that low
officer who , outside the church saluted before passed hat, how he was mocked by the villagers
in order to protect themselves from what he brought to them,After they succumbed one by one
until they were wandering shadows. He was clumsy, famished, slow and endlessly
enthralled,movement which would slow down in moment and again recover from that, as if he
didnt come with his own will, but lead by something that makes the air thick, that beats in ears.
He remembered that year ... how they started flickering before dawn some passes and everyone
knew it , but were silent, just once that frantic relative yelled "That way will naked ride, I
know, I will come with him" and danced through the village and all who would otherwise scold
him, were now looking ahead and for a long time walked in silence.Only the pastor exhaled and
told his father, " To us, the poison is already mixed. And he remembered the raven,who
collapsed tired and tomorrow he moved on, to somewhere, to wake the chosen ones to go into
the snow. But he was now stronger and emptier, in him neither fear could spend the night, and he
decides to come closer.


It is the only hope of the world, that at least one of the two does not begin to to hate
Now, we are again part of the military and political confrontation and association whose interests
are reaching even in distant lands, as we have always been in our history,finally, not only us but
also mostly everyone. Finally, each country is distant for someone. Here, the plains of East and
Europe are groaning again under caterpillars and boots,cutting bows of war cruisers blueness of
the Atlantic, window frames are jumping from explosions all around the world. ..Guys of hard
views that look out to the left and to the right while political leaders are speaking, loud boys who
are preparing a military suitcase, trains refugees saying good byes From thousands of
veins the blood is collected in special bottles, and yet, for many will not be enough. The struggle
for land and the throne, for petroleum and gas, grain and water.In the name of freedom, in the
name of peace, in the name of the same values that are always searching for their own.Katja
climbs the hill to watch whether or not to come,stock exchanges are shaking, bell towers and
minarets, rain, floods, its felt what shoresmanfeels when he sees a cap out of clouds on
Velebitand says summonsthe storm. We learned nothing.
But ... I actually do not know anyone in particular very insane and irrational, anyone
mindlessand so actively wild that he would want everything that is always going on. I dont
know if you know ... I do not. It sometimes happened that madness come from somewhere and
everything turns around in a flash. I do not know where it comes from, for an address or
anything. I do not know even why it comes, to ..so well, in many countries Now, are kept entirely
artificially constructed wars of some overnight incurred, the army and police against someone

then ran over to protect some third and these fires erupt so fast and so meaningful that it is clear
how they were planted. It is in vain to speak, and it has long faded how ordinary people are
victims of those who move around the map flags or with dividers determine what shall be. They
are not. Ordinary people are that dry grass that breaks outwhen that these with dividers or
gasoline wants. and it is only the fact that there are common enough with that clumsily envy and
fear and silence, so these unusual can always organize any kind of disaster.
There is no conspiracy, this is all nonsense, there are those who think that they are making
decisions because they have become champions of their movements or services, people or
parties.And there are those who think that they are making decisions for themselves and will
leave when the opportunity arises, in any kind of robbery or arson. But what is an essence in this
is, when all that begins, when we start to agree to be a part and the generator, and finally the
victims and if we starve from the reason of yearning for one's revenge who wants us such atone.
Even when we suppress, one to another, in our lives, we're sorry for that another and we will not
do it like that.
As soon as we begin to buy jewelry from enforcement, as soon as we begin to watch movies with
young girls for whom we do not care how they found in these studies, as soon as we do not care
that someones house is on fire because he is a Muslim or because his father was Udba or loan
shark, a pedophile or anybody, as soon as we do not sayto each other - Neither are we any better,
as soon as we agree to keep quiet.Today everyone has smart phones that are connecting them
with the entire world. I read on social networks, on forums, sit in cafes and hospitals, watching
movies that are not well these movies of revenge are not anyones project to make from
people vigilantes, but those films are best-selling products.
A lot of times I failed. I was not the best. Several times I wake up at night, think about whether
they had recovered from me the ones I have disappointed.I think how I would like to do well,
those who have disappointed or hurt me.Exactly those first. And then it looks like I am in some
invisible mountain at least one flake of something, returned to his seat, so they all would now
swoop down on the village. The flakes, which we all are.


And it was night

Once, I was young, in a country where the words of several religions are touching, from where
many things started, from where many roots are And it was night. And my sole stay there was
so non-existent, if I only engraved in the branch of plum with blade a year or a name, but I
didnt. And, just like that, she continued to float in memory. When the head languishes once, that
night will no longer be.
Curses and clatter became extinct, in the mountain tense peace set in And soon, the breathing
that testifies trepidation, fell silent and other sounds out speak those of humans, as soon as on the
sky moons and stars are set forth. Trace on the sky shows that all of as is being watched, I feel
thick air and net-like. Im becoming aware of how much of endless is in this silence, that bundles
of messages are sailing and flashing, that the air is full and the memories are humming, that the
earth without grace speaks its own, and that nothing is forgotten.
In vain, and Teuton and the son of Albion are flying over this quiet sacred, in vain the tribes are
gathering along the rivers and pyre pursued by evil magic of revived dwarf , in vain are growling
old Motorolas in dugouts, and all those former threads and lights are still here. The air is thick
and recalls, its hot from magnets and silicon but also from more finer and more powerful
blows that come from the depths. From a country where the nightingales and serpents are
I only felt that once more. When, after many years, the weather was same before rain and
thunder. At one time, some people got up, some came in A foreign soldier in the tavern spoke
to me. Outside they were visiting their mothers in the column and I realized that now, it is
even more serious. That in the river is rolling a little stone against the river current.

Picture That Out Of Two Reasons Isn't In Textbooks

This picture is a document of one and all times, it is known who is in the picture, but it could
have been a Syrian or any one. In the picture is German soldier in emotional shock. The image is
real, I personally took that position, and I am familiar with that feeling.
Interesting In not even one textbook of history this picture is in. So how That! Does it not
seen pretty well on her how that who is going to conquer the world passes No! In it is seen
how a man can feel under artillery fire, and no one wanted to say that. That scene from On the
Western Front the seniors are on the platform of the train, just recruited, waiting for a proud
train The train arrives, a cripples are taken out.
There are two reasons why this picture is not in the history textbooks.The first one is superficial.
In case so no one would thought- maybe this unfortunate man was there by accident and hasnt
done anything wrong. I almost feel sorry for him, the thing that says that partisan in Vrdoljak
film of black wave, after he killed some others. And that, Titos territorial man couldnt even
think. So, those pictures in Suvarivskis reader are missing. So no mercy . Its not good for
the nerves. No matter how much this sight is showing a defeat, this sight would be able to turn
away someone from decisiveness.


Second reason is a global iskon of the latter. Rambo or Prle, and all others, are actually showing
how much and how is appreciated human necessity to convince people how they can spend nice
their time. If this guy, miraculously, has survived Let him keep his shame in silence. Let him
not interrupt new young and proud people who will spread democracy through the world, world
orders, freedom, whatever. This interrupts that. Its not opportuno. It distracts.
Or maybe let him sort a story in which he did get hurt, possibly mentally, but he neither could
bent nor be scared, But, defying death, he was a hero. But that creaks than. And like that, this is
evidence that the bad guys got beaten up, remained in the fringe. So he would not confuse the
good guys.
Something else.. This guy is not so pressured because he was violated upon an international law
of war. He got in this state due to all rules. So, all is good. And yet


About the predator

Except two unfinished students of law, the Grimm brothers, and many other people, think how
predators still exist and that they are a form of existence which are in some advantage over
others. heraldry like that mostly repeats birds of prey or wild cats, only a few more regiments
takes as a mascot a chicken or a turkey, though those most often survive, thats not most
important now. Tigers, here, by rule have all, although there are few left on the world, and others
died long ago or are stuffed.
However Here on the picture we have a fine example of a predator. With all this proud posture
and sovereign position on the branch, it is clear how cold and inhospitable is to this predator,
how much hes feeding with squeaky mammals, and he would happily change that for a gig with
any home or backyard cat, of some would want to feed hi, Im sure. But it is equally clear how
he would get stunted and fat at the same time, if he was a pet.


Digression - there's a picture on social networks on which is the wolf and where he is standing Wolves don't loose sleep over the opinions of sheep. It is deeply wrong. Sheep and wolves are
equal and must be deal with what these other think. The wolf must disguise in Grandma if he
needs to, in order to have lunch. If he doesnt catch up a few times when hes rushing, he dies of
hunger. Without retirement, without anyone.
The aim of this text is to emphasize in the nature, the balance has reign, no one has advantage
or handicap. Fables are nonsense, and many other needs for symbolism. The lion is the king, but
the vegan buffaloes rejecthim the air up to five meters, if its the opportunity. A tiger is a tiger,
but non of that because he is in extinction. A rat is most vital, but its a rat. In all formulations
which begins with its better , there is a problem. Not better, nor the worse,
Most importantly, its not even a matter of choice. You are born as a puma, dealer, Bosnian or
Zulu And its like that. Only within given frame, we can move forward or fail. But mostly in
relation to the fact of those givens.


About music uncle speaks with one voice of warning

Yes, I claim that the music is the most suggestive and the most powerful method of energy
exchange, invocation, evocation and testimony. It is impossible to forge, its her message, even
though non-narrative, quite demonstrably strong. Her influence in some cases is terrible or
wonderful. Destroying or Healing.
Subliminal messages in music videos covering are certainly present, but there is music that is so
charged with some concise message that it is neither necessary nor possible to conceal. There is a
very of dangerous musical genres in which it has actually been proven of dangerous
compositions. When they have a media appearance, they are indeed too inauspicious.
Should anyone watch over themUs older, we remember the famous Hungarian songs, pop tune
"sad is Sunday" that triggered a host of suicides at a time when it was made. Then, the authorities
have banned it.Nazi movement, whose music I think I know as a hardly anyone and exactly
because I was always into music as a phenomenon of energy emission,it had in some of his
musical memorials truly unique concentrated and hypnotic ally. It is sacred such different music
as much as imago de is different in different times and areas, and which gave birth to their
testimonies. Yes, the background voice in Byzantine sacred music, firewall. Digression. Im
But there is obviously, I repeat, published in the musical style of "dark ambiental" or "drone",
there is available and free to acceding music that is safe for young or even shaken being more
dangerous than the most brutal snuff film or morbid bizarre type of pornographic films. And I
know, reliably, how that offer ( I only speak of some authors and compositions ), has committed
such aggressive mission, in some cases. She is indeed dangerous and it doesnt hid and it is legal
and medicinal dimensions, who are interesting there, and about that only on specific request and
from a distance. Because there is still much to be linked. The music does not lie, she clearly
shows her energy, message and mission.

Schindlers syndrome
Lets be aware of several things. The first one is that on more and more sides are ragging
expensive and furious wars in which many people dies, which fascinates someone, in which
civilians are killed without any regard and which are bursting forth and coming close.
Which are coordinatedwhich are coordinated and which destabilize the world, which are in the
interest of the assumed small group of powerful people. Let us be aware of how the idea of
international war and humanitarian law had nothing left and how the international organizations
have lost every neutrality or supranational purposefulness and how nation-states have become a
farce, which serves primarily to the implementation or taking positions in the aforementioned
conflicts. at the same time, all ethical consensual cores of beliefs are lost, which would
distinguish reality from reality show or from Roman coliseum in the most decadent time of his
We live in heated up organized chaos which is flooding the world of people. it is obvious how
things are getting out of control for which, every even slightly healthy man, would hope that it
exists. Strong are not even making an effort to disprove or cover their greatness, it is so hardened
and steeped in strongness as a principle, it has become so cynical, as though there is no God.
Schadenfreude has particularly increased with confidence, how people are dumb enough to live
for that, how they could be destroyed under slogans of national, racial, religious and, latest,
under slogans of protection of human rights. There are more of absurd conspiracy theories every

day, and they seem less and less absurd, because, how to explain differently what is going on in
the world. Domestic politics and medias have become self-promotion to suzerain. Its funny
when its dressed up in a parody of some of their own will .
Briefly, nothing stands, we are reduced on searching of position without any pain, exclusively
removal against imminent stronger. When the government or non-government nominal sign,
when someone would assert something, we know what it is- as in the rawest computers shooting
gamer, the work of stronger is being dome, nothing but calumniation.
Middle Ages. Those are times when common sense and empathy begun to be considered as a
disease. Schindler's syndrome, someone would say. And what is that? It is when in times of all
sorts of degradation of man, a sinful soul surrounded by the madness that has become
axiomatically recognized as the only truth ...it begins to actively sabotage the world in which he
found himself. Like a Roman soldier who mourns for Jesus on the cross, maybe even from
calculation and maybe of empathy.
Soon, the world will hang on few flashes like those in night.
He was a war profiteer, speculator and a dork who in heart had terror and anguish from the
horrors with which he was surrounded and who was has started as much and on the only way he
knew, to sabotage that degrading system of unworthiness that was bothering him. He, forced by
internal anxiety, has became a great man. And that was it. Not Laszlo from Casablanca , but
this man. Little at a time, he was in trouble because he could not be otherwise.
There, this awaits us. Who watches the events in Gaza, Syria or Ukraine, that see how He has
getting closer to one great "to be or not to be", a man, of course. And that is not easy to be. The
only real coercion is that we will obviously have to be, because otherwise we will be eaten on the
inside by our own testimony of time, that is becoming hard.

Homicidium or homicide, constantly read or know, we hear ... and that, with omission can kill, as
we see. But people are really killing each other, in the moment of emotional tides etc, etc
And why, in fact, there things are happening? \
No matter how deep in a man was this or that, I claim that homicide is not a natural process, nor
in the largest disagreements but we are as a species, from fear and loneliness, have developed a
culture of violence in which is extremely dedicatedly believed. It has nothing to do with moves
and computer games, it is older and wider. so much is pronounced and so much is believed how
being wicked is identically with to be effective, that for thousands of years , among people, has
grown a habit to think that out of closed spaces comes out with less ingenuity and more with

force. refined forms go up to unimaginable proportions, indeed in the literature killers are
portrayed as artists and chess players who are competing with those heroes who are on the side
of justice. From that, the genre has been created, from murder for fun or even from the mission.
And here we come to this, we believe that the justice is executed by force and byconstabulary. I
remember that movie "Leon", in which the main character is assassin, cleaner, shown as a
romantic heartless and which created only the identification of many, whom only the fear from
punishment kept to not finish their sufferings by shooting with sniper at neighbors and
passengers. He broke on one girl and carried on as her, equally dangerous, powerful protector,
but he has not stepped out of that world. What would he, he he, could do better ... as well as that
monkey- like patcher who would want but doesnt know how, bang that forensic lady and he was
a sniper in the soul, and remain a sniper. Ritual side of this is deeply present.
Let us be aware of how civilization promotes homicide as a solution, holds it with the ability of
determined. From the times of Kalevala.So we have a dead end, about the money, emotional
dependency, boundaries or inheritance ... I do not know how would. As misery grows, someone
reaches for the gun, stake, ax and before that, most commonly, for the bottle.
Everyone, of course, loose.And specifically and metaphysically.We have a small number of
people that this lie do not touch, many of whom are in state of fear, and they cannot, but they
wished, and someone who jumps and kill. Culture is not abstinence, it is just the opposite from
that, because the expansion of opportunities and finding of solutions for their interests. When the
odds of those mentioned above is enough, most will remove in their attitude.
And there is the key. Not in abstinence, because the murder is always out of restrain from finding
a way out it is also self-destructive. In its essence. It has always been a suicide.
Tom Sawyer does not shoot, he achieves that others paint a fence instead of him.


On conditionality and the commitment of a dog and a man

Perhaps because I love so much the animal world, because I can understand that feeling and
protection that he has, conditionally, my dog.I wrote a conditionally because the concept of
protection is inseparable from the sense of conditionality.He was sold at the age of less than eight
weeks in another town, literally separated from the only what had had known, mother and other
pups of the same size as him, therefore like a loaf of bread big.That night I fed him and by the
morning he realized that I am that something. It's been, we all know, fourteen years since
Deep down, he, when he reached the ground plan of a tripod, believed that although he walks on
my head, empties everywhere, that he must and wants to defend me from other dogs, people,
vacuums and thunder. He was hanging under the neck to big dogs with milk teeth if I would not
turn him away on time, but even with ten years old, on cancer surgery, he fell asleep with
confidence on operation, and equally woke up and searched me with his eyes, because he knew
that I was close and that we are moving on. Ti him, it was normal, deeply adopted and close.
A question is that emotion of protection, two-sided, conditioned or not. She is so accepted that
the conditionality is not perceiver, except residentially and genetically deep, because he is in
heart loyal soldier who gives and knows how much he gets, because he doesnt know for this
other thing. It is whole sense of value is in this, giving and receiving, and it is always
Such symbiosis are common, especially in some societies, and in that there is a strong regularity.
Germanic world, especially in its strongest periods, when the principle of conditionality is


hypertrophying from the usual, distinctly recognizes this identification. Some companies that are
not so organized semantic parallelism, do not have the disposition for thatsensibility.
Think about it, and you'll notice that strong dependence of the concept of own sense of value and
relationship that I have described. Like everything, I always ... but always write without any
ambition to make a value-relevant message. Im just an observer and spectator, and that is same


About leaving
My mother left, this morning, with a boat across the bay of Makarska to search for shells on
that beach where the sun never goes down.
There. she was awaited by many dear people, and a dog Negrito, with whom he grew up in
Argentina, remained a child, a small stone from which sage and basil are growing, the heart that
recognizes all, except fear. She didnt know how to get in the sea and not dive, that is a picture
that follows me for years. She told me long ago that I am not so firm in the saddle, but soft like a
weasel, and such do not fall easily into ambush but they go into woods from which the others
stay away. And what can you give more to your son


There is no elite, all that we also do

Is it water, is it something other and how all of that media tissue of all-connection is called, but it
is certain that it exists So, with banking vocabulary joint account, but which is forcing and
conditions events on one broader basis, but we all, like little Diogenes, are make that shining
and tailor according to ourselves
And it is certain how and which seed is thrown in that earth, how from that earth that actually
grows, whether those were the demons of war and greed or peace and love. No elite can, behind
our backs, form the world. That is a big delusion of people, how will those who meet in secret at
winter resorts and tailor the world and its horrors and hungers, all of his greenhouses and
seasonal workers.. How they can do that without tacit consent of the majority.
They cannot. Because they are the surface, they are less the cause than they would like to be, at
the same time they are a consequent of that total pond of our desires and decisions. Dont think
how you dont affect on those so called world events, if they even exists, or we can lead with
Schellings transcendental idealism and develop that a world exists as we see it, because the
other doesnt exist, except what we see same as this text. This text is also created by you.
At one time, my best man, underwater fisherman, started to, when he catches a fish under water,
kill her immediately, so the fish wouldnt suffer. That sole step in his consciousness, when he did
it the first time, took away the power from all wars, mafia, all demonic world. It was not a
colossal move, but it was a move. Every time when he tells that to someone, he, with reducing
overall suffering, has relieved us all.
Now is also the time of year when you kill pigs, if you have to You do like that so you can
reduce suffering and fear to minimum, because, on that way, you are helping both, you and a pig
and all of us, because we are all essentially one. If you fight for some your time, anywhere, what
you do wisely and skillfully so you can succeed in your intentions, the first is because you will
do more, concretely, the second is because you will treat us all with your avoidance of fear and
suffering. There will be less of diabolic intentions of those who think they can bring down the
world of people, be powerful. Dont accuse others, because you are accusing yourself, you will
not teach anyone to anything by pointing the finger, you will teach them only with peace and
Whenever you dont hurt someone, whenever you give a goal without braking someones legs,
you helped all, and mostly yourself. Whomever you fed, you fed all of us. The world is a
wonderful place. It is not limited, all food that is being thrown away , all who kills for energy
and living space, are only getting him smaller and expanding a space of death. And if only you
look back on what possibilities are actually there, under your nose, if you believe in good, it will
grow. Through the steel if it needs, but it will grow.

About whole
When I wash my face, there is through all the siphons, pressure valves, filters, water wells,
rivers, moisture in the air, sea and ocean, river, water wells, filters, pressure and angle valves ...a
touch of that water with which I wash my face, and those with which washes someone in Chile,
who had just read The Santiago times and sighed, and who will soon go to a concert, to listen to
Domenico Scarlatti. And with every other. Maybe that touch is insignificant, but significant the
fact that it exists..Although we can change the others almost insignificantly. We can help each
other or compete, we can do everything, we cannot change ourselves structurally. It is interesting
how much the disciples of Christ and with him, remained what they were, except from the love
of God and man. They did not become mutually less different than they were before, and that is a
fortune. Diversity is natural, nut also is the resemblance of value, especially in those where the
similarity is crucial. No one comes into our lives without reason, some of us actually do, and
they to us, with particular reason and that is when we matured to that touch, or we have built that
opportunity for ourselves. In that, cause-effect series is not at all the one which occurs first, nut
we grow from the inside, some seed that low, seemingly coincidence, matches with attraction of
the next moment just for what it will be. If we grow on certain way, we dont attract only certain
events which are a part of that development, as many believe, those are the arguments which are
based on the idea how we have to form our thoughts with intention and those form outcomes.

That is not entirely so. We can form with thoughts, if those are germs of those desires in us, and
we are helping them, let the grow, but no more than that. Ambition so of western attitude, for
formation of ex nihil, in its core is tragic and impossible. A fine example of that tendency is one
of the breakpoints of that thinking nothung. It is a sword, which BlauaugenKnabe, the hero
Sigfried forged himself, with lightings and from nothing, he was an adopted of calculated dwarf
Meime, who was afraid of his strength, some forerunner of Dr. Frankenstein, with Jewish Prague
magic which creates a golem, and of course, the idea which created GMO. That work is always
futile, because in its essence hes a sin, the hunger for creation besides that what we recognize by
ourselves from the inside as a blessing. The idea of creation out of nothing, anti-divine power,
contra legem. We have come to, therefore, this Chilean and I, in mine touchiness, to question
what is the difference of influencing on reality, which is playing of God, and which always
summons the tragedy, and healthy creativity which is the use of Gods gift, those possibilities he
has invested in us with a desire- let them achieve and multiply. All relativizing minds believe that
there is no such differences, I think that Alister Crowley was there most clear, because he wasnt
hiding that that was foundation of Satanism, relativizing these two and raise Prometheuss figure
as false link between noble and brave thief who stole a secret of fire from Gods, clear symbol of
knowledge and skills ( craft, therefore )., But that is not so, there is a difference. The difference is
in that whether the motivational drive of undertaking 9is based on the desire for achieving
unnatural power or in achieving of whole. The awareness of that is just that taking is good which
will not lead you to power, but to balance, we are embedded with the fact that we are sole fruit of
Gods creation, if we, as a part of whole of created, strive to become more than that, we are
becoming demonic, not Gods student, no matter how much and whatever our beliefs were. Only
that whole is possible and achievable. Every invention that destroys the nature, will eventually
collapse and be withdrawn, every liberation war which wants and exterminate will not succeed.
Who in their struggle for freedom wants to destroy otherwise, that is like when in its desire for
coming closer to God, who seeks mortification instead of joy, or thinks that the spirit is noble
and that the body is dirty, and vice versa. Only harmony and unity may be a difference of growth
and diabolical search of dominance and hypertrophy of humanly into divine. Such reaching is at
every step. As soon it is the unity, love, humility, its completely another. Pater pio is an example
of just that. There are also examples of opposite, about that Amorth writes very clearly. We all
know this, deep down, no matter if we were Christians Muslims or Jews or Kant, who knew how
to formulate that. nor can it be full of love of man and woman, which is platonic, nor which is
animalistic, and cannot be a business success that will create and maintain a monopoly, and it
cannot be the freedom that is to someone non-freedom. Nor a medicine which is a poison, nor a
food which destroyed the field nor anything else that can survive that is not good for the whole.


Third and final text about the departing

Since 22nd December AlteGimli had, after several years, first attack of epilepsy, every time I
would shout how is Gimli?and old bones were stagnant to show me how Gimli is well. In Friday,
with the end of the day, it was ensued. I would stand over him and say that illness can do us
nothing, nobody can touch us, we dont care. Thant we would eat apples, as we always did. I take
a bite. give out of hand, take a bite for me and swallow. Like that, before our last ride, we have
eaten the last apple, when he was already barely breathing. That getting up after attack, proudly
and grimly, full of desire to not scare or disappoint, that is exactly him. Not to penultimate, to the
last breath fights old Roman legionary, wandered at this time.
And here, tonight, just before three, the ears are searching in silence known step, and they hear a
step so the head could fall asleep. At five, out of a dream, I shout- How is Gimly? And it cuts off.
You say nothing in Plodine you go with different route to bypass his shelf, to avoid another
more strike. I will not write about this again, for your sake. I will write to myself. The most
beautiful pages that were written, I think in all times so, never have been published. The guard is
thinned, down to one. But it is standing in the field, and it will. But in the spirit, until we meet
again, there is just silence, sharp air and a deer distant drum.


Spring, 2015
When the first suns fire up in February and sunshine the world When the first grain of morning
ice effloresces with spring which is making its way towards us impatiently and selfishly, I always
feel the arrival of underground waters which fills me up with one kinetic strength and joy. And
soon begin to crackle through the hallways of body and mined the sugar and air, approaching to
the temperature of Auto ignition which will break out as fields of petroleum.
From the most inarticulate animalistic to peaceful bundle of consciousness that has raised in
transcendence as if it plunged into the heavenly lake, everything flickers and calms down, readily
and without the slightest resistance. And I become, perhaps never like now, the heir to be like
those tribes who gather on the banks of the great rivers in the dawn of world and go where the
north and need are felt. No bone or kidney does not remain in the shade of this light, nor one
shaft or valve of aluminum engine, nor one gear of the mechanism of mint, nor a single lens with
which is observed in the spirit, does not be, and she was not offered here you go, just accept to
be passable for the roar of the superhuman and human energy that Gods hand has dropped again
on everyone who knows and wants to receive and burn with the fullness of life.
How the wounds heal, how they just stress from impatience and force that collects in them, how
inhale deeply in the joy of all our dawn braided with verses andbusy tending like bears flocks
through mountain, awakened with that first flame that broke out and raised chasing await every
trace of darkness and slumber.
And then asks, the cavalry in his restlessness and power , his heart where should we go, where
will the branches flicker until quarter of an hour before we rumble, how will the earth shake from
our steps.Where necessary and where is the source of your world, out there you go.Under the
light of cherry blossom you go to meet, be yourself, be life and not the night. because for
everything in the world there is reason to be, and for each of us.


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