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Dear Captain,

My name is Cheong Yin Wong, an aspiring pilot. I would like to obtain some technical details of this flight, and this is
a little logsheet that I put together to record these details. May you please take just 2-3 minutes of your time to fill
it in? Thank you very much for your time and effort (despite having a lot of paperwork to complete), and wishing
you the best of luck in your career Once again, this information is ONLY obtained for personal interest


Callsign: _________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________
___________ NM

Sector Mileage:

Sector: ________/________

Block Time: _____h

CFP Flying Time: _____h_____ min

CAPTAIN: __________________________________________________ (Based at: ___________________)

FIRST OFFICER: _____________________________________________ (Based at: ___________________)
SECOND OFFICER: ___________________________________________ (Based at: ___________________)
A/C TYPE: _______________________________________________

Average Wind Component:

REGISTRATION: __________________________________________

COST INDEX: ___________

Out Time: _______________ Of Time: ______________ On Time: ________________ In Time:

Parking Stand: ________ Runway: _______________ TOW: _____________ Wind Component: ________
OAT: _________
QNH: __________
AST: ________

Runway Condition: ________________

V1/VR/V2: ______/_______/_______

Flap setting: ________ TO THR: _________

CLB THR: __________ THR RED/ACC: __________/___________

SID: _________________________

Please indicate any changes made to speed or altitude

Speed in Mach (Please indicate any changes):

Altitude(s) (Please indicate any changes):
STAR: _____________________
Wind Component ________
Flap setting: _______

Alternate: ______________ Runway: ______________ Landing Weight

OAT: _________C

QNH: ___________ Runway Condition: ________________

VAPP/VREF (VLS): ________/_______

Parking Stand: ________


POB (Pilots/Cabin Crew/PAX): _______ /_______/______

ZFW: ________________ Final Ramp Fuel:

Taxi Fuel: ___________________ Trip Fuel: __________________

Thank You very much for your time and effort,
Cheong Yin Wong

Alternate + Final Reserves:


Dear Captain,
My name is Cheong Yin Wong, an aspiring pilot. I would like to obtain some technical details of this flight, and this is
a little logsheet that I put together to record these details. May you please take just 2-3 minutes of your time to fill
it in? Thank you very much for your time and effort (despite having a lot of paperwork to complete), and wishing
you the best of luck in your career Once again, this information is ONLY obtained for personal interest

FLIGHT PLAN ROUTE (Waypoints and airways):

Thank You very much for your time and effort,

Cheong Yin Wong


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