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Team Meeting Agenda- 9/4/15

CelebrationsWe made is through another week :)

Robin is done testing!!
Spotlight: Davin Johnson
On time
Great sense of humor
Next meeting: Robin Barrett
Emergency Cards
Need all parents to complete these through Synergy
HCPSS connect
Competition: The grade that has all of theirs in first will win rubber JHES bracelets for the
students and Pat and Brian will cover the classes for teachers to have a free period
Will create parent letter to send home--AMY
DTales --We got it!
Does everyone know how to see DTales through CANVAS? Yes!! Thanks to Anitra!!
There is a way to view the DTales without downloading it to your desktop
I am planning on doing a screencast to show staff, but Ill show you guys first
Paras are having a tough time viewing on IPads; they are trying to find a solution
Print Shop
Admin really wants us to use this more often to reduce stress on the Konica and Gestner
There will be a tutorial at the next staff meeting so we will need to bring things that we want to
send to print shop to the next staff meeting
Must be done at school
Fire Drill/Reverse Drill
Next fire drill happening in the next 2 weeks.
During that fire drill we will have a reverse evacuation drill
We will have to bring the kids back into the building and account for them
We only need to call the office if someone is missing once the class has returned.
During a lockdown drill, communication will happen on walkie talkies, please keep volumes
down if around children (this drill will happen in the next couple of weeks as well)
ELA Survey
Michelle has asked us to complete this Guided Reading Survey on CANVAS ASAP
To get there: Go to Canvas-> Courses and Groups->Grade 1 Elementary Curriculum
Community->Language Arts->Additional Resources->Guided Reading Survey-AMY is done!
PTA Reimbursement
PTA felt that teachers did not take advantage of this last year
Staff said it was not advertised
Forms will be available for staff to take advantage of this opportunity
IEP in a Flash
Barbara needs to come around to sign off that weve read IEPs
You can find these on google docs
MAP Testing Training
Sept. 10th during Specials
Field Trip Update

Tobys is offering the True Story of the 3 Little Pigs not the full fairytales show
All dates are open as long as another group joins us
Im going to work on paperwork this weekend to turn in on Tuesday
Mobile Lab and Computer Lab Calendars
Now found on CANVAS in your courses and groups
Colors are the Dell Mobile Labs
Jaguar Time
What part of writing should we focus on? Can we discuss this all together? Sure!
Admin gives kudos to all using the grateful chalkboard in the hall
Dont forget to sign up for CANVAS Camp if youre interested in learning more about teacher
Dates To Remember:


8th-Staff Meeting @ 8:00 am
9th-CANVAS Camp @ 8:00 am
10th-MAP Training with Brian (during Specials)
15th-Committee Meetings @ 8:15
-READO begins
28th-Spelling HW begins
-Newsletter due to Admin
29th-ITL Meeting @ 3:15


1st-Newsletters posted
-Interim reports issued to students
6th-Staff Meeting @ 8:00 am
20th-Committee Meetings @ 8:15
-ITL Meeting @ 3:15
26th-Newsletters Due to Admin
28th-Ident-a-Kid @ 9:30 am
30th-Newsletters posted
-PBIS pep rally
-End of the Marking Period ( day for students)

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