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Philosophy of Man
1D- Medical Technology

We are all in the state of ilya. It is a state in which we create something out of our
imagination. We are determining the indeterminate. We are in search of everything and we
define things according to ourselves. As we do this, we murder them by limiting its capacity
based on what you define it to be.
According to Levinas, the face, not literally the face, is the manifestation of the
infinitude, the totality of ilya. The face defines itself and demands to be felt. It pulls and teaches
us to listen to it because by doing so, we limit ourselves from defining it. We should be attentive
and patient to what will the face has to say. Unlike when we look, there is only a limited range of
the details you have, we will restrict it based on the definition well give it. The presence of the
face is in need of a response as its first command is thou shall not kill.
It is also told by Levinas that the face demands us to be responsible for the other. It
makes us feel that we are accountable for that person. Even if you ignore someone who you think
needs comfort, there is a suddenness that makes us feel the responsibility without being aware
that you are responsible. The presence of the other makes us responsible and unique. We need to
destroy something for inspiration to do or create something. According to the concept of
substitution, my responsibility cant be replaced by the others but others responsibility is my
responsibility as well.
What makes our identity unique is our responsibility to the other.
Rarang, Harvey Mher M.

May 17, 2015

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