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Emily Hatch

Title Page
Emily Hatch
12601 Jacksonville Ave, CA

Table of Contents
Stationery- Letterhead
Stationery- Business Card
Event Ad
Web Page


Instructor- Ben Pingel
Course- COMM 130 Section 5
Date- July 14th
Description- Create a tri-fold folding brochure
Programs used- Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
Objectives- Learn how to create and print a tri-fold brochure, and how to
design it in InDesign so everything lines up with the folds after it prints.
Process- The first step of this project was sketching out multiple designs.
Once I decided on a layout, I set up my tri-fold brochure in Adobe InDesign. This was a bit tricky at first, since I have to make sure I had the front,
middle, and body of the brochure in the right places. I decided to go with
a blue monochromatic color scheme to make it simple since the design of
the brochure had a lot of pictures and decoration. For the cutout picture of
the man, I used the quick selection tool in Photoshop to remove the background, then refined the edge to make it smoother. I saved the image as
a .psd and placed it onto my brochure in InDesign. Once the image was
placed, I text wrapped the paragraphs around it by using the alpha channel of the image. With the logo, I created it in Illustrator with a combination
of shapes and the pen tool. For the shine on the lens, I used the pen tool to
create a simple shape, then the curve tool to curve the edges so it followed
the shape of the lens. Once the logo was finished, I placed it onto the brochure in InDesign. Because the brochure is all about alignment, I had to
print out the brochure multiple times, then go back into InDesign to adjust
the brochure, to make sure it was aligned perfectly.

Back (open)

Inside (open)
Front (closed)




Instructor- Ben Pingel
Course- COMM 130 Section 5
Date- July 14th
Description- Create 3 versions of a logo
Programs used- Adobe Illustrator
Objectives- To create logos without using images that have already been
created, to learn how to use the pen tool, and how to design three different
logos for the same company.




Process- These logos were created completely in Adobe Illustrator. The

beginning of this project was coming up with three different designs, which
I took a vote on to find what my peers though would be the best message.
With one design selected, I created three versions of it; an analogous color
scheme, a black and white scale, and a white logo against a colored background. The trick to this logo was having the shine on the bubble follow the
curve. It took a lot of learning how to work the pen tool correctly as well as
changing the anchor points of the shape to get the result I was looking for.




Sarah Hemming

Stationery- Letterhead

Instructor- Ben Pingel

Course- COMM 130 Section 5
Date- July 14th
Description- Design a letterhead using an original logo
Programs used- Adobe Illustrator and InDesign
Objectives- To create stationery for a company that has enough space for
the letter, while having logo and information on the letterhead.
Process- I started this project by coming up with what business I wanted to design this letterhead for. After I decided on a swimming company,
I designed the logo in Adobe Illustrator by using simple shapes. The body
of the fish was created with the ellipse and triangle tool, as well as the pen
tool to make the small strokes for the fin and tail details. Once the logo was
finished, I placed it in Adobe InDesign, on the top left hand corner. I decided to balance the top of the page by placing all of the contact information
at the top right hand corner of the page. To tie in the complementary color
scheme and design of the layout, I used the pen tool to create a small wave
at the bottom of the page. I wanted the wave to tie in the design, without
taking up too much room on the page.


1279 Parkway St, Rexburg ID

Stationery- Business Card

Instructor- Ben Pingel
Course- COMM 130 Section 5
Date- July 14th
Description- Create a business card while using an original logo
Programs used- Adobe Illustrator and InDesign
Objectives- To create a business card while using one of my original logos,
which was used on the letterhead. Also, to work in a small area without
making it too crowded, and to convey the right amount of information within this small space.
Process- The beginning of this project was the same as the Stationery
Letterhead project; coming up with a business and a logo to represent the
business. Once the logo was created for the letterhead project, I decided
to create unity between the letterhead and business card by featuring the
same logo and business. With InDesign, I used the rectangle tool to create a box that was 3.5 inches by 2. From there, I dropped in the logo, and
with the pen tool, created more waves. I copied the wave from the bottom
of the letterhead to use as the backside of the business card, and placed
the information above it. This created unity between the two projects, while
demonstrating my knowledge of Adobe InDesign and Illustrator.


Instructor- Ben Pingel

Course- COMM 130 Section 5
Date- July 14th
Description- To create a montage by blending two or more images and text
Programs used- Adobe Photoshop
Objective- To learn how to use layer masks to blend images together without damaging the original images.
Process- The first step in this project was selecting a quote, so that I might
design the montage to reflect the quote. After, I selected my images, and
changed the sizing to 8 by 11. There were three images used; one of
clouds, another of a girl in the rain, and the third a rose colored filter. I took
the image of the clouds and made that my background image. I added a
mask to this layer, as well as the layer of the girl. The girls image was then
set to overlay, and with black paint, I blended the images together. I decided to add the filter at the end to make the image lighter and more appealing. For the text, I decided to use a combination of a serif and a decorative.
Some of the words were colored to add emphasis.

Event Ad
Instructor- Ben Pingel

Surf for

Course- COMM 130 Section 5

Date- July 17th
Description- To create and design an advertisement for a community fund
Programs used- Microsoft Word
Objectives- To design a full-bleed advertisement with Microsoft Word, to
learn how to scan in high quality photographs, and to create and edit images in Word.
Process- This project started by looking at many different images until I
found the one of this woman surfing. I then scanned the image with an
Epson Scanner, and added the box and text with Microsoft Words design
layout. The title has the biggest font sizing, so it draws the most attention.
The time-date-place is the second largest, so that viewers read the title first,
then look at the most important information second. The eyedropper tool
was used to select the dark blue of the wave, then the color was applied
to the rectangle. To make the image more appealing, I made the rectangle
opaque, so some of the background could be seen through.

Saturday, June 25th

10 a.m. - 1p.m.
Opal Cliffs, Santa Cruz

Come compete for the

In this charity competition, one
will be crowned winner and
receive the grand prize of $200!
All surfers need to be registered
by June 9th.
To register, go to www.surfaid.org
Spectators pay at the gate the day
of the competition.
$20 to watch
$100 to compete.
All proceeds of this competition
will go to SURFAID, a non-profit
humanitarian organization that
aids people living in the isolated
regions of Nias, Sumba,
Mentawais, and Sumbawa.
Sponsored by SURFAID

Instructor- Ben Pingel
Course- COMM 130 Section 5
Date- July 14th
Description- To create a photo-design using our own pictures in Photoshop
Programs used- Adobe Photoshop
Objectives- To design a full-bleed poster using Photoshop, using an image
that we personally took, while having designs and multiple fonts on the
Process- I began this project by selecting a color scheme, so I might find
a background and plan an outfit around it. Since the color scheme was a
monochromatic blue, I found a blue brick background and had my model
dress in a dark blue. I took this image with my Canon T3 in the evening, for
soft shadows. In Photoshop, I evened out the levels, added sharpness and
saturation, and balanced the colors. Also, I used Photoshop to fill in a missing chunk of rock and to flip the image vertically. After editing, I designed
a 8 by 11 layout, and used colors straight from the color wheel to design
it. The text tool was used to show the names of the colors and the color
scheme used. The shape tool was used to create the lines and to make the
small arrows in the last line.

Web Page
Instructor- Ben Pingel
Course- COMM 130 Section 5
Date- July 14th
Description- Use HTML to create a website showing and describing my custom logo
Programs used- Notepad++
Objectives- To learn the basics of HTML and how the functions translate
Process- The logo of this project was used in my logo project. It started as a
series of sketches, and was created in Adobe Illustrator. Once the logo was
created and the text was written out, I opened Notepad ++ and began designing. The color of the banners matches the color of the logo, which creates unity within the project. Also, the back of the page has opacity, making
the background visible while still making it easy to read the content. I wanted two different fonts to add contrast, and ended up using the same fonts
that appear in the logo.


Instructor- Ben Pingel

Course- COMM 130 Section 5
Date- July 14th
Description- Create a simple black and white flyer
Programs used- Adobe InDesign
Objectives- Learn the basics of InDesign, and how to practice the FOCUS
principles; Formulate, Organize, Contrast, Unify, and Simplify.
Process- The beginning of this project was a series of sketches of how I
wanted to design my flyer. After I selected one, I created the layout in Adobe
InDesign. I wanted the image to be large, drawing the attention of viewers.
The black box is used to create contrast with the title, while separating the
image from the text. I emphasized Leadership by making the graduate
and conference both lowercase and framing the word. I left white space
around the message and title so the flyer didnt appear too crowded. With
InDesign, I was able to learn how to use the rulers to make sure my design
was aligned.



Do you want to have the competitive edge in business?

Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual Graduate
Leadership Conference!
Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrows leaders gain essential leadership skills in the

October 21
8 a.m.- 5 p.m.

During this dynamic three-day seminar, attendees will meet with top
executives of Vouant Communications to discuss breakthrough
leadership techniques while cultivating attributes of leadership that
will market to any employer!

Available to graduating seniors. Space is limited.

For more information

and registration, visit:

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