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SUMMARYA stopwatch is a timepiece that measures the amount of time between any two occu

rrences. Usually, at the first occurrence, the stopwatch is started while at the
second it is stopped. To use it again, a reset option is also provided with the
stopwatch. The total time elapsed can thus be obtained. A stopwatch is very com
monly used in racing competitions and other gaming activities. The circuit given
here is a digital stopwatch that displays time on four seven segment displays u
sing 8051 microcontroller (AT89C51) .
DESCRIPTIONThe stopwatch keeps the track of time the same way as a simple digital clock doe
s. It is basically an up time counter that starts from 00:00. The control option
s are provided by means of tactile switches which are active low. This circuit u
ses three such switches for following operations:
Switch 1 (S1) :
Switch 2 (S2) :
Switch 3 (S3) :
Initially when Vcc supply is provided to the circuit, the stopwatch goes in rese
t mode with 00:00 display state on seven segments. The stopwatch starts running
when S1 is pressed. The time is displayed on four seven segments (in common anod
e configuration) by using the concept of multiplexing. (Also refer Digital Clock
) On pressing S2, the stopwatch stops and displays the total time elapsed since
the start. It can be taken to reset mode at any instant by using S3.
The seven segments are interfaced to port P2 of the microcontroller AT89C51 thro
ugh its data pins (a - h). The enable pins are connected to pins 1-4 of port P1
P1^3). The switches S1-S3 are connected to pins 5-7 of port P1 (P1^4 P1^6)
CODE//Program to make a stopwatch
#define msec 1
unsigned int sec1,sec2;
int sec1_1,sec1_2,sec2_1,sec2_2;
unsigned int digi_val[10]={0x40,0xF9,0x24,0x30,0x19,0x12,0x02,0xF8,0x00,0x10};
sbit dig_ctrl_1=P1^0; // Declare the control pins of seven segments
sbit dig_ctrl_2=P1^1;
sbit dig_ctrl_3=P1^2;
sbit dig_ctrl_4=P1^3;
sbit start_pin = P1^4; // Start pin to start the watch.
sbit stop_pin = P1^5; // Stop pin to stop the watch.
sbit reset_pin = P1^6; // Reset pin to reset the watch.
int s,t;
void mplex_delay(unsigned int time) // Function to provide a time delay of appr
oximatelty one second using Timer 1
int i,j;
for (i=0;i<=time;i++)
void digi_out(unsigned int current_num)

void display(unsigned int dig1,unsigned int dig2) // Function to display the di
gits on seven segmnet. For more details refer seven segment multiplexing.
TMOD=0x01; //Enable Timer 0
TR0=1; // Triger Timer 0
dig_ctrl_1 = 1;
dig_ctrl_2 = dig_ctrl_3 = dig_ctrl_4 = 0;
dig_ctrl_2 = 1;
dig_ctrl_1 = dig_ctrl_3 = dig_ctrl_4 = 0;
dig_ctrl_3 = 1;
dig_ctrl_2 = dig_ctrl_1 = dig_ctrl_4 = 0;
dig_ctrl_4 = 1;
dig_ctrl_2 = dig_ctrl_3 = dig_ctrl_1 = 0;
void main()
start: // Segment to start the stop watch
start_pin = 1;
stop_pin = 1;
reset_pin = 1;
dig_ctrl_1 = 0;
dig_ctrl_2 = 0;
dig_ctrl_3 = 0;
dig_ctrl_4 = 0;
P2 = 0xFF;
s = t = 0;
while(start_pin == 1)// Check if start pin is pressed
stopwatch: // Segment to stop the watch
for (sec1=s;sec1<=99;sec1++)
if (stop_pin == 0 ) //Check if stop pin is pressed
for (sec2=t;sec2<=99; sec2++)

if (stop_pin == 0 ) //Check if stop pin is pressed
stop_pin = 1;
s = sec1;
t = sec2;
while ( start_pin != 0 && reset_pin != 0 ) //Check if start pin or reset pins
are not pressed
if (start_pin == 0) //Check if start pin is pressed
goto stopwatch;
if (reset_pin == 0 ) //Check if reset pin is pressed
s = t = 0;
goto start;
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