Lesson Direct Indirect Quotations 01

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Direct Versus Indirect Quotations

What are direct quotations?

Direct quotations are the exact words of someone else woven into your writing.
Whether it is a quote from a written piece or a speech, the use of direct
quotations can spice up your written content, tie in what you are writing about to
something specific or provide examples that strengthen a thought or idea. When
used correctly and sparingly, direct quotes make an impression that strengthens
your words. Direct quotes are always offset with quotation marks. (See the
proper way to punctuate and present direct quotes toward the bottom of this
article.) Below is an example of a direct quote:

Example: In the words of George Washington Carver, When you do the common
things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world.

What are indirect quotations?

Indirect quotes are paraphrases or summaries of the words of someone else
worked into the text of your writing. Indirect quotations can add information that
strengthens your content in many of the same ways as direct quotations.
Essentially, indirect quotes carry the meaning of a speaker or writers original
words without using the exact words. Indirect quotes are not offset by quotation
marks. Below is an example of an indirect quote:

Example: George Washington Carver believed that the world takes notice when
your everyday actions are done extraordinarily.(Paraphrase of the previous
example of a direct quote.)

Giving credit where it is due

Whether you are using a direct or an indirect quotation, you must always give
credit to the person whose words you are using. This is easily achieved by
including the author or speakers name as a lead-in to the quote for both direct
and indirect quotations. When you do not give the appropriate credit where it is
due, you are plagiarizing. Below are a few ways you can lead in to both types of

According to [insert author or speaker],

[Insert author or speaker] says/said (claims/claimed, reports/reported),

In the words of [insert author or speaker],

Choosing which to use
While both types of quotations are useful to add more color to your writing, you
might sometimes struggle with which to use. Sometimes an original author or
speakers words are so powerful that using an indirect quote where you are
summarizing or paraphrasing reduces the effectiveness or loses the passion,
conviction or strength with which the words are used. In these cases, stick with
the direct quote to have the maximum effect on your readers. Similarly, if you
are trying to paraphrase or summarize something that is confusing or that you
do not understand well enough to do so, use the direct quote instead so that the
meaning is not lost in your translation of the words.

Another important consideration is the type of writing you are doing. If you are
writing something scientific, the general practice is to use direct quotations as
little as possible. Instead, paraphrasing is preferred except in cases where the
information is very precise, eloquent or peculiar and using the direct quote is
warranted. Similarly, if you are writing about literature, direct quotes are often
preferred because the exact words are what you are discussing or to what you
are referring.

Shifting between the two types

When incorporating quotations, it is okay to use a mix of both direct and indirect
quotes. In fact, it is even advised to do so. Using all direct quotes or all indirect
quotes can create bland, repetitive content. Variety always makes your content
more engaging, so use your best judgment. With repeated use of both types, you
start to develop a feeling for when one type of quotation is better to use over the
other. Indirect quotes are useful when you simply need to summarize events,
processes or details from an original source. Direct quotations are useful for
incorporating coined phrases and passionate, precise or flavorful words of
someone else. A good mix of both (without overusing them) is an effective way
to strengthen your words. If you focus on the reason you choose to incorporate a
certain quotation, it can help you decide which to use.

Overusing quotations
It is easy to overuse both types of quotations; however, you should avoid doing
so in every situation. Writing is about conveying your thoughts, ideas, knowledge
and more through your own words. When you use too many words from the
mouths of others, it is no longer your own work. You might have it in your own
words, but you run the risk of patchwork plagiarizing, where you piece the words
of others together and present them as your own. Strive to incorporate only

those quotes, both direct and indirect, that strengthen, back up or demonstrate
an idea or thought.

Direct quotes and quotation marks

All direct quotes are offset with quotation marks. It is important to make sure
that you use a quotation mark both at the beginning and at the end of any direct
quote. Just remember that quotation marks are always used as pairs; you cannot
use an opening one without using a closing one. The quotation marks typically
go outside the sentence-ending punctuation, but this is sometimes altered based
on the preference of an official or formal style guide, where a particular way to
cite requires a different format. If you are unsure, make sure to check the
applicable style guide, such as MLA or APA style guide, to always use quotation
marks in the correct way.

Direct quotes and commas

Direct quotes are often offset by commas following the last word that precedes
the quotation mark when an introduction is used that is similar to those shown in
the Giving credit where it is due section of this article. It indicates a pause
before the words of someone else are used. Likewise, a comma follows when the
sentence continues after the direct quotation has ended. Consider the following

Example: Sun-Tzu said long ago, Keep your friends close and your enemies
closer, which drives home the fact that staying aware of your enemies can give
you a distinct tactical advantage during times of war.

Direct quotes of complete sentences

When a direct quote is a complete sentence, the first word of the quote is always
capitalized. Consider the below example:

Example: Sir Winston Churchill stated, A lie gets halfway around the world
before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

Direct quotes of sentence fragments

When a direct quote is a sentence fragment or just the portion of a complete
sentence, the first word of the quotation is not capitalized unless it begins a

sentence. A comma is not always necessary to offset the quote. See the
following example:

Example: Anyone who has recently fallen in love probably agrees with Dr. Suess
that reality is better than your dreams when sleeping proves difficult.

Direct quotes and interruptions

Sometimes you might choose to present a direct quotation with the credit given
to the original author or speaker in the center of a sentence. In this case, the
beginning of the first part of the quotation requires a capitalized first word;
however, when the quotation is continued after an interruption, the first word is
not capitalized. Consider the below example:

Example: A little learning, according to English poet Alexander Pops, is a

dangerous thing.

Direct quotes with grammatical errors

There are times when what you are directly quoting has a grammatical error.
When this occurs you should never correct the error; use the quote exactly as it
is written or spoken in its original form. The use of the Latin sic is used to show
your readers that the mistake is part of the original representation of the quote
and not your own mistake. Place sic within brackets immediately following any
grammatical or spelling error, as shown in the below example:

Example: According to Emmitt Smith, a former NFL running back, The Packers
dont has [sic] a running game.

Block quotations (direct)

Sometimes what you wish to directly quote is a long passage or narrative that
when shortened loses its meaning or effectiveness. A block quotation is generally
considered any direct quote that is four or more lines. Instead of offsetting these
quotes with quotation marks, you double space between the lead-in to the quote
and the quote itself, and indent it about one inch (or 10 spaces) from the left
margin. To introduce the block quote, you can summarize very succinctly in one
brief sentence what the quote contains or use a simpler lead-in, whichever the
context of your piece dictates. If a parenthetical reference is included, it is added
as the last line of the indented block on a line of its own. If the lead-in is a

complete sentence, use a colon at the end of it; if it is not a complete sentence,
use a comma. Consider the following example:

Example: One of the most famous speeches in history is Martin Luther Kings I
Have a Dream speech. Below is a power excerpt from that speech that is full of
passion and powerful in its prose in asking for peaceful approaches in the
struggle for equality: (lead-in)

The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until
the bright day of justice emerges. But there is something that I must say to my
people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In
the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds.
Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of
bitterness and hatred.

We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline.
We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence.
Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force
with soul force. (Martin Luther King, I Have a Dream speech, 1963)

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