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Introduction to the Compound Microscope

Sarah Emanuel
February 2016
EDTC 4565, Spring 1, 2016- Instructional Design
Dr. Ralph Olliges

Needs Analysis:
Instructional Need- This lesson is needed in order to study specimens at a higher magnification.
The specific lessons purpose is to teach students how to properly operate a compound
microscope. They have (most likely) not encountered one in real life yet, so they need to know
how to operate one without breaking the lenses or other equipment.
Learning Environment and Resources:
Learning Environment- The classroom is set up into pods of desks that can sit up to 4 students
each and lab tables that also hold up to 4 students each. The lab tables are pushed to the side of
the room, 3 on each side for a total of 6 lab tables. The pods of student desks are in the center of
the room in 2 columns with 4 rows. There are a total of 8 student desk pods. At the front of the
room is a lab demonstration table, a whiteboard, and a projector. Students will start of working
from the desk pods and then move to the lab tables during the lesson.
Materials/Resources/Equipment Needed- Teacher computer with internet access; projector;
student iPads with pre-downloaded apps (issued by the school; notability, e-backpack, qr code
scanner, safari); image of Velcro underneath a microscope, 1 microscope per 2 students (up to 13
microscopes); wet mount slides; cover slips; newspaper; scissors; water; eyedroppers; 6 beakers
Task Analysis:
Instructional Goal- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand how a
microscope works and be able to properly use one within the classroom activities.
Learning Objectives- Objective 1: Given a compound microscope, the student will be able to
identify the parts of a microscope and describe the function with 90% accuracy or better.
Objective 2: Given a slide, slide cover, and specimen, the student will be able to correctly
assemble a wet mount slide with 90% accuracy or better.

Objective 3: Given a compound microscope and prepared slide, the student will be able to
demonstrate the proper focusing technique for each magnification setting with 100% accuracy.
Type of Learning Outcome- Objective 1- Cognitive Domain; Objective 2-Psychomotor Domain;
Objective 3-Psychomotor Domain
Prerequisite Analysis- In order to complete this lesson, students need to know how to scan a QR
code on their iPad and download the corresponding file into Notability. Because this is an
introductory lesson, no prior knowledge about microscopes is needed.
Information-processing Analysis- While practicing using a microscope with a partner
supervising, the students must follow this process: (please excuse the watermark!)

Learner Analysis:
Target Group- This school is located in an upper-middle class area of St. Louis, Missouri.
13 students total: 9 male and 4 female.
-2 students are African American, 1 is Asian American, 1 is Peruvian, and 9 are Caucasian.
-4 students are in the gifted program, 4 students have IEPs and one of those students needs
Paraprofessional help, 5 students are average

Gain the Learners Attention- When students walk into the classroom, there will be a picture of
Velcro underneath a microscope. The students will be asked to make a prediction about what
they see on the board. As a class, we will have a discussion about everyones predictions.
Inform Learners of the Objective- The instructional goal and learning objectives will be written
on the classroom whiteboard. Every day students are instructed to read the board and begin
thinking of what they might know about the topic at hand.
Stimulate Recall of Prior Learning- The teacher will ask students if they have ever seen a
microscope before. If they have, ask them to provide examples in order to start a class
discussion. The teacher will then ask the students what they think microscopes are used for and
what type of materials can be viewed.
Provide Guidance for the Learners- The teacher will place a QR code on the board and students
will have to download the days worksheet into Notability. Once each student has completed this
task, the teacher will give a presentation explaining the different parts of a microscope and their
purpose. Students should be filling in their notes during the presentation. This will be used as a
study guide for their assessment.
Present the Stimulus- Once students have completed the microscope labeling worksheet on their
iPads, the teacher will give students the opportunity to create their own wet mount slides. While
students are preparing the slides, the teacher is circulating the room and observing students. If a
student is not using the correct techniques, the teacher will reteach the skill. Once all students
have created their wet mount slide, the teacher will demonstrate how to properly use a compound
microscope. Once all students have successfully created a wet-mount slide, the teacher will
demonstrate how to properly carry a microscope to the lab table. Once all students have carried
the equipment to their table, the teacher will model how to properly focus a microscope and

explain what the students need to do in order to perform well on their assessment. Students will
follow along step by step with the teacher. After the demonstration is complete, the pairs of
students will take turns focusing their slides on the microscope. One student will be observing to
make sure their partner is following the correct steps. If they do not, they must correct the action.
Once completed successfully, the pair of students will switch duties.
Elicit Learner Performance- The instructional strategies being used in this lesson are: check for
prior knowledge, direct instruction, independent practice, model desired skills, re-teaching (if
necessary), group and individual instruction, technology tools, graphic organizers, and peer
Provide Feedback- The teacher will circulate throughout the classroom and observe students
manipulating microscopes and provide feedback. If a student needs correcting and their partner
has not already corrected the mistake, the teacher will reteach the student the proper technique.
Assess Learner Performance- The assessments for this lesson are straightforward. There are 2
performance assessments and one traditional test.
Performance assessments: 1) Creating a wet-mount slide 2) Proper demonstration of how to use a
microscope. The checklist/rubric for these assessments are attached. Students must pass with
100% accuracy. If a student does not succeed, they must retake until they pass.
Traditional test: The test will consist of a picture of a microscope and the students must correctly
label the parts. The students will also have to correctly match the name of the microscope part to
its definition/function. This will be similar to their worksheet. This will take place on ebackpack. It will be automatically scored, so that the students are provided immediate feedback.
Enhance Retention and Transfer- It is imperative that students master this lesson. We will
continue to do labs using microscopes throughout the school year and students will use

microscopes throughout their school careers. Once the unit is concluded, the teacher will refer to
a poster containing a microscope and its parts often to help students retain and recall information.

Supplemental Materials
Student handout: Labelling microscope parts

Using the list of words below, label the microscope parts labelled (a) to (h).
(Note that some of the words listed below are not used.)


eye piece lens



coarse focus adjustment



fine focus adjustment

high power lens


light source

low power lens

2. Explain the function of the following numbered parts of the microscope.



This is the QR code that will lead students to the Microscope Worksheet.

Name: ______________________

Date: __________
Hour: __________

Wet-mount Slide Assessment

__________ Place sample on slide
__________ Places drop of water on sample using eyedropper
__________ Place cover slip at 45 angle
__________ Slowly lowers cover slip to prevent air bubbles
(Minor air bubbles are acceptable)

Microscope performance assessment

__________ Uncovers and plugs in microscope.
__________ Places slide correctly on stage.
__________ Adjusts light using diaphragm.
__________ Focuses on low power using coarse adjustment and/or fine focus.
__________ Can give and explain total magnification.
__________ Adjusts to a high power objective.
__________ Focuses on high power using fine focus ONLY.
__________ Cleans slide.
__________ Unplugs, wraps cord, and covers microscope.

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