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By: Jennifer Hernandez

Jennifer N. Hernandez
650 S 1st W
Rexburg Idaho

Table of content
Business Card
Web page
Event Ad

Description:a unique logo for a business
Program: Adobe Illustrator
Date:June 4, 2016
Course/ Instructor: Communication 130 section 3 Ben Pingle
Objectives: Create a logo for a business. Have a simple and easy to remember
design that is also unique and fitting for the business that it is being created for.

Process: To create these logos I used Illustrator. For all of the logos I used the

different shape tools and filled them in with the designated color scheme. I used
the pen tool also to manipulate the basic shapes so I could have them in the
desired shapes. I chose the colors because they were simple for kids and parent to
remember. The name was the easiest part of this project, I felt like Bright Minds
was a good choice for a name because it ties into both the colors of the logo and
the business.

Description: A matching leaderhead and business card for a company
using an original logo.

Program: Adobe Illustrator and Indesign

Date: June 11, 2016
Course/ Instructor: Communication 130 section 3 Ben Pingle
Objectives: Create an original logo using Illustrator. Link Illustrator and

InDesign to add the logo to the letterhead and business card layout. Use the
basic tools of InDesgn and Illustrator.

Process: I first started with the logo using illustrator. I used the shape tool

to create a rectangle and then duplicated it to it would make a full circle with
equally distanced shapes. In the middle of the rectangles I added a circle to
create the sun design. I added this shape to InDesign and used the logo as a
watermark. To do this I made the logo larger and then changed the opacity
so it could barley be seen. I then added the blue rectanlges just to the letter
head was not have an awkward spacing issue. I chose the font because it was
unique and stood out, I felt like it had a tropical feel that most tanning salons
strive to get across.

Description: A matching leaderhead and business card for a company using an
original logo.

Program: Adobe Illustrator and Indesign

Date: June 11, 2016
Course/ Instructor: Communication 130 section 3 Ben Pingle
Objectives: Create an original logo using Illustrator. Link Illustrator and InDe-

sign to add the logo to the letterhead and business card layout. Use the basic tools
of InDesgn and Illustrator.

Process: I first started with the logo using illustrator. I used the shape tool to

create a rectangle and then duplicated it to it would make a full circle with equally distanced shapes. In the middle of the rectangles I added a circle to create the
sun design. I then swtiched over to InDesign and created the business card shape.
I added the logo to the front and back of the logo but on the back it made the logo
white with the pale orange background. I used the same font and blue stripe as the
letterhead so the two different piece would be connected and associated with each

Description: A two sided (duplex) folding brochure
Program: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Indesign
Date: July 9, 2016
Course/ Instructor: Communication 130 section 3 Ben Pingle
Objectives: Learn how to text wrap in InDesign. Create a two sided (duplex)
folding brochure. Use paragraph styling in InDesign.

Process: To start I used Illustrator to create a new logo for this project. I used the

circle tool and the start tool to create the ring design. I took away teo of the points
on the star tool so it would create a trianlge instead of the star. I added a grey
stroke to the shapes so it would become thicker. I chose the font because I thought
it added a nice elegant font. I then uploaded the Happily Ever After Picture into
Photoshop to cut it out of its background. I used the selcetion tool to get a clean
cut from the backgound and then the brush tool to clean it up. I then added all of
my pictures and text into InDesign to create the brochure. I added ruler guides so
I knew were everything was going to be placed. I placed everything close to the
edge so that it would create a full bleed rather than have huge margins. I used
paragraph styling so the text would all look uniform. I added the Happily ever
After picture in between two paragraphs to have a more defined text wrap. I then
added the grey elements to add some repetition to the piece.

Web Page
Description: A web page to show case an original logo
Program: Adobe Illustrator and TextWrangler
Date: June 25, 2016
Course/ Instructor: Communication 130 section 3 Ben Pingle
Objectives: Size and optimize the original logo for the web page as a .png. Write
out the body cope for your web page that will appeal to the target audience.
Design a basic layout for the web page using the basics of HTML and CSS. compress all of the documents into a zipp file.

Process: The only program used in creating the web page was TextWrangler.

I added all of my content and imagine into Textwrangler and formatted it using
the basics of HTML I added the CSS file to it. I used the color daarker yellow from
my logo in my web page, I used the eyedropper tool to find the hex code and then
added that to my CSS with was embedded in my HTML file. I changed my font
but also had some back up font up into place just incase a computre trying to
access the web page did not have those fonts on their computer

Description: A religious/insperational montage using two or more pictures
that are blended to create one.

Program: Photoshop
Date: May 27, 2016
Course/ Instructor: Communication 130 section 3 Ben Pingle
Objectives: Learn how to blend picture properly using masks. Learn how to
use typography to emphasize your words.

Process: To start this project I opened up photoshop with the picture so that it

would cover the whole 8.5 by 11 in space. I then added the picture of the
family on top of the temple picture and added a layer mask. I used the black
paint option at 100% opacity to get rid of the background. I used a softer opacity
brush to have the family not be so dark so you could still see the temple through
the family. I then added the text to my piece. I chose a fancier text for the words
families and forever becuase I wanted those two to stand out the most. I thoguht
that the script font paired with the serif added a nice contract that was not

Description: A personally taken photo that had a color scheme and that was
edited in photoshop with the four basic editing tools.

Program: Photoshop and a Nikon D3300 camera.

Date: May 22, 2016
Course/ Instructor: Communication 130 section 3 Ben Pingle
Objectives: Learn how to take good photos using basic photography skills.
Adjust brightness, contrast, hue and saturation levels. Isolate a part of an
image using the selection tool. Colorize part of the image.

Process: I took this photo of my roomate using a Nikon D3300 camera. I

uploaded to picture to photoshop and had the picture become my background. I

used the selection tool to select her air and make it more orange than it naturally
is. I enhanced that red color of the dress to make it clear that the color scheme I
was trying to achieve was complimentray - red and green.

Description:A black and white promotional flier for an upcoming event.
Program: Adobe Indesign
Date: May 8, 2016
Course/ Instructor: Communication 130 section 3 Ben Pingle
Objectives: Apply the basic design principle and rules of typogrpahy. Use
InDesign skills to change the flier layout.

Process: The first step in creating this flier was to draw out sketches of

potential layouts. I narrowed it down to two and ultimately chose the best
design. I used my sketch and a guide in creating my project in InDesign. I added
the black boxes to the top and bottom of the piece to avoid awkward spacing and
I did not make them go all the way to the edge to avoid trapping white space.



October 21
8 a.m. 5 p.m.
Lincoln Convention Center
Do you want to have the competitive edge in
Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual
Graduate Leadership Conference
Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrows leaders gain essential leadership skills in the
During this dynamic three-day seminar, attendees will
meet with top executives of Vouant Communications to
discuss breakthrough leadership techniques, while
cultivating attributes of leadership that will market to
any employer.
Conference isavailable to graduating seniors. Space is limited.

Registration and more information available at http:// leaders

Event Ad
Description: A full-bleed colored event ad promoting a fund raiser
Program: Microsoft Word
Date: May 14, 2016
Course/ Instructor: Communication 130 section 3 Ben Pingle
Objectives: Find and scan a quality image. Create a full bleed. Use text
boxed and insert the pictures into the document.

Process: I added the pciture into the document and made it the backgroud

for the title. I make the title white so it was softer and did not have such a hard
contrast with the picture. I color blocked with this piece because I thought it
would show a nice break up and was easy on the eyes, not overwhelming.

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