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Zachary Phipps
Phone: (405) 964-3314 ext.

Hello! My name is Mr. Phipps. I am the art

teacher at McLoud Elementary for grades
K-6. I only get to teach your child for 45
minutes every six days, so there is a lot to
cover in the short amount of time we
spend together. Therefore, behavior is of
the upmost importance in the classroom.
So, I am trying something new this year.
I'm going to "gamify" my art class! I am
looking forward to an awesome and
creative year!

Gamification: What is it?
When you gamify, you integrate learning
and rewards. Gamification helps our
students stay motivated and gives them a
better sense of achievement. Gamification
in the classroom keeps the students
wanting more, just like a game does. To
see this explained, you can watch a short
video at: https://m.youtube.com/watch?

In my class, I am going to use Credly.

Credly allows me to create customized
badges (like you would work for in a
game). These badges will be given to each
class based on their behavior and
participation. I teach over 1,000 students,
so the best way for me to keep track is by
each class. This encourages positive
behavior and participation in class by
working together to earn the badge and
ultimately a reward. Each time the class
earns a badge, it is emailed to their
teacher. When a class earns five badges, a
reward is given. These rewards will
include: extra recess, free time, game day,
and Netflix (only appropriate G rated
shows will be watch per the District
Handbook). To make choosing the reward
fair, I will be using an app called Decide
Now. It is a spinner and whatever it lands
on is what reward the class will get.

Core Concepts and Ideas

The students will be working with a variety
of material that include: markers, crayons,
pastels, ink, paint, clay, and technology.
Our curriculum includes: recognizing art as
a form of communication and expression,
identifying the seven elements of art, and
understanding the seven principles of
designs. Students will also learn about art
history and understand the roles of artists
in society. Throughout the elementary art
experience, we will be exploring different
methods of creating art.


The most important thing I teach my
students is that everyone is an artist! I
always grade on the process and never on
the product. I never base a grade on how
well a student can draw, paint, create, etc.
All I ask is that every student put forth his
or her best effort in class. Your child's
grade on his or her report car will be one
of the following:

S - Satisfactory - the student has

completed all projects and lessons to the
best of his or her ability.
U - Unsatisfactory - the student did not
complete all projects to his or her best
ability or did not complete projects at all.

Image | Art. Retrieved (6.30.16):

Image | Gamifying Education.
Retrieved (6.30.16):
Image | Give credit where credit is
due. Retrieved (6.30.16):
Image | Arts. Retrieved (6.30.16):
Image | Report Card. Retrieved
(6.30.16): https://encryptedtbn1.gstatic.com/images?
Image | The earth without art is
just eh. Retrieved (6.30.16):

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