Dala'Il Al-Khayrat's Worksheet

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Worksheet on

Dalail al-Khayrat
Form of activities in the worksheet:
1) Quiz / question
2) Puzzle
3) Facts
1) Museum catalog
2) Exhibition
Composed by Imam Jazuli of Shadhili tariqah one night he woke up and search water
for ablution, however to no avail. He keep on searching until he met a girl who knew him
and his credibility (in another version, Imam Jazuli found a well, however he could not reach
it as there was no pail or water cointainer); the girl, who was flustered by his inability spat
into the well and masha Allah, the water rised and overflowed from the well.
When asked by Imam Jazuli, what is her secret for attaining such spiritual status, she replied
it was frequent praising and supplication towards Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w).
What can we ask the visitor?
1) Life of Imam Jazuli
2) History of the book
3) History of Shadhiliyyah tariqah
4) The content of the book
1) Names of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)
2) Numbers of hizb (def: section(s), plu. ahzab)
3) Identify which illustration is from which book / copy
5) Scholars from Morocco

Welcome to Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia!

If this worksheet is in your hand, I assume that you are here for our exhibition on an
important masterpiece, a book, namely Dalail al-Khayrat. Even if you are not, please read
and work on this worksheet till the end. Believe me, it will cure your tiredness!
This worksheet is intended to keep you busy and attentive during your visit to Dalail alKhayrat. You will have to read, move around, ask people and think in order to solve what is in
this worksheet. Besides that, working on the questions and puzzles will help you remember
what you saw and read.
Before you start, remember to pay attention to everything in this museum, be curious and
ask questions! :)

a) Quiz (*Based on the information in the catalogue.)

First of all, you have to answer a few questions regarding the author of Dalail al-Khayrat.
Dont worry, it is not as hard as you think. You just need to read and observe carefully!
1. What is Imam Jazuli full name?
Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Sulayman ibn Abu Bakr al-Jazuli al-Simlali
al-Sharif al-Hasani
2. Who is the ancestor of Imam Jazuli?
Imam Hassan ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (saw)
3. Where is Imam Jazuli place of origin?
4. Imam Jazuli have two nisba (attributional names) to him. What are they and
what do they refer to?
First nisba: Jazuli, refers to Jazula, his Berber tribe. Second nisba: Simlali, refers to
Simlala, his sub-tribe.
5. What are the titles of Imam Jazuli works other than Dalail al-Khayrat?
Hizb al-Falah
Hizb Subhan al-Daim la Yazal
6. What is the full title of the book in Arabic, and what is the meaning?
Dalail al-Khayrat wa Shawariq al-Anwar Zikr al-Salat ala al-Nabi al-Mukhtar, meaning:
Guidelines to the Blessings and the Shining of Lights, Giving the Saying of the
Blessing Prayer over the Chosen Prophet
You have finished it? Wow, you must be brilliant. Congratulation, genius! Now, lets go to the
second part.

b) Map
There is a map in this section. Do you love maps? If not, then you should! Map is
important, it shows where you are placed in this world. It also makes you remember
important history.
Do you remember where our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was born? Do you know
where people perform hajj? Do you know where Kaabah is located? Now, name the places
in the map below.



*map from the catalogue

1 - Qayrawan
2 - Riyad al-Arus / Marrakesh
3 - Souq al-Aqsa
4 - Afoughal
5 - Egypt
6 - Jerusalem
7 - Makkah
8 - Madinah
9 - Bukhara
10 - Turkistan
Did you get everything? Are you sure? If yes, now lets move onto the next work!

c) Figures
Did you notice beautiful drawings in the manuscripts exhibited? They are colorful and the
designs are brilliant. But, do you know what are those drawings represents?
Perhaps, knowing what it represent will make us understand more of those drawingsits
time to read and ask people around you!

- In the figure below, can you identify which one is


The tomb of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

The tomb of Saidina Abu Bakar
The tomb Saidina Umar
The Minbar
The Mihrab
The hanging lamp

*figure from the catalogue

Pssst, just in case people around you could not give answer, perhaps you can check from the
catalogue. Once you are settled, check out the next activity! This one will keep you superbusy!

d) Hidden words
This time, you dont have to worry about answering question. In fact, you just have to find
the answers! Tricky, huh? Im not lying, the answers are just hidden!


1) Hospice for Sufis (Zawiyah)

2) The Islamic jurisdiction (Fiqh)
3) Disciples of Sufism sect (Muridin)
4) Attributional name (Nisba)
5) Blessed Garden (Rawdah)
6) Pulpit (Minbar)
7) Scribal technique which its name derived from Latin word for red (Rubrica)
8) Plural of Hizb (Ahzab)
9) Solitary retreat (Khalwah)
10) Khazanah al-Qutub, or Library of (Qayrawan)
11) Seven greatest Sufi Masters (Sabah Rijal)
12) Communal litany (Salawat)
13) Qiblah niche (Mihrab)
14) Referring to an exquisite medallion (Shamsa)

Congratulation once again for finding all the hidden answers, or words! Did you know, all of
those answers are important words to describe the author of Dalail al-Khayrat and the Dalail
itself ?
Now, one final task to complete. Lets!

e) Fill in the blanks

Do you know, Dalail al-Khayrat is composed of beautiful praises and litanies out of love for
one perfect human being. Long before we were born into this world, he has shown his great
love for us by being patient, persevered and strong in spreading Islam. Without Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh), we wont be able to know Islam and the truth of this world.
Once you completed these praises towards Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his family, dont
forget to recite it three times and say, I love you, Rasulullah!
Hint: We always recite it our daily prayers!







You have completed this worksheet. Please bring it home, and be sure to go
through it to remember your beautiful experience in our museum!

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