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One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 1

This is the first week of the One-Punch Man Training Program. The purpose of this
program is to take Saitama's simple training program of 100 Push-ups, 100 Sit-ups,
100 Squats and 10km of Running and apply it in a way to get the most out of the
movements in terms of strength, endurance, and speed.

You shall gain the ultimate in simple, yet effective fitness with this program!!!!!!!!

At least sound a little excited, Saitama...

In any case, here's Week 1 of the Program.

Day 1-

100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
10 km Running
--Complete in the order listed, in as few sets as possible. Rest as necessary.

Day 210 Push-ups

10 Sit-ups
10 Squats
1 km Running
--10 Rounds, 2 Minutes Rest between Rounds

Day 3100 Close-Grip Push-ups

100 Butterfly Sit-ups

100 Sumo Squats

10 km Running
--Complete in the order listed, in as few sets as possible. Rest as necessary.

Day 4800 Meter Run

200 Meter Backwards Run
10 Wide Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
10 Hindu Squats
--10 Rounds, 2 Minutes Rest between Rounds

Day 55 km Running
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
5 km Running
--Complete in the order listed, in as few sets as possible. Rest as necessary.

Day 6Sprint 200 Meters

10 Hindu Push-ups
10 Sit-ups w/Twist
10 Close-Stance Squats
Jog 800 Meters
--10 Rounds, 2 Minutes Rest between Rounds

Day 75 Push-ups
5 Sit-ups
5 Squats
--20 Rounds, no rest between rounds. Rest 5 Minutes after 20 Rounds, then
Run 10 km at Easy Pace

If you have any questions about the above exercises, use the search function on the
blog or ask a question in the comments. I will be posting this every week, building
the program as we go.

That's all for today! Until next time, good luck and train hard!

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 2

This is the continuation of the One-Punch Man Training Program. You can find the
first week here. This week introduces "Monster Events" and "Hero Events," where
you will have to perform tasks that a hero would perform to save the day. At this
point, Saitama did not have the ability to OHKO bad guys, so those problems would
be serious things for him to deal with at this stage in his training.

Get that grind!

Day 8-

100 Push-ups (At whatever number you fail, immediately switch to knee push-ups.
When you fail there, immediately switch to counter push-ups. Finish your push-ups
here in as few sets as possible.)
100 Sit-ups

100 Squats
10 km Running at Easy Pace
--Complete in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT- Save a child from fallen rubble!

Deadlift a total of 5,000# in whatever number of sets, reps, or weights. (For
example, you could do a 200# Deadlift for 25 total reps, spread out between 5 sets
OR you could Deadlift 250# for 20 total reps)
Carry 50# Sandbag for 400 Meters (imitating carrying the child to safety)>>

Day 9-

1. 5 km Running, then
10 Push-ups w/5# (Vest or Backpack)
10 Sit-ups w/5# (Dumbell or Plate)
10 Squats w/5# (Dumbbell or Vest)
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

2. 5 km Running

Day 10100 Diamond Push-ups

100 Straight-Leg Sit-ups
100 Close Stance Squats
10 km Running
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 1110 Diamond Push-ups

10 Sit-ups w/15#

10 Close Stance Squats

20 Close Push-ups
20 Sit-ups w/10#
20 Hindu Squats
30 Push-ups
30 Sit-ups w/5#
30 Squats
40 Wide Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
40 Sumo Squats
10 km Running at Easy Pace
<<MONSTER EVENT- 10 Minutes Shadowboxing or Heavy Bag Work >>

Day 12100 Push-ups

100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
10 km Running
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 13400 Meter Run x 5 as fast as possible, 1 Minute Rest Between Sets
30 Push-ups/Sit-ups/Squats
200 Meters x 5 as fast as possible, 1 Minute Rest Between Sets
30 Push-ups/Sit-ups/Squats
100 Meters x 5 as fast as possible, 1 Minute Rest Between Sets
30 Push-ups/Sit-ups/Squats
50 Meters x 5 as fast as possible, 30 Seconds Rest Between Sets
10 Push-ups/Sit-ups/Squats
25 Meters x 5 as fast as possible, 30 Seconds Rest Between Sets

6125 Meters Running at Easy Pace

Day 14-

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 3

This is a continuation of the OPM Training Program. You can find the 2nd Week here.

More of the same, but a little better all the time.

Day 15-

5 km Running
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
5 km Running
--in as few sets as possible.

<<HERO EVENT- Carry an old lady's grocery's home!

1600 Meter Farmer's Carry w/30# DBs
Climb 20 Steps w/30# DBs in hands>>

Day 161 km Running

40 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
40 Squats
2 km Running
30 Push-ups
30 Sit-ups
30 Squats

3 km Running
20 Push-ups
20 Sit-ups
20 Squats
4 km Running
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
10 Squats
Day 17-

5 km Running, then
10 Wide Push-ups
10 Butterfly Sit-ups
10 Sumo Squats
500 Meter Run
--10 Rounds

<<MONSTER EVENT5 Minutes Shadowboxing or Heavy Bagwork

20 Medicine Ball Slams w/20# Med Ball
3 Minutes Shadowboxing or Heavy Bagwork
20 Medicine Ball Slams w/20# Med Ball
1 Minute Shadowboxing or Heavy Bagwork>>
Day 18100 Meter Sprint
100 Meter Backpeddle
100 Meter Side Shuffle (Left)
100 Meter Side Shuffle (Right)
100 Meter Jog
5 Plyo Push-ups

5 Sit-ups
5 Jump Squats
--20 Rounds

Day 19100 Push-ups

100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
10 km Running
--in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT- Save an injured construction worker from broken scaffolding.

Climb 100 Total Feet of Rope or Rock Wall OR do 25 Pull-ups
Hold a Deadlift in the top position w/135-225# for MAX Time
The deadlift hold mimics lowering the man down by a rope to the bottom.>>

Day 20-

5 km Running, then
5 Push-ups w 10#
5 Push-ups w/10#
5 Squats w/10 #
--20 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

5 km Running

Day 21-

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 4

Continuation of the OPM Training Program from Week 3.

Call your friends, because it's time to train.

Day 22-

100 Push-ups (When you fail doing normal push-ups, immediately move to knee
push-ups. When you fail at knee push-ups, immediately move to counter push-ups.)
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 2320 Hindu Push-ups

20 Med Ball Toss Sit-ups @ 4# (Toss up at the top of the sit-up and catch it before
laying back down.)
20 Hindu Squats
2 km Running
--5 Rounds

Day 24100 Push-ups

100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT- Flip wrecked cars right-side up and push them to the side of the

Flip a 300# tire

25 Meter Push/Pull Sled @ 300#

--5 Rounds>>

Day 255 Plyo Push-ups

5 Sit-ups
5 Jump Squats
400 Meter Sprint
400 Meter Recovery Jog
Day 26100 Diamond Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Close Stance Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT- Crank the motors of generators for people who have lost power.

Throughout the day perform 100 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows on each side with

Day 27-

5 km Running, then
10 Push-ups w/10#
10 Sit-ups w/10#
10 Squats w/10#
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

5 km Running

Day 28-

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 5

See Week 4 of OPM Training Program here!

Week 5... you mean, we're still going?!

If you guys have been keeping up with this so far, you should be finding that you're
in remarkably better shape even after just four weeks of training. You guys should
be taking additional time to stretch every day and making sure that you are eating
a wide variety of good foods, including lean meats, fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
nuts and seeds, and plenty of water. Keep at it!!

Day 29100 Push-ups

100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 3025 Push-ups

25 Sit-ups
25 Squats
2.5 km Running
Rest 2 Minutes
--5 Rounds, try to complete the individual rounds as fast as possible

<<HERO EVENT- Use a rowboat to save a drowning child from a lake and deliver
him to medical attention!
Row 1000 Meters, as fast as possible
Carry 50# Sandbag 100 Meters>>
Day 31100 Wide Push-ups
100 Straight-Leg Sit-ups
100 Close Stance Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 32-

5 km Running
10 Push-ups w/10#
10 Sit-ups w/10#
10 Squats w/10#
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

5 km Running

Day 33Sprint 200 Meters

10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
10 Squats
Jog 800 Meters
--10 Rounds, 90 Seconds Rest Between Rounds

Day 34-

100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<MONSTER EVENT- Defeat a rock monster with a sledgehammer, random objects,

and hand-to-hand combat while dodging attacks!
25 Downward Sledgehammer Swings to Tire or Large Stone
15 Max Distance Throws of 50# Sandbag
10 Front or Side Kicks per side to Heavy Bag
5 Burpees
--As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 Minutes>>

Day 35-

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 6

See Week 5 here!

You're getting stronger, little by little, so keep with it. You're probably finding that
the days of just 100 Push-ups, Sit-ups, Squats, and 10 km Running are getting
easier and easier. Keep it up!

One more week closer to complete domination of your foes.

Day 36
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 37
Jog 100 Meters
Sprint 100 Meters
Side Shuffle Left 100 Meters
Side Shuffle Right 100 Meters
Back Peddle 100 Meters
Run 500 Meters
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
10 Squats
--10 Rounds

<<HERO EVENT- Dig a hole to get to a broken water main and turn it off with the
cut-off valve.

Dig with a shovel for 30 Minutes

Perform 10 Seated Cable Rows or Bent Over Rows at 150#>>

Day 38
100 Diamond Push-ups (Regular push-ups to failure, then knee push-ups to failure,
then counter push-ups to failure.)
100 Straight-Leg Sit-ups
100 Sumo Squats
10 km Running
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 39

5 km Running, then

5 Push-ups w/15#
5 Sit-ups w/15#
5 Squats w/15#
--20 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

5 km Running

<<MONSTER EVENT- Beat a gang of thugs who are terrorizing a city block.
3 Minutes Shadowboxing or Heavy Bagwork
Throw 60# Heavy Bag 5 times.
--5 Rounds>>

Day 40

100 Hindu Push-ups

100 Sit-ups
100 Hindu Squats
9 km Running
1 km Backwards Running
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 41

20 Push-ups w/5#
20 Sit-ups w/5#

20 Squats w/5#
2 km Running
--5 Rounds

Day 42

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 7

Find Week 6 here!

We're moving on up. Six weeks down, only 150 more to go!

Get your asses in gear!!!!

Day 43
100 Wide Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Close Stance Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<MONSTER EVENT- Defeat an octopus monster!!! Grab it by the tentacles, beat

the crap out of it, and drag it back to the water!
Alternating Waves w/Battle Ropes- 1 Minute
Heavy Bag Striking- 1 Minute
40 Meter Sled Pull w/200#
--4 Rounds>>

Day 44
10 Plyo Push-ups

10 Sit-ups
10 Jump Squats
1 km Running
--10 Rounds

Day 45
100 Push-ups (Regular push-ups to failure, then knee push-ups to failure, then
counter push-ups until you reach 100 reps.)
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 46

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps
(1 Push-up, 1 Sit-up, 1 Squat, 2 Push-ups, 2 Sit-ups, 2 Squats, 3 Push-ups, 3 Situps... etc.)


10 km Running

Day 47
10 Push-ups w/15#
10 Sit-ups w/15#
10 Squats w/15#

--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

800 Meters Running
200 Meters Back Peddle
--10 Rounds

Day 48
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<MONSTER EVENT- Fight a heavily armed anti-government terrorist. Dodge

gunfire, get close, and kick his ass!
5 Burpee Broad Jumps (Do a burpee and then jump as far as you can forward at the
10 Meter Back Peddle
25 Meter Army Crawl
10 Burpee Broad Jumps
20 Meter Back Peddle
50 Meter Army Crawl
50 Heavy Bag Strikes>>

Day 49

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 8

Find Week 7 here!

By this point, you might be feeling the mental stress of training every day, doing
much the same thing. Motivate yourself by re-watching One-Punch Man during this
week so that you can get hyped back up!

Keep up your training so you don't get your

ass kicked by a giant Crab Man.

Day 50
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT- A maniac has been stealing people's pet cats and putting them in
high places. Recover the cats and catch the bad guy!
5 Pull-ups
5 Box Jumps @ 24"
--10 Rounds, then

-100 Meter ALL-OUT Sprint>>

Day 51
5 Push-ups w/20#
5 Sit-ups w/20#
5 Squats w/20#
--20 Rounds of Calisthenics, then
100 Meter Sprint
800 Meter Jog
100 Meter Backpeddle
--10 Rounds

Day 52
100 Hindu Push-ups
100 Straight Leg Sit-ups
100 Hindu Sit-ups
10 km Running
==Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 53
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
10 Squats
1 km Running
--10 Rounds

<<MONSTER EVENT- A Pinata monster is attacking people in the city square! Take
him out with your hands and feet while dodging his colorful attacks!
20 Strikes to a Heavy Bag
1 Burpee
10 Strikes to a Heavy Bag
2 Burpees
5 Strikes to a Heavy Bag
3 Burpees
--AMRAP in 10 Minutes>>
Day 54
100 Diamond Push-ups
100 Decline Sit-ups (Slight Incline)
100 Close Stance Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 55
25 Push-ups w/5#
25 Sit-ups w/5#
25 Squats w/5#
2500 Meter Run
--5 Rounds

Day 56
Same as Day 7 on Week 1.

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 9

Find Week 8 here!

This is the 9th week of hell. Congratulations on making it this far! You're probably
feeling pretty good about yourself, but don't get too cocky, there are soooooo many
more weeks to go.

One day, even YOU may be able to OHKO giant monsters!

Day 57

100 Push-ups (2 Count Down, 2 Count Up)

100 Sit-ups (3 Count Up, 3 Count Down)
100 Squats (4 Count Down, 4 Count Up)
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 58

20 Hindu Push-ups
20 Sit-ups
20 Sumo Squats
2 km Running
--5 Rounds

<<MONSTER EVENT- Protect citizens from a gang of thugs with nothing but your
bare hands!

-30 Minutes Shadowboxing>>

Day 59

10 Push-ups w/20#
10 Sit-ups w/20#
10 Squats w/20#
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then
200 Meter Back Peddle
200 Meter Sprint
600 Meter Jog
--10 Rounds

Day 60

10 Plyo Push-ups

10 Decline Sit-ups
10 Jump Squats
1 km Running
--10 Rounds

Day 61

100 Push-ups w/Hands at Hips

100 Sit-ups
100 Close Stance Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT- Find a bomb that has been hidden at the city dump! Move stuff out
of the way and find that bomb!
5 Deadlifts w/225#
10 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows w/45#/hand
25 Meter Farmer's Walk w/60#/hand
--20 Minute AMRAP>>

Day 62

10 Diamond Push-ups w/5#

10 Sit-ups w/5#
10 Hindu Squats w/5#
1 km Running
--10 Rounds

Day 63
Same as Day 7 on Week 1

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 10

Week 9 here!

10 weeks in. 10 weeks of work. 10 weeks closer to being a superhero. This week is a
little different and there won't be any hero or monster events to deal with.

That's a goofy face, Saitama.

Day 64

100 Ring Push-ups

100 Decline Sit-ups
100 Squats on Half Stability Ball
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 65

100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
10 km Running

--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 66

100 Wide Push-ups

100 Sit-ups
100 Sumo Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 67

100 Diamond Push-ups

100 Decline Sit-ups
100 Close Stance Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 68

100 Hindu Push-ups

100 Straight-Leg Sit-ups
100 Hindu Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 69

5 Push-ups w/25#
5 Sit-ups w/25#
5 Squats w/25#
--20 Rounds Calisthenics, then
200 Meter Jog
200 Meter Sprint
200 Meter Jog
200 Meter Sprint
200 Meter Backpeddle
--10 Rounds

Day 70

Same as Day 7 on Week 1.

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 11

Week 10 is here!

Week 11 is adding some new things that are going to be expanded on over time.
Look forward to it!

After this many reps and miles, your face starts to do weird things.

Day 71

Run 800 Meters

50 Push-ups
Run 800 Meters
50 Sit-ups
Run 800 Meters
50 Squats
Run 800 Meters
25 Push-ups w/5#
Run 800 Meters
25 Sit-ups w/5#
Run 800 Meters
25 Squats w/5#
Run 800 Meters
10 Push-ups w/10#
Run 800 Meters
10 Sit-ups w/10#
Run 800 Meters
10 Squats w/10#
Run 800 Meters
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
10 Squats
Run 2000 Meters
5 Push-ups w/15#
5 Sit-ups w/15#
5 Squats w/15#

Day 72

10 Wide Push-ups w/5#

10 Decline Sit-ups w/5#

10 Sumo Squats w/5#
1 km Running
--10 Rounds

<<HERO EVENT- Fire has broken out in the city and surrounding forests. Carry
buckets of water to put out the fire!

Fill two 5-Gallon buckets w/water

100 Meter Farmer's Carry w/buckets
Pour both buckets out at chest height
100 Meter Sprint Back w/buckets
--20 Minute AMRAP>>

Day 73

100 Push-ups w/Feet on Flat of Half Stability Ball

100 Sit-ups w/Butt on Round of Half Stability Ball
100 Squats w/Feet on Flat of Half Stability Ball
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 74

10 Hindu Push-ups
10 Straight-Leg Sit-ups
10 Hindu Squats
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

10 km Running at Easy Pace

Day 75

10 Push-ups w/25#
10 Sit-ups w/25#
10 Squats w/25#
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

10 km Running at Easy Pace

<<MONSTER EVENT- A mad scientist has created genetically engineer creatures

that have decided to sleep on cars, in the middle of the street, and on people. Move
them out of the way so people can go about their daily lives!

1 Power Clean @135#

Walk 25 Meters with bar in front rack position
2 Deadlifts @185#
Walk 25 Meters with Deadlift in top position
3 Wall Balls @20#
Walk 25 Meters with Med Ball
50 Meter Sled Pull @225#
--20 Min AMRAP>>

Day 76

100 Diamond Push-ups

100 Wide-Leg Sit-ups

100 Overhead Squats w/Wooden Dowel
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 77

Same as Day 7 on Week 1

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 12

Week 11 is here!

With the advent of week 12, we've hit almost three months of solid work. We're
going to start building toward some more difficult movements in order to develop
your strength even more.

Overwhelming strength is sometimes a little boring...

Day 78

10 Walk-Out Push-ups (Bend down, walk hands out to push-up position, perform
movement, walk hands back in, stand up. Repeat.)
10 Sit-ups
10 Broad Jump Squats (Squat, jump as far forward as possible as you come out of
the squat, land, stand-up. Repeat.)
--10 Rounds Calisthenics, then

10 km Running as fast as possible

Day 79

10 One-Arm Push-up Progressions* (See Notes)

10 Decline Sit-ups
10 Pistols (One-Legged Squat) to a Box (Half Squat)/Side
--10 Rounds Calisthenics, then

10 km Running at Easy Pace

Day 80

100 Wide Push-ups

100 Sit-ups
100 Sumo Squats
10 km Running
--Complete in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT- Find a lost bag, filled with dangerous items from a government
facility by crawling, swimming, and moving objects.
100 Meter Army Crawl
100 Meter Swim (if no pool, bear crawl instead)
10 Deadlifts @ 185#
--20 Minute AMRAP>>

Day 81

100 Dive Bomber Push-ups (Like Hindu Push-up, but you trace the same path back
that you went down.)
100 Sit-ups w/Twist
100 Overhead Squats w/Dowel
10 km Running
--Complete in as few sets as possible

Day 82

5 Push-ups w/30#
5 Sit-ups w/30#
5 Sit-ups w/30#
--20 Rounds of Calisthenics, then
100 Meter Jog
100 Meter Sprint
800 Meter Run
Rest 1 Minute
--10 Rounds

Day 83

10 Diamond Push-ups w/15#

10 Sit-ups w/15#
10 Close Stance Squats w/15#
1 km Running as fast as possible
Rest 2 Minutes
--10 Rounds

Day 84

Same as Day 7 on Week 1


For One-Arm Push-up Progressions you will start by doing a normal push-up,
followed by extending one arm out to the side about half way, still in contact with
the ground. The pressing arm will still be in the same position. Perform another
push-up. Then extend the non-pressing arm out until it is straight out to your side
with only your fingertips in contact with the ground. Perform another push-up. Go
back to the beginning. Do a normal push-up and then work your way out on the
other side. This is 6 total push-ups, but only 1 rep of a one-arm push-up progression.
At then end of a day using one-arm push-up progressions, you will have done 600
push-ups. You will be very, very sore the next day, but you will have put in work to
help you get to the point of doing a one-arm push-up with your feet together.
NOTE-- If you have to stop before you complete 100 one-arm push-up progressions,
that's fine. Just get as far as you can, but do at least 100 total reps.
On the pistols, make sure you do both sides. To help balance yourself, put your arms
out in front of you. At the beginning, we will only be doing half pistols, to get you
used to moving in that position. Remember to squeeze your butt!!

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 13

Week 12 is here!

Getting into some heavier work. This will help us really start to increase your
maximum strength in the midst of all of the endurance work we've done so far.
Good luck!!

Do you see my gloves? Aren't they awesome?

Day 85

100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 86

10 Push-ups w/30#
10 Sit-ups w/30#
10 Squats w/30#
10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

10 km Running at an Easy Pace

Day 87

Heavy Back Squats

10 Reps with 45# Bar

Perform progressively heavier singles until you find the maximum amount of weight
you can lift for 1 Rep (1RM).
Complete the remainder of 100 Squats in as few sets as possible.

10 Wide Push-ups
10 Wide-Leg Sit-ups
800 Meter Run
200 Meter Backpeddle
--10 Rounds

Day 88

Heavy Push-ups

10 Push-ups
Perform progressively heavier singles using a weighted vest or a backpack until you
find the maximum amount of weight you can lift for 1 Rep (1RM)
Complete the remainder of 100 Push-ups in as few sets as possible.
10 Straight-Leg Sit-ups
10 Hindu Squats
400 Meter, as fast as possible
400 Meter Jog
200 Meter, as fast as possible
Rest 2 Minutes
--10 Rounds

Day 89

Heavy Sit-ups

10 Sit-ups
Perform progressively heavier singles using a weighted vest or a backpack until you
find the maximum amount of weight you can lift for 1 Rep (1RM). You will have to
anchor your feet for this.
Complete the remainder of 100 Sit-ups in as few sets as possible.
10 Diamond Push-ups
10 Jump Squats
1 km Running
--10 Rounds

Day 90

100 Hindu Push-ups

100 Sit-ups
100 Sumo Squats
10 km Running
--Complete in as few sets as possible.

Day 91

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 14

Week 13 is here!

Sorry for the delay on this week! I'll make sure that this doesn't happen again.

When you and the whole crew 'bout that OPM life.

Day 92

100 Diamond Push-ups

100 Wide Leg Sit-ups
100 Close Stance Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 93

Heavy Squats
(Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets)
10 Reps w/45# Bar
5 Reps @ 50% 1 RM
5 Reps @ 60% 1 RM
5 Reps @ 70% 1 RM
5 Reps @ 75% 1 RM
5 Reps @ 80% 1 RM
Finish last 65 Reps of bodyweight squats in as few sets as possible.

10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
800 Meter Run
200 Meter Backpeddle

--10 Rounds

Day 94

Heavy Push-ups
(Rest 1 Minute Between Sets)

10 Push-ups @ 20% 1 RM
10 Push-ups @ 30% 1 RM
10 Push-ups @ 40% 1 RM
10 Push-ups @ 50% 1 RM
10 Push-ups @ 60% 1 RM
Finish last 50 Reps of push-ups in as few sets as possible

100 Meter Sprint
10 Push-ups
20 Sit-ups
20 Jump Squats
-- 5 Rounds, then

Run 9500 Meters at an Easy Pace

Day 95
5 Push-ups w/35#
5 Sit-ups w/35#
5 Squats w/35#

--20 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

400 Meter Run
200 Meter Back Peddle
400 Meter Jog
--10 Rounds

Day 96

100 Hindu Push-ups

100 Decline Sit-ups
100 Hindu Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 97

2500 Meter Run

50 Push-ups
1500 Meter Run
50 Sit-ups
1000 Meter Run
50 Squats
1000 Meter Run
50 Push-ups
1500 Meter Run
50 Sit-ups
2500 Meter Run
50 Squats
Day 98

Same as Day 7 on Week 1

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 15

Another week of the OPM Training Program. We will re-introduce Hero and Monster
Events next week, as we are still becoming accustomed to heavier lifting being in
the schedule.

Find Week 14 here!

Day 99

100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 100

10 Push-ups @ 50% 1RM

10 Sit-ups @ 50% 1RM
10 Squats @ 50% 1RM
30 Push-ups
30 Sit-ups
30 Squats
60 Push-ups
60 Sit-ups
60 Squats

10 km Running at Easy Pace

Day 101

10 Wide Push-ups w/10#

10 Decline Sit-ups
10 Sumo Squats w/10#
200 Meter Sprint
800 Meter Jog
--10 Rounds

Day 102

100 Clapping Push-ups

100 Med Ball Toss Sit-ups w/8# Med Ball
100 Jump Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

Day 103

10 Push-ups w/35#
10 Sit-ups w/35#
10 Squats w/35#
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then
100 Meter Sprint
100 Meter Backpeddle
200 Meter Sprint

200 Meter Backpeddle

400 Meter Jog
--10 Rounds

Day 104

10 Ring Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
10 Squats on Flat Half of Half Bosu Ball
--10 Rounds Calisthenics, then
100 Meter Sprint
100 Meter Jog
100 Meter Side Shuffle Left
100 Meter Side Shuffle Right
100 Meter Jog
100 Meter Backpeddle
100 Meter Jog
100 Meter Sprint
200 Meter Jog
--10 Rounds

Day 105

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 16

This week we will be re-introducing Hero and Monster events. From here on out, the
program gets serious!!

Find Week 15 here!

Day 106

5 Push-ups @ 30% 1RM

5 Sit-ups @ 30% 1RM
5 Squats @ 30% 1RM
5 Push-ups @ 50% 1RM
5 Sit-ups @ 50% 1RM
5 Squats @ 50% 1RM
5 Push-ups @ 70% 1RM
5 Sit-ups @ 70% 1RM
5 Squats @ 70% 1RM
85 Push-ups
85 Sit-ups
85 Squats
10 km Running at Easy Pace
--Complete remaining bodyweight exercises in as few sets as possible.

Day 107

100 Hindu Push-ups

100 Straight-Leg Sit-ups
100 Hindu Squats
10 km Running
--Complete in as few sets as possible

<<HERO EVENT- 10 people have passed out due to exposure to a dangerous gas.
Carry them to safety.
400 Meter Sandbag Carry @ 75-100#

Rest 2 Minutes
--10 Sets>>

Day 108

10 Close Grip Push-ups w/15#

10 Decline Sit-ups w/5#
10 Close Stance Squats w/15#
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then
100 Meter Jog
100 Meter Backpeddle
100 Meter Side Shuffle Left
100 Meter Side Shuffle Right
100 Meter Sprint
1 Minute Rest
--20 Rounds of Running

Day 109

5 Push-ups w/40#
5 Sit-ups w/40#
5 Squats w/40#
--20 Rounds of Calisthenics, then
100 Meter Sprint
100 Meter Jog
800 Meter Run
1 Minute Rest
--10 Rounds

Day 110

100 Diamond Push-ups

100 Decline Sit-ups
100 Squats @ 4 Seconds Down, 2 Seconds Pause, Explode Up
10 km Running
--Complete in as few rounds as possible

<<MONSTER EVENT- A tiny demon creature is pinching women's butts and darting
about causing mayhem. Knock him flat!

-Have a partner toss 100 tennis balls at you in random directions. Hit those tennis
balls in any way you can!>>

Day 111

20 Wide Push-ups
20 Sit-ups
20 Sumo Squats
--5 Rounds Calisthenics, then
400 Meter Jog
800 Meter Run
100 Meter Jog
100 Meter Sprint
--10 Rounds

Day 112

One-Punch Man Training Program- Week 17

Week 16 is here!

With the close of week 16 and the introduction of heavy lifting and the Hero and
Monster Events, the program is officially in its second phase. Starting this week, the
last day in the week will be a little different.

You can see the moment he knew he f***ed up.

Day 113
10 Push-ups w/40#
10 Sit-ups w/40#
10 Squats w/40#
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then
1200 Meter Hard Running x 7 Sets, 2 Minutes Rest Between
1600 Meter Running at Easy Pace
Day 114
100 Hindu Push-ups
100 Sit-ups w/Twist
100 Hindu Squats
10 km Running
--Finish in as few sets as possible

<<MONSTER EVENT- Barbell monsters are plaguing the city! The only way to defeat
them is to perform various exercises with them to calm their fury!
10 Deadlift @ 225#
12 Power Cleans @ 135#

15 Bent Over Rows @ 95#

20 Overhead Press @ 65#
--AMRAP in 30 Minutes, rest as needed. Lower weight if unable to complete
exercises with good form.>>

Day 115
25 Wide Push-ups w/5#
25 Wide Leg Sit-ups w/5#
25 Sumo Squats w/5#
--4 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

2000 Meter Hard Running x 5 Sets, 2 Minutes Rest Between

Day 116
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
10 Squats
10 Push-ups @ 50% 1RM
10 Sit-ups @ 50% 1RM
10 Squats @ 50% 1RM
12 Push-ups @ 50% 1RM
12 Sit-ups @ 50% 1RM
12 Squats @ 50% 1 RM
68 Push-ups
68 Sit-ups
68 Squats
--Finish remaining 68 reps of calisthenics in as few sets as possible, then

10 km Running at Easy Pace

Day 117
10 Knuckle Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
10 Squats w/5 Second Pause at Tops of Thighs Parallel
1000 Meter Run
1 Minute Rest
--10 Rounds

<<HERO EVENT- Save a bus full of children from falling off a cliff!!
25 Meter Sled Pull (as heavy as possible)
25 Meter Sandbag Carry (as heavy as possible)
25 Meter Backwards Sandbag Drag (as heavy as possible)
--AMRAP in 12 Minutes>>

Day 118
100 Ring Push-ups
100 Sit-ups w/Hips on Rounded Portion of Half BOSU Ball
100 Squats w/Feet on Flat Portion of Half BOSU Ball
10 km Running at Easy Pace
--Finish reps in as few sets as possible

Day 119
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
10 Squats
--10 Rounds of Calisthenics, then

10 km Running at an Easy Pace

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