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At stake /t stek/ (n) B e da
Biodiversity /badavsti / (n) a dng
sinh hc
Carnivore /knvr / (n)ng vt n tht
Dolphin /dlfn/(n) C heo
Entrapment /ntrpmnt/ (n) S nh by,
mc by
Gestation /desten/ (n) S thai nghn
Gulf /glf/ (n)Vnh, vng vnh
Herbicide /hbsad/ (n) Thuc dit c
Jellyfish /delif/ (n) Con sa


Krill /krl/ (n) Con tm (rt nh, sng vng

bin quanh Nam Cc), nhuyn th
Offspring /fspr/ (n) Con ci, con
Organism /gnzm/ (n) sinh vt c th
Reveal /rvil/ (v) Tit l
Seal /sil/ (n) Con hi cu
Shark /k/(n) C mp
Sperm whale /spm wel/ (n) C nh tng
Starfish /strf/ (n) Con sao bin
Submarine /sbmrin/ (n) Tu ngm
Turtle /ttl/ (n) Ra bin
Whale /wel/ C voi

TYPE 1: iu kin c th xy ra
If clause
Main clause
Simple present
S + will/shall/can/must/have to/has to/ought to/may + Vo
EX: If it doesnt rain, we will go to the beach.
If someone phones me, tell them to leave a message.
If clause
Main clause
Simple past
S + would/could/should/might + Vo
To be: Were / werent
TYPE 2: iu kin khng tht hin ti
EX: If it didnt rain now, we would go to the beach.(e.g It is now raining outside.)
If I were you, I wouldnt buy that expensive bicycle.
TYPE 3: iu kin khng tht qu kh
If clause
Main clause
S + HAD + V3/ED
S + would have/could have/might + have + V3/ed
EX: - If it hadnt rained yesterday, we would have gone to the beach.
(ex: It rained heavily yesterday.)
- If I had known she was ill yesterday, I would have come to visit her.
(ex: You didnt know she was ill yesterday.)
- If he had worked harder, he could have passed the exams.
(ex: he didnt work hard.)
- If we had brought a map with us, we mightnt have got lost.
(ex: You didnt bring a map with you)
SHOULD ( nn ; ng l nn) cho li khuyn
S + SHOULD + Vo ( K)
S + SHOULD + Not + Vo( P)
S + SHOULD + S + Vo ? ( NV)
Ex : You should / should not arrive late.


I. Choose the best option

21. You've been coughing a lot lately. You___________ smoke so much.

A. shouldn't
B. can't
C. should
D. can
22. What would Tom do if he ___________ the truth?
A. would know
B. has know
C. knows
D. knew
23. If I ___________ you, I wouldnt buy that coat.
A. am
B. was
C. were
D. would be
24. You___________ Mark. You know its a secret.
A. should tell
B. shouldnt tell
C. couldnt tell
D. might tell
25. If Lien ___________ a raincoat, she wouldnt get a cold.
A. wears
B. wore
C. has worn
D. had worn
26. I'm not an astronaut. If I_______an astronaut, I _______my camera with me on the rocket ship.
A. am/ will take
B. were/ would take
C. were/ had taken
D. were/ would have taken
27. If I ___________ in your position, I would not accept her offer.
A. am
B. were
C. would be D. had been
28. Tom really___________ go out. He has too much homework to do.
A. can't
B. shouldn't C. would
D. should
29. What would you do if you___________ a million dollars?
A. win
B. won
C. had won
D. will win
30. If you exercised more, you ___________ feel better.
A. dont
B. didnt
C. will
D. would
II. Choose the underlined part that needs correction.
31. Dennis used to smoking a lot a year ago.
32. The houses have been decorate very beautifully.
33. Both you or I have to help weak students of our class.
34. If I pass this exam, I would go to the university next September.
35. My car, that I have owned for five years, is a Ford.
37. If I had money, I will buy a car.
38. Would you mind lend me your bike until next week?
40. Unless we worked harder, we would finish on time.
III. Choose the best option
11 If I could speak Spanish, I next year studying in Mexico.
A. will spend
B. would have spend
C. had spend
D. would spend
12 interested in that subject, I would try to learn more about it.
A. If I am
B. Should I C. I was
D. Were I
13 Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people the same
A. speak
B. will speak C. spoke
D. had spoken
14 If the weather nice on Sunday, well go to the beach.
A. is
B. would be
C. will be
D. was
15 Unless you to her, she will never talk to you any longer.
A. dont apologize
B. apologize
C. will apologize
D. wont apologize
16 I wish a millionaire so that I could travel around the world.

A. am
B. were
C. am being
D. have been
17 We can go water skiing if Jeffs boat gas.
A. have
B. had
C. has
D. have had
18 If you were a fish, what kind of fish ?
A. will you be
B. would you be
C. are you D. were you
19 Frank the test if he studied more often.
A. would have passed
B. will have passed
C. had passed
D. would pass
20 My friends usually walk to school if they enough time.
A. have
B. had
C. have had
D. will have
21 My brother would eat a snake only if it the last food on Earth.
A. is
B. has been
C. were
D. would be
22 I it if I didnt see it with my own eyes.
A. would believe
B. wouldnt believe
C. will believe
D. wont believe
23 The thief steal money if he were rich.
A. had stolen
B. hadnt stolen
C. would steal
D. wouldnt steal
24 Oh, luckily the thieves didnt break into our house last night. You have
opened the back door all night.
A. should
B. shouldnt
C. must
D. mustnt
25 You return late tonight because Im tired and will go to bed early.
A. can
B. cant
C. should
D. shouldnt
26 Should she the boss for a pay rise?
A. ask
B. asked
C. asking
D. asks
27 I think you to visit her before.
A. should come
B. should have come
C. shouldnt come
D. shouldnt have come
28 If Mary could be an animals, she to be a dolphin.
A. would like
B. likes
C. will like
D. likes
29 My sister would go dancing in a club if she how to dance.
A. knows
B. would know
C. knew
D. knowing
30 Will she marry him if he her everything she needs?
A. give
B. gave
C. will give D. gives
IV. Complete these sentences with should/ shouldn't + infinitive (or a passive form) using one
of these verbs: include, keep, meet, refrigerate-atestay, break, tell, warn, take, play.
1. Those boys
................... football on the street. It's very dangerous.
2. This medicine ................... in a cool place.
3. You...............him about this deal. It's supposed to be absolutely confidential.
4. Here's someone you really .....................
5. She................. in bed all day unless she's ill.
6. According to the label, the jam................ after opening.
7. You'll catch cold if you go out like that. I think you ...........a hat.
8. People ................of the danger of swimming off this beach.
9. This information you send ............. details of courses taken at university.
10. People ....................their promises.
V. Give advice to the following people. Use I think ... should or I don't think ... should and one
of these phrases.
go to the dentist
take them back to the shop
tell your bank
go to work
tell them to buy fruit
be more careful
write to people
work so hard

1. Jenny and Tony are only sixteen, but they say they want to get married
I think they should wait.
2 Kate is crying because I knocked her over. We were playing a game.
3 Peter's got a very bad cold.
4 Ann's phone bill was enormous! Three hundred pounds!
5 Keith wants to drive home, but he hasn't got his glasses.
6 One of my teeth is loose.
7 I've lost my cheque book and credit cards.
8 S. My shoes have got a hole in them. I only bought them last week!
9 My children spend all their pocket money on sweets.
10 I'm always tired because I've been working very hard.
VI. Put the verb into the correct form.
1. If my grandfather ................(be) still alive, he would be a hundred today.
2I .......................... (offer) to give you a lift if I had my car here.
3Where ................. (you/ choose) if you could live anywhere in the world?
4. If you............... (drive) from London to Glasgow, which way would you go?
5. If I.................. (live) out of town, I..................(take) up the garden.
6. We............ (not have) any money if we...........(not work).
7. I.............. (not mind) living in England if the weather.................. (be) better.
8. If I were you, I.......... (not wait), I.............(go) now.
9. If we..........(have) more reliable car, we...............(drive) to Spain rather than fly.
10 If Mr Morgan........(be) still head teacher, he ........... (not permit) such bad behaviour.
VII. Comment on these situations. Use a type 2 conditional.
0. Alan always overeats at lunch because he never eats breakfast.
If Alan cite breakfast, he wouldn't overeat at lunch.
1. I don't know enough about the machine, so I can't mend it myself.
2. I don't ride the bus to work every morning because it's always so crowded.
2 Not enough money is spent on cancer research, so a prevention has not been found.
3 The wind is blowing hard. so I won't take the boat out for a ride.
4 Nick can't find the way because he hasn't got a map.
5 Schroeder ignores Lucy. so she gets angry at him.
8. I can't look the word up because I haven't got a dictionary.
9 Linus is smart, so he finds clever solutions to life's problems.
10. We don't visit our parents very often because they live so far away.

VIII. Complete these conversations. Put the verbs in brackets into the first or second
1. A: We're not late, are we?
B: No. We................(be) fine if we.............. (leave) in the next ten minutes.
2. A Come on. can't you and Anne be friends?
B: No, I......... (speak) to her again unless she .............(say) sorry for what she's done.
3. A :So you think it's my fault that I feel so tired?
B: Yes, you ................(feel) much better if you (go) to bed at a reasonable time.
4. A: What's your idea of the most perfect place for a holiday?
B: I think I ................ (go) to the Seychelles if I (have) the money.
5 A: Do you and your brother get together very often?
B: No, we
................... (see) each other -more if we ..............(live) closer, but he lives in
6 A: Is it going to be a big party?
B: Yes, if most people........... (come), there .............(be) about 100 of us.
7 A Let's go to the beach.
B: No, it's too cold. If it.............. (be) warmer, I.................. (not mind) going to the beach.
8. A: I don't know what happened to my dictionary. I've looked everywhere for it.
B: What.............. (you/ do) if you .................. (not find) it?
9 A Do you have any plans for next year?
B: Well, I.............. (travel) if I............ (can afford) it. But I don't have any money.
10. A: Why do you read newspapers?
B: Well, if I .............. (not read) newspapers, I .............(not know) what was happening in the
IX. Choose the correct completion.
1. I'm not an astronaut. If astronaut, I ................. my camera with me on the rocket ship.
a. am/ will take
b. was/ would take
c. were/ had taken
d. was/ would have taken
2. Don't throw aerosol into a fire. An aerosol .......... if you ................ it into a fire.
a. will be exploded/ throw
b. would explode/ threw
c. explodes/ will .throw
d. can explode/ throw
3 That sounds like a ood offer. if
a. had accepted/ were
b. will accept/ am
c. would accept/ were
d. accepted' were
4Nora is using my car right now. If she................ it back in time. Your welcome to borrow it.
a. brought
.b. would bring
c. will bring
d. brings
1 If energy ......................inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the world would be different.
a. is
b. was
c. had been
d. would be
5If you ............... all of my questions, I ...................... anything to help you.
a. don't answer/ can't do
b. didn't answer/ won't do
c. wouldn't answer/ can't do b. wouldn't answer/ couldn't do
2 If I ................... wings,....................... take an airplane to fly home.
a. have/ won't have to
b. had/ wouldn't have
c. have/ will have to
d. had/ didn't have to
3 'Here's my phone' number.
'Thanks, I a call if I .................... some help.
a. will give/ will need
b. would give/ needed
c. give/ need
d. will give/ need
4 If we .......................serious about pollution, we ...................... more money on research.
a. had been/ spent
b. were/ had spent
c. were/ would spend
d. are/ will spend

5 Sea water is salty. If the oceans.................of fresh water, there ............. plenty of water to
irrigate all of the deserts in the world.
a. consisted/ would be
b. consisted/ were
c. would consist/ could be
d. consist/ will be
X. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentence.
1. What would Tom do if he ......................... the truth?
a. would know
b. has know
c. knows
d. knew
2Jim wanted to and tell him where to meet you.
a. you could
b. whether you can c. if you could d. when could you
3Would you mind................. me tomorrow?
a. call
b. calling
c. to call
d. if you call
4You....................Mark. You know it's a secret.
a. should tell
b. shouldn't tell
c. couldn't tell
d. might tell
5Owls have a strong beak and sharp talons.................mice and other small prey:
a. which used to catch
b. used for catching
c. their use is to catch
d. they are used for catching
6We wondered why....................... a tip.
a. to leave
b. should we leave
c. we should leave
d. don't we leave
7If someone .................... into the store, smile and say, 'May I help you?'
a. comes
b. came
c. will come
d. would come
1, I would think twice about that decision. It could be a bad move.
a. If I am
b. Should I be
c. Were I
d. If I had been
1 'Would you like some cake?' 'No, thanks. If I
cake, I....................fat.'
a. ate/ will get
b. ate/ would get
c. mould eat/ could get
d. am eating/ will get
2 'What are you doing later this afternoon?" Oh, ................. the game finishes, go home, I expect.'
a. if
b. in case
c. unless
d. when
3 She's been studyin hard for the exam, so pass.
a. should
b. ought
c. had better
d. must
4 If I weren't working for an accounting firm, I
in a bank.
a. work
b. will work
c. have worked
d. would be working
5 'Why are you so late?' 'I .................... my aunt to the airport. The traffic was terrible
a. could take
b. must have taken c. should take
d. had to take
XI. Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the
sentence to be correct.
1 Jack will win the election if lie campaigned harder.
2. We're used to think that there was no life in the ocean depths.
3. A large portion of the world's water supply have been contaminated by factory waste, ships and
oil spills.
4. Were Mr Morgan still head teacher, he would not permit such bad behave.
5. You can't go into the reception if you've got a ticket.
6. The match was cancelled due to the weather was bad.
7. Despite his disability, he tried leading as normal a life as possible.
8 Could you tell me when does the next train leaves and where to buy tickets?

9 I think you shouldn't do if it's the right thing to do.

10. Unless we work harder, we will finish on time.
XII. Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
1. If I had a typewriter, I (type) myself.
2. If I (know) ......................his address, Id give it to you.
3. If he worked more slowly, he (not make) many mistakes.
4. I shouldnt drink that wine if I (be)
5. What you (do).............................if you found a burglar in your house?
XIII. Write if sentences
1 I don't know enough about the machine, so I can't mend it myself.
2 The wind is blowing hard, so I won't take the boat out for a ride.
3 Nick doesnt find the way because he hasn't got a map.
4 Schroeder ignores Lucy so she gets angry at him.
5 I can't look the word up because I haven't got a dictionary.
XIV. Put the verbs in brackets in correct tenses.
1/ If I (have) ________ a typewriter, I could type it myself.
3/ You could make much progress if you (attend) ________ class regularly.
4/ If I (know) ________ his telephone number, I would give it to you.
6/ If he (study) ________ harder, he can pass an exam.
7/ She may be late if she (not hurry) ________.
8/ Tell him to ring me if you (see) ________ him.
10/ What (you do) ________ if you got fat ?
XV. Supply the correct verb tense.
1/ If you are kind to me, I (be) _______ good to you.
2/ He (come) _______ if you waited.
3/ If you (ring) _______ the bell, the servant would come.
5/ If it (not, rain) _______ a lot, the rice crop woulnt grow.
6/ If today (be) _______ Sunday, we wouldnt have to work.
8/ We lost the match. If you (play) _______ for us, we (win) _______.
10/ They would not be paid unless they (do) _______ their work well.
12/ If I became very rich, I (build ) _______ a hospital for the poor.
13/ If he (give) _______ up smoking, as his doctor orders, he will be soon well again.
16/ You would have to stay in bed unless your health (improve) _______.
17/ If I (have) ________ a typewriter, I could type it myself.
19/ You could make much progress if you (attend) ________ class regularly.
20/ If I (know) ________ his telephone number, I would give it to you.
22/ If he (study) ________ harder, he can pass an exam.
23/ She may be late if she (not hurry) ________.
26/ What (you do) ________ if you got fat ?
XVI. Use if in place of unless
1/ We wont go out unless it stops raining.
2/ I will call the police unless you give back my bicycle.
3/ You wouldnt be able to do this exercise unless your English were good.
4/ Unless we had enough rain, we couldnt grow rice.

6/ I wouldnt buy it unless I could afford it.
7/ I would refuse to go unless they paid my expenses.
8/ I dont agree with his economic policy. I wouldnt vote for him unless he changed it.
- ____________________________________________________________
10/ You might not have a terrible toothache unless you went to the dentist regularly.
- _____________________________________________________________



be interested ['intristid] in (exp.) quan tm

protect (v) [pr'tekt] bo v
leopard (n) ['lepd] con bo
flexible (a) ['fleksbl] linh hat, d sai khin
loss (n) [ls] mt
species (n) ['spi:i:z] lai
eliminate (v) [i'limineit] hy dit
supply (n) [s'plai] ngun cung cp
hydroelectric (a) [,haidroui'lektrik] thy in
dam (n) [dm] p ( nc)
play (v) an important [im'p:tnt] part: ( gi
mt vai tr quan trng)
circulation (n) [,s:kju'lein] s tun han
conserve (v) [kn's:v] gi li
run [rn] off (v) chy i mt
run off (n) ['rn':f] lng nc chy i
take away (v) ['teik 'wei] mang theo
valuable (a) ['vljubl] qu gi
soil (n) [sil] t
frequent (a) ['fri:kwnt] thng xuyn
damage (n) ['dmid] s tn ph, s thit hi
overnight (a, adv) [,ouv'nait] trong mt m
nor can we stop : chng ta cng khng th
ngn chn.
worsen (v) ['w:sn] lm ti t i
pass [p:s] a law thng qua mt o lut.
in someones defence/ in somethings defence
in natures defence : bo v t nhin (
bo v ai / bo v ci g)

concern (v) [kn's:n] lin quan n

power of falling ['f:li] water : nng lng
dng chy.
remove (v) [ri'mu:v] hy i, b i
get rid of (exp.) b i
liquid (n) ['likwid] cht lng
flow [flou] off (v) chy i mt
treat (v) [tri:t] ch tr
vegetation (n) [,vedi'tein] vic trng cy
do harm [h:m] to (exp.) gy hi ti
erosion (n) [i'roun] s xi mn
consequence (n) ['knsikwns] hu qa
destruction (n) [dis'trkn] s ph hy
sensitive (a) ['senstiv] nhy cm
imprision (v) [im'prizn] giam gi
against someones will [wil] : mt cch cng
endangered [in'deindd] species (a) nhng
lai c nguy c b tuyt chng.
reconstruct (v) ['ri:kn'strkt] ti to
breed (v) [bri:d] nhn ging
reintroduce (v) [,ri:intr'djus] a li
wild (n) [waild] thin nhin hoang d
gorilla (n) [g'ril] con tinh tinh
policy (n) ['plsi] chnh sch
as natural ['ntrl] an environment as
( mt mi trng t nhin nht c th)
at times ['taimz]: c nhng lc
risky (a) ['riski] ri ro

campfire (n) [kmp, 'fai] la tri

forester (n) ['frist] ngi trng rng
spread (v) [spred] lan ra
heap [hi:p] of leaves [li:vz] (n) ng l
camper (n) ['kmp] ngi cm tri
cover (v) ['kv] che, ph
take ( the greatest) care [ke]: ht sc lu
start a fire : gy nn mt v chy
save (v) someone / something from someone /
something : gi ai / vt g khi mi
nguy him t ai / vt g.
take a walk [w:k] (exp.) i do
for a while : mt lc
disco (n) ['diskou] v hi
afterwards (adv) [':ftwdz] sau

have a cold drink (exp.) ung mt cc bia lnh

chicken soup (n) ['tikin, su:p] sp g
cab (n) [kb] xe tc xi
ban (n) [bn] s cm an
pea (n) [pi:] ht u H Lan
pan (n) [pn - p:n] xoang, cho, l tru.
power (n) ['pau]nng lng, kh nng
blouse (n) [blauz] o chang
pollen (n) ['pln] phn hoa
paper bag (n) ['peip, bg] ti giy
carpet (n) ['k:pit] tm thm
fantastic (a[fn'tstik]qui d, v cng to ln
fresh flower (n) [fre,'flau] hoa ti
bread roll ['roul] (n) bnh m

The passive voice: Cu b ng
General rule:
S + V + O +

S + BE + V3 /-ed . by + O.
(chia theo th cua cau chu ong)
Ex: - She usually takes my car. My car is usually taken by her.
- He has sent his son to another school.
His son has been sent to another school.
Active passive:
1 Present simple
V1/s,es + O
am / is / are + V3/ed + by+O
2 Simple past
V2/ed + O
was / were + V3/ed +by+O
3 Present continuous
am/ is / are + Ving + O am/ is /are + being + V3/ed + by+O
4 Past continuous
was / were + Ving + O
was / were + being + V3/ed + by+O
5 Present perfect
has / have + V3/ed+ O
has / have + been + V3/ed + by+O
6 Past perfect
had + v3/ed + O
had + been + v3/ed + by+O
7 Simple future
will + V0 + O
will /
+ be + V3/ed + by+O
(Nguyn mu)

Modal verbs

be going to
/ would/may /
might must + Vo+ O
can / could

be going to
/ would/may / might must + be + V3/ed + by+O
can / could
(Nguyn mu)


I. Circle the word in which the letters "b"or p is silent.

1. plants
2. bad




3, psychology




4. fobbed




5. recipe




6. combine




7. pneumonia




8. obey




9. program




10. debt




II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the appropriable word in the box.
Conserve erode eliminate circulate destroy
constant pollute defend endanger disappeare
1. The world's rain forests must be safe from_____________
2. Major steps are being taken to control the
of beaches.
3. Water _is necessary for hydropower stations.
4. People are _______ doing harm to the environment.
5. The government has made no attempt to reduce soil ___________
6. He stressed the need to pass a law in nature's'______________
7. Many species of plants and animals have been virtually
8. Trees, grasses, and other plant life play an important part in the natural of water.
9. Modern farming practice has led to the virtual _____________of this bird.
10. The giant panda is an __________ species.
III. Rewrite these sentences.
1. Someone introduced me to Dr Felix last year.
2. People are destroying large areas of 'forest every day.
3. Somebody has bought the land next to our house.
4. Somebody had already reported the accident before I phoned.
5. People were using the tennis court, so we couldn't play.
6. You can buy videos like this one anywhere.
7. Somebody will tell you when you should go in to see the doctor.
8. Has anybody shown you what to do?
9. They should have finished the hotel by the time you arrive.
10. Someone has to write the history of the European Community one day.
11. Nobody told me that George was ill.

12. They have found an unexploded bomb in Herbert Square, and they are evacuating the area.
13. They are opening the case again because they're not satisfied with the verdict.
14. People expect better results soon.
15. When is someone going to announce the results of the contest?
IV. Rewrite these sentences beginning with the words provided.
1. The manager always welcomes new employees.
New employees ______________________________________________________
2. Janet's colleagues gave her a present when she retired.
Janet ______________________________________________________________
3. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877.
The phonograph ______________________________________________________
4. Stephen Court has just invented an armchair which can
An armchair _________________________________________________________
5. Where will your company send you next year?
Where will you _______________________________________________________
6. During the recession, the firm was making people redundant
During the recession, people ____________________________________________
7. Had a special messenger delivered the package before you.
Had the package _____________________________________________________
8. The students usually hold the concerts at the university.
The concerts _________________________________________________________
9. The scientists are studying the problem carefully.
The problem _________________________________________________________
10. The police found two children in the forest.
Two children ________________________________________________________
V. Choose the appropriate expression to complete these conversations.

A: l feel like having seafood for dinner, but we went to Tai Pak seafood last night.


B:.................. go again? The food's great, and so is the view.

a. Why don't'
b. Let's not
c. Why .not
A: I'm really tired.....................resting before we go out?
B: That's good idea. I'm tired too.
a. Let's.
b. Shall we.
c. How about
A: It's a lovely day.....................go for a walk?
B: Yes, OK.
a. Shall we
b. Let's
c. Would you like,
A: I want to explore downtown Hong Kong.
B: .........................take a minibus? We'll see a lot more that way.

a. Let's not
b. What about
c. Why don't we
5 A: .................. to stay the night?
B: Oh, that's very kind of you.
a. Why don't you b. Do you feel like c. Would you like
6 A: A group of foreign students just checked in at the hotel.
B: .................. ask them to join us for dinner.
a. Maybe we could b. How about
c. Why not
7 A:.................have some chicken soup first?
a. who taught us b. whom taught us c. that taught us d. whose teaching is
B: Not for me, thank you.
a. Do you feel like b. Would you like
c. Why don't you
8. A: I don't want to go home tomorrow. I'm having a really good time here.
B: So am I ............ leave tomorrow.
a. Let's not
b. Why not
c. Maybe we could
9 A: I still need to buy some souvenirs before we leave.
B: ............ go shopping after dinner.
a. How about
b. Shall we
c. Lets
1. A: ............. to get you some water?
B: Oh, thanks. I'm really thirsty.
a: Will you please b. Could I
c. Would you like me
VI. Read the following paragraph, then choose the correct verb form to fill in each blank.
When man first learned how to make a fire, he began to use fuel for the first time. The first fuel
he used was probably wood. As time (1)................ man eventual discovered that substances such as
coal and oil (2)...........
Coal (3) .........very widely as a source of energy until the last century. With the coming of the
industrial revolution, it was soon realized that production (4).............. if coal was used instead of
wood. Nowadays. many of the huge factories and electricity generating stations (5).......... to
function if there was no coal In the last twenty or thirty years, however, the use of coal (6) ...............
As a result, there have been changes in the coal industry. It (7) ............ that more people
(8) ............coal if oil and gas were not so readily available. There is more than enough coal in the
world for man's needs for the next. two hundred years if our use of coal (9) ............. Unfortunately,
however, about half of the world's coal (10) .........Mining much of it (11.....................very expensive
even if it was possible to use new equipment.
1. a. passes
b. used to pass
c. would pass
d. passed
2. a. are burning
b. would burn
c. have burnt
d. were burnt
3. a. not used
b. did not use
c. not using
d. was not used
4. a. doubles
b. had doubled
c. will double
d. would double
5. a. were unable
b. would be unable c. will be unable
d. are unable
6. a. has declined
b. will decline
c. declines
d. would decline
7. a. believed
b. is believing
c. believing
d. is believed
8. a. would use
b. used
c. use
d. will use
9. a. did not increase
b. would not increase c. does not increase d. may not increase

10. a. would never use

b. may never be used c. would never be used d. may never use
11. a. was
b. used to be
c. would bed.
d. has been
VII. Read the following passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.
We are all slowly destroying the earth. The seas and rivers are too dirty to swim in. There is so
much smoke in the air that it is unhealthy to live in many of the world's cities. In one well-known
city, for example, poisonous gases from cars pollute the air so much that traffic policemen have to
wear oxygen masks.
We have cut- down so many trees that there are now vast areas of wasteland all over the
world. As a result, farmers in parts of Africa cannot grow enough to eat. In certain countries in Asia
there is too little rice. Moreover, we do not take enough care of the countryside. Wild animals are
quickly disappearing. For instant, tigers are rare in India now because we have killed too many for
them to survive. However, it isn't enough simply to talk about the problem. We must act now before
it is too late to do anything about it. Join us now. Save the Earth. This is too important to ignore.
1. The seas and rivers nowadays ......................
a. cannot be swum in
b. are less dirty than they used to be
c. are dirty enough to swim in d. are contaminated
2. Smoke ...................
a. is harmful to health
b. is full of the big cities
c. causes an healthy life
d. makes life in big cities difficult
3. In one well-known city, traffic policemen have to wear oxygen masks....................
a in order to protect themselves from being injured
b because there are so many cars on the streets
c in spite of poisonous gases
d. because of air pollution
4. Why do farmers imparts of Africa and Asia not grow enough to eat?
a Because many trees have been planted..
b Because people cut down many trees.
c Because there is too little rice.
d Because there are large areas of land that cannot be used.
5. Wild animals are.....................
a in. danger of extinction
b being protected from natural environment
c killed so many that they cannot live in the forests
d so rare that they cannot survive
6. What's the best title for the passage?
a. Conservation b. Protect the Natures!c. The Environment
d. Save the Earth!



Abandon /bndn/ (v): t b

Butterfly /btfla/ (n): con bm
Contamination /kntmnen/ (n): S
nhim, s nhim bn
Endanger /ndendr / (v): Gy nguy him
Ethnic minority /enk manrti/ (n): Dn
tc thiu s
Explore /ksplr / (v): Thm him


Conditional sentence type 3 =>xem li unit 10


Fauna /fn/ (n): H ng vt

Fine /fan/ (n): tin pht
Flora /flr/ (n): h thc vt
Orphan (v): lm cho m ci
Sub-tropical /sbtrpkl/(adj):cn nhit i
Wilderness /wldns/ (n): Vng hoang d,
bi hoang

I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. national
B. plan
C. establish
D. that
2/ A. parks
B. trees
C. caves
D. contains
3/ A. found
B. south
C. mountain
D. wound
4/ A. located
B. formed
C. threatened
D. agreed
5/ A. West
B. Kenya
C. re cognize
D. taken
6/ A. study
B. dry
C. variety
D. rainy
7/ A. hike
B. during
C. surpri se
D. bi ke
8/ A. contain
B. another
C. abando n
D. vo cabulary
9/ A. sea son
B. feature
C. increa se
D. mea nt
10/ A. loo k
B. goo d
C. choose
D. book
II/ Match the words in column A with their synonyms in column B:
1/ locate
2/ contain
A/ region
B/ warn
3/ surprise
4/ abandon
C/ astonish
D/ leave
5/ take care of
6/ zone
E/ pollute
F/ let go
7/ contaminate
8/ threaten
G/ plan
H/ settle
9/ intend
10/ release
I/ carry
J/ look after
III/ Match the words in column A with their antonyms in column B:
1/ dry
2/ hard
A/ independent
B/ cold
3/ different
4/ dependent
C/ protect
D/ soft
5/ tropical
6/ increase
E/ alike
F/ cheap
7/ start
8/ endanger
G/ finish
H/ less
9/ more
10/ expensive
I/ wet
J/ decrease
IV/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ Older people tend to be quite _______ and a bit suspicious of any supposed advances.
A. conserve
B. conservative
C. conservation
D. conservatism
2/ He put an arm around her shoulder _______.
A. protected
B. protection
C. protective
D. protectively
3/ Her _______ of English grammar is very extensive.
A. know
B. knowable
C. knowledge
D. knowing
4/ Marco was working _______ at his desk.
A. industry
B. industrial
C. industrious
D. industriously
5/ The new job will provide you with _______ experience.
A. value
B. valued
C. valuable
D. invaluable
6/ It makes good _______ to buy a large packet because it works out cheaper in the end.
A. sense
B. sensitive
C. sensible
D. senseless
7/ Sharks have a highly _______ sense of smell.
A. develop
B. developed
C. developing
D. development
8/ I must say I'm not _______ keen on the idea.
A. wildfire
B. wildlife
C. wild
D. wildly
9/ The _______ of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats.
A. advantage
B. disadvantage
C. advantageous
D. advantageously
10/ It's a city _______ for its ski slopes and casinos.
A. fame
B. famed
C. famous
D. infamous
V/ Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences:
1/ The burglar got in ______ the window.
A. on
B. through
C. along
D. across
2/ They saw the girl walk _______ the street.
A. onto
B. over
C. across
D. under

3/ Flowers grow _______ the side of the wall.

A. along
B. in
C. on
D. about
4/ The rain ran _______ the roof of the house.
A. in
B. above
C. of
D. off
5/ Her hair hang _______ her back to her waist.
A. down
B. up
C. below
D. above
6/ He climbed _______ the wall into the garden.
A. above
B. over
C. under
D. down
7/ Mike jumped _______ bed as the telephone rang.
A. out of
B. at
C. by
D. in
8/ The little boy dived _______ the swimming pool.
A. on
B. in
C. onto
D. into
9/ I went _______ the mountain to have some fresh air.
A. by
B. up
C. down
D. through
10/ The passengers stepped out of the train ______ the platform.
A. from
B. to
C. onto
D. into
VI/ Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ I've been (A) in this job (B) for thirty years, and I've picked (C) down a good deal of expertise
(D) along the way.
2/ Getting (A) a train (B) across country (C) from Cambridge (D) until Chester can be difficult.
3/ (A) How long the journey takes will depend (B) in how (C) long it takes to get (D) through the
4/ I've been having (A) matters (B) loading this (C) software (D) onto my computer.
5/ I can't get (A) into these trousers (B) no more. They're (C) far too small (D) for me.
6/ I took the job (A) into necessity (B) because we had (C) no money (D) left.
7/ I couldn't hear (A) what she was saying (B) over the noise (C) off the planes taking (D) off.
8/ Do you usually (A) wear your skirts (B) above (C) or (D) under the knee?
9/ Pushing the number (A) of unit sales (B) up (C) every quarter can't be continued (D) indefinite.
10/ This box is (A) really heavy - can we put it (B) down (C) (in the floor) (D) for a minute?
VII/ Read the following passage carefully,and then select the best option A, B, C or D to
National Parks and Preserves, (1) _______ public lands or bodies of water within a country,
set aside by the (2) _______ to protect ecosystems, plant and animal species, scenic landscapes,
geologic formations, or historical or archaeological (3) _______.
National parks are managed primarily for public recreation, (4) _______ exceptional
locations where visitors can view wildlife and enjoy the (5) _______. Generally, these protected
public lands are off-limits to hunting, livestock grazing, logging, mining, and other (6) _______ that
exploit natural resources. Some parks commemorate significant historical events. (7) _______,
Gettysburg National Military Park (1895) in Pennsylvania conserves the 13 sq km (5 sq mi) site of
the pivotal battle in the (8) ______ Civil War (1861-1865).
National preserves, sometimes (9) _______ nature or wildlife reserves, often are located
within or near national (10) _______. These lands are managed by national governments primarily
for wildlife protection or scientific research (11) _______ recreation, and provide living
laboratories in (12) _______ scientists observe plant and animal species in their natural habitat.
(13) _______, fishing, and mining are permitted within many United States preserves (14) _______
the activities do not harm natural resources. Many other countries specifically ban such activities in
their (15) _______...
New vocabulary:
- ecosystem (n.): h sinh thi
- off-limits (adj.- after verbs): (thuc vng t) cm vo
- livestock (n.): vt nui, th nui
- to commemorate (v.): k nim, tng nh

- pivotal (adj.): then cht, mu cht, ch cht


A. one

B. only

C. unique

D. just


A. hospital

B. school

C. country

D. government


A. sites

B. places

C. spots

D. lands


A. giving

B. providing

C. sending

D. throwing


A. joy

B. fun

C. outdoors

D. indoors


A. things

B. activities

C. people

D. animals


A. In fact

B. Moreover

C. However

D. For example


A. American

B. African

C. British

D. French


A. told

B. considered

C. called

D. known

10/ A. parks

B. places

C. sites

D. resources

11/ A. such as

B. in spite of

C. because of

D. instead of

12/ A. whom

B. that

C. which

D. what

13/ A. Hiking

B. Swimming

C. Camping

D. Hunting

14/ A. if

B. unless

C. when

D. that

15/ A. places

B. preserves

C. lands

D. countries

VIII/ Complete the sentences with the most suitable preposition:

1/ You can walk _______ here _______ the station _______ under ten minutes.
2/ The sheep were loaded _______ trucks.
3/ He struggled _______ the crowd _______ he reached the front.
4/ The helicopter was hovering _______ the building.
5/ If we cut _______ the field, it'll save time.
6/ She opened the window and stuck her head _______.
7/ Luckily, no one was _______ the building when it collapsed.
8/ The bells ring _______ regular intervals _______ the day.
9/ She took the money _______ her mother's purse, _______ herself.
10/ You shouldn't drive _______ more _______ three hours _______ taking a break.
IX/ Complete the second sentence using the word given in brackets beginning as shown:
1/ He was so furious that he couldnt contain himself. (express)
He was so furious __________________________________________.
2/ This can contains five liters. (hold)
This can _________________________________________________.
3/ We could go into town but its a real hike from here. (way)
We could go into town ______________________________________.
4/ She cant survive on 3 dollars a week. (needs)

3 dollars is not enough ______________________________________.

5/ There are only a few survivors from the original team.(replaced)
Only a few members remain _________________________________.
6/ Hell cope. Hes one of lifes great survivors. (situations)
He deals very well _________________________________________.
7/ The farmers depend on their good harvest for their very existence. (continue)
The farmers depend on their good harvest _______________________.
8/ She takes high delight in proving others wrong. (enjoys)
She __________________________________________________ ___.
9/ The boy is not tall enough to reach the book on the shelf. (short)
The boy __________________________________________________ .
10/ I asked him to bring the chairs into the kitchen. (had)
I __________________________________________________ ______.
X/ Put the statements in past unreal conditions:
1/ Oanh didnt know how to solve the maths problem so she got low marks.
If Oanh __________________________________________________ .
2/ You didnt say sorry so she got angry.
If you __________________________________________________ _.
3/ They didnt pass the exam and their family were very sad.
If they __________________________________________________ _.
4/ It rained a lot yesterday evening so we didnt go swimming.
If it __________________________________________________ ___.
5/ The weather was not fine enough so I didnt go camping.
If the weather _____________________________________________.
6/ The computer broke down and she had to stop her work.
If the computer ____________________________________________.
7/ Thanh was angry so we didnt say anything to her.
If Thanh _________________________________________________.
8/ Our teacher didnt come so we canceled the party.
If our teacher _____________________________________________.
9/ Quang was interested in the film so he didnt study his lesson.
If Quang _________________________________________________.
10/ I had a bad headache yesterday so I didnt go to school.
If I __________________________________________________ ___.



classical ['klsikl] music (n) nhc c in

folk [fouk] music (n) nhc dn gian
rock [rk] n roll ['roul] (n) nhc rock and
jazz (n) [dz] nhc ja
country ['kntri] music (n) nhc ng qu
traditional (a) [tr'dinl] theo truyn thng
Western European [,jur'pi:n] (n) ty u
combination (n) [,kmbi'nein] s kt hp
beat (n) [bi:t] nhp (m nhc)
African ['frikn] music (n) m nhc chu
Western ['westn] music (n) m nhc phng

make something/ somebody different

['difrnt] from something / somebody ( lm
cho iu g / ai khc bit vi iu g / ai )
human (n) ['hju:mn] lai ngi
emotion (n) [i'moun] cm xc
especially (adv) [is'peli] c bit l
communicate (v) [k'mju:nikeit] giao tip
be like (a) ging nh
express (v) [iks'pres] th hin
anger (n) ['g] s tc gin
integral (a) ['intigrl] gn lin
event ( n) [i'vent] s kin
set the tone [toun] for (v) to nn khng kh (
vui, bun)
joyfulness (n) ['difulnis] s vui nhn

joyful (a) ['diful] vui nhn

funeral (n) ['fju:nrl] m tang
solemn (a) ['slm] trang nghim
mournful (a) ['m:nful] tang thng
lull (v) [ll] ru ng
above ['bv] all (adv) trn ht
entertain (v) [,ent'tein] gii tr
entertainment (n) [,ent'teinmnt] s gii tr
uplift (a)['plift] hng phn, bay bng
delight (v) [di'lait] lm thch th, lm say m
sense (n) [sens] gic quan
a billion ['biljn] -dollar industry
['indstri]: ngnh cng nghip t ( mang li
li nhun cao)
fairy tale (n) ['feriteil] chuyn c tch
criticise (v) ['kritisaiz] ch trch
convey (v) [kn'vei] truyn t, biu l, th
serene (a) [si'ri:n] thanh bnh, tnh lng.
role [roul] of music (n) vai tr ca m nhc
cheer [ti] (v) somebody up : lm ai cm
thy vui v all the time (adv) mi lc
Walkman (n) ['w:kmn] my nghe nhc
have (v) the radio on: bc i
piece [pi:s] of music (n) bn nhc
kind of music ['mju:zik] (n) th lai m nhc
favourite (a) ['feivrit] c a thch nht
family (n) ['fmili] gia nh
music composer [km'pouz] (n) nh
compose (v) [km'pouz] san nhc, sng tc
sweet [swi:t] and gentle ['dentl] (a) ngt
ngo v du dng


rousing (a) ['rauzi] ho hng, si ni

lyrical (a) ['lirikl] tr tnh
well-known (a) ['wel'noun] ni ting
actor (n) ['kt] ngh s
of all time (adv) ca mi thi i
be proud [praud] of (a) t ho v
national anthem (n) ['nnl, nm] quc ca
rural (a) ['rurl] nng thn, lng qu
except [ik'sept] for (conj.) tr, ch tr
appropriate (a) ['proupriitli] thch hp,thch
musical (a) ['mju:zikl] c truyn thng m
works (n) [w:ks] tc phm
tune (n) [tju:n] giai iu
mixture (n) ['mikst] s pha trn, s ha
Ragtime (n)['rg,taim] nhc ractim (ca
ngi M da en) rag (n) [rg] bn nhc
thuc th lai Ragtime
artistic (a) [:'tistik] mang tnh cht ngh
talent (n) ['tlnt] ti nng
talented (a) ['tlntid] c ti
appreciate (v) ['pri:ieit] coi trng, nh gi
piano ['pinou] rag (n) bn nhc dng cm
painting (n) ['peinti] bc ha, bc tranh
sip (n) [sip] ngm , hp
price (n) [prais] gi c
pea (n) [pi:] ht u H lan
prize (n) [praiz] gii thng
zip (n) [zip] dy ko, kha ko
record (n) ['rek:d] a ht
=>concert (n) ['knst] bui ha nhc

* WH QUESTION( who, where, what, which, when , how , why)

EX: What are you doing?/where is she?/ when were we silent?.......
WH + DO, DOES/ DID+ S + Vo?
EX: Where do you go?/What does she study?/When did they begin?......
EX: Why has she gone to school?/ What had you eaten?........


EX: Why must you go?, where may she come?, what can she do?, What will she do?.........
5. HOW
How much + N( khng m c lun s t)=> EX: how much money have you got?
How many +N( m c s nhiu)=> EX: how many students are there in your class?
How far: bao xa/ how long : bao lu/ how often: my ln,thng khng/ how old : bao nhiu
EX: He works to get money. = He works in order to get money
To + Vo = In order to + Vo/ So as to + Vo: m

I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. music
B. discuss
C. communicate
D. human
2/ A. type
B. busy
C. happy
D. physic
3/ A. match
B. jazz
C. passage
D. cla ss
4/ A. description
B. tradition
C. question
D. expression
5/ A. folk
B. rock
C. stro ng
D. pop
6/ A. group
B. loud
C. prou d
D. count
7/ A. beat
B. weak
C. fee l
D. brea d
8/ A. forks
B. instruments
C. feelings
D. thoughts
9/ A. foo t
B. book
C. goo d
D. poo r
10/ A. worked
B. talented
C. appreciated
D. rejuvenated
II. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
7) Language and music make humans different all other animals.
A. of
B. with
C. from
D. by
8) Music can be used to express ones .. .
A. friends
B. friendly
C. unfriendly
D. friendship
9) Music adds .. to the atmosphere of a festival.
A. sadness
B. joyfulness
C. happy
D. disappointment
10) Folk music . babies to sleep.
A. makes
B. wakes
C. lulls
D. lets
11) Music in general and pop music in particular makes people ..
A. excite
B. exciting
C. excited
D. excitement
12) Would you like to go out . a meal tonight, Joan?
A. to
B. for
C. with
D. of
13) I listen to music . feel relax.
A. so as to
B. in order for
C. as so to
D. so as for
14) is your favorite singer? Thuy Trang and the Beatles.
A. What
B. Who
C. Whom
D. Whose
15) ... do you like classical music? Because it helps me relax.
A. How
B. What
C. Which
D. Why
16) We started early in order .. miss the first part of the concert.
A. to not
B. not to
C. no for
D. for no
17) is it from here to the theatre?
A. How
B. How long
C. How far
D. How often
18) Im saving money . a cassette player.
A. buying
B. to buying
C. to buy
D. for buy
19) I study hard. I dont want to fail the exam.
A. I study hard to fail the exam.
B. I study hard not to fail the exam.
C. I study hard to not fail the exam. D. B and C are correct.

20) Why are you saving money?

A. What reasons are you saving money? B. For what are you saving money?
C. What kind of money are you saving? D. What are you saving money for?
III. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
21) My brother is studying hard for get scholarship.
22) What does your daughter practice singing all day? to become a singer.
23) Lam turned on the radio to listening to the news.
24) Why we dont go to the cinema for a change tonight?
IV. Make new sentences with to infinitive or questions with Wh- .
25) Mr. Brown went to the bank. He wanted to borrow some money.

26) Leila is attending a short course. She wants to improve her English.

27) Kris has taken a part-time job. He can earn enough money to go to college.

28) I want to see a good film tonight.

29) Lan listens to music every night.

30) The football match started at 3.00 last Sunday.

V. Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question.
Pop music has always been influenced by other forms of music. An important form is folk
Folk songs are the songs composed and sung by country people. The songs may be hundreds
of years old, so nobody knows who originally composed them. Modern music is often music for
dancing. In Britain it was traditionally played with instruments like flutes, accordion, etc.
In the 1950s and 1960s the people who wrote songs and played them with acoustic guitars
were also called folk singers. The songs were often protest songs, complaining of bad things
happening in society.
31) Which form of music is pop music mainly influenced by?
A. classical music B. folk music
C. jazz
D. rock n roll
32) Who were folk songs composed by?
A. countryside people
B. city people
C. modern musicians
D. old singers
33) According to the passage, what is modern music often used for?
A. singing only
B. playing with guitars
C. dancing
D. forming pop music
34) In the 1950s, what did people play folk songs with?
A. pianos
B. flutes
C. drums
D. guitars
35) Why are folk songs called protest songs?
A. Because they are sung by country people.
B. Because they are hundreds of years old.
C. Because nobody knows who originally composed them.
D. Because they complain about bad things happening in society.
VI. Arrange these words or groups of words in the correct order.
36) appologize/ coming/ He/ me/ for/ late/ telephoned/ to

37) will/ do/ it/ this/ What/ you/ if/ rains/ afternoon/ ?
38) job/ to/ going/ the/ to/ a/ Are/ capital/ you/ find/ ?
39) Why/ do/ Tam/ listening/ to/ jazz/ you/ enjoys/ to/ know/ ?
40) often/ go/ concert/ How/ your/ to/ do/ the/ family/ ?
VII/ Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ (A) Would you prefer (B) to have dinner now (C) and (D) later?
2/ You are reminded (A) once again (B) of the author's love (C) of (D) a sea.
3/ Wed like (A) to have taken a vacation, (B) but we (C) didnt have (D) too much money.
4/ I can't come (A) in Friday. That's (B) too bad - I've (C) already bought the tickets (D) so you'll
still have to pay.
5/ Id love (A) to have gone (B) to the party, (C) but it was (D) possible.
6/ We (A) went to a restaurant (B) and I didnt enjoy it. Id prefer (C) to have eaten (D) at home.
7/ I remembered (A) locking the door (B) before I left, (C) but I forgot (D) to shut the windows.
8/ He could remember (A) to drive (B) along the road (C) just before the accident happened, (D) but
he couldnt remember the accident itself.
9/ I was (A) very tired. I tried (B) to keep my eyes (C) to open, but I (D) couldnt.
10/ Ive got a (A) terrible headache. I tried (B) taking an aspirin, (C) but it (D) doesnt help.



action ['kn] film (n) phim hnh ng

cartoon (n) [k:'tu:n] phim hoat hnh
detective [di'tektiv] film (n) phim trinh thm
horror ['hr] film (n) phim kinh d
love story film (n) phim tm l tnh cm
romantic [rou'mntik] film (n) phim lang
science fiction ['sains'fikn] film (n) phim
khoa hc vin tng
vivid (a) ['vivid] sng ng
terrifying ['terifaing] / frightening (a) khip
violent (a) ['vailnt] bo lc
disgusting (a) [dis'gsti] ng khinh mit
romantic (a) [rou'mntik] lng mn
mournful (a) ['m:nful] tang thng
thriller (n) ['ril] phim git gn
sequence (n) ['si:kwns] trnh t, chui

still [stil] picture (n) hnh nh tnh

motion (n) ['moun] s van ong
movement (n) ['mu:vmnt] s chuyn ng
decade (n) ['dekeid] thap k (10 nam)
existence (n) [ig'zistns] s tn ti
exist (v) [ig'zist] ton tai
rapidly (adv) ['rpidli] mot cach nhanh
scene (n) [si:n] canh
position (n) [p'zin] v tr
actor (n) ['kt] dien vien nam
actress (n) ['ktris] din vin n
cast (n) [k:st] oi ngu dien vien
character (n) ['krikt] nhn vt
part (n) [p:t] vai dien ( trong phim)
audience (n) [':djns] khn gi
not until [n'til]: phai en khi
film marker (n) [film,'m:k] nh lm phim

completely (adv) [km'pli:tli] mt cch hon

spread (v) [spred] lan rng
form (n) [f:m] the loai, hnh thc
musical cinema (n) ['mju:zikl,'sinim] phim
ca nhc
discover (v) [dis'kv] khm ph
find (v) sb/sth adj
prefer (v) sb/sth to sb/sth: thch ai/ci g hn/
ci g
sound (n) [saund] m thanh
hate (v) [heit] ghet
at all (exp.) mt cht no c
think [ik] of (sth): ngh ve ieu g o
strongly (adv) mt cch mnh m
quite (adv) [kwait] hoan toan, ung la
really ['rili](adv) thc ra
good fun (n) vui ve
moving (a) ['mu:vi] cm ng
guess (n) [ges] on
instead (adv) thay cho, thay the
be on ( exp.) c chiu
take classes (exp.) hoc ( mot mon nao
the whole (n) [houl] ton b
play (n) [plei] v kch
grandparents (n) ['grndpernts] ong ba
go on a picnic (exp.) i d ngoi
meet [mi:t] - met [met] - met (v) gap g
chat [tt] on the net (exp.) tn gu trn mng
picnic (n) ['piknik] chuyen da ngoai
of all + Noun : trong tt c
tragic (a) bi tham
tragedy (n) ['trdik] bi kch
sink (v) [sik] chm
sinking (n) ['siki] v m tu
luxury (n) ['lkri] s sang trong
liner (n)['lain] tu ln
voyage (n) ['viid] chuyen i du lch xa
tren bien
the Atlantic [t'lntik] Ocean (n) i Ty
set (v) [set] dng cnh

1.ADJ of attitude ( tnh t ch thi )

be based on : c da trn
disaster (n) [di'z:st] tham hoa
occur (v) ['k:(r)] xy ra, xut hin
main (a) [mein] chnh, chu yeu
generous (a) ['denrs] ho phng
adventurer (n) [d'ventr] ngi thch
phiu lu, mo him
be on board [b:d] (exp.) trn tu
kill [kil] oneself : t t
fall in love (with someone) : yu ai
be engaged [in'geidd] (exp.) a nh hon
hit (v) [hit] m
iceberg (n) ['aisb:g] tang bang
the content ['kntent] of the film: ni dung
chnh cua phim. the setting ['seti] of the
film : bi cnh ca phim
sad ending ['endi]: kt thc bun
description (n) [dis'kripn] s mo ta
rescue (v) ['reskju:] cu nguy
fan (n) [fn] ngi hm m
fiction (n) ['fikn] tiu thuyt hu cu
form (v)[f:m] thnh l p
van (n) [vn] xe ti
vine (n) [vain] cy nho, cy leo
vote (n) [vout] la phieu, s bo phieu
valley (n) ['vli] thung lng
profile (n) ['proufail] tieu s s lc
depress (v) [di'pres] lm chn nn, lm phin
terrify (v) ['terifai] lm cho khip s
irritate (v) ['iriteit] lm pht cu
horrify (v) ['hrifai] lm khip s
amuse (v) ['mju:z] lm cho ai ci
embarrass (v) [im'brs] lm lng tng
frustrate (v) [frs'treit] lm tht vng
disappoint (v) [,dis'pint] lm chn ngn
astronomy (n) [s'trnmi] thin vn hc
exhaust (v) [ig'z:st] lm kit qu
crash into (v) [kr] m, sm, b nho
experience (n) [iks'pirins] kinh nghi m
hurt (v) [h:t] au, b thng
damage (v) ['dmid] lm hng, gy thi t

Mt s ng t khi thm ing hoc thm ed

dng nh tnh t.
Cc t ny c ngha tng t nhng cch dng khc nhau.
Tnh t tn cng l ING dng cho vt c tnh ch ng cn ED cho ngi c tnh b ng.
Cch xc nh: khi dng ING OR ED xc nh ch t, nu trong cu c tn ng th u
tin tn ng hn, nu cu c 2 tn ng th u tin tn ng gn nht.
EX: That movie is interesting.//I am interested in that movie//The movie make me interested.
EX: she didnt get home until 9:00pm
It was not until 9:00pm that she got home
3. ARTICLES: (mo t) mo t khng xc nh A, AN v mo t xc nh THE
* Cch dng mo t khng xc nh "a" v "an"
Trong bi ny chng ta ch hc Dng a hoc an trc mt danh t s t m c. Chng c
ngha l mt. Chng c dng trong cu c tnh khi qut hoc cp n mt ch th ln u
A ball is round. (ngha chung, khi qut, ch tt c cc qu bng)
I saw a boy in the street. (chng ta khng bit cu b no, cha c cp trc )

Mo t an c dng trc t bt u bng nguyn m (trong cch pht m, ch khng phi

trong cch vit). Bao gm:

Cc t bt u bng cc nguyn m u, a, e, i, o: an aircraft, an empty glass, an object ( ngoi

tr uni, euro v mn hc)
Mt s t bt u bng h cm Ex: An hour, an honey moon, an heir
Cc t m u bng mt ch vit tt: an S.O.S/an M.P

** Cch dng mo t xc nh "The

Dng the trc mt danh t c xc nh c th duy nht v c cp n trc
ln 2 tr ln.
EX: I saw a boy in the street after that the boy comes to my friend.
The earth is round. (Ch c mt tri t, ai cng bit)

I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. film
B. history
C. time
D. still
2/ A. and
B. call
C. bega n
D. at
3/ A. cinema
B. existence
C. sequence
D. se t
4/ A. developed B. used
C. played
D. enjoyed
5/ A. today
B. position
C. lo ng
D. from
6/ A. century
B. but
C. indu stry
D. until
7/ A. scientists
B. days
C. films
D. makers
8/ A. shown
B. however
C. now
D. how

9/ A. ones
B. pictures
C. decades
D. places
10/ A. motion
B. position
C. production D. decision
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. cinema
B. rapidly
C. photograph D. however
2/ A. history
B. passage
C. follow
D. today
3/ A. century
B. camera
C. completely D. musical
4/ A. discover
B. introduce
C. beginner
D. appearance
5/ A. sequence
B. minute
C. enjoy
D. actor
6/ A. until
B. story
C. early
D. motion
7/ A. existence
B. replacement C. relation
D. telephone
8/ A. character
B. decision
C. audience
D. terrible
9/ A. position
B. interest
C. detective
D. description
10/ A. industry
B. probably
C. Titanic
D. fascinate
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ At that time scientists discovered that when a sequence of still pictures were set in motion, they
could give the feeling of moment.
A. detected
B. founded
C. knew
D. saw
2/ In the first two decades of its existence, the cinema developed rapidly.
A. stressed
B. enlarged
C. progressed D. ripened
3/ In the first two decades of its existence, the cinema developed rapidly.
A. smartly
B. instantaneously
C. strongly D. speedily
4/ They used changes of scene and camera positions to tell a story, with actors playing character
A. makeup
B. feature
C. position
D. figure
5/ In the early 1910s audiences were able to enjoy the first long films, but it was not until 1915 that
the cinema really became an industry.
A. merely
B. simply
C. certainly
D. shortly
6/ From that time, film makers were prepared to make longer and better films and build special
places where only films were shown.
A. appointed
B. equipped
C. arranged
D. trained
7/ The cinema changed completely at the end of the 1920s.
A. replaced
B. traded
C. swapped
D. varied
8/ The change began in America and soon spread to the rest of the world.
A. advertised
B. shared
C. separated
D. expanded
9/ As the old silent films were being replaced by spoken ones on the screen, a new cinema form
appeared, the musical cinema.
A. sounded
B. arose
C. seemed
D. emerged
10/ Jack Dawson is a young and generous adventurer.
A. lofty
B. honorable
C. plentiful
D. bountiful
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ The history of what we call cinema today began in the early 19th century.
A. lately
B. late
C. after
D. next
2/ In the first two decades of its existence, the cinema developed rapidly.
A. leisurely
B. sluggishly
C. weakly
D. shortly
3/ From that time, film makers were prepared to make longer and better films and build special
places where only films were shown.
A. normal
B. everyday
C. unlimited
D. unrestricted
4/ As the old silent films were being replaced by spoken ones on the screen, a new cinema form
appeared, the musical cinema.
A. talkative
B. vocal
C. voluble
D. deafening
5/ Find the words in the passage that can match with the definitions on the right column.
A. wrong
B. false
C. unhealthy
D. left

6/ Jack Dawson is a young and generous adventurer.

A. petty
B. small
C. narrow
D. meaningful
7/ The ship hits an iceberg and sinks rapidly.
A. saves
B. improves
C. escapes
D. floats
8/ More than a thousand people die in the disaster, including Jack Dawson.
A. life
B. exist
C. bright
D. increasing
9/ Titanic is a tragic love story film.
A. fortunate
B. funny
C. exciting
D. interesting
10/ Stephen is driving a van full of vines.
A. hungry
B. incomplete C. minimum
D. empty
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ A _______ is a famous cinema actor or actress.
A. filmgoer
B. film director
C. film maker
D. film star
2/ A _______ is a book used in school containing text and questions and sometimes
having spaces for a student to write answers in.
A. notebook
B. workbook C. exercise book
D. reference book
3/ The _______ of the bay is approximately 200 miles.
A. long
B. length
C. lengthy
D. lengthen
4/ She's an extremely competent and _______ worker.
A. industry
B. industrial C. industrious D. industrialize
5/ The _______ between the original book and this new film is very faint.
A. relative
B. relation
C. relationship D. related
6/ Our prices are _______ with those in other shops.
A. comparison B. comparative C. comparable D. comparably
7/ They didn't like my _______ that we should all share the cost.
A. suggest
B. suggestion C. suggestive D. suggestible
8/ "Am I _______ you?" she asked anxiously.
A. bore
B. bored
C. boring
D. boredom
9/ The restaurant turned out to be _______ cheap.
A. surprise
B. surprised
C. surprising D. surprisingly
10/ There's no _______ what she'll do if she finds out about this.
A. know-how B. knowledge C. knowable D. knowing
VI/ Select the best option to complete the sentences:
1/ Americans drive _______ third of _______ 400 million cars on _______ planet.
A. one-the-the B. a-X-the
C. one-X-a
D. a-the-a
2/ _______ you miss this train you can _______ catch the next one.
A. Because-often
B. If-always
C. When-usually
D. Unless-sometimes
3/ I thought I _______ him come in _______ we were having dinner.
A. hear-when B. look-while C. looked-when
D. heard-while
4/ _______ I know likes the smell of bacon - _______ Mike does and he's a vegetarian.
A. Anyone-but
B. No one-while
C. Everyone-even
D. Someone-and
5/ _______ opportunity as good as this arises _______ in a lifetime.
A. A-before
B. One-twice C. The-during D. An-once
6/ _______, I'd like to thank everyone _______ coming this evening.
A. Always-to B. Finally-for C. Often-by
D. Lastly-with
7/ The dinosaurs died _______ 65 million years _______.
A. out-ago
B. away-before C. down-after D. off-next
8/ As I have _______ mentioned, I doubt _______ we will able to raise all the money we
A. just-when B. finally-what
C. recently-if
D. already-that

9/ _______ Emma's only worry was _______ her lipstick had smudged. Emma! What
is she _______?
A. Really-if-doing
B. As usual-that-looking
C. Usually-what-such as
D. Of course-whether-like
10/ _______, it's my turn to be served - I was _______.
A. Excuse me-next
B. Sorry-after
C. Pardon me-following
D. Hello-coming
VII/ Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ Does that book (A) tell (B) a story (C) of his life from (D) A to Z?
2/ Discovering (A) a therapy (B) for cancer is (C) one of (D) biggest challenges facing medical
3/ We think it's not (A) one good idea to spend many hours at (B) the wheel (= driving (C) a
vehicle) without (D) a break.
4/ Do you agree that (A) an apple (B) a day keeps (C) a doctor (D) away?
5/ As (A) often as not when he (B) makes (C) an effort to visit his friend, he wonders (D) why hes
even worried.
6/ Satellite technology offers (A) the chance, as (B) ever before, (C) for continuous television
coverage (D) of major international events.
7/ Every so (A) often he treats (B) him to (C) a meal in (D) a luxurious restaurant.
8/ (A) Sometime I take food (B) with me and (C) sometimes I buy food (D) when Im there.
9/ (A) Seldom they receive (B) any apology when (C) mistakes (D) are made.
10/ (A) Hard had (B) a moment passed (C) before (D) the door creaked open.
VIII/ Read the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to
complete it:
Many (1) _______ people work on a movie. The producer finds money to (2) _______ the
film, hires people to make the movie, and gets the movie to (3) _______. The director imagines
how the film should look and guides the actors and the (4) _______ as they make the movie.
Assistants help the producer and the (5) _______.
Screenwriters write an original (6) _______ for the movie, or they work with a story told in a
book. (7) _______ play characters in the story. A music (8) _______ writes background music for
the (9) _______.
Most members of the movie crew work behind the (10) _______. Designers make the sets
and costumes. The camera crew (11) _______ the cameras that film the movie.
Dozens of short scenes have to be put (12) _______ after the filming is done. That is the job
of the film editors. (13) _______ editors add background noises, such as honking horns in a (14)
_______ on a busy street. In action films, stuntmen and stuntwomen often fill in for the actors and
(15) _______ dangerous moves that could lead to injury.
1/ A. other

B. another

C. different

D. various

2/ A. supply with

B. send to

C. give to

D. pay for

3/ A. homes

B. theaters

C. schools

D. markets

4/ A. crew

B. actresses

C. people

D. film makers

5/ A. director

B. editor

C. actor

D. writer

6/ A. letter

B. book

C. story

D. word

7/ A. Assistants

B. Producers

C. Stunt men

D. Actors

8/ A. writer

B. composer

C. editor

D. actor

9/ A. book

B. film

C. play

D. story

10/ A. sites

B. places

C. stages

D. scenes

11/ A. runs

B. buys

C. sells

D. operates

12/ A. another

B. together

C. one another

D. each other

13/ A. Music

B. Noise

C. Sound

D. Film

14/ A. chapter

B. scene

C. site

D. spot

15/ A. act

B. play

C. perform

D. do

I/ Match the attitudinal adjectives in column A with the appropriate definitions in column B:
1/ always
A/ almost never
2/ usually
B/ not often
3/ often
C/ frequently; many times
4/ sometimes
D/ not at any time or not on any occasion
5/ occasionally
E/ every time, all the time or forever
6/ seldom
F/ at any time
7/ hardly
G/ sometimes but not often
8/ ever
H/ on some occasions but not always or often
9/ never
I/ in the way that most often happens
10/ rarely
J/ only just; almost not
II/ Supply the correct form of the word in brackets:
1/ We are concerned with the physical and (psychology) _______ well-being of our employees.
2/ I'm trying to be more (adventure) _______ with my cooking.
3/ My most (embarrass) _______ moment was trying to introduce a woman whose name I couldn't
4/ The prime minister denied that the new visa requirements were part of a (hide) _______ agenda
to reduce immigration.
5/ We spent a (luxury) _______ weekend at a country hotel.
6/ (Tragic) _______, the side-effects of the drug were not discovered until many people had been
seriously damaged by it.
7/ There is possibly less chance of another World War while the last one is within (live) _______
8/ Please give (generous) _______ to Children in Need.
9/ Paul's always very (smart) _______ dressed.

10/ The (discover) _______ of a body in the undergrowth started a murder enquiry.
III/ Fill in each gap with the most suitable preposition:
1/ They work _______ the night and sleep _______ day.
2/ They live _______ that old farmhouse _______ the hill.
3/ I've been _______ this job _______ thirty years, and I've picked _______ a good deal _______
expertise _______ the way.
4/ The improvement has been _______ the board, _______ all divisions either increasing profits
_______ reducing losses.
5/ Her name comes _______ mine _______ the list.
6/ _______ AD 79 the city _______ Pompei was buried _______ a layer _______ ash seven metres
7/ He's been _______ the department (= working _______ it) _______ 1982.
8/ She's _______ _______ the office _______ a few days next week.
9/ I felt frightened _______ the anger _______ his voice.
10/ _______ the top _______ the tower you could see _______ miles _______ the city.
IV/ Complete the passage with the correct article (a, an, the) or leave the blanks empty (X):
Motion Picture
Motion Picture, (1) _______ series of images that are projected onto (2) _______ screen to
create (3) _______ illusion of motion. Motion pictures- also called (4) _______ movies, films, or
(5) _______ cinema- are one of (6) _______ most popular forms of entertainment, enabling people
to immerse themselves in (7) _______ imaginary world for (8) _______ short period of time. But
movies can also teach people about (9) _______ history, science, human behavior, and many (10)
_______ other subjects. Some films combine entertainment with instruction, to make (11) _______
learning process more enjoyable. In all its forms, cinema is (12) _______ art as well as (13)
_______ business, and those who make motion pictures take great pride in their creations.
(14) _______ images that make up (15) _______ motion picture are all individual
photographs. But when they appear rapidly in succession, (16) _______ human eye does not detect
that they are separate images. This results from persistence of vision, (17) ________ phenomenon
whereby (18) _______ eye retains (19) _______ visual image for (20) _______ fraction of (21)
_______ second after (22) _______ source has been removed. Although we do not experience (23)
_______ images as individual photographs, we do notice (24) _______ differences between them.
(25) _______ brain then perceives these differences as motion.
(26) _______ Motion pictures are recorded using specially designed cameras that capture
(27) _______ images on rolls of film. After being processed and printed, (28) _______ film is run
through (29) _______ projector, which shines light through (30) _______ film so that (31)
_______the images are displayed on (32) _______ screen. Most movies have accompanying sound.
This article concerns (33) _______ technical aspects of motion-picture production. For
information about (34) _______ artistic and historical development of motion pictures and (35)
_______ motion-picture industry.
V. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:
1/ There is one problem, the salary.
The salary _________________________________________________.
2/ There are no interesting programs on this week.
There is nothing _____________________________________________.
3/ Cant you run faster than that?
Is that _____________________________________________________?
4/ We havent eaten this kind of food before?
This is _____________________________________________________.
5/ A lot of tea is drunk in China.
The ______________________________________________________.
6/ If people drive faster, it is more dangerous.
The ______________________________________________________.

7/ I think it is difficult to tell the truth.

The ______________________________________________________.
8/ Are you an excellent tennis player?
Can you __________________________________________________?
9/ Please do not leave the room all together?
Please leave the room one ____________________________________.
10/ I flew from Ho Chi Minh city to Ha Noi in one hour and 45 minutes.
It ________________________________________________________.



hold [hould] held held (v) t chc

champion (n) ['tmpjn] nh v ch
runner-up (n) [,rnr'p] i v nh
tournament (n) ['t:nmnt] vng u, gii
be (v) held : c t chc
evey four years/ two hours/ 3 minutes : bn
nm/ hai gi/ 3 pht m t ln.
sporting event (n) ['sp:ti,i'vent] s ki n th
passionate (a) ['pnt] say m
globe (n) [gloub] ton cu
billion (n) ['biljn] 1 t
viewer (n) ['vju:] ngi xem
governing body (n) ['gvni,'bdi] c quan
qun l
set [set] (v) up : thnh l p
world championship (n)[w:ld,tmpjnip]
gii v ch th gii. it is not until : phi n
host (n) [houst] ch nh
host (v) [houst] lm ch nh
gian [gein] (v) a victory over
final (n) ['fainl] tr n chung kt, vng chung
( ginh (c) chin thng)
witness (v) ['witnis] chng kin
compete (v) [km'pi:t] cnh tranh
elimination [i,limi'nein] games: cc tr n u
finalist (n) ['fainlist] i vo vng chung kt
jointly (adv) ['dintli] phi hp, lin kt
trophy (n) ['troufi] cp

honoured (a) ['nd] vinh d

title (n) ['taitl] danh hi u
competition (n) [,kmpi'tin] cu c cnh tranh,
thi u
a series ['siri:z] of : m t lot
involve (v) [in'vlv] lin quan
prize (n) [praiz] gii
provide (v) [pr'vaid] cung cp
facility (n) [f'siliti] thit b
take (v) part in : tham gia
Asia (n) [ei] chu
FIFA : ['fi:f] lin on bng quc t
team of England : i anh
team of France : i php
team of Italy : i
team of Germany : i c
final match [mt] (n) tr n chung kt
become [bi'km]-became-become (v) tr
score (n) [sk:] bn thng, im s
match (n) [mt] tr n u
host country ['kntri] (n) nc ch nh
winner (n) ['win] i chin thng
penalty shoot-out (n) ['penlti, 'u:t'aut] c
pht n
defeat (v) [di'fi:t] nh bi
goal scorer (n) [goul,k:r] cu th ghi bn
great (a)[greit]v i
football player (n) ['futb:l,plei] cu th
of all time : mi thi i
kick (v) [kik]
lead (v) [led] dn dt, lnh o

participate [p:'tisipeit] (v) in : tham gia

score (v) [sk:] ghi bn
ambassasdor (n) [m'bsd] i s
promote (v) [pr'mout] thc y
peace (n) [pi:s] ha bnh
Brazil (n) [br'zil] nc brazin
hero (n) ['hirou] anh hng
retirement (n) [ri'taimnt] s v hu
Championship (n) ['tmpjnip] chc v
kicking (n) ['kiki] c
goal (n) [goul] bn thng, khung thnh
retire (v) [ri'tai] v hu
committee (n) [k'miti] y ban
announce (v) ['nauns] thng bo
announcer (n) ['nauns] ngi ra thng bo
announcement (n) ['naunsmnt] thng bo
postpone (v) [p'spoun] hon li
due [dju:] to : do
severe (a) [si'vi] khc nghi t
captain (n) ['kptin] i trng
football season ['si:zn] (n) ma bng

volunteer (n) [,vln'ti] tnh nguy n vin

state (v) [steit] nu, pht biu
head (n) [hed] ngi ng u, lnh o
Communist ['kmjunist] Youthm Union :
on thanh nin c ng sn)
friendly match (n) tr n u giao hu
field (n) [fi:ld] sn
play [plei] (v) for : chi cho
together (adv) [t'ge] cng nhau
again (adv) ['gen] ln na, na
weak (a) [wi:k] yu t
lose[lu:z]-lost-lost (v) thua
world cup [kp] (n) cp th gii
realise (v) ['rilaiz] nh n r, thc hi n
lend [lend]-lent-lent (v) cho mn ( lend
sb sth)
have(got) a headache ['hedeik] (exp.) au u
aspirin (n) ['sprin] thuc atpirin
fill (v) [fil] y, rt y
bucket (n) ['bkit] ci x
repaint (v) [ri:'peint] sn li

1. Will vs. be going to
Will (s) din t mt quyt nh a ra vo thi im ni.
Ex: A: Its very cold
B: Ill close the windows.
Be going to (sp) din t mt d nh
Ex: A: Why are you turning on the TV?
B: Im going to watch the news.
2. Will: making predictions (a ra phng on)
Ex: You are working very hard. I am sure you will pass this exam easily.
3. Will: making offers (a ra ngh)
Ex: A: I want to buy this book but I dont have enough money.
B: Ill lend you some.


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other
1) A. region
B. goal
C. game
D. together
2) A. score
B. cup
C. captain
D. certain
3) A. champion
B. school
C. character
D. chemist
II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
4) A. ambassador
B. committee
C. defeat
D. victory
5) A. compete
B. event
C. football
D. postpone
6) A. tournament
B. consider
C. professional
D. equipment
I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
7) The international football is held every four years.
A. match
B. contest
C. tournament
D. game
8) The FIFA was ... in 1904 in England.
A. set up
B. set off
C. put up
D. put off
9) Uruguay .. Argentina in the final match of the first World Cup.
A. won
B. passed
C. managed
D. defeated
10) Germany was the .. nation of 2006 World Cup final.
A. held
B. hold
C. host
D. house
11) Pele participated three World Cups.
A. at
B. in
C. for
D. with
12) The 13th World Cup was .. in Mexico in 1986.
A. put
B. placed
C. held
D. set
13) Van is in hospital.
Yes, I know. I ... her tomorrow.
A. am going to visit
B. will visit
C. go to visit D. will visiting
14) That bag looks heavy. I you with it.
A. help
B. will help
C. am helping
D. am going to help
15) I think Tam .. the job. She has a lot of experience.
A. gets
B. is getting
C. will get
D. is going to get
16) Im catching the 7.00 train.
So am I. I you a lift to the station.
A. am giving
B. going to give
C. should give
D. will give
17) Mai and I have decided to have a party. We .. lots of people.
A. will invite
B. are inviting
C. invited
D. are going to invite
18) This exercise is very difficult. ..... me with it?
A. Will you help
B. Are you help C. Do you help D. Are you going to help

19) There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. A lot of water is coming in through the hole.
The boat
A. was sinking
B. is going to sink
C. will sink
D. should sink
20) Do you have any intention of spending your holiday in Nha Trang?
A. you having intention of spending your holiday in Nha Trang?
B. spending your holiday in Nha Trang?
C. you intending to spend your holiday in Nha Trang?
D. you going to spend your holiday in Nha Trang?
II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
21) I have invited Tom to the party but I dont think he is coming.
22) There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It will rain.
23) You look tired. I am getting something for you to drink.
24) Pele was famous with his powerful kicking and controlling the ball.
III. Fill each space with a form of be going to + Vo or will + Vo.
25) You (give) a hand moving the furniture as I (clean) the floor later.
26) We (go) out for dinner at 8.00, so you (make) ....................sure youre back in time.
27) If you (play) with Richard, you (let) Emily come and watch.
28) You (look) after the children for an hour, as I (get) .a few things from the
29) You (let) ................................ me have a look at your paper if I need to.
30) I think I (just stay) .. in bed.
Read the passage and choose the best answer for each blank.
World Cup, two international soccer tournaments, one for men and one for women, each held
every (31). years. Both tournaments are the top of international competition in the sport.
The men's World Cup is (32).. the most popular sporting event in the world and is
followed with passionate interest around the globe. The final game of the 2002 tournament was
played to a television audience of (33).. than a billion viewers. Founded in 1930 with just 13
(34).., the tournament now attract entries from more than 200 countries. The teams must
participate in elimination games within their own regions (35).. qualifying to become one of
the 32 nations participating in the final tournament.
31) A). five
B). two
C). four
D). three
32) A). told
B). made
C). considered
D). done
33) A). some
B). any
C). more
D). little
34) A). people
B). countries
C). groups
D). teams
35) A). before
B). after
C). during
D). of
Arrange these words or groups of words in the correct order.
36) dont/ the/ will/ very/ I/ think/ exam/ be/ difficult.
37) here/ build/ is/ Council/ The/ going/ school/ to/ City/ a.
38) Wait/ you/ will/ an/ here/ get/ for/ and/ aspirin/ I.
39) you/ visit/ grandparents/ weekend/ Are/ to/ your/ next/ going/ ?

40) meet/ you/ the/ half/ We/ outside/ stadium/ an/ will/ in/ hour.
I. 1) A. region
2) D. certain
3) A. champion
II. 4) D. victory 5) C. football
6) A. tournament
I. 7) C. tournament
8) A. set up 9) D. defeated
10) C. host
11) B. in
12) C. held
13) A. am going to visit 14) B. will help
15) C. will get 16) D. will give
17) D. are going to invite 18) A. Will you help
19) B. is going to sink
20) D. you going to spend your holiday in Nha Trang?
II. 21) D. will come 22) D. is going to rain
23) B. will get
24) B. for
III. 25) will give/ am going to clean
26) are going to go/ will make
27) are going to play/ will let
28) will look/ am going to get
29) will let
30) will stay
31) C). four
32) C). considered 33) C). more
34) D). teams 35) A). before
36) I dont think the exam will be very difficult.
37) The City Council is going to build a school here.
38) Wait here and I will get an aspirin for you.
39) you/ visit/ grandparents/ weekend/ Are/ to/ your/ next/ going/ ?
40) We will meet you outside the stadium in half an hour.



The Empire ['empai] State Building : ta

nh vn phng New York

The United Nations Headquarters

['hed'kw:tz] : tr s lin hip quc

Times Square ['taimz,skwe] : qung trng

thi i
Central Park: ['sentrl, p:k] cng vin
trung tm
southeastern (a) [sau'i:stn] pha ng
state (n) [steit] bang
at the point [pint] : ti ni, ti im
mingle ['migl] (v) (with sth) ha ln
harbour (n) ['h:b] cng
ice-free (a) ['ais'fri:] khng ng bng
metropolitan (a) [,metr'plitn] thuc v th
, th
square km ['kil,mi:t] (n) km vung
population (n) [,ppju'lein] dn s
found (v) [faund] thnh lp
the Dutch (n) [dt] ngi H Lan
take over (v) ['teik'ouv] tip qun
rename (v) [ri:'neim] t li tn
unusual (a) [n'ju:l] khc thng
global (a) ['gloubl] ton cu
finance (n) [fai'nns] ti chnh
=>financial (a) [ fai'nnl] thuc ti chnh
business (n) ['biznis] thng mi
New Yorker (n) ngi dn New York
characterise (v) ['kriktraiz] c trng ha
The Statue of liberty (n) tng i n thn t
art gallery (n) [:t,'glri] phng trng by
ngh thut
control (n) [kn'troul] s kim sot, s iu
orginally (adv) ['ridnli] bt ug, mt
cch c o
communication (n) [k,mju:ni'kein] thng
tin lin lc.
place of interest ['intrst](n) danh lam thng
national holiday (n) ['nnl,'hldi] ngy
ngh ca c nc

transport (n) ['trnsp:t] giao thng

reserved (a) [ri'z:vd] d dt, kn o.
Londoner (n) ['lndn] ngi Lun n
make comparison [km'prisn] (v) so snh
A.D. ( anno domini) : sau cng nguyn
B.C. ( before christ): trc cng nguyn
convenient [kn'vi:njnt] ( for sb/ sth) (a)
thun tin
crown (n) [kraun] vng min
tablet (n) ['tblit] tm, bn, phin ( khc)
torch (n) ['t:t] ngn uc
robe (n) [roub] o chong
Statue (n) ['sttju:] bc tng
symbolize (v) ['simblaiz] biu tng cho
formal (a) ['f:ml] chnh thc
enlighten (v) [in'laitn] khai sng
loose (a) [lu:s] rng
concrete (n) ['kkri:t] b tng
base (n) [beis] b
pedestal (n) ['pedistl]
monument (n) ['mnjumnt] tng, bia k
copper (n) ['kp] ng
frame (n) [freim] khung
make [meik] (of) : lm bng
be situated ['sitjueitid] (a) nm
be famous ['feims] for (sth) (a) ni ting bi
ci g
cathedral (n) [k'i:drl] thnh ng, nh
th ln
House of Parliament (n) ta ngh vin
St. Paul : v thanh Paul (St. = saint : v
get away ['wei] from (sth) trnh xa
coast (n) [koust] b bin
shopping center (n) ['pi'sent] trung tm
thng mi
tourist destination (n) ['turist,desti'nein]
ni thu ht du khch


Khng dng du phy trc v sau mnh quan h xc nh, c th dng that thay th
cho who, whom v which.
Ex: He works at Heathrow Airport that is one of the biggest airports in the world.
Dng du phy trc v sau mnh quan h, khng dng That thay th cho who v
Ex. Da Lat, where is located on High Land, is famous for mild climate
* where is located on High Land ch l thng tin ph n khng c th cu ny vn c ngha

(although vs. in spite of because vs. because of)

Although/ though/ even though/ much as + mnh
Despite / in spite of + cm danh t
Cch chuyn t mnh sang cm t, t
1) Nu ch ng 2 mnh ging nhau: B ch ng, ng t thm ING .
Although Tom got up late, he got to school on time.
Despite / in spite of getting up late, Tom got to school on time.
2) Nu ch t l danh t + be + tnh t: em tnh t t troc danh t, b to be
Although the rain is heavy,.......
Despite / in spite of the heavy rain, ......
3) Nu mnh gm i t + be + tnh t : i i t thnh s hu, i tnh t thnh danh t,
b be
Although He was sick,........
Despite / in spite of his sickness,.......
4) Nu mnh gm i t + ng t + trng t: i i t thnh s hu, ng t thnh danh
t, trng t thnh tnh t t trc danh t
Although he behaved impolitely,.....
Despite / in spite of his impolite behavior ,.........
5) Nu cu c dng : there be + danh t: Th b there be
Although there was an accident
Despite / in spite of a accident


A. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced from that of the others.
1. a. east
b. head
c. street
d. season
2. a. although
b. southern
c. theater
d. these
3. a. developed
b. located
c. founded
d. completed
4. a. capital
b. liberty
c. empire
d. mingle
5. a. famous
b. neighbour
c. harbors
d. southern
6. a. earth
b. weather
c. thrilling
d. northwest
B. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
1. a. locate
b. mingle
c. develop
d. attract
2. a. metropolitan
b. situation c. population d. historical
3. a. museum
b. gallery
c. harbors
d. capital
4. a. apartment
b. characters c. finance.
d. liberty
5. a. ideal
b. region
c. cathedral
d. convenient
Choose the word. or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for
the underlined word or phrase.
1. Washington, DC is the .................... city of the United States.
a. major
b. cosmopolitan
c. industrial
d. capital
2. Power plants are increasingly located outside metropolitan areas.
a. belonging to a big or capital city
b. in an industrial city
c. of a busy suburb
d. relating to a remote suburb
3. Polly felt intense fear....................... with excitement.
a. blended . b. contacted
c. joined
d. mingled
4. The city of London the Romans in the year 43 AD.
a. located
b. developed
c. founded
d. characterized

5. In 1664, the English took over the city and renamed it New York.
a. removed
b. got control of c. divided up d. arranged
6. San Francisco is a.................... and communications center and a center
for trade with Asia.
a. finance
b. finances
c. financial
d. financer
7. Tourists to Hawaii are...................... by its endless sandy beaches and perfect weather.
a. attracted b. attached
c. admired
d. interested
8. The houses are absolutely..................for families with Young children.
a. attractive
b. identical
c. ideal
d. imaginary
9. In the 20th century Liverpool became famous as the...............of the
Beatle and for Liverpool and Everton football clubs..
a. house
b. home
c. city
d. state
10. People come to the parks to...............from city noise and traffic.
a. get away
b. get out of
c. get over
d. get off
A. Choose the word or phrase - h, c, or d - that best completes each
1. Since the 1980s Manchester................, including Oasis and The happy Mondays.
a. had a reputation for the pop groups
b. has had a reputation for its pop groups
c. has had its reputation for pop groups d. had reputation for its pop groups
2. Washington, DC is the capital of the US,...........covers the District of Columbia
a. which area
b. where area
c. whose area
d. area
3. Manhattan is the island .............. the main borough of New York City
a. which has formed
b. where is formed
c. whose forms
d. that forms
4. Las Vegas is a US city...................... many people go to gamble.
a. which
b. that
c. whose
d. where
5. My neighbor never smiles at me or speaks to me..........I have make to be friendly and neighborly.
a. . for the many efforts
b. in spite of the many efforts
c. despite the fact that
d. although I put in many efforts
6. 'Is April twenty-first the day ....................? 'No, the twenty-second'
a. you'll arrive then
b. When you'll arrive
c. which you'll arrive
c. when you'll arrive on
7. Dr. Sales is one of the few people....................
a. in whom I don't have much confidence
b. in who 1 don't have much confidence
c. whom I don't have much confidence in him
d. I don't have much confidence
8. Miami city is a popular place for holidays because of the warm weather and Miami Beach,..........
three miles off the coast.
a. that is on an island
b. it is on an island
c. which is on an island
d. an island
9. After getting home from elementary school,
a. our house buzzes with the children's many activities
b. the dog greets the children at the front door with wagging tail
c. the children have an hour to play before they begin their homework
d. the school bus drops the children at the corner near their house.
10. I have always wanted to visit Paris, .................. of France.

a. a capital
b. which the capital is
c. that is the capital "
d. the capital
l1. He showed me the rocks .......................from Australia.
a. that he had brought it back
b. he had brought back that
c. what he had brought back
d. he had brought back
12. Valerie Polkoff,............, escaped from Russia with her family in 1917.
a. who has died aged 90
b. whose age 90 when she died
c. that-has died aged 90
d. aged 90 when She died
13. He has been unwell, .and this may be.....................he lost the match.
a. the time when
b. the situation by which
c. the reason why
d. the reason that
14. In the novel by Peters,.................the main character is a teenager
a. who the film is based on
c. on which the film is based
b. on that the film is based
d. that the film is based on
15. I guess I'm a soft touch. I just lent Jane some money for last loan.
a. even though she never paid me back b. unless she paid me back
c. because she never paid me back
d. so that she paid me back
B. Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the
sentence to be correct.
1. After a week, we finally got to Miami, which my grandparents live
2. San Francisco, that is a beautiful city, has a population of six million.
3. Do you remember the night which we ate at the restaurant that Bill owned
4. My aunt's new house is next to a beautiful canal where we go swimming in every day.
5. She's read some books that discusses the time when this city was undeveloped.
6. Louisa May Alcott, she is best known for her books for children, served as a nurse during the
Civil war
7. One reason birds have been so successful is because of their able to escape from danger quickly.
8. Despite she is poor she always buys me a birthday present.
9. Tom Hain, who with Gelson had previously worked, contacted him about the role.
10. The Statue of Liberty was the first American sight was seen by many people who went to US
for a better life
Choose the most suitable sentences to complete the conversation
A (1)_____________________
B I'm from Toronto.
A: Oh, I've never been there. (2)_____________
B: It's a great city! It has good museums and wonderful restaurants. And the nightlife is exciting,
A: (3)_____________________And what about shopping?
B: There are some great shopping centers and departure stores (4)__________
A: The Eaton Center? No. (5)_________________
B: Huh! it's one of the biggest shopping centers in the world. It has very thing, and the price are

pretty good, too.

A: Well, I hope some day I'll have a chance to go there.
B: (6)_________________ If you ever go, show you around the city.
A: You will? Great! Thanks.
1. a. Do you come from Canada?
b. Whereabouts in Canada are
c. Where in Canada are you from?
d. Which city you come from?
2. a. What's it?
b. How does it like?
c. What's it like?
d. How is it?
3. a. Toronto sounds like a nice place.
b. It's a nice place, isn't
c. Toronto may be a nice place.
d. This is a nice place.
4. a. Have you ever been to the Eaton Center?
b Do you know the Eaton Center?
c Have you heard anything about the Eaton Center?
d Would you like to go to the Eaton Center?
5. a. What's it like?
b: How is it?
c. Where is it'?
d. What's that
6. a. I hope so, too.
b. I am, too.
c. I hope that.
d. So am I
A. Choose the one option - a, b, c or d - that best completes the passage.
One of the most famous statues in the world (1).............on an island in New York Harbor. This
statue is, of course, the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is a woman (2)...........the torch of
liberty, and its (3)............. name is the 'Statue of Liberty 'Enlightening the World'. The statue was a
(4)............. to American people from the French (5).......... the friendship between the two nations. It
was designed by Frederic Auguste Bartoldie and(6) 1884 in France, then was (7)
America and put up in 1886.
In the years after the statue was put up, many (8)......................came to the United States
through New York. (9)........... they entered New York Harbor, they saw the Statue of Liberty
holding up her torch. She (10)..............a welcome to a land of freedom.
1. a. stands
b. puts
c. exists
d. finds
2. a. who holding b. holds
c. holding
d. she holds
3. a. false
b, common
c. first
d. official
4. a. favor
b. gift
c. power
d. representative
5. a. who show
b. to show
c. showing d. that shows
6. a. completed
b. raised
c. achieved d. performed
7. a. gone
b. removed
c. taken
d. transported
8. a. foreigners
b. immigrants c. aliens
d. emigrants
9. a. During
b. While
c. Since
d. As
10. a. symbolized b. made
c. got
d. extended
B. Read the text carefully, then choose the correct answer.
Las Vegas, Nevada, is the most famous city for gambling in the United States. Some people
say that Las Vegas is a mispronunciation of 'lost wages'. The casinos and hotels have so many neon
lights that people call this city in the desert 'The City of Lights'.
Each of the big hotels in Las Vegas is special. Going into one is like entering another world.
One hotel is like ancient Egypt. Another is like a tropical island. Still another is like New York City.
These hotels have shows with famous entertainers. Everything looks expensive. But the rooms cost
half the price of the rooms in other places. And the restaurants have all-you-can-eat meals for very
little money. That's because the hotels make their money from the gambling casinos.
Las Vegas started in 1905 as a small train stop. There. were only a few buildings in the middle
of the desert. In 1946. a famous gangster named Bugsy Seigel built the first casino. Re was.
murdered in 19-17. "Iris made him and Las Vegas more famous! In the early 1950s, tourist went to
Las Vegas not only to gamble. They went to watch atomic bomb tests in the desert outside the city.
In those days, people didn't know it was dangerous. They thought it was exciting.
Las Vegas is also famous for its many wedding chapels. Like all of Las Vegas, they are open
twenty-four hours a day. Getting married is easy. A couple just pays a few dollars for a license, and

they can get married immediately. They don't have to wait. Many famous movie stars were married
in Las Vegas.
It is interesting that Las Vegas has more churches for its population anywhere else in the
United States. That's not counting welding chapels. Another interesting fact is that tourists have a
greater chance of having a heart attack in Las Vegas than in any other American city.
1. Some people think Las Vegas means................
a. 'Lost Desert'
b. 'The City of Lights'
c. 'Diamond in the Desert'
d. 'Lost Wages'
2. Why is Las Vegas called 'The City of Lights'?
a. Because it gets a lot of light in the night.
b. Because of bright lights of the city.
c. Because it has so many street lights.
d. Because the casinos and hotels have their neon lights on all day and night.
3. A big hotel in Las Vegas.....................
a. costs a lot of money to stay in
b. is like a tropical island
c. looks expensive
d. earns profits from its casino.
4. Originally, Las Vegas...................
a. was a train stop
b. was a desert
c. had few buildings
d. located in the middle of desert
5. After Bugsy Siegel was murdered, ......................
a. no one wanted to go to Las Vegas
b. the first casino was built
c. Las Vegas was more famous
d. people went to Las Vegas to see atomic bomb tests
6. Las Vegas is also the place................
a. where Churches open twenty-four hours a day
b. where many couples go to get married quickly
c. in which many famous stars live
d. which is famous for its wedding chapels
7. Which of the following is not true about Las Vegas?
a. Las Vegas has more churches for its population.
b. In the 1950s, tourists went to Las Vegas to see atomic bomb test.
c. Las Vegas is just famous for its casinos.
d. Tourists who come to Las Vegas have a great chance of having heart attack.
1. New York/ founded/ 1624/ the Dutch/ called/ New Amsterdam
a. New York was founded in 1624 by the Dutch, which is called New
b. New York was founded in 1624 by the Dutch, who called it New Amsterdam.
c. New York, founded in 1624 by the Dutch, who called it New Amsterdam.
d. New York, which was founded in 1624 by the Dutch, called New Amsterdam.
2. 1664/ the English/ gained/ control/ changed/ name/ New York
a. In 1664 the English who gained the control changed the name of New York.
b. Since 1664 the English gained control and changed the name to New York.
c. In 1664 the English gained control and changed the name to New York.
d. In 1664 the English gained its control and changed the name of New York.
3. 1898/ several towns/ combined/ make/ Greater New York City!, became/ second/ largest/ world.
a. In 1898 several towns were combined to make Greater New York City, that became the second
largest city in the world.
b. Since 1898 several towns were combined to make Greater New York City, the second largest
city in the world.
c. In 1898 several towns were combined to make Greater New York City become the second
largest city in the world.
d. In 1898 several towns were combined to make Greater New York City, which became the
second largest city in the world.

4. many immigrants/ the US/ stayed/ New York/ giving/ city/ variety of cultures/ it has/ today
a. Many immigrants to the US stayed in New .York, giving the city the variety of cultures it has
b. Many immigrants to the US stayed in New York, which giving the city the variety of cultures
it has today.
c. Many immigrants to the US stayed in New York for giving the city the variety of cultures it
has today.
d. Many immigrants in the US stayed at New York, giving it the variety of cultures it has today.
5. Today/ there/ 7 million/ city/ 18 million/ area/ around/ it
a. Today there are about 7 million people who are in the city and IS in the area around.
b. Today there are about 7 million people live in the city and 18 millions in the area around it.
c. Today there are about 7 million people in the city and 18 million in the area around it.
d.. Today there are about 7 million in city and I S million in area around it.



historical (a) [his'trikl] c lien quan ti lch

Co Loa Citadel ['sitdl] di tch thnh c Loa
Hoa Lu capital ['kpitl] th Hoa L
Den Hung Remains [ri'meinz] khu di tch
n Hng
Son La prision ['prizm] and museum
[mju:'zim] nh t v vi bo tng Sn La

Hue imperial [im'piril] city : Kinh Thnh

Cu Chi tunnels ['tnlz] a o C Chi
as far as I know
dynasty (n) ['dinsti] triu i
site (n) [sait] ni , ch
representative (n) [repri'zenttiv] biu tnh
Confucian (n) [kn'fju:n] o Nho

memorialize (v) [m'm:rilaiz] tn vinh,

tng nh
brilliant (a) ['briljnt] li lc
royal (a) ['ril] hong gia
engrave (v) [in'greiv] khc
stele (n) ['sti:li] bia ( s nhiu: stelae)
well-preserved (a) [wel,pri'z:vd] c bo
tn tt
architecture (n) [':kitekt] kin trc
witness (v) ['witnis] chng kin
feudal (a) ['fju:dl] phong kin
flourish (v) ['flri] hng thnh, pht trin
mnh m
train (v) [trein] tp luyn
Ho Chi Minhs Mausoleum [m:s'lim]
construction (n) [kn'strkn] qu trnh xy
construct (v) [kn'strkt] thi cng , xy dng
late president ['prezidnt] v ch tch qu c
cottage (n) ['ktid] ngi nhu nhc, nh
Thong Nhat Conference ['knfrns] Hall :
hi trng thng nht
Reunification [ri:ju:nifi'kein] Hall : Dinh
Thong Nhat
Independence Palace [indi'pendns,'plis]
Dinh c Lp
bombardment (n) [bm'b:dmnt] s nm
chamber (n) ['teimb] phng ln
merchant (n) ['m:tnt] nh bun
vessel (n) ['vesl] thuyn ln, tu ln
pillar (n) ['pil(r)] ct

ornamental (a) [:n'mentl] ng nn trang

ornament (n) [':nment] trang hong,
trang tr
certify (v) ['s:tifai] chng nhn
Notre Dame Cathedral [k'i:drl] nh th
c B
Ha Long Bay [bei] vnh H Long
The Huc Bridge ['brid] cu Th Hc
Noon gate [nu:n,geit] Ng Mn
formerly (adv) ['f:mli] trc kia, trc y
trading (n) ['treidi] thng mi, bun bn
port (n) [p:t] cng
tile-roofed (a) mi nh c lp ngi
recommend (v) [rek'mend] gi , ngh
Assembly Hall of Cantonese [knt'ni:z]
Chinese Congregation [kgri'gein] : Hi
Qun Qung ng
precious (a) ['pres] qu gi
Japanese Covered ['kvd] Bridge : cha cu
Nht Bn6
chart (n) [t:t] biu
arrival (n) ['raivl] s n
illusion (n) [i'lu:n] o tng, s nh la
Swedish (n) ['swi:di] ngi Thy in
washing machine (n) ['wi,m'i:n] my
Asia (n) ['ei] chu
difficult (a) ['difiklt] kh khn
means of travelling [mi:nz,v,'trvli]
phng tin di chuyn
convenient (a) [kn'vi:njnt] tin li, thch
hp( for sb)


I. Comparison of equality
1. Affirmative:
as + adj/adv + as (bng /nh)
Ex: - Im as tall as Tom.
- John works as hard as his father.
2 Negative:
not as/so + adj/adv + as (khng bng /nh)
Ex: - This watch is not as/so expensive as mine. (= my watch)
- She does not sing as/so well as her sister.
II. Comparative of adi/ adv
1. Short adj/ adv:
adj/adv + ER + than
Tnh t/trng t ngn l t c mt m hoc hai m tn cng y.
fast, cold, thick, lucky, happy .
Ex: - John is stronger than his brother.
- This athlete runs faster than that one.
2. Long adj/ adv: more + adj/adv + than
Tnh t/trng t di vn c hai m tr ln.
modern, patient, difficult, fluently, beautifully,
Ex: - This problem is more difficult than we thought.
- He speaks English more fluently than his friend.
III. Superlative of adj/ adv
1. Short adj/ adv: the + adj/adv + EST
Ex: Yesterday was the hottest day of the year.
2. Long adj/ adv:
the + MOST + adj/adv
Ex: She is the most beautiful girl in the class.
* Adj/Adv c bit
Adj/ Adv
the best
the worst
the farthest/furthest
the least
the most

I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from
the others in each group:
1/ A. historical
B. arrival
C. brilliant
D. still
2/ A. places
B. houses
C. increases
D. chooses
3/ A. laureate
B. teach
C. season
D. mea n
4/ A. fa mous
B. pa ssage
C. ta lent
D. ca rry
5/ A. cultural
B. such
C. su ggest
D. particular
6/ A. backs
B. scholars
C. ways
D. festivals
7/ A. Confucian
B. doctor
C. follow
D. lo ng

8/ A. thought
B. ground
C. about
D. nou n
9/ A. be havior
B. between
C. be came
D. re lic
10/ A. established B. talented
C. educated
D. needed
II/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ She specializes in _______ novels set in eighteenth-century England.
A. history
B. historian
C. historic
D. historical
2/ She's studying modern Japanese language and _______.
A. culture
B. cultured
C. cultural
D. culturally
3/ He is best known as the _______ of a long-running TV series.
A. origin
B. original
C. originality D. originator
4/ Ask me again tomorrow. I'll have to give it some _______.
A. think
B. thinking
C. thought
D. thoughtful
5/ Reducing the size of classes may improve _______ standards.
A. educate
B. educated
C. educational D. educative
6/ I didn't get much of an _______ of the place because it was dark when
we drove through it.
A. impress
B. impression C. impressive D. impressively
7/ A number of patients have been _______ treated with the new drug.
A. success
B. successful C. successfully D. unsuccessful
8/ It's just a _______ of the bigger river, but called by a different name.
A. continue
B. continuous C. continual
D. continuation
9/ I'm just going to _______ myself - it should only take a few hours.
A. beauty
B. beautiful
C. beautify
D. beautifully
10/ All she needed to _______ her happiness was a baby.
A. complete
B. completely C. completion D. completeness
III/ Select the best option to complete the sentences:
1/ My house is _______ yours. They have the same size.
A. as big as
B. so big as
C. bigger than D. the biggest
2/ Your watch is _______ mine. Yours is 300 dollars and mine is 200
dollars only.
A. cheaper than
B. more expensive than
C. as expensive as
D. the cheapest
3/ The film is _______ the one we saw last week.
A. so interesting
B. less interesting than
C. fewer interesting than
D. much interesting than
4/ Petrol is _______ it was a few years ago.
A. as twice expensive as
B. more expensive twice than
C. twice as expensive as
D. expensive more than twice
5/ The exam paper is _______ we expected.
A. more easily than
B. more easy than
C. more easier than
D. easier than
6/ Lets go by bus. Its _______.
A. much cheaper
B. more cheaper

C. much cheaper than

D. more cheaper than
7/ _______ I get, _______ I am.
A. The older- the more happy B. The more old- the happier
C. The older- the happier
D. The more old- the more happy
8/ ______ money we earn, _______ we live.
A. The more- the better
B. The many- the better
C. The more- the more good D. The many- the more good
9/ It I were _______, Id fall in love with her.
A. more younger
B. any younger
C. much older than
D. older than
10/ What was _______ holiday youve ever had?
A. most enjoyable
B. the most enjoyable
C. the more enjoyable
D. more enjoyable
IV/ Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences and then
correct them:
1/ Shes nothing (A) like (B) so good (C) at tennis (D) like her friend.
2/ (A) Have (B) as (C) many potatoes (D) that you like.
3/ His hand is (A) so (B) steady (C) as (D) a rock.
4/ The dictionary wasnt (A) nearly (B) as (C) helpful (D) than I had hoped.
5/ Tom drank (A) half (B) as (C) much beer (D) like Hugo.
6/ (A) The more (B) difficult it is, (C) more (D) harder he tries.
7/ Youre (A) the (B) more (C) infuriating person Ive (D) ever met.
8/ Hes (A) a great deal (B) the best (C) boxer (D) in the world.
9/ I (A) would like (B) to go to a school (C) as (D) the one my sister goes to.
10/ That garden is (A) as (B) beautiful (C) like the one (D) in the park.
V/ Read the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C
or D to completeit:
Today, Canada is made (1) _______ of ten provinces and three northern
territories. As a big country, it has many different (2) _______.
British Columbia is the westernmost Canadian province and the (3)
_______ province on the Pacific Ocean. Mountains (4) _______ most of it.
Vancouver, a major port city, is here.
The Maritime Provinces lie along the Atlantic (5) _____. They consist of
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, (6) ____ Prince Edward Island. These provinces,
along with Newfoundland and Labrador, are sometimes (7) _____ the Atlantic
Provinces. Fishing is a major industry in these (8) _____. The rugged, rocky
coastlines and picturesque fishing villages draw (9) _______ in summer.

In between the (10) _______ are the Prairie Provinces and the eastern
provinces of Ontario and Qubec. Rolling wheat (11) _______ cover much of the
Prairie ProvincesAlberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. They (12) _______
more than one-fifth of the worlds wheat.
(13) _______ of Canadas people live in Ontario and Qubec. These two
provinces are Canadas business and (14) _______ heartland. Toronto, Canadas
largest city, is in Ontario. So is Canadas capital, (15) _______. Montral, the
second largest city, is in Qubec.
Canadas (16) _______ territories are in the northern part of the country,
(17) _______ the land is frozen much of the year. The Northwest Territories,
Nunavut, and the Yukon Territory have long, extremely (18) _______ winters.
New vocabulary:
- territory (n.): t ai, a ht, lnh th; khu vc, vng, min
- westernmost (adj.): cc ty
- rugged (adj.): g gh, lm chm, x x
1/ A) up
2/ A) cities
3/ A) one
4/ A) fulfill
5/ A) coast
6/ A) and
7/ A) said
8/ A) territories
9/ A) peoples
10/ A) coasts
11/ A) lands
12/ A) make
13/ A) Two-three
14/ A) industrial
15/ A) Quebec
16/ A) two
17/ A) that
18/ A) cool

B) over
B) counties
B) most
B) cover
B) beach
B) but
B) called
B) mountains
B) artists
B) provinces
B) fields
B) shoot
B) Second-three
B) agricultural
B) Toronto
B) three
B) when
B) warm

C) across
D) in
C) places
D) regions
C) only
D) best
C) place
D) put
C) seaside
D) shore
C) or
D) so
C) told
D) considered
C) provinces
D) cities
C) fishermen
D) tourists
C) towns
D) territories
C) spaces
D) places
C) produce
D) do
C) Second-thirds D) Two-thirds
C) mechanical D) modern
C) Montreal
D) Ottawa
C) four
D) five
C) where
D) which
C) hot
D) cold


I. Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best
answers each question.
In spite of being the capital of one of Europes smallest countries, the clean
and friendly city of Copenhagen offers a host of cultural and sightseeing
opportunities. With a vast number of pedestrianised streets, the best way to
sightsee is by foot, or you may prefer a leisurely canal cruise past the colorful
waterfront houses.
Sights not be missed include Rosenborg Castle which houses the Crown
Jewels, Amalienborg Palace, the Little Mermaid and the famous Tivoli Gardens
with a myriad of restaurants and bars, concert halls and a fairground offering
something for everyone. Also worth a visit is the Viking Museum and for
something different why not tour the Carlsberg Brewery. Shoppers will enjoy the
fine shops of the Stroget and dont forget the side-streets leading from it. After
sunset, head for Nyhavn quayside.
A rarity among capital cities - it does not overwhelm you, but rather takes
you gently in and shows you its sights with quiet pride. The Little Mermaid is
smaller than you imagined (but she is, after all, Little) and there isnt a single
inch of neon among the light bulbs of Tivoli. - John Carter.
1. It can be inferred that Copenhagen . . . . . . . . . .
A. is the smallest capital city in Europe.
B. is the capital of a European country.
C. is the capital of the smallest country in Europe.
D. All are correct.

2. Which of the following is NOT true about Copenhagen?

A. Visiting the city, you can enjoy the sights and learn about its cultures.
B. Its advisable to tour the city on foot.
C. Cars and other vehicles are not allowed in many of Copenhagen streets.
D. You cant drive in the city because the streets are so narrow.
3. According to the text, tourists . . . . . . . . . .
A. can have food and drinks or entertainment in the Tivoli Gardens.
B. will not remember the sights.
C. should not visit many places including Amalienborg Palace.
D. can make a tour of the Carlsberg Brewery for some music.
4. Which of the following statements is true?
A. There are more light bulbs than neon lights in Tivoli.
B. The Little Mermaid is too small to enjoy.
C. Visitors can do the shopping in the Stroget only.
D. Nyhavn quayside is a place to visit in the evening.
II. Choose the one (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.
5. Jane . . . . . . . . . . a sweet dream when the alarm clock . . . . . . . . . .
A. had/ rang
B. was having/ rang
C. was having/ was ringing
D. had had/ was ringing
6. Shes . . . . . . . . fascinating woman. Do you know shes . . . . . . . . .leader of the
opposition party?
A. a/
B. a/ the
C. the/ a
D. /
7. It . . . . . . . . . . that the strike will end soon.
A. is hoped
B. are hoped
C. hopes
D. hoped
8. Youre very quiet. What . . . . . . . . . . about?
A. will you think
B. are you thinking C. do you think
D. have
you thought
9. People often visit Kyoto in April, . . . . . . . . . . they can see the beautiful cherry
A. where
B. that
C. when
D. which
10. . . . . . . . . . . in the sentence below is not correct.
Despite (I) being good at (II) math, but (III) he couldnt solve the problem
C. I
11. . . . . . . . . . . in the sentence below is not correct.
You shouldnt worry (I) too much (II) for (III) your children; theyre grown up
(IV) now.
C. I
12. Would you like to come to my birthday party, Sarah? asked Frederic. is
closest in meaning to . . . . . . . . . .
A. Frederic invited Sarah to his birthday party.
B. Frederic asked Sarah if she liked his birthday party or not.
C. Frederic reminded Sarah of his coming birthday party.

D. Frederic asked if Sarah was able to come to his birthday party.

13. They helped me a lot. I dont know what I . . . . . . . . . . without their help.
A. would doB. had doneC. have done
D. would have done
14. . . . . . . . . . . the storm, the ship couldnt reach its destination on time.
A. Although
B. Because of
C. In spite of
15. Would you answer . . . . . . . . . telephone, please? Im trying to lull . . . . . . . . . .
A. the/ a
B. a/ a
C. a/ the
D. the/ the
16. How about driving to the countryside this Sunday? - . . . . . . . . . .
A. Thats a good idea!
B. Never mind.
C. Yes, Im driving.
D. Thats my pleasure!
17. The book . . . . . . . . . . is on the top shelf is a present from my friend.
A. who
B. that
D. Both B and C are correct
18. He turned off the lights before going out . . . . . . . . . . waste electricity.
A. so that not
B. so as not to
C. as not toD. in order that not
19. We were all . . . . . . . . . . to hear about the breakup of their marriage.
A. shocking
B. shock
C. shocked
D. feel
20. He is trying to buy the same ring . . . . . . . . . . he lost two months ago.
A. that
B. which
D. All are
21. In my mothers . . . . . . . . . ., it is essential to eat a big breakfast.
A. opinion
B. feeling
C. idea
22. She won the first prize in the drawing . . . . . . . . . .
A. competitive
B. competitor
C. compete
23. If I were you, I would take the job, said my roommate. is closest in meaning
to . .
A. My roommate was thinking about taking the job.
B. My roommate introduced the idea of taking the job to me.
C. My roommate advised me to take the job.
D. My roommate insisted on taking the job for me.
24. . . . . . . . . . . in the sentence below is not correct.
A language is considered (I) dead when (II) it no longer used (III) for oral
communication (IV).
B. I
25. Please keep your voice down in this section of the library. If you . . . . . . . . . .
to talk loudly, I . . . . . . . . . . to ask you to leave.
A. had continued/ would have had
B. continue/ would have
C. continue/ will have
D. continued/ would have

26. Mr. Jones, . . . . . . . . I was working for, was very generous about overtime
A. whom
B. that
D. All are
27. I think Im going to miss my train. - Well, . . . . . . . . . . you to the station.
A. Im going to take B. I would take
C. Ill take
D. Im
28. . . . . . . . . . . in the sentence below is not correct.
When (I) have you been (II)? Ive been looking (III) for you for hours (IV).
B. I
29. How often do you go to school? - . . . . . . . . . .
A. I go there by bus
B. I dont think so.
C. Every day except Sunday.
D. I go there early.
30. He last had his eyes tested ten months ago. is closest in meaning to
. . . . . . . . . .
A. He hasnt tested his eyes for ten months.
B. He had tested his eyes ten months before.
C. He didnt have any test on his eyes in ten months.
D. All are correct.
31. . . . . . . . . . . in the sentence below is not correct.
Julie failed (I) her driving test (II) because (III) she hasnt practiced (IV)
D. I
32. You will become ill if you . . . . . . . . . . working so hard.
A. dont stop
B. wont stopC. didnt stopD. havent stopped
III. Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best
completes each gap.
What kind of music do you (33) . . . . . . . . . .? Some people like going to (34) .
. . . . . . . . . concerts, and listening to an orchestra. The (35) . . . . . . . . . . wear very
formal clothes, and the audience is silent until the end of the (36) . . . . . . . . . .
Perhaps youre a rock music (37) . . . . . . . . . . Rock concerts are often held
(38) . . . . . . . . . . football stadiums or in parks in a crazy atmosphere. Everyone
shouts, dances to the music, or sings the songs. Traditional music is
(39) . . . . . . . . . . at weddings and parties in many countries. Nowadays, we can
easily (40) . . . . . . . . . . music, of all kinds, in shops, lifts or any other public
places. Many people even (41) . . . . . . . . . . their own music at home or
(42) . . . . . . . . . . their own music with them whenever travelling. Music is
33. A. enjoy
B. have
C. favorite
D. listen
34. A. classics
B. classic
C. classified

35. A. actors
B. instruments
C. musicians
36. A. action
B. performance
C. event
D. music
37. A. friend
B. idol
C. enthusiasm
D. fan
38. A. on
B. at
C. inside
D. in
39. A. played
B. set
C. formed
D. acted
40. A. perform
B. understand
C. listen
D. hear
41. A. take
B. do
C. get
D. make
42. A. lift
B. hold
C. carry
D. play
IV. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that
of the others.
43. A. ethnic
B. theatre
C. weather
D. south
44. A. animals
B. casual
C. disaster
D. design
45. A. science
B. variety
C. capital
D. delight
46. A. followed
B. located
C. scored
V. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others.
47. A. liberty
B. audience
C. tropical
D. protect
48. A. endangered
B. diversity
C. melody
49. A. gallery
B. lyrical
C. Argentina
50. A. communicate
B. international
C. achieve




I. Chn t c phn gch chn c pht m khc vi nhng t cn li.
Cu 1: A. consider
B. become
C. cup
D. city
Cu 2: A. design
B. classical
C. music
D. museum
II. Chn phn gch chn cn c sa c cu ng.
Cu 3: It was (A) surprised (B) that (C)she passed the (D) exam.
Cu 4: If I (A) don't like you, I wouldn't (B) invite you (C) to my(D) house.
Cu 5: (A) It was not until 1915 (B) that the cinema really (C) becomes (D)an
Cu 6: (A) In spite interruption, she was still (B) able to finish (C) her assignment
before (D) class
III. c an vn v chn cu tr li ng nht in vo khong trng.
Association football, soccer or simply football is a/an (7) played
between two teams each (8)..................of 11 players and is widely considered to be the
most (9)..................sporting game in the world. It is a ball game played on a rectangular
grass field with a (10).................. at each end. The object of the game is to
(11) kicking or heading the ball into the opposing goal.
Cu 7: A. team
B. couple
C. individual
D. running
Cu 8: A. competing
B. including
C. consisting
D. eliminating
Cu 9: A. popular
B. popularity
C. populous
D. popularly
Cu 10: A. pole
B. gate
C. goal
D. net
Cu 11: A. consider
B. eliminate
C. compete
D. score
IV. Chn cu c ngha ng nh cu c cho.
Cu 12: Tom eats the whole cake, so he feels sick.
A. Tom feels sick because he hasn't eaten the whole cake.
B. If Tom didn't eat the whole cake, he wouldn't feel sick.
C. If Tom had eaten the whole cake, he would have felt sick.
D. If Tom hadn't eaten the whole cake, he wouldn't feel sick.
Cu 13: They were carrying two injured players out of the field.
A. Two players were injured and carried out of the field.
B. Two players were injured and carrying out of the field.
C. Two injured players were being carried out of the field.
D. The field was being carried two injured players.
Cu 14: They didn't recognize me until I talked.

A. It was not until I talked that they recognized me. B. They recognized me
when I talked.
C. They didnt recognize me when I talked D. It was not until I talked they
recognized me.
V. Chn t c trng m khc vi nhng t cn li.
Cu 15: A. event
B. postpone
C. compete
D. football
Cu 16: A. language
B. emotion
C. communicate D. combine
VI. Chn t hoc cm t ng in vo khong trng:
Cu 17: We are learning English a good job.
A. got
B. get
C. getting
D. to get
Cu 18: If I............ ill, I wouldn't have been absent from class.
A. weren't
B. hadn't been
C. had been
D. would
have been
Cu 19: The children became .. about the cartoon.
A. exciting
B. to excite
C. excited
D. excite
Cu 20: How do you do? .Im Bill Thomson.- .............................
A. What do you do?
B. How do you do?
C. Very well. Thank you
D. Thank you
Cu 21: The roads in our town..................... .
A. wide
B. are being widen C. are being widened D. are being
Cu 22: Like language, music is used to...............
A. entertain
B. communicate
C. entertainment
Cu 23: ..................does she jog every day for? To stay fit.
A. What
B. Why
C. Which
D. When
Cu 24: They do not want to live in a big city.................. they know its
A. as if
B. and
C. but
D. although
Cu 25: Pele is famous .................. his football record.
A. for
B. on
C. of
D. with
Cu 26: ............did you buy this book? -I bought it yesterday.
A. Why
B. Who
C. What
D. When
Cu 27: To say goodbye to somebody, you say...................
A. Pardon?
B. Bless you!
C. See you!
D. Great
Cu 28: There is .. book on the table. book is new.
A. the / The
B. a / The
C. the/ A
D. an / The
Cu 29: The World Cup is held every four years.
A. attracted
B. followed
C. planned
D. organized
Cu 30: It was not until December 25 ..................the exam results would be

A. which
B. that
C. what
when----------------------B.PHN T LUN
VII. Da vo t gi vit li nhng cu sau sao cho cng ngha nh cu
c cho
l. The girl didn't do her homework until her mother came home.
It was not until..................................................................................................
2. They went out although the weather was bad.
In spite of............................................................................................................
3. We dont buy this car because we dont have enough money.
4. I didnt have an umbrella with me and so I got wet
5. They are decorating the living - room
The living room......................................................................................................
1. It was not until her mother came home that the girl did her homework
2. In spite of the bad weather they went out
3 If we had enough money , we would buy this car.
4 If I had had a raincoat with me , I wouldnt have got wet
5 The living - room is being decorated
I. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following passage:
Hue was the capital city of Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam. Between
1802 (1).......1945 , it was the imperial capital of the Nguyen dynasty. As such, it
is well-known (2)....... its monuments and architecture. (3)....... population stands
at about 340,000 people. The city is (4)....... in central Vietnam on the banks of
the River Huong , just a few miles from the Thuan An Beach. It is about 540 km
south of Hanoi, the national capital, and about 644 km north of Ho Chi Minh City.
A. to
B. since
C. and
D. in
A. about
B. from
C. for
A. It's
B. Their
C. Its
D. It
A. set
B. found
C. founded
II. Read the text carefully and choose the correct answers:
Motion pictures- also called movies, films, or the cinema- are one of the
most popular forms of entertainment, enabling people to immerse themselves in an


imaginary world for a short period of time. But movies can also teach people
about history, science, human behavior, and many other subjects. Some films
combine entertainment with instruction to make the learning process more
enjoyable. In all its forms, cinema is an art as well as a business, and those who
make motion pictures take great pride in their creations.
The images that make up a motion picture are all individual photographs.
But when they appear rapidly in succession, the human eye does not detect that
they are separate images.
5: What are motion pictures also called?
A. movies
B. films
C. the cinema
D. All
are correct.
6: The people who make motion pictures feel ......... of their products.
A. ashamed
B. pride
C. proud
7: What is a motion picture made up by?
A. films
B. individual photographs
C. cameras D. All
are correct.
8: Which of the following sentences is NOT mentioned in the text?
A. Movies can make people more popular.
B. Movies not only can
help people learn a lot of subjects but also make the learning process more
C. Movies is also a business.
D. Movies can combine entertainment with instruction.
III. Choose the best option:
9: If I had gone to the bank this morning, I ....................................... money from
you now.
A. would not have borrowed
B. would not borrow
C. will no have borrowed
D. will no borrow
10: Which sentence has the same meaning as "Although he took a taxi, Bill still
arrived late for the concert"?
A. Bill arrived late for the concert whether he took a taxi or not.
B. Bill took a taxi to the concert, but he couldn't catch it.
C. Bill arrived late for the concert because of the taxi.
D. In spite of taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert.
11: Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting:
Tom Hain, who with Gilson had previously worked, contacted him about
the role.
12: She has saved a sum of money for her .............................. .
A. retiring
B. retire
C. retired
13: Do you know .................. name of ..................... Queen of ...................

A. no article / no article / the

B. a / no article / no article

C. a / the / an
D. the / the / no article
14: Choose the best answer to fill the blank in each sentence.
Mary: ". Christmas?"
Peter: "I went home for Christmas."
A. For what did you do
B. Where did you
C. What did you do for
D. What did you do
15: Choose the best answer to fill the blank in each sentence.
Mary: ".....................................................................there?"
Anne: "I spent three wonderful weeks there."
A. How often did you stay
B. How long did you stay
C. How far you stayed
D. How long you stayed
16: That's my friend ......................... comes from Japan.
A. where
B. who
C. which
D. whom
17: Choose the best answer to fill the blank in each sentence.
Hung: "Thank you very much for a lovely party."
Hoa: "........................................................."
A. Thanks B. Cheers
C. You are welcome
D. Have a good day
18: Chinese ............................. by more than one billion people all over the
A. is spoken
B. speaks
C. is speaking
D. spoken
19: Which word has the stress differently from the rest?
A. release
B. marine
C. receive
20: Which phrase has the same meaning as the underlined part in the sentence
He felt very proud to be a player of the national football team.
A. angry and upset B. sad and unhappy C. pleased and satisfied
D. out-going
and unpleased
21: Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting:
My younger brother prefers pop music than traditional music.
22: Which underlined and bold part has the different pronunciation from the rest?
A. important
B. tone
C. emotion
D. excited
23: Many fishes are in .......................... of dying out because of fishing and
pollution in the marine area.
A. dangerously
B. dangerous
C. endanger
D. danger
24: Which word has the same meaning as the underlined part in the sentence

How many countries took part in the first World Cup?

A. co- operated
B. participated
C. competed
25: Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting:
If you hadn't left the car unlocked, it wouldn't have be stolen.
26: Which underlined and bold part has the different pronunciation from the rest?
A. losing
B. open
C. close.
D. hold
27: Which sentence has the same meaning as "You ignored my advice, so you got
into trouble"?
A. If you don't ignore my advice, you don't get into trouble.
B. If you don't ignore my advice, you won't get into trouble.
C. If you didn't ignore my advice, you wouldn't get into trouble.
D. If you hadn't ignored my advice, you wouldn't have got into trouble.
28: Which word has the stress differently from the rest?
A. quality
B. example
C. tropical
29: Which sentence has the same meaning as "The performers did not appear on
the stage until all of the lights went out"?
A. It was not until all of the lights went out that the performers appeared on
the stage.
B. Because all of the lights went out the performers appeared on the stage.
C. Until the performers appeared on the stage all of the lights went out.
D. It was until all of the lights went out so the performers appeared on the
30: Which sentence has the same meaning as "They were carrying two injured
players out of the field"?
A. Two players were injured and carrying out of the field.
B. Two injured players were being carried out of the field.
C. The field was being carried two injured players.
D. Two players were injured and carried out of the field.
31: you prefer, love story films or thrillers?
A. Whom
B. Which
C. For which
D. What
32: Choose the best answer to fill the blank in each sentence.
Mai: ". .......................................................?"
Lan: "Not bad."
A. How are you
B. Who are you
C. What are you
D. Where are
you from
33: ..................... household chores can be done more quickly than before by
modern appliances, it still takes a lot of time to do housework.
A. If
B. Unless
C. And
D. Although
34: Mary finds it .................. to do homework every day. She feels ...................
with it.

A. bored / bored
B. boring / boring
C. boring / bored D.
bored / boring
35: What would Tom do if he ......................... the truth?
A. would know
B. knows
C. has known
36: Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting:
Philip was exceptionally annoying at Joan's behavior.
37: I am fond ............................ football but I am not good ...................... kicking.
A. of / at
B. out / of
C. on / in
D. in /
38: Peter disconnected the phone ................................................................ .
A. so as not to be disturbed
B. to disturb
C. to be disturbed
D. in order to disturb
39: Jessie ..........a beauty contest next month. She ...........everything with
excitement at the moment.
A. is taking / will make
B. will take apart in / is
going to make
C. takes / makes
D. is going to take part in /
is making
40: Which word has the same meaning as the underlined part in the sentence
The water is so contaminated that it is not suitable for drinking.
A. salty
B. polluted
C. toxic
Cu 1: Chn cu gn ngha nht vi cu cho:
The last time I met him was a week ago.
A. Its a week ago since I last met him.
B. It was a week since I last met
C. Its a week since I last met him.
D. Its been a week since Ive last
met him.
Cu 2: Chn t hay ng thch hp hon thnh cu sau:
The World Cup _____ every four years.
A. holds
B. is held
C. has been held
D. was held
Cu 3: Chn cu gn ngha nht vi cu cho:
My father didnt come home until 7 oclock.


A. It was before 7 oclock that my father came home.

B. It was 7 oclock, but my father didnt come home.
C. My father came home before 7 oclock.
D. It was not until 7 oclock that my father came home.
Cu 4: Chn t hay ng thch hp hon thnh cu sau:
That bag looks heavy. I _____ help you with it.
A. will
B. have to
C. should
D. must
Cu 5: Chn t hay ng c gch chn cn phi sa cu cho tr thnh
San Francisco, that is a beautiful city, has a population of six million.
A. of
B. that
C. has
D. is
Cu 6: Chn t hay ng thch hp hon thnh cu sau:
- _________
- They are friendly and open.
A. How many people are there?
B. Who are the people?
C. What are the people like?
D. How are the people?
Cu 7: Chn cu gn ngha nht vi cu cho:
It was raining, but the baseball game wasnt cancelled.
A. Though it was raining, the baseball game wasnt cancelled.
B. The baseball game wouldnt be cancelled until it stopped raining.
C. In spite of raining, the baseball still went ahead.
D. The organizer put off the baseball game until after the rain.
Cu 8: Chn t hay ng thch hp hon thnh cu sau:
- Would you like to have a cold drink?
- _______.
A. Yes, please.
B. Id like
C. Youre welcome D. Im fine
Cu 9: Chn t hay ng thch hp hon thnh cu sau:
A large hydroelectric dam ______ on the River Danube long time ago.
A. build
B. built
C. has built
D. was built
Cu 10: Chn t c phn c gch chn pht m khc vi cc t cn li:
A. group
B. danger
C. ground
D. goal
Cu 11: Chn t hay ng thch hp hon thnh cu sau:
Would you like ______ ice-cream? There is one in the fridge.
A. a
B. the
D. an
Cu 12: Chn t hay ng thch hp hon thnh cu sau:
Why do you always look so ____?
A. bore
B. boring
C. bored
D. B&C are
Cu 13: Chn t c phn c gch chn pht m khc vi cc t cn li:
A. founded
B. located
C. visited
Cu 14: Chn t hay ng thch hp hon thnh cu sau:

The water is so contaminated that we cant drink it. The word contaminated
in the sentence is closest in meaning to ______.
A. salty
B. toxic
C. polluted
Cu 15: Chn cu gn ngha nht vi cu cho:
Van Cao was known as a very talented musician. He wrote Tien Quan
A. Van Cao, whom wrote Tien Quan Ca, was known as a very talented
B. Van Cao, who wrote Tien Quan Ca, was known as a very talented
C. Van Cao who wrote Tien Quan Ca was known as a very talented musician.
D. Van Cao was known as a very talented musician who wrote Tien Quan Ca.
Cu 16: Chn t hay ng thch hp hon thnh cu sau:
______ the weather was extremely hot, they went jogging in the park.
A. Despite
B. Although
C. If
D. However
Cu 17: Chn t hay ng c gch chn cn phi sa cu cho tr thnh
Why are you saving money for? - To buy a computer.
A. Why
B. To buy
C. computer
D. saving
Cu 18: Chn t hay ng c gch chn cn phi sa cu cho tr thnh
It was not until 1915 when the cinema really became an industry.
A. was not
B. an
C. became
D. when
Cu 19: Chn t hay ng c gch chn cn phi sa cu cho tr thnh
How about take the train instead of the bus? Its much faster.
A. instead of
B. Its
C. take
D. much
Cu 20: Chn t hay ng thch hp hon thnh cu sau:
If they ____ me the job, I would have accepted it.
A. offered
B. have offered
C. offer
D. had
Cu 21: Chn cu gn ngha nht vi cu cho:
I dont know her phone number, so I cant call her.
A. You didnt give me her phone number, and I didnt call her.
B. I know her phone number but I havent called her.
C. If I knew her phone number, I would call her.
D. Ill look up her phone number and Id call her.
Cu 22: Chn t c phn c gch chn pht m khc vi cc t cn li:
A. teacher
B. champion
C. school
D. chair

c on vn sau, chn phng n ng nht cho mi cu hi, t cu 23 n

cu 27 .
Football is one of the worlds most popular sports. People have played the game
for hundreds of years and almost every country has a national football team. A
football match consists of two teams with eleven players on each side. Each team
is on one half of the pitch at the start of the game. When a referee blows his
whistle, the game begins.
The object of the game is to score goals against the other team. A goal is scored
by putting the ball in the other teams net, either with your foot or head. Each
football match lasts for ninety minutes. There is a half-time break after forty-five
minutes which lasts for about fifteen minutes.
The team that has scored the most goals by the end of the match is the winner.
If no team has scored a goal, the match is called a draw. The goalkeeper is the
person who stands between the goalposts and tries to stop people scoring goals. He
is the only player who can touch the ball with his hands. The ball is not allowed to
go outside the lines of the pitch. If it does, the game stops for a short time.
Cu 23: A football match starts when ______.
A. the referee blows his whistle
B. both teams are on the pitch
C. each team is on one half of the pitch
D. everybody is ready
Cu 24: How long does a football game last?
A. Nineteen minutes B. Fifteen minutes
C. Forty-five minutes D. Ninety
Cu 25: A match is called a draw if _______.
A. both teams score lots of goals
B. no goals have been scored
C. all the players score goals
D. one team scored more goals
than the other
Cu 26: Whats the goalkeepers job?
A. He must stand between the goalposts.
B. He must try to stop goals with his feet.
C. He must try to stop the ball going into the net
D. He must not go outside the goalposts.
Cu 27: Which of the following sentence is true?
A. All the players can throw the ball with his hands.
B. The players are not allowed to go outside the lines of the pitch.
C. The game stops for a while when the ball goes outside the line of the pitch.
D. A goal is scored by putting the ball in the other teams net with only the foot.
Cu 28: Chn t c trng m chnh v tr khc so vi cc t cn li:
A. continent
B. cartoon
C. composer
D. condition
Cu 29: Chn t hay ng thch hp hon thnh cu sau:
- ________
- I like pop music.
A. Do you like pop music?
B. What kind of music do you like?

C. Why do you like pop music?

D. Which do you prefer?
c on vn sau, chn t hay ng thch hp in vo ch trng, t cu 30
n cu 34 .
(30)____ is the safeguarding and preservation of natural resources so that they
can continue (31)____ and enjoyed. In the past, most people believed that the
worlds resources could never used up. Today, we know that this is not true. An
(32)____ part of conservation is the prevention of waste waste of forests, soil,
wild-life, minerals and human lives. As important is the fight against (33)____ of
our environment, in particular, the dirtying and poisoning of air and water.
Conservation is also concerned with the reclaiming of land by (34)___ deserts,
draining swamps or pushing back the sea.
Cu 30: A. Destruction
B. Conservation
C. Damage
D. Pollution
Cu 31: A. to be used
B. being used
C. to use
D. used
Cu 32: A. important
B. most important C. importance
Cu 33: A. pollution
B. pollutant
C. pollute
D. polluting
Cu 34: A. irrigate
B. to irrigate
C. irrigating
D. irrigation
Cu 35: Chn t hay ng thch hp hon thnh cu sau:
- What do you think of love story films?
- _______.
A. Thats a good idea.
B. I find them moving
C. I dont think so.
D. I prefer love story films.
Cu 36: Chn t hay ng thch hp hon thnh cu sau:
New York Harbour is ice-free in all seasons. The word ice-free in the
sentence is closest in meaning to ______.
A. not cold
B. full of ice
C. not paid for ice
D. not covered with ice
Cu 37: Chn t c phn c gch chn pht m khc vi cc t cn li:
A. weather
B. birthday
C. theatre
D. think
Cu 38: Chn t c trng m chnh v tr khc so vi cc t cn li:
A. tournament
B. victory
C. trophy
Cu 39: Chn t hay ng thch hp hon thnh cu sau:
Germany ______ in the final match, so it was the runner-up.
A. won
B. defeated
C. was defeated
D. gained
Cu 40: Chn t hay ng c gch chn cn phi sa cu cho tr thnh
Dont sit in the sun for too long. I think you are going to get sun-burnt.
A. sun-burnt
B. for
C. are going to
D. the











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