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The Songs



715 DR
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Table of Contents
Overview of the realm

page 3

Map of the Realm of Eaerlann

page 4

History of the Realm

page 5

The Laranlars &Rysars of Eaerlann

page 35

Geography of the Realm.

page 36


page 37


page 54

Ascalharla & Ascalhorn

page 65

Elvenport (TeutelAlu)

page 77

The Shining Falls

page 96

Other Places of Interest

page 97

Secrets of Aryvandaar

page 103

Treasures of Eaerlann

page 106

Art Work & Map Addresses for Eaerlann

page 110


page 112

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Eaerlann, The Guardian Realm of Ancient Secrets

Overview of the Realm
Eaerlann is a powerful nation composed primarily of Wood Elves and Moon Elves that has
endured for nearly six thousand years. It exists in the northern and eastern portions of the High
Forest, along the western banks of the River Shining, the Delimbyr. The realm is bound by the
eastern High Forest, from Turnstone Pass, in the north to the Shining Falls in the south. Its
border runs north across the Delimbyr River, taking in the Talon Hills, and the woods of the Far
Forest. This shared border with Ammarindaar then runs across the northern Graypeaks, before
running down the western bank of the Delimbyr until it reaches the Shining Falls.
Eaerlann was founded in the ruins of Aryvandaar in 4,700 DR, by nobles from Sharrven, who
were worried that the ambitious nation of Siluvanede would repeat the mistakes of
Aryvandaar, and spark a new Crown War. As such, Eaerlann was founded to stand vigil against
the Siluvanedenn and to stand watch over the hidden secrets of Aryvandaar. Now in its waning
years its population has began to dwindle as its residents leave for Evermeet or join the newer
realms appearing along the Sword Coast. Many Eaerlanni cities consist of hollowed-out trees
and platforms connected by dozens of slender rope bridges. Each major settlement holds at
least one tree-temple dedicated to the elven gods. Bards liken the lands around the River
Shining to a lush gardenwhere natural beauty is carefully pruned to produce an almost
supernatural paradise, fields are exceptionally fertile and farmers raise outstanding vegetables.
The meadows are bedecked with wild flowers throughout most of the year. The forests are the
province of fey, centaurs, and unicorns.
The realm of Eaerlann is governed by a High Council made up of representatives from all of the
major settlements and cities of the realm, along with representatives from each of the
Corselutaar of the various cities, the major temples, the AhkFaern and the AhkVelahrn. It is
presided over by the Coronal, who represents the will of the people and balances the decisions
of the council against what s/he considers is best for the realm. The Coronal is considered the
representative in Eaerlann of the will of the Seldarine, and is seen by many ordinary people as
their voice in the political games of the High Council. Advisors to the council come from
Ascalhorn, Ammarindar, Siluvanede, Silverymoon, Sharrven, Illefarn, Evereska and Evermeet.
Whilst they have a voice, they have no voting rights, and must rely on the other council
members to get their wants and needs addressed.

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History of Eaerlann
-9000 DR
The Fifth Crown War ends. The elves of
Aryvandaar abandon the High Forest.

8400 DR
A few sun elves return to found Siluvanede
in the northwestern reaches of the High

7600 DR
Moon elves and a few sun elves disaffected
with Siluvanedes growing elitism found
Sharrven in the southern reaches of the
High Forest.

-7549 DR
Naonnyr Durothil becomes the Coronal of
Siluvanede. Mindful of the Elven Court
decree and fearful of the Seldarines
reaction to their refounding of a Gold Elf
realm upon the ruins of ancient Occidian,
Naonnyr decrees that all temples are to be
outlawed, all their lands and assets seized
and forfeit to the crown.
The public reaction to his decree is
immediate. Riots break out across Lothen
and in the major settlements surrounding
the city. Many temples and their
communities refuse to follow the Coronals
decree. Over the next 9 months many
temples are converted or closed, others are
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burned or pulled to the ground. The High

Priests of the various Seldarine faiths flee
east into the High Forest, guiding their
faithful, as priests and their followers are
persecuted and driven out of the realm.
In response to these pogroms the Coronal
and his nobles are declared Apostate by all
the churches of the Seldarine.

-7500 DR
After wandering the wilderness for nearly
50 years, the priests of the Seldarine are
welcomed into the lands of the Moon Elf
Starsong clan, in the north eastern High
Forest. The clan leader donates much of his
estate including his familys ancestral home
on Starsong Hill to the establishment of a
new centre of religious freedom and
worship. The temple city of Mhilamniir is
founded with the raising of the triune
temples dedicated Corellon, Sehanine and
Labelas. The city becomes the centre of
religions and learning for elves all across the
north, including Gold Elven exiles from

5300 DR
The elves of Siluvanede erect a mythal in
the city of Adofhaeranede and rename it
Myth Adofhaer.

5000 DR

Survivors of House Dlardrageth, a clan of

demon blooded sun elves, flee from Arcorar
to Siluvanede.

Yrmellda Moonsong, a council of nobles and

several Shadow Queens from Lhuve.
-4690 DR

4800 DR
The Dlardrageths subvert several powerful
Siluvanedenn sun elf houses and, by
encouraging demon-elf crossbreeding,
create the feyri. The feyri houses conceal
their secret heritage and come to wield
great power in Siluvanede.

Founding of the Realm

4,700 DR
The realm of Eaerlann is founded by nobles
from Sharrven led by the Lady Moonsong,
who are worried that the ambitious nation
of Siluvanede will repeat the mistakes of
Aryvandaar, and spark a new Crown War.
Horribly alarmed at these events, nobles of
Sharrven who seek to restrict the ambitious
Siluvanedenn found the kingdom of
Eaerlann among the ruins of Aryvandaar.
The Velarshree of Sharrven, backs efforts by
War Leader Arccantyll Lighshiver and young
nobles to establish the realm. To this end
they begin rebuilding the walls of the ruined
capital Sharlarion, renaming it,
Glaurachyndaar, the City of Scrolls, atop the
ruins of Sharlarlion, the old capital of
Aryvandaar to keep safe the ancient
Vyshaanti secrets found buried there deep
within Sharlarlion Tor.
The Young Revivalists led by the enigmatic
Blade-Singer Yrmellda Moonsong, quickly
establish an active presence amongst the
transforming ruins of the old city. The first
building raised is the High Mages Palace,
formerly the ruling seat of power of House
Vyshaan. This becomes the first seat of
governance under the guidance of Laranlas
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Paranoid Coronal Maelin Starym of Lothen,

upset at the moves made by Sharrven
immediately begins building his own line of
watch tower (many upon the ruins of
Vyshaan citadels) along his southern and
western borders. Companies of infantry and
archers are sent to watch the borders alert
for attack from their treacherous kin to the
south and east.

4,550 DR
The tree city of Teauveamanthaar, founded
on the present day site of Talltrees, is
named the capital city of the nation of
Eaerlann. Laranlas Yrmellda Moonsong
moves the seat of governance to the newly
raised Stardark Palace. This grove of 24
gigantic Redwoods becomes the heart of
Eaerlanni power and throughout the
empires existence. A system of portals is
established at key points around the realm
along with a series of watch posts and signal
towers along Eaerlanns northern, western
and eastern borders, all interlinked by
portals and communication orbs.

-4540 DR
Laranlas Yrmellda Moonsong invites the
religious community of Mhilamniir to join
the realm under Teauveamanthaars
protection, whilst allowing complete
religious freedom and tolerance for worship
of all the nature spirits and deities
associated with the Seldarine. After months
of debate the high priests of the different
religious communities accept.

-4539 DR

Whilst travelling alone from Darmaerthe to

Mhilamniir, War Leader Arccantyll
Lighshiver is attacked and eaten by a rogue
green dragon and its mysterious demonic
rider. The famed High Mage Delsinor
Estelda become the next Araegisses of
Sharrven. Prior to their imprisonment, the
Dlardrageths have worked hard and made
pacts with some of the lesser houses of
Siluvanede to the west, formenting a war
against their betters (Durothil, Starym)
and Eaerlann.

4500 DR to 4300 DR
Seven Citadels War
These battles and skirmishes between the
elite forces of Siluvanede and the fledgling
forces of Eaerlann are sometimes
collectively referred to as the Sixth Crown

4500 DR
A dozen Mages and their heirs who had
originally imprisoned the Dlardrageths,
from Arcorar, track House Dlardrageth to a
secret lair beneath Ascals Horn. With the
aid of Eaerlanni forces headed by Laranlas
Yrmellda Moonsong, they slay several of the
Dlardrageths. Other Siluvanedenn houses
under Dlardrageth influence retaliate,
beginning the Seven Citadels War. Sarya
Dlardrageth and her sons are captured, but
the feyri-led Siluvanedenn fight on.
The offensive actions against the Feyri by
the combined might of the magi of Eaerlann
and Arcorar help ignite the flames of war.
Feyri led forces begin by attacking the
noble estates of Houses Durothil,
Moonflower, Swordstar, Irithyl, and Starym
those Moon and Gold Elf families seen as
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traitors to their cause. Arcorars people

become caught up in the conflict, and there
they die. Whilst they had only planned to
imprison the feyri for a few centuries, none
survived the war, who knew how to
realease them from the magical reverie,
thus in time they were forgotten.
Fearful of a return to Vyshaan style rule
Coronal Arreyla commands, Laranlor
Nendryll Silverspear of Ardeep to lead a
force of Green, Moon and Gold Elves into
the High Forest to put down the
Siluvaneden/Vyshaantar menace once and
for all. With ruthless efficiency, the
implacable Nendryll Silverspear, with lady
Yrmellda Moonsong acting as his second,
leads his troops on the systematic
destruction of all of Siluvanedes southern
and western holdings, settlements and
cities. Faced with invasion, the common
folk of Siluvanede rally to their leaders,
most of whom support or are in league with
the daemonfey.

The Siege of Bellan

-4498 DR
Moon, Gold and Green Elf forces from
Eaerlann and Ardeep lay siege to the
Siluvaneden citadel of Bellandaaran.
Laranlas Yrmellda Moonsong is killed in the
fighting when her command post and
banner bearers are immolated by a furious
storm of high magic launched from the city
This move enrages the attacking elves and
the small fortress city on the southern
slopes of the Lost Peaks is quickly over-run,
and a guerrilla style of warfare persists for
months amongst the hills and valleys
surrounding the mountains. The newly
crowned Coronal Terriavor Starym of

Siluvanede is killed in the battles for the

city. Dismayed by the initial losses by
Siluvanedes troops, the new Coronal, the
weak-minded Terralass Starym is forced to
pay closer attention to his generals, the
Lords Floshin, Ealoeth, Reithel, Yesve and
Lord Karrollyndor Moonsong, Lady
Yrmelladas brother Eaerlanns Araegisess,
is quickly promoted in the field, becoming
the next Laranlor of the realm.

-4489 DR
After suffering grievous losses from the
outset of the war, the demon tainted
houses of Siluvanede open the Vyshaan
armouries left to them by House
Dlardrageth. Eventually the Gold Elves open
four of the five armouries, unleashing
horrors upon the world that have not seen
daylight for more than 5000 years.
This move seriously undermines the efforts
of Lords Nendryll Silverspear and
Karrollyndor Moonsong to contain the
growing threat posed by the Sun Elves.
Outraged by the presumptive arrogance of
the Siluvaneden Gold Elves, the Araegisess
of Sharrven declares war upon the Vyshaan
pretenders, which in turn draws Illefarn into
the conflict.

-4449 DR
Sack of the Sunlit Spires
At Coronal Arreyla Moonflowers
command, Laranlors Nendryll Silverspear
and Karrollyndor Moonsong lead an army of
volunteers to attack the southern
Siluvaneden city of Arselyndaar. After a
protracted siege they manage to eliminate
many of the Feyri root and branch, but the
city is all but destroyed in the process.
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-4409 DR
Laranlor Karrollyndor Moonsong and his
entire command are slain when a balor lord
and his army of fiends suddenly appears in
their camp east of Riven Rock. The fiends
rend their way through much of the Lords
personal guard before finally teleporting
away. Seriously wounded is the High Priest
of Corellon, and Lord Karrolls twin brother,
the newly promoted Laranlor, Yrinsia

-4402 DR
The Battle of the Grandfather Tree
While camped within the Vale of the
Grandfather Tree, Coronal Terralass Starym
and his loyal retainers are attacked by a
horde of demons and yugoloths led by
winged, red skinned Elves wearing sable
and scarlet. Finding his courage at last, the
Coronal summons a mighty Soul Dragon to
obliterate the demonic host. This allows
several of his followers to flee, including the
High Herald Danthanae Mistrivven, who
carries word south to Lothen, of the
Coronals betrayal and murder by his
In the aftermath of the massacre of
Grandfather Woods, the Feyri Lord
Maerytim Reithel crowns himself Coronal of
Siluvanede, this with the full backing of his
fellow Feyri Lords.
Being basically good people the common
folk of Lothen are horrified, and when the
fey'ri secret escapes. This news sparkes a
rebellion amongst the common folk and
those nobles still loyal to the former
Coronal. This leads to a three-way war for

several years, with the fey'ri fighting

Siluvanede's populace, and both of them
fighting the Eaerlanni and Sharrven

complete annihilation of the Sharrven

fortress city of Tiru Orindraar.

-4357 DR
-4400 DR
The Rape of Telardon
The Battle of Aelyth (Swanship War)
Greatly strengthened by their use of
Vyshaan battle crawlers, and worse, the
feyri led troops of Siluvanede finally meet
the full might of Eaerlanns and Sharrvens
military forces when to two sides meet in
the glades and meadows surrounding the
Gold Elf settlement of Aelythvorshin, (a
tree town nestled upon the northern banks
of Starfire stream, a minor tributary of the
In a battle that rages for 21 days and nights
across vast stretches of forest, the
combined might of Eaerlanns and
Sharrvens armies, mages, dragons and the
timely arrival of the Skyfleet from Illefarn
sees the demonic elves and their gold elf
minions routed from the woods east of the
Lost Peaks and the Usurper Maerytim
Reithel captured by Laranlor Yrinsia
Moonsong, questioned at length and then
beheaded for his crimes.
With Maerytim Reithels untimely death,
the Dlardrageths crown Lord Karstelmor
Ealoeth as the next Coronal of the dying

-4363 DR
In revenge for their heavy losses sustained
at Aelyth, the Dlardrageths convince
several of Telardons Selutaar to make use
of a Vyshaan War Mythal. In an act of
human-like treachery the Feyri magi allow
their Gold Elf lackeys to die whilst they cast
an abomination that brings about the
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Joining a combined army from Shaarven

and Eaerlann, the elves of Ardeep and
Illefarn, sack and level Telardon, the City of
the Emerald Spires in retaliation for
Siluvanedes use of forbidden Vyshaanti
weapons and magic. The combined might
of Sharrven, Eaerlann, Illefarn and Ardeep
reduces Telardon to rubble. Much of the
feyris strength is slain defending the city,
along with its Coronal, the Lord Karstelmor
Ealoeth. Much of the fleeing populace is
slain by Nendrylls Green Elf (Gruarch)
mercenaries, as they scatter into the forest.
Down but not defeated the Daemonfey and
many of their noble followers retreat to the
hidden valleys and redoubts of the Lost
Peaks whilst sending the newly crowned
Lord Aliorfindor Floshin with the bulk of
their army back to Lothen where he turns
them loose upon a rebellious populace. The
result is much raping, looting, burning and
killing within the city walls before order and
an uneasy calm is restored.

-4354 DR
In a move designed to split the coalition of
realms arrayed against them, the feyri
secretly send out yugoloth and demonic
assassins to kill of their enemies leaders
meeting secretly in Glaurachyndaar to
discuss the progress of the war. Sneaking in
via hidden portals and guided by disguised
feyri agents, the fiends attacks the High
war Council reducing the High mages palace
to a smoking ruin.

Miraculously only one major leader is slain

whilst most others are wounded to some
degree. Laranlor Yrinsia Moonsong is laid to
rest in the crypts beneath the city with full
honours and his daughter, the Lady
Yrdianne Moonsong is elected by the
Council of Lords to replace her slain father.
Vowing revenge for her fathers death, the
Dragon Riding Lady Yrdianne begins hunting
the feyri responsible, in earnest.

-4331 DR
Coronal Aliorfindor Floshin of Siluvanede is
captured by dragon riders from Eaerlann
and Sharrven, lead by Laranlas Yrdianne
Moonsong, as he and his Sun Knights exit a
Daemonfey armoury in the northern forest.
Taken east to Teuveamanthaar, his capture
and the intelligence learned before his
execution leads the elves of the grand
alliance to discover the full extent of the
Daemonfeys nefarious plans and
Having learned of her leaders demise, the
unsympathetic ruler of House Aelorothi,
Astirya Aelorothi assumes the throne and
control of a realm consisting of Lothen and
its immediate surrounds.

4300 DR
The Sack of Lothen
With the full backing of the forces of
Sharrven brought to bear against the
increasingly desperate Siluvaneden, the
Seven Citadels war is finally ended by
Laranlas Yrdianne Moonsong and the
legions of Eaerlann, Ardeep and Illefarn,
with the sacking of the capital Lothen.
Fleeing with their surviving forces, the
Daemon Fey head to Narkerymhoarth to
open the final, and greatest armoury known
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to them. The final battle unfolds as

Sharrvenar High Mages, Dragons and
Windriders, battle with the feyri and their
demonic allies as they emerge from the fifth
armoury, Nar Kerymhoarth, in a desperate
and unsuccessful gambit to reverse their
fortunes in the war. The legacies of the
Vyshaan that cannot be destroyed are again
stored away in the darkest vaults and
galleries of the armoury. Once sealed the
Moon Elves refuse, and forbid anyone from
speaking its name, and establish a garrison
of strong Spell blades to forever watch over
this darkest of evils.
With the death of Coronal Astirya Aelorothi,
the final surrender of Lothen and the defeat
of the feyri, the Seven Citadels War ends,
and Eaerlann forcibly annexes Siluvanede.
Upon discovering the deceit of the feyri,
untainted Siluvanedenn High Mages place
the city of Myth Adofaer in magical stasis,
effectively fleeing to the far future to
escape association with the feyri houses.
Most of the surviving feyri warriors are
imprisoned in Nar Kerymhoarth, the
Nameless Dungeon but some avoid capture
and eventually spawn long-lived houses of
demon-tainted elves that successfully
conceal their nature.
Coronal Arreyla sends a contingent of
Armathors and Song Knights to watch over
the various Feyri prisons, and to assist with
the hunting down of any who remain.
The crusades leaders, the rulesr of Illefarn,
Ardeep, Sharrven and Eaerlann order their
troops to occupy all the remaining
settlements, cities and towns of Siluvanede.
They begin a program of active;ly disarming
the populace and holding trials for those
guilty of the worst crimes that the people
can imagine. Many committed while
working alongside the demons.

Laranlas Yrdianne Moonsong ends
Siluvanedes formal period of occupation
with the appointment of the first Duke of
Lothen, Aulathar Starsword. Siluvanede
ceases to be an independent realm with the
establishment of this new Duchy.

-4188 DR
The Cloven Shield Goblinoid Horde led by
the Ogre-Magi Kjaius Nathrglasht thunders
out of the Crags and Spine of the World.
They quickly over run many of Illefarns
northern settlements with refugees pouring
into Aelinthadaar via the portal network.
Leading a small relief force from Caelpiir
Kassaldor Estelda manages to save
countless elves whilst buying time for the
Coronal to gather her forces.

Lady Yrdianne Moonsong travels to

Evermeet to meet with her 4 children and
invite them back to live with her now that
the High Forest is at peace. Her son, Lord
Hiyandar Moonsong and his family take up
the offer as the lady also brings back many
treasures back from the west, including
casket containing a seed carefully nurtured
since the death of the original Tree of Life in

-4177 DR
After a long and at times difficult reign, Lady
Yrdianne is laid to rest next to her husband
in the family crypts beneath the High Mages
Palace in Glaurachyndaar. At ther
coronation ceremony held in the
Contemplation Glade of Mhilamniir, Prince
Hiyandar Moonsong becomes the last
Laranlor and the first Coronal of Eaerlann.

4160 DR
Lady Yrdianne orders Araegisses Honolwynn
Auglamyr west with three battle hardened
legions of infantry, along with 2 legions of
archers and a contingent of spellblades. In
all 45000 Elven warriors march to Illefarns

The War of the Moonrose

Leading the largest army of elves seen since
the end of the Sixth Crown war, Coronal
Yrgenta and her 100000 warriors smash the
Cloven Shield Horde upon the Plains of
Iliyannar outside the gates of the city
currently under siege. Singling out the
hordes leader Kjaius for single combat,
Yrgenta manages to slay her, but not
without being mortally wounded in the

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The Shield Dwarf Prince Ammar Ironfist

leads a collection of clans north from the
shattered remnants of Shanatar and
Besilmer to establish a new realm in the
central Grey peak Mountains Ammar
Ironfist I becomes the first king of the newly
established realm of Ammarindar. Lord
Ammar approaches Coronal Hiyandar
seeking permission for his people to settle
in the high valleys and hills above the
Greyvale. This agreement suits both parties
as the dwarves guard the under ground
approaches and provide valuable materials
and the elves gaurd the surface and do
likewise. With prompting from the Coronal
of Eaerlann, Laranlor Aulathar instigates a
free trade agreement between the two
realms in an attempt to make up for past ill
deeds between the two races.

-4002 DR

Coronal Hiyandar Moonsong suddenly falls

ill, a victim of an outbreak of blacklung that
no knowm spell can cure. At least 1000
elves die before the outbreak runs its
course, including the Coronal. His death is
mourned by many, but he is not alone as
the realm grieves for the deaths of most of
the Coronals immediate family. Hiyandars
closest living relative Daenthiara
Moonflower is crowned the next Coronal of

-4001 DR
The dwarves of Greyvale Delving discover
the crystal filled caverns of Splendarrmornn
beneath the western most Greypeak,
naming it the Shining Mountain. After little
debate Ammar Ironfist I elects to establish
his realms capital beneath the Shining Falls.
Collectivley the elves and dwarves begin
construction of the twins ports of the
Shining Falls, the portage between them
and the Shining Falls Keep, situated above
the falls.

3917 DR
The drow city of Menzoberranzan is
founded by Menzoberra the Kinless. In that
same year, Aradoness Kassaldor Estelda, is
slain by drow raiders looking for ancient
Vyshaan weapons and magics in the ruins
dotted about the High Forest.
LaranlasYsmyra Starsword leads a punitive
expedition driving hundreds of Drow raiders
deep into the Lost Peaks before trapping
and slaughtering more than 900 Dark Elves
beneath the cliffs in the Vale of Riven Rock.

finished royal vaults established beneath

the centre of the Shining Falls. Ammars son
Ammar II is crowned the new king of

-3843 DR
The drow city of Ched Nasad is founded,
beginning centuries of strife between the
drow and the dwarves of Ammarindar.

3900 DR, Delzoun, the great

Northkingdom of the dwarves, is founded.

3845 DR
The Elves of Eaerlann began discreetly
observing the fledgling nation of Netheril.
After fifteen years of observation, the Elves
formally approached the Netherese
Humans, with promises of teaching them
the secrets of Mystras Art. Accepting,
Therion of Gers becomes the first student of
the Eaerlanni Elves, and the first Arcanist of
Netheril. Coronal Daenthiara warns that if
humans are not taught to use magic in a
responsible and mature manner then they
are very likely to repeat the planet shaking
mistakes that doomed the sarrukh and
almost doomed the elves to nearly total

-3656 DR

-3850 DR

Laranlas Ysmyra Starsword and a contingent

of Songkhights are killed at the Citadel of
Mists, when a gate they are travelling
through mysteriously malfunctions. The
Araegisess, Shantelor Starsword
immediately assumes the mantle of
Laranlor of Siluvanede, becoming the Third
Duke of Lothen.

King Ammar Ironfist I dies of extreme old at

the age of 691 and is interred in the newly

The High Magi of Tall Trees erect a mythal

warding the Citadel from future portal

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mishaps and further binding its demonic

inhabitants to their eternal slumber.

3655 DR
Orcs pour forth from the Spine of the
World, first meeting a mighty host of Gold
Elves marching out of Siluvanede, the orcish
vanguard is annihilated at heavy cost to the
Gold Elves whilst the main host continues
its destructive run south where the elves of
Illefarn and Eaerlann stand to meet them on
the west bank of the Dessarin River at the
Battle of Weeping Arrows.
Just about to be overrun by the 150000
strong horde, a relief force in the form of
dragons from Sharrven and Dwarves of
Ammarindar led by King Azkuldar, turn
them back with help from the fledgling
Netherese Empire and the Rengarth
barbarians. Driven south this orcish
incursion last 19 years.

3649 DR
The Netherese begin to enslave the rock
gnomes living in the hills nearby. Fleeing
refugees begin creeping into the Greystone
hills in the north western reaches of
Ammarindar. Alarmed at such a turn of
events, Coronal Daenthiara orders his
agents into the realms of the Netherese to
begin funnelling out captive gnomes and
anyone else seeking to escape the growing

the newest ruler of Eaerlann. In a ceremony

of solemn beauty, Lord Daenthiara
transcends his mortal form along with
several dozen other elders in the
contemplation glade in Mhilamniir in a
ceremony known as the Gathering of the
Leaf Wardens Souls.

3533 DR
A group of Netherese explorers enter into
ruins located in the eastern Nether
Mountains, an ancient citadel dating from
old Aryvandaar, after slaughtering the band
of resident Tomb Guardians and Song
Knights as well as a tribe of Mountain Green
Elves camped nearby they return to their
home with a very special prize in tow: The
Nether Scrolls. Using the knowledge that
The Nether Scrolls grants them, the
Netherese begin relying less and less on the
magics that the Eaerlanni are teaching
them. Eventually, they completely
abandoned their Eaerlanni tutors, in favour
of the power The Nether Scrolls give them.

- 3520 DR
The Elvish agents of the Coronals
NVhaelurr of Eaerlann begin quietly
rescuing captives enslaved by the
Netherese funnelling them to the nations
borberds via safe holds in and under
Ammarindar. The coronal then orders his
own people to assist the small bands of
gnome refugees and others who arrive on
their borders.

-3616 DR
-3274 DR
After a long and evenful life filled with many
trials and tribulations Coronal Daenthiara
Moonflower hands over the reins of power
to his daughter, the Moon Priestess
Daanaluu Moonflower, who with the
blessings of the council of nobles, becomes
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Netherese settlers begin moving into the

Greystone Hills (Fallen Lands), lands already
claimed by Ammarindar, and filled with
dwarven farms and steadings. This is
despite veiled warnings from Coronal

Daanaluu to Netherils rulers not to allow its

citizens to cross the frontier uninvited. Her
warnings both veiled and obvious are duly
ignored by the greedy land grabbing

spreads out of control and beyond the

Graystone region. Despite her best efforts
all attempts at compromise are rebuffed by
the over confident Netherese.

3150 DR
-3270 DR
Greystone Border Wars
The first serious clashes between human
and dwarven settlers occur near the site of
present day Storm Keep. These clashes
escalate dramatically when Netherese
arcanists employ potent magics and
monsters to clear away vast tracts of
scrubby forest and dwarven settlements
both. These clashes initiate 300 years of low
level internecine battles known as the
Greystone Border Wars.
Eaerlanns Magi and Priests retaliate by
isolating and wiping out several contingents
of Netherese mercinaries and the arcanists
supporting them.

-3252 DR
Queen Freya is killed whilst repulsing a
concerted Netherese push into the
southern Greystones the Netherese are
massacred but at great cost to the dwarves.
Freyas brother, Connar Tarynstone
becomes the next king of Ammarindar.

-3189 DR
Coronal Daanaluu Moonflower leads a
delegation to meet Netherrils leaders in an
attempt to get peace talks underway. With
the backing of the Shadow Queens of
Sharrven and the Coronal of Illefarn, Lady
Daanaluu works hard to gain a peaceful
soloution to the border war before it
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With the help of Songknights from across

the north the Trail of Mists (a series gate) is
established to speed the escape of gnome
slaves from Netheril. Parties of magi and
Songknights are despatched to set up way
stations along the trail until the gnomes can
be taught to manage it for themselves. The
ruins of an abandoned Vyshaanti fortress
(below what later becomes the Citadels of
the Mists), are given over to gnomish
refugees as a clearing house.

3149 DR
Thousands of gnomes continue to pour
across the border into Ammarindar and
overcrowding in the established safe zones
becomes a very real problem. Contacting
his cousins in the Copper Mountains way off
to the east King Connar I negotiates the
resettlement of many gnomish refugees
into that region a thousand miles from their
Netherese tormentors. Coronal Daanaluu
negotiates with the dwarves and gnomes to
establish a series of portals connecting
Eaerlann and Splendarrmorn with the new
Gnomish holdings to the east. Because of a
large influx of gnome refugees into the
area, the secret gnome kingdom of
Songfarla is officially founded beneath the
Sunrise Mountains separating the Horde
lands from Faern.

-2990 DR
After several resounding defeats of their
eastern armies by the Netherese and their
orcish allies, the dwarves of Ammarindar

relinquish their claim upon the Greystone

Hills, ceding them to Netheril. Coronal
Daanaluu orders the construction of a series
of heavily warded and interlinked citadels
and watch towers on Eaerlanns all the way
up and down the realms eastern border.

-2837 DR
Coronal Daanaluu marries Darraindath
Hawksong of Arcorar. Considered a late age
to marry, the 800 year old monarch
nominates her grand nephew as the heir
apparent to the throne.

-2800 DR
A minor Draco rage descends upon the
settlements of the Greypeaks, many smaller
villages and steadings are lost to a flight of 2
red, 1 blue, and 4 green dragons. Lord
Darraindath leads a flight of dragon riders
from Tall Trees and Sharrven against the
marauding wyrms. Most of the dragons are
either slain or driven off but not without the
loss of hundreds of lives, including Lord
Darraindath and the Queen of Ammarindar
and both of her sons.

-2880 DR
It is discovered by a court-mage from
Illefarn that Lipwyll of Ardeep is consorting
with a cable of Feyri operating from the
ruins of Telardon. Advised by the
Corselutaar Adriana Suldusk, Coronal
Yrnvae orders Ilefarns forces to track down
and destroy the feyri and their allies. In the
ensuing battle Lipwyll and most of the Feyri
are slain by a contingent of High Magi and
Spell Blades led by Chorara Saarinstar. The
surviving Feyri and their demonic minions
are tracked down by dragon Riders and
destroyed upon the slopes of Mount
Hotenow before they can escape into its
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fiery depths.

-2871 DR
Standing atop the highest tower in
Glaurachyndaar the aged and heart-broken
Lady Daanaluu immolates herself in a
spectacular show of silver-fire, confirming
many an elfs secret suspicions that she was
a chosen disciple of Sehanine. Awed by the
spectacular display of divine power, the
people of the city compose many songs and
odes about their famous queen. At the
coronation ceremony in Mhilamniir, the
new Coronal Astyrondor Moonflower,
dedicates a new temple within the Moon
Towers precinct in honour of the late Lady

-2770 DR
The Slaughter of Sharrven
Not all of the Gold Elves of Siluvanede
accept their defeat. Three houses, Floshin,
Ealoeth and Aelorothi flee to the depths of
the pillaged Dlardrageth strongholds.
Where they plot in secret to re-build their
strength. Following the example of the
Dlardrageths, the Gold Elves summon and
breed with succubi and Incubi thus both
strengthening and forever tainting their
After centuries of carefully selective
breeding, they create a clan of Feyri skilled
in magic and possessing powerful innate
abilities. Utilising all that they have learned
about the relative strengths weaknesses of
Sharrvens defences, the Feyri shift their
base of operations to the ruins of
Tyllathardon in Morynath. There they reawaken the citadels abandoned portal
nexus. Over the next few months using a
captured colony of Deep Spawn, and an

alliance with a demon named

Maloruskand, they summon hordes of
demonic minions and enslaved goblins,
giants, and trolls. Others make use of
captured Dragon Orbs to summon and
unleash a Dragon Rage.
The feyri choose the autumn equinox to
unleash their hordes through the very
portal network established by the Vyshaanti
so many millennia before. Using spells
taught to them by demonic powers the
Feyri magi cast spells that transform the
very forest animals into unspeakable
horrors. These along with their summoned
and suborned minions begin pouring forth
from their hidden caves and grottos.
The Daemonfeys careful planning and
spells cause a seeming explosion of
monsters that begin appearing right in the
heart of almost all the major cities and
settlements within Sharrven, and beyond to
Illefarn, Eaerlann and Ardeep. The ensuing
slaughter leads to the collapse of Sharrven,
leaving naught but a few Elven settlements
and outposts in the southern High Forest.
Along with the thousands of nobles and
common folk killed in the fall of Lhuve,
Coronal Astyrondor Moonflower of
Eaerlann and most of his entourage, are
amongst the slain.
Having been in the job for only 20 years
Oluevaera Estelda leads Sharrvens
shattered forces in a series of desperate
rear-guard actions, from Telriincaer in the
west to burning Lhuve in the east. Finally
when she thinks that no more can be done
to save her dying realm, help arrives in a
form she darent ever look for.
Survivors flee to Cormanthyr, Ardeep,
Illefarn, Eaerlann and Evereska. The
mysterious arrival of a flight of silver
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dragons wielding Elven high magic led by

the Grand High Mage Zaofhaor
Moonflower, manages to stem the worst
ravages of the horde preventing it from
spreading across the Lhuvael River (Hearts
Blood River) and into Eaerlann. King Connar
IV of Ammarindar vanquishes many of the
creatures that have devastated Sharrven,
including the red wyrm Rithaerosurffel,
known as the Bane of Sharrven.
Arcorselutaar Zaofhaor Moonflower takes
temporary command of Sharrvens and
Eaerlanns scattered forces.
Oluevaera Estelda leads a ragged group of
3000 survivors west to Arcorar where they
establish a small refuge an name it in
honour of Oleuvaeras Silver Dragon clutch
mate, the young wyrm Sshrinnishaaress.
The people calling themselves the Lost Elves
of the Srinshinnar.
Using the portal network established so
long ago by the Elves of Illefarn, Coronal
Ormlanass orders Illefarns troops into the
Hills of Dardath and beyond, to stem the
monster hordes southern advance. After
many days of running forest battles,
Araegisess Valiaor Ildacer and King Connar
IV of Ammarindar meet at the confluence of
the Delimbiyr and Lhuvael Rivers atop the
corpse of a great red Wyrm the dwarf has
just slain.
Outraged by this sudden reappearance of a
menace long thought laid to rest,
LaranlorTamadyws Amarillis secretly leads
all of the knights of the Reformed Order of
the Midnight Sun, south to Morynath to
root out the feyri menace once and for all.
In the ensuing battle 500 feyri are trapped
and systematically slain within the tunnels
and ruins when they find all of the portals
leading from the citadel do not function,
but still some hundred manage to escape

via deep tunnels into the underdark.

Frustrated by the escape of so many
Tamadyws Amarillis resigns his commission
and gives up the crown so he and his
remaining knights can run the remaining
feyri to ground. In his place, his daughter
Labelia Amarillis accepts to title and
responsibilities that go with being the
newest Duchess of Lothen.
With the immediate crisis over, Coronal
Zaofhaor Moonflower hands the reins of
power back to the rightful heir, and
assumes his place as Lord of
Glaurachyndaar and Grand High Mage of
Eaerlann. The Duskblade Songknight Eafora
Starsong becomes the next Coronal of the
Empire and announces the formal
annexation of ruined Sharrven, creating two
new duchies for the realm.
The sudden population influx, coupled with
the possibility that someone attempted to
destabilize Eaerlanns government, caused
the Eaerlanni Elves to retreat within
themselves, maintaining a neutral outlook
on other nations, as not to incur the wrath
of any nation during the tumultuous time.

-2357 DR
Laranlas Labelia Amarillis travels to
Evermeet to see to the settlement
arrangements of those citizens of
Siluvanede who wish to migrate west. The
first major settlement to elect to retreat are
the Gold Elves of Orlgotha, the 7500
ArtelQuessir give up their homes, as
Lothens High Magi erase the city from the
face of Faerun

-2263 DR
Lady Labelia Amarillis herself sails into the
Page | 17

west with many Gold and Moon Elves from

Shilrua, the second Siluvanedenn city to be
erased from the realms. The 1200 year old
High mage and most of her 9000 kin make
up the bulk of the elves sailing west upon
the swan ships of Evermeet.
In her place, the Lords of Eaerlann select
the Spellsinger and Armathor, Hastarlon
Goadulphyn as Siluvanedes sixth Duke of

2387 DR
After intense negotiations, trade embargoes
and sabre rattling by Eaerlann, Illefarn and
Ammarindar, Netheril releases all its gnome
slaves who promptly leave the empire
heading west, south and east to Songfarla
via the portals established by the
Songknights in Ammarindar and Eaerlann.

-2119 DR
Lady Eafora Starsong the Peace Bringer,
finally lays aside her cares for the world and
joins her husband in the forests of
Arvanaith. Before fading from this world
she nominates her grand-daughter, the
High Mage Ealanndra Starsong as her heir. A
nomination resoundingly supported by the
Council of Nobles in Teuveamanthaar.

2103 DR
A horde of orcs from the Spine of the
World, led by giants and their ogre generals,
crushes the human civilization of Illusk
despite aid from Netherese arcanists led by
Jeriah Chronos the Chronomancer.
Heading south they run into an alliance of
Elves from Illefarn, Siluvanede and
Eaerlann. In the ensuing battle, known to
bards as the War of Wailing Shadows, the
combined High Magi of the three realms

bring down boulders and stars from the sky

upon the mighty horde, whilst the armies
round up and exterminate the survivors.
The retreating horde is crushed by a legion
of Steel Shields and Griffon Riders from
Fellridge who leave not one goblinoid or
giant alive.

-2020 DR
Laranlor Hastarlon Goadulphyn marries his
long time love, the Lady Amellia
Moonflower in a majestic ceremony
attended by the whos who of Elven society
at the feet of the Dancing Falls. The couples
union is attended by heads of state from all
across the twin empires of Illefarn and

-1984 DR
Coronal Ealanndra Starsong marries her
long-time love, the Duke Berenyll Hawksong
of Arcorar, and it is not long before they are
celebrating the birth of their first child, the
Prince Earrollas.

-1902 DR
Celebrations are held across the empire as 3
new temples to the Seldarine are raised in
Glaurachyndaar, TeutelAlu and
Teuveamanthaar. This year is also marked
by an unusually high number of births
amongst all the peoples of the realm.

-1826 DR
The practices of combining art, song, dance
and magic reach their heights with the
commissioning of many new works and the
opening of the Spellsong Academy in
Mhilamniir and the laying of the mythal
around the spellsong wroght city of
Evaliiraardon in the heart of the High
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1700 DR
The gnomes are forced to erect additional
wards around the ancient armory beneath
the citadel of Mists and abruptly cease
using it as a central way station of the Trail
of Mists. One or more of the bound demons
that have long guarded the legacies of the
Vyshaantar Empire manages to escape the
former armourys lower catacombs and
only the desperate action of a small band of
forest gnomes and moon elven adventurers
manages to keep the unbound demons
from escaping the upper catacombs as well.
Eventually High Magi from Eaerlann
reinforce and repair the mythal keeping the
fiends and many other horrors locked

-1643 DR
Coronal Ealanndra Starsong, the High
Priests of the many temples and a circle of
High Magi from Glaurachyndaar raise
powerful mythal over the city of Mhilamniir,
in effect creating twio citys in existence at
the same time. This is done in response to
a prophecy discovered in an ancient vault,
dating from the fall of Occidian, only
recently unearthed in Lothen.

-1500 DR
After a long and peace filled reign Coronal
Ealanndra Starsong passes on to Arvandor
as her son, the Knight Prince Earrollas
Starsong takes over from his mother,
finding almost straight away, that they are
very hard shoes to fill.

-1465 DR-1465 DR

-1437 DR
The Battle of Laughing Giants
An unholy alliance of cloud, fog and frost
giants emerges from the Great Glacier,
thundering through the Moon Woods and
western Delzoun. Sacking and burning
every settlement and steading in their path,
this army of over 500 giants and countless
ogres and winter wolves is met head on by
Dwarven Steel Shields of Delzoun, and Gold
Elf Knights and Moon Elf Dragon Riders
from Lothen and Glaurachyndaar.
In heavy storms brought on by the druids of
the advancing giants, the Elves, Dwarves
and Dragons stage a series of running
battles and skirmishes all across the
Evermoors, carefully luring the behemoths
towards the junction of the Laughing Flow
and Subrin Rivers.
In a ruse worthy of the finest sagas the
elves fool the giants into gathering at the
confluence of the two rivers by retreating to
this narrow tongue of land. Surrounded
and apparently out-numbered, the rapidly
dying elves led by the Coronal of eaerlann
and his battalion of Duskblade, suddenly
spring their trap as almost 50 High Magi, a
dozen dragons and three whole circles of
druids cause the waters to rise up, the sky
to rain fire and the earth to swallow the
gathered host of giants, ogres and wolves.
Most of the elves die alongside their
giantish foes acting as an anchor for the
Spell Storm. Amongst the dead are the selfsacrificing Coronal Earrollas Starsong and
300 of his bravest knights and spellblades.
The Araegisses of Eaerlann, the late rulers
cousin, Forondin Starsong becomes the next
to wear the Crescent Moon Crown of

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A new vast load of adamantium is

discovered beneath the peaks above
Whitewater. A sudden influx of migrants
from other failing realms more than
doubles Ammarindars current population
to almost 300 000 dwarves. With this
sudden influx of wealth and power, Princess
Lobelia urges her husband to go on a
building spree and thus begin the building
of the Adamantine Palace in the largest of
the crystalline caverns of Splendarrmornn.
A new era of wealth and prosperity is
enjoyed by the empires of Eaerlann and
Ammarindar, even as their counterparts in
Illefarn and Delzoun are on the wane.
Relations with Netheril are stable and trade
is as strong as it has ever been.
Coronal Forondin Starsong marries the Lady
Tanaavael of Evermeet and together they
tour the realm, shifting the seat of
government from city to city every 25 years.
This is seen as a radical yet important
departure as it settles the criticisms of a
ruler distant and out of touch with his

-1384 DR
Coronal Forondin Starsong is struck down
by a mysterious shaking illness that leaves
him speechless and unable to move without
help. The princess Tanaavael rules in his
name much to the annoyance of those
power hungry sycophants who were close
to the formerly healthy Coronal.

-1291 DR
Dark elves attack the halls beneath East
Keep, in a sudden reversal of fortunes the
previously spineless king leads his armies to

counter the increasingly aggressive moves

in the mountains north of Horindon Lhar.
The Star Knight Lady Tanaavael Durothil
leads a contingent of knights, magi and
spellblades into the caves of Horindon Lhar
and succeeds in saving several besieged
dwarven holds and killing many hundreds of
drow and several thousand goblinoid slaves
in the process.

-1246 DR
The Battles of Bloody Snows
The drow of Ched Nasad are finally driven
from their surface holdings and upper
underdark halls by a combined effort
Ammarindar and Eaerlann. In order to
prevent the drow from re-establishing
within these ranges Ammarindar
establishes a colony and fortifications
around the newly conquered drow mines
calling the new delves, North Peak. In an
agreement with the elves, the dwarves
build a series of watch towers jointly
garrisoned by both races.

-1186 DR
After a lengthy and peaceful reign the aged
Laranlor Hastarlon Goadulphyn quietly
passes onto Arvandor, despite persistent
rumours, his draconic status is never
publicly revealed, thus giving Lord Hastarlon
the unique sobriquet of Hastarlon the
Immortal Mage.
In a break from tradition, the Coronals of
Eaerlann and Illefarn agree that their
married children shall jointly rule the realm
in preparation for its eventual retreat to
Evermeet. This Neradass & Cataliya
Starsong become Duke and Duchess of
Lothen. A move that angers many staunch
supporters of the old system of rulership
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they enjoyed under Lord Hastralon.

-1123 DR
Coronal Forondin Starsong finally succumbs
to his illness and passes quietly onto
Arvandor without his tacit support the Lady
Tanaavael is removed from office and
imprisoned by her nephew Faranllass
Starsong who is elected the next Coronal of
Eaerlann by a greatly trelieved council of

1100 DR
The Retreat to the Undying Lands
Illefarns last coronal, Syglaeth Audark,
commands a Retreat to Evermeet. The
remnants of the elf empire fragment into
the independent realms of Ardeep,
Iliyanbruen (in Neverwinter Wood), and
Rilithar (in Westwood and Kryptgarden
Joining the exodus from Illefarn, Lord and
Lady Neradass & Cataliya Starsong lead
almost half of Siluvanedes Gold Elves west
to Evermeet. High Mages from Lothen
proceed to erase the settlements of Aelyth
and Bellan from the map of the realm. A
goodly number of Gold and Moon Elf
stalwarts reject the Lord and Ladys
command and elect to stay in Lothen rather
than join the retreat.
With the disillusion of Illefarn, Eaerlanns
Coronal becomes the paramount symbols of
Elvish political power in western Faerun.
Touring the new splinter kingdoms he
invites many of their residents to join his
people. At the same time the rulers of
Rilithar, Ardeep and Illiyannar recognise the
Coronals suzerainty over the Telquessir
west of the Anaurach.

-1014 DR

Eaerlann and distant Songfarla.

The Axe, Staff and Sabre Wars

-1008 DR

In a move designed to destabilise the

dwarven realm and gain both Ched Nasad
and Netheril much needed resources, both
realms begin simultaneous raids against
Ammarindars eastern holdings. The city of
East Keep finds itself besieged above and
below by goblinoid hordes driven to battle
by their dark elf and human masters.

After 6 years of often catastrophic warfare,

King Olaurin and Coronal Faranllass
Starsong lead their troops south to reopen
the trade route through the Vale of
Naurogloth. Confronted by a series of
cunningly built fortifications spanning the
pass, they begin laying siege along a 10 mile
front. Deadlocked after 6 months the siege
is finally lifted when reinforcements from
Netheril are slaughtered by archers and
spell blades from Eaerlann and Ardeep who
perform a brilliant flanking manouver
making use of the ancient Vyshaan Portal
Nexus known as The Thousand Fold Way.

At the same time the delves of Greyvale and

Whitewater come under similar attack. The
passes of Horindon Lhar and Naurogloth are
occupied and garrisoned by human and
orcish mercenaries in the pay of their
human Netherese masters.

-1004 DR
-1013 DR
A relief force from Glaurachyndaar and
Splendarrmorn of elves and dwarves is
halted in its tracks at the entrance to
Horindon Lhar by a force of drow and led
ogres and stone giants assisted by arcanist
mercanaries from Netheril. The retreating
elves and dwarves suffer heavy losses
before finally finding safety in the hills
around Obrynns Landing.

-1012 DR
Having survived two years of siege, East
Keep is finally abandoned with great loss of
life on both sides. The orcs and drow move
in and soon turn on the humans who seek
to beat them to the hidden armouries and
treasuries within the city.
King Olaurin leads a relief force to Greyvale
and then to Whitewater routing the
humans and goblinoids occupying the vale
with the help of arcane casters from
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With Netheril out of the war and a slow

trickle of trade beginning to return along
the southern trade routes, King Olaurin and
Coronal Faranllass marshals their forces for
one more push to oust the drow once more
from their northern conquests. After
months of constant fighting the drow and
their goblin hordes are finally driven back
almost to the gates of Ched Nasad. Knowing
that they lack the strength to take the city,
the Coronal and the King elect instead to
seal the nearest tunnels isolating the city
from the surface realms for 50 miles

897 DR
King Olaurin, greatest hero-king of
Ammarindar, is slain by the deep dragon
Erthungaron. His funeral is attended by
dignitaries from across the realms. His best
friend and confidante, Coronal Faranllass
dedicates a statue raised in his honour
whilst reading the Kings eulogy at his

memorial service in Splendarrmorn.

461 DR

550 DR

The Phaerimm begin casting the spells that

eventually lead to the creation of the Great
Desert of Anauroch and the abandonment
of Low Netheril.

With help and guidance from Coronal

Faranllass High Magi, King Azkuldar III of
Ammarindar secretly creates the Xothol, an
arcane college charged with guarding
against the increasingly antagonistic
Netherese. The greatest students of the
Lost Arts of Rune Chanting come from the
ancient clan Ironstar.

500 DR
In the North, Citadel Sundbarr is
constructed by the dwarves of Delzoun with
help from the stone masons supplied by the
clans of Ammarindar. Like Adbar to the
north, the citadel is mostly subterranean,
with only a few structures on the surface.

-498 DR
Coronal Faranllass sends a party of traders
with letters of introduction from King
Azkuldar and himself.

-478 DR
Coronal Faranllass and a party of nobles are
killed by drow raiders while they are
hunting in the wild woods of the eastern Far
Forest. The drow steal the coronals blade
and hunting crown taking them back to
Ched Nasad as trophies of their kill. In
revenge the Araegisses of Glaurachyndaar
leads a raid into upperdark outposts
collapsing the tunnel rooves upon hundreds
of unsuspecting drow.
The next rysar of Eaerlann begins with the
crowning of Coronal Hallonyrna Starsong.

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-400 DR
Lord Diallor and the Siluvanedes Grand
High Mage Mithraess Durothil are slain in a
battle with a cable of Phaerimm as they
attempt to raid the royal tombs thought
well hidden deep within the Lost Peaks. It is
thought the Wyrd Worms were attracted by
the Mythal protecting the catacombs, deep
beneath the Peak known as Daelyths
The Phaerimm are only driven off when
Fellonara Amarillis, Arcorselutaar of
Glaurachyndaar sacrifices herself
unleashing a High Magic Soul Dragon upon
the ancient worms.

372 DR
Moon Elf noble and military engineer Ascal
Rachiilstar builds a fortress citadel upon the
very peak that houses the imprisoned (and
long forgotten) remnants of House
Dlardrageth. Sensing an opportunity for
possible escape, Countess Sarya instructs
her son Lord Ryvvik to begin attempts to
tempt and then turn, the Lord Rachiilstar,
so that he may set them free. Failing this
Ryvvik then plants the suggestions (over
many years) that others should guard the
borders of Eaerlann, from the various
goblinoid incursions from the Nether
Mountains to the north.

351 DR

As the life-draining spells of the phaerimms

rapidly despoil central Netheril, several
Netherese arcanists abandon their
demesnes and
begin searching for a place to build a city in
the Underdark, beneath the western

Fall of Netheril
Nearly all of the Netherese enclaves fall to
the earth and are destroyed due to
disruptions in the Weave brought about by
the casting of the spell Karsuss avatar and
the subsequent death of the goddess
Mystryl. The body of the momentary god
Karsus falls to earth in the eastern region of
the High Forest.

-342 DR
Alarmed at events unfolding in the west,
Coronal Hallonyrna Starsong of Eaerlann
summons all her Lords and Ladies to a
special conclave to decide what should be
done about the encroaching human
refugees and desert. Working with the
rulers of Evereska, Rystal Wood and
Cormanthor, the High Magi of all the realms
are contacted by a mysterious group of
shape shifting beings who call themselves,
the scions of Miyeritar, a shadowy group
from old Shantel Othreir, the Eldar Sharn.
Together they formulate a plan to contain
the growing Phaerimm menace once and
for all.

334 DR
After approaching the rulers of Eaerlann
and Siluvanede for permission the dwarves
of western Delzoun build Besendars
Blockhouse on the site that will become
present-day Everlund. The site becomes a
place of trade between the elves, dwarves
Page | 23

and humans of the region.

333 DR
The Elves of Eaerlann concede Ascalhorn to
Netherese refugees, who claimed to have
forsaken the ways of their ancestors, and
were hungry to learn the magic of the Elves
once more. While this concession would
make sense at the time, it would ultimately
spell doom for the Elven nation, centuries
later. Dwarves begin the slow abandonment
of Ascore as the Narrow Sea dries up.

-298 DR
The city of Karse is built in the High Forest
not far from the ruins of Lhuve. Coronal
Hallonyrna allows the humans to settle in
this sparsely settled region so long as they
abandon their former ways.

-287 DR
The city of Karse falls victim to the
begrudging followers who believe the god
Karsus is a sham. The following slaughter of
the faithful and the faithless sees the elves
eventually drive the fanatical and violent
humans back across the river and south to
below the Shining Falls where they settle
near present day Secomber.

111 DR
Delzoun is devastated by countless orc
assaults that also destroy other kingdoms of
the North. Coronal Hallonyrna issues the
call to war and the elves of Iliyanbruen,
Rilithar, and Eaerlann unite under her
leadership to shatter the strength of the
orcs and halt their rampage into the High
Forest and Dessarin Valley.

104 DR
Besendars Blockhouse is abandoned by the
dwarves of Delzoun in the face of countless
orc raids. Laranlas Alameril Korianthil
stations a contingent of Songknights in a
nearby hidden redoubt to watch over the
block house and the portal nexus hidden

to the Elves who know their military

strength is on the wane. Her death triggers
another wave of migrations to Evermeet by
both Gold, Moon and Green Elf families of
the Empire. More and more holdings and
halls within the cities and woods of
Eaerlann stand silent with every passing

6 DR
100 DR
The dwarf realm of Delzoun, the Northkingdom, falls to encroaching phaerimm
and other dangers. The dwarves surface
citadels survive the attack and remain in
dwarf hands. Many dwarven clans abandon
the under halls and migrate south to join
their kin in Ammarindar and Dardath
beneath the Horn Hills. Their numbers once
again swell the realms formerly shrinking
numbers and many halls once again ring
with the strikes of mining picks and
hammers and the laugher and songs of
dwarven families in halls long thought
forever silent.
Alarmed at this sudden influx of dwarves
Coronal Hallonyrna invites the dwarves to
enter a new trade and protection treaty
seeking greater transparency in each
others political dealings.

1 DR
The dwarves of Ammarindar complete
Citadel Yaunoroth.

5 DR
Duchess Alameril Korianthil of Lothen falls
to raiding orcs whilst leading her army
against a horde pouring through the Subrin
Gap. The horde is crushed but at great cost
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After a lengthy and trouble filled reign

Coronal Hallonyrna abdicates in favour of
her daughter, the Lady Effyssi Starsong,
beginning the next rysar of Eaerlann. Glad
to be free of her cares Lady Hallonyra and
her husband, along with many hundreds of
the people board a fleet of swanships and
sail across the sky and into the west.

21 DR
Just 15 years into her reign the lady Effyssi
is murdered by feyri sympathisers while
asleep in her chamber. The assassins
tracked back to a remant population of
house Reithel manage to destroy
themselves before they can be captured.
The new coronal, Lady Effyssis younger
brother, the Blade Singer Gilldarron
Starsong hunts down and slays all those
connected with his sisters death.

52 DR
An enormous orc horde, matched in size
only by the Black Horde centuries later,
pours of their caves and captured dwarf
holds in the Spine of World Mountains,
Nether Mountains, and Ice Mountains. The
attackers become known as the
Thundering Horde due to their extensive
use of Warg Riders and enslaved stone
giants. Two additional clans move

northward out of the High Forest. The

dwarves of Delzoun are crushed beneath
the horde, with only a few scattered halls
and citadels remaining. The kingdom of
Delzoun is destroyed. Amongst the ruins
created during this time include the loss of
Koligswinter (renamed the Dungeon of the
Ruins), Vaarcutt (now known as the Hall of
the Four Ghosts), and ForgeHoln (now
named the Strong Hold of the Nine).
The halfling settlement of Honigs End, now
over 5,000 strong and covering more than
20 square kilometers, is utterly destroyed
by the horde. The surviving inhabitants
scatter across the north and never again will
a sizable halfling settlement exist in the
North. The inhabitants of Griffons Nest are
also slaughtered by the hordes; lessthan
100 gnomes survive the massacre.
Flintrock is also destroyed, though the
majority of inhabitants escape to the safety
the deeper tunnels before the gnome
wizard Pizt Keenears brings down the
entrance on top of himself and the
onrushing horde. The surface structures of
Flintrock remain abandoned for over a
century before reconstruction begins.
Coronal Gilldarron Starsong once again
issues the call to war and the elves of
Eaerlann manage to stem the tired of the
horde, thanks in large part to the aide of
the treants of Turlang and the silver dragon
Althesatuva. However, the elves losses are
great and this marks the beginning of the
end of the empire of Eaerlann.

100 DR
Still reeling from the staggering losses
suffered in the last great orcish uprising,
Coronal Gilldarron Starsong calls for a
gradual withdrawal of Earlanns forces from
Page | 25

the frontiers of the empire. In short order

Sharrven and Lower Siluvanede are
abandoned as are the citadels of the Far
Forest and Horindon Lhar.

149 DR
Invited by Coronal Gilldarron Starsong,
Dwarves of Ammarindar led by Iirikos
Stoneshoulder build a stone bridge across
the River Shining at the site of present-day
Loudwater to help facilitate trade and to
replace the aging ferry service that can no
longer cope with the increased amount of
traffic making use of the road.

200 DR
Irikos Stoneshoulder and his masons build
extensions to the walls around
Glaurachyndaar and complete the citys
new high domed library. Many rare tomes
from extinct Uvaeren are housed within
these newly hallowed halls and scriptorums.

216 DR
The North erupts in battle as many orc
bands vie for supremacy, and countless
thousands of goblinkind perish. Upon the
death of the Stag King, his five sons, known
thereafter as the Warring Princes of
Athalantar, begin open battle for the

220 DR
Coronal Eltargrim opens the forest of
Cormanthor to non-elves, NTelQ uess,
primarily druids, great wizards, and crafters
who can add to the glory of
Cormanthyr. Coronal Gilldarron Starsong
travels east to congratulate Lord Eltargrim
on his brave move and offers his insights
into how to handle fractious gold elf

elements of his noble elite as well as his

observations about the avaricious and
hubristic natures of humans and dwarves.

so that not 1 in 100 orcs return to its hold in

the north.

256 DR
224 DR
The Mages, Priests and Druids of Lothen
and Earelann spend much of their time
fighting vast forest fires set by both orcs
and humans across the north. In
retaliationDuke Hasstarlon Durothil orders
his troops to kill any intruding humans not
on official business, on sight, no questions
asked. The summary execution of any
goblinoids, giant-kin or Drow, is a natural
given for the elves.
In the south around Port Shining Falls
Human Knights from Ascalhorn clash with
raiders from Athalantar who attempt to
seize control of the bridges above
Loudwater. An alliance of elves, humans
and dwarves marches to Athalantars
eastern border, tracking and destroying
raiding bands and companies of
Chondathan mercenaries in the employ of
the Mages of Athalantar.

Tired of the constant infighting, political

bickering and manoeuvring of the newly
arrived Gold Elf houses from Cormanthor,
Laranlor Hasstarlon Durothil sails west with
his family to settle into retirement upon his
familys estates outside of Luethilspar on
Evermeet. His cousin, the mighty
Telegaunt of Rystal Wood, Tannyll Durothil
is summoned by the Coronal Gilldarron
Starsong of Eaerlann to take control of the
realm and rein in the potentially seditious
hotheads within Lothen.

261 DR
The elf city at the heart of Cormanthyr
becomes the unified city of Myth Drannor.
Coronal Eltargrim, in an edict called the
Opening, declared that Cormanthyr was to
be an open realm, accessible to all nonelves (NTelQ uess), following the laying of
the mythal and the renaming of the city.

225 DR

275 DR

Gluthtors great orc horde is turned back by

the combined forces of the Elves of Illefarn,
Ardeep and Siluvanede, at the cost of much
of their strength, in the battles of the Five
Falcons (east of Stone Bridge), and Hungry
Arrows (south east of Besendars
Blockhouse). The rise of archery amongst
the orcs is said to rise from this slaughter as
the surviving orcs saw a few thousand Elven
archers slay hundreds of thousands of

The elves of Eaerlann, weary of near

constant warfare with the hostile orcs and
creatures of the area begin a slow
withdrawal to Evermeet. Coronal Gilldarron
allows more humans to settle in
Glaurachyndaar from the overcrowded
slums of Ascalharla, thus keeping up the
population numbers in this important
northern bastion.

The fleeing horde is then crushed under the

combined weight of the Knights of
Ascalhorn and Ammarindars Steel Shields

Silverymoon Ford becomes Silver Village

when a logging camp is built around the inn
and bridge. Coronal Gildarron invites the

Page | 26

459 DR

settlers there to accept Eaerlanns expertise

and protection. Moon Elf and Shiled Dwarf
settlers begin arriving in numbers to begin
the expansion of the new settlement. A
garrison of knights, archers, magi and
Spellblades is left there to protect the
expanding town.

461 DR
Coronal Gildarron and many of his
attendants as well as hundreds of common
folk are killed when floodwaters from
unusually heavy spring rains in the Nether
Mountains inundate TeutelAlu. The raging
floodwaters sweep away the bridges and
almost every leaf boat and barge upon the
river, including those of the Coronal and his
The crowning of Aphrael Starsong in
Mhilamniir begins the 18th rysar of the

515 DR
Humans from Ascalhorn resettle Besendars
Blockhouse and rename it Everlund.
Coronal Aphrael and the Princes of
Ascalhorn build a motte and bailey keep
naming it Everlund Castle, and garrison it
with a population of humans, dwarves,
halfings and elves.

The rising power of orc hordes in the North

leads to the calling of the Council of Axe and
Arrow. There, the humans of Delimbiyran,
the dwarves of Dardath, the elves of Ardeep
Forest, the gnomes of Dolblunde, and
displaced halflings from Meiritin collectively
found the Tri-Crowned Kingdom of
Phalorm. The aging Ulbaerag rejects an
invitation to join the Realm of Three
Crowns. King Aoxar sends troops, engineers
and arms to help the fledgling kingdom get
onto its feet and survive the coming
winters. The three kings of Phalorm seek
help also from Coronal Aphrael asking for
arms and magical aid in the troubled times

574 DR
Duke Tannyll Durothil is assassinated by
disaffected Gold Elf nobles from Gold Elf
Houses Hyshaanth and Rhae-vaern. In
response the Coronal Aphrael Starsong
strips them of their lands and titles and has
those deemed responsible executed for
High Treason against a sovereign peer of
the realm.

590 DR

Halflings from Delimbiyr Vale and humans

from Delimbiyran establish Secomber on
the ruins of Hastarl, the fallen capital of

The Dwelf Archmage of Ammarindar,

Isinghar "Feyrune" Ironstar takes his circle
of Rune-Casters north from Splendarrmornn
into Eaerlann and helps raising Myth
Glaurach's mythal at the Eaerlanni city of
Glaurachyndaar. The mages there in turn
agree to lay a similar warding about the
deeper city beneath the Shining Mountain,
west of Splendarrmornn.

523 DR

604 DR

Realm of Three Crowns

The armies of Phalorm drive off an orc

horde that besieges Secomber. Ellatharion,

516 DR

Page | 27

Phalorms elf king, leads an army of elves

and halflings into the High
Forest in pursuit of the orcs, and neither
king nor army returns.

legion surrounds and smashes the second

horde against Uthtowers mighty walls and

Leading a follow up force of Steel Shields

Duke Hoarvard Ironstar discovers the
slaughtered remains of the army amongst
the shattered ruins of Lhuve. No survivors
are found amongst the thousands of looted
and despoiled bodies of dwarves, elves and
humans. Laranlor Ellatharions body is never

The Castle of Illusions construction is

completed, and travelers become frequent
between Ascalhorn, Everlund and
Silverymoon as trade opens up with the
dwarves of the North.

Coronal Aphrael Starsong sends High Magi,

wilderness scouts and priests to investigate.
After an exhaustive search they discover
dark elf involvement leading them to the
ruins of the Gathering Place in old

612 DR
The armies of Phalorm and their allies from
Illefarn, Eaerlann, Siluvanede and
Ammarindar, in the North crush the
Everhorde south of Triboar, but their victory
comes at the cost of many lives. The
casualties include Lathlaeril Leafspear, the
elf king.

614 DR
Two orc hordes attack Phalorm, a realm
that has already been gravely weakened by
the Everhorde. The dwarf king Oskilar of
Phalorm dies in battle with the second
horde, and Dolblunde is sacked and
pillaged. Whilst Phalorms northern armies,
still mopping up the remnants of the
Everhorde, move south to defend the
realm but are driven into Uthtower, a relief
force from Ammarindar escorts the
survivors of Dolblunde to the portals that
will take them to Songfarla whilst the main
Page | 28

671 DR

694 DR
The first divinations and portents of doom
arrive via Darcassan, the diviner of
Windsong Tower; he tells the Elders of
Windsong Tower of the signs, but they keep
the knowledge from the public to prevent a
panic. Given the climate of distrust and
factionalism, this news is also kept secret
from the Council, as it is uncertain where
the threat to Myth Drannor's security lies.
The Circle of Flames and the wizards of
Windsong Tower begin spiriting magical
items and tomes (including the Scrolls
Ardentym and the Keryfaertel) to safety.
Many end up in Ascalhorn and Silverymoon
in the trusted hands of colleagues there (in
the cases of wizards not moving there
themselves), though some wizards take off
with their secrets for parts unknown over
the next twelve years.

711 DR
The Weeping War begins on the Feast of
the Moon with the Northern Massacres
campaign as the Army of Darkness engages
many elf patrols and destroys many elf
villages and clan enclaves. The Weeping
War continues through the year, resulting in
the deaths of many heroes and the
collective Harpers at Twilight. There are
four major campaigns this year, and Myth
Drannor nearly falls prey to the Army of


714 DR
Myth Drannor falls.
Battle of Two Gates Fall
During this battle in the Weeping War, the
city of Delimbiyran and much of the
southern Delimbiyr are devastated by a
magical explosion resulting from the
destruction of the Warriors Gatea portal
in Myth Drannor. Coronal Aphrael Starsong
and most of Delimbyrans nobles are killed
in the explosion whilst participating in a
council of war called to work out ways to
support the people of Cormanthor in their
efforts against invading hordes.
Horrifed at this sudden and unexpected
loss, Lady Aphraels sister, the High Mage
Lassarelle Starsong becomes the next
Coronal of Eaerlann and immediately
dispatches troops and mages and priests to
help with the clean up and rescue efforts in
the lower Delimbiyr Vale.

Fall of Myth Drannor.

715 DR
Gold Elf refugees from the fall of Myth
Drannor come to Siluvanede, where they
are settled in the mainly empty noble
quarter of the city.

731 DR
Stricken with grief and tired of having to
safe guard a dying land, Laranlas Ollakiira
Durothil leads many Gold Elf refugees of
Cormanthor, and much of Lothens
dwindling population on a final journey into
Page | 29

the west across the seas to Evermeet, and

peace. Lady Ollakiira leaves behind her
daughter, the High Mage/High Priestess of
Corellon, Mirjala Durothil to become the
15th and final Duchess of Lothen.

766 DR
Construction complete on the High Mages'
Keep of Silverymoon. Whilst the Brothers of
the Black Hand, a cadre of Baneworshipping evil wizards exiled from
Ascalhorn, steal powerful magical items
from Silverymoon, including High Mage
Ederan's Staff of Silverymoon, the chain
mail Glove of Taarnahm the Vigilant, and
Tasmia's Necklace. Their safehouse in
Ascalhorn proves the Black Hand's undoing
as it falls to wizardry and baatezu
manipulations, and the Hand's slayers
confiscate the stolen items.

820 DR
The Arcanist Wulgreth summons the first
devils to Ascalhorn.

864 DR
The Sack of the City of Scrolls
Orcs of the Nethertusk Horde, armed with
information passed to them by the Branded
King, Malkizid, and aided by Feyri sorcerers
from Lothen besiege and eventually
overrun Myth Glaurach. Many of the citys
residents flee to other elven realms via the
portal network hidden beneath the city.
Five Selutaar along with Coronal Lassarelle
Starsong remain behind to seal the portals,
and bring destruction upon the orcs and
their demonic allies by using a modified
version of Toldines Killing Storm, thus

sealing up the lowers catacombs and

portals for the next 500 years. Despite the
destruction caused by this act the feyrri
strike with a legion of specially prepared
orcs, trolls, giants and demons, sacking and
burning the city, putting most of its
inhabitants to the sword and claw. The
feyri then proceed to loot another Vyshaan
armoury and search the ruins for other
hidden secrets and treasures. While their
army is more than a match for the over
confident humans and elves of the city, they
fail to grasp to obvious fact that dwarves
rely on strength of arms and tactics. The
War Duchess of Yaunoroth, Olmma
Snowsbattle leads a force of dwarves north
along the Delimbiyr meeting the army of
Eaerlann led by Araegisess Eaerandor
Starsong , at TeutelAlu. The joined forces
along with knights from Ascalhorn root out
the orcs and retake the ruins of the city.

870 DR
Coronal Eaerandor Starsong orders the
borders of the realm drawn back even
further, abandoning all outer settlements so
that the realm now consists of only its core
cities of Teuveamanthaar, Mhilamniir and
TeutelAlu. The Duchy of Lothen, while still
a vassal realm is left very much to its own
devices. Many thousands of Moon, Green
and Sun Elves begin the final retreat to
Evermeet, taking much of Eaerlanns
treasure and lore with them.

880 DR
Emboldened by the success of their
Glaurachyndaar campaign to retake the old
Vyshaan capital, the feyr strike again, when
they take advantage of the rising influence
of the Baatezu (who too are supplied by the
fallen Solar, Malkizid), in the city of
Ascalhorn to induce the few remaining
Page | 30

wizards to summon Tanarri to battle their

ancient foes. Alerted by their carefully
hidden agents and warding devices, this act
proves to be the feyris undoing as the
leaders and Selutaar of Eaerlann retaliate
with overwhelming force.
Many refugees leave the city of Ascalharla
and head west to the Eaerlanni towns of
Everlund and Silverymoon taking with them
stories of depravity and horror coming from
within the walls of Ascalhorn.

882 DR
Demons and devils battle in the elf citadel
of Ascalhorn. Triumphant demons stream
forth, bringing about the fall of Eaerlann.
The mage Jaluster dies at the hands of the
baatezu, but the bard Maerstar recovers his
Orizon. The first city to fall is the human city
of Ascalharla which is burned to the ground
by demonic gouts of fire and magics.
Hordes of lesser demons and undead lead
by several Balor, Marilith and Hezrou pour
south out of the Ascalvale and into the
forests around Tall Trees. The mythal
around Tall trees forces the demons to
attack the outlying settlement first.
Knowing that it is only a matter of time
brfore the city is over run, Coronal
Eaerandor commands a general retreat of
the populace.
Eaerlanns forces fight a series of desperate
delaying actions over the next few months,
whilst refugees from Teuveamanthaar flee
through portals to Myth Glaurach, and
thence to Ardeep. The river guards of
Elvenport escort most of the fleeing
populace south along the river road to
Obrynns Landing where they make their
final stand.
The last major city to fall is Mhilamniir.

Surrounded on all sides by thousands of

goblinoids and demons and filled with
refugees from Eaerlann and Ammarindar
the priests of all the temples gather
together and shunt the city and most of its
frightened inhabitants into the feywild
from there most then gate to Evermeet and
Evereska. Mhilamniir stays locked in its
own demi plain on the edge of Faerie along
with most of the priests and their
fiollwoers, while back in Eaerlann the
temple guards sacrifice themselves
defending an empty simulacrum to
complete the bloody and horrendeously
costly deception.
Dwarves allow human refugees to settle in
the surface strongholds of Citadel Sundbarr.
Moon elf refugees from Eaerlann resettle
Ardeep and rebuild the realm. A brief
alliance with the humans dwelling along the
Delimbiyr and the dwarves of the Forlorn
Hills founders because of lingering
suspicions about the role of humans in the
fall of Ascalhorn, later to be known as
Hellgate Keep. This alliance is dubbed the
Fallen Kingdom (the same name already
given to Phalorm), much to the confusion of
later historians.
The dwarf realm of Ammarindar is overrun
by lingering horrors unleashed by the
Netherese of Ascalhorn. The rampaging
hordes from Ascalhorn never reach the city
of Silver Spires thanks in large part to the
Feyri who lead the demons on their march,
so Lothen is spared from the devastation
wrought by demons elsewhere in the high
In the last months before their fall to the
demons of Hellgate Keep in the waning days
of 882 DR, the Moon Elves of Eaerlann
imprison the Siluvanedenn rebels within
Page | 31

their ancient Dlardrageth armouries and

then abandon their ancient realm. In the
ensuing chaos the role the feyri played in
the fall of Ascalhorn and the realms of
Eaerlann, Sharrven and Ammarindar, let
alone their very existence, is forgotten, as
all of their Eaerlanni captors die in the
battles of the Exodus.
A starving orc horde nearly overruns
Silverymoon, but the city is saved by the
sacrifice of High Mage Tanalanthara. The
elven realm of Eaerlann falls, pressured by
the influx of refugees from Ascalhorn and
the loss of many elves during the years of
trying to prevent the demonic takeover of
Ascalhorn. Many elves migrate to Evermeet,
leaving only a few scattered villages and
settlements throughout the High Forest

883 DR
After a mild winter spent in mourning over
the loss of their Lady Wolf, Silverymoon
elects the humble Tanisell the Cloaked, a
human originally from Ascalhorn, to
become High Mage (the "Cloaked Lord of
Silverymoon", as a popular ballad called
him). Wulgreth of Ascalhorn flees Hellgate
Keep to the ruined city of Karse. The Dire
Wood is created when he is slain by
Jhingleshod whilst attempting to tap the
immortal power of the dead god Karsus.
Upon his death, Wulgreth of Ascalhorn is
transformed into a lich.

The War of the Setting Sun

Horrified at the roll their leaders have
played in the slaughter and destruction
unleashed from Ascalhorn, many of
Siluvanedes nobles and commoners alike,
take up arms against the evil cancer within
their midst

The mobs descend upon the estates of

noble families known or suspected of
having demonic connections. In the
ensuing slaughter hundreds of nobles,
families and retainers are put to the sword
and spell. Only those nobles and Feyri away
from Lothen at the time, escape the battles
and butchery.
The Laranlas of Lothen, Mirjala Durothil,
vows never again to allow the ArtelQuessir
to be the unwitting dupes of arrogant
nobles and their hubris and stupidity.

884 DR,
The dwarves of Citadel Sundbarr come to
the aid of a group of human refugees, led
by Prince Simberuel Astalme, fleeing the fall
of Ascalhorn. The humans are offered a
home in the abandoned surface portions of
the citadel and over time rebuild and refound the settlement of Sundabar.

885 DR
Everlund survives the fall of Ascalhorn and
is ruled for a time by Sarvukul's Swords, a
human adventuring band from Tethyr.

886 DR

After brief deliberation, the council of

elders announces through Laranlas Mirjala
Durothil a general retreat to Evermeet. The
gathered populace of Siluvanede begin
emigrating to Evermeet via a series of
specially prepared portals and gates. For
those further out or to far or infirm to travel
to the staging areas a fleet of Monarchs,
Leaf and Swan Ships land to pick up those
wanting to make the retreat.
The capital, Lothen is largely abandoned,
the Gold Elves agreeing that a return may
someday occur, but only when they can
atone for and learn from the sins and
mistakes of the past.

1369 DR
The Harpers destroy Hellgate Keep. The
surviving daemonfey of House Dlardrageth
are freed after millennia of imprisonment.
The High Forest expands under the
direction of Turlang the Treant.

1371 DR
The Silver Marches is established. Forces
from the Scourged Legion secure

Wards are established around Hellgate

Keep by the Harpers, to strip the tanar'ri of
their gating abilities.

1372 DR

890 DR

1372 Uktar 3: The drow city of Ched Nasad

The demons beneath Hellgate Keep begin

tunneling to bypass the Harpers wards.

890 DR
The Retreat
Page | 32

Daemonfey occupy Myth Glaurach.

is destroyed in an attack by duergar

mercenaries hired by House Zauvirr, a drow
family seeking to seize power in the city. In
their attack, the duergar use stonefire
incendiary bombs, sold to
them by the Jaezred Chaulssin, that burn
the webbing supporting the castles and
suspended thoroughfares of the city,

causing a general collapse into ruin. The

duergar may well have intended the
Uktar 15: Kaanyr Vhok the Sceptered One,
leads the Scoured Legion in a siege against
Menzoberranzan with the secret backing of
the Jaezred Chaulssin.
Ches 30: The Scoured Legion withdraws its
troops, and the siege of Menzoberranzan

1374 DR

intention to lead a volunteer army to assist

Ches 16: Troops from Seiverils Crusade
begin to arrive in Evereska.
Ches 20: Seiveril resurrects Fflar Shardrow
Tarsakh 12: In the wake of a failed assault
on Evereska, the half-fiend gold elves of
House Dlardrageth returns to Myth
Drannor, accompanied by a legion of feyri
liberated from the Nameless Dungeon.

The Last Crusade

Tarsakh 19: The elven Crusade arrives in

Myth Glaurach.

The daemonfey Sarya Dlardrageth frees the

feyri imprisoned within the Nar
Kerymhoarth. Her army of orcs, ogres, and
feyri is defeated by the elves of the High
Forest and forces from Evereska, Evermeet,
and Silverymoon.

Mirtul 6: House Dlardrageths legions

destroy the Morninglords temple in Myth
Drannor, killing most of the clerics, although
a few escape through
a portal.

Hammer 18: Daemonfey attack Tower

Reilloch in Evermeet and steal part of the
Gatekeeper crystal.

Mirtul 13: Lady Sarya Dlardrageth, matron

of House Dlardrageth, summons Malkizid ,
an exiled archdevil, to Myth Drannor.

Alturiak 16: After gathering the final piece

of the artifact, Sarya Dlardrageth uses the
Gatekeeper crystal to free the feyri
imprisoned within the Nameless Dungeon.

Mirtul 19: Araevin Teshurr and his

adventuring companions uncover the portal
network Sarya used to move her army from
the ruins of Myth Glaurach, her bastion
near the High Forest, to Myth Drannor.

Alturiak 17: House Dlardrageth leads an

attack on shades in the ruins of Karse .
Ches 1: The daemonfey lead an army of orcs
and ogres from Myth Glaurach to attack elf
villages of the High Forest.
Ches 8: A branch of the fey`ri army marches
southeast to assault Evereska.
Ches 10: Seiveril Miritar resigns from the
ruling council of Evermeet and declares his
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Mirtul 24: Lord Seiveril Miritar of Elion,

leader of the Crusade from Evermeet that
rescued Evereska, convenes a Council of
War in the ruins of Myth
Glaurach. The commanders of the Crusade
agree to travel by way of the portal network
discovered by Araevin to Semberholme in
hopes of
defeating House Dlardrageth once and for

Mirtul 28: By the shore of Lake Sember,

Seiveril revives the Dales Compact
with Battledale, Deepingdale, Mistledale,
and Shadowdale.

Eleasias 20: The Crusade surrounds Myth


1374 Kythorn 1: The Crusade marches north

toward Mistledale and Shadowdale.

Eleasias 22: The Crusade overruns Myth

Drannor, and House Dlardrageth falls. A
handful of feyri escape. Seiveril Miritar is

Kythorn 4: House Dlardrageth establishes

an alliance with Hillsfar and Sembia. Hillsfar
begins mustering an army to send south
down the Moonsea Ride to Mistledale and
Battledale. Sembia recruits a mercenary
army to send
north along Rauthauvyrs Road through
Featherdale and Tasseldale.

Eleasias 27: Fzoul Chembryl meets in secret

with Jezz the Lame of House Jaelre and
representatives of the Auzkovyn Clan. The
three groups agree to
work in concert to destroy the Fair Folk before
they can truly re-establish Myth Drannor.

1376 DR
Kythorn 26: House Dlardrageth attacks the
city of Hillsfar and Hillsfars army based at
the Standing Stone. The First Lords tower is
but Maalthiir escapes.
1374 Flamerule 3: House Dlardrageth
breaks Hillsfars army at the Standing Stone,
forcing it to flee back to Hillsfar. Sembias
army begins to dissolve under repeated
assault by the legions of House Dlardrageth.
Eleasias 11: The Crusade allies with Sembia
against House Dlardrageth.
Eleasias 17: The Crusade battles the legions
of House Dlardrageth in the Vale of Lost
Voices. The Zhentilar besiege Hillsfar. Fzoul
issues his terms to
Hardil Gearas, High Warden of Hillsfar.
Eleasias 18: Malkizid is banished. House
Dlardrageth retreats from the Vale of Lost
Voices. Hillsfar capitulates to the army of
Zhentil Keep.

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Green and Moon Elves from the High

Forest, Evermeet and The North, re-occupy
Teuveamanthaar, Myth Glaurach and after
driving out the Wyrms, Mhilamniir, reestablishing the realm of Eaerlann and its
guardianship over the legacies of

1377 DR
The Srinshee returns to Myth Drannor and
offers Ilsevele Miritar the Rulers Blade in
recognition of her wise and resolute
leadership in the realms
refounding. Ilsevele humbly accepts the
Rulers Blade and takes the title of coronal.
Queen Amlaruil arrives to congratulate the
new coronal and brings with her the Tree of
Souls as a gift to the new realm. The artifact
is planted in a ring-shaped colonnade at the
heart of the city known as Seldarrshen
Nieryll, the Starsoul Shrine.

The Laranlars

Rysars of Eaerlann
-4700 DR until 882 DR
Length of Reign
-4700 DR to -4498 DR
-4498 DR to -4409 DR
-4409 DR to -4354 DR
-4354 DR to -4177 DR
-4177 DR to -4002 DR
-4002 DR to -3616 DR
-3616 DR to -2871 DR
-2871 DR to -2770 DR
-2770 DR to -2770 DR
-2770 DR to -2119 DR
-2119 DR to -1500 DR
-1500 DR to -1454 DR
-1454 DR to -1123 DR
-1123 DR to -478 DR
-478 DR to 6 DR
6 DR to 21 DR
21 DR to 461 DR
461 DR to 712 DR
712 DR to 864 DR
864 DR to 884 DR
884 DR to 1369 DR
1369 DR to 1376 DR
1376 to Present
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Rulers Name
Laranlas Yrmellda Moonsong
Laranlor Karrollyndor
Laranlor Yrinsia Moonsong
Laranlas Yrdianne Moonsong
Coronal Hiyandar Moonsong
Coronal Daenthiara
Coronal Daanaluu
Coronal Astyrondor
Coronal Zaofhaor
Coronal Eafora Starsong
Coronal Ealanndra Starsong
Coronal Earrollas Starsong
Coronal Forondin Starsong
Coronal Faranllass Starsong
Coronal Hallonyrna Starsong
Coronal Effyssi Starsong
Coronal Gilldarron Starsong
Coronal Aphrael Starsong
Coronal Lassarelle Starsong
Coronal Eaerandor Starsong
The Hellgate Wars
Queen Sarya Dladrageth
High Council of Eaerlann

Race & Gender

Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Male
Moon Elf Male
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Male
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Male
Moon Elf Male
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Male
Moon Elf Male
Moon Elf Male
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Male
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Male
---------------Daemonfey Female
Green/Moon/Avariel Elves

The Geography of the Realm

The realm of Eaerlann occupies the upper reaches of the Delimbyr Vale, an area of land that
surrounds the Delimbyr River, also known as the Shining River and its tributaries. The Vale
reaches as far south as the western-most borders of the South Wood to its headwater in the
Nether Mountains. Deep, dark, and enigmatic, the High Forest is inarguably the greatest forest
in Faerun, since it has resisted the woodsmans axe for untold centuries. The sylvan woods
expanse covers more than 500 miles from its southern edge near Secomber to its northern
reaches at the foothills of the Nether Mountains.

Much of the Delimbyr Vale like the majority of the North has a subarctic clime. Long, bitter
winters typically last from mid Marpenoth to late Tarsakh, with temperatures dropping to -30
F and rarely climbing past 40 F. Frequent blizzards blanket the land in snow drifts (often 10
feet deep) that isolate communities from one another. In the mountains, temperatures
approach arctic iciness, while the forests shrug off the worst effects of winter (some woods, like
Neverwinter Wood and the southern High Forest, never feel winter at all). Rivers freeze over
with ice thick enough to support wagons and draft teams between Uktar and early Ches.
Summers in the vale are short, but hot, temperatures climb to 100 F, which along with high
humidity and hot sirocco winds from the Anaurach keeps it warm enough for most anyone (if
not uncomfortably so at times). Precipitation normally takes the form of rain, but hail, sleet,
and snow are common. Summer is the time for wizard weather, when unpredictable, even
magical, weather patterns occur in the vicinity of the High Forest. The cloud cover over the Vale
seems eternal and unbroken. Partially sunny days are common, but a day without clouds north
of the Shining Falls is difficult to conceive and usually worth noting.

The wilds are a hunters paradise. Mundane creatures of all descriptions and sizes usually
escape an adventurers notice, yet they are vitally important to rangers, druids, barbarians, and
others who live off the land. Majestic elk wander the forests, hills, and fens, as do deer and
moose. Huge herds of forest shaggun (shaggy bovines, use buffalo statistics) range the central
plains and hills, often competing with the less aggressive domestic cattle herds for pasture
while at the same time providing both food and tests of courage for the Uthgardt. In the far
north, reindeer travel in thundering herds (often followed by tundra tribes), while the whitecoated mountain ram commands the lofty peaks. Huge sometimes deadly wild boars lurk in the
forests; fine eating, but often at the steep price of mens lives. Small animals abound
everywhere: rabbits, squirrels, red foxes, mice, bats, water rats, prairie dogs, beavers, weasels,
and ermines. Common bird life includes game birds like the pheasant, grouse, quail, duck, and
geese, and song birds are present in all shapes, colors, and sizes. Fish is the staple of many
towns. The succulent shalass found primarily in the Dessarin network is a brown, trout-like
denizen of the Delimbyr and Unicorn Run. Each spring, salmon run up the River Shining to
spawn. Finally, there are the predators. The mountains are home to the agile red tiger, or snow
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cat. Wolves are almost everywhere, and bears are common in forested or mountain areas, the
Delimbyr Vale is also home to many unusual beasts as well, better known as monsters.

Elven Tree-City & Capital of Eaerlann
Teuveamanthaar (Large Tree City): Population 85000; Mixed (40% Moon Elf, 40% Green Elf,
Half Elf 5%, Human 5%, Shield Dwarf 5%, Halfling 5%, Other 5%)
Exports: Fruits of the forest, weapons & armour, leather goods, timber products, live stock,
herbs & spices, books, scrolls & other lore keeping devices, minor magical items, rare pets &
animals, horticultural products, horses, wines, meads, ales, juices, pottery.
Armed Forces:
40 Dragon Riders: Elven platemail, broadsword, shield, shortbow, 50 arrows, heavy lance,
javelins, dagger,
500 eagle riders: Chainmail, elven longsword, shortbow, javelin, dagger.
1000 Griffon Riders; Chainmail, elven longsword, shortbow, lance, spear, dagger.
2500 light cavalry: Chainmail, shield, elven longsword, shortbow, spear, dagger.
5000 Infantry; Chainmail, kite shield, elven longsword, spear, dagger,
5000 Archers: Studded leather, elven shortsword, dagger, longbow, 100 arrows.
Royals Scouts & Guides: 250 rangers, wilderness warriors & rogues: studded leather, elven
longsword, dagger, elven shortsword, longbow, 30 arrows.
From its founding circa 4,500 DR, the elven tree-city of Teuveamanthaar is the capital and
largest city of Eaerlann, the moon elven realm within the northern and eastern reaches of the
High Forest amongst the ruins of Aryvandaar. Built atop steep-sided ridges, Teuveamanthaar is
known for its soaring oak trees, which tower over the rest of the forest like hill giants to human
youth and whose trunks are said to be the width of most northern human villages.
Teuveamanthaar is also known as Tall Trees, and the citys ancient trees are amongst the oldest
of the High Forest.
The majority of buildings of Teuveamanthaar lie high above the forest floor, linked by a network
of magically warded and preserved rope bridges. Only a handful of rope ladders lead down to
the ground, and they are normally drawn up into the trees. Ancient wards dating back to the
earliest days of Eaerlann protect the Tall Trees settlement from magical and non-magical fire,
the danger of lightning strikes, and the threat of rot and disease. The inhabitants of
Teuveamanthaar have created fabulous dwellings from hollows painstakingly shaped into the
trunks and branches of the great trees as they grow. Far above the forest floor, rope bridges
criss-cross the distance between the massive oaks and lead into masterfully shaped living
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chambers inside the trunks. The city itself is made up of several key locations spread over a
large area of the forest slopes stretching along the valley upon which the city rests.

With the exception of a few ground-built shelters, Teuveamanthaar is exclusively an arboreal
community, built within some of the thickest foliage in the High Forest. Grand buildings high
above the ground were built by members of various elven clans. Residents of these tree
dwellings are never more than a few moments from the forest floor. The few ground dwellings
in the city are extremely well built, and in some cases, very well hidden. Some are carved out of
the base of colossal oak trees, being careful not to kill the tree in the process. These dwellings
often lead to small underground chambers that store perishables for the community, or the
treasures of individual clans. Others are built out of quarried stone (often marble or some other
elegant flagstone) imported from Myth Glaurach. These dwellings are for the infirm or the very

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Down Town Teuveamanthaar

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Teauveamanthaar Location Key

1. The Sun Glade
2. Stardark Palace
3. The Great Elm
4. Ahkvelarn School or Arms
5. School of Corellons Arts
6. Sehanines Silver Blooms
7. Ahkfaern School of Magic
8. Temple of Corellons Majesty
9. Tree of Life (The Soul of the Forest)
10. Rainbow Falls of Hanali
11. The Fields of Angarradh
12. The Market Glade
Magic Use within the City
SyTelQuessir mages are rare whilst TeuTel'Quessir mages dominate those found within the
confines of the city. No human mages are permitted to practice their arts within the citys
limits, being directed to Myth Glaurach, the great Wizards Colleges of Ascalhorn. The wild and
impetuous nature of the green elves makes them unlikely to practice wizardry. Even those
raised away from the natural environs of the SyTelQuessir grasp only the most simplest of
magical techniques. Instead the SyTelQuessir rely heavily on priestly magic, specifically druidic
magic. Elven druids are rare except among the SyTelQuessir. While there are always instances
of priests of other elven gods, druids of Rillifane Rallathil are by far the most common. Though
they never live within the villages themselves, druids are part of every SyTelQuessir
community. In the name of Rillifane the druids adopt Tel'Quessir communities within the city,
watching over and protecting them with their magic. These druids watch over warriors on
patrol, officiate over births, escort elderly to the Vale of the Lost, and maintain a balance of
nature in the High Forest.

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The Teu Tel & SyTelQuessir learn to use magical weapons and from an early age, but they are
much more likely to rely upon the finely crafted bows and swords of their weapons makers that
are of near magical quality without being enchanted (+1 to hit and damage). In the years
following the coming of the Netherese it has become common for the elves of Tall Trees to
possess magical potions, scrolls, and other minor magic for defense.

The most commonly worshiped elven deities of the Tall Trees are Rillifane Rallathil, Sehanine
Moonbow and Corellon Larethian. Rillifane is the more highly venerated of the three, with
Corellon being paid homage as he who gave birth to the elves, and Sehanine being the Patron
Goddess of the Moon Elves. Rillifane has always been recognized as the patron of the
SyTelQuessir, protector of the woodlands and guardian of the harmony of nature.
Shrines to Rillifane cannot compare to the embellished temples of the other Eaerlanni cities but
instead often comprise a single tree in the forest. The druids of Rillifane choose a grand oak
tree and carve a small canary in the trunk, two feet from the ground. Such trees are never
chosen at random, but usually appear to druids in dreams or other visions. Should a shrine be
defiled, the dedicating druid (or the nearest worshiper of Rillifane if the druid is dead or
unavailable) instantly knows of the action death. Deep in the Heart of Tall Trees Vale are
Teumyshaaril, the Tree Temple to Rillifane Rallathil, the Temple to Corellon, and RuIannahar,
The Temple to Sehanine.

The Mythal (by Eric Boyd)

Ere the fall of Netheril, when the Eaerlanni elves ruled the High Forest, there appeared a
hamadryad skilled in sorcery whose mastery of the Art was said to rival that of the most
accomplished elven High Mages. The Hamagess, as she is sometimes known, is said to have
sprung from the heart of a Turlang, the first wood nymph born of a Treant and not an ordinary
oak tree. Turlang and the Hamagess ruled the High Forest as king and queen for over a
millennium before the fall of Ascalhorn in the Year of the Curse (882 DR) threatened the High
Forest with the taint of the Abyss. The Hamagess is said to have given her life to form a living
mantle around the High Forest to shield it from infestation by the twisted vegetation of the
Abyss. Although her death was an occasion of great sorrow for those races that live in harmony
with the great woodlands, it is said that the Hamagess songs still drift through the Woods of
Turlang each autumn, whispering words of comfort and magic to her mate. If her breath
touches a brilliant yellow leaf in the process of drifting to the ground from the limb of a longslumbering Treant, it leaves in its eddy a leaf of pure gold inscribed with the workings of a rare
or unique spell. Through these Leaves of Gold the forest can be defended against looming
threats to its existence.
The living mantle that envelops the High Forest is somewhat akin to a powerful ward or minor
mythal. While it stands, vegetation native to the Lower Planes, such as viper trees, cannot grow
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within the borders of the High Forest, and the taint of fiends from the Lower Planes cannot
corrupt any plant that grows within the confines of the great woods. Ancient wards dating back
to the earliest days of Eaerlann protect the Tall Trees settlement from magical and non-magical
fire, the danger of lightning strikes, and the threat of rot and disease. Magical fires burn out
after one round, and fire spells above 2nd level will not function at all. (The Dire Woods are
believed to be an exception of sorts to these restrictions.)

Places of Interest In the Vale of Teuveamanthaar

The Sunglade
The Sunglade is an important site in the Vale of Teuveamanthaar. This magical site, and it is
magical, for it has been enchanted to resist the ravages of time is dedicated to Labelas. It
contains two sets of concentric circle stone menhirs. The outer circle has rocks that are up to
twenty feet tall. These stones, which number twelve, are marked with ancient Espruar runes
dedicating each stone to a particular member of the Seldarine. The inner circle has rocks that
are about six feet tall. These tones, which number ten, are marked with faded Espruar runes
dedicating them to the members of the ancient Seelie Court. The runes themselves mark
dedicated gateways to different Elven realms across Toril. Only the priests of the temple know
the secret to the gates operations and eventual destinations, and it is rumoured that a time
portal lies within one of the stone archways as well.

Stardark Palace
This grove of 24 gigantic (high magic enhanced) Redwoods, towers nearly 500 above the forest
floor, spiraling staircases wind their way up 200 to the lowest levels of the palace which takes
in 100 smaller chambers, flets, and tree homes as well as the larger Star Speakers Hall, High
Council Chamber and the throne room set near the very tops of the tree circle. Each tree is 50
wide and houses many extra dimensional spaces within its trunk. A circle of 12 landing
platforms radiate out from the palace ring allowing giant eagles, griffons and dragons of large
size or smaller to land in safety. There are aeries for 24 giant eagles and their riders based in
the very top of the palace. At night the trees are lit by faerie lights that twinkle like multi
colored stars when seen from below. The palace is a city unto itself with the day to running of
the city taking place here. A vast administrative and military complex of giant shadowtop and
redwood trees surrounds the central palace, each joined by rope bridges, wooden walkways,
and the like. The palace itself houses around 1200 people whilst the surrounding tree complex
holds another 2500. This includes residence for administrators, counselors, scribes, smithies,
stables, shrines to the Seldarine, and quarters for all of the attendant staff and their families.
Also house here are the household guard which includes contingents of Eagle Riders, Coronals
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Knights, Knights of the Sun, Knights of the Crescent Moon and the Royal Regiment of
Teuveamanthaar, made up of members of the AhkFaern, AhkVelahrn and court based

The Great Elm

High Mage of Teuveamanthaar: Though unremarkable when compared to the tree dwellings
surrounding it, the home of the Grand High Mage is far from ordinary. The High Mages
residence is guarded by powerful spells, the passwords to which are known only to him and a
few select apprentices. Other portions of the building, those containing secrets and treasures,
are warded against all but Grand High Mage. The interior of the structure is twice as large as
the exterior resulting from a variation on a distance distortion spell that actually affects physical
matter. This also makes the residence large enough for some the High Mages apprentices,
those more advanced in the Art, to room with him. Others (if any) live in a small structure

AhkVelahrn School of Arms

Swordplay, archery, unarmed combat, and other forms of warfare are taught diligently in and
around this large tree dwelling. Second in size only to the Hall of Trees, the School of Arms is
supervised by some of the most prominent warriors in Teuveamanthaar over the years. These
instructors are typically officers in the Eaerlanni military whose families live in and around
Teuveamanthaar because of births among their children. Instructors serve terms as long as 20
years before returning to their clan.
Every type of weapon used by the elves of Teuveamanthaar (and a few exotic weapons from far
off lands) can be found in the School of Arms. Few of them are magical, since impetuous
students often borrow these items, which more often than not result in their loss. There also is
the popular argument that weapon skills should be taught without the aid of magic, to sharpen
students expertise at an early age.

School of Corellons Arts

Elven philosophy, music, song, and assorted artistic skills are a primary part of elven culture in
Teuveamanthaar. While there have been places elsewhere that were more learned, none
devotes more time to educating young elves in said skills than School Corellons of Arts. Like the
School of Arms, this institute has many different instructors, depending on their residency in
the city. For many the School Corellons of Arts has become a place for elderly artisans to pass
on their knowledge before departing for Arvandor.

Sehanines Silver Blooms

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Not all schools in Teuveamanthaar are for education. Like many races (though elves hate the
children need time to have a childhood.. This is where Sehanines Silver Blooms come into play.
Here elves can have fun interacting with other elves, learn history through the artistic
storytelling of the elderly, and at the same time learn beneficial skills such as climbing,
swimming, and learning of the animals and plants of the forest. Prior to the age of 20, young
elves spend considerable time at these schools. Beyond that, much of their time is spent at the
other institutes, to learn some of the more advanced teachings they need for adulthood. The
schools are run by parents (usually female) and local elderly who take great joy in the shaping
of young elves. There has never been a shortage of tutors for these schools.

AhkFaern School of Magic

Given the elfs high aptitude for magic, all youths spend a minimum of one year at the School of
Magic whether or not they are destined to become wizards. This is done primarily by moon and
gold elves; few green or aquatic elves ever set foot in the school. Here young elves learn the
basics of magic and determine if they have any aptitude for the Art. Those already
accomplished wizards with exceptional aptitude upon their own request are immediately taken
for testing for their potential to use High Magic. The tests are arduous and deadly, failure
brings at best a swift death or at worst a lingering existence as a wizshade, watch ghost or

Temple of Corellon
Much like Corellon's marble tower in Arvandor, Teuveamanthaars temple to The Protector is a
beautiful white oak of purest alabaster that reaches high into the trees. Located at the heart of
the vale, the temple to Corellon is the second largest ground structure in Teuveamanthaar. The
clergy of Corellon is the second largest in Teuveamanthaar, its numbers ranging from 20-40 at
any given time and consisting of both genders. The parents of elven children in
Teuveamanthaar often send their young children to the Temple of Corellon, even if they are not
devout worshipers of the creator of the elves. Most of these lessons are for youth from the
ages of 15 to 20. Green, moon, and a few gold elven families feel that, because Corellon is the
leader of the elven gods and is said to be the father of the elven race, he should be revered by
all in Eaerlann.

Tree of Life
Near the center of city, not far from the Temple of Corellon, is the largest tree in all of
Teuveamanthaar, The Tree of Life. This ancient alabaster barked oak has stood tall and proud
since the coming of Corellons avatar thousands of years ago, and is said to be a vessel for the
great go
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AhkVelahrn School of Arms

School of Corellons Arts
Sehanines Silver Blooms
AhkFaern School of Magic
Temple of Corellon
The Great Elm Tree
Aside from being an enormous tree (with a 100-foot diameter), there appears to be nothing
extraordinary about it at first glance. The tree emanates no detectable magical or spiritual
power that anyone has been able to find. Nevertheless, many rumors and legends surround the
Tree of Life. The one most widely believed is that the large oak is the father of all treants in the
woods of Eaerlann. Should the Tree of Knowledge ever perish, the treants would not rest until
every elf in Faerun was dead. Another legend says the spirit of all trees in the High Forest is
held within this one oak. If it were to die, then all the trees in the High Forest would perish. The
Tree of Life gained its name hundreds of years ago, when it became apparent that elven
children paid more attention to their teachers and retained more information when sitting
beneath the great oak. Some of the most important lessons taught to the young elves of
Teuveamanthaar are learned beneath the Tree of Life. Also, elven druids have often stated that
theyve reduced the prayer time for their spells to one-half while sitting in the shadow of the
Tree of Life.

The Secret
The Tree of Life is powerful, but not only because of its origins, or because of what it
symbolizes. In and of itself, the Tree of Life has many powerful magical effects. The tree itself
acts as a permanent Gate to Evermeet. If one were to walk up to the tree once, and speak the
proper phrases- that, thus far, is not public knowledge- and step into the tree, they would
suddenly find themselves in Corellons Grove, on Evermeet. The Tree of Life also exudes an
intangible aura of goodness for at least a mile radius. This aura repels and dispels Demons,
Devils, and other evil, extra-planar creatures.

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The most important benefit is the fact that the Tree of Life allows for the casting of Elven High
Magic, without any harm, as on Evermeet. So long as a Selutaar performs a High Magic ritual
within 10 miles of the Tree of Life, he/she is not drained, as is what happens when High Magic is
used in all other places, aside from Arvandor and Evermeet. The Tree of Life began its existence
as an Elder Treant, whilst still conscious it has become restful and contemplative over the eons,
and sees its role as that of teacher and Elder Guardian to the trees of The High Forest. Turlang
is its oldest surviving child.

Rainbow Falls
Set on the floor of the Vale of Teuveamanthaar, this ancient place is dedicated to Hanali Celanil.
The place is scared to all elves, but is especially important to young lovers, or those elves
renewing their vows. It is said here that those elves, or half elves who bath in the waters
beneath the falls will be blessed by Hanali, Sehanine and Labelas. It is true that wounded,
cursed, sick or ailing elves have their ailments completely cured by bathing in the waters under
the light of a full moon. Offerings of beauty, or heartfelt prayers and vows offered up whilst
under the falls, can sometimes see Hanalis blessing by having all blemishes, scars and
deformities removed and the elfs charisma raised by 2 points. Babies brought to be blessed
within the waters of the Rainbow Falls, are said to gain an extra 5d20 years of youthful life if
their parents dedicate the child to the protection of the people and this blessing extends to the
child being immune to all aging effects as well. Each blessing can only be recieved once in an
elfs life, and form part of the coming of ages rituals within Teuveamanthaars society.

The Vale of Memories

Here long ago an orc horde led by giants, and a green dragon came out of the mountains and a
terrible battle was fought. Thousands died. Since then the place has become one of reverie and
solemnity for the Elves of the High Forest. It is where the Elves of Eaerlann come to bury their
dead, here amongst the heroes of bygone ages. The floor of this vale is still littered with the
moss covered bones of intruders and invading armies who have sought to plunder the hidden
wealth of the great Aryvandaaran and Eaerlanni houses. The place itself is heavily warded with
repulsion magics, and the guardians are a mixture of Banshees, Baelnorn, Watch Ghosts,
Watchnorns, Reverend Ones, and other assorted restless spirits of invaders who find no rest
beneath the boughs of this haunted vale.
The area is regularly patrolled by troops from Tall Trees along its borders. Entry into the vale is
reserved for those burying their dead. Looters and creatures not of the natural woodlands are
attacked and destroyed without mercy. It is said that ancient treants, now transformed into
flesh-mulcher trees stand silent guard throughout the Vale of Memories.

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In the heart of the ancient forest deep inside the Vale of Teuveamanthaar, a great oak broods,
sheltering the forest floor and even the other trees of the forest beneath its massive canopy.
The trunk of this tree is as wide as a small hamlet, and its crown soars as high as a hill top.
Hidden inside is Teumyshaaril, an ancient temple dedicated to Rillifane Rallathil. (See
Champions of Valour pg 137 - 139 for more details and a better maphehehehe)

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Adapted from Champions of Valour, Pg 137-139

Hall of Trees
This grand arboreal dwelling serves as both a common hall for the residents of Teuveamanthaar
and as a meeting place for the Council of Trees. Not as far from the ground as other tree
structures, the Hall of Trees is the largest of all tree structures in Teuveamanthaar. Though not
elaborate at first, the Hall of Trees has become the object of creativity for many young artists
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practicing their trade. Several wealthier clans with young artisans donated precious metals and
jewels to show off the skills of their young. Though not as exalted as some of the structures of
Myth Glaurach, citizens of Teuveamanthaar view it as a crowning achievement to their
dedication to the People of Teuveamanthaar.

Plants Peculiar to the High Forest

Dream Leaves
Dream Leaves are often used in Green Elf rituals and ceremonies, most commonly vision
quests, and to make contact with their animal spirit guides. A few other Druidic circles around
the Realms also use these leaves for roughly the same purposes. In a few metropolitan areas,
like Waterdeep, or Baldurs Gate, Dream Leaves are also used by the rich, as a novelty, and by
the downtrodden and disenfranchised, to escape reality for a brief period.
The plant itself grows about ankle high, in heavily wooded areas, under, or next to large trees.
The plant consists of a central stem that is more akin to a vine than anything else, roots, a small
bud at the top, and leaves that slowly grow over the course of the year. The central stem is
reddish near the roots, and progressively gets greener and greener the further up you observe.
It is quite thin, only being about a finger length in diameter. The bud at the top of the stem,
which looks like a tiny, rust-colored acorn, is prickly, as to attach itself to anything that brushes
against the plant. When the seed is mature, it grows a small five-petal red flower, which
attracts animal life to it. The roots of the plant do not dig very deep into the ground. If multiple
root tendrils are ingested, they actually induce nausea and vomiting (DC 5).
The small leaves that grow towards the bottom of the plant are green, with a yellow stripe
going down their center. The leaves are roughly heart-shaped, with the tip facing outwards,
although some variation exists from plant to plant. The plant is hardy, and does not hibernate
during the winter, although it grows very slowly during this time.
The leaves of this plant are cultivated. They are dried in a variety of methods, depending on
who harvested them, and then crushed into small flakes. It is in this form that their potent
hallucinogenic effects can be tapped. Once the Dream Leaves have reached this point, they are
considered a drug by most authorities.
Dream Leaves causes a sentient being to hallucinate, hear things, and feel a constant wave of
vertigo and euphoria at the same time. Many describe the sensation as being in a dream, which
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is where the name is derived from. Those who are under the effects of Dream Leaves feel
sluggish (-5 to Reflex Saves and Dexterity checks) and muddled (-5 to Intelligence and Wisdom
checks). When used in excess, the drug becomes addictive, although when used sparingly, it
does not (DMs digression).
The common method used by Green Elves is to pour the shredded leaves in an open brazier,
and lighting a fire underneath. This is done during many of their religious holidays, as well as
coming-of-age ceremonies. Soon afterwards, the smoke from the brazier fills up the enclosed
space, affecting those who breathe it in. Alternatively, a person can stick their face next to the
brazier, and inhale deeply, taking in the smoke from the Dream Leaves. In both cases, the
hallucinogenic effects begin in a few minutes (1d6 minutes), depending on how hardy the
individual is (DC 10 every Round until failure), and last for an hour or two (2d6 X 10 Minutes).
Sometimes, the chopped up Dream Leaves are put into tea bags, and can be brewed as tea. This
is the method preferred by the rich, who are experimenting with the drug, because it is not
overt, as other methods. When the brew is imbibed, the hallucinogenic effects begin in a few
minutes (1d4), depending on how hardy the individual is (DC 10 every Round until failure), and
lasts two to three hours (3d6 X 10 Minutes).
Finally, drug dealers often sell the poor and disenfranchised Dream Leaves rolled in paper. One
end of the paper is lit with a flame, and burns. The other end is put to your lips, and inhaled
from. The hallucinogenic effects, when puffed begin in a few minutes (1d6 minutes),
depending on how hardy the individual is (DC 10 every Round until failure), and last for about
an hour (1d6 X 10 Minutes). On the black market, because that is only where Dream Leaves are
available from, a single tea bag containing Dream Leaves costs about 25 GP, and a single puff
stick costs 5 GP, though prices fluctuate with availability and time of year.

Sehanines Kiss
Sehanines Blush is the name of a flower that grows in the Vale of Teuveamanthaar. It is a
wildflower that grows in dark places, such as in the shadows of large rocks, or trees, or under a
thick forest canopy. Sehanines Blush is a vine, growing very low to the ground, in long tendrils.
The plant grows slowly, but when it does grow, it creeps around to expand as much as possible.
When a vine reaches maturity, it begins to flower. Mature vines are easy to differentiate from
immature vines. Mature vines are a blue-white color, while immature vines are a fresh green
color. The small flowers that bud on mature vines are crimson, some of which have blue and
white flecks on the petals. The center of these flowers contains sweet smelling white pollen.
On nights of a full moon, when moonbeams shine down upon these flowers, the pollen within
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goes through a remarkable magical metamorphosis, the ordinary white pollen begins to glow a
soft, milky white luminescence.
If the pollen is extracted from the flower during the night, after the pollen undergoes this
transformation, it continues to glow, and exhibit these unusual characteristics. If the pollen is
not extracted, it returns to normal upon the setting of the moon, and the rising of the sun.
The pollen, in this form, is known as Sehanines Kiss. Not surprisingly, due to its origins, the
pollen has magical properties. Numerous magical properties actually, it takes only a few ounces
of the powder- enough to fit in a small vial- to activate any of the pollens numerous magical
When sprinkled in water, or food, the pollen purifies it, like the Purify Food and Drink spell. The
taste the pollen leaves in the food or drink, a slight sweet taste, is very faint. When someone
who is poisoned ingests the powder, it detoxifies them, like the Neutralize Poison spell. When
the powder is sprinkled in an open wound, it heals the person who was injured (2d6 HP).
Vials of Sehanines Kiss are commonly available in Teuveamanthaar. Most vendors who sell the
pollen package it in two-ounce vials, which is enough for one personal use. Those who sell it to
larger institutions, such as academies, or temples, sell it in larger quantities. Two-ounce vials
sell for 100 gold pieces each, four-ounce vials, which contains enough pollen for two dosages,
sell for 200 gold pieces each.

Leaves of Gold
Autumns turning yields leaves of gold,
A mantle fit for woodland kings.
Wood nymphs weep cold tears of
And yet the fair Hamagess sings.
commonly recounted poem
attributed to Mintiper Moonsilver
Year of the Moonfall (1344 DR)

Oft confused with the Nether Scrolls, the Leaves of Gold are obscure magical phenomena
believed to be unique to the northern High Forest, specifically the region of the woods that lies
between the city of Everlund (commonly known as the Woods of Turlang) and the Vale of
Memories. The Leaves of Gold take the form of living oak leaves fashioned of pure gold, each of
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which is inscribed with the runes of a single wizards spell. No more than a dozen such gilded
leaf-scrolls have been recovered in a single season, and each has been found near the base of
ancient tree believed to have once been a great Treant in centuries past.

Golden Leaves of the Vale of Teuveamanthaar

Ere the fall of Netheril, when the Eaerlanni elves ruled the High Forest, there appeared a
hamadryad skilled in sorcery whose mastery of the Art was said to rival that of the most
accomplished elven High Mages. The Hamagess, as she is sometimes known, is said to have
sprung from the heart of a Turlang, the first wood nymph born of a Treant and not an ordinary
oak tree. Turlang and the Hamagess ruled the High Forest as king and queen for over a
millennium before the fall of Ascalhorn in the Year of the Curse (882 DR) threatened the High
Forest with the taint of the Abyss. The Hamagess is said to have given her life to form a living
mantle around the High Forest to shield it from infestation by the twisted vegetation of the
Abyss. Although her death was an occasion of great sorrow for those races that live in harmony
with the great woodlands, it is said that the Hamagess songs still drift through the Woods of
Turlang each autumn, whispering words of comfort and magic to her mate. If her breath
touches a brilliant yellow leaf in the process of drifting to the ground from the limb of a longslumbering Treant, it leaves in its eddy a leaf of pure gold inscribed with the workings of a rare
or unique spell. Through these Leaves of Gold the forest can be defended against looming
threats to its existence.

The Hamagess Staffsprout

(Wiz6; Alteration)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: Two rounds per branch created
Area of Effect: One wooden rod, staff, or wand
Saving Throw: None
This spell affects only wooden rods, staves, and wands of magical construction that are usable
by wizards and have more than two charges remaining. This spell or similar variants can affect
such items at most once per thirty days. When cast upon such items, the Hamagess Staffsprout
spell causes small branches to sprout along the length of the target. At most one such branch
can be created for every two levels of experience of the caster, although less can be created if
desired. The number of branches is further limited by the number of charges in the targeted
item, as explained below.

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As chosen by the caster, this spell directs a single spell effect from the target magic item and
the corresponding number of required charges to unleash it into each created branch. (Note
that the effects of breaking the original item, such as the retributive strike power of a staff of
power, a magical attack and damage bonus, or any other effect not powered by charges cannot
be directed into a branch.) Each branch can then be broken off and employed as a single shot
magical item capable of unleashing only the chosen spell effect at the cost of the siphoned
charges. Once cast, charges siphoned off into branches by this spell cannot be restored
(although it remains possible to recharge the original target if normally possible). The use of
this spell always expends one more charge than the total needed to power the effects imbued
in all of the branches, regardless of the total number of branches created. In addition, at least
one charge must remain within the original magic item after the casting. As such, the number of
available charges limits the number of branches that can be created.
Once created, each branch has a unique word of activation, as specified during the casting by
the creator. Each branch must be used within twenty-four hours of its creation or the magic
fades and the charges are lost. A branch cannot be recharged, and its spell effects function at
the same level as the original item.
The material components for this spell are the magical rod, staff, or wand to be targeted and a
green (just broken off) branch from a tree of the same species as that was used to fashion the
wooden item. That tree must have grown for at least nine years while in contact with an item
bearing an enchantment, either among its roots, stored in a hollow within it, or that the tree
has grown around. Also, the tree must have been in continuous contact with that enchanted
item at the time the green branch is broken off.

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The Temple City of Eaerlann

Mhilamniir (Medium Temple & City): Population 23500; Mixed (30% Moon Elf, 25% Green Elf,
Gold Elf 25%, Half Elf %, Human 5%, Shield Dwarf 5%, Halfling 5%, Other 5%)
Exports: religious items, leather goods, timber products, live stock, herbs & spices, books,
scrolls & other lore keeping devices, minor magical items, horticultural products, wines,
meads, ales, juices, pottery.
Armed Forces:
50 eagle riders: Chainmail, elven longsword, shortbow, javelin, dagger.
100 Griffon Riders; Chainmail, elven longsword, shortbow, lance, spear, dagger.
500 light cavalry: Chainmail, shield, elven longsword, shortbow, spear, dagger.
1500 Infantry; Chainmail, kite shield, elven longsword, spear, dagger,
1500 Archers: Studded leather, elven shortsword, dagger, longbow, 100 arrows.
Royals Scouts & Guides: 50 rangers, wilderness warriors & rogues: studded leather, elven
longsword, dagger, elven shortsword, longbow, 30 arrows.
Temples Knihghts; elven platemail, elven longsword, battle axe, mace, kite shield, shortbow,
lance, dagger.
Less than two days travel from the end of the Old Road (or three days travel east from the Lost
Peaks) puts travelers among the soaring spires, domes and minarets of the temple city of
Eaerlann. Mhilamniir boasts a large population, and a great deal of political power. It is known
as The Temple City of Eaerlann because of the numerous temples that are present in the city,
and the numerous priests and priestess who reside in there. Clergy members of all members of
the Seldarine can be found in Mhilamniir, tending to services in the places of worship for their
respective faiths. The entire city is seen as a splendid tribute to the Seldarine as a whole.
Mhilamniir acts as the focal point for elven clergy throughout the North, and it is this clergy that
gives the realm of Eaerlann its considerable strength and influence.
The city sits atop a large steeply wooded hill surround on all sides by a flowing stream, named
Corellons Tears. The largest building in the city is the great temple to Corellon with its great
golden dome set atop a temple of pearl white alabaster and marble. The citys oldest temple is
that dedicated to Labelas, the Temple Beyond Time. Mhilamniir sits atop Starsong Tor, the
ancestral home of the Starsong Clan who dedicated their holdings to the building of the Temple
City, back at the founding of Aryvandaar. The hill itself is a giant Fey Mound, blessed by the
Seldarine and shot through with the interred remains of countless generations of Starsongs and
clergy of the Seldarine. The city proper is surrounded by an ancient yet subtle High Magic
Mythal that affects creatures who approach the city in different ways. The mythal extends 500
meters from the outer edge of the stream in a great ring that extends in all directions.

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Powers of the Mythal

The Mythals Major Power is its biggest secret, known only to the high priests from each
temple. It can only be invoked by all 9 priests in concert, or by default if all 9 priests are
incapacitated, die or leave the city. Then the Temple Mount (Starsong Hill), and its surviving
inhabitants are shoved out of phase and into stasis, leaving behind empty versions of the
buildings that appear surrounded by smoke and fog. The only way to reverse the Temporal
Shunt is by a High Magic Ritual of Myriad performed by at least 5 High Mages and High Priests
of all 9 major Seldarine Temples.
Creatures approaching within certain distances from the Fey mound suffer certain cumulative
500m 300m from the mound intruders are greeted by ghostly apparitions of elves greeting
the strangers, non-fey creatures must saves vs. fear at -2 or flee. The sounds of ghostly singing
and laughter accompany the haunting.
300m- 200m The city seems to shift as Hallucinatory Terrain surrounds the city making
believers think they have become lost and disoriented turning around and going back the way
they came.
200m-100m Intruders are affected by an Antipathy effect that forces them away from the city if
they persist in their advance.
100m-20m Intruders are affected by a Geas Spell that compels them to leave the area and
prevent other intruders from entering the city at all costs.
20m to streams edge, Intruders are affected by a slumber spell, then teleported 1d100 x5 miles
in a random spherical direction.
The Mythals second power prevents the city from being seen (even by magic), by all except
elves, gnomes, and perhaps a few other creatures who bear special individually attuned ward
tokens. All others who cannot see the city are teleported to the other side. The third power
prevents the entry of drow, goblinoids, giants, devils and demons of any sort. The fourth power
prevents fires from taking hold in buildings and prevents the use of magical fire above 1 st level.

The Temples of the city:

1. Dome of the Corellon's Grace
The Dome of the Corellon's Grace is visited by the Fair Folk of Evermeet for solemn ceremonies,
private worship, or simple private meditation. The trees that surround The Dome of the
Corellon's Grace magically weave their branches together, preventing entrance to the temple.
Treants sometimes join the guardian trees in watching over the shrine, as do the countless
sylvan creatures who roam the Green Isle. Wrought iron gates entwined with ivy and blooming
roses year round permit passage only to Tel'Quessir who approach, wishing to worship Corellon
and the Seldarine.
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From the outside, the southern facade of this grand Temple is shod in gold and its graceful
spires tower
over the surrounding trees. The high arched roof of the temple is covered in jewels that glitter
like stars in the moonlight. The white marble stairs leading up to the gates are flanked by giant
marble statues of Corellon. All the floors are covered in delicate mosaics of scenes of the
Seldarine and Arvandor. The support pillars that line the central aisle leading to the altar are
carved with vine scroll work, the leaves made of brilliant green jade. Gleaming white marble
walkways flanked by tall columns adorned with ivy and roses, like the entrance gates, lead
through the heart of the temple and connect the numerous shrines found within. Magical
fountains are scattered throughout the temple, and their enchanted waters are said to confer
one or more effects similar to those of potions of healing, elixirs of health, potions of heroism,
potions of invulnerability, potions of extra-healing, and potions of vitality.
Within Dome of the Corellon's Grace may be found shrines to Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil,
Labelas Enoreth, Rillifane Rallathil, Sehanine Moonbow, and even the king and queen of faerie,
Oberon and Titania. Each shrine contains a white marble statue depicting one of the Seldarine
or faerie monarchs, and elves who pray before them are said to sometimes receive magical
blessings from the power so depicted. The Ar'Tel'Quessir who constructed Corellon's Grove
chose also to include shrines to the rogue powers of the Seldarine including Erevan Ilesere,
Fenmarel Mestarine, Shevarash, Solonor Thelandira and to aspects of the Seldarine worshiped
by the other subraces-such as Angharradh, Bear, Eagle, Raven, and Wolf. All such powers and
aspects of powers are venerated in Dome of the Corellon's Grace by the Fair Folk. Corellon's
shrine is the largest by far found within the temple, a great dome of green marble sits above
the First of the Seldarine and Creator of the Elves. Corellon is portrayed as a tall, unnaturally
thin, androgynous elven figure with a thin face, high cheekbones, and narrow, slanted eyes. The
figure is clad in scale armor and carries a long, slim sword. A delicate coronet graces the brow
of the Coronal of Arvandor, and a sense of peace and contentment radiates from the statue
itself. Any of the Fair Folk who pray here may receive a special blessing from Corellon, although
at most one such favor is granted per year. Corellon may manifest as discussed above, or he
may grant the ability to cast cure light wounds or cure serious wounds once at some future
time. Some elves report after praying at the shrine that the Protector gifted them with an item
of magic (usually a weapon or article of clothing), while others have found woodland animal
companions or mounts such as giant eagles, moonhorses, or pegasi awaiting them as they
completed their supplications.

2. Temple Beyond Time

The city's oldest temple has always been the Temple Beyond Time, a soaring tower shaped like
an elongated
hourglass consecrated in the name of the Lifegiver. Labelasan religious texts suggest that the
Temple Beyond Time existed as far back as the early days of Aryvandaar, nearly 25 millennia
ago. The Temple Beyond Time
is a monument unbowed by the passage of time constructed from weathered stone carved
from the slopes of Starsong Hill. The central chapel of the temple is dominated by a massive
golden sundial inlaid in the floor, and windows are placed so as to allow the direct rays of the
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setting sun to bathe the massive time piece in colorful hues. The temple houses a library
housing some of the greatest collections of elven lore assembled in the Realms.
The Temple Beyond Time can be seen or entered for a few moments at widely varying intervals.
The only permanent inhabitants of the Temple Beyond Time are a trio of Siluvanedenn baelnorn, known collectively as the Timespinners: Susklahava Orbryn, Roan-mara Neirdre, and
Phantyni Evanara. In life, each of the Timespinners was a gold elven priestess of Labelas, and
they have served the Lifegiver for millennia as historians, sages, and oracles. The faithful of the
Lifegiver interpret the god's omens as to when the Temple Beyond Time can be reached and
then travel to the site in order to consult with the eternal seers who dwell within. Those
petitioners who enter the tower bear the risk that when they emerge many years may have
passed, even though the interval seemed like little more than a few hours to those within.

Affiliated Orders: The Order of the Setting Sun is a fellowship of elf and half-elf archeologists,
bards, historians, lore keepers, scholars, sages, and the like who seek to preserve and/or
rediscover the relics and knowledge of elven cultures that have passed into history. The Knights
Paradoxical are an elite order of warriors, wizards, and priests who seek to preserve the
integrity of the time stream and prevent significant alterations to history by chronomancers
and their ilk. Members of this ancient order may be found guarding legendary time gates and
tracking down copies of time conduit spells to keep them out of the hands of those who would
meddle with history either deliberately or through carelessness.

3. The Timeless Oak

This grove of ancient oak trees is considered sacred by the Green elves who often travel here
for ceremonies, marriages, funerals, and other important events. Several spirits are said to
guard the grove, and both Gold and Silver elf priests sometimes come here to commune and
receive messages from the Seldarine.
Rillifane's temple is set in a huge oak tree with platforms built among the branches and vine
bridges connecting them to each other and platforms in adjoining trees. Shrines of the Leaflord,
always a grand oak tree deep within the depths of a forest but too small to serve as a temple of
the Leaflord, are chosen by members of Rillifane's clergy after receiving a dream or vision
directing them to particular tree. Such shrines are marked by the priest with a carving of a small
canary in the trunk about 2 feet from the ground.
The Timeless Oak is the name of both a gargantuan oak tree over 200 feet tall and the temple
of the Leaflord nestled amidst the forest giant's boughs. The temple consists of a network of
platforms sculpted from the tree's branches and hollows cultivated in the great oak's trunk, all
of which are linked by bridges of woven vines. Hallucinatory terrain spells and the thick leaf
coverage mask the religious community's very existence from the outside world.

4. The Towers of the Moon

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Sehanine's temple is a soaring monument open only to elves and a few pious half-elves. The
temple is constructed of white marble and shaped so as to suggest imminent flight. Symmetry
and circles are highly prized by the faith, reflected in the architecture of Sehanine's house of
worship. The central chapel is perfectly circular and can be opened to the night sky by means of
a retractable dome. Great gardens and hedgerow mazes encircle the main structure, their
formations imitating the paths of the heavenly bodies in the night sky above.
Sehanine's priests are the seers and mystics of elven society. They serve as the spiritual
counselors to elves and half-elves who seek to embark on journeys in search of enlightenment
so as to transcend their current state of being. As shepherds and protectors of the dead,
Sehanine's priests organize and administer funeral rites and guard the remains of the fallen.
They seek out and destroy undead creatures, for Sehanine holds such creatures-with the
notable exceptions of baelnorn and other good-aligned undead beings who voluntarily prolong
their existence in order to serve their kin-to be blasphemous. As defenders of elven homelands,
Sehanine's clergy are responsible for weaving and maintaining the illusions that guard those
sanctuaries that remain and for divining potential threats to their continued existence. The
prime task of adventuring priests is the retrieval of lost arcane and magical knowledge,
especially if it pertains to illusions and/or divinations.
Affiliated Orders: The Towers of the Moon temple hosts a chapter of The Veiled Choir. This is a
mysterious sisterhood of elven mystics whose very existence is obscured by a veil of legend,
mystery, and rumor. Sisters of the Veiled Choir are renowned for their prophetic ability, and
their visions are revealed in an unending chorus of song. Only a handful of these ancient elven
seers are believed to exist, residing in ancient temples of the Lady of Dreams whose very
existence has long been forgotten by even the Fair Folk. Young elves in search of adventure
often attempt to find the sisterhood's oracular redoubts of which, curiously, none are located
on the Green Isle. On rare occasions a lucky and persistent elf discovers a Veiled Cantoria, but
those who seek to simply follow in their footsteps always fail in their quest. The reward for
reaching a sanctuary of the Veiled Choir is always the blessing of the Luminous Cloud and a
mysterious prophecy, the unraveling of which may consume the rest of the recipients life.

5. Quicksilver's Redoubt
Hidden within Starsong Hills is a hidden cavern complex known as Quicksilver's Redoubt. The
caverns house a vast store of beautiful objects, most of which were brought there by followers
of the Trickster. If the tales of the Fair Folk are to believed, one of the greatest collection of
relics from the ancient elven realms of Sharrven, Eaerlann, Orishaar, Miyeritar and Thearnytaar
is hidden here as well, assembled as those realms crumbled during the times of the Crown
wars, before the armies of Ilythiir. The Shrine is protected at all times by 3 Watchnorn
Warrior10/Priest16/Thief12s of Erevan. Known as the Triune Guardians, they prevent thieves
from stealing items of value using tricks and traps to protect their charges. The caves
themselves are hidden by Hallucinatory Terrain, Antipathy spells, and deadly spell wards.
Priests of Erevan work with Elvish Minstrels & Bards in the city believe that change and
excitement are the spice of life. They exhort the staid and stodgy priests to live on the edge,
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unbound by the conventions of society in a spirit of constant self-reinvention. They are a breath
of fresh air in the Temple City who seek to puncture the self-righteousness, sanctimony, and
pretension that pervades this orderly society with mischievous pranks that both amuse and
enlighten. Their plays, songs and pranks inspire laughter and happiness, giddy silliness, and
welcome release from care so that the routine of day-to-day existence does not become worn
so deep that it grinds all the joy from life. They celebrate the spontaneous, and practice random
acts of helpfulness, making them most welcome in the home and lives of ordinary Moon and
Green Elf folk throughout the realm. The Gold Elves on the other hand consider the Priests of
Erevan to be nothing but a frivolous bother at best, and blight at worst on the peaceful environs
of the city.

6. Waters of Evergold Temple

The Waters of Evergold Temple is bright and beautiful, with fountains, springs and the Eternal
Waters of Evergold waterfall that flows from the temple throughout the great garden and
eventually encircling the entire Temple Mount, becoming known as Corellons Tears, The
Creator is said to have manifested here and wept over the beauty of Hanali as she danced in
the Sacred Falls. Lady Goldheart's house of worship is designed with young lovers in mind,
providing endless mazes of shady paths, babbling brooks, quiet pools, leafy bowers, and
flowering hedgerows, so as to facilitate amorous trysts and romantic rendezvous. The interior
chambers of the temple are designed so as to permit the entrance of the sun, moon, and gentle
breezes. Several alcoves display beautiful works of art, serving the local community as a
museum, while the main chapel is designed as a great concert hall from which strains of music
spill out into the surrounding gardens.
Offerings of objects of great beauty are made to Lady Goldheart during such holy festivals,
some of
which are swept into Arvandor while others are returned to be shared among all of Hanali's
followers. It is not uncommon for artists to unveil their latest works at the temple on such holy
days, nor is it rare for young lovers to either pledge their troth secretly or proclaim it to all
assembled, for doing so is said to invite Hanali's favor.
The Waters of Evergold Temple is widely regarded among the folk of Eaerlann, with the notable
exception of the drow. Her church is very popular among gold elves, particularly young nobles,
and the Waters of Evergold Temple is believed to oversee their endless galas, revels, and
romances. Any elf bathing in the Waters of Evergold Falls, and making an offering of beauty to
the Goddess may receive Hanalis Blessing. Hanali often manifests as a soft rose-hued nimbus
of light that envelops a creature or object. When Hanali's aura envelops an elf, half-elf, or faerie
or creature of the Seelie Court,his or her Charisma increases by 2 points with respect to
members of the opposite gender. The radiant glow also acts as a friends spell, affecting any
who behold the favored being's beauteous visage. While Hanali's glow usually fades with the
coming of dusk or dawn, an elven worshiper may, no more than once during his or her lifetime,
receive a permanent increase in Charisma, often as a reward for creating or preserving a
beautiful object, making a great sacrifice, or completing a great quest for the benefit of a loved
one. Hanali's manifestation also allows the recipient to detect romantic interest for the
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duration of the effect. Any to dare to desecrate the falls will often find themselves cursed with
a wasting disease that removes 2 points of charisma per day until the person has atoned for
their sins in some quest or special service for the temple.

7. Hunters Heart
The Temple of Solonor can be found at the heart of Starsong Hill, The Great Archer's house of
worship is a mixture of natural and carefully sculpted features emphasizing the competing
principles that Solonor tries to balance. Hunters Heart sits in a cultivated grove of trees
carefully tended from seedlings to form two or more concentric rings of forest giants. Each tree
has been grown so as to form one or more natural hollows within its trunk at various
elevations, and vine rope bridges are threaded through each tightly packed grove to connect
the chambers in the heart of each tree. At ground level, roots, rocks, earth, plants are woven
into near impregnable defensive fortifications to ensure the sanctity of the temple perimeter.
Earthen chambers are hewn from the dirt beneath the grove, nestled among the tightly woven
root structures.
In the surrounding woods, trees are carefully planted so as to create narrow, spoke like paths
radiating outward from the central grove. Although not immediately obvious to casual
observation, the plant growth along these paths is cultivated so as to impede movement but
permit the flight of arrows, thus forming natural shooting galleries in which invaders are easily
targeted. Hunters Heart contains both ceremonial chambers adorned with hunting trophies
and hollows with more practical applications such as crafting and repairing bows and arrows,
the curing of venison and other meats, the tanning of hides, and the carving of bones to form
tools and figurines.
Priests of Hunters Heart serve as scouts and archers in Eaerlanns armies, as bowyers,
fletchers, and archery instructors in elven settlements, and as hunters and providers for farflung rural communities. Among those Fair Folk who largely eschew the trappings of civilization,
members of Solonor's priesthood preside over initiation ceremonies into adulthood. Hawkeyes
serve the Great Archer by working to maintain the balance of nature. Solonor's priests are
deadly enemies of those who worship Malar, Talos, or Moander, and they often join forces with
those who serve the Leaflord in order to exterminate followers of those evil gods whenever
they make their presence known.

8. Fortress of Shadows Loss

The Temple of Shevarash is located above a system of caverns mouths that connects Starsong
Hill with the deeper tunnels of the Fey Mound. The Black Archer's two story, fortress temple is
constructed of red stone and serves first and foremost as nigh-impregnable forts blocking
access to the tunnels, crypts and tombs beneath the city, that can be held by a handful of
defenders. The Fortress is designed to withstand long-term sieges and includes a well stocked
armory, storerooms, and cisterns of fresh water. The walls of Shevarash's Fortress are adorned
with trophies seized from fallen drow. Shevarash's followers sometimes construct shrines to
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their god in the Underdark, but such monuments are makeshift at best, quickly built in caves
that serve as a temporary base of operations. Fallen warriors of the cult are brought back to the
surface to be interred in the catacombs beneath the temple fortress or, if absolutely necessary,
buried in unmarked cairns in the Underdark so as to hide them from the drow.
Fortress of Shadows Loss

9. Eilistraee's Mound
In a quiet glade outside of the city proper is the ninth Seldarine temple, a Fey Mound dedicated
the Dark Maiden Eilistraee. Corellons daughter and her followers enjoys a rare place of peace
within the precincts of Mhillamniir. Though outside of the city the mound still enjoys the
benefits of the Mythals protections due to a buried Mythal leash, that connects this distant
place through a mile long astral connection.

Before the elven Crown Wars, Eilistraee's faith was strong in Miyeritar, and she had small
numbers of faithful in Ilythiir and the other elven realms of the time. The Dark Disaster,
unleashed during the Third Crown War, transformed Miyeritar into the blasted wasteland now
known as the High Moor and dealt a devastating blow to the ranks of the Dark Maiden's
followers. A few ancient, sacred sites of power built before the Crown Wars survive in the Misty
Forest, along the borders of the High Moor, and in the Shard, scattered across the once verdant
savannah. Eilistraees Mound is one of those places.
The Mound of the Dark Maiden was established above dark caverns and in the dim forest at the
outer edge of Mhillamniir from which her priests venture forth at night to brave the moonlight.
Eilistraee's Mound has developed in a manner similar to those of the surface elves dedicated to
the Seldarine. The Dark Maiden's clergy sought out a pristine, natural site that needed little
modification, they found this fey mound and dedicated it to the dark Maiden with Corellons
blessing. Temple complex includes the dancing glade in which to dance and from which the
view of the moon is unobstructed, a dark place removed from the light of day, a thick tree
canopy, a lively fresh water stream that playfully dances and sings, a forge and smithy for
Grafting swords, and an access tunnel to the caverns beneath the mound, and a vein of iron or
some other metal suitable for the Crafting of swords.
Beneath Eilistraee's Mound is the site of a great statue of the Dark Maiden hewn from a jagged
mound of black marble rock. Adjoining the main temple is the Hall of Healing which serves as a
sick nursery for the care and tending of the temples wounded as well as those unfortunates
who suffered from the dangers of the forest including less than understanding elves.
Currently the Temple is staffed by a group of half drow and drow/moon elf or drow green elf
priests, the progeny of victims of drow raids or escaped slaves. Daily activities in the temple
include food-growing, temple building chores, patrolling the temple caverns and outer forest,
and practicing diplomacy beyond the immediate temple area. The Chosen of Eilistraee work
tirelessly to further the Lady's aims toward the peaceful coexistence of drow with other races of
the Realms.
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At night at times of the full moon when the priestesses dance in the glade at the base of the
mound, it is said that if they bring new converts to dance upon the top on the mound Eilistraee
may manifest as a sign of her pleasure and as a welcome to the new worshipper. Eilistraee's
most used manifestations are a silvery radiance, sometimes accompanied by a wordless snatch
of song or a few echoing harp notes. If the radiance surrounds an item (almost always a sword
or other bladed weapon), that item typically gains the following two powers for 6 rounds: full
possible damage (maximum roll, plus all bonuses) and immunity to breakage or other damage
(automatic success of all item saving throws). If the radiance envelops a being, Eilistraee's favor
typically gives any or all of the following three aids permanently; 1) the ability to strike first in
any round, 2) an increase in Armor Class of 2 points, 3) and a bonus of +4 to all attack rolls,
including the ability to strike creatures normally affected only by magical weapons of a +2 or
greater bonus.
The followers of Eilistraee are figures of legend in both the Underdark and the Lands of Light.
They are the subject of superstitions and wildly inaccurate mistruths, held by surface dwellers
to be the evil vanguard of the Spider Goddess's plot to plunge all of Faerun into darkness under
her rule and held by those drow who follow the Way of Lolth (or other evil gods) to be faerie
(surface elf) invaders masquerading as dark elves in preparation for the coming war of
annihilation. Rare is the individual- dark elf or not-who appreciates that Eilistraee is forging her
own path, one that welcomes beings of all races who revel in life and the free form expression
of all that entails.

10. Shrine of the Black Sword

These quiet gardens, of which there is an exact copy on Evermeet, feature tall, unadorned
columns of black marble leading to a small crystal pyramid, and act as a memorial to all those
TelQuessir slain throughout elven history. Each year at Fallrite, the Coronals family and a party
of nobles visit the shrine in solemn procession, singing and chanting, burning incense in
memory of the fallen. During the rest of the year, the shrine generally remains unvisited,
although occasionally elves will visit to memorialize dead relatives or ancestors.

11. Aerdrie Faenyas Shrine

This statue portrays a tall, slim elven woman with graceful feathery wings, dressed in a long,
flowing gown that reaches the ground, concealing her feet. Elves who pray here have a 10%
chance of being transformed into a giant eagle for 1d6 days. At the end of this time, if the elf is
still airborne, he or she will revert to elven form but drift to the ground as per the featherfall

12. Araleth Letheranil The Prince of Stars

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13. Kirith Sotheril The Magess

14. Taralen The Songstress
15. Naralis Analor The Healer
16. Tethrin Veralde Master of Blades

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Mhilamniir Temple Precinct

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The City of Ascalharla

Citadel of Ascalhorn
Before humans first heard of Turnstone Pass or the Talons or the Land of Three Fords, the elves
were here among the once-plentiful forests of the Upvale. In the days when elves walked
Faerun as rulers, the High Forest was more massive. What are now the Lurkwood, Moonwood,
Silverwood, Everwood, Cold Wood, Far Forest, and South Wood once were part of one greater
forest, and the land therein was known among elves as Aryvandaar, which translates as High
Forest/the Great Woodlands Home. With the Crown Wars, the elven civilization of Aryvandaar
and its great forest began to splinter. Within a score of centuries, the northernmost reaches of
the High Forest split along the River Rauvin and the trees also thinned along the Delimbyr
creating the Upvale.
Later, though the elves colonized more of Faerun, they returned to the High Forest to create
other realms like Siluvanede, the gold elf realm that sought to reclaim the exalted position held
by Aryvandaar; Sharrven, the mixed elven realm centered on the Unicorn Run and the Star
Mounts; and Eaerlann, a splinter realm of Sharrven that soon equaled its parent and occupied
the former ruling lands of Aryvandaar. Of all those realms, Eaerlann built the most fortresses
and military posts within its lands and at its borders. Ostensibly, its inhabitants built them to
protect themselves from the orcs whose hordes regularly swept across the frontier, but other
historians have suggested the elves lived in fear of the rising human populations and built them
in response to the rise of the human nation of Netheril. Regardless of why they were built, the
fortresses that dot the Upvale and the eastern High Forest today sprang from Eaerlann or were
rebuilt Aryvandaaran posts.

The Rise of Ascalhorn

The elves had lived in temporary settlements (hunting lodges, seasonal villages, etc.) among the
upper tributaries
of the Delimbyr for thousands of years, but the discomfiting rise of Netheril catalyzed them to
react to the increased human activity in the region. Eaerlanns elves had freely taught these
humans magic, but the humans greedily plundered lost caches of magic from the ruined towers
of Aryvandaar, and once they discovered the Nether Scrolls (which were discovered by the
elves themselves and hidden again by them before the Crown Wars), Netherils power grew by
leaps and bounds.

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Most elven nations, like Siluvanede and Sharrven, withdrew from all contact with the humans
and waited for their greed and abusive power to destroy them. Eaerlann, with whom the
humans had early and continuing contact, merely cemented its borders and made them clearly
known by their defensive fortresses such as the one built on the Horn, a natural peak along a
bend in the western source stream of the Delimbyr (long centuries later known as the
Ascalhorn River). Ascal Rachiilstar, the founding commander and primary engineer and leader
of his small house, found many renaming the site and the burgeoning fortress after him. The
work finished on the fortress of Ascal's Horn in the Year of Owls. Watching (-372 DR), and its
walls bristled with spears, arrows, and other defenses set to guard Turnstone Pass against an
orc horde. Secretly, the spell casters within the military town wove wards (which many
considered to be near-mythals) designed to repel the spells and quasi-magical item effects of
the Netherese while magnifying the defenders magics.
Less than four decades after Ascals Horn posted its first guards, the pompous Netherese
archwizard Karsus brought ruin upon himself and his people by becoming a god (for a brief
moment). Netheril fell with Karsus, whose hubris led to the temporary destruction of the
Weave and thus the Fall of Netheril. While many elves rejoiced over the end of the human
nation of archwizards, they also took pity on the downtrodden and aimless masses of survivors
of the Fall and took them under their protective wings. Within 30 years of the Fall, the elven
fortress town of Ascals Horn became Ascalhorn, the town of magic, where human wizards
relearned the less-abusive magics of the elves and Mystra. However, all capable of wizardry had
to abandon quasi-magic and learn new magical theories and practices, for to use Netherese
magic in this town was a crime punishable by death.
Within a century, placed officials within the town had grown such that only a few highly it was
elves and the bulk of the populace was primarily human. The elves of Eaerlann told themselves
they had given the site over to the humans because they were better fit for the distasteful duty
of continually guarding against the recurrent orc hordes. When Myth Drannor rose in the
eastern great forest of Cormanthor, Ascalhorn was among the first to ally itself with the City of
Spells. A sister city to the greatest of all the races accomplishments, Ascalhorn grew great in
arcane might along with Myth Drannor. However, without the guiding light of Coronal Eltargrim
or his advisors, such as Myth Drannor had, that power was quietly hoarded by elitists and
paranoid mages rather than shared by all citizens to make Ascalhorn strong. Also during this
time, Ascalhorn and Silverymoon grew close as fellow centers of learning the largely
undeveloped Savage Frontier. The Fall of Myth Drannor and the influx of elves and other
wizards in and citizens from that realm toward Ascalhorn saw changes in the town. Many
accepted the newcomers as fellow scholars and folk of knowledge, and the magic they brought
from Myth Drannor was wondrous and happily safe from the Army of Darkness that ravaged
their fallen city. However, the flood of new wizards and elves also made many of Ascalhorns
elitist wizards paranoid and afraid of losing their positions and their monopoly on power. This
signaled the true start of Ascalhorns collapse.

Ascalhorn's Fall & the Rise of Hellgate Keep

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Wulgreth, a lesser Ascalhi wizard, summoned baatezu into the town in secret to grant him the
power to overcome his social and magical rivals. Despite his power and precautions, the
baatezu he summoned were never fully controlled, and thus they insinuated themselves into
the power plays of many wizards, steering them covertly with hidden plots within the wizards.
overt power games. While the fact that baatezu were present in the town was kept quiet, many
folk began to feel ill-at-ease due either to the unconscious influences of the baatezu or the
growing problems among the warring wizards, whose social battles flooded the streets with
magic at least twice a ten-day. Folk uninvolved in these feuds or power groups began migrating
out of Ascalhorn, leaving behind only the power-mad. After a few decades of servitude, a few
baatezu convinced their masters to accept lichdom as a path to power. Once their masters
became undead, the baatezu slowly began taking control of the town through their former
controllers. Within a few short decades, baatezu dominated Ascalhorn openly, and few people
were beyond their control. In desperation, the few wizards left alive summoned the baatezus
ancient enemies
the tanarri into Ascalhorn and sought to bind them into saving the town. The tanarri saved the
town from the baatezu, but slaughtered nearly everyone within the fortress, dominating the
site and declaring it their territory. (This territorial claim was almost mandated by the lack of
wizards to send the tanarri back to the Blood War and their homeland.) Maerstar, a bard
among the few humans who escaped the battles of the Horns Fall and fled to safety,
rechristened the town Hellgate Keep in one of his songs.
Grintharke, a balor and greatest of the tanarri commanders, immediately brought more of his
kin over to Faerun to reinforce his position. By late summer, Grintharkes plans to ally with the
orc hordes to bring down both Ammarindar and Eaerlann were in full swing. Given the fall of
their northernmost defense into fiendish hands, both the elven realm of Eaerlann and the
dwarven kingdom of Ammarindar were ill-prepared to repel both a massive orc horde and the
consolidated fiends of Hellgate Keep from their borders. Thus, within months of the fall of
Ascalhorn, the last great demi-human empires of the North also fell. Hellgate Keeps reputation
as a center of great evil seemed permanently etched in the minds of all the survivors, the
refugees, and the peoples of nearby lands. For a few years, Hellgate Keep seemed poised to
conquer the North. The tanarri began burning the forests of the Upvale and successfully
corrupted the lands of the Far Forest. However, by the time they conquered the belowground
halls of Ammarindar, the final and decisive line of defense was drawn by a number of Harpers
and wizards, including the elder Khelben Arunsun, Elminster, the silver-haired ladies Alustriel
and Laeral the Witch-Queen of the North, Nyaalsir the Stareye, Ymlar of Silverymoon, and
While some wizards fought and died to contain the tanarri within Hellgate Keep on
Midsummer of the Year of the Fell Firebreak (886 DR),the others established powerful wards
permeating the lands about the citadel. In fact, Elminster and Khelben used knowledge from
Mythanthar's Folio (a collection of scrolls that contain research and commentary on the nature
of abjuration magics, specifically wards and mythals) in conjunction with other sources of
power placed in the Keep by the elves and hidden from the human wizards of Ascalhorn to aid
the wizards in weaving a ward so powerful it was nearly a mythal. In addition to other effects
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useful against the Keeps forces, its dweomer trapped any greater or true tanarri within the
Keeps walls, limiting their direct control over operations beyond the fortress to what they
could exercise through their underlings. These wards also prevented the tanarri from
summoning others of their kind as reinforcements.

Citadel of Ascalhorn
(Small Keep City): Population 3500; Mixed (Human 70%, Moon Elf 10%, Half Elf 5%, Shield
Dwarf 5%, Halfling 5%, Other 5%)
Exports: weapons & armour, horses, books & scrolls, minor magical items, education, unusual
pets, musical instruments, jewellery, tack and harness, smithied goods, wagons.
Armed Forces:
350 Knights; platemail, broadsword, shield, crossbow, 20 bolts, heavy lance, battle axe, flail,
20 eagle riders: Chainmail, elven longsword, shortbow, javelin, dagger.
100 Griffon Riders; Chainmail, elven longsword, shortbow, lance, spear, dagger.
1000 Infantry; Chainmail, kite shield, longsword, spear, dagger, battle axe,
Royals Scouts & Guides: 50 rangers, wilderness warriors & rogues: studded leather, elven
longsword, dagger, elven shortsword, longbow, 30 arrows.
The Citadel is built on the slopes of a jutting natural peak known as Ascals Horn. The Keeps
soaring stone walls and towers were built by elves long ago. They were intended to guard
Turnstone Pass and the northern reaches of the elves realm from the periodic attacks of orc
hordes. Ascalhorn stands on the westernmost of the three rivers that join to form the
Delimbyr, the western most stream known as the Ascal Stream.
The outer walls stand 60 feet high, with the towers jutting a further 40 feet above that. All
buildings within the keep stand between 3 and 4 stories in height, made of local stone quarried
from the surrounding hills. Each wall tower holds a school of wizardry and a detachment of
soldiers 10+1d10 F3-5s, plus 1d4+1 officers, 1d4 war mages, and 1d2+1 priests, at all times.
Basements and sewers are not directly connected to the sublevels of the Citadel. These can
only be accessed through the some of the towers, the High Keep, and The Three Torn Towers
Keep. The populace of 2500, lives solely within the walls of the citadel itself, a further 10500
people live in the town 1 mile from the base of the Tor, Ascalharla.

The Defenders of the Keep

Over 1000 soldiers and their families call the keep home. The average man-at-arms is a F3 to F5
AL LN/LG/LE with officers being F6-12. Most are human of Netherese descent, with a few elves,
half elves and dwarves as well. The army is commanded by the High Marshall, Lord Eric
Merendil HM FG 19 AL LG, and a dour follower of Helm. His soldiers patrol the keep, town, and
surrounding areas acting as the first line of defense against invasion from the north. The true
power of Ascalhorn lies with its many powerful wizards, priests and the Knights of Ascalhorn, a
powerful group of warriors, paladins & crusaders of Tyr and Helm.
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Places of Interest
1. Three Torn Towers Keep and Barbican
(Main Gate and Head Quarters of Ascalhi Army of 600 men at arms)
The main keep and entrance to the city, here war wizards and soldiers guard the citys
gates and patrol the surrounding country side. At all times there are 200 soldiers and 10
war wizards on duty here. It is also the home of the High Marshall, his officers and their

2.The Tower Arcanatorus

(Tower of Wulgreth & Main Wizards School) The school of Conjurers and Summoners.

3. The Armoury
Here the major weapons cache of the city is stored, along with magical ammunition for
the catapults, ballistae and other wall mounted weapons.

4. Everwell
This well is part of the citys main water supply and is linked via a portal to the
elemental plain of water.

5. Hall of Duty (Temple to Helm)

Here the high priest Major Darthac Selazair HM Pr14 AL LN of Helm presides over the
religious needs of the citys soldiers. The temple is well stocked with weapons, and acts
as a hospital for the soldiers and their dependants. There are 3d10+10 priests of levels
2+1d10 on duty at all times.

6. High Keep
(Head Quarters of the Knights of Ascalhorn, Protectors of the Citadel)
The quarters of the Knights of Ascalhorn and their families, Lead by the Paladin Kattaris
Dracohorn HM Pld 16 Helm AL LG. The Knights work in closely with the Ahkfaer of
Eaerlann to keep the realm safe. They have an innate distrust of wizards who dont
serve in the military and are the major voice for those without magical might to call
upon. There are always 20+1d20 Pld 5+1d10 paladins of Helm and Tyr here at all times,
along with 2d20 warriors Fg 4+1d12, and 1d10+10 Crusaders Fg/Pr 3+1d10 of helm and
Tyr here to help with the defense of the citadel. An equal number of Knights is away on
patrol on the eastern and northern borders of the realm.

7. Jalasters Rest
(Wizards Tower & School) Jalasters school in invokers and abjurers

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8. High Horn Tower

(Wizards Tower & School) The headquarters of the citys war mages and school of war
wizardry and Abjuration

9. Towers of Shadow
(Wizards Tower & School)The headquarters of the citys scouts, spys and school of
Illusionists & Enchanters

10. Tower of the Midnight Sun (Wizards Tower & School)

A foreboding tower where the stench of decay and rot is never far from the nose, it
houses the citys school of Necromancers, the practice of black necromancy is forbidden
upon pain of permanent death.

11. Fountains of the Silver Fire (Temple to Mystra)

Here the High Priestess Tahlia Everdusk EF Pr 14 of Mystra AL NG, presides over the
religious lives of the majority of the citys wizards and lay folk. Here she and her
assistants preach the need for balance in the use of magic. The temple acts as a hospital
to the majority of Ascalhorns people. There are 1d10+10 priests of levels 2+1d10 on
duty at all times.

12. Hall of the High Merchant (Temple to Waukeen)

Here High Merchant Melissa Bleth LN HF Pr 12 of Waukeen, sees to the fare and honest
dealings of Ascalhorns traders and merchants here the records for trade agreements,
transactions and all business dealings are kept. The temple also acts as the cities only
money changer and bank, thus assuring that all merchants get a fair deal. There are
2d6+6 priests of levels 2+1d10 on duty at all times.

13. Ravens Rest Inn & Tavern & Sharnost Wizards Tower
The reclusive wizard Sharnost Blackraven, Wiz 21 HM AL N(G), resides in a 4 story tower
connected to the Ravens Rest Inn & Tavern. The food is excellent, the music superb
and the wines, ales and juices second to none. Here all races and classes of people are
welcome, so long as they remember one simple rule; no spells, or weapons are to be
used or drawn upon pain of transformation. Sharnost is an expert at Polymorphing and
Shape Change magics, and few can stand against him if the rules are broken. The Tower
is also a wizards school, (perhaps the most popular), and Sharnosts apprentices run the
tavern. There are always There are 2d8+8 wizards of levels 2+1d10 on duty at all times.

14. Turumbars Bardic College

Home to the only bards & skalds school in Ascalhorn, presided over by Turumbar
Hawklin EM Bd 21 AL NG, here the history and songs of the Netherese and of
Ascalhorn is taught and kept, a regular school for the children of the city is also run here,

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but only the best and brightest can afford to attend. There are 2d10+10
bards/skalds/spellsingers of levels 2+1d10 on duty at all times.

15. The Great Hall (Meeting & Festhall)

The main meeting hall of the citizens, and ruling council of Ascalhorn. When it is not
being used for official business it can be decked out to hold dances, weddings, dinners,
festivals and revels for the citizens who can afford it.

16. Ironstars Armour & Blades

Here the embassy of Ammarindar resides, never one to leave an opportunity for trade
and profit go undone, the leader of these dwarves Thistledown Ironstar DF Fg10/Thf13
AL NG, overseas the daily construction of armour and weapons for the soldiers and
citizens of the citadel. Other items of import and art are also made here. With so many
wizards here magical weapons and armour are easily supplied.
There are 3d10+10 Dwarves of Fg/Thr/Pr levels 2+1d10 on duty at all times.

17. High Arcanists School of Wizardry

Here the fundamentals of wizardry and mage craft are taught here, it is also the home
for the Diviners of Ascalhorn.

18. The Wanton Wench Tavern

Food here is good, beers & ales a specialty, there are rooms for permanent rent on the
top two levels, no questions asked. Everyones gold is good to the owner, one Orman
Marliir HM Fg4/Wz8 AL LN.

19. Hall of High Justice (Courts & Temple of Tyr)

Here the high priest Knight Major Tatiana Selazair HF Pr18 AL LG of Tyr (sister of
Darthak) presides over the religious needs of the Knights of Ascalhorn. The temple is
well stocked with weapons, and acts as a hospital for the Knights and their dependants.
There are 3d10+10 priests of levels 2+1d10 on duty at all times. It is here also that all
legal disputes are settled and criminal cases are heard with punishments meted out
immediately by the wizards or priests of the city.

20. Hall of the River Shining (House Delimbyr Trading Coster)

Residence and headquarters of the most successful merchant family in Ascalhorn, the
Turcassans. With trade routes from the High Forest to Cormyr, the Turcassans wield
much power through their incredible wealth. Led by Marshatra Turcassan HM Wz 18 AL
N, the families fortune is displayed by this ostentatious mansion of pearl white marble
and gold covered minarets.

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21. House of the High Lords

(Meeting Hall and Ambassadors residence for the rulers of Ascalhorn) Here the ruling
lords of the city meet, the high council made up of wizards, priests, warriors, guildsmen,
merchants and farmers. They decide the day to day workings of the city and its
relationships with other powers. The only permanent seat on the council is reserved for
the ambassador of Eaerlann who has a permanent (if rarely used) rite of veto over any
decision the council makes that will affect the wider realm.

22. Barracks of the Lords Men (Quarters for 300 men at arms)
Place of rest for the off duty soldiers that make up the garrison of Three Torn Towers
Keep. There is a detachment of soldiers 3d10+1d10 F3-5s, plus 1d4+1 officers, 1d4 war
mages, and 1d2+1 priests, at all times.

23. Tower of Eaerlann (Eaerlanni Headquarters and Military Liason)

The ambassadors residence and home of the Eaerlanni contingent of AhkVelahrn and
Ahkfaer based in Ascalhorn. The current ambassador is Illyria Hawksong Moon Elf F
High Mage 22 AL LG, a delightful if wily operator and judger of human character and
nature. She also holds the keys to the wards placed in Ascalhorn when it was turned
over to the humans, the keystone for a future mythal, ward stones that detect
Netherese style magic and various other scrying and spying devices hidden in the city.
A detachment of AhkVelahrn 30+1d10 F3-5s, plus 1d4+1 officers, 1d4 Ahkfaer battle
mages, and 1d4+1 Seldarine priests, is on duty here at all times.

24. The Ascal Road

Following the Ascal Stream through lower Ascalhorn and out to the Delimbyr Run.

25. The Great Market Square

26. Astalme Manor
27. High Hunt Hall
28. Curtain Wall Gate
29. The Cleft
30. Postern Gate & Sewer Outlet

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The City of Ascalharla

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(Small City): Population 10500; Mixed (Human 70%, Moon Elf 10%, Half Elf 5%, Shield Dwarf
5%, Halfling 5%, Other 5%)
Exports: Wool, grains, silk, cotton, pearls, fish, shell fish, weapons & armour, leather goods,
timber products, herbs & spices, books, scrolls, horticultural products, horses, wines, meads,
ales, juices, pottery, metal goods, wagons, cattle.
Armed Forces:
300 Knights: platemail, broadsword, shield, crossbow, 30 bolts, heavy lance, battle axe, flail,
500 light cavalry: Chainmail, shield, longsword, shortbow, spear, dagger.
1500 Infantry; Chainmail, kite shield, longsword, spear, battle axe, dagger,
500 Crossbow men: Studded leather, longsword, dagger, heavy cross bow, 100 bolts.
Royals Scouts & Guides: 75 rangers, wilderness warriors & rogues: studded leather, elven
longsword, dagger, elven shortsword, longbow, 30 arrows.

1. The Swing Bridge

2. Cutters Market
3. The Astral Stair (Invokers School)
4. Palace of Justice
5. The Palaise de Knight Prince
6. Library of Richiaxkar
7. Sterling Manor
8. Pike & Sabre Tavern
9. Taxius Portal (Hidden Bridge)
10 Haverstocks Merchant Hall & Guild

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The City
The city of Ascalharla contains much of the population that does not fit into Ascalhorn Citadel.
Nestled between the hills along the banks of the Ascal Stream (really a small river), the city acts
as the commerce hub for the human population of Eaerlann. The lords of the Citadel all have
houses here in the lower city, but they rarely use them. Often the houses are dwelt in by lesser
members of the ruling nobles. Like Elven Port Ascalharla is a place of commerce and industry.

The city is surrounded by a 40 high 10 thick curtain wall set with 50 high watch towers. A city
guard of 500 troops is on call or on patrol at all times. The cities high population of mages
ensures that most trouble is quickly contained. The common citizens of the Ascalharla, look
upon those who live On the Hill, as being, dangerous, elitist snobs, with more pwer and money
than common sense.

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(Waters of the Moon)
The City of Elvenport

Elvenport (Small City) River Port: Population 8500; Mixed (30% Moon Elf, 20% Green Elf, Half
Elf 10%, Human 15%, Shield Dwarf 15%, Halfling 5%, Other 5%)
Rulers: Princess Daliarana Starsong mef, AL LG, Fg 9/Mg 16 (Blade Singer), High Mage
Aerdruth Silvermist, mem AL NG, Mg 22 (High Mage), Council of Priests, Merchants,
Guildsmen, Traders
Exports: Chandlery, leaf boats, swan ships, barges, rope, cotton, silk, grains, fruits &
vegetables, arms & armour, wool, sails, wagons, cheeses, beers, ales & wines.
Armed Forces:
Silver Swan Haven Guard: 500 (Moon Elf 50%, Green Elf 10%, Dwarf 20%, Human 20%)
White Swan River Guard: 1500 (Moon Elf 50%, Green Elf 10%, Dwarf 20%, Human 20%)
The elven port of TeutelAlu (Elvenport) has a guard which is not part of the army, but may join
the fight side by side with their allies. They have lightweight chain hauberks and are armed with
longswords, spears and either longbows or shortbows. Elven sailors wear leather breastplates
and carry falchions, spears and shortbows.
Elvenport is a famous elven haven at the eastern end of the Old Road. TeutelAlu occupies a
100 high hill that rises out of the Delimbyr Valley less than a mile from the Singing Waters
Portal. The smooth hillock forms a 2500 long Tor, which is just over 500 across at its widest
point. Four well maintained, cobbled roads connect the gently terraced hillock with Eaerlann
and Ammarindar. The town is surrounded by a low white wall and a ring of silvery oaks. The
towns high towers with azure blue tiled roofs sparkle in the clear sky. Wagons of human and
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dwarven merchants ply the various trade ways, whilst caravans of Elven and Halfling Traders
move up and down the roads that connect Elvenport to the wider world.
A bustling river town of some 8500 souls, thrives on the trade brought from across Eaerlann
and Ammarindar. The town is a trade hub and nexus for all that is vibrant and interesting
across the Delimbyr Vale. The High Forest to the east and the Graypeak Mountains to the west
act as a back drop to this picturesque community of Green Elves, Moon Elves, Dwarves,
Humans, Half Elves and Halflings. Merchants, caravan guards, local crafters, stevedores, fisher
folk, traders and the curious all call Elvenport home. Elvenport is a well defended haven for
dwarven river boats and the slender leaf boats and barges of the elves. The river boatmen ply
their trade from Myth Glaurach in the north, all the way to the Shining Falls and
Splendarrmornn in the south. This makes Elvenport a thriving town full of life and optimism.

The Barrier Ward

Elvenport is an old city, its original foundations trace their origins back to before the rise of the
Vyshaan Empire. The problems that it has faced over its considerable existence have barely
changed. Surrounding the city is a spherical ward 3000 in diameter, whilst not a proper
mythal, it contains certain similar characteristics that have allowed it to survive relatively
untouched by the troubles that have plagued many other Elven settlements. Its powers are
few, but mighty in their application.
1. The greatest power of the ward prevents the intrusion of goblinoids and giant kin
beyond the Barrier Wards limits. These creatures are repulsed as if hitting a solid
adamantine wall.
2. The Barrier prevents the opening of all gates and portals. Any who attempt such a thing
are immediately struck dead in a blinding flash of ruby light.
3. The weather is always lessened in severity by one factor whilst within the barrier, but
extreme heat and cold is still possible, and floods have damaged the city in the past.
4. All fire, magical and otherwise can be snuffed out with just a thought by any of the citys
5. Any creature who intentionally attempts to take the life of another whilst within the
Barrier is immediately struck by a Crimson Bolt. Each bolt causes paralysis for 4d10 rds
(and will teleport evil outer planar and undead to the quasi-elemental plane of Ash), has
a range of 1000 yards and can track teleporting, invisible or phased creatures. The
Barrier Ward can release up to 5 Crimson Bolts per minute.
Many believe that the Barrier Ward can also help heal the sick, keeps undead at rest, prevents
tempers from becoming frayed and makes friends of foes, but these are just rumors. This Ward
is clearly High Magic in origin, but falls way short of a true High Magic, or even Wizardly Mythal.
Few know of its existence, and only the High mage of the city knows that it is sentient. Who or
what this sentient is has never been revealed. Elvenports laws make sure that the Barrier
Wards restrictions are strictly met and enforced.
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1. The Three Gates Towers

These 60 high, white walled, blue roofed watch towers of the city are always populated
by a squad of the haven guard 20 Fg 3-6, with officers Fg 7-10 or Fg7-9/Mg7-9 Officers,
and a priest 5-9, from the temples. The squads are of mixed race and generally work
well together. Their uniforms are sky-blue tabards with a silver swan emblem, set over
chainmail hauberks. These same squads regularly patrol the city, and a 20 mile
perimeter around Elvenport. The city itself is surrounded by a 30 high, 10 thick curtain
wall of grown stone whose surface is so slick and shiny that it prevents creatures from
climbing it. The wall is magically enhanced to reflect pure energy and beam attacks such
as disintegrate spells and lightning bolts back upon their source.

2. High Mages Tower

The home of High Mage Aerdruth Silvermist and his various helpers and apprentices.
The mages here are often hired out by merchants to accompany the barges and leaf
boats up and down the Delimbyr River. The High Mages Tower, a tall white marble
edifice, with a traditional blue tiled roof, is surrounded by a grove a tall shadowtop
treed that house the various apprentices and battle mages that serve as escorts for the
haven guard and river traffic. 20+1d12 mages or blade singers Lv 5-12 can be found in
residence here at all times. It is this quantity of mages that keeps the city safe rather
than its low walls.

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3. House Silverhawk (merchants)

Home of the Silverhawk trading coster and notable Moon Elf family. Their mansion is a
stately triple towered affair, with climbing red, blue and white roses covering the outer
walls of this 3 storied dwelling. The Silverhawks are famed as generous employers and
for holding the best revels in the city. Rich beyond measure, the family members are
prominent in the River Guards, the High Mages apprentices, and are well known as
canny merchants with major holdings in all the larger Eaerlanni Cities. Leader is Haroa
Silverhawk, mem Fg 9/Bd 6 AL NG

4. Temple to Corellon
This white marble affair is typical of Haven architecture, with gleaming white marble
walkways flanked by tall columns adorned with carvings of ivy and roses, like the
entrance doors, lead through the heart of the temple and connect the numerous shrine
alcoves found within. Magical fonts are scattered throughout the Temple, and their
enchanted waters are said to confer one or more effects similar to those of potions of
healing, elixirs of health, potions of heroism, potions of invulnerability, potions of extrahealing, and potions of vitality. Presiding over the congregation here is Sybilla Dahast, a
very distant cousin to the Dahasts of Cormanthor. A very tolerant Moon Elf/Gold Elf
Priestess, Cormirra Dahast welcome all to her temple to venerate the Seldarine and the
Seelie Court as they see fit. Even non-elves are greeted warmly and allowed to stay if
sanctuary is requested.
Cormiira Sybilla Dahast, m/gef, AL CG, Pr 15 of Corellon. Priests from the temple are
required to serve with the Haven and River Guards, so there are a greater number of
Priests and Clerics than would normally be found in a Temple dedicated to the Creator.
Based here is a holy order of knights, Knights of the Silver Swan. Made up
predominantly of Moon Elves, there is a smattering of Green, Gold, and Half Elves, and
even a few humans and Dwarves. These Knights act as Armathors for the city and work
closely with the Haven and River Guards in defense of the city and its merchant traffic.
A chapter house can be found in the Tower Shining, a small keep that guards the
portage above the Shining Falls. Here a lot more Dwarves and humans can be found in
the orders service. There are currently 300 knights of various classes and levels who can
be found patrolling up and down the river. The Knights of the Silver Swan are currently
led by a dour Moon Elf Blade Singer named Tervett Brightraven, mem, AL LN (G),
Fg13/Mg14 (Blade Singer).

5. High Road Markets

Here once every 10 days traders gather from across the realm to sell their wares. Spices
from the deep forest, furniture makers, smiths of various products, wines and ales, food
stuffs, clothing and jewelry, trinkets, antiques and brik-a-brac are all to be had here
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under the colourful tents, stalls and marquees of the different traders. A riot of sights,
sounds, smells and colours, the High Roads Market brings the city to a standstill
whenever it is held. Most anything can be bought here for a price, but the most prized
are the fine elven wares and the bright dwarfish works imported from Delzoun and
neighboring Ammarindar. Here merchants from all over haggle about prices and
contracts, and place orders from crafters showing their wares. Prices are slightly higher
than normal due to the outstanding quality of the merchandise. Woe be to any who
tries to steal or swindle the honest folk here. A hard driven bargain is one thing, but
swindlers and thieves find they have short life spans in Elvenport.

6. Temple to Labelas
Overlooking the High Road Market the Temple of the Lifegiver is a small weathered
stone monument unbowed by the passage of time. The central chapel of the temple is
dominated by a massive golden sundial inlaid in the floor, and windows are placed so as
to allow the direct rays of the setting sun to bathe the massive time piece in colorful
hues. This house of worship has a library that houses a good collection of elven lore. The
temple is looked after by Isstelva Ruamthyr, an aged Gold Elf Priestess of indeterminate
years. Chronologian Ruamthyr, gef, AL LG, Fg2/Pr 12 of Labelas, sees to the keeping of
records and history of the city and its transactions. Along with the temple to Waukeen,
the priests here keep everyone honest in their dealings. This makes the temple very
popular with craftsmen, merchants and traders alike. In turn they sponsor the temple
and its various undertakings. There are at least 10+ 1d10 clerics & priests( Lv 3-10) here
at all times, and they can often be found down at the customs house or chatting with
traders, and merchants for lore and stories from all over the realms.

7. The House of the Swans Song (Bardic College & Spell Singers
Tis here that the children of Elvenport come to learn of history, song and literature.
They are taught by the apprentice bards, skalds and spellsingers of the college.
Education is free but a small annual donation is appreciated by those who can afford it.
The college takes in all comers, and tests the talented for further training in the arts of
history, storytelling, music, dancing and song. The white walled 4 story establishment is
marked by its green tiled roof and its single bell tower whose chime can be heard across
the valley. It acts as a warning bell in times of war, and its peels are heard during times
of celebration.
The college is presided over by a council of human, elven, dwarven and half elven bards,
skalds and spellsingers. The current members are Brand Chaldass hm AL NG Bd17,
Olyviana Spellsong mef, AL CG Spellsinger 15, and Hardolf Bridekker dm AL LN Skald 14.
The college regularly provides entertainers for parties, revels, weddings and festivals.
When not on duty, the apprentices can be found earning extra money working as record
keepers for the merchants, and temples of Labelas and Waukeen, and as entertainers in
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the numerous Inns and Taverns about town. Travelling bards and minstrels are
welcome to stay here and journeymen travelers are charged with gathering news and
rumors from across the realms. There are always 20+1d20 apprentices here lv 3-8 here
teaching, as bards, skalds, and spellsingers of higher levels are often away gathering and
spreading news. The college also holds heraldic and family records as part of its duties
to the city. There is always at least 5+1d10 journeyman apprentices of lv 8-12 here
coming or going on their travels that can be counted upon to assist whilst they stay at
the college.

8. Temple to Mystra
Serving the religious needs of the resident Ascalhi community, the Seven Stars temple, is
an imposing edifice or blue granite with two small towers topped with rose quartz
minarets that twinkle brightly at dawn and dusk. Services here welcome all who wish to
attend, and humans visiting from Ascalhorn often meet here for community meetings.
The temple is headed by Tarrindra Brightheart, the great grand-daughter of Tasmia
Brightheart, the High Lady of Ascalhorn. She is not close to her elderly relative,
suspecting her of dabbling in dark necromantic arts, but she does acknowledge her
existence. High Lady of Mysteries Tarrinda Brightheart, hf, AL NG, Pr 16 of Mystra, is
accompanied in her work by 20+1d6 clerics and priests, and 6+1d6 mages. The temple
acts as a hospital for the sick and injured who treat people for the price of a small
service or donation to the temple and its duties.

9. Temple to Helm (The Old Keep)

This imposing building is more of a small keep, than a traditional temple. The square
keep like structure stands as a reminder that Elvenports past has not always been
peaceful. The Old Keep as it is known started life as a border fort long before the city
existed, and guarded the docks from attack by orcs and the like. Now its 50 high black
granite walls house the temple to Helm.
The high priest here, Duty Lord Pietar Forass hm, AL LG Pr 15 Helm, presides over the
religious life of the cities soldiers and guards. There are 30 priests/clerics/paladins and
crusaders Lv 5-12 here who often join patrols of the Haven and River Guards. During
times of war the Old Keep acts as a bastion of strength to which people can flee if they
cannot escape down river in boats. So far the Old keeps walls have never been
breached. As part of the defenses, a regiment of Helmed Horrors is kept in the cellars to
be called forth in times of need. In turn these and the crypts beneath are guarded by
swordwraiths and watch Ghosts.

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Temple to Dumathoin (The Adamantine Hall)

This solid looking building reflects the skill of the Dwarven stone masons who built it.
The Adamantine Hall, is a two story structure reminiscent of the great Dwarf Holds of
old. Built of black granite imported from the Graypeaks, its many columned front
overlooks the High Road Market. From within its hallowed halls can often be heard the
sonorous chants of the temples skalds and Rune Chanters. Indeed a large amphitheatre,
takes up a large section at the back of the temple and many a Dwarven (epic) opera is
performed here in honour of Dumathoin and his people. The interior of the temple
resembles and vast natural cavern whose walls are lined with veins of precious ores and
many gems are embedded in the surrounding rock. At the heart of the temple is a
simple altar consisting of a natural boulders. Statues of the Silent Keeper, depicting him
in his many aspects, line the walls.
High Beljurel Brox Skystone, dm AL LG Pr 12 of Dumathoin sees to proceedings here
along with 20 priests/clerics/rune chanters and skalds. Ministering to the needs of the
Ammarindan community here in the city. : Nights of new moons and the days to either
side of each such a night are considered holy days. They are known collectively as the
Deepstone Triad, for the moon is considered to be hidden deep beneath the surface
during this time. Also, special holy days known as Splendarrsonn can be decreed by the
High Old One, Brox Skystone, usually when dwarves discover a major new lode, lost
subterranean treasure cache or delve, or something of the sort.


Temple to Waukeen (House of Gold)

This lavishly appointed 2 story villa is home to the clergy of Waukeen. Red tiled roof
and white stucco walls, this mansion has at its centre a great garden filled with rare
plants, fountains, and ponds filled with fishes. The temple acts as the citys counting
house and only major bank and money changer. Its sponsors merchant caravans, and
underwrites many mercantile undertakings. The priests of Waukeen work hand-in-glove
with the priests of Labelas to keep the citys records intact and oversea trade disputes
and larger transactions. The House of Gold also accommodates travelling merchants
who are down on their luck and caravan guards looking for work and somewhere to
stay. The High lady of Gold Margreth Harine, hf AL LN Pr 16 of Waukeen, an Ascalhi
native overseas the daily undertakings of her 50 priests and clerics. Pr lv 3-12, plus 20
armed guards Fg lv 5-9, who look after the wealthy of the temple.


The Yellow Boots (Inn & Tavern)

This popular spot is home to the Featherlite Halfling clan. Welcoming to all, the Yellow
Boots name refers to the sandy yellow clay tracked in by travelers from along the
Delimbyr Way. The food is excellent, and the best of Halfling, elven, dwarven and
human wines, beers, ales and liquors are served here. Almost anything asked for can be
provided, so long as no one has to die getting it. Harlond Featherlite, his wife Rosie, and
there many cousins run the best tavern in the city, or so they would have you believe.

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Five Spires Tower (Mage School)

The Five Spires Tower is named after the 5 gleaming white, blue tile roofed towers that
adorn the 4 corners and centre of this imposing 4 story structure. Made from gleaming
white marble, the school houses mages who found that their fellows on Ascalhorn have
strayed too far from the Elven path of magic, so they set up their own more
accommodating school. All 8 crafts are taught here, as well as the fundamentals of spell
casting and arcane lore. Powerful wards set around the school prevent accidents from
leaving the build. Each tower is an extra-dimensional space whose dimensions are
controlled by the Barrier Ward, this preventing the operation of portals and gates.
Run by the 10 Master Magisters, and overseen by priests of Mystra and 2 Elven High
Magi, Five Spires Tower offers all with talent and the correct attitude a chance to
further their arcane knowledge and power. Above all else, students must take to heart
the schools five simple precepts.
1. Never use magic when a mundane method will do.
2. Always use magic in harmony with nature and the community.
3. Never cast in anger when a cooler head will prevail.
4. The use of Netherese magic or the research of their magical lore is
5. The greater good of the community comes before individual gain.
Current Magisters of the School include:
Avario Mistwarden hm AL NG Illusionist 21
Cherry Snowbright ef AL LN Enchanter 17
Daowayreth Illust dem AL CG Invoker 19
Fingol Dalhassin mem AL LG Diviner 20
Mandalah Starbreeze mef AL NG Abjurer 15
Dallindra Starsong, mef AL N White Necromancer 22
Callindra Starsong, mef AL CG Dualist 19
Quenestra Rllafon, gem AL LN High Mage 19
Klarius Winterborn hm, AL CG Priest of Mystra 20
The schools apprentices number over 200, but many are often out on patrol with the
haven Guard, or working on the barges of merchants or the leaf boats of the river guard.
Many graduates of the school enter service with the AhkFaern of Eaerlann.


Snowsbattle Smithies & Foundry

Distantly related to the royal family of Ammarindar, this branch of the Snowsbattle clan
has set up shop meeting the daily metal goods needs of the city. Master Crafters all, the
dwarves, gnomes, elves and humans who work here all answer to the Master Smith
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himself Teuwyrth Snowsbattle. Dm AL LG Fg 15/ Skald 12, along with his wife Silvia df,
AL NG Runecaster of Sharindlar, they run the best and most successful smithy in the
city. If it can be made from metal then it can be made here. Specialists in weapons,
armour, cold forging, black smithing, farriers and the like can all be found here. Prices
here are steep but the wait and the quality more than make up for this.


Starsongs Rest Inn & Tavern

This quiet little, filth encrusted hovel takes its grandiose name from the fact that once
many years ago the Coronal stopped here to rest. He was having a secret tryst with one
of the barmaids, and someone let slip who he was. This occurred just over 9 months
after his visit. Thus the old name was dropped, and Starsongs Rest was reborn.


Voldias Oddities (Curio & Artifact Dealer)

If you have it then Voldia Entwhistle gf, AL N, Illusionist 11 /Thf14, wants it. Voldia
collects and deals with the unusual and just plain weird. The brighter and shinier the
better, an expert toy maker, Voldias little charms and toys have delighted many a child
in the city. Her real passion is collecting, and she is not above employing thieves, pick
pockets and her own illusions to get what cant be got. Loyal to the city, most of her
marks are outlanders, merchants and adventurers. Her larcenous ways are tolerated
because she is known to gather prohibited items from those who should not have them
and then pass them onto the citys Haven Guards. Itinerant thieves and grave robbers
are also in her sights as they cannot divulge where they got their items without risking
execution or banishment into the Great Desert.


High Lords Tower

The glittering spire of the High Lords Tower, stands 100 topped with a shining dome
once covered in thin gold leaf, capped off by a mithril swan in full flight. Home of the
High Lord, currently Princess Daliarana Starsong mef, AL LG, Fg 9/Mg 16 (Blade Singer),
the citys High Mage Aerdruth Silvermist, mem AL NG, Mg 22 (High Mage), and the
meeting place for the towns council of Priests, Merchants, Guildsmen, Traders. A
permanent detachment of two squads of Haven Guards is here at all times. Attached to
The High Lords tower is the Everwatch Spire, and functional multi-level keep and the
headquarters for the Haven and River Guards.

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Barge Wrights Guild

This rather ostentatious white granite building is the home of the Barge Wrights Guild.
As a guild they are very wealthy, and it is only through membership of the guild that a
barge master can have his goods carried up and down the Delimbyr River. The Barge
Wrights build the barges used by humans and dwarves to carry the heavier items up and
down the river, and only sanctioned barge masters can carry any cargo. The guild whilst
powerful, is in full support of the town council and will do nothing to go against its
wishes (it tried this once and paid a hefty price in goods and property seized by the High
Lord). Its membership fees are fair, and its members generally honest and law abiding
Any merchant wishing to arrange transport for his goods, comes here first to arrange
carriers. The Barge Wrights Guild also operates Chapter Houses in Myth Glaurach, and
at the Shining Falls portage. The current Guild Master is Hoffman Stoneshoulder dm AL
LN, fg7, a fair and honest dwarf whose word is his bond, but a signed contract is set in


River Shining Hall (Riverman's Guild)

Whilst the Barge Wrights represent the barge builders and owners, this guild represents
the captains and crews whose job it is to sail the waters of the Delimbyr Vale. Anyone
who wishes to book passage on a river barge or privately owned leaf ship, needs to
come here first. Membership fees are reasonable, and in return the guild offers safe
haven between jobs, regular contracts for good clients, and medical care for the injured
and sick, and compensation for the families of River men and women who are injured or
die whilst performing their duties.

Elven River Boat

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The current Guild Master in Shalona Everwynd mef, AL NG, Fg 7/Bd 9, she is often
outspoken in her support for the river boats and their crews. Faster than the barges,
they carry passengers and light cargo swiftly down-river, and are able to return to port
unaided if their crews are dead or incapacitated in some way. The teamsters also use
this hall and its grand faade reflects the collective wealth and power that these two
guilds share. The large yard in the front houses the various Wagoners teams of horses
and vehicles. Both Guilds maintain chapter houses in Myth Glaurach and at Port Shining


City Cemetery and Crematorium

Here the citys dead are laid to rest. The site is looked after by the Guild of Monuments
and Mausoleum Crafters. They are responsible for the up keep of the graves of the
various important families of the city. The cemetery is a mixed place, of peaceful
gardens, a serene and stately monuments made from hand carved marble and
alabaster. There is a ward over the site that prevents the dead from arising or being
animated and any undead creature somehow emerging from, or attempting to enter the
cemetery is immediately surrounded by a white faerie fire, and then blasted to oblivion
by the crimson bolts of the Barrier Ward. Unfortunately this applies also to elven
undead such as Baelnorns, and dwarven undead such as crypt guardians.

Thus the need for tomb guards and grounds keepers who are often more than they first
appear. Current Guild master is Ashfolon Dawnspell, em, AL LN Mg 19 (White
Necromancer), who is also an Undead Hunter, as are many of the guilds members who
number about 50 elves, half elves, human, halflings and dwarves. Those citizens who
wish to avoid the excessive fees the guild charges for looking after the dead, can be
cremated and their ashes returned to the family, or for a nominal fee stored in a
monument wall. The Guild works closely with the temples and even carries out its duties
in outlying estates. One of their lesser known or talked about duties is the recovery of
the fallen, and the laying to rest of restless spirits i.e. undead citizens who just wont
stay dead.


Cherry Blossoms (Inn & Restaurant)

Cherry Blossom, after whom the Inn is named after a rotund and over jolly halfling f, AL
CG, Thf 7/ Pr 5 of Cyrrollalee, who is also the finest gourmet chef in all of Eaerlann, or
that is how she sees it, and many would agree. To get a table here patrons often book
weeks ahead. Guests however are guaranteed a table, the more they pay for their
accommodation, the better the service and food they receive. Food, wines, ales,
accommodation are the best in town, in fact outside Myth Glaurach, Cherrys Inn is the
finest in the Vale. Prices reflected accordingly.

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Seven Stars Villa & Trading Costar

Situated on the banks of the Delimbyr River, this immense wild walled red roofed villa
acts as the residence and trading company for the Priorskyr Family. Immensely wealthy
the Priorskyrs are great patrons of the arts and avid collectors of rare, beautiful and
unusual Dwarven and Elven items both magical and mundane. Many singing statues,
and talking paintings adorn the corridors, colonnades and halls of this palatial residence.
The Seven Stars Trading Costar specializes in rare jewels, magical items, weapons and
armour, being the major shipper of these items to places outside of the Delimbyr Vale.
Guests are entertained with lavish banquets and are invited to stroll the gardens of
partake of the villas baths house. Famed as generous supporters of local artisans the
Priorskyrs never the less are shrewd and careful business people with much wealth to
protect, and the power to protect it. The current head of the Costar is Vilnius Priorskyr,
a Damaran immigrant with a keen eye for beauty and a wicked broadsword to protect it,
Hm AL LN(G), Fg 17. +5 Vorpal Broadsword. His wife, a half elf of unusual beauty
overseas the day to day running of the costar while Vilnius is off on his frequent buying
trips. Ophellya Priorskyr ef AL NG, thf6/Mg 21 (Enchanter), Staff of Magi, Beluth of


Garroted Goblin Tavern

Of all the taverns in the entire world, the last place anyone of goblin blood wants to be
caught in is this place. Frequented by Dwarven Orc Hunters and those humans and
elves who share their extremist views. This tavern has a purely martial air. Popular with
off duty soldiers and guards, frequent brawls leave the dcor of this place somewhat
rough and oft repaired. The food is good and cheap, the ales and beers a specialty. They
brew their own called Rotted Guts, this rich dark ale is famous throughout the Vale and
is exported as far south as Splendarrmornn.
The proprietor, one Bardalf Brightaxe is a half dwarf with a fearsome reputation. The
skull of a balor hanging above the bar might have something to do with this. Bardalf
Brightaxe dm, AL CN Fg21, +5 Great Axe of Hurling & Wounding. Despite his fearsome
appearance, long graying black hair, 1 patched eye, many scars, 69 in height, Bardalf
loves children and has sired many to his 7 wives, 49 to be exact, many of whom still live
at home and work in the Tavern, and adjacent stables and wain-rights and farriers. The
tavern is distinctive with its 5 watch towers that are really just there for decoration, but
they do make the Garroted Goblin easier to find.

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Teagals Chandlers & Sails

Run by the redoubtable Samandra Teagal hf, AL LN, Fg4, a retired Haven Guard, is
Teagals Chandlery. This landmark wooden building with 70 high ceilings with sail lofts
taking up much of the space is famous for its ropes and sails, this is a well run, no
nonsense business that supplies much of the wares needed by the River Boaters and
Barge Wrights. Samandra and her staff are efficient and attentive, orders are quickly
taken and filled and the elven ropes, her staff make are stronger and lighter than many
would think. Samandras prices are fair but fixed, and no negotiation will be entered


Veamanthars Protections (Armourers)

Known as one of the finest elven metal smiths in Eaerlann, Veamanthar and his
apprentices, take careful pride in turning out the finest leather, chain and plate mails.
The wait is long, and the prices steep, but any piece coming out of this smithy has been
thoroughly tested before being passed onto the customer. Any customers finding faulty
armour are fully refunded, and any resurrections required are paid for by Veamanthar
Hawksong, mef, AL NG, Fg6/Mg18 (str 19), herself. Shields are also a specialty here, as
are repairs to any armour already bought from the Smithy. Other armours can be
repaired, but repeat customers get priority. Vea is married to a Dwelf, Harryst
Hawksong, ALCG, Fg6/Skald 9, is a master smith in his own right, and their 10 children
help run the business.


Reamans Saddlers & Stables

Owned by Feldbar Reaman, a crotchety old man who is generally thought to despise
people, but is a wizard with horses. They are his true love and Feldbar is a true judge of
horse flesh. Animals left in his care often emerge better than when they went in.
Reamans is also famous for the quality of his tack and saddles, so customers are never in
short supply. Reaman Feldbar, hm, AL NG, Ranger 9 of Mielikki, and his elven wife,
Cassyndra, Spellsinger 7 AL CG, run a very tight operation and the horses in their care
receive the best of treatment. As well as tack and harness there is an onsite farrier, 1
Bolgar Mithrilcrown, dm, AL LN,Rg6/ Pr 6 of Dumathoin, who is a master blacksmith and
farrier. Horses can be bought here, but the prices reflect their quality. Reaman owns a
farm further down the vale where he sends horses too old or too injured to work

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Feathered Nest (Fine Foods, Wines & Ales Merchants & \

General Store)

The Feathered Nest offers the finest range of goods available in the city, merchants
from all across the realm come here to buy, sell and trade the foods and beverages that
can be bought nowhere else. Elyssa Goodman, hf AL NG, an Ascalhi native, runs this
warehouse and shop with an eye for the finest gourmet items money can buy. Many a
wedding, festival, feast and revel has been supplied with wares from the Feathered


Blistering Barnacle (Stevedores Tavern)

This rough and ready, single story structure with its rough cut, blackened beam ceilings
caters to perhaps the toughest crew of workers anywhere along the Vale. The beer is
cheap, the food whilst plain, is satisfying, and the brawls are frequent. The Haven
Guards know to give this dockside pub a wide birth, unless specifically called for. No
one wants a broken jaw when the regular patrons and the Taverns staff are more than
capable of dealing with most problems.
The Proprietor is a fearsome dwarf simply known as Tattooed Jack, dm, AL CG, Fg 14. He
and his staff of ex-stevedores and their wives make this a lively place to drink. Local
bards are well paid to work here and an off duty priest or two is always present to tend
to the more serious injuries. There are just two rules concerning brawls here, no spells
and no blades. If a mage or priest loses their cool, then Jacks bouncers, 4 dwarves
equipped with rods of absorption and rings of spell turning, are set loose on the
offending spell caster. Death, via a savage beating is often the result. Those stupid
enough to draw steel, will often face Jack himself. (Str20, Con 19, Hp 130)


Leaf Cutters (Elvish Shipwrights)

The Elven ship wrights here, lead by Astynthal Moondark, mem, AL CG, Mg 15, and
Calliria Moondark, mef, AL NG, Fg 7, produce the leaf ships that ply the waters of the
Delimbyr River. From small dinghies and pleasure craft, cargo skiffs, and passenger
boats, to the River Guard patrol vessels, Leaf Cutters produces them all. Craft can be
ordered here, and Astyn and his staff of shipwrights and druids will grow the ship to
order. Astyn himself will then apply the fire proofing, floatation, and homing magics
that make his craft so popular with Rivermen up and down the Vale.


Delimbyr Docks

Always busy, the Delimbyr docks form the bustling heart of the city. North and south of
the High Road bridges, the docks are alive with crews of barges, leaf ships, and the
stevedores who load and unload cargoes from the many wagons of merchants
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transporting goods up and down the river. Regular patrols of River Guards make sure
that nothing goes awry, and Haven Guards along with priests of Labelas and Waukeen
from the customs house inspect cargoes coming and going from the docks. The single
greatest reason for Elvenport existing, these stone docks reverberate with life and the
sounds of river traffic. Travelers from far and wide get their first impressions of the city
from this busy riverside quay.


Slipways Tavern

Slipways Tavern, food is ok, service good, wines & ales cheep & cheerful!


Ware Houses

Various Merchant Costars and Traders use these city warehouses to store goods for
distribution and trade. Made of 10 thick grown, black granite, the walls make it
difficult for thieves to break in as they are also impregnated with warding tokens to
prevent disintegration and teleportation from functioning. The Barrier Ward prevents
pass walls, dimensional doors and the like. There are always 5 River or more Haven
guards on duty at each warehouse. Access to the warehouses can
be gained via
appointment from the customs house. Many merchants prefer to care for their own
goods, but then the city does not guarantee their goods safety.

33. The Mooses Head (Inn & Tavern)

Moose Head Tavern, a rowdy pub and Inn where all are welcome. Run by Duchess
Dantez, hf AL NG, and Sandler Ummair, hm, AL NG, food fare, ales, beers & wines cheap,
rooms basic & comfortable. Named for the Mooses Head hanging over the bar, rumors
have it that it was once a polymorphed wizard who lost a mages dual in the street
outside. This wobbly building is famous for its 10 degree lean and its raucous parties
thrown whenever a new merchant caravan arrives. Popular with locals and caravan
guards alike. Brawls are common, but so are regular patrols by the Haven Guard.


Dumathoins Secret (Silver & Gold Smith & Jewelers)

Here one can find those rare pieces of dwarven art that cannot be had anywhere else.
Sofia Oakenshield, df, AL LG, is a master jeweler, and silver and gold smith. She along
with her many children and brothers and their families, make some of the finest gold
and silver artworks in the Vale.

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Customs House

The customs house is attended at all times by 2d6 priests of Labelas and Waukeen and
their assistants, who in turn are protected by a squad of haven Guards who can call
upon the Guards stationed at the docks if things get out of hand. Duty must be paid on
all incoming and outgoing goods and the priests are here to make sure that they get
paid. Taxes raised here are put to the defense of the city and the maintenance of the
docks, so most are happy to pay the fees which are really not that high, just 3% of a
cargos value. Those who refuse to or cannot pay, are arrested and put into the customs
tower, their goods are then seized and placed in bond, until such times as the taxes are
paid, 90 days is the usual time allowed. After this the goods are sold at auction, and the
offending merchant is reimbursed the difference. But only after his staff and crews
have been paid.


Everbright House (House Calauth Trading Costar)

This spacious 3 storey villa is set in large formal gardens. Tobias Calauth, em AL LN
Thf 14, his wife Laerindra, hf, AL LN(E) Mg 13, run this costar with ruthless efficiency.
Always skirting just shy of trouble, this underhanded, thoroughly merciless merchant
family has clawed its way to the top from very humble beginnings. An exile from
Cormanthyr, Tobias grandfather was the bastard progeny of a dalliance by a minor
Calauth noble, 300 years ago. Since then the family has lived in secret shame, which
Tobias has spent years and much of his fortune erasing all records and people who knew
anything at all of his familys past. Dealers in metals, gems and jewels, the Calauth Clan
regularly undercuts, and out bids its mercantile opponents. Second only in wealth to the
Priorskyr family, the Calauths are not above resorting to bribes, blackmail, extortion and
murder to get what they need.


House Silverspear

Home of the Green Elf Silverspear family, perhaps the most tolerant of humans and
dwarves, the Silverspear children spend much of their time upon the river leaving their
worried parents to tend to the clans business. Making and exporting bows and arrow
shafts is what these elves do best. The home itself sits atop a rocky outcrop 1 mile
down river from the city. Set on the shoreline surrounded by trees Silverspear Hall, is
perhaps the most beautiful home in the city, even if it is a mile downstream.

37. Teamsters Guild & Freight Yards

Guild hall and home the wagoners and teamsters who haul good between the cities and
towns not on the river. It is here that caravan masters gather to organize teams of
wagons, pack animals, and the people to drive them. The prices vary according to the
cargo and destination. This is also a good place to hire or find work as a caravan guard.

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Certain mercenary companies like the Gray Fists, and the Fire Drakes, maintain offices

38. Swan Maidens Palace

The soaring alabaster towers of this pink granite palace overlook much of the upper
vale. The tallest tower acts as the beacon tower for the city. Here during times of war
the beacons are lit summoning help from the other cities of the realm. Here the ruler
of the city, Princess Daliarana Starsong mef, AL LG, Fg 9/Mg 16 (Blade Singer), High
Mage Aerdruth Silvermist, mem AL NG, Mg 22 (High Mage), hold court. Here all cases of
treason are heard and visiting dignitaries are welcomed. Ambassadors from Acsalhorn,
Glaurachyndaar, Silverymoon, Lothen, Ammarindar and Cormanthor are in permanent

39. Chandrasil Keep

The citys main prison and bond store. This imposing red granite edifice stands 5 stories
high with thick granite walls, and ballista topped watch towers. The keep is one of the
original buildings that dates back to the very beginnings of the settlement. It has
withstood many a siege and has never been broken. The stones are warded against all
manner of inter-planar intrusion. A garrison of 250 haven guards reside at all times.

40. Crystalmere Wood

This towering grove of Duskwood trees grows straight and tall reaching almost 50 in
height, high upon their dusky trunks are several elven tree homes belonging to the gold
elves of the Miritar clan, and the moon elves of the Moonfire family. The trunks of the
trees are dark, smooth and bare, all of their branches are in the crown of the tree. The
name of the garden comes from the dark, eerie appearance of the trees themselves.
Under their black bark is smoky grey wood that is resistant to burning. The elves here
are famous for the staves and wands they produce along with the timber they provide
for the swanboats of the River Guard and the merchants who ply the Delimbyr River.

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Typical High Forest Elven Tree Home. (

1. Main Living Halls (50 above the ground)
2. Food Stores, Kitchens & Private Dining areas
3. Private Sleeping Quarters
4. Labratories & Martial Practice Rooms
5. Libraries, Vaults & Armouries

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The Shining Falls

Marking the southern boundary of both Eaerlann and the Delimbyr Vale, the Shining Falls,
plunge roaring several hundred feet into the lake at its base. The river deepens and narrows as
it passes into the steep sided gorge of the Sentinel Lords, huge granite statues of dwarven
lords, that sit either side of the river bank just as the waters of the River Delimbyr plummet
over the shining falls. These statues not only mark the border between Eaerlann and
Ammarindar, but also the beginning of the Lower Delimbyr Way. A steep portage stair winds its
way up the cliff besides the falls, and a well maintained wagon road bypasses them 1 mile to
the west. This road then forks with the more well worn portion heading north, becoming the
Delimbyr Way, whilst the other trail leads to the Tower Shining, the keep that guards this most
vital trade route.
2 miles before the falls is the port of Shining Falls, a simple stone docks where wagons are
loaded and unloaded before making their way either south around the falls, and onto
Ammarindar or places further afield. The docks are run by the Barge Wrights Guild, who
maintains several small warehouses, The Barge Wright Inn, The Rusty Bucket Tavern, wainwrights and blacksmiths at the site.
Emerging from beneath the falls is an ancient dwarven road that skirts around the edge of the
lake, the road then joins the Lower Delimbyr Way, leading to Loud Water and beyond. The
start of the road is the entrance to the Ammarindan capital, Splendarrmornn whose main stair
and door is hidden in a huge cavern complex that begins behind the Shining Falls.

Tower Shining
On the west bank over-looking the portage road is the Tower Shining, a small keep and lookout
tower, it forms the southernmost- bastion of Eaerlann, and its troops are tasked with guarding
the trade caravans and people who travel the roads about the Shining Falls. The keep holds
about 300 River Guards, with a squad or two always stationed at Port Shining Falls.
Unbeknownst to many, the keep also guards a small back entrance to Splendarrmornn. This
heavily guarded entrance, The North Gate, lies beneath the sub-cellars of the keep. It can be
used to reinforce the keep, or to evacuate its inhabitants. The ceilings of the West Gate can be
brought crashing down upon the tunnels, collapsing both the keep and the tunnels beneath
upon invaders. The current Lord of the tower is Gillyahd Oremshyr, mem, AL LG Fg15. The
garrison here is regularly changed with detachments from Elvenport.

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Other Places of Interest

Loudwater (Small Tree City & Trading Post): AL NG 5,000gp limit, Assets 50,000gp Population
9000; Mixed (40% Moon Elf, 40% Green Elf, Half Elf 5%, Human 5%, Shield Dwarf 5%, Halfling
5%, Other 5%)
This trading town of 9,000 inhabitants spans the river, with an arching bridge made by the
dwarf Iirkos Stoneshoulder, of Splendarrmornn so he could trade with the elves who live here.
The river is cut into a wide pool to provide a loading area for cargo and to carry the rivers flow
around rocks that caused the rapids for which the town is named. The pool is crowded with
flat-bottomed skiffs and barges for fishing or trading. Loudwater citizens make their living
farming, fishing, trade and providing caravan services. Loudwater is a beautiful place. No two
tree homes or ground dwellings are alike, but all are overgrown by vines and hung with plants
until they blend back into the forest. The village is a gardeners delight. Beautifully tended
plants are everywhere in houses, on roofs, every patch of ground, and the roadways. The
streets are planted in tanglemoss. Streets wind and curve, meandering
to take the best view or an interesting way, matching the towns pace. The closest thing to
ugliness in Loudwater is its four harbor side warehouses and the cooper works. Loudwater is
defended by patrols of the River Guard, the full guard numbering 300.

Everlund (Trade Meet)

(Trading Post and Keep Town): Population 2500; Mixed (Human 40%, Shield Dwarf 40%,
Halfling 5%, Moon Elf 5% ,Green Elf 5%, Half Elf 3%, Other 2%)

Winters Way
Thirty five miles north of Ascalharla on the road to Glaurachyndaar is this sleepy little village of
350 humans, halflings, gnomes and a few moon elves. It serves as a caravan stop for travellers
. It sits on the west bank of the Delimbyr River, directly opposite the village of Summers Ferry.

Summers Ferry
350 years ago an entersprising human and his elven wife set up a ferry service across the river
to Winters Way, thus shortening the journey from Ascalhorn to Glaurachyndaar by some 65
miles. But due to the wild storms and early spring thaw, the ferry only operates during the
summer and autumn. In winter the river is covered in a thin layer of ice, and in spring it is a
raging torrent that has swept away more than one bridge. The decendants of the original

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settlers are still here along with 165 other hardy souls who find the crowded streets of
Ascalharla just too much to bare.

Shadowiers Bend
A small hafling community set into the western bank of the river 70 miles south of Elven Port.
The docks here are used to accommodating river travelers and there are two inns and a tavern
to cater for travellers. About 700 river going halflings call this place home and many have farms
in the out lying districts that supply food stuffs and good quality ponies to the dwarves to the

Farsilver (Fortress)
The ancient fortress of Farsilver is an ivy-clad stone tower in the southeastern portion of the
High Forest, due north of the city of Loudwater. Farsilver was a southern outpost of the realm
of Sharrven, and is one of the few physical ruins of the Elven nation. While most ruins of the
nation have since disappeared, Farsilver is protected by magical wards that preserve it.
The magical wards inside Farsilver dim any light sources brought into the ruins, and prevent
magical darkness effects from functioning. As a result, the ruins exist in perpetual dimness, not
too much light, and not too much darkness. Crystal frescoes on the top floors of the tower also
have special magical properties. Each fresco acts as a crystal ball, with the effects of a Detect
Thoughts spell, limited to the direction that the fresco faces. So, the fresco facing the north only
scries on points to the north, the fresco facing the south only the south, and so on.
Under the light of the full moon, the entrance into the ruined tower becomes a portal to the
ruined city of Lhuve, a city that was once in Sharrven. Because the site of Lhuve no longer exists
today, those who enter into the portal, knowingly or unknowingly, simply get shunted to empty
space in the High Forest. In the past, the portal acted as a way to connect the southern fortress
with the rest of Sharrven.

Khlecayre (Eyrie of the Star Mounts)

Population: 3000 (Moon elf 30%, green elf 30%, moon elf 30%, human 5%, half elf 5%)
A vast complex of caves and stables atop this mountain plateau holds the aerial wing of
Eaerlanns forces, constantly patrolling the skies over Siluvanede and fallen Sharrven. The
pegasi, hippogriff, giant eagle, griffon, and dragon riders form a loose alliance in this area of the

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Onthrilaenthor (Small Mining City): AL NG 25,000gp limit, Assets 250,000gp Population 7500;
Mixed (20% Moon Elf, 20% Green Elf, Gold Elf 10% Half Elf 5%, Human 15%, Shield Dwarf
20%, Gnomes 10%)
Carved out of the eastern Star Mounts by the dwarves of Ammarindar for their elf allies, the
mines supply good quality iron, copper, silver and gold to Eaerlann. Two hidden entrances to
Onthrilaenthor existone on the gnarled badlands near the southeastern base of the Star
Mounts, and the other on the northern slopes, just north of the Heart Blood River. The mines
are operated in a joint venture by the elves of Eaerlann, the dwarves of Ammarindaar, the
humans of Ascalhorn and the gnomes of the High Forest, the mines of Onthrilaenthor
encompass miles of tunnels, spiral stairs, storage chambers, living quarters, and vertical shafts
that reach upward into the peak of the most southern Star Mount. Fierce winds pour through
these openings and rush through the mines shafts and tunnels. Walking against the wind is
extremely difficult, and most conversations carried on at a volume below a yell are drowned
out by the roaring winds.

Reitheillaethor (Small Tree City): AL CG 5,000gp limit, Assets 150,000gp Population 4500;
Mixed (20% Moon Elf, 70% Green Elf, Half Elf 5%, Gnomes 5%)
On the banks of the Heartblood River, near its northern most bend, lies a large, well defended
city of wood elves. Many of the elves come and go as they please, and so over the course of
the seasons many new faces appear whilst familiar ones vanish. The city of Reitheillaethor was
established to keep a wary eye on the dire wood, and the citys mages, priests and warriors do
just that.

Nordahaeril (Small Tree City): AL CG 5,000gp limit, Assets 150,000gp Population 4500; Mixed
(20% Moon Elf, 70% Green Elf, Half Elf 5%, Gnomes 5%)
Nordahaeril is a small tree-city reminiscent of Tall Trees between the Sisters and the Stronghold
of the Nine. It is a series of houses built around and in the trunks of the massive trees at the
forests heart. Consisting of approximately 200 trees and 300 individual buildings or huts
interconnected by swinging vines, branch roads, and rope bridges between the trees, this
settlement is home to about 4500 sylvan elves. There is only one entrance
to this colony from the forest floor, and it is a heavily guarded winding stair that ascends 100
feet up the interior of a massive oak to the lowest of Nordahaerils outbuildings.

Dire Woods
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This strange, hilly land within the eastern High Forest is named the Dire Woods because of a
legendary massacre of humans that caused the soil to redden. This epic predates even the
hoary tales of Netheril, though folk today have other reasons to label this place as dire. The Dire
Woods boundaries are marked by black, petrified trees.
While its outer ring can be paced out to measure a four-mile circumference of ivory trees, its
interior dimensions are far more expansive and appear to measure 100-150 miles within the
perimeter. Whether inside or out, the terrain of the Dire Wood consists of uneven hills and
undergrowth. The terrain changes only once, with a single, towering, red stone butte jutting out
from the forest floor; this simply marks the location of the now abandoned ruins of Karse, a
former outpost dating from the latter days of ancient Netheril. Weather here bears no
resemblance to the outer world and is highly magical. Creatures long extinct elsewhere are
found here in abundance, though they die if forced out beyond the Dire Woods. boundaries.
Wild magic sites are almost commonplace herein, appearing at random then disappearing
without a trace.

Nartelthor (Small Tree Village & Mining Town): AL CG 5,000gp limit, Assets 50,000gp
Population 460; Mixed (moon elf 20%, shield dwarf 40%, Human 10%, Half Elf 10%, Gnomes
10%, Halfling 10%)
A small tree village and mining town at the foot of the Starmounts, Nartelthor is famous for the
rare sapphires and bejurels that come out of its river bed mines. A co-operative atmosphere
pervades the village, as a broad mixture reminiscent of the larger citys ensures that profits are
shared by all within the community.

Dharashyndaar (Small Tree Town): AL CG 8,000gp limit, Assets 100,000gp Population 950;
Mixed (Moon Elf 10%, Green Elf 70%, Gold Elf 10%, Half Elf 5%, Gnomes 5%)
Despite its grand sounding name, Dharashyndaar is a quiet backwater settlement deep in the
heart of the forest. Sitting astride the ruins of a once greater gold elf city now lost to the mists
of time, the town is a mixture of soaring tree homes and solidly beautiful gold elf keeps built
upon the ancient ruins of forgotten spires. The only thing of note in this sleepy place is the
presence of a grand temple to Hanali, and a heard of unicorns who raise their young in the
secluded meadows nearby.

Kerymnaar Deep
Kerymnaar Deep (Small Tree & Burrow Town): AL CG 5,000gp limit, Assets 40,000gp
Population 1100; Mixed (Moon Elf 10%, Green Elf 75%, Gold Elf 10%, Gnomes 5%)
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Situated not far from the Vale of the Lost Kerymnaar Deep is a tree town built atop a thriving
burrow of forest gnomes. The two communities rarely interact except in times of trouble or
trade. The town is known for producing bows, spears, arrows and staves of outstanding quality,
whilst the illusions of the gnomes keep the settlement safe from marauding goblins and orcs
who occasionally pour down from the mountains to the north.

(Small Tree Town): AL CG 10,000gp limit, Assets 120,000gp Population 700; Mixed (Moon Elf
60%, Green Elf 20%, Gold Elf 5%, Half Elf 5%, Gnomes 5%, others 5%)
A small village in the Far Forest populated mainly by moon and green elves of the AhkVelahrn
who garrison the watch towers. Living alongside their families, the elves here are ever vigilant
to the threats that sometimes emerge from the sands of the Anaurach. A small number of gold
elf AhkFaern are also stationed here, but the moon elf Armathor, Kylandra Brighstar, is firmly
in command.

(Small Tree & Ground Dwelling City): AL CG 10,000gp limit, Assets 300,000gp Population 5300;
Mixed (Moon Elf 30%, Green Elf 20%, Gold Elf 20%, Human 10%, Halfling 5%, Shield Dwarf
5%, Half Elf 5%, Gnomes 5%)
Situated in the heart of the High Forest at the meeting place of the three elven realms of
Eaerlann, Siluvanede and Sharrven, Evaliiraardon, or The Hill of Song is home to the single
greatest meeting of musical minds and lore in the north. Built around an ancient temple to
Taralen the Songstress, the city boasts several bardic colleges, a university of arts and music,
and shrines to the bardic gods of all the races present within the city. Here students from all
across the realms come to learn from the true masters of music, poetry, story, history, lore and
song. Here can be found a large grove of Gold Leaf Trees, that are said to shed leaves covered
in the words and music performed beneath their bows, each autumn. Almost every resident
here has some talent in the performing arts, and many a travelling minstrel has found a place
here teaching for a season or two before moving on.
The city is seated in a deep dell at the heart of a tangle of Redwood and weirwood treed. The
impenetrable undergrowth and warding mists means that finding the city is impossible unless
one knows the hidden paths and passwords. A mythal of sorts protects the city from intruders
both magical and mundane.

Major Powers
1. Anyone not baring a ward tattoo will be unable to find the path through the Thornwood
thickets, and will become lost in the mists and illusions surrounding the city. Eventually they
find themselves turned around, heading back the way they came.
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2. Spells of the Evocation/Invocation Schoolwork at only their most basic level, any spells
dealing with fire, acid or death simply fail.
3. A dimensional lock covers the entire city, any attempt to bypass this power sees the offender
teleported beneath Mount Waterdeep, into Halasters Halls.
4. Evil Outsiders are forbidden from entering the city. The mythal is like a wall of iron that they
cannot penetrate. This power was placed here to prevent the frequent incursions of fey and
evil creatures that emerge from the Direwood, and the many ancient Aryvandaaran tombs that
litter the forest.

Minor Powers
1. A permanent feather fall is in place over the city.
2. All spells & abilities of minstrels and bards who have deities in the city are maximized.
3. A song/poem/piece of lore spoken allowed is retained perfectly within the memories of
those who hear it whilst within the mythal. This is designed for students to make notes for later
study as they attend meeting, lectures and revels within the city.
4. All beings within the mythal can read languages with perfect alacrity.
5. The spells of the citys patron gods work at maximum efficiency.
6. No scrying of the city is possible, this applies to all forms of magic and psionics.
7. Those who know the secret can use a sending as often as they like to communicate quietly
to any other being within the mythal.
8. At night faerie lights illuminate the streets of the city, they pulse with a riot of colour with the
rhythm of any music played within 50 of them.
9. The inhabitants of the city are immune to charms whilst within the city.
10. Those who know the secret can become invisible for up to 1 hour in every 24.
11. Those who know the secret can dimension door within the mythals limits up to 3 times per
12. Those who know the secret may use legend lore up to twice per 10 day without the need
for material items and such like. Simply having enough lore about an item of interest will do.

The Old Road

This is a 35-foot-wide cobblestone road built by the elves of Eaerlann serves as the only major
trade route through the forest. From the quays and docks of Elvenport the Old Road wends its
way in several directions. To the west the road travels in an almost straight line connecting
Elvenport with the cities of Teuveamanthaar, Ascalhorn and Mhilamniir. To the east the Old
Road crosses the river via two high arched, triple span stone bridges of dwarven design and
construction. It then splits in two, heading north to the city of Myth Glaurach, and south
through the High Gap to the Ammarindaaran city of North Peak. The Old Road is always busy
with the comings and goings of merchants, travelers and soldiers as they move across the
realm. Smaller elven highways branch off this major canopied thoroughfare to cities and
towns north and south of the highway.
There is one manned watch tower, TirutelNar, at the intersection where the Old Road splits
off and leads to Narkerymhoarth. The garrison here consists of moon elves and gold elves from
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Teuveamanthaar; there are no less than 100 warriors of varied levels at any given time, and at
least 20 of them are mid-level priests or wizards as well. No one is allowed to travel to the
ancient citadel, unless escorted by a patrol of the tower guard.
West of Mhilamniir, forest undergrowth has largely swallowed up the Old Road. The road
eventually swings south west ending in stages as it approaches the Lost Peaks, gradually
switching from its stone pavement to a well-worn log road for roughly five miles. After that, the
Old Road degenerates into a footpath and finally dead ends in a small grove. There is a small
stone marker carved Espruan script that simply says. This be the end of the Old Road of
Eaerlanns folk. Attend the silence of the grove and say a prayer to those who walked before you
and those who follow your footsteps as well.

The Secrets of Aryvandaar

Located at various points throughout the north are the hidden armouries, forgotten towers
and shattered citadels of the ancient Vyshaan ruled empire of Aryvandaar. Almost all are
guarded by the ever vigilant forces of Eaerlann, but a few lie all but forgotten.

Nar Kerymhoarth (The Citadel of the Eternal Sword)

Originally the site of a watch tower of ancient Sharlarlion, the tower was eventually abandoned
as peace came to the lands of Aryvandaar. During the Crown Wars, the elves of Aryvandaar
built a citadel known as Nar Kerymhoarth beneath the high granite tor upon which the ancient
tower once stood to serve as an armory for their war magic. When the empire dissolved, the
armory was abandoned. Over four thousand years ago, a group of rebellious sun elves from the
realm of Siluvanede, influenced by House Dlardrageth claimed the old armory and restocked it
with magic created by the elves of the ancient Vyshaantar Empire. Years later, in the closing
campaigns of the Seven Citadels War, the army of Eaerlann defeated more than two thousand
feyri warriors of House Dlardrageth and House Vyshaan and imprisoned them in magical stasis
in the belowground levels of the armory. The imprisoned feyri were soon forgotten by their
jailors, as the elves of Eaerlann refused to speak its name, and their prison, became known to
later generations as the Nameless Dungeon. Hidden deep beneath the empty upper levels of
the citadel lie the feyri and their Vyshaanti war machines. Kept in stasis, by mythal like wards,
the nearly two thousand daemon fey rest alongside hidden daemon guarded vaults and
chambers filled with such horrors as 8 tall war golems, 20 long war crawlers, 40 long floating
battle platforms, and a near endless supply of battle magics that made the forces of Aryvandaar
so loathed and reviled.

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Akhaegishoarth (The Citadel of Dutys Protection)

Hidden deep beneath the streets and spires of Glaurachyndaar lay the reasons why
Glaurachyndaar was built, the hidden portals and vaults of House Vyshaan. Deep below the
lowest cellars and basements of Snowcrest Spire a 500 deep spiral staircase winds its way
down to a series of galleries, vaults and corridors that spread out like a many spoked wheel
from a central chamber, used by the Vyshaanti to store their many artifacts and treasures. The
greatest of these are the 21 Meditative Lore Crystals of House Vyshaan, 2 foot tall floating,
spindle like crystals that hold the collective lore and history of the Vyshaanti and many of their
Selutaar. Of the locked vaults many are storehouses of magical artifacts recovered from the
ruins of the Vyshaantar Empire and defended by bound demon guardians. Eaerlanni archmages
wrapped the vaults in magical wards, so as to imprison those evils that remain within the
armouries deepest chambers. Most of the vaults hold the war machines of the Aryvandaar, 8
tall elven-looking battle golems, 20 long, scorpion like, siege golems, bronze, hovering battle
platforms, wracks of long lost weapons such as battle staves and communication orbs, diadems
of power, beluths of corruption, suits of Abyssal battle armour, magical bolt hurling ballistae,
and explosive hurling trebuchet. But perhaps the greatest treasure of them all is the network of
portals the Vyshaanti used to transport their armies across all the lands of Faerun, the most
powerful of which leads to Fhoeldindurr the Thousand Fold Way.

Morkerymhoarth (The Citadel of the Darksword)

Located 20 miles east of Ascalhorn is the ancient citadel of Morkerymhoarth, like
Narkerymhoarth it is built into upon the site or an even older watch tower on the northern
fringes of the High Forest. The Citadel is cloaked in an ancient wardmist that harkens back to
the days of the Crown Wars. Hidden deep beneath the empty upper levels of the citadel lie the
feyri and their Vyshaanti war machines. Kept in stasis, by mythal like wards, are hidden
daemon guarded vaults and chambers filled with such horrors as 8 tall war golems, 20 long
war crawlers, 40 long floating battle platforms, and a near endless supply of battle magics,
weapons and armour, that made the forces of Aryvandaar so loathed and reviled.

Ascalhorn (The Hall of Ancestors Strength)

Buried deep beneath the foundations of Ascalhorn is the final resting places of the matriarch of
House Dlardrageth and her demon tainted spawn, a series of carefully sculpted chambers. The
Dlardrageth elves fought their final battle against the High Mages of Arcorar here in their home,
and here they remained frozen in time in their Hall of Strength for over 4500 years. A dozen
High Mages and the heirs of Rystall Wood and Jhyrennstar gated to Eaerlann and tracked the
Dlardrageths to their new home beneath a low volcanic crag at the western confluence just
east of Eaerlanns borders. The corrupt Daemon Fey now lived in a series of caves within the
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crag, and when confronted by these new adversaries, they fought to save themselves and their
new home.
The initial skirmishes between the Dlardrageths, the High Mage groups, and the forces the High
Mages drew from Eaerlann slew four of the seven Dlardrageths and the High Mages of Arcorar
sealed the survivors within their villa. (the caverns beneath the crag). The magic that held them
there stopped all time and movement but placed the Feyri in states of reverie so they might
have some consciousness of the evil they had done, and dwell on it during their imprisonment.
The only access to the outside world is a heavily warded secret door that exits the southeastern
cliffs close to the gatehouse.

Velnikerymahoarth (The Citadel of the Blade Lords)

Hidden deep within the bowels of an apparently extinct volcano are the hidden forges of
Aryvandaar. Accessed via craftily concealed doors hidden amongst the lava tubes at the foot of
the mountain, the many chambers of the complex hold untold treasures in the form caches of
uncut gems, ingots of platinum, mithril, silver, adamantine, wands, battle staves, blast scepters
and wracks of ancient weapons and armor. Perhaps the most prized of locations is the Cavern
of Jewels, this magically guarded series of galleries and vaults still holds the forgotten remains
of the last of Aryvandaaran Selutaar, slain by Miyeritari dark elves and left to rot at the end of
the last Crown War. Rather than loot the chamber the dark elf mages and priests sealed the
magic scarred caverns behind ancient and powerful wards and abjurations. The corpses still
carry the staves, beluths, diadems, Selukiira and rings of power they wielded in their last futile
battle. The place is still guarded by demons, battle golems and other foul evils that are better
left sealed for eternity beneath the caldera of the peak. Lost and forgotten at the very bottom
of the complex, accessed by a deep and winding stair is the Forge of the Branded King. Here
were made the most, deadly, evil and diabolical weapons of the Vyshaan mages. Still lying half
finished, is potentially the deadliest weapon of them all, a leaf bladed balor soul enhanced,
elven longsword that calls itself Soul Reaver.

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Treasures of Eaerlann
Elven Spell Blades
These leaf bladed elven longswords look a lot like Katana from Kara-tur, and do 1d10 hp dg. The
blades are enchanted to protect the wielder against a specific spell. The more powerful blades
protect the wielder from spells of the same school (usually invocation), or allow the casting of
the spells they protect the wielder from such as Bright Heart Long sword +3,Greater
Spellblade: It protects the wielder from chain lightning spells whilst allowing the wielder to
unleash a 12d6 chain lightning bolt 3/day.

An ever bright mithril scimitar that glows sapphire blue with its own inner light: undead bane
holy sword. +3 scimitar, +5 & double dg vs undead, detect undead 120, allows wielder to save
vs undead touch & gaze attacks with a +4 bonus. Glows blue when undead present, the more
powerful the undead the brighter the glow. The sword can be wielded by good undead spirits if
the wielder allows.

Issylmyths Bracer
This silver bracer decorated with holly leaves & berries carved from gold and silver metals
entwining its surface, the red & white berries are inset rubies & moonstones, & all shimmer
with power. This bracer once worn by CorselutarrMiyeritar Issylmyth the Elder, provides the
wearer with an AC of 2, magic resistance of 25%, energy based attacks have their damage
reduced by 25%. The greatest powers of the bracer are that it acts like a ring of wizardry,
doubling 1st to 5th level spells, and can open and close portals at the whim of the wearer.

Spell shields and Spellstaves

Shields and staves of +1 to +5 enchantment that provide a bonus to saving throws, are proof
against any one spell and allow the wielder to absorb/reflect the magic back at the source
regardless of whether it comes from a spell, item, potion or scroll.

Lesser Mantle and Greater Mantle Rings

Lesser Mantle rings are worn in a pair to provide a mantle that negates up to 12 spells of less
than 5th level, whilst Greater Mantle Rings negate up to 18 spells of less than 10th level;

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Battle Gauntlets of The AhkFaern

Fine leather gloves set with half cut beljurels that allow their stored spells to be emitted
through touched arrows or held blades. The Gauntlets can store up 8 spells of 5th level or less.

Battle Belts of the AhkVelahrn

Fine chain adamantine, chain link belts set with half cut pearls, opals and beljurels that provide
greater mantles and antimagic shells for their wearer whilst allowing them to cast spells stored
in them by act of will alone.

Short (3-to-4 inches long on average), ornately crafted metal wands that wrap around elven
fingers much like a ring.

Elven Diadems
Metallic circlets of power that provide the wearer with a greater mantle, a +4 bonus to AC, and
1d4+1 other spell like powers.

Giiraegisir (Brooches of Guardianship)

Gauntlets of Weaponry Arcane
These heavy leather-and-silver gauntlets simply allow the wearer to wield any weapon (in
which she is proficient) as if it were a magical silver weapon. If a weapon in hand is already
magical, it increases their effective magical potential by +1. Their magic conferred by contact
with the weapon and the wearer, the gauntlets magic affords no combat bonuses beyond the
ability to affect creatures vulnerable to magic or silver (and magical +1 weapons, while
considered +2 due to the gauntlets, add only the standard bonuses of +1 or whatever to their

The Scrolls Ardentym

Created by the Circle of Flames and encompassing the history of the city of Cormanthor, the
Scrolls Ardentym are 38 sheets of vellum stored inside a delicately-carved platinum tube with a
worked copper flame pattern for the cap. These scrolls constitute a military tactical text on spell
casting in combat and they also record a number of unique spells for the AhkFaern. In the Year
of Thirteen Prides Lost (132 DR), the Circle of Flame began its work compiling the scrolls after
its members ended their careers as instructors or officers of the AhkFaern. Over five centuries
later, the Circle completed the Scrolls Ardentym and allowed fragments of its contents to be

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copied for training or scholarly purposes. The unique AhkFaern spells within the scrolls are all
older than the Circle of Flames and the scrolls themselves.

Eaerlanni Leaf Boats

Various leaf shaped wooden boats that can hold up to 3 people and narrows barges, that move
through water effortlessly 30 ft. upstream or downstream, can be commanded to return to a
prior location without anyone piloting the boat, a larger version called a warboat is a twomasted Eaerlanni sailing vessel with a 20 ft. speed, does not function outside of Eaerlann

Armor of Dragonshape
This suit of +3 dragoncraft hide armor grants its wearer resistance 5 against a specific type of
energy, as appropriate to the dragon from whose scales it was crafted (acid for black, copper,
or green; cold for silver or white; electricity for blue or bronze; or fire for brass, gold, or red).
This resistance is treated as an extraordinary (and thus non-magical) feature of the armor. If the
wearer has the wild shape ability, she may change into a Small or Medium dragon of the same
color as the armor once per day, and may remain in that form for up to 7 hours. This change
doesn't count against the character's normal limit of daily wild shape uses.

Armor of the Unending Hunt

This mithril +2 chainmail armor was built by the elves for rangers on long-range patrols. In
addition to its protective qualities, it provides the wearer with immunity to fatigue and

Celestial Armor
This bright silver or gold +1 to +4 chainmail is so fine and light that it can be worn under normal
clothing without revealing its presence. It has a maximum Dexterity bonus of +8, an armor
check penalty of -2, and an arcane spell failure chance of 15%. It is considered light armor, and
it allows the wearer to fly on command (as the spell) once per day.

Mithril Shirt
This very light chain shirt is made of very fine mithril links. Speed while wearing a mithril shirt is
30 feet for Medium-size creatures, or 20 feet for Small. The armor has an arcane spell failure
chance of 10%, a maximum Dexterity bonus of +6, and no armor check penalty. It is still
considered light armor. The shirt weighs 10 pounds.

Mithralmist Shirt

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Forged from a silver-white mithril alloy, a mithralmist shirt is a +2 mithril shirt that fills the
wearer's square with a billowing silver mist on command. The mist grants the wearer
concealment but does not interfere with his vision. The armor sheds silver mist for 1 minute per
use, up to seven times per day. Finally, once per day, the wearer of this armor can assume
gaseous form for up to 10 minutes.

Ring of Counter Spells

This ring might seem to be a ring of spell storing upon first examination. However, while it
allows a single spell of 1st through 6th level to the cast into it, that spell cannot be cast out of it
again. Instead, should that spell ever be cast upon the wearer, the spell is immediately
countered, as a counter spell action, requiring no action (or even knowledge) on the wearer's
part. Once so used, the spell cast within the ring is gone. A new spell (or the same one as
before) may be placed in it again.

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Art Work & Map Addresses for Eaerlann


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Acknowledgments I freely acknowledge that much of the material contained

herein is borrowed or adapted from other sources, yet much of it is also original. I
would like to thank Steven E Schend for his feedback and support in this
undertaking. I also thank the following authors and designers for the work done by
Ed Greenwood, Eric L Boyd, Steven E Schend, Skip Williams, Jeff Grubb, Julia
Martin, Paul Jaquays, Steve Perrin, Jason Carl, Brian R James, George Krashos,
Thomas Costa, Bruce R Cordell, Eric Haddock, Richard Baker, James Wyatt,
David Noonan, Andy Collins, Thomas M Reid, Anthony Prior, Eric Mona, Chris
Sims, Ed Bonny, Travis Stout, Sean K Reynolds, Darrin Drader, Karen Wynn
Fonstad, Greg A Vaughn, Colin McComb, Wil Upchurch, Jeff Crook, Slade, Mike
Schley, Lord Karsus & all the Scribes of Candlekeep, and to anyone Ive missed,
thanks to you all..

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Founded ere the rise of Netheril, Glaurachyndaar, in eastern Eaerlann, sits near the confluence
of the River Aulantrar (Deepingstream) and the River Starsilver. Set high in the Evenglim Hills, at
the feet of the Nether Mountains, Glaurachyndaar is a gleaming garden city of ornate manors
and climbing terraces, built upon the ruins of the former capital of Arydandaar, Sharlarion.
Rebuilt by the founders of Eaerlann to prevent the rise of another Vyshaan empire, the city
guards the northern and eastern approaches of the realm.
The city itself rises from the conifer covered slopes of Torsharlarion alongside roaring cataracts
of the Silver Falls , overlooking the Delimbyr Vale to the south, with the snow capped Nether
Peaks to the north. The view from the highest towers of the city allows one to see the signal
beacons of Asclahorn, Elvenport (TeutelAlu), The Far Forest, North Peak and Turn Stone Pass.
First site of Glauarchyndaar reveals a many terraced garden city with white stone walls, and
many white stone, blue, white and gold domed buildings and towers. Visitors to the city are
met by the imposing towers and gates of Everwatch Keep, home of the Vilnikeryma, and the
soldiers of the Akhvelahrn. Passing through its adamantine portals guests of the city are
greeted by the Jewel of the Vale, the City of Scrolls.
Visitors pass along tree lined boulevards lined with tall many balconied apartments and private
homes that rise four stories or more and are covered with spectacular theurglass windows and
life like exterior relief carvings. Most of the citys structures are built using elven magic to
literally grow buildings the ground, transforming natural materials into stone, wood, or organic
material magically seamless, incredibly strong constructs subdivided into rooms, hallways, and
courtyards. Wooden buildings are roofed with magically grown bark or leaves. Stone structures
are picturesque and graceful in counterpoint to the solid functionality of the human and
dwarven built structures of the city. The tree dwellings of the elves are quite often artificially
constructed treehouses resting on platforms amongst the branches or against the tree trunks.
Some tree dwellings are magically created and are actually living trees arcanely hollowed and
shaped to create the dwelling. In either case, the dwellings are never closer to the ground than
20 feet, and some have their lowest levels hundreds of feet further up into the trees canopies.

The Defenses
The outer walls of the city rise 60 feet from the ground, made of whitened granite, 10 feet
thick. The walls are topped with merlons and crenulations carved into likenesses of partly open
scrolls. Each white granite, cylindrical, buttressed tower is 70 feet high with a diameter of 40
feet and each is topped by merlons and crenulations carved in the likenesses of open tomes.
The ceiling of each tower is topped by a clear, theurglass dome that lets in natural light into the
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open space of the top level. The third floor of each tor is lit by stained theurglass, rectangular
windows interspersed with arrow slits. The second floor of each tower also bares arrow-slits at
equidistant spaces. The ground floor of each tower is entered via intricately carved adamantine
doors that can be barred by thick beams of the same material. A granite staircase spirals in a
clockwise direction around the inner wall to each level of the tower. Each tower has tunnels
into main cellars for food and goods storage. There are deeper, more secret tunnels within the
foundations that hide the secret exits from the towers. Hidden on the second level of each
tower is a sally port. Each port is indistinguishable from the outer walls of the tower. The walls
of the towers and their curtain walls are warded against disintegration, passwall, rock to mud,
dimension door, phase shifting, teleportation, and gating. Those inside the towers curtain walls
or the towers themselves are protected from scrying magics and psionics.
The city is set out in concentric rings, each ring being set upon a terrace carved into the dark
red granite of TorSharlarion. The second level, the ring of Scrolls, rises 120 feet above the
lowest level of the city. The third level, or Temple Ring, rises 80 feet above the second level of
the city, whilst top of Snowcrown Tor rises 50 feet above that. The walls and towers of the
Scroll Ring are identical in almost every way to those of the outer walls except that each tower
is topped by a trebuchet, and two ballista designed to deter dragons from flying too close to the
city. Jutting out from the eastern side of the city is the jagged tor known simply as NarNikym
(The Stone Dagger). Deep within the bowels of this lonely pinnacle of rock are many of the
gnomish warrens and workshops.

The Mythal
Glaurachyndaars mythal extends 500 yards past the outer curtain wall, 500 yards beyond the
top of Snowcrest Spire, and 500 yards below the deepest Aryvandaaran chamber. Myth
Glaurachs mythal was raised in the Year of the Turning Leaf (590 DR) over the Eaerlanni city of
Glaurachyndaar, known in that era as the City of Scrolls. Elven and human wizards from
Ascalhorn, Eaerlann, Evereska, Silverymoon, and Myth Drannor participated in the casting,
employing a variant of Mythanthars create mythal spell based in part on the earlier work of
Mythanthar. Major participants in the raising of the mythal were Ecamane Truesilver, Khelben
Arunsun, Tisharu Craulnober, and Tellshyll (Starsong) the Aged.
At least three wizards are known to have studied from The Srinshees Specular ere it
disappeared: Elminster Aumar, the legendary Sage of Shadowdale, the Nameless Chosen, who
later took the name of Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun the Elder, and Tisharu Craulnober, an
Eaerlanni female moon elf of House Craulnober. (Tisharu was an elder sister of Elanjar
Craulnober and great-aunt of Elaith Craulnober, as well as the last of her clan to dwell in
Eaerlann.) The Craulibram contains the only known record of Lady Tisharus discoveries, said to
advance the art of mythal construction beyond what Mythanthar achieved in one key aspect:
Myth Glaurachs mythal seems far more resistant than Myth Drannors mythal to the
desecration of its natural environs and the proximity of lower planar creatures.
The mythal that envelops the city of Myth Glaurach is a wizardly mythal. At the time of its
creation, Myth Glaurachs mythal was imbued with 5 major powers and 19 minor powers. As
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implied previously, the central caster of the variant of Mythanthars create mythal spell in this
instance was Tisharu Craulnober. She imbued one major and one minor power into the mythal.
Four secondary casters participated in the raising of Myth Glaurachs mythal, including Aelynthi
of the Eagles, a female moon elf of Eaerlanni ancestry and Clan Archmage of House Alenuath,
Isinghar "Feyrune" Ironstar, a dwelf runecarver and archmage of Ammarindar, the Nameless
Chosen (see above), and Tsaer "the Horned" Nyamtharsar, a male moon elf of Eaerlanni
ancestry and Clan Archmage of House Nyamtharsar. Each added one major power to the
mythal. Six tertiary casters also participated in the raising of Myth Glaurachs mythal, including
Caerthynna of the Swirling Stones, a female moon elf of Eaerlanni ancestry and noted creator of
ioun stones, Durngrym, an itinerant human male incantatar, Ecamane Truesilver, a human male
who later became the first High Mage of Silverymoon, Jaluster of Ascalhorn, a human male
archmage whose orizon later survived the fall of Hellgate Keep, Nyaalsir the Stareye, a male
moon elf of Eaerlanni ancestry, and Symrustar Auglamyr, a Cormanthan gold elf female and
Chosen of Mystra. Each added three minor powers to the mythal.

The Powers of the Mythal

1) The mythal bars the entrance of any being that has knowingly and deliberately consumed
elven, human, or dwarven flesh at any time in the past from above, below, or at ground level.
The mythal acts as an effective magical barrier as solid as a mountain of stone against their
entry. Anyone doing so for the first time within the citys confines or anyone who manages to
enter by unknown means suffers an automatic 10d8 hit points of damage as the mythal
crackles around them and then randomly teleports them more than five hundred miles from
the city.
In addition, the mythal has a calming effect on creatures of Animal or Semi intelligence (i.e.
Intelligence scores in the range of 1 to 4). Animals will not attack other creatures while within
the mythals confines, no matter how hungry, unless attacked or specifically trained to do so
and ordered by their masters. This property of the mythal ensures the safety of the numerous
animal companions, familiars, and other pets that make Myth Glaurach home.
2) The mythal wraps all spellcasters in a mantle of up to three spells of their choosing. As the
spellcaster enters the mythal, up to three spells of his choosing are drawn from memory to
form the mantle, although they can be subsequently rememorized if desired and no spell slots
are consumed in the process. The spells contained within the mantle can then be triggered by
silent act of will with a casting time of 1 once per twenty-four hour period for as long as the
spellcaster remains within the mythal.
3) While within the confines of the mythal, a spellcaster need not rememorize wizard spells.
Wizard spells return to memory exactly twenty-four hours after being cast, if the spell was cast
or otherwise lost while the spellcaster was within the mythals confines and if the spellcaster
has not exited the mythal since casting the spell. Of course a spellcaster can rememorize wizard
spells if desired and must do so in order to change a spell in the roster of memorized spells.
Priest spells, magic items, and innate spell-like abilities are unaffected by this power of the
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4)Myth Glaurachs mythal enhances the elven ability to enter the reverie. (The reverie is a state
akin to dreaming experienced only by elves, as described in the Complete Book of Elves, p. 34.)
If desired, any full-blooded elf entering the reverie while within the mythals confines can
voluntarily control which memories rise to the fore to be vividly relived. Many TeuTelQuessir
use this property of the mythal in the twilight of their lives to aid in the recording of their past
experiences, a practice that has greatly enhanced the fabled libraries of Myth Glaurach.

Minor Powers
1) Any unmounted gemstone within Myth Glaurachs mythal can be placed in orbit around a
beings head, and, by doing so, a being can draw on the innate, latent magical properties
inherent in most, if not all, kinds of gemstones in a manner akin to employing an ioun stone.
2) Any being that knows the secret can use the mythal to provide a meta-magical boost to a
single spell, innate ability, spell-like effect created within the mythal. This boost in effectiveness
is equivalent in effect to one of the following spells (or their reverses), as determined by the
being unleashing the base effect: augmentation II, dilation II, extension III, or far reaching III.
For example, a wizard casting a fireball or triggering a wand of fire might use this power of the
mythal to add a point of damage to each die (i.e. augmentation II), extend the area of effect by
50% (i.e. dilation II), double the duration (i.e. extension III), or extend the range by 150% (i.e. far
reaching III). It is not possible by means of this power to affect a spell, innate ability, or spelllike effect cast or triggered by another being, nor is it possible to boost the power of a magical
effect if it is of too high a level to be affected by the above-mentioned metamagic spells.
3) At will, any being that knows the secret can direct the mythal to recharge a magical item with
charges in a fashion identical to that of Myth Drannors mythal.
See Cormanthyr: Empire of Elves, p. 146, for further details on this power of the mythal.
4) Any being knowing the secret within Myth Glaurachs mythal can adjust the effective
ambient temperature and humidity they experience as desired.
5) Any female cat impregnated within Myth Glaurachs mythal has a 10% chance of giving birth
to a litter of elven cats.
6) Anyone capable of casting wizard spells can read magical writings as if under the effects of a
read magic spell while within the mythals confines.
7) Any being that knows the secret can use the mythal to seal a wholly enclosed structure
within against scrying and teleportation. By means of this power, all manner of magical or
psionic divination into an enclosed space canbe blocked. Similarly, all manner of magical or
psionic transportation into an enclosed space can be blocked. If any means of entering a
structure exists, whether it be an open window, an open door, or a hole of any size in the wall
of an otherwise enclosed structure, this power of the mythal will not function. An aperture is
considered sealed if any form of material wholly blocks it, whether it is a wooden door, a glass
window, a piece of cloth, or a magically created wall of iron. Gases and force fields do not
constitute sealing an opening, so a wall of force or a wall of fire would not suffice to block and
aperture. Examples of closed structures might range from a sealed subterranean chamber, to a
cloth tent with the flaps tied shut, to Daerns instant fortress.
8) Any being that knows the secret can use the mythal to project image (as the 6th level wizard
spell) at will. Only one projected image can be maintained at any given time, and a projected
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image can range anywhere within boundaries of the mythal as long as it remains within sight of
its creator.
9) Anyone who knows the secret can cause the mythal to provide appropriate musical
accompaniment to any lyrics sung or any tune played on a musical instrument.
10) Anyone who knows the secret can cause the mythal to cloak them with the effects of an
iron-guard spell (as the 5th level wizard spell) at will.
11) Any spellcaster capable of casting wizard spells and who knows the secret can use the
mythal to cast legend lore (as the 6th level wizard spell) at most once per twenty-four hour
period. In cases where a legend lore spell takes more than twenty-four hours to cast, only one
legend lore spell can be in progress at any given time.
12) Anyone who knows the secret can cause the mythal to fashion a shimmering swordlike
plane of force (equivalent to the effect of a Mordenkainens sword, a 7th level wizard spell, but
with unlimited duration as long as concentration was maintained) at will.
13) Anyone who knows the secret can use the powers of the mythal to heal themselves at an
increased rate, burns heal, scars disappear and limbs re-grow. Natural healing time for such
injuries is tripled whilst within the mythals bounds.
14) Any being tuned to the mythal is granted darkvision out to 60 feet, those with it already
have their sight extended by 30 feet.
15) Many of the citys inhabitants are poets, bards and spellsingers the mythal records all words
spoken in peom or song. Any inhabitant of the city who can recite the first verse of a poem or
song can call to mind the rest of the words and their intonation. This includes spell songs,
ballads, poems, sagas and entertaining ditties.
16) The mythal prevents the use of death magics and powers, whilst at the same time allowing
healing spells to work at their maximum effects.
17) Any beings within the city are protected from deadly falls by a permanent featherfall effect.
18) Any being who knows the secret can invoke a spell turning effect once per day.
19) Being a city of Lore, the Mythal over the city allows anyone attuned to it to speak with
shades of those buried within its walls. The souls have passed onto whatever afterlife they were
meant for, but an echo of them remains. This allows for scholars to consult with long departed
lore masters about obscure matters and histories. The effect is quite draining on both
participants and can only be performed once a ten day, for a maximum of eight hours. It helps
to know the shades name. They are quite harmless and may speak in half truths or riddles if
they feel that their knowledge is likely to be abused. This power is secret, carefully, and
sparingly used by the citys High Mages, Temple High Priests, Chief Librarians and nominated
leaders of the city. The Grand mage can cut a person off from this power at any time.

1. Everwatch Keep (ahkvelahrn)

Everwatch Keep, home of the Vilnikeryma, members of the Ahkfaern, and the soldiers of the
Akhvelahrn. Made up of four main towers and an imposing marble and granite keep,
Everwatch is one of the few buildings that survived relatively intact from the ruins of the old
city. The two maintowers contain the primary postings and command offices of the Akh.Velahr
and the Akh.Faer. TirutelVilnikeryma uses three of its levels as armories and one of its cellars
even contains a full smithy (its smoke and heat magically commuted out of the city), with other
levels each for the scouts, the Protectors, and garrison quarters for bachelor officers. The
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Tirutelfaer is more magically enhanced than either of the other three towers, and its heavy
magical shielding extends to the rest of the keep and is all that has kept much destruction from
felling Everwatch since the times of the Crown and Seven Citadel wars. The lowest levels are
utilitarian offices and quarters for the Akh.Faer officers. The fifth and sixth levels are the library
and study where the military mages exchange information and learn of new magic or new
tactics; these levels further serve as the impromptu school for apprentices whose legacies have
sent them into the Akh.Faer. The uppermost levels of Tirutelfaer are the Spell Chambers,
wherein massive numbers of spells are hurled in practice within a changeable illusory landscape
(created by the High Magic of the elfblade that created the Tower) that allows mages to fully
test out combat tactics and practice without being truly in battle.
The gate towers each hold armouries and quarters for 200 troops as well as the operating
mechanisms for the Moonrise Gates. These massive, 50 tall, 3 thick adamantine doors are
decorated with bas-relief carvings of Corellons Sun, and Sehanines Crescent Moon. Each tower
is topped by a trebuchet and twin heavy ballistae. The Keeps contain the major business offices
of those services that keep the defenses of the city and its surrounding watch towers operating.
The major rooms within the Great Keep are the Blade Lords planning room containing a table
map of the entire realm of Eaerlann, the Great Hall and sumptuous quarters for the officers on
duty. The Lower Keep contains the mechanisms for the huge adamantine portcullises, the
stables, and the mess hall. In all, Everwatch Keep can collectively provide shelter for nearly
1500 persons comfortably and up to four times that number in emergencies with full use of
certain magical storage spaces and safeholds.Iits shining walls of marble and white granite
stand tall first line of defense for the Jewel of the Vale.

2. The Moonlit Gates

This high-arcing carved arch of white granite and inlaid silver marble detailing is the portal that
leads to Glaurachyndaar. These adamantine and mithral gates are inter-twined with rewaran
vines and moonroses that bloom year-round, and will open for any ward token baring citizen
who approaches them. The flanking gate-keeps are white granite, cylindrical, buttressed tower
is 70 feet high with a diameter of 40 feet and each is topped by merlons and crenulations
carved in the likenesses of open tomes. The ceiling of each tower is topped by a clear,
theurglass dome that lets in natural light into the open space of the top level. A squad of 6
Armathors is on duty at all times to greet visitors and ascertain their reasons for visiting the
city. They are reinforced by the 50 Ahkvelahrn and Ahkfaern who occupy the gate towers
flanking the citys main portal.

3. Moonglammer Palace (Ahkfaern)

Moonglammer Palace is vast, gleaming structure of white, silver, and gold stands watch over
the vale below from pleasant, forested heights. This estate is a walled castle of exotic design,
with many towers, crenelated walls, domes, cupolas,tall, slender towers, walls,small domes and
landing platforms for flying troops, buttresses, high walkways, and numerous sub-structures
that are all clustered around the central palace that is crafted of alabaster and marble and
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roofed in gold. Inside, the palace is an endless maze of broad corridors, high-ceilinged rooms,
galleries gleaming in blue, gold, and silver.

4. Highdusk Hall (Nightstar clan)

Set outside of the city walls but still within the bounds of the mythal is Highdusk Hall. This
rambling 6 story fortified manor house of reddened granite is home to the burgeoning
Nightstar clan of moon elves. The manor itself backs onto Highdusk Tor and sits nestled within
the forest of conifers and evergreens surrounding the city. Famed for its horses (of Moon Horse
decent) and it giant eagle breeding aeries, Highdusk Hall is a bustling hive of activity at all hours
of the day and night. Fully 350 moon elves live here, and in the surrounding farms, supplying
much of the citys food and war mounts. Members of the Nightstar clan rightfully make up the
majority of the citys eagle riders and many knights of renown come from the amongst the
familys ranks.

5 .Dawnstar Tower (selutaar circle)

This spiraling needle like tower is one of the most prominent features of this part of the city. It
is crafted entirely of smooth, polished blue marble, veined in red and gold. The roof is
pearlescent marble dome that is highly reflective. Several windows and balconies are visible
along the towers length. The Selutaar Circle of the Dawnstar is famous for its architects and
builders. The rituals of compliment they produce have created many of the buildings within the
city. There are currently 7 selutaar and 19 apprentices residing here.

6. Nordark Tower (selutaar circle)

This imposing edifice of the Nordark High mage circle is made up of two spiraling, white granite,
needle like towers topped by glittering silver spires. The two towers twist around each other
but never quite touch. Around the base is a 10 high adamantine rail fence set with carefully
crafted wards that emit faerie fire like glows day and night. The windows of these 150 high
soaring towers are made from stained theurglass. Curving wing like buttresses adorn the base
of the tower, each topped by snarling life like gargoyles. The circle consists of 6 selutaar and
their apprentices who faithfully serve the needs of the city as well as their own less well known

7. Lillystar Orchards (Halflings & gnomes)

A bustling farming community of halfling hill homes and gnomish burrows, the Lillystar orchards
are famous for their stone fruits. Cherrys, plums, apricots, apples, pears, persimmon and a
dozen other varieties of fruit trees are grown here supplying fruits to the city year round. A
magically chilled cold store heaped with boxes of waiting fruits is set beneath Lillystar Tor, the
imposing granite hill that sits behind the farm.

8. Bellcrown Spire (selutaar circle)

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This imposing edifice is made up of 5 spiraling, pale blue marble, needle like towers topped by
glittering golden domes, in which can be found mithral bells whose sounds peel out across the
city during times of celebration, mourning, distaster and war. The five towers twist around each
other but never quite touch. Around the base is a carefully crafted hedge of climbing
moonroses. The windows of these 150 high soaring towers are made from stained theurglass.
Curving wing like buttresses adorn the base of the towers. The circle consists of 12 selutaar
and their apprentices who faithfully serve the Ahkfaern and provide training to the citys arcane
archers, bladesingers and duskblades.

9. Everbright Hall (clan Darrlk dwarves)

This grandiose keep of towering red granite spires and fortified walls is the home of Clan
Darrlk, cousins the the rulers of Ammarindar. Most of its interior walls and ceilings were
decorated with engraved images inlaid with precious metals and set with gemstones. This
mighty clan boasts some 500 members, and this bustling 8 story home send many trading
caravans up and down the vale and through Turnstone Pass to the dwarven kingdoms to the
north. Famed as warrior poets, the dwarves of Everbright Hall are amongst the citys most
ardent defenders with many warriors, priests, rune-casters and skalds serving in the

10. Bridge of Lovers Tears (covered stone bridge)

A place of sad beauty this triple arched granite and marble bridge harkens back to the days of
Sharlarion. Covered in life like bas-relief carvings of unicorns and dragons, entwined with
climbing ivy and rewaran vines the bridge stands as mute testimony to the loving care the
ancient stone masons of Tintageer put into their work. Legends tell of two gold elf lovers who
denied the chance to marry because of house rivalries, threw themselves into the rushing
waters of the Starsilver Gorge. It is said that at night their forlorn cries can be heard in the roar
of the cataracts as the cold clear waters tumble over the falls and down into the vale beyond.

11. Dragonstar Hall (Temple & Libraries of Oghma, Denier, &

Four Stories stories tall, made of glittering white marble, topped by six blue domed towers,
merlons and crenulations carved as open books, unrolled scrolls, and one unique symbol for the
gods of the place. This seat of lore and learning is attended by priests who collect, store and
disseminate knowledge to all who are willing to study and learn.
The central hall has a perimeter around its stone floor more akin to the knave of a church,
allowing one to make a circuit of the room with ease, the library is one singular area, its
balconies and domed roof held aloft by fine-crafted pillars of marble covered in Espruan and
Ogham runes, carvings on the pillars depict twice each stylized forms and sigils of the Triune
Gods of History & Knowledge: Labelas, Oghma and Denier. The tables and desks in the center of
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each reading room make three rings that demarcate the divisions of labour in the different
sections of the library.
The secondary rings are made up of granite slab tables, each twice as long as an adult human,
and half as wide again, the tops, sides, edges and legs are replete with dwarvish runes. The
inner most ring of the tables consist of desks with books shelves attached to them. Six are
placed in a row, back to back with another row of six, each row facing either side of the room.
Additional desks, along with cabinets and shelves line the balconies overhead, most with books
chained in place to prevent theft.
The curates of each section have offices is located in the 6 towers. The library below is lit by
theurglass windows and skylights. The top two floors are dedicated to the living quarters of the
priests and scribes within the temple complex. Shrines to the Knowledge Gods are located
within the library itself, cloisters for quiet study or prayer are accessed off of the second level
balconies that surround the library proper. Four white marble staircases wind up from the
corners of the library to the second, third, and fourth levels of the library.

12. Dawnslight Manor (Lquella clan)

This stately 4 storey manor house is topped by 3 spiraling, white granite towers topped by
glittering mother of pearl domes. The windows of the manor hall and the 50 high spires are
made from stained theurglass. Curving wing like buttresses adorn the base of the towers.
Glowing faerie lights hang from silken ropes between the towers, and a seemingly endless array
of silk banners adorn the window ledges and planter boxes about the main manor. The Moon
elves of the Lquella clan are noted for the fiery wines and liquors that they produce and export
all over the vale. The clan is also famous for its scouts, rangers and explorers. The house is
surrounded by a 12 high everbright steel fence covered in climbing rewaran vines and ivies.
Within the carefully topiaried gardens are a menagerie of exotic animal followers and familiars
of the families various rangers, sorcerers and mages.

13. Moonrose Market & Vintners Hall

The main market in Myth Glaurach is situated not far from the Moonlit Gates. A colonnaded
boulevard connects it to the Moonrose Vintners Hall. It has been the most important centre of
traffic since the founding of the city. The head of the great granary is visible to the market
situated behind Moonrose Hall. Of the shrines situated in or near Market Square, the Golden
Spire of Garl Glittergold is the most famous; there is also those of Hanali, Mystra and Selune.

14. Ymaerthien Theatre & Bardic College

Semi-circular in shape and lined by colonnades, decorated by two monumental gates to the
west and south. The theatre of whitened granite is carved out of the tors bedrock and seats
nearly 3000 people. With the stage set down in the center of the bowl, natural acoustics means
that everyone can hear even the faintest whisper from the center of the stage. The theatre is
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decorated with a number of wonderful marble statues of famous actors, musicians and
playwrights. Close to the theatre are storehouses and bazaars for the sale of spices and wines
from the Delimbyr Vale region. At the back of the theatre exists a popular wine shop: Serondo's
Cellar, large enough to host over hundred patrons.

15. Silverdusk Hall (Temple to the Seldarine)

Silverdusk is visited by the people of Myth Glaurach for solemn ceremonies, private worship, or
simple private meditation. The weir wood trees that surround Silverdusk Hall magically weave
their branches together creating a magical canopy above the temple. Several ancient treants
are interspersed amongst the guardian trees in watching Adamantine gates entwined with
rewaran and blooming moon roses year round permit passage to any who approach wishing to
worship Corellon and the Seldarine.
From the outside, the southern facade of this grand temple is shod in lapis lazuli and its graceful
gold domed spires nestle amongst the surrounding trees. The high arched roof of the temple is
covered in jewels that glitter like stars in the moonlight. The white marble stairs leading up to
the gates are flanked by giant marble statues of Corellon. All the floors are covered in delicate
mosaics of scenes of the Seldarine and Arvandor. The support pillars that line the central aisle
leading to the altar are carved with moonrose scroll work, the leaves made of brilliant green
jade. Gleaming white marble walkways flanked by tall columns adorned with ivy and roses, like
the entrance gates, lead through the heart of thetemple and connect the numerous shrines
found within. Magical fountains are scattered throughout the temple, and their enchanted
waters are said to confer one or more effects similar to those of potions of healing, elixirs of
health, potions of heroism, potions of invulnerability, potions of extra-healing, and potions of

16. Snowcrest Spire (Palace of the Corselutaarglaurachyndaar)

The palace of the citys rulers and Grand High Mage, this grand, white granite palace soars high
above the surrounding city. Three needle like spires rise up from the palace walls, one much
taller than the others, with spiraling ascents and slender buttresses arching away from the
towers, the entire palace architecture reminiscent of the ancient elven realms. A glimpse of
Elven castles from the dawn of the world. Snowcrest Spire is the seat of government within the
city, here lives the Grand High Mage Tellshyll Starsong. It is within the halls of this palace that
tellshyll mets with the High Council to decide matters of import the city and the realm beyond.
Currently the council is made up or representatives of the major guilds, temples and towers .
The fabled audience hall of the Council is guarded by giant twin white marble statues (Giant
Stone Golems) representing Corellon and Sehanine. These immense monuments guard the
occupants of the Palace from harm.
All the hallways and chambers of the palace have beautiful polychromatic marble floors and
walls with beautifully stained theurglass windows. Statues of the Seldarine occupy many niches.
Halls are often used as a romantic backdrop for exquisite balls and fireworks. The courtyard of
Snowcrest is an enclosed garden of moon roses and climbing rewaran flowers joining the two
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arms of the palace together by way of fortified gates to the south and north. The gates
themselves are richly carved and filled with images of heroes and fantastical creatures. Placed
within the center of the garden is a magnificent pink marble fountain of four rampant, silver
dragons spouting cold, crystal clear waters into a pond filled with exotic fish and water plants.

17. Tirutelsharlarion (The Beacon Spire & selutaar circle)

This 100 foot tall tower is a tall spiraling construction with slender buttresses arching away
from the towers base. The tower is made of glittering Theurglass and is topped by a cylindrical
chamber made up of 9 connected, thuerglass arches joined in a circle and topped by a golden
theurglass dome. In the center of this chamber is a brazier kept full of oil that is lit during times
of trouble or when the fires of one of the other beacon towers is lit. Its flame can be seen
across the northern realm, all the way to Ascalhorn and Teuveamanthaar. Every level of this
tower is illuminated providing a comforting beacon of light to the citizens of the city. At night its
lambent light provides an starlight glow to the river below. The interior walls, floors and doors
are also made of theurglass set on a foundation of dark red granite.
Here the Sharlarlion Selutaar live and work teaching students the old elven ways of using
magic. This tower is recognized as one of the greatest centers of learning in the realm. A great
library of old lore rests here and only the most promising students from the other mage circles
are permitted to study here. The vast knowledge of the Selutaarsharlarion is kept in lore gems,
kiiras that contain knowledge and secrets dating all the way back to the elves flight from

18. Nlandroshien Spire (Spellsingers & Bardic School & Temple to

Hanali & Millil)
A slender, pentagonal tower of white granite rises from the street below. It is topped by a large
pentagonal structure, with opaque theurglass on its lower half, and topped by a brightly
decorated blue dome. The white marble stairs leading up to the entrance of this tower are
flanked by statues of famous bards and spellsingers of old. The 10 high double doors are pink
theurglass and sit within an arch of 2 rampant unicorns whose hooves and horns touch above
the lintel. The school is housed in the upper levels of the spire. Students and guests are greeted
by priests of hanali and Millil, the priests live within the structure that contains shrines to both
gods. Students seeking to enter the spire must provide a new song or tune of rare beauty to be
admitted to this prestigious bardic college.
Nlandroshien Spire is a bright and beautiful white marble edifice, with fountains and springs
bubbling up from beneath this house of song. The entire central garden is designed with young
lovers in mind, providing endless mazes of shady paths, babbling brooks, quiet pools, leafy
bowers, and flowering hedgerows, so as to facilitate amorous trysts and romantic
rendezvous.The interior chambers of the complex are designed so as to permit the entrance of
the sun, moon, and gentle breezes. Several alcoves display beautiful works of art, serving the
local community as a museum, while the main hall is designed as a great concert hall from
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which strains of music spill out into the surrounding gardens. Here many famous bards and
elven spellsingers come to study with with priests of beauty and song. A ward over the temple
calms emotions and opens up the creative passions of those within.

19. Shadowdark House (Aloevan clan)

Shadowdark House an ancient elven castle. It is a cluster of very tall, very slender spiraling
white granite towers topped by domes of gold studded with ornaments of silver, and impressed
with streaks of blue lapis lazuli. The Aloevan elves hold many dark secrets, dabblers in the
demonic arts, many of their mages and sorcerers seek to gain further power through
association with devils and demons. A highly secretive clan, the elves of House Aloevan have
strong connections with certain schools of Wizardry in Ascalhorn and Lothen.

20. Temple of the Seven Mysteries (Temple to Mystra)

The seven 100 tall, ivy-clad emerald spires of the temple of the Seven Mysteries is a group of
green marble towers in the linked like seven fingered a hand reaching for the stars. Great
domed crystal ceilings sit atop the towers to allow light into the gardenlike interiors of large
halls, galleries and places of study, but the smaller rooms and passages exist in almost
perpetual gloom, illuminated by floating driftglobes. The 200 priests and lay-worshippers here
act as guardians of arcane lore, working closely with the temples of Labelas, Corellon and
Oghma.The temple itsel is surrounded by a grove of weirwood trees. The leaves of these trees
change color like those of normal oaks but never fall from the branches. They simply turn from
summer green to autumn shades of red and gold to winter brown, then back again to green in
the spring. It is said that at least 3 of these shady guardians are ancient elder-treants with
sorceress powers of their own.

21. Starsong Hall (selutaar circle & Starsong clan)

This collection of 6 intertwining needle like spires with airy, curving buttresses is perhaps the
most prestigious and prolific producer of Selutaar anywhere in the realm. The current
Corselutaar is from this tower as is the Coronal of Eaerlann The collection of spires is crafted
entirely of smooth, translucent theurcrystal, with a sparkling pearlescent hue. Many theurglass
windows and balconies are visible amongst the spires. The Selutaar Circle of the Starsong Hall
is famous for the leaders of art that it produces and for the ancient Aryvandaaran secrets that it
guards. There are currently 9 Selutaar and 30 apprentices residing here.

22. Maernthorn Manor (Lurilalar clan)

This breathtaking edifice was grown by the same elven stone shapers who created the palace in
Silverymoon. A copy in miniature of that grand palace, the pale blue marble walls rise four
stories and are covered in carved azure roses and silver star-lilies. The roof is topped by three
spiraling towers of pale pink marble topped by domes of solid silver. Tall wierwood trees form a
canopied roof around the edges of the manor.
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23. Haskar Hall (Netherese merchants & mages)

This stately home of 4 stories, its wall are made of red granite laced with shades of pink, the
roof peaks are flanked by life like statues of rampant silver dragons. Climbing roses and
rewaran vines cover the walls. Each level has a surrounding balcony with a white marble
balustrade, from which the members of the Haskar clan look out over carefully manicured
lawns and rose gardens.

24. War Queens Pride (Inn & home of Torvils of Ascalhorn)

The War Queen is a long, tall building with attached stables and kitchens on one side and
balconies opening out of upper rooms on the other. It rises 6 floors above the street, and its
furnishings are of beautifully carved elven work. There is a small salon off the main entrance for
guests to meet citizens in replete with luxurious arms chairs & potted plants. Meals are served
in guests. There are two sorts of meals served at the Queen: elaborate food, brought in to the
inn from nearby eateries, and food prepared on the premises. The brought-in food is unusually
good and of generous portions. The main bar caters for an exclusive clientele including
travelling silk and wine merchants, the much of the citys elite and upwardly mobile. Common
workers, crafters and adventurers are not made to feel welcome here giving the place a rather
effete and snobbish feel.

25. Willow Winter Palace (spellsinger & bardic college & home of the
Ildacer clan)
Willow Winter palace is a many-spired palace, the soaring central spire, is surrounded by a
terraced garden of many trees flowering plants and shrubs, where natural springs rise and
bubble down the terraces in small cascades, fountains and pools. These beautiful grounds
descend to a ring of lesser buildings and towers along the inside of the intricately carved and
decorated outer walls: guesthouses, stables, granaries, a warehouse, an infirmary, temples to
Oghma, Taralen and Garl Glittergold and shrines to Deneir, Gond, Brandobaris and Milil. Willow
Winter Palace is the pre-eminent bardic and spellsinger college, it poses a fierce rivalry with the
other colleges within the city and has won more eisteddfods than any other. All of the minstrels
and singers here are taught the bardic secrets of the mythal and many of its former lore
masters are regularly consulted. Thus giving the college its hidden edge in all things musically
magical. Its most famous assest is the Fey Orchestra, a symphonic orchestra that is the envy of
any city of the north.

26. Frostwinter Tower (mage school & home of Frostwinter clan)

Frostwinter tower is a magnificent and luxurious 9 story villa. It sports high ceilings, large
stained theurglass windows, marble floors and window seats, and statues of sprites, nymphs
and sirens adorning the halls and rooms everywhere. Every floor of the villa has a balcony
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overlooking the central theurglass domed atrium linked to soaring hanging stairs, an audience
chamber opening off the landing to the atrium, a dining lounge, and guest chambers. The
mages here specialize in elemental magics and many djann and genie servants can be found
here. Many of the offspring here are half elves of genassi stock.

27. Hawksong Manor (tree home of Hawksong clan)

This building was created with ancient high magic at the founding of the city by Selutaar from
Sharrven. Is was the first tower constructed and remained the focus of the citys growing
community until Snowcrest Spire was completed. Slowly over time governmental activities
shifted to the new rulers palace and the tower was left vacant. Tevarail Hawksong.
a travelling Selutaar from Cormanthor saw the neglected tower and decided it would make the
perfect home for his growing brood of moon elf children. The tower consists of one 300 tall,
central Wierwood tree structure surrounded by five smaller ones. The five smaller structures
are circular platforms placed 90 off the ground around the trunk of a gigantic Wierwood tree. A
narrow stair case winds up the trunk of the central tree and leads to the central manor,
wrapped around and located in the enormous trunk of the central tree.

28. Wierwood Gardens (treehomes of clans Leafspear, Moonfire &

The trees of Weirwood Gardens stand 60 feet and more above the ground. Closely resembling
oaks in appearance, the trees are are resilient and durable and resist burning and lightning
strikes. Several stately treehomes are found amongst the branches and the elves who dwell
here are famous for their lutes, harps and other wooden musical instruments. Any magical
radiance that is brought into the grove causes the trees here to emit a faint faerie-fire like glow
amongst the branches.

29. Greenhallow Woods (treehomes of clans Illiathor, Ongluth, Ostelda,

This grove is made up of majestic, evergreen Redwoods, characterized by a columnar, reddishbrown trunk rising 100 ft or more above a buttressed base, conical in shape, with needle-like
leaves, and small, oval cones. Set high amongst the branches are the stately homes of several
elven clans. The lifespan of the redwood is believed to be 2,500 years or more, so many of
these trees and tree homes and their occupants families date back to the very beginnings of the
refounding of the city .

30. Moondapple Glade (treehomes of clans Floshin, Brightstar,

This towering grove of Duskwood trees grows straight and tall reaching almost 50 in height,
high upon their dusky trunks are several elven tree homes belonging to the gold elves of the
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Miritar clan, and the moon elves of the Moonfire family. The trunks of the trees are dark,
smooth and bare, all of their branches are in the crown of the tree. The name of the garden
comes from the dark, eerie appearance of the trees themselves. Under their black bark is
smoky grey wood that is resistant to burning. The elves here are famous for the staves and
wands they produce.

31. Stars Hope Grove (tree homes of clans Moonflower, Alenuath,

Set amongst the soaring branches and into the trunks of giant Shadowtop trees are the
carefully crafted homes of the Moonflower, Alenuath and Silverleaf elven clans. The clans here
are famed for their production of fine silken ropes, and for the manufacture of elven cloaks,
boots and other magical garments. The trees themselves approach 80 in height with dense
clusters of feathery, irregular leaves at the top with few or no lower branches. The leaves are
copper coloured, and dark green on top.
32. Winter Flower Woods (tree homes of clans Selorn, Winterflower, Maerdrym)
Winter Flower Woods is planted with a grove of rare Cedars of Netheril, only a few original
groves remain, although they contain some trees of great age. The wood of these trees is
fragrant, durable and red coloured. The trees here reach 130 ft in height and produce spreading
branches with horizontal masses of foliage, giving a distinctive, broad outline. The dark green
leaves hide the stately tree homes of the Selorn, Winterflower, Maerdrym elven clans. The
elves here are famous for the duskblades, spell archers and blade singers they produce and
many can be found in the ranks of the Ahkfaern.

33. Ebon Deep Gardens (tree homes of clans Moonfire & Miritar)
This towering grove of Duskwood trees grows straight and tall reaching almost 50 in height,
high upon their dusky trunks are several elven tree homes belonging to the gold elves of the
Miritar clan, and the moon elves of the Moonfire family. The trunks of the trees are dark,
smooth and bare, all of their branches are in the crown of the tree. The name of the garden
comes from the dark, eerie appearance of the trees themselves. Under their black bark is
smoky grey wood that is resistant to burning. The elves here are famous for the staves and
wands they produce along with the timber they provide for the swanboats of the River Guard
and the merchants who ply the Delimbyr River.

34. Songfire Grove (Temples to Rillifane, Chauntea & Silvanus)

This grove of ancient oak trees is considered sacred by the green elves and druids who worship
the triune of nature deities, Rillifane, Chauntea and Silvanus. Many lay worshippers often travel
here for ceremonies, marriages, funerals, and other important events. Several spirits are said to
guard the grove, druids, rangers and priests often come here to commune and receive
messages from their god. Songfire Grove is a collection of huge oak trees with platforms built
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among the branches and vine bridges connecting them to each other and platforms in adjoining

35. Heartwood Hall (Temple to Solonor & Mielikki)

Heartwood Hall can be found alongside Moonlit Square, the Warriors of the Wilder Lands house
of worship is a mixture of natural and carefully sculpted features emphasizing the competing
principles that the two Rangers try to balance. Heartwood Hall sits in a cultivated grove of giant
blueleaf trees carefully tended to form a ring of forest giants. Each tree has been grown so as to
form one or more natural hollows within its trunk at various elevations, and vine rope bridges
are threaded through each tightly packed grove to connect the chambers in the heart of each
tree. At ground level, roots, rocks, earth, plants are woven into near impregnable defensive
fortifications to ensure the sanctity of the temple perimeter.
Earthen chambers are hewn from the dirt beneath the grove, nestled among the tightly woven
root structures. Within the center of the grove is a sparkling white fountain carved into the
likenesses of three rampant unicorns. The surrounding pond is filled with exotic fish and water
plants and is circled by low marble benches upon which worshippers can stop to rest an admire
the natural beauty within the grove.

36. Woods of Auramamn (tree homes of clans Audark, Selorn &

The Elven Architecture found in Teuveamanthaar is common in the Elven homes of
Glaurachyndaars many groves and gardens. The Woods of Auramamn set alongside Moonlit
Square, are made up of a grove of Mithril Oaks, an evergreen species growing to a height of 80
ft that has silvery-grey leaves and bark. The trees get their name from both their appearance
which tends to glow a lambent silver in full moonlight, and because of the extreme hardness
and durability of the wood. The elves here are famous for the spears and polearms they
produce and for the skilled fletchers amongst the clans who dwell here.

37. Stardark Grove (tree homes of clans Olortynnal & Estelda)

This towering grove of Duskwood trees grows straight and tall reaching almost 50 in height,
high upon their dusky trunks are several elven tree homes belonging to the elves of the
Olortynnal and Estelda clans. The trunks of the trees are dark, smooth and bare, all of their
branches are in the crown of the tree. The name of the garden comes from the dark, eerie
appearance of the trees themselves. Under their black bark is smoky grey wood that is resistant
to burning. The elves here are famous for the number of historians, lore keepers and priests of
Corellon and Rillifane they produce. Hidden deep within the grove is a private garden housing
ancient shrines to both gods.

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38. Glaemerglim Gardens (tree homes of clans Craulnober, Dahast,

Soryn, Starglow, Yridnae)
The Weirwood trees of Glaemerglim Gardens stand 60 feet and more above the ground. Closely
resembling oaks in appearance, the trees are resilient and durable and resist burning and
lightning strikes. Several stately treehomes are found amongst the branches and the elves that
dwell here are famous for their lutes, harps and other wooden musical instruments. Any
magical radiance that is brought into the grove causes the trees here to emit a faint faerie-fire
like glow amongst the branches. The elves who dwell here are amongst the most magically
gifted in all the city, many famous selutaar and spellsingers have come from these families,
including Corselutaar Tisharu Craulnober, an Eaerlanni female moon elf of House Craulnober,
who gave her life in the laying of the mythal that now envelopes the city.

39. Yangarothien Hall (metalsmith & Jewellers Guild Hall)

Here can be found a dark red, granite keep complete with crenullations, arrow slits and a
portcullis. This fortress like building was built by dwarves of the Ironstone clan back when the
city was open to orc raids. Today it is home to the metal and jewel smiths guild. It acts as an
artisans workshop, store house, guild hall and residence. It is used by the gem-cutters of the
city who bring their wares to this spell-guarded place. Here gems are graded and jewelry stored
for later sale and export. Deep beneath the keep is a portal to Splendarmorrn, that links the
dwarves who dwell here to a constant supply of rare metals and gems from their ancestral

40. Adamantine Anvil (metalsmithy & home of clan Ironstar &

Bledarth Ironstar claims he is a master armourer, and his warmongery equals the best in the
city. He and his dwarven smiths are in constant contest with the Ironcrown and Tarynstone
smiths of Ironcrown Citadel. The Adamantine Anvil resembles a fortified keep, and in truth it is.
The Anvil is one of the oldest buildings in the city. A former residence of the city guard, the forts
5000 year old architecture is considered archaic by many, but has been restored by the finest
dwarven stonemasons from Ammarindar. Bledarth keeps over a 50 apprentices busy with all
the orders that come his way.

41. Darkdagger Manor (home of Netherese merchants Haladar clan)

Darkdagger manor is full of ornately carved white marble stairs and arched windows. The
manor has three four-story-high towers stretching out from it. Two stand along the parapet
walls of the manor, and the third (the kitchen and pantries) joins stables, workshops and
warehouses. The halls are carpeted against the chill with furs atop rushes, and the
bedchambers sport floor furs, window hangings to keep out cold breezes, and curtained and
canopied beds. The Haladars are famous antique and rare item merchants. There caravans ply
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the trade routes between Glaurachyndaar, Ascalhorn and the citys of the Netherese inheritor
states across the Anaurach. Many of the items they sell come from long abandoned Netherese
villas, citys towers and keeps. The Haladars are accomplished sorcerers and tomb raiders, with
an eclectic collection of Netherese artifacts and lore.

42. The Dawnspire (Temple to Lathander)

This large temple to Lathander sits atop the Dagger and its distinctive rose-red granite spires
can be seen for miles. It consists of a many spired cathedral surrounded by stables, refectories,
guesthouses, and outbuildings. Its many clergy and 500 militia assist local business people and
farmers, and in return the temple receives regular and large offerings.

43. Hornblade Keep (Netherese Wizards)

This white granite-walled stronghold actually boasts three spiraling needle like towers, each
topped with a double horned snow awning that scoops cooling breezes down into the interior
when the trapdoors are open in summer. Inside, it is a miracle of hanging plants, magical
radiances, and cleverly piped water. In the central spire, students of note are housed.. At night,
starlight is projected down into the keeps many chambers by means of slanted mirrors, and the
effect is awesomely beautiful! The kitchens here turn out superb food, subtle sauces are the
key and the wood-paneled rooms are as grand as any to be found. The place is a fortress of
paranoid Aschallian wizards, though, and every guest has an escort and every room its standing
guard of vigilant tower guards.

44. Silver Moon & Mithril Stars Temple (Temple to Sehanine &
Moon & Stars temple is a soaring monument open to all who woship the Silver Maidens. The
temple is constructed of white marble with 7 blue domed spires soaring above a white domed
basilica. The Dome of the temple is decorated by beautiful paintings of golden stars on a night
blue background. Symmetry and circles are highly prized, reflected in the architecture of the
temple. The central chapel is perfectly circular and can be opened to the night sky by means of
a retractable dome. Great gardens and hedgerow mazes encircle the main structure, their
formations imitating the paths of the heavenly bodies in the night sky above. The priests are
the seers and mystics of Glaurachyndaar society. They serve as the spiritual counselors to all
those who seek to embark on journeys in search of enlightenment so as to transcend their
current state of being. As shepherds and protectors of the dead and good lycanthrope, priests
organize and administer funeral rites and guard the remains of the fallen. They seek out and
destroy undead creatures, for the Silver Sisters hold such creatures-with the notable exceptions
of baelnorn and other good-aligned undead beings who voluntarily prolong their existence in
order to serve their kin-to be blasphemous. The prime task of adventuring priests is the
retrieval of lost arcane and magical knowledge.

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45. Sentinel Spire (wizards school)

This triple spire group of150-foot-tall hexagonal stone towers is ornately carved with dancing
sprites and unicorns. It and its accompanying dormatories overlook the Winterflower Woods.
This school of Invokers and Abjurers is famous for supplying battle ready mages for the
Ahkfaern. Run by Tsaer "the Horned" Nyamtharsar, a male moon elf of Eaerlanni ancestry and
Clan Archmage of House Nyamtharsar. Students here learn the arts of defense and attack whilst
working in concert with other spellcasters. The schools students pay for their studies by the
manufacture of minor magical items and trinkets.
Typical trinkets take the form of necklaces, ornamental bracers, or multiple rings linked with
fine chains. Such items might have one of the following powers:
Cloaks the wearer in shadows at will, giving a 70% chance of hiding in shadows as a thief
does (thieves gain a +70% bonus to a maximum chance of 99%)
Can fire two magic missiles per day
Can heal the wearer once every three days
Can cure light wounds twice a day (wearer only)
Can turn the wearer invisible for four rounds, once per day
Allows the wearer four rounds of levitation once per day
Allows the wearer to move with absolute silence, always levitating an inch above the
ground or floor, and also confers feather fall as needed
Blink once a day for one turn (was intended for use in dancing, and may be
accompanied by drifting dancing lights, faerie fire bursts, and/or music)
fly once a day at MV 14 (A) for a single three-round period; can lift a maximum of 600
lbs (average human wearer can carry at least one other person of typical human size)
Hold person by touch (single target only, saves at - 3, effects as if the spell were cast by a
10th level wizards except that it affects undead and lasts only four round for living
beings, eight rounds for undead; broken if "frozen" target takes damage from any
attack), once per day
Light once a day (stationary where evoked; does not move with jewelry) and/or dancing
lights (a cluster of one to four circular balls, hue, size, brightness, and number as the
jewelry-wearer wills) once per day; these wink out when desired, or seven rounds after
creation, whichever comes first
Purify food and drink once a day, by touch, acting on all chosen items to a total volume
limit of no larger than the wearer's own body) that can be touched in a three-round
"active" period
Spider climb whenever desired, to a maximum extent of one turn per day
Warmth (as a ring of warmth) twice a day for up to six rounds each time (a property
often used to walk unclad from house to outhouse on winter nights, or to attend winter
parties in very flimsy attire)
Water breathing once per day, for up to one turn
Wraith form once a day, for up to one turn

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46. The Coppershield (Dance & Festhall)

This many-spired festhall is the site of many a raucous revel attended by the wildest of the
citys inhabitants, the wealthiest families ambitious to rise in social circles, and visitors to the
city who can seem rich or important enough to impress the locals attend the festivities here.
Revels are evening parties, gatherings to dance, drink, murmur insults or boasts to the nearest
fellow revelers, and to listen. About two of them are held per tenday, and provide some of the
best entertainment in the city. From the outside, the festhall resembles an ancient elven castle.
It is a cluster of very tall, very slender spiraling white granite towers topped by domes of white
studded with ornaments of gold, and impressed with streaks of blue lapis lazuli, linked aloft by
flying bridges that attract many-hued lightning strikes in stormy weather.

47. Whiterose Palace (Emporium run by gnomes & Halflings)

A virtual cornucopia of dry goods, haberdashery, linens, clothing, tools, and just about anything
lese a house hold needs can be bought here. Many items have minor useful enchantments: self
cleaning curtains, self heating plates and jakes seats, chilling buckets for wines and ales, sun
rods, glow lamps, and a mystical variety of toys and gnomish trinkets and contraptions. Upstairs
is a small toy factory, the life like items produced by this place are legendary throughout the
north. Many a smiling child has woken up one mid-winters morn to find a Whiterose toy at the
foot of their bed.

48. Ironcrown Citadel (home of dwarven clans Ironcrown &

Ironcrown Citadel is a four story red granite keep, and two imposing watchtowers centered
around a thriving smelter and smithy. Selindra Ironcrown and her husband Telfarth Snowsbattle
operate the largest and most successful metal workers and foundry in the city. Over 100
dwarves work here to the constant sounds of hammering metal set to the rhythms of chanting
smiths are armouers. Anything to do with meatl is made here, from blades and armour to plows
and plates. The workmanship here is peerless and so are the prices.

49. The Drunk Duck (Tavern)

This raucous drinking spot is famous for the beers and ales it produces in it cellar brewery, and
has a few rooms to let upstairs. Guests in these rooms can eat at the bar, but theres no dining
room, and little escape from the good-natured noise and bustle of the taproom. The decor in
the Drunk Ducks taproom mimics a forest, with pillars done up to look like trees, vines, and
living tree limbs sprouting leaves overhead. Illumination is provided by several theurglass
chandeliers whose illumination changes according to the time of day outside. There is an
endlessly tinkling spring in the center of the taproom that cascades out of a rock pile to flow
into a little pond filled with the taverns chief fare, ducks, studded with lily pads. The spring is
real, not magically animated, and yields the soft water used in the brewing of its famous beers
and ales. The tavern gets its name from the ponds ducks predilection for drinking beers and
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ales that are said to enhance their overall flavor. The Drunk Duck also serves a full list of wines,
zzar, sherries, mead, and liqueurs from the far corners of the realm. A limited range of food is
served with the nightly specials rarely changing and usually involving some form of waterfowl in
the recipe. Foresters, rangers, woodcutters, furriers, wood elves, and other forest folk feel at
home here.

50. The Moons Shadow (Restaurant & Festhall)

A former mages tower The Moons Shadow is a garishly pink painted manor with an
accompanying fours story red granite wizards tower. The central courtyard is filled with flowers
and climbing vines inside and surrounded by gardens outside, including wild gardens, which are
preserved plots of tangled rewaran vines, moonrose shrubs, and silverbark trees.
This house of pleasure is famous vale wide for its luxuries, beautiful courtesans, and hot spring
baths that are rarely enjoyed alone. It boasts very high prices indeed. an evenings pleasure can
easily cost 200 gp or more. All courtesans here specialize in a combination of pleasantly learned
conversation, musical entertainment, singing dancing and kneading out the pain from long
journeys and old battle injuries with their hands and feet, for those who dont want to indulge
in the exotic. The high ceilinged, carpeted halls and private rooms are decorated with stained
theurglass lanterns and plants. Lounges (including the baths) surround the circular dining room.
From the curving hallways that encircle the dining room ascend broad stairs to large rooms that
feature privates baths, steam rooms and curtained, canopied beds.
The dining room at the Moons Shadow serves the usual roasts and fowl dishes with flair, along
with more elegant fare suitable for the tastes of its varied cliental. The soups are delightful,
humans, elves, half-elves, dwarves, and halflings are all seen here often admiring the
exquisitely painted views of gardens, mansions, and temples of the city and surrounding
country side. The paintings done by local artists and hang in every room, are truly beautiful,
with vibrant colors, charming scenes, and magics that preserve them and make them glow so
that they can seen even in darkrooms. Small cantrips on the most expensive of these pictures
make small birds, squirrels, and the like appear and wander through the scene augmented, very
rarely by an armored elf or gowned lady gliding along in the background shadows or appearing
from time to time in the windows of a castle turret or on a balcony.

51. Highhammer Hall (Temple to the Dwarven Gods)

This temple has one major nondenominational temple with statuary of all the dwarven gods
and goddesses lining the walls, and it also has individual chapels for each of the gods, including
a rough-hewn cavern beneath the temple for Dumathoins chapel. Offices and cells for the
dwarven priests are limited to the top two floors, while storage space and secret rooms are in
the finished cellar adjacent to the cavern of Dumathoin.

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52. Starsilver Farm

This large, tastefully well-kept complex on the edge of Starsilver Gorge is far and away the best
breeding stables in the Talons. Fine destriers of moonhorse blood and solid mountain ponies
are the order of the day here. The training, bloodlines, and care here are so good that wealthy
buyers flood up even from Illefarn and Evereska to add blood stock to their own heards. The
owner, Liandra Silverleaf is a captain in the citys spell archers. She is an outgoing, friendly elven
woman of breathtaking beauty who seems liked by all and returns the favor. A Spell Archer,
Liandra is very wealthy and can well afford to spend her time training fellow Spell Archers of
the Ahkfaern. She heads a staff of skilled horsefolk; notable among them are seven skilled
green elf spell archers armed with composite longbows, and elven spellblades who defend the
stable compound. Expect to pay no less than 125 gp for a mount here. Liandra prefers to match
horse to rider in long-term training and that can easily cost another 50 gp. If ever her horses are
mistreated or the owner dies, the horses mysteriously reappear in her stables. In the cases of
obvious abuse the offenders are often hunted down and turned into mules to be used by
grumpy dwarven prospectors in the Nether Mountains

53. Battlehammers Shields & Blades (smithy & home of clans

Battlehammer & Stoneshield)
Battlehammers Shields & Blades resembles a 4 story dwarven keep. It has its own moat and
spiked iron fence, which can be electrified by spells in the event of attack. Four solid red granite
crenulated towers topped with ballistae and armories inside mark the four corners of the keep.
The lower chambers are dedicated to smithies complete with cold forges, and ever-bright
plating vats. Over 20 warrior-priests of Dumathoin dwell here along with their families. This
place is a down-to-earth, hard-core weapons shop: large, dimly lit armouries that smell of oil
and cold steel, are found in the bases of the four towers, crammed with racks of ever-bright
and enchanted swords, daggers, maces, morning stars, war hammers, spears, arrows, bolts, and
battle axes. Battlehammers Shields & Blades sells helms, plate and chainmail, gorgets, and
gauntlets as well as weapons and shields.
Armand Battlehammer and his wife Tyara Stoneshield greet customers with a friendly smile and
a ready throwing axe. Warm tea and cold ales are served to genuine buyers, those who just
come to look are shown the everyday weapons that have yet to undergo the ever-bright
treatment, then politely shown the front gate. Several battle horrors guard the armories along
with many ingenious dwarven glyphs and traps. Prices here are at least triple normal, but then
you get exactly what you pay for.

54. The Bottle & Blade (Tavern)

This rambling two story white granite building is topped by a triple domed roof of the bluest
marble. Famous for its home brewed beers, stouts and ales The Bottle and Blade see more than
its fare share of tavern brawls and disputes. A sigh above the stone arched door warns patrons
to leave blades and spells at home. This sign is more than just a warning for the Blade is run by
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a family of spell casting dwarves from Splendarmorrn who delight in hurling magically hardened
bottles at brawling patrons. The Blade has a dozen upstairs rooms for rent, but only the deaf
could sleep there when the taproom below is doing its usual roaring trade.and I do mean
roaring! The Blade serves a home-brewed ale called the Hardbottle, that I found curiously
sweet with an after taste of barley and hops. Patrons can enjoy a huge selection of wines,
beers, and stronger drink here.

55. Daryms Fine Wines & Ales (Winery & Ale House all served with
local produce)
This large, well-stocked winery and ale house is a surprise to all who enter. Almost all the
residents from the surrounding farms and villages drop by daily to buy the fresh juices, wines
ales, breads, and cheeses that Darym and his sons bring in from nearby farms every dawn on a
creaking wagon that must awaken many folk. Prices here tend to be 10% above the average
found in the city where such a thing as competition exists, but what is asked is not
unreasonable. The friendly, chatty halfling proprietor, Darym Thistlewood, certainly tries to
stock most of the wines, ales and local foodstuffs produced in the region. As a side line Daryms
wife Sardelia even sells parchment, inks, some quite nice ready-made gowns.

56 Stonehammer Farm (home of Stonehammer Dwarf clan)

Stonehammer farm is famous throughout the vale for the quality of the oats and barley it
produces. Adbarla Stonehammer id the feisty matriarch of the clan and she sees to the running
of this most profitable farm. Built around a large four crenulated, black granite keep,
Stonehammer Farm also has its own brewery on site. Abdarlas boys are also famous pony
breeders and prospectors, and many of the silver mines around the city are operated by these
former citizens of Splendarmorrn.

57. Delambyrs Flow (Inn & Tavern)

Delambyrs Flow is a four story slate-shingled, many-gabled, solid-looking white granite building
that is warm and dry in winter, and cool and dry in summer. Its pleasant staff sets the tone for
your visit, and it offers meeting rooms for hire and a superior feasting board. The innkeeper on
duty is Hastarele Hawksong or one of his many half-elven children (he has 12). The inn has
white granite walls covered in like like bas-relief carvings. The floors are brightly polished
redwood. This nightingale floor is just the thing for guests who fear being attacked at night and
is apt to creak groan and whistle when one is walking about late at night. The furnishings are
carved in the finest elven traditions and extremely stylish and comfortable, and every room
comes with its own polished blue marble bathtub replete with hot and cold running water. The
centerpiece of any stay at The Flow, however, is the common dining room: an airy, plant-hung
chamber with large theurglass windows overlooking the ponds and fountains of the Moonrose
Gardens. Most guests get very used to it, and do so gladly. Hastarele Hawksong, Moon Elf Male,
Arcane Archer 14, wielder of Delimbyras Shining Bow.
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58. The Watchful Ghost (Inn & Tavern)

This gleamimng red granite inn and tavern is a ramshackle, sprawling building of many wings,
varying roof sections, and little bay windows and cupolas. Its easy to get lost inside, what with
all the alcoves, the general dimness, odd steps up and down, and the prevalence of odd pieces
of antique Netherese furniture and old tapestries salvaged from old Netherese homes during
the fall. Run by the Dwimerholt family. The watchful ghost gets its name from the spirit of a
deeply sad looking gold elf maiden who came here to meet her human ranger lover. Enraged at
this affair, her family killed the human in front of her, so running up stairs she threw herself
from the highest spire of the Inn. To this day her watch-ghost spirit still protects lovers from
harm. Tamsia Durothil, AL NG Watch Ghost Sorceres 9,

59. Gylbrets Golden Grist (Mill & Granary)

This huge, impressive stone mill and warehouse grinds, stores, mixes, and bags hulled or
crushed grain, flour, and seeds. It is always busy, and employs 50 halflings and gnomes.
Tressym are kept to keep down rodents, and sling-wielding Halfling children, whose job it is to
drive off birds, are everywhere, and the mill always has enough output on hand to sell a
traveler a belt sack or enough human-sized sacks to fill six wagons. Gylbrets also does a roaring
trade as a bakery, and many of his wares can be found hot and fresh in many a city eatery.
Gylbrets gnomish wife, Azalea is a talented mage who specializes in promt delivery of her
husbands baked goods.

60. The Specularum (Library & scibes hall)

Surrounded by wide stone steps, the white marble Specularums outer walls hold many
frescoes and life like bas-relief carvings. Inside the building is a vast high-ceilinged and open
hall, a single room lined with statuary of all the races of the city. A central desk at the hall.s
heart both provided patrons with a figure to request books from, and this figure also procured
the books from the subterranean vaults for said patrons.

61. Teutelsharr (Moon Tower)

62. Artelsharr (Sun Tower)
63. Shiltelsharr (Shadow Tower)
64. Kiirtelsharr (Gem Tower)
65. Nartelsharr (Stone Tower)
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66. Ruatelsharr (Star Tower)

67. Durtelsharr (Twilight Tower)
68. Glaurachiilor (Library, bookshop & mage supplies)
This hall sells books and a large selection of new, blank books, scrolls, frames of vellum, and
reams of parchment. These new materials come in a variety of sizes, bindings, and formats,
from simple unadorned paper-covered chapbooks to dragonskin-bound tomes half as tall as an
adult human male with locks, travel cases, giltedged pages, and sewn-in silk bookmarks. All of
them are expensive. The cheapest bound volume in the shop is 12 gp, and the most expensive
is priced at a thousand times that. Mages, priests, limners, scribes, cartographers, and
apprentices to all of these professions come or are sent here to purchase just the right volume
for their needs. Powerful fireproofing enchantments leak out of this shop. Glaurachiilor also
sells items that bear minor enchantments in particular, musical instruments and minor magical
items such as daggers that glow with faerie fire upon command, sunrods, light gems, stones
that change hue when immersed in poison or tainted liquids or that alter their color when their
surroundings reach a certain temperature, scabbards and sheaths that banish rust, feather
tokens, and healing potions, blank staves and wands, ingots of rare metals, and a cornucopia of
rare and unusual spell components found nowhere else in the city. Adventurers can usually
count on getting some healing potions and glow-on-command items whenever they visit (400
to 500 gp each), but all other items are only available upon special order (paid in advance).
Glaurachiilor also holds a rare collection of second hand books, scrolls, lore gems and tomes.
Many are bought from deceased estates, but occasionally something truly rare and significant
appears upon the shelves. Buyers never know what rare treasures they may find. Books are
available for borrowing, but these are only copies, originals are kept elsewhere on the premises
and are said to be heavily warded against theft. The provender of this establishment is Spliwhik
Glittergold, a gnomish illusionist and his half-elven wife, Saraya. They have 9 children of various
ages, who are all gifted sorecerers specializing in illusions and phantasms.

69. The Warrens

The Tunnels beneath the Dagger house the homes of the gnome clans Ironeater, Goldark,
Brightjewel, Brighteyes, Bluestar, Sunmyst, Silvershield & Windancers. The Warrens is a village
of gnomes, who live under The Dagger in burrow homes. They craft coffers, latches, and
satchels, and sell them to certain trusted merchants.

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70. Teushiltelsharr
This stately 4 story home of pearlescent marble topped with a single needle like spire is the
home of silver dragon mage Deszeldaryndun Silverwing. Silverwing is sometimes called the
Kindly Dragon in the lore of the North, because he so often aids humans and demi-humans.
Though he avoids human society and politics, Silver-wing seems fascinated by individuals. Many
are the lost, lonely or hurt folk he has healed and sheltered. Deszeldaryndun has even been
known to participate in the adventures of those he has befriended. He prefers to do such things
entirely in disguise, so those he helps are unaware of his draconic nature. He does not hesitate,
however, to reveal his true powers, if such a tactic helps one of his chosen companions in need.
Hes also a shrewd judge of character and uses spells covertly to probe the alignment and true
nature of any encountered being of whom he is unsure. (Silverwing is very rarely duped or
taken unawares.) Silverwing is a sleek, graceful silver wyrm who seems to enjoy a slow-paced,
simple life in the wilds, spiced with frequent human contact that he initiates or for which he
sets his own terms. Deszeldaryndun is married to Illiantha Starsong, a Moon Elf selutaar of
striking beauty and kindly nature, their many half-dragon children are famous arcane archers,
spellsingers and duskblades who serve with distinction amongst the military of Glaurachyndaar.

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Secrets of Glaurachyndaar
Hidden deep beneath the streets and spires of Glaurachyndaar lie the reasons why
Glaurachyndaar was built, the hidden portals and vaults of House Vyshaan. Deep below the
lowest cellars and basements of Snowcrest Spire a 500 deep spiral staircase winds its way
down to a series of galleries, vaults and corridors that spread out like a many spoked wheel
from a central chamber, used by the Vyshaanti to store their many artifacts and treasures. The
greatest of these are the 21 Meditative Lore Crystals of House Vyshaan, 2 foot tall floating,
spindle like crystals that hold the collective lore and history of the Vyshaanti and many of their
Selutaar. Of the locked vaults many are storehouses of magical artifacts recovered from the
ruins of the Vyshaantar Empire and defended by bound demon guardians. Eaerlanni archmages
wrapped the vaults in magical wards, so as to imprison those evils that remain within the
armourys deepest chambers. Most of the vaults hold the war machines of the Avaryndaar, 8
tall elven-looking battle golems, 20 long, scorpion like, siege golems, bronze, hovering battle
platforms, wracks of long lost weapons such as battle staves and communication orbs, diadems
of power, beluths of corruption, suits of Abyssal battle armour, magical bolt hurling ballistae,
and explosive hurling trebuchet. But perhaps the greatest treasure of them all is the network of
portals the Vyshaanti used to transport their armies across all the lands of Faerun, the most
powerful of which leads to Fhoeldindurr the Thousand Fold Way.
Another of the secrets of Glaurachyndaar are the various portals that connect with the Trail of
Mists. The Trail of Mists is a little-known means of magical travel akin to a series gate and
believed to date back to the height of Netheril and Eaerlann. Created by gnome illusionists
working in concert with Eaerlanni High Mages, the Trail of Mists served originally as a means of
magical transport by which gnomes who had escaped enslavement by the Netherese could
move about the northern and eastern High Forest without fear of being recaptured. The Trail of
Mists links several score elven garrisons on the Eaerlanni-Netherese border with an elven
fortress in the heart of Eaerlann since rebuilt as the Citadel of Mists. From there the Trail of
Mists leads further south and west, enabling gnomes to safely flee far from their former
masters. The Trail of Mists crisscrosses much of the northern High Forest and links with gnome
communities, the ruins of older gnome settlements, and various cities of other races scattered
across western and northern Faern. It has been extended time and time again by gnome
illusionists, the most famous of whom is undoubtedly Fitzmilliyun Sparkledrim, the legendary
creator of the Castle of Illusion.
The Citadel of the Mists, a slim triangle of three towers jutting from two large buildings and an
enclosed courtyard, is an isolated castle on the northern fringes of the High Forest. The tallest
tower houses a pegasus aerie, well guarded by charmed air and fire elementals and only
accessible via an exposed internal staircase that rises through a single large chamber. The
Citadel is cloaked in an ancient wardmist that predates the castles construction by millennia.
The Citadel is riddled with ancient dimension doors of elven construction, that is invisible spots
that whisk someone entering them in certain ways to other invisible spots, elsewhere in the
Citadel. Some of these linkages work in the upper floors of the three Citadel towers despite
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predating the construction of the present fortress, a conundrum only the Mistmaster has
unraveled. The dimension doors are in some way tied to the Trail of Mists, but it is not possible
to access the ethereal network of paths by employing them.
In addition to those that lie within the depths of the High Forest, one or more nexus points of
the Trail of Mists lie within the burrows of Dolblunde (north and east of Waterdeep), the caves
beneath Ascalhorn, and Myth Glaurach, as well as amidst the Castle of Illusion, the Trollbark
Forest, the Forgotten Forest, and the Trielta Hills. Another nexus is said to lie amidst the tunnels
of Shinglefell Gnome Burrow. Eaerlanni elves helped gnome escapees hide in elven frontier
garrisons and taught individual gnomes the art of illusionist magic, and this then culminated in
the eventual freeing of Netherils gnome population in 2387.
Hidden at the bottom of a shaft below the deepest Vyshaan vault is the Heart of Sharlarlion, a
heavily warded chamber created to house the Mythal Stone of Glaurachyndaar. It was here of
old that the Corselutaar of Sharlarlion hid the original mythal stone before the citys fall at the
hands of Miyeritari Selutaar towards the end of the fifth Crown War. The Selutaar of
Glaurachyndaar hope to never have to use the chamber for a similar purpose, but it is here just
in case the unthinkable should ever occur.

War Mythals
Mythal of Destruction
School: High Magic Ritual of Myriad (Invocation/Abjuration)
Casting Time: 3 Turns
Area of Effect: 100 yards radius per level of central caster
Duration: 1 hour per level of central caster
Saving Throw: None
This high magic ritual is used for the destruction of fortifications, armies and cities. The ritual
requires at least 5 selutaar capable of such a ritual, with one acting as the central whilst 4
others act as secondary casters. There must be at least 8 tertiary casters capable of casting 9th
level spells. All casters must surround the target area in a complete circle. The central caster
need not be in the middle but must be part of the 1st circle alongside the secondary casters.
Tertiary casters form a second ring around the first circle.
The initial casting involves the creation of an impervious sphere of magic around the target
area, the principal caster then weaves in one major power, usually a dimensional lock, followed
by one other major power, usually an area effect spell of eighth or ninth level, and one lesser
area effect spell of at least 7th level. The secondary casters then each add one major and minor
area effect of their own. The principal caster decides who, what and how the magics will take
effect within the mythal, they can nominate a race, class, religious group, buildings etc to
include or exclude from damage. This is worked out in the casters mind before the ritual begins,
and once set cannot be changed. The tertiary casters provide raw magical energy for the spell
and channel it through the main casters. They find all access to their memorized spells gone
one heart beat after the ritual begins.

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The casting of the ritual drains 50d4 hps from the casting group, starting with the tertiary
casters first. Any mage completely drained of life is left a withered and lifeless husk who cannot
be raised by anything short of divine intervention.
Area effect spells placed within the mythal will fill the entire area and last for the full duration
of the spell. Spells often placed within include ice storm, fireball, chain lightning, death spell,
acid storm, cloudkill, disintegrate, dispel magic, cone of cold, delayed blast fireball, meteor
swarm, and the like. Spells placed within the mythal must not be capable of cancelling each
other out or the entire ritual fails with the full effects of the spells laid into the mythal
boomeranging as backlash effects visited upon the casters.

War Mythals
Mythal of Denial (Divine)
School: High Magic Ritual of Myriad (Invocation/Abjuration)
Casting Time: 3 Turns
Area of Effect: 500 yards radius per level of central caster
Duration: 1 day per level of central caster
Saving Throw: None
This high magic ritual is used for the denial of access to divine (or lower planar) magics by
casters within the target area. The ritual requires at least 5 selutaar capable of such a ritual,
with one acting as the central whilst 4 others act as secondary casters. There must be at least 8
tertiary casters capable of casting 9th level spells. All casters must surround the target area in a
complete circle. The central caster need not be in the middle but must be part of the 1st circle
alongside the secondary casters. Tertiary casters form a second ring around the first circle.
The initial casting involves the creation of a sphere of magic around the target area, the
principal caster then weaves the mythals main power which is to deny access to the prayers
and powers of a gods priests or servants. The central caster decides which god/s (or lower
planar nasties) are to be denied, and the secondary casters cement this by denying which
spheres of magic will be with-held from the priests. This is worked out in the casters minds
before the ritual begins, and once set cannot be changed. The tertiary casters provide raw
magical energy for the spell and channel it through the main casters. They find all access to
their memorized spells gone one heart beat after the ritual begins.
Priests/Paladins/Clerics or any other beings with access to divine powers who leave the area of
effect are still denied access to their spells & powers for the duration of the spell. Though once
they leave the area they get a single saving throw at -5 to regain access before the spells
duration ends.
Divine beings (including tanarri/baatezzu/yugoloth/ tieflings/eladrin/aasimar/angels and the
like) serving the god/s (or lower planar nasties) in question who are caught within the spells
bounds when it is cast must save verses death magic or be killed outright, those who do save
are immediately banished back to their home plane, and cannot return for a number of months
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equal to the level of the central caster. Divine magical items or artifacts caught within the
mythals boundary are also affected. Any items of less than artifact level are automatically
destroyed, whilst artifacts are shut down for a number of months equal to the level of the
central caster. Only those beings within the mythals sphere at the time of casting are affected.
Other divine casters may enter the area of effect once the casting ends The casting of the ritual
drains 60d4 hps from the casting group, starting with the tertiary casters first. Any mage
completely drained of life is left a withered and lifeless husk that cannot be raised by anything
short of divine intervention (that is if any god is willing to listen).

War Mythals
Mythal of Denial (Arcane)
School: High Magic Ritual of Myriad (Invocation/Abjuration)
Casting Time: 3 Turns
Area of Effect: 500 yards radius per level of central caster
Duration: 1 day per level of central caster
Saving Throw: None
This high magic ritual is used for the denial of access to arcane magics by casters within the
target area. The ritual requires at least 5 selutaar capable of such a ritual, with one acting as the
central caster, whilst 4 others act as secondary casters. There must be at least 8 tertiary casters
capable of casting 9th level spells. All casters must surround the target area in a complete
circle. The central caster need not be in the middle but must be part of the 1st circle alongside
the secondary casters. Tertiary casters form a second ring around the first circle.
The initial casting involves the creation of a sphere of magic around the target area, the
principal caster then weaves the mythals main power which is to deny access to the
weave/shadow weave. The central caster decides two schools of magic that are to be denied to
all users of arcane magic within the mythals boundary, and the secondary casters cement this
by denying a single other school of magic each to be with-held from arcane casters. This is
worked out in the casters minds before the ritual begins, and once set cannot be changed. The
tertiary casters provide raw magical energy for the spell and channel it through the main
casters. They find all access to their memorized spells gone one heart beat after the ritual
Wizards/Mages/Sorcers or any other beings with access to arcane spells & powers who leave
the area of effect are still denied access to their spells & powers for the duration of the spell.
Though once they leave the area they get a single saving throw at -5 to regain access before the
spells duration ends.
Divine beings (including tanarri/baatezzu/yugoloth/ tieflings/eladrin/aasimar/angels and the
like) who use arcane magic or powers and who are caught within the spells bounds when it is
cast must save verses spells or be denied access to those powers for a number of months equal
to the level of the central caster, those who do save are immediately banished back to their
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home plane, and cannot return for a number of days equal to the level of the central caster.
Arcane magical items or artifacts caught within the mythals boundary are also affected. Any
items of less than artifact level is automatically shut down for a number of months equal to the
central casters level, whilst artifacts are shut down for an equal number of days. Only those
beings within the mythals sphere at the time of casting are affected. Other arcane casters may
enter the area of effect once the casting ends.
The casting of the ritual drains 70d4 hps from the casting group, starting with the tertiary
casters first. Any mage completely drained of life is left a withered and lifeless husk that cannot
be raised by anything short of divine intervention (that is if any god is willing to listen).

War Mythals
Mythal of Disjunction
School: High Magic Ritual of Myriad (Invocation/Abjuration)
Casting Time: 1 Turn
Area of Effect: 100 yards radius per level of central caster
Duration: 1 round/level of central caster
Saving Throw: None
This high magic ritual is used to disjoin all magic and magical items within the target area. The
ritual requires at least 5 selutaar capable of such a ritual, with one acting as the central caster,
whilst 4 others act as secondary casters. There must be at least 8 tertiary casters capable of
casting 9th level spells. All casters must surround the target area in a complete circle. The
central caster need not be in the middle but must be part of the 1st circle alongside the
secondary casters. Tertiary casters form a second ring around the first circle.
The initial casting involves the creation of a sphere of magic around the target area, the
principal caster then weaves the mythals main power which is to disjoin all weave/shadow
weave magic and magical items. The central caster decides the size of the area to be affected
but not what. This is worked out in the casters mind before the ritual begins, and once set
cannot be changed. The tertiary casters provide raw magical energy for the spell and channel it
through the main casters. They find all access to their memorized spells gone one heart beat
after the ritual begins.
Wizards/Mages/Sorcers or any other beings with access to arcane spells & powers who leave
the area of effect are still denied access to their spells & powers for the duration of the spell.
Though once they leave the area they get a single saving throw at -5 to regain access before the
spells duration ends.
Arcane beings (liches/golems/tanarri/baatezzu/yugoloth/ tieflings/eladrin/aasimar/angels and
the like) who use arcane magic or powers and who are caught within the spells bounds when it
is cast must save verses spells or be destroyed outright. Those who do save take 10d6 hp
damage and are immediately banished back to their home plane. Arcane magical items or
artifacts caught within the mythals boundary are also affected. Any item of less than artifact
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level is automatically destroyed whilst artifacts get a saving throw vs disintegration at -6. Only
those magics/items/beings within the mythals sphere at the time of casting are affected. Other
arcane casters may enter the area of effect once the casting ends.
The casting of the ritual drains 40d4 hps from the casting group, starting with the tertiary
casters first. Any mage completely drained of life is left a withered and lifeless husk that cannot
be raised by anything short of divine intervention (that is if any god is willing to listen).
Destroying and artifact in this way WILL attract divine or Infernal attention. A mythal may also
be brought down with this ritual but only if the area to be affected is smaller than the area of
the spell, and if the central caster is of a higher level than the mage who laid the mythal to be
destroyed. A selutaar can destroy his own mythals with this spell at any time.

The Magic Items of Glaurachyndaar

Ederan's Staff of Silverymoon
Every High Mage of Silverymoon since Aglanthol the Red has crafted a unique, personal symbol
of office known as the staff of Silverymoon. The Brothers of the Black Hand stole Ederan
Nharimlur's first staff along with a number of other priceless magical artifacts in 766 DR during
the construction of the High Palace of Silverymoon.
Fashioned from duskwood and topped with the carved head of a cat, Ederan's staff of
Silverymoon allows the wielder to cast the following spells:
alter self (1 charge)
cat's grace (1 charge)
darkvision (1 charge)
globe of invulnerability (2 charges)
spell turning (2 charges)
Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Staff, alter self, cat's grace, darkvision, globe of
invulnerability, spell turning; Market Price: 85,500 gp; Weight: 5 lb.

Tasmia's Necklace
Thought to lie somewhere within the ruins of Hellgate Keep, Tasmia's necklace is a string of
four sapphires and three beljurils once worn by the High Lady of Ascalhorn. Similar in function
to a helm of brilliance, each jewel in Tasmia's necklace can perform a single spell-like power

Jewel Effect
Beljuril lightning bolt (10d6) Sapphire summon monster V
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Once all of its jewels have lost their magic, the necklace loses its powers and the gems turn to
worthless power. Removing a jewel from the necklace destroys it.
Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, lightning bolt, summon monster V;
Market Price: 17,000 gp; Weight: --

Jaluster's Pipestaff
Fashioned of weirwood, this most unusual looking quarterstaff has a small hole in the top and a
6 inch long pipe stem emerging at a right angle about 1 foot from the top of the stave. Jaluster
was an Ascalhi wizard who was torn apart by fiends during the fall of Ascalhorn as he tried to
save that city from their domination. He is said to have destroyed three liches and at least five
tanar'ri that day ere he died. Although his orizon was spirited to safety by the bard Maerstar,
the archmage's pipestaff was apparently lost years before to the Brotherhood of the Black
Hand. It now lies hidden within the Crypt of the Black Hand, buried beneath the ruins of
Hellgate Keep.
In addition to serving as a convenient pipe, Jaluster's pipestaff allows the wielder to cast the
following spells:
flame arrow (1 charge)
flaming sphere (1 charge)
fire shield (2 charges)
meteor swarm (3 charges)
Moreover, if so commanded, the pipestaff begins to smoke in a fashion identical to that of an
eversmoking bottle. In the first round, smoke pours forth, totally obscuring vision across a
spread of 50 feet. In subsequent rounds, the smoke spreads until it has spread 100 feet. This
area remains smoke-filled until a second command is uttered, after which the smoke dissipates
Caster Level: 17th; Prerequisites: Craft Staff, Craft Wondrous Item, flame arrow, flaming sphere,
fire shield, meteor swarm, pyrotechnics; Market Price: 116,700 gp; Weight: 5 lb

Delimbiyra's Shining Bow

Crafted of phandar wood ere the fall of Eaerlann, this +1 mighty composite longbow (+4
Strength bonus) glows with a silvery light equivalent to that of a torch (20-foot radius).
Nonmagical arrows shot from this longbow become silvered in flight. Moreover, any creature
struck by a nonmagical arrow shot from this longbow, plus any objects within a 5-foot radius
burst, are subject to the effects of a silver-hued faerie fire spell.
As "Delimbiyr" is simply the elven name for "Shining," it is believed that the common name by
which this weapon is known reflects a misunderstanding by the human bard who wrote of this
weapon. To the elves, it is simply "Delimbiyra" which means "Shining Bow." In any event, the
weapon has never been recovered from fallen Myth Glaurach, and the weapon may still lie
within the City of Scrolls.

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Caster Level: 4th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, faerie fire, silvered weapon;
Market Price: 12,800 gp; Weight: 3 lb.; Cost to Create: 6,000 gp + 480 XP.

Shattered Staff of Starsongs

Fashioned from shadow wood, which is known for its propensity to split down its length under
stress into a splayed mass of fibers, this weapon appears to be a normal +1 quarterstaff. At will,
the wielder can command a small piece of wood to break off from the shattered staff and fly as
an arrow towards a target. When used in this fashion, the shattered staff has a range increment
of 60 feet and inflicts 1d6 points of damage. Bonuses for high Strength do not apply. This use of
the shattered staff is considered an exotic weapon. Finally, at the wearer's command, the
shattered staff begins to sing elven songs in the language of Seldruin dating back to the height
of Aryvandaar. The effect is akin to that of an enthrall spell.
Caster Level: 12th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Market Price: 32,300 gp; Weight:
4 lb.

Silvered Weapon
Level: Brd 0, Clr 0, Drd 0, Pal 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: One weapon or projectile
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: None
You transform a single weapon or projectile into a silvered weapon or silvered projectile. A
silvered weapon or projectile functions as a normal item of its type, except that silvered
weapons or projectiles can hurt some creatures that can resist damage from normal weapons,
such as werewolves.
Material Component: A silver coin.

TelKiira: Lore Gems

Perhaps one of the greatest Elven treasures are the TelKiira. Strictly translated, the word
means Lore Gems, though other meanings, such as Stones of Knowledge, or Memory Rocks
exist. TelKiira are only usable by Elves. These gemstones are semi sentient depositories of
knowledge. Whatever the wearer of the gem knows is recorded, and future wearers can access
those memories.

Mail of Shadows & Dust

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These suits of silver and black chainmail create an intangible field of protection around the
wearer (+5 AC). It also bestows a magical resistance against all spells to the wearer (+5 Spell
Resistance). Their most important power is to allow the wearer to shadow walk 3/day and to
hide in plain sight at will.

Kanaruil is a blue-steel, Elven-wrought bastard sword. A large emerald is set in the hilt, while
silver runes wind their way down the length of the blade. These runes, written in Seldruin, list
all of the members of the Seldarine, including the Yuir Seldarine, and the SeptTelSeldarine.
This had prompted the few who are aware of the blade to nickname it The Seldarine Blade.
Kanaruils origins are ancient. It can be traced back to the legendary Tintageer. Legends say that
Ytharra, an Elven heroine, supposedly used Kanruil to slay a great wolf that threatened to
devour the sun. None know the source of this legend, but it may have something to do with the
Wolfanthisticlees, a Black Wyrm who plagued ancient Sharlarion for years. Kanaruils magic
guides the hand of the wielder of the blade, so that he is more accurate, and so that he hits
with slightly greater force (+4). The blade also forms an intangible barrier around the wielder
when the blade is drawn, affording him a great deal of extra protection (+10 AC). The blade can
also absorb and reflect spells cast at the wielder of the blade, like a Ring of Spell Turning.

Vyshaan Deathlance
Copied from Illithyiiri Death Lances these weapons are anywhere between seven and eleven
feet in length, and are crafted from various metals. When created, these weapons have two to
six charges, and cannot be recharged once a charge is expended. Anytime a creature is struck
by the Deathlance, he, she, or it must resist the vile magics that sit within the weapon (DC 15).
When an opponent cannot resist the power of the magic within the lance, a charge is
consumed, and the most insidious of the dweomers laid on the weapon goes to work. Dark,
writhing tendrils of murky black light crawl down the lance, and enter into the being that was
just injured by the weapon, via the wound the weapon created. These tendrils literally leech the
life of those who cannot fight off the power of the latent magic.

Aryvandaaran Battle Platform

The Aryvandaaran Battle Platform is a bronze platform replete with merlons, crenulations and
arrows slits, 40 or more in diameter and only a few inches in thickness. When the magical
command word is spoken, the battle platform springs to life, floating 3-300above the ground.
With naught but a thought, the operator of the Battle Platform can use a black obsidian
control orb to move the item, so long as he/she is within 120 feet of the object . A Battle
Platform moves about as fast as a normal, horse does, but is far more maneuverable, as it
levitates off of the ground. The maximum weight capacity of the floating disc is three thousand
pounds. Hatches in the bottom allow hot vats of oil or acid to be dropped on opponents. The
platform can hold up to 100 soldiers and their gear, 2 light catapults plus shot, or items and
supplies vital to an armys needs.
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Aryvandaaran War Crawlers

War Crawlers resemble giant scorpions with large grappling claws, small castles for archers,
litters, and thrones for a main body. They are propelled along on 6 scorpion like legs that are
often covered in sharp spikes and blades. Their bodies are armored, and reinforced. Weapons,
such as harpoons, spears, lances, rams, and assorted blades are fitted onto the body of the War
Crawlers. Some even have more outlandish weapons, such as moving pincer arms, rotating
catapults and ballistae, and even magical devices that shoot out rays. Similar in operation to
dark Elven Crawl Chests Those who are operating War Crawlers must maintain a deep
concentration in order to control them (DC 20). Even the slightest distraction theoretically can
upset their concentration enough to shut down the War Crawlers. Those controlling the
weapon gain the ability to see as if they were the War Crawlers, in a full 360 degrees. They
move the legs of the item as if they were moving their own legs. They operate any weapons on
the item as if it were they who were using the weapons. These weapons of horror were
considered the height of foolishness and arrogance when they first appeared on the battle
fields of the Crown Wars, but they soon gained their well earned reputations when defenders
found that like iron golems they are immune to most magics, and that they offer those
hunkered down inside them the same protections.

Cheldaorn Katar
This punchblade dagger acts as a dagger of venom, but it never runs out of poison or needs to
be refilled. It was carved by a renegade elf long ago from a black dragon.s tooth.

Nychyaellas Healing Spear

This silver-headed shadowtop-wood spear can heal its wielder up to once per day by
transferring all damage from the wielder into a successfully struck opponent on a successful
attack roll of natural 20 and draining equal hit points to restore the wielder. Opponents so
struck cannot contribute more points of healing than they currently have in hit points.

The Shroudcrown is an agate-studded bronze circlet artifact that allows the wearer to turn or
control undead as a 10th-level priest, renders him or her immune to undead touch powers (like
wraiths and liches possess), and makes him or her invisible and inaudible to unintelligent
undead. It may have other unknown abilities, and those who use it seem to have died under
mysterious circumstances involving the undead.

Tasmias Heart

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This elaborate high-necked bustier is laced and lined with black silk and adorned with sapphires
and beljurils. It sustained the High Lady Tasmia Halaskars life both underwater, functioning as a
helm of underwater action and a ring of free action, and for centuries beyond measure,
working in some unknown manner to slow her aging and
preserve her life force.

Thyrsus of the Druid Craenoth Driel

The thyrsus is a staff topped with a massive pine cone and dedicated to Rillifane. It allegedly
commands trees and treants alike to defend the wielder or perform missions of limited

Nether Scrolls
These magical scrolls were created by mages of Saarukh who collected the esoteric lore from a
dozen different magic using nations with dozens of different traditions of arcane lore. Later,
they became the foundation of ancient Netheril, disappearing long before Netheril fell. The
entire collection numbers 100 scrolls, inscribed in exotic runes on sheets of pure gold. The
contents are unknown but many are suspected to contain exotic spells more powerful than any
known today, requiring components no longer existing.

Vyshaanti Spellbattle Rings

Set with the house insignia of House Vyshaan these rings give the ability to dispel certain spells.
The wearer is made aware of any release, casting, or exercise of any magic or spell-like psionic
power occurring within a 120-foot spherical radius of the ring. The general effects of all such
power releases (fiery-attacking spell or shape-transforming spell, for example) are identified to
the ring-wearer. The wearer can choose to dispel a spell cast within range or to change its
target. When the ring is told to change targets, the new target gets the chance to save vs. spell
at -2 to avoid the rings effects. Failure means the new target takes full spell effects. This
changes control of the spell to the ringwearer.
Success means the ring dispels the magic instead. This is also what occurs if a charm person or a
similar spell is hurled back at its caster. A caster cant be made to turn himself or herself to
stone or addle his own thoughts, but the spell cast is instead wasted. Combat spells, such as
fireball and lightning bolt, can be turned back at their caster.
The ring can affect not only cast spells, including spells that have been activated by a
contingency or other trigger, the ring can also effect magical item discharges and psionics. The
ring always successfully dispels magic when commanded to do so. A maximum of three spells
per round can be affected. The ring gives its wearer no protection against additional spells, it
only identifies all spells cast in the area of effect. This allows the wearer to choose the most
harmful to deal with.

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Sources Used
Every Volos Guide I could get my hands on. Thanks Ed
Everything by Steven E Schend, (surely Corellon in disguise).
More Eric L Boyd stuff than can be counted.
Volos Guides to; The Dalelands, The North, The Sword Coast, Balders gate II, Guide to Magic,
Cormyr. Cormanthor: Empire of the Elves, The Fall of Myth Drannor, The Ruins of Myth
Drannor, Elves of Evermeet, Complete Book of Elves, Mintipers Chapbook, Twilight Tomb, FR
Adventures, The North Boxed Set, Champions of Ruin, Champions of Valour, Races of the Wild,
Mysteries of the Moonsea, FR Atlas, Silver Marches, Seven Sisters, Serpent Kingdoms, Races of
Faerun, Lost Empires of Faerun, Leaves of Learning, FR Players Guides 3.5 & 4, FRCG 1, 2, 3.5 &
4, Players Handbooks 2, 3.5 (I&II) & 4, DMG 2, 3.5 & 4, FGCG 1, 2, 3.5 & 4, Scepter Tower of
Spellgard, College of Wizardry, Bastions of Faith, City of Ravens Bluff, Code of the Harpers, A
Grand History of the Realms, Epic Level Handbook, Demi-human Deities, Hellgate Keep,
Blackstaff, Forsaken House, Farthest Reach, Final Gate , Rescue at Rivenroar.

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