Orishaar and 3 Leaf Realms by Phasai

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Chronicles of

And the Realms of

The Great Sun Sea

Compiled, edited & in parts written by Snowblood.

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Maps of the Realms
History of the Sun Sea Elves
Geography of the Sun Sea Region
Nations of the Sun & Moon
Notables of the Four Kingdoms
Magic & Items of Renown page
Resources Used

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The Realms of the Great Sun Sea. Circa -15000 DR.

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Faerun -17700 DR

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History of the Realms of the Great Sun Sea

-23100 DR until -6500 DR
30000 DR
War of the Seldarine: Araushnee is cast down
into the Demonweb Pits, where she becomes
the demon-goddess Lolth. The solar Malkizid
is branded and thrown down into the Nine

27000 DR
Continuing their work to undermine dragon
rule, the Fey open new gates allowing the first
elves to immigrate to Toril. These primitive
green elves worship the Faerie gods (not the
Seldarine, which were unknown at this time).
Although most green elves are content to
remain in small scattered tribes, one group
known as the Ilythiiri negotiates with the
dragons and begins to carve out a small
kingdom in the south. The great Ilythiiri
capital at Atorrnash remains a shining beacon
of elf culture for millennia.

25400 DR
Fleeing the destruction of the island kingdom
of Tintageer on their home world of Faerie, a
small circle of gold elves led by the young
prince Durothil cast a divination to find their
new homeon the world of Toriland then
create a portal leading there. The refugees
name their new home Faern, the One Land.
Integrating into the native green elf
communities, the descendants of the gold
elves of Tintageer become known as sun
elves, while the descendants of the sole silver
elf refugee, Sharlario Moonflower, become
known as moon elves.

25100 DR
Sharlario Moonflower and his son Cornaith
visit the dark elf city of Atorrnash in the south.
Durothil takes a silver dragon mount and
becomes the first dragonrider.

Durothil is later slain in battle with the red

wyrm Mahatnartorian, known to the green
elves as Master of the Mountains.

25000 DR
First Rage of Dragons: In a newly built citadel
in the northernmost reaches of Toril, the elves
create the Dracorage mythal. Tied to the
appearance of the King-Killer Star, the
Dracorage mythal incites the Rage of
Dragons, a madness driving all dragonkind
into mindless destruction as well as turning
them against their own offspring.

24500 DR
Both sun and moon elf communities build
great cities that rival the magnificence of
ancient Atorrnash. The sun elf city of Occidian
is heralded as the center of elven music and
dance, while the moon elf city of Sharlarion is
unrivaled as the crossroads of trade and

24000 DR to 12000 DR
The great elf civilizations of Faern reach their
peak during this age. As a result of the elves
success against the orcs, dragons, and giants,
the other races thrive in safety and begin the
slow climb to civilization. During the next
several millennia, elf civilizations mark time
by the reigns of their rulers. The Elven word
rysar is used to defi ne a span of important
time or a generation, depending on its
context. As a time measurement in this
context, one Rysar encompasses the reign of a
particular ruler, or coronal.

23900 DR
Establishment of the first gold elf settlements
of Aryvandaar (present-day High Forest).

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23600 DR
Establishment of the first moon elf
settlements of Ardeep (present-day
Green Fields).

23200 DR
Ilythiir settlements spread south and east
(present-day Shaar and Forest of Amtar)

23100 DR
Establishment of the first gold and moon elf
settlements of Syrpiir (present-day
Ankhwood and Chondalwood).

22500 DR
Moon, Dark and Green elves from Aryvandaar
with sponsorship from Shantel Othreier,
migrate south via swean and dragon ship. Led
by the great grand-daughter of Sharlario
Moonflower, the Duchess Allejandra
Moonflower. Moon Elves from
Yrchionmanthaar help their kin establish the
settlements of Orlothia and Shaarril in the
Forest of Orishaar. The collective heads of the
three founding clans, Moonflower, Amarilliss
and Hawksong, with Angharads blessing select
Princess Allejandra as the realms first High
Queen. Trade begins almost immediately as
rare herbs, timbers fruits and other forest
products begin flowing north in exchange for
much needed supplies to help establish the
Shantel Othreien colony.

-22439 DR
Queen Allejandra gives birth to triplets much
to the joy of her people, the princesses,
Allessra, Amnestriana and Indyllia reflect their
mothers striking beauty, with milk white skin,
azure blue eyes and flaming red hair.

-22323 DR
A mighty hurricane sweeps in from the Sea of
Dreams, smashing its way through the
settlements of Orlothia and Shaarril, leaving

much death and destruction in its wake. The

survivors gather at the place where they first
landed, the Bay of the Argent Moon, and
begin elnraging the trade port Argentaar,
renaming it Aelaviir in honour of the High
Queens consort, the Prince Aelaviir Starsong
of Ardeep.

-22201 DR
The new realm of Orishaar goes into
mourning as the queen passes to Arvanaith
during a difficult birth. In her place the
queens eldest daughter, the Princess
Allasshara Moonflower, assumes the throne
of her fledgling nation. Prince Aelaviir staysn
onto advise his daughter, acting as co-ruler
until she comes of age. After which he spends
his time raising his 5 other children alongside
their many relatives.

-22175 DR
Prince Aelaviir and his eldest son, Ordanthor,
along with a contingent of servants and
knights migrate north to live with his relatives
in Shantel Othreier. The Queen afterwards
takes up her majority, marrying her long time
companion, the Duke Caparissan of

-21999 DR
Moon and Green Elf migrants move north
establishing the settlements of Artelforlynn
and Harlonbyra. Moving deeper into the rain
forests they encounter primitive (sic) tribes of
Moon and Green Elves who speak neither
their language, nor share many of their beliefs
or customs. Through magic the new comers
learn that these isolated clans have lived here
as long as there has been sentient life on the
planet they call Kaalariinth.

-21886 DR
Queen Allasshara is killed when her ship is
attacked by a Great Kraken on a voyage north
to Aryvandaar. Back in Aelaviir, the crown
princess Velnetta Moonflower, takes up her
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mothers mantle becoming the third High

Queen of Orishaar. Her first act is to erect a
giant stellae and on it recording the daring
deeds of her ancestors both here and back in

-21763 DR
An outbreak of reptilian beings (Batrachi),
pouring up from beneath the mountains to
the west of Aleaviir leads to running battles
with the eastern colonies of Orishaar. The
Queen leads her heavy infantry and archers
east to drive the serpent folk east. The
ensuing battle see vast swathes of forest
burnt to the ground as the retreating Batrachi
conduct a scorched earth campaign denying
the elves a place from which to rain death
upon the serpent folk. In the wake of the fires,
the grass prairies of the eastern Shaar, The
Plains of Thunder, and Low Shaardale are

-21422 DR
Driven east by migrating herds of Loxo and
fleeing the predations of the few remaining
Batrachi, vast prides of Wemics begin preying
on wandering Green and Moon Elf bands as
they hunt along the edges on the grasslands.
Leading her troops once again, the warrior
queen, Velnetta Moonflower is captured, slain
and eaten by the implacable warriors of the
Brightclaw pride. The araegisses of the realm,
dowager princess, Theantha Moonflower
becomes the next High Queen of Orishaar at
the grand age of 768 years.

21400 DR

of Eiellr by a mixture of refugees from

Illythiir and an over-crowded Aryvandaar.

-20900 DR
After a full and eventful life, Queen Theantha
Moonflower passes onto Arvanaith without
issue. The three ruling clans choose the next
eldest eligible noble lady, in this case, the
teenage princess Bellen Amarilliss, as the
newest High Queen of Orishaar. Her rise to
power makes her the most sought after brides
in all the elven realms, as well as marking the
ascendancy of the Amarilliss clan in the
endless game of Orishaaran politics.

-20850 DR
Queen Bellen is courted by an almost endless
number of suitors, of which she finds suitable.
Her mother the Regent Duchess Carrilngula
Amarilliss of Ardeep, sends her daughter
north in hopes of finding a suitable husband
amongst the notable lords of Ardeep and
Shantel Othreier. On her way she is
kidnapped by a Sun Elf noble who whisks her
off to old Occidian to force her into marriage.

-20808 DR
Queen Bellen returns to Orishaar with her
former captor, now husband and claims her
rightful place as High Queen, ousting her
mother and alienating many merchant nobles
and cousins alike.

-20645 DR

Establishment of the Green and Moon Elf

settlements of by Thearnytaar by Elves
seeking a simpler life away from the
mercantile zeal of their southern cousins in

Queen Bellen elevates her husband, Origath

Vyshaan to the status of co-ruler as she goes
into retreat while raising her 4 children. Lord
Origath rules with a light touch, not wanting
to upset the ever circling claimants of the
other two royal families.

21000 DR

-20456 DR

Establishment of the green elf settlements

Prince Origath is assassinated by ambitious

Amarilliss nobles eager to restore legitimacy
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to the clans claims upon the throne. Queen

Bellen continues to rule in name only, her
children being quietly removed and
imprisoned, except for the eldest, a son
named Argonath Vyshaan, who flees north to
his kin in Aryvandaar.

-20323 DR
Stripped of all power the imprisoned High
Queen is quietly suffocated by members of
her own extended family, who then put her
great niece, the princess Baerlynn Amarilliss
upon the throne. Once in power the
previously pliable young queen arrests her
treacherous cousins and puts them all to
death, thus establishing her immediate
families supremacy as the paramount force
within the realm.

-20290 DR
The feisty and ambitious Queen Baerlynn
sends her scouts south expanding her realms
boundaries to make way for the burgeoning
population within the citys. She moves her
capital to the newly established mythal city of
Myth Lurue, the city of the Silver Unicorn.

-20200 DR
Orishaaran raiders begin flushing out and
driving off isolated Dark and Green Elf clans in
the southern forests and grass lands of
Orishaar. The fleeing elves move into lands
claimed by Illythiir and in many cases are
butchered or enslaved by the xenophobic
southern elves.

-20178 DR
Orishaaran settlers move into the lands
formerly occupied by the tribes of unaligned
Dark and Green Elf clans. Many tribes retreat
to the Misty Vale and fight a guerrilla war
lasting many generations before they finally
bring peace to their lands.

-20059 DR

Lord Mantorax Baenre leads Illythiiri troops

north into the border areas claimed by
Orishaar and begins building a series of watch
towers and border forts stretching from the
badlands of Goruaachar all the way to the
Plains of Thunder. Numerous isolated clashes
between Illythiiri troops and Orishaaran
settlers occur, but outright war is avoided.

-20004 DR
Queen Baerlynn is murdered by unknown
assailants in her own bed chambers and the
palace in Myth Lurue destroyed in a massive
magical implosion thagt leaves little debris.
The ensuing investigation points to assassins
with Illythiiri connections but nothing can be
proven. Increased border tensions leads to
increasingly violent confrontations as the new
queen, Everlynda Amarilliss, begins building
border citadels of her own. The greatest of
these new citadels becomes Porathoss, the
fortress city guarding the southern
approaches to Orishaar.

20000 DR
Orishaar and the southern dark elf nation of
Ilythiir begin skirmishes that continue on and
off for the next seven millennia when
Orishaaran troops attack the closest Baenre
border outposts. In the ensuing battles
becoming known as the New Moon Wars, a
large strip of rainforest is burned out
becoming the no-elfs land, known to both
realms as The Nek. Many see-saw battles
are fought by both realms as the border area
becomes a hotly contested wasteland
populated by the restless undead of
unclaimed battles.

-19430 DR
Dark Elf refugees fleeing from the oppressive
rule of the leaders of Ilythiir creep over the
border into Orishaar. They are then settled
much further afield, finding sanctuary in the
sparsely settled region of northern
Fhaormista, in the forest of Shilteuvandor.

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18800 DR

-18098 DR

Establishment of the first elf settlements of

Miyeritar by green and dark elves due to
political differences with the gold elves of

Three colonial trade fleets set sail from

Aelaviir to establish trade cantons and new
settlements in the island chains to the south.
Over 5000 colonists and 300 ships begin 7
new city states amongst the distant Sunrise
Islands, sending spices, rare fruits and other
exotic items nit found in the north.

-18507 DR
An unusually bitter winter sees snows fall on
northern Orishaar for the first time. An influx
of white dragons and ice mephitis heralds the
opening of a gate to Stygia by some demon
worshippers from Athbarlon. After suffering
severe frosts and crop failure, a famine is only
averted when High Magi from Aelaviir destroy
the cult and food is shipped in from Shantel

-18356 DR
Queen Everlynda sends envoys north to
Aryvandaar to establish trade relations with
their up and coming northern neighbour. The
exotic fruits, herbs, fabrics, gems and furs
guarentees a ready market. In turn they are
offered favoured trade status by Aryvandaars
minister of trade, one Atherlon Vyshaan, the
grandson of one Origath Vyshaan.

-18244 DR
Queen Everlynda dies suddenly from a
previously unknown plague that sweeps
through the settled districts of the realms all
about the Sun Sea and Illythiir. The disease,
which rots a victims lungs from the inside, kills
10% of all those living within towns and cities
whilst killing virtually no elves who lead a
nomadic life style. Such is the devastation
amongst the Amarilliss clan, that there are no
suitable candidates to pass the crown onto.
The clan nobles crown the next closest
claimant, the High Mage princess Calantha
Moonflower, reluctantly agrees to become
Orishaars next high queen.

-17781 DR
Queen Calantha welcomes Coronal Keltormir
as he leads a trade delegation to the realms
around the Lake of Steam including
Thearnytaar, Eiellr, Syrpiir, and visits the
cities of Occidia and Attornash to establish a
trade and defense treaty with the rulers of
Illythiir. She objects to his overtures to the
rulers of Illythiir, and warns the Coronal that
the southern elves are not to be trusted.

17800 DR
Establishment of the great elf settlements of
Keltormir by moon and green elves, seeking
peace and simple lives away from the strife
of the other elf realms. Many of the colonists
arrive from the Sun Sea region and northern
Illythiir, escaping the internal strife plaguing
these nations. High Queen Calantha sends
troops, magi and trades people to help their
cousins establish the new realm.

-17646 DR
High Magi of Myth Lurue weave greater
protective magics into their mythal at the
urging of their patron deity, Angharad, who
sends visions of the coming of a great
cataclysm that will fundamentally change the
nature of their world and the people in it.

17600 DR
The Sundering
Hundreds of High Mages assemble in the
heartland of Faern at the Gathering Place.
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Ignoring the lesson learned from the

destruction of Tintageer centuries earlier,
they cast a spell of elven High Magic designed
to create a glorious elf homeland. On the Day
of Birthing, the magic reaches its apex as the
spell extends both back and forward in the
mists of time. Faern, the one land, is
sundered apart by the unbridled force of the
Sundering. As a result, hundreds of cities are
washed away, thousands of elves lie dead,
and the face of Toril is changed forever. The
name Faern, no longer the One Land, is given
to the largest continent. Surrounded by vast
expanses of water, the island of Evermeet,
thought to be a piece of Arvandor and a
bridge between worlds, breaks the surface of
the Trackless Sea.
Blessed by the goddess Angharradh, verdant
forests and wildlife soon flourish across the
island. Corellon Larethian wards Evermeet
against Lolth, Malar, and the other powers of
the anti-Seldarine and entrusts a unique seed
to the Fair Folk of the isle. The seed soon
sprouts, growing into a miniature treeknown
as the Tree of Souls. Over time, the souls of
ancient elves who choose to stay on Toril,
rather than pass on to Arvandor, merge into
the Tree of Souls, slowly augmenting its
power. Prophecies reveal that the Tree of
Souls will someday be planted on Faern
when the Fair Folk finally return to the
mainland after a period of exile on the Green
Half of the coastal forest communities of
Ardeep, Shantel Othreier and Keltormir are
destroyed and hurled into the sea. The coastal
cities of Ardmantor, Ursyllashyr, Silversgate,
and Quentallis are completely annihilated
resulting in the deaths of over 500000 Moon,
Green, Gold, Star and Dark Elves. Many other
cities without mythal protection are severely
damaged with the loss of hundreds of
thousands of lives. Many question the wisdom
of the Arselutaar, and more than a few are
assassinated in revenge for the mighty art
they have wrought.

Attornash and Aelaviir, along with countless

other cities, towns and settlements. High
Queen Calantha and most of her court a killed
when the Queens Crystal Palace explodes
destroying 1/3 of the city of Myth Lurue,
despite the Magis extra protections.
Orishaars new High Queen, Yvetth Hawksong
decrees that she will rebuild Aelaviir, making
better and grander than before. The surviving
Illythiiri retreat south to consolidate their

17500 DR
The independent realms of Thearnytaar,
Eiellr, and Syrpiir open discussions about
unifying the elves of the Satyrwood. Secret
negotiations take place within Myth Gaellium.
Agents of both Orishaar and Illythiir take vital
information back to their respective rulers
informing them of this potential threat to
their imperial ambitions.

-17190 DR
Lady Fionolla marries Queen Yvetths eldest
son, Prince Kamalliyn Hawksong of Orishaar,
bringing the two realms closer together. The
two then travel to Illythiir via swanship to
New Attornash for diplomatic talks with their
large southern neighbour. An unlikely alliance
of convenience begins to form up as the two
realm work together to destabilise the slowly
forming realm.

17100 DR to 16800 DR
War of Three Leaves
The unification of the Satyrwood is thwarted
by dark elf Ilythiiri spies and assassins, killing
their leaders and framing opposing heirs,
driving the three realms to a multi-front war.
Ilythiirs influence is not discovered for

A violent series of earth quakes and a huge

tsunami sweeps away the port cities of
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-17100 DR
Green Elf Assassins manage to blow up a High
Council meeting within the Nobles Hall in
Inpriath, Thearyntaars largest city. The
murderers are all slain, but magical
investigations lead back to a sect of radicals
with connections to the ruling families in
Syopiir. In retaliation, Thearyntaars navy
begins raiding Syorpiiran coastal settlements
and fishing fleets.

-17050 DR
An ambassador from Eiellur is murdered on
her way to Thearyntaar by Orishaaran agents
who manage to pin the death upon nobles
from Syorpiir. The rulers of Eiellur react by
hiring assassins to remove the Noble
problem perceived to be festering within
Syorpiir. Panicked into action, The rulers of
Syorpiir mobilse their forces and begin violent
attacks on settlements all across eastern
Eiellur. Encouraged by both Illiythiiri and
Orishaaran agents, nobles from Thearyntaar
and Eiellur unite to punish the Green Elves for
their perfidy.

-16998 DR
In an attempt to bring peace to the warring
realms, High Queen Yvetth hosts a peace
conference upon the island of Harnost. The
leaders of Syorpiir and Eiellur are present, but
the Araegisses of Thearyntaar refuses to
attend. Sometime during the meeting a sky
ship baring Thearyntaarii colours ploughs into
the conference hall killing all within, including
the High Queen and her attendant counsellors
and body guard. In retaliation the Aragisses
of Orishaar, declares war upon Thearyntaar,
while princess Kitara Hawksong is crowned
the 10th ruler of the realm.

-16997 DR
Orishaaran marines, heavy infantry and eagle
riders invade Thearyntaar coasts, quickly
taking the cities of Calaevum and Inpriath.
Before long the entire realm is within

Orishaaran hands. The Moon Elven nobles

welcome their southern cousins with open
arms, whilst those of Dark and Green Elven
descent are chased from their positions of
power. Before long, Thearyntaar becomes the
first jewel in Orishaars imperial crown.

-16988 DR
Border raiders from Eiellur continue to harry
Orishaaran forces. The ensuing battles last for
many months with hundreds of deaths on
both sides. The three way border wars
continue on and off in a sporadic manner for
the next 50 years with little result for any side.

-16980 DR
Coronal Adelindor marries his longtime love,
the Lady Arraelle Sablemyst of Thearnytaar.
The wedding is attended by nobles from all
across the west and is considered a marriage
of great political importance tying as it does
the realms of Orishaar and Thearyntaar to the
fortunes of the realm of Keltormir.

-16,900 DR
Numerous elves abandon the surface realms
of Eiellr and Syorpiir during the War of Three
Leaves to settle in the Selmal Basin. This
begins the elven migrations, which continue
for seven millennia.

16800 DR
Coronal Adelindor manages to bring all of the
warring parties together, thrashing out a
peace deal between the realms. Orishaar
agrees to withdraw its forces from
Thearyntaar in return for recognition of its
suzerainty over the realm. Thearnytaar,
Eiellr, and Syrpiir remain separate realms
after the War of Three Leaves ends, though
each of the three continues skirmishing
among themselves and with Ilythiir for
centuries. There is continued sporadic border
fighting for centuries after and the dream of a
united realm dies allowing the leaders of
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Illythiir to keep their opponents at odds with

each other and thus weakened.

-16700 DR
High Queen Kitara dies of wounds sustained
during the war, but before passing, she names
her daughter as her rightful heir and
successor. Thus Queen Quillieu Hawksong
becomes the 11th ruler of Orishaar.

-16621 DR
Pirates using dragonships begin raiding
coastal shipping and communities all along
the south and west coasts from the Lake of
Steam to the Dragons Head. Survivors report
crews made up of Moon, Green, and Dark
Elves attacking in fleets of up to 30 ships
taking cargos and captives for slaves.

-16619 DR
In response to increasingly bold and deadly
raids, Coronal Adelindor commissions the
building a fleet of fast ocean going clipper
ships and coastal swanships to tackle the
growing pirate threat.

-16614 DR
Admiral Hethrass Shyr leads the Coronals
fleet in a running battle with the pirates of
Orishaar and Illythiir. After several years of
costly sea warfare, the fleet tracks down and
traps the pirates of the Shining Sea in their
hidden base just 50 miles north-east of the
city of New Attornash. The siege lasts for 100
days, when High Magi from Ketallass unleash
a tsunami that wipes out the remnant pirate
fleet and their nigh impregnable fortress.

-16423 DR
A horde of orcs and gnolls pours out of the
Marching Mountains and begins laying siege
to Myth Bellavae and the mountain city of
Mir. After 6 months of siege relief forces
arrive from Ketallass via the Royal Fleet. They
are joined by a fleet of clippers from Harnost

who manage to bring off the survivors right

under the Royal Fleets sails, fleeing south into
the archipelagos of the Sunrise Islands.

-16422 DR
Myth Bellavae falls to the Bolartusk orc horde,
but not before most of its inhabitants are
rescued by the sudden arrival of swanskyships from Myth Lurue and Aelaviir to
remove the citadels survivors. The citadel
then explodes as the ravaging hoard
unleashes the magical traps laid down by the
fleeing elves.

-16421 DR
The siege of Mir is finally lifted as the elves
allies arrive from Illythiir, Orishaar and
Thearyntaar. In the ensuing battles the
invading army of over 3000000 orcs and gnolls
is annilhilated by an army of elves almost as
large. Not one orc or gnoll in 1000 survives
the battle of the Bleeding Mountains.
The leaders from the four nations pledge
lasting friendship and a treaty mutual
assistance in times of emergency and war.

-16119 DR
After a lengthy and eventful reign, High
Queen Quillieu passes quietly onto Arvanaith
and her great grand-daughter, the High
Priestess of Angharad, Amanaer Hawksong
becomes the next ruler of Orishaar and
suzerain of Thearyntaar.

-15879 DR
Illythiiri pirates begin raiding coastal
settlements along Orishaars northern coast,
there are repeated clashes between them and
corsairs from Harnost as they vie for control
of the rich trade routes and pearl beds along
the Sun Sea shores.

-15555 DR
With backing from the coronal of Keltormir,
Illythiiri raiders land troops on both sides of
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the Gorlman Straits. The invaders

immediately begin constructing coastal forts
designed to give Illythiir a strangle hold on
trade into and out of the Great Sun Sea. A
large fleet of Drakkars bottles up the straits
preventing ships from Orishaar from breaking
the blockade.

-15550 DR
In a tragic accident, the Coronal and much of
the royal party in slain when the heart stone
of the newly laid mythal explodes in a
conflagration that consumes much of the new
With the death of the Coronal, the blood
thirsty Araegisses, Tathallas Shyr becomes the
next Coronal of Keltormir and immediately
orders his southern legions east across the
Gorlman Straits and into Orishaar to battle
Illythiiri forces who have built forts on the
eastern side of the straits in an attempt to
control trade in the Great Sun Sea.
Troops from Orishaar and Thearyntaar join
them in dislodging the Dark Elves from their
cliff side bastions. The fleeing fleet of Illythiiri
drakkars is annihilated with the survivors
scattered far and wide. A fleet of 1000 ships
sets sail for Athbarlon to put an end to the
pirate plague once and for all.

-15500 DR
After a siege lasting nearly 50 years, the
bastion city of Athbarlon, in southern Illythiir
is flattened by high magic, via Selutaar from
Keltormir, Orishaar and Thearyntaar. Many
Dark Elves are allowed to flee the city but the
deep water port, their mighty fleet and the
entire city are sunk beneath the waves of the
Sea of Shadows. Thus ending the pirate
plague that has lasted more than 500 years.
On her return journey High Queen Amanaers
royal fleet is swamped by a hurricane
sweeping out of the Sea of Dreams. Almost
the entire fleet is lost, along with the Queen
and her entourage. Crowned in her place is
her niece, the princess Emellin Moonflower,

who restores her families fortunes after

millennia in the political wilderness.

15000 DR
The first great kingdom of the dwarves of
Faern is centered in the great cavern of
Bhaerynden, deep beneath eastern Orishaar.
Gnomish miners from Porathoss make first
contact with these folk, and it is not too long
before High Queen Emellin is negotiating a
trade agreement with the Dwarves beneath
her realm.

15300 DR
The elf Vyshaan clan rises to power in
Aryvandaar under Coronal Ivsaar
Vyshann, the great-great grandson of Origath
Vyshaan, and a distant relative of Orishaars
high queen. Whilst they are unassailable
within their own realm, they still harbour
paranoid fear over Queen Emellin
Moonflower;s own claim the throne of

-15002 DR
A horde of giants, orcs, goblins and gnolls lead
by an ancient batrachi lich, pour out of the
Haungalyrr Mountains and across the Nek.
The horde of over 300000 beings sacks and
burns a dozen Orishaaran and Ilythiiri
settlements before the two nations put aside
their differences long enough to destroy this
roving horde. Whilst the Moon Elves destroy
their enemies outright, the Dark Elves enslave
thousands of the beasts to work in their mines
and breeding programs.

-14876 DR
A horde of enslaved orcs & gnolls with strange
demonic traits pours across the Lowshaardale
and into southern Orishaar. Their use of fire
sets alight a large tract of forest that
threatens Porathoss. The surface city is
destroyed but the mines and deep citadels are
untouched. High Queen Emellin personally
leads her legion of eagle riders from Myth
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Lurue and manages to destroy most of the

horde on the shores of the Mirrorstar Sea.
Right at the moment of victory a wyvern
riding Batrachi lich appears and in the ensuing
battle both the lich and Queen Emellin are
destroyed. Orishaars araegisses, and
Emellins youngest sister, Amberlinn
Moonflower is crowned the 14th High Queen
of Orishaar.

-14702 DR
Barely into her majority, young Queen
Amberlinn is murdered on her wedding night
along with her husband, a Dark/Moon Elf
prince of Miyeritar, Murtanaor Olryth, third
son of the ruling house of Miyeritar. The
assassins, a group of radical gold elves, are
tracked back to Illefarn by Royal Scouts and
High magi, but there the trail goes cold.
Queen Amellins niece, Crown Princess,
Hyoreen Moonflower, the Moon Knight
Leader, leads retributive raids into Ilythiir and
Aryvandaar as she tracks down her aunts
killers. Prince Sharlario Amellins brother and
current araegisses, rules as regent in his
nieces absence.

-14701 DR
Queen Hyoreen is captured by Vyshaan battle
mages and taken to Sharlarion where she is
imprisoned by her cousin the Coronal of

tour of allies, the prince regent leads a raid to

rescue the Queen, the ensuing battle sees
much of the Royal Palace in Sharlarion
destroyed with the Coronal being killed by the
prince regent allowing thus allowing the High
Queen to escape on the back of a Gray Eagle
sent north to bring her home.

-14527 DR
Unseasonal storms again lash the southern
coasts, this time a typhoon and tidal surge
flood many of the communities upon the Lake
of Steam. Relief efforts find whole
communities washed away. The number of
deaths in is the tens of thousands with the
hardest hit realms being Orishaar and Ilythiir.
The people of Orishaar gladly accept help
from Keltormir and Shantel Othreier whilst
the more secretive elves of Illythiir turn away
the rescue fleets dispatched to help them.

-14498 DR
High Queen Hyoreen rededicates the Royal
Palace and harbour of Aelaviir after they are
completely rebuilt following the killer storms
that flattened most of the cities of the realm
many years before. It is another 150 years
before the glittering spires of the new city are

-14327 DR

Aryvandaars rulers begin attempts to

diplomatically and peacefully annex
Miyeritar into their realm and under their
control. Green, Moon and Dark Elves begin
migrating south and west to escape the war
they know is coming.

The surviving members of House Olryth of

Miyeritar after hiding out for many years, are
openly welcomed within Myth Lurue, by
Queen Hyoreen, in turn she marries Prince
Daartandath cementing the close ties
between the two realms in their opposition to
the naked Vyshaan aggression. This marriage
also mollifies Ilythiirs rulers somewhat
signalling a new age of uneasy peace and cooperation between the two rival empires.

-14690 DR

-14145 DR

After years of fruitless searches, Prince

Sharlario learns that his niece is a prisoner of
the Vyshaan. Whilst visiting on a diplomatic

Orishaar goes into mourning with the sudden

yet unsuspicious death of Queen Hyoreen.
Her funeral is attended by nobles from all

14700 DR

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major realms except Aryvandaar. Her only

daughter, the princess high mage, Amnestria
Moonflower is crowned in a grand ceremony
signalling a new age of peace and cooperation between the many realms opposed
to unification with Aryvandaar.

-14065 DR
After an attempt by Sun Elf assassins to
murder the remaining members of House
Olryth, the surviving family members are
secretly moved far to the west to join their
people in distant Shalhoond, far from the
clutches of their Vyshaan persecutors.

-14006 DR
High Queen Amnestria abdicates in favour of
her cousin, Amnesshaa Amarilliss, to follow
her husband, Melanthayr Olryth into exile.
She and her 3 children head east via swan ship
never to return.

-13534 DR
Corsairs of Harnost manage to regain their
island home after 300 years in exile. The
marines and troopers from Aryvandaar are
allowed to leave peacefully but are forced to
leave much of their armour and weaponry
behind. Queen Amnesshaa allows the
Arydandaarans to re-establish their forward
base within the royal compound of the palace
in Aelaviir.

-13331 DR
High Queen Amnesshaa and her husband,
High Prince falengarth are killed when the
ship they are on is lost in a violent hurricane
that smashes the combined fleets of
Aryvandaar and Orishaar as they sail west to
attack Ilythiir in an aborted surprise invasion.
Their youngest daughter, the 13 year old
princess Kentyshia Amarilliss becomes the 18th
wearer of the Tiara of Angharads Tears, her
aunt, Morgaith Starsong acting as regent until
Princess Kentyshia reaches her majority.

-13902 DR
High Queen Amnesshaa has all the remaining
minor members and retainers of House Olryth
arrested and deported to Sharlarion where
they are put through a series of show trials
before being publicly executed for treason.
This move brings warmer relations between
the two realms, and the resumption of open
trade and military co-operation between the
two allies.

-13877 DR
Despite howls of protest from members of her
own advisory council, High Queen Amnesshaa
marries the fourth son of House Vyshaan,
Falengarth Vyshaan. Immediately the Coronal
of Aryvandaar begins flexing his diplomatic
muscle asking for Vyshaan troops to be based
on the island of Harnost. This despite is being
an independent duchy for the last 5500 years.

-13231 DR
The Moon Wars
Despite repeated efforts to open up their
trade restrictions, the psions of Syorpiir
continually reject Orishaaran overtures to
access their markets in Baerglimm. At the
secret urging of her Vyshaan supporters, High
Queen Kentyshia declares war on Syorpiir and
orders her fleet and its troops to invade, and
capture the port city of Baerglimm. In the
battles that follow much of the forest around
the city is destroyed. Alongside Orishaars
own troops a contingent of Vyshaan Sun
Knights and Battle Magi are stationed within
the captured rulers citadel.

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-13229 DR
Battle of Glen Elythell
An invading force of Orishaaran heavy
infantry and Vyshaan knights, supported by
mercenaries from Ilythiir is decimated as it
attempts to cross the fords of Gildalaer. A
combination of Green Elf archery and Druidic
elemental magic kills hundreds of the invaders
as they make two attempts to cross the river
at two different points. The very river waters
rise up to prevent the invading forces from
crossing into the deeper forest.

-13155 DR
The Orollon Massacre.
In another attempt to expand their territorial
gains in eastern Syorpiir, an invading force of
Green Elf archers from southern Orishaar,
heavy Moon Elven infantry and Vyshaan Sun
Knights pushes eastward finally crossing the
southern fords via specifically constructed
bridges and portals. Looting and pillaging as
the go the troopers from Orishaar exact
revenge for the massacre dealt to them many
years before.
The invaders are finally stopped at the tree
village of Orollon, where a series of tower
trees are dropped upon the invaders who are
then engulfed in magical flames that consume
all mammalian life whilst leaving the forest
untouched. A flight of bronze and emerald
dragons ridden by Green Elf spellblades,
sweep through dispersing the isolated pockets
of resistance. As the sun rises in the newly
created Glades of Orollon a red mist fills the
air and the only elves visible are Syorpiiran
scouts looking for survivors to put to the
sword. Back in Baerglimm, not one
Orishaaran soldier in ten returns to tell of the
disaster. Never again does Orishaar seek to
expand its holdings beyond the Plains of

-12900 DR
The resident contingent of Aryvandaaran Sun
Knights and their battle magi are recalled to
Sharlarion as it continues to fight the
Miyeritaran resistance in its viscious border
war. High Queen Kentyshia, bolsters her
troop numbers in both Baerglimm and the
occupational forts of Thearyntaar.

-12882 DR
High Queen Kentyshia is assassinated by
disgruntled Moon Elf merchants and Corsairs
as they blame her for the empires reversals of
fortune that has seen merchant fleets from
Illefarn, and Ilythiir dominate the trade routes
along the southern and western seaboards.
Her grand-daughter, the Princess Eminent of
the Corsairs, Omberlaer Amarilliss takes over
the throne from her vilified elder.

-12674 DR
High Queen Omberlaer signs a mutual
assistance pact with Keltormir and Shantel
Othreier against increasing Vyshann claims to
the throne of Orishaar, through their distant
connectios through kinship. The Coronal of
Aryvandaar claims suzerainty over the Moon
Elven nation and demands tribute and that
the High Queen acknowledge him as her

-12472 DR
Wars of the Lunar Eclipse
Seeking to further their claim to the throne of
Orishaar, Aryvandaar sends a fleet of ships
hired in Illefarn, and full of heavy shock troops
and mercinaries to invade the port city of
Aelaviir. The fleet is met at the mouth of the
Gorolan Strait by corsairs and marines from
Aelaviir and Harnost. The running battles sees
more than 300 ships sunk and thousands of
eloves burned or drowned. The Vyshaan
mercenary fleet retires in disarray but the
surviving corsair ships are in no state to
persue them.
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Further south, several hundred Vyshaan

troopers, battle magi and spellblades are
landed in secret where they move east to
assault the capital, Myth Lurue. There
subsequent assault destroys the High Queens
tree palace and kills many hundreds of
residents before they are finally routed and
slain. With the entire royal family slain, the
slain queens cousin, the leader of the Royal
Scouts and Guides, Debreena Hawksong,
assumes the throne and immedialty begins
strengthening her realms defences starting
with rebuilding the fleets of Aelaviir and

-12231 DR
The newly commissioned fleet begins
operating against Ilythiiri and Aryvandaaran
merchant and war ships as they operate along
the southern and western seaboards in an
attempt to win back control. The coronal of
Aryvandaar soon sues for peace due to his
merchant fleets mounting losses, and full and
open trade once again begins flowing
between the two nations.

-12157 DR
High Queen Debreena is killed whilst hunting
a clan of green dragons that have moved into
the western woods threatening ships as they
enter the Sun Sea. Her twin sister, the High
Priestess of Angharad, Hallendra Hawksong
takes up her sisters mantle becoming the 21st
High Queen of Orishaar.

12000 DR
Rise of the Vyshaantar Empire: After centuries
of fruitless diplomacy, the impatient, grasping
rulers of Aryvandaar attack Miyeritar and
begin putting political pressure on Shantel
Othreier to join them or suffer the same fate.
The rulers of Illefarn, Keltormir, Shantel
Othreier and Orishaar meet in secret to form
an alliance to resist the growing Vyshaan

-11803 DR
Despite the increasing level of cooperation
and trade between the two realms, relations
between Aryvandaar and Orishaar on a
political level are becoming increasingly
frosty, putting into doubt their mutual
support treaty sign just 20 years before.
Relations are only made worse with the
sudden, yet natural death of the High Queen,
a vocal supporter of the growing links
between the two realms, despite Orishaars
diplomatic efforts to end the war in Miyeritar.
The new High Queen, Araegisses, Illiandrea
Moonflower announces a freeze on military
co-operation between the two nations and
announces her unconditional support for a
free Miyeritar.

The First Crown War begins.

11800 DR
Miyeritar is militarily occupied and annexed
by Aryvandaar, though a number of clans and
strongholds resist and continue to fight. Many
elves of Illefarn, despite its officially neutral
stance, provide secret safe havens for
Miyeritari refugees. Nobles from Ardeep send
out the call for volunteers, and thousands of
warriors take ship from Baerglimm, Harnost,
Thearyntaar and Aelaviir and head north to
fight for the liberation of Miyeritar. This
severely weakens Orishaars southern
defences but with her gaze shifted
northwards she relies upon the non-agression
treaty with Ilythiir and the garrison of
Porathoss to protect her southern borders.

11800 DR
Miyeritar is militarily occupied and annexed
by Aryvandaar, though a number of clans and
strongholds resist and continue to fight. Many
elves of Illefarn, despite its officially neutral
stance, provide secret safe havens for
Miyeritari refugeeswhilst the clans of
Keltormir offer active help in the form of arms
equipment and shelter to their northern
cousins. Many Green, Moon, Ghost and even
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a few Sun Elven refugees make their way to

the southern forests and safety.

waiting across the river. Ilythiirs advanced

troops are driven back with staggering losses.

11743 DR

-11698 DR

Establishment of Coryselmal, the Coral City,

capital of Aryselmalyr in Sers. Fearing the
coming war, many thousands of Moon, Green,
Ghost and Dark Elves make use of the Glass of
Sashelass to transform themselves into Sea
Elves and flee to safety beneath the waves.

Forced to regroup the Ilythiiri build their own

bridges, whilst their fleet attempts to push
through the Gorlan Straits. With the fleet
occupied the Orishaars army is outflanked
and over run with terrible losses of their own.
It is not long before the city of Aelaviir is

11700 DR
The Second Crown War
Battle flares up yet again in answer to the
aggressions of Aryvandaar. Ilythiir rises up and
viciously strikes out at any that support the
gold elves of the north. Its nearest neighbor
Orishaar, a major trade partner with
Aryvandaar, falls swiftly in a brutal surprise
Nearly 1 million Dark and Green Elven troops,
along with countless goblin and gnoll slaves
pour north out of the Misty Vale, the Green
Elves there turning a blind eye rather than risk
death or enslavement. The first city to fall is
Argentyr with its reduced garrison and mines.
The upper city is burned to the ground by
Dark Elven High Magi riding dominated red,
blue and green dragons Elves (using Dragon
Orbs supplied to them by a mysterious
benefactor). Survivors flee down through the
mines and east to Porathoss, but arrive too
late to spare the rest of the realm from the
flames of war.

-11699 DR
The Battle of the Seven Fords
The vanguard of Ilythiirs army is stopped
dead in its tracks by Orishaaran forces at the
Seven Fords crossing, a series of 7 bridges that
sit atop small rocky islets in the middle of the
raging ........River. With each islaet topped by
a stone watch tower, and 50000 Orishaarans

-11696 DR
The Fall of Aelaviir
After a lengthy siege, Aelaviir falls, with the
walls breached, the surviving inhabitants are
forced to flee by ship, first to Harnost and
then west to the sheltering woods of
Keltormir. Many refugees of Moon, Green
and Dark Elf stock arrive in Fhaorenhaven
having fled by ship from the burning port city
of Aelaviir. They are eventually settled in
Fhaorenhaven and Seluvandaar. Refugees
from western Orishaar begin pouring across
the Gorlan Straits and into Keltormir where
they receive a warm yet guarded welcome.
Most make their way to Mir and the safety of
its now mighty walls.

-11690 DR
With the fall of Aelaviir, and many Moon and
Green Elves pressed into service, the forces of
Ilythiir move east laying siege to Artelforlynn,
whilst the stubborn resistance of the people
of Merriath, sees the Ilythiiri High magi
unleash a war mythal that erases all trace of
the city and its people. With the destruction
of Meriath, High Queen Illiandrea
Moonflower, offers her realms unconditional
surrender, even as the southern forests of
Orishaar are being burned to the ground to
root out those who choose to defy the queens

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-11689 DR

-11595 DR

Defiant to the end, Orishaars ArCorselutaar

and her remaining followers shunt Myth
Lurue into The Fey Wilds of southern
Tintageer, thus denying the Dark Elves their
final victory. Ever pragmatic, Orishaars
Eminent Princess of the Corsairs of Harnost,
throws in her lot with Ilythiir so long as they
keep on paying the bills. High Queen
Illiandrea Moonflower and her family flee into
exile, travelling north to Shantel Othreier and
thence to her familys estates in Ardeep.

Moving north in the wake of the great

firestorms, Ilythiirs armies are confronted by
much of Syorpiirs surviving force. Thrown
back across the river, the Dark Elves finally
force a crossing using flanking portals and
sheer weight of numbers, as the river clogs
with the dead goblinoids, the rest cross atop
their fallen comrades. Retreating to Gildalaer
the surviving Green Elves put up such stiff
resistance that the Corselutaar of Ilythiir
resort to using another war mythal to destroy
the citys heart, leaving an empty clearing of
bare rock where the city once stood.

-11670 DR
With the destruction of Orishaars rainforests,
localised drought conditions take hold within
the Sun Sea basin. The local monsoon fails
year after year, as the more temperate
rainforests begin to dry out becoming tinder
dry and ready to burn. Many Green and
Moon Elves flee the forests heading west,
north and east, away from the destruction
they know is coming. The 70 years of
continuous drought spells disaster for the
Elven realms of the Great Sun Sea.

11600 DR
The Ilythiiri destroy Syrpiir by fire taking
advantage of the extremely dry conditions.
Green Elf druids manage to lessen the damage
to the eastern forests and but turn the wild
fires against a large force of Ilythiiri and their
goblinoid troops. But in the end vast swathes
of the forest are destroyed along with the
cities of Myth Gaellium, Elinn, and
Vaerntillath. Fleeing refugees flood across the
border into Eiellur and north into the Sea of
Fallen Stars to stay with their relatives
beneath the waves. In the end a vast
firestorm wipes away more than half of the
Syorpiiran rainforests, separating that region
from its allied neighbours and burning its
homes to the ground.

-11590 DR
Moving more carefullly in light of recent
devastating, unsustainable losses the armies
of Ilythiir begin the campaign season by
moving around the city of Ssrisaragoth, whilst
envoys approach the city attempting to
negotiate an alliance with this northern
enclave of Dark Elves. The High Lady of
Eilistraee rejects outright the Gaunadhaur
worshippers overtures and proceeds to rally
her Songknights on a rise overlooking the
Glades of Saragoth.

The Battle of the Dark Maidens

Confronted by a force of 1500 Heavy Dark
Elven Songknights, and nearly 15000 Green
and Moon Elf infantry and archers, the forces
of Ilythiir are fought to a standstill within the
Glades of Saragoth. Retreating back across the
river the Dark Elves and their allies pause for a
time to consolidate their gains, and reinforce
after this unforseen setback. This defeat
allows the ruling council of Syorpiir time to
evacuate the remaining settlements shifting
most of the population east to Hathoss,
Sardelmir and the independent Ghost Elven
realm of Pellior. The Songknights and their
followers choose to remain to guard the
refugees escape route.

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11500 DR

11400 DR

Thearnytaar and Eiellr band together with

the Dark Elves of Ssrisaragoth and declare war
on Ilythiir, decrying the Ilythiiris use of fire
and wanton destruction far more than the
power plays of the northern elves. They fight
a holding action within and around the Glades
of Sargoth preventing the Ilythiiri from
advancing north. The stalled advance of the
Ilythiiri leads to a leadership change back in
the capital Attornash.

In the north the stalemate is finally broken

and Eiellr falls, as the Ilythiiri once again use
fire to destroy an enemy and isolate it from
aid. The Ilythiiri are helped by traitorous green
elves, who believe their acts of appeasement
actions can help restore peace.

-11450 DR
The Sable Wars
Thearnytaar and Eiellr, with minimal
assistance from Keltormir and Shantel
Othreier, invade Ilythiir, intent on destroying
or reforming the dark elves before more
realms fall. Supplied by the ever pragmatic
Corsairs of Harnost the forces of Thearyntaar
and Eiellur advance south, using Harnost as a
staging point before invading northern
Orishaar, bypassing the ruins of Aelaviir and
massacring the treacherous Green Elves of the
Misty Vale as they attempt to make a stand at
the Ford of Rivers Bend. After months of
battling the occupiers of Orishaar and their
goblinoid allies, the invading elves of
Thearyntaar and Eiellur along with a
contingent of marines from Harnost are
surrounded and destroyed by a huge horde of
Demons & Yugoloth and dragons ridden by
Ilythiiri High Magi at the Third Battle of the
More than half their forces are decimated by
the corrupt magics of the dark elves who
make use of War Mythals (and other fell
weapons and magic), supplied to them by
agents of the Vyshaan who continue to use
theIllythiir as a cats paw to further their own
plans for Empire. The evil of the Dark Elven
leadership makes them the perfect bogey
monsters for the Vyshaan leadership.

The fall of Eiellur is aided in part by traitorous

green elves who think their appeasement
actions can help restore the peace. After each
defeat at the hands of the dark elves, the
surviving populace is enslaved by the Ilythiiri.
In most cases, the enslaved moon elves and
green elves are absorbed into the general
population by the genetically dominant dark
elves within a generation or two.
The betrayers of Eiellur are rewarded by the
Ilythiiri with an untamed, tangled tract of
jungle on a plateau overlooking the River
Talar. While few survive the horrors that have
been previously unleashed in the woodlands
by dark elven sorcerers and still lurk therein, a
small band, reduced to a barbaric way of life,
manage to survive with the protection of
Fenmarel and take to calling themselves the
Or- Tel'Quessir or people of the woods. Over
time their feral descendants are joined by
escaped Moon Elven and Green Elven slaves
fleeing conscription and life on the Ilythiiri
slave farms, and the population grows.
Although the Ilythiiri would have
undoubtedly hunted the Misty Vale tribe to
extinction eventually, the Descent of the
Drow spared the Or-Tel'Quessir from that
horrific fate.
The continuation of the Crown Wars (and the
recent Sable Wars and the fall of Eiellur) sees
a sudden influx of elves entering the Inner
Sea, forcing elves out into the sea and away
from the coastal waters. This migration ignites
the first major conflicts with merfolk and

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-11385 DR
As southern Eiellur burns Ilythiiri Dark Elves
use high magic to summon their fallen
warriors and their especially bred hordes of
gnolls and goblinoids to lay siege to the
mountain citadel of Ashtaar. Despite the
endless raids upon their clifftop and pueblo
villages the residents of Ashtaars many
citadels simply fly away whenever the enemy
gets too close. After 50 years of cat and
mouse raids the forces of Ilythiir finally clear
out the last Eagle Riders outpost, but in all
that time they have only ever slain 200 elves.
The remainder have long since fled east and
south with their Gray Eagle friends.

-11320 DR
The armies of Ilythiir begin looking for the
hidden city of Myth Galloaer after increasingly
effective raids are conducted on Ilythiiri
supply lines. Despite using all methods at
their disposal the dark Elves can never bring
the final Eielluran outpost to heal. After
suffering heavy losses over many months the
generals of Ilythiir decide to lay siege to the
city using demons leading a horde of undead.
The main armies then advance west, crossing
the Nevarynn River invading the last outpost
of their hated enemy, Orishaar.

11200 DR
End of the Second Crown War
Thearnytaar falls to the savage and now
unrepentant dark elves, who use enslaved
monsters and undead to occupy the thornand bramble-choked woods around the
northern city of Myieiellur. After more than
three years of siege warfare, the now empty
realm of Thearyntaar finally is no more as the
last Orishaaran clipper sails out of Inpriaths
harbour taking with it the last Moon, Dark,
Sun and Green Elf refugees south to a new life
in Orishaars southern colonies. Ilythiir now
occupies the abandoned port city bringing in
fresh troops and supplies via the suborned
fleets of Harnost and Aelaviir Ilythiiri troops

then march west across the border into

eastern Keltormir. Skirmishes with the major
realm of Keltormir begin along its eastern and
southern expanses.
With another major migration to the sea after
the fall of Thearnytar, the sea elves expand
militarily beyond the Selmal Basin and
establish the kingdoms and regions of
Coranthys, Tor Meraliir, Ullythan Reef, and

-11,003 DR
Rise of the Aryselmalyr Empire.
Coryselmal, the grandest of the sea elf cities
of Selmalyr (an elven kingdom of the Selmal
Basin), becomes the capital of the Aryselmalyr
Empire over all the elf kingdoms in the Inner

-10500 DR
The Dark Disaster
In the closing days of autumn whilst the
nobles of both realms gather in Myth
Akherynnar to organize a rebellion against
their Vyshann overlords, Miyeritar is engulfed
in killing storms, which reduce this entire
forest and realm into barren wastelands in
three months. While no proof could ever be
found, many believe the High Mages of
Aryvandaar inflicted the Dark Disaster on
Miyeritar. Green, Moon and Dark elf refugees
begin arriving from the outer colonies of
Miyeritar, as that realm is destroyed by the
Vyshaan Empire as they unleash the Dark

10450 DR
The Fourth Crown War: Ilythiirs seething
counterattack to avenge Miyeritar sees its
open use of the corrupt powers of Ghaunadar
and other dark, evil gods for the first time.
The Fourth Crown War ends with the
cataclysmic events of 10000.

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-10395 DR

-9839 DR

An army from Aryvandaar is landed 20 miles

south of Ketallass by a fleet of Orishaaran
privateers. The advancing army is met by the
River Guards and Song Knights from the city at
the Terrindor Crossings. The ensuing
slaughter of the advancing Sun and Moon
Elves causes the river to run red for many
days. The forces of Keltormir win the day, but
at the cost of much of their strength. Princess
Larassa of Ketallass orders the citys
evacuation and the fleet sets sail for their
colonies in the south, taking more than 35000
Green, Moon and Dark Elves with it. A follow
up force of pirates from Orishaar finds the city
deserted and after sacking it, the sea going
reavers burn the city to the ground.

Start of the First Sers War.

10000 DR
Descent of the Drow: Corellons magic, as
directed through his priests and High Mages,
transforms the dark elves, whether the
corrupt Ilythiiri or others, into the drow.
Whether by magic or by the weaknesses that
banish them from the sunlit lands, all drow
retreat within two months passing into the
Elves are summoned by the Seldarine to the
site that becomes the Elven Court one month
after the Descent of the Drow, to settle
differences and restore peace among the
With the sudden collapse of the Ilythiiri
offensive and occupation, the Princess
Eminent of Harnost leads her fleet back into
the Harnour city of Aelaviir. The remaining
Ilythiiri forces, mainly elves of mixed
parentage, goblinoids, and demonic spawn
such as cambions and tieflings are soon
routed from the city and scattered across the
realm. Within six months of her arrival, High
Mage, Princess Eminent, Marash Amarilliss is
crowned the 24th and last High Queen of

9800 DR
The Vyshantaar Empires forces occupy all elf
realms (except Keltormir) from the High
Forest of Aryvandaar to the sweltering
southern forests of Ilythiir. They begin the
colonization and settlement of Evermeet

9200 DR
The Fifth Crown War: The First Proclamation
of the Elven Court leads to the revolt of the
nobles of Aryvandaar, and the last Crown War
begins. The Elven Court, the Seldarine
priesthoods, and the long-hidden High Mages
restore pockets of resistance and freedom
across the entire Vyshantaar Empire,
fragmenting the armies and nobles to limit
their coordination.

-9142 DR
After many bloody and viscious battles the
forces of Keltormir find themselves standing
before the ruined walls of occupied New
Attornash accepting the surrender of the
Vyshaan garrison there. Of the 20000 Gold
and Moon Elf prosiners taken here, less than 1
in 10 manages to return home at the end of
the war. The forces under Coronal
Shellorillas command begin raising Illythiiri
citadels and cities to the ground in retaliation
for the destruction they have wrought upon
the westrern forests and their people. By the
time they are finished, 11 cities and countless
castles, mansions and towns are wiped from
the face of the planet using high magic to
sweep away the reminders of dark elven

-9000 DR
The Fifth Crown War ends with the utter
defeat of the Vyshaan and the dissolution of
Aryvandaar. Much of the High Forest is
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abandoned for an age, leaving the forest open

so the gods might restore its peace.
The Wandering Years of elven colonization
begin. Many elves begin migrating back to
Elven Court in its eastern forest. Illefarn and
Keltormir are the sole remaining civilizations
to emerge intact from the Crown Wars.
Coronal Shellorilla invites many refugees to
settle within the forests of now peaceful
Orishaar and Keltormir. Enough migrants
arrive to justify the rebuilding of the city of

-5800 DR
Moon Elf descendents of Orishaars many
clans migrate north from their southern
holdings and re-establish a presence within
the remant rainforests of old Orishaar. They
soon proclaim the Moon Elven Kingdom of
Glorfindarl under the leadership of a series of
petty kings and princes.

The last High Queen of Orishaar, Marash

Amarilliss officially declares the Empire of
Orishaar no more. The last noble clans and
most of the people migrate west to Evermeet,
or north to Illefarn and their ancestral home
in the Ardeep Forest.
The end of the Crown Wars brings the last of
the great elven migrations into the Inner Sea.

8600 DR
Evereska is founded in secret by surviving
clans of Eiellr, Miyeritar, and Orishaar as an
elf haven in the woods east of Aryvandaar.
Many of the familes from Orishaar, including
the Moonflowers, Moonsongs, Starsongs,
Hawksongs, Staryms and Amarillis clans
become notable residents within the new

6500 DR
The descendants of refugees from Syrpiir
arrive back in the now regrown forests of the
Satyrwood and along with many Moon and
Ghost Elf clan found Nikerymath in the
Chondalwood, beginning with the hidden tree
city of Rucien Xan.

-6300 DR
Green and Moon Elf Corselutaar raise a
powerful mythal over the recently completed
city of Rucien Xan. The laying of the mythal
marks official return of the elves to the Great
Sun Sea.
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The Wars of the Great Sun Sea

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Line of Succession
of the

High Queens of Orishaar

-22,500 DR until 11700 DR
Length of reign

Rulers Name

Race & Gender

-22500 DR to -22201 DR
-22201 DR to -21886 DR
-21886 DR TO -21422 DR
-21422 DR TO -20900 DR
-20900 DR TO -20323 DR
-20323 DR TO -20004 DR
-20004 DR TO -18244 DR
-18244 DR TO -17600 DR
-17600 DR TO -16998 DR
-16998 DR TO -16700 DR
-16700 DR TO -16119 DR
-16119 DR TO -15500 DR
-15000DR TO -14876 DR
-14876 DR TO -14702 DR
-14702 DR TO -14145 DR
-14145 DR TO -14006 DR
-14006 DR TO -13331 DR
-13331 DR TO -12882 DR
-12882 DR TO -12472 DR
-12472 DR TO -12157 DR
-12157 DR TO -11803 DR
-11803 DR TO -11700 DR
-11700 DR TO -10000 DR
-10000 DR TO -9000 DR
-9000 DR TO -327 DR

Allejandra Moonflower
Allasshara Moonflower
Velnetta Moonflower
Theantha Moonflower
Bellen Amarilliss
Baerlynn Amarilliss
Everlynda Amarilliss
Calantha Moonflower
Yvetth Hawksong
Kitara Hawksong
Quillieu Hawksong
Amanaer Hawksong
Emellin Moonflower
Amberlinn Moonflower
Hyoreen Moonflower
Amnestria Moonflower
Amnesshaa Amarilliss
Kentyshia Amarilliss
Omberlaer Amarilliss
Debreena Hawksong
Hallendra Hawksong
Illiandrea Moonflower
Illythiiri Regents
Marash Amarilliss
Petty Kings of old Orishaar

Moon Elf Female

Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Moon Elf Female
Dark Elf Males
Moon Elf Female
Moon & Green Elf males

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Geography & Climate

of the Northern Lands
The weather of the Great Sun Sea lands is sub-tropical and humid. While the temperature may fall as
low as 35 F in the winter months, snowfalls are rare. Spring comes in early Mirtul. Springs arrival is
heralded by the opening of the mierngras blossoms. These flowery shrubs of violet and gold bloom once
during the spring and are known as natures waterclocks by the elves. The temperature may reach 80 F
during the spring. Evening and early morning temperatures rarely drop below 60 F. During early
Eleasius, temperatures can rise to as high as 110 F during these humid months, making full and fieldplate armor virtually unheard of. Late Marpenoth heralds the approach of fall. Crops are harvested and
stored for the coming winter, and winter crops are planted in late Uktar. The high temperatures range
from 80 F to 50. Winter brings heavy rains and slightly colder temperatures. Highs typically range from
50 F to 65. It can get as cold as 35 F, and on rare occasions, snow descends upon the Reach.
The lands north of the Great Sun Sea, are a collection of undulating, mountainous forests, intersected by
fast running rivers and streams. The summers are hot and sultry, the springs warm and wet, the
autumns cool and dry and the winters cold with occasional snow. The highly volcanic nature of the
region has given rise to a vast number of hot springs and geysers dotting the landscape, numerous
volcanic vents both active and dormant are a regular feature, many snow capped most of the year
round, and endless tremors, quakes and landslides that make the area hazardous for the unfortunate or
unwary all year round.
The terrain is generally steep, and river crossings rare and treacherous. The sword grasses of the
Thunder plains are razor sharp and prone to tearing to shreds animals with a thin of furless hide. Many
of the mineral springs are highly poisonous but a number of the local birds and smaller reptiles have
adapted to drinking the potent and sulphuric waters.
The Temperate rain forests depend on the proximity to the ocean to moderate seasonal variations in
temperature, creating milder winters and cooler summers than continental-climate areas. Many areas
of the forest have summer fogs that keep the forests cool and moist in the hottest months. Coastal
mountains increase rainfall on the ocean-facing slopes. The northern Forests stretch from the eastern
edge of the Marching Mountains, all the way west to the Plains of Thunder. This vast forest of pines and
oaks is dark and primordial in nature. Its tall trees and thick foliage block out the sunlight, and a cool,
white mist is commonly seen clinging to the ground. The white mist looks like new-fallen snow,
especially on the fringes of the forest when the morning light strikes the fog. Mistletoe and other
parasitic plants are common, as are all manner of mushrooms and other fungi.
Many of the Oaks and pines of the forest tower more than 200 feet above the dank forest floor. Their
wood is immune to disease and highly resistant to lightning and non-magical fire. Many are hollowed
out and hide within their mighty trunks secrets of the elves, homes and halls aplenty. Their vast
intertwined limbs form a dense canopy that is only broken by the vast yet occasional clearings created
by the death of a forest giant, that allows the forest floor to bloom and saplings to sprout. Some
clearings are kept clear by forest elephants who use the mineral springs as wallows and sources of salts
and soothing mud for their insect riven hides. This temperate rainforest blends seamlessly with the subtropical rainforests of Orishaar. There is an endless supply of large insects of infinite variety, along with
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a myriad of small birds and reptiles of bright plumage and scales, parrots aplenty can be found
throughout much of the ancient forest.
Of the larger creatures, the giant pythons, some measuring 20 meters in lengths are found throughout,
as are tribes of reclusive water nagas. The larger mammals include forest buffalos, elephants and elk.
While packs of slender yellow wolves and painted dogs abound upon the plains bordering the forests.
Within the forests large mountain tigers, giant lynx and leopards are found in good numbers and on the
plains, vast herds of antelope followed by large prides of lions, centaurs and wemics that follow them
can be found.

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Geography & Climate

of the South-Eastern Lands
The climate the southern lands is tropical, hot and humid for 10 months of the year, with a brief cool,
dry winter that occurs when the north is covered in snow. The south really has only three season, The
Wet Season, which is hot, sultry with regular thunderstorms every afternoon, and typhoons regularly
sweeping in off of the Sea of Shadows and the Sea of Dreams. The summer is a steamy sauna day and
night with temperatures within the forest well above 120 degrees with 90 % humidity. The mountains
are much cooler but still humid, and with rainfall of well over 500 inches a year.
The Forest is a lush, tropical place, where the temperature rarely falls below 90, even at night. Humidity
is high, and insects and plant life abound. The most striking feature of the forest is the trees. Over half of
the trees in the forest are the fast growing mathiri trees, more commonly known as bluewood. The
wood is actually ivory coloured with faint blue streaks, but, with polishing, it has a deep lustre that
resembles the glow of a polished
gem. All normal tropical animals of the forest can be found here: jaguars, tigers, gorillas, wild boars, and
parrots, macaws and other tropical birds. It also supports a large population of carnivorous apes. The
apes are abundant in the northern part of the forest, but can be found elsewhere. Choke creepers and
giant snakes are common and the rhino beetle is also present.
The deepest heart of the forest is a thick tangles of moss-girt trees, clinging vines, and many tiny rivulets
that tumble down from knife-sharp, central ridges to carve deep 'breakneck' ravines thickly cloaked in
underbrush. The breaknecks render impossible mounted passage through the forest -- or ground pursuit
of anything that can jump long distances or fly. The undergrowth provides ample cover for giant spiders,
snakes of astonishing size, and owlbears, wood's rich flora includes many rare, shade-dwelling herbs and
fungi that grow larger, richer, and in more profusion than anywhere else in the known Realms. Among
the ridges at the heart of the forest lie pools whose waters glow faintly with magic. These pools combine
the abilities of a spellward of arcane might [DMG II] with the power to restore charges to immersed
magic items of a charged nature.
Pool Effects: Non-magical items aren't made magical. Magic items that don't use charges are unaffected,
but the fact that they don't use charges will be instantly communicated to any creature touching them
during immersion. At the end of every ten hours of continual or partial immersion of any magic item
that uses charges, roll 1d6. A result of 1 means no charges have been gained, a result of 6 means ten
charges have been gained. For rolls of 2 through 5, the item gains a number of charges matching the
number rolled. Broken periods of immersion or periods of less than ten hours duration confer no
benefit. A Dusk Pool can 'supercharge' an item to more than its total charge capacity, but in doing so the
item is altered in a way that prevents it from ever again being recharged by that particular pool. At the
end of the ten hours in which an item becomes 'supercharged,' the pool expels the item (Dusk Pools
never expel items under any other circumstances).

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The Great Sun Sea

The Lake of Steam is a large, enclosed bay of the Shining Sea. The region is extremely volcanic, such that
a number of steam vents and fumaroles cause the sea to bubble and smoke along its length. Its islands
are volcanic in origin, and its largest island, Harnost, is an active volcano.

The Plains of Thunder

The Plains of Thunder is a vast sea of undulating grasslands dotted with lonely lakes, and isolated
woodlands hidden amongst the roiling waves of grass and sky that stretches 1500 miles east to west and
200 miles north to south. The Thunder Plains are dominated by miles upon miles of thick grassland, and
peopled only by tribes of centaurs, wemics, humans and wandering bands of Green and Dark Elvesall
who are sometimes herdsmen, and at other time, raiders. Yet, strange temples and abandoned shrines
to lost gods dot the lands, and some of the wanderers encountered wield great mystical powers. Mighty
winds powerful enough to overturn wagons and lift mounts into the air are common. The eastern plains
are sparser, less green, it is separated from the west by a ridge known as the Landrise. The eastern
Thunder Plains are free of any major features all the way to the Great Salt Sea. The days are blisteringly
hot and the nights frosty cold, in summer dry heat and dust storms dominate, as do the great steppes
fires that rage across hundreds of square miles of grassland consuming everything not well above or
below ground.

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The Realms of the Three Leaves

Thearyntaar Thearyntaar
Thearyntaar is perhaps the most cosmopolitan of the three leaves realms. Populated by a broad mixture of
Green and Moon Elves with a smattering of other cultural groups. The realm is ruled by the descendants of
Sharlarion Moonflower who rebelled against the Durothils tyrannical rule. Whilst there are three recognisable
cities, the biggest of which is almost an independent city state, and home to a ruler whom the Green Elves of
the greater realm only pay lip service too except during times of war and crisis. Much of the population lives
in roving bands of Moon, Green, Dark and Ghost Elves who freely move between the three realms, barely
recognising the artificial borders created by their noble and hide bound cousins. The three major cities rarely
argee or co-operate on anything, their incessant squabbling keeps the realm weak and allows the King and his
corsairs to operate with impunity. The only time the people of Thearyntaar are likely to work together is if
faced by a deadly external threat or disaster of unholy proportions.
There is a free flow of trade between the elves of the realm and the clans and tribes of eastern
Keltormir, and the corsairs rarely raid ships coming from Keltormir, unless they are from one of the
northern merchant clans. Thearyntaar is most closely allied with and culturally akin to its parent realm,
Orishaar. The Orishaarii are perhaps more conservative and warlike than their northern kin, but both
realms love to trade and explore new lands. The Green, Moon and Dark Elves of the realm are all
affected by this cultural wanderlust and as a result many small colonies have been established all
through the south seas islands. Thearyntaars greatest rivals are the pirates of Athbarlon who control
much of the illicit trade within the Sea of Shadows and regularly attack merchant ships from The Realms
of the Great Sun Sea.

Inpriath - Inpriath
Brief Description: Coastal Port & Tree City
Who Rules: Hereditary Monarch & Council of Lords & Ladies
Population: 58000 (Moon Elf 50%, Green Elf 10%, Dark Elf 10%, Sun Elf 5%, Ghost Elf 5%, Forest Gnome
5%, Halfling 5%, 10% others)
Products: Clipper ships, swan ships, coastal dhows & schooners, pearls & mother of pearl, opals, fish,
seafood, sea weed, timber products, boats, beers & ales, small boats, rope, chandlery.
Armed Forces: Corsairs of Inpriath 2500 sailor/marines: leather armour, buckler, light crossbow, sabre,
dagger, handaxe, spear, polearm.
2000 Wall Guards: leather armour, kite shield, scimitar, shortbow, dagger, spear, polearm.
300 Giant Osprey Riders: padded armour, scimitar, dagger, spear, shortbow, buckler, bola.
Major Temples: Deep Sashelas, Erevan Ilesere, Fenmarel Mestarine, Istishia, Sehanine, Solonor
Thelandira, Waukeen, Valkur.
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Magi of Note: Azure Wave High Magi Circle, Starshear Weather Weavers, Garland of Grace Life Weavers
& Shapers,
Organisations of Note: Corsairs Captains Guild and Charters House, Sun Sea Merchants Guild,
Dalambarth Shipwrights, Hoardann Shipwrights, Gilldorn Shipwrights.
Notable Locations: Haverloch Shipyards built to contyain the hulls of the giant clipper ships, these
yards churn out grown timber and crystal ships at an astonishing rate.
Mariners Towers These twin red coral spires soar 500 above the sea wall found at the eastern end of
the bay. The western tower shines with a brilliant blue-white radiance that can be seen by ships 100
miles out to sea. The eastern tower gives of a flashing red and amber light, telling ships the current state
of waters and winds within the bay.
Pellentiaar Palace of the Sun Sea King The royal residence of the Kings and Queens of the realm. A
shining rock crystal and coral palace of glittering, butressed towers, imposing crenellated walls and
mighty halls and spires.
Local Lore: The city is perched at the very edge of the sea, on all three sides of a wide rocky bay. The
buildings are fashioned of crystal, coral, living trees or a combination of all three. Mother of pearl and
gemstones glitter in precise patterns against the smooth stone, sometimes forming elaborate mosaics
that cover entire walls and the roofs of paved the walkways. The dominant features of the city are the
glittering white and pearl buildings that rise up from the shore, climbing the steep hills surrounding the
bay. The tallest buildings are the twins Mariners Towers, and the glittering spires of the various High
Magi Circles and well to do merchants, corsairs and nobles of the city. The harbour is filled with ships
and the shore and harbour side slipways and docks are the largest anywhere within the southern coasts.
The safe waters of the Great Sun Sea allow for a greater number of ship and boat builders to operate in
these ideal conditions.

From this city vast fleets of royally sanctioned pirates and privateers harrass the ocean going merchants
of other realms, even Elven ones. They prefer passive surrender, but are not above using extreme
violence to achieve their ends. Many merchants operating from the city are themselves officially
sanctioned Royal Corsairs, they are known as smugglers, pirates and merchants. The one golden rule
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they never break, is to attack one of their own. If a mistake is made then the offending captain is killed,
the crew exiled and the merchant sponsor, bankrupted by royal edict and sanctions.

Myieiellur (Mai-ay-ye-lur) - Myieiellur

Brief Description: River Port & Tree City
Who Rules: Tree Lord of the Green & Clan Wardens
Population: 31000 (Green Elves 50%, Moon Elves 20%, Gold Elves 10%, Dark Elves 10%, Ghost Elves 5%,
Forest Gnomes 3%, Centaurs 2%)
Products: grains, silks, fruits & vegetables, cheeses, wines & meads & spirits, river boats & barges, river
pearls, bows, arrows, timber products, gems & jewellery, grains, arms & armour.
Armed Forces: 1500 River Guards leather armour, scimitar, dagger, spear, shortbow, polearm.
1000 Light infantry Leather armour, shortsword, dagger, longbow
300 Eagle riders padded armour, scimitar, dagger, shortbow, spear.
Major Temples: Aerdrie Faenya, Solonor, Rillifane, Hanali, Eldath, Istishia, Sehanine.
Magi of Note: Leaf Spinners of the Green Guard Druid/Magi, Darkantyr Circle, Skystone Ship Shapers &
Organisations of Note: Hallowed Hunters of the Green Society of Hunters, Guides and Rangers.
Skyship Sailors Guild, Barge Wrights Guild.
Notable Locations: River Merchants High House, Belsameer Bardic College & Spell Singers Academy,
Skyship Shapers Cradles and Creche.
Local Lore: This bustling river port & tree city is the second of the great cities of Thearyntaar. Initially
settled by Green Elves from Keltormir, it soon attracted an decent population of Moon Elves from a
burgeoning and over crowded Orishaar. Surrounded on 3 sides by a high curtain wall of fire proofed
blood thorns and fire-roses 20 high, with living thuer-crystal tree towers 100 high every 50 around its 2
mile long wall. The docks play host to a bustling river traffic of barges, leaf boats and swanships, whilst
70 high interwoven trees act as living cradles and creches for living ships, early man-o-wars, sawnships,
flitters, and very occaisionally monarch armadas. These ships are purchased by realms as far afield as
Illefarn and the Imperial Fleet of Selune.

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The Darkantyr Cirlce High Magi are famous for their beautiful works of arts and the towers they grow
from living crystals that can be made to shrink for ease of transportation. More than a few have been
fitted with helms and used for space flight. The other famous group of casters here are the Druid/Magi
who control much of the forests climate through their balanced use of nature and high magic. Bitterly
opposed to the creation of Evermeet, siting it as a gross abuse of power, the Green Wardens used their
collective powers to protect the forests and settlements of the Great Sun Sea by weaving spells that
connected their realms to the feywild which absorbed the worst of the titanic effects of the spell.

Calaevum Calaevum
Brief Description: Hidden Tree City
Who Rules: Tree Lord & Clan Green Wardens
Population: 21600 (Green Elf 70%, Moon Elf 10%, Sun Elf 5%, Dark Elf 5%, Ghost Elf 5%, other 5%)
Products: Bows, arrows, timber products, leather goods, fruits & vegetables, silks, weapons & armour,
giant osprey chicks, wines & spirits, art works, sculptures, musical instruments.
Armed Forces: 3000 Archers Leather armour, sabre, longbow, 100 arrows, dagger, spear.
500 Osprey Riders padded armour, sabre, shortbow, dagger, spear.
300 Royal Guards chainmail, elven longsword, longbow, elven shortsword, dagger.
Major Temples: Deep Sashelas, Sehanine, Solonor, Waukeen, Valkur, Rillifane.
Magi of Note: Leaf Spinners of the Green Guard Druid/Magi, Silverdusk High Magic Circle, Pellior Knights
Blade Singers & Arcane Archers Academy, Guild of Growers & Life Shapers.
Organisations of Note: Mythal Shapers & Growers Guild, Delsinora Society of Holy Archers, Calaegorum
Metal Shapers Guild. Sea Shapers Society
Notable Locations: The Grand Sea Caves of Sshahel a hidden colony of Sea Elves living their Moon and
Green Elf husbands and wives, The Soaring Aeries of the Osprey Queen, High Tree Towers of the Green
Tree Lords, Clan Moot Tree Hall, Passaar Green Market Glade.
Local Lore:
Siutated atop a 500 high cliff over looking a wide sweeping bay, Calaevum is largely hidden by its mythal
and craftily constructed tree halls and homes. It is one of the few Elven cities that has lots of staircases
inside tree trunks, leading in one direction to underground storage caverns, not usual for Elven
habitations, and in the other to treetop "rooms" walled in tree-boughs magically shaped into cradle-like
frameworks, through which are woven growing broadleaf plants. The Life shapers of Lhuve take the
living trees and shrubs to shape them into structures, planting specific vines and leafy bushes and
influencing them with magic to interweave and create thick "thorn-hedge" living walls and roofs for
their dwellings. Herbs and edible berry-plants were grown as part of dwellings, small furry forest
creatures were bred and tended as human shepherds tend flocks of beasts, being culled and harvested
with an eye to constantly improving the quality and quantity of available food.

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The city is dominated by the stately theurglass tree towers that dot the landscape. The entire is a
mixture of the natural and the magically grown, with much of the city hidden above, within and below
the trees and natural rock formations that are scattered about the city. Only a few rope bridges and
wooden lifts give access to the upper reaches of the city and these are carefully guarded at all times.
The few ground dwellings in the city are extremely well built, and in some cases, very well hidden. Some
are carved out of the base of colossal oak trees, being careful not to kill the tree in the process. These
dwellings often lead to small underground chambers that store perishables for the community, or the
treasures of individual clans. These dwellings are for the infirm or the very young. Each tree has been
grown so as to form one or more natural hollows within its trunk at various elevations, and vine rope
bridges are threaded through each tightly packed grove to connect the chambers in the heart of each
tree. At ground level, roots, rocks, earth, plants are woven into near impregnable defensive

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Eiellur Eiellur
The greatest and most culturally diverse of the three northern realms, Eiellur stands as the most chaotic
and divided. A realm unified by political expediency and fear, it never the less is the central military
power keeping the lesser realms in check whilst preventing Orishaar from spreading its imperial
ambitions northwards. The people owe their existence to the Council of Matriarchs who have safe
guarded the realm from enemies both foreign and domestic. The realms strength has come from its
cultural diversity, always open to new cultures and new ideas, Eiellur has always been a haven for the
exiled, dispossessed and oppressed. It was from here that the idea of unifying the three northern
realms, but a combination of corrupt despotic nobles, and the machinations of Illythiiri rulers afraid of
what a unified realm might mean, kept Eiellur from achieving its fullest potential.

Eiellur was once counted amongst the greatest nations of the tropical south, The architects of the realm
would shape trees into habitable structures and transform many of them into living theurcrystal tree
towers, resistant to the rot and flames of natures forces. These homes were connected by bridges and
ladders high amongst the canopy of the trees. This gave them an outstanding vantage of the woodland
and what went on beneath.
A perculiar feature of every Eiellurii settlement was the growing and shaping of the Moon and Sun
Trees. These immense oaks and mahogany tree are immune to disease and the adverse affects of age,
their interlinked branches spreading twice as wide as the tree is high. The effects of these weavings is
three fold, they gather in at night the rain that falls from the sky to be gathered for storage in vast
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hollow bottle trees, and huge underground cisterns. At the times of the full moon they can be tuned to
gather liquid moonlight that is used in many magical rituals, and during times of high sun they are used
to gather the suns energy for channeling into magical items and to assist in the casting of high magic
rituals. The mightiest trees are also the heart stones of a citys mythal which is constantly recharged
thanks to the energies gathered by the Woven Trees. Each tree weaving is unique as its interwoven
limbs record the history and stories of the people who live beneath its benevolent branches. The tree
also acts as a calendar for the druids and High Magi who tend it.
Over time a distinct cultural identity has emerged, and the Eiellurii culture whilst dominated by Green
Elves has many distinct Moon, Dark, and Ghost Elven influences and overtones. Their strength lies in
their unity of purpose, to outsiders it seems like directionless chaos, bu the those who live in Eiellur, it
has one mneaning....Freedom!

Menerlarkam Menerlarkam
Brief Description: Small Tree City
Who Rules: Green Warden Clan Lords
Population: 7600 (Green Elf 75%, Dark Elf 15%, Moon Elf 10%)
Products: forest fruits, herbs & spices, leather good, wines & juices, bows, arrows, game meats.
Armed Forces: 1500 archers leather armour, buckler, sabre, longbow, dagger, spear.
Major Temples: Rillifane, Solonor, Erevan Ilesere, Fenmarel Mestarine, Eldath
Magi of Note: Couatle Lords of the Ancient Serpent, Azure Moon High Mage Circle, Lords & ladies of the
Organisations of Note: Blue Sun Life Shapers Guild, Gardeners of Selune, Silver Wolf Riders of Sehanar.
Notable Locations: Great Council Tree, Mistriven Dens, Springs of Allastoraa,
Local Lore: Hidden deep within the steamy depths of the Emerald Forest, Menerlarkam is a purely
abroeal community, spread out over 50 square miles. A city in name only it is really a loose collection of
clan dwellings and tree steadings, held together by strong clan and familial ties. Most of the community
live in carefully shaped hollowed out giant kauri, banyan, fig, elm and redwood trees. Hidden high in the
vine and moss covred canopy tree flets and craftily hidden tree homes straddle the enourmous
branches deep within the ever present mists of the high forest. An entire army could pass beneath the
community and never know it was there. Even if some areas are attacked and destroyed, the
community is so spread out that it would take an army 100000 atrong to entrap all the elves within.
The people here dwell in extended family groups of 20 40 elves. Each family as well as providing fpor
its own needs, specialises in trade items and skills unique to their particluar clan or family group. Each
family has its own territory to care for but is not restricted to that land, and often travel to relatives in
distant lands allowing other clan families to use their holdings resources when the owners are not in
residence. Many of the clans have links with elves in Keltormir, Miyeritar, Illythiir and the realms of the
Sun Sea region.

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Ashtaar - Ashtaar

Brief Description: Mountain citadel and surrounding cliff side city.

Who Rules: Eagle Lords & Ladies
Population: 5200 (Green Elf 50%, Moon Elf 20%, Dark Elf 20%, Ghost Elf 10%)
Products: feather products, metal goods, gems, leather goods, mushrooms, beers & ales, silks &
Armed Forces: 1000 Eagle Riders Padded armour, buckler, scimitar, shortbow, bola, dagger, trident.
Major Temples: Aerdrie Faenya, Sehanine Moonbow, Gaerron Lord of the Eagles, Rillifane, Solonor,
Erevan Ilesere, Fenmarel Mestarine.
Magi of Note: Eagle Lords of Aerdrie Faenya (Blade Singers & Arcane Archers), Ladies of Air & Light,
Lords of the Winds.
Organisations of Note: Eagle trainers & breeders guild, Silver Shards Sky Masters architects and stone
shapers, Ellotorian Weapons Masters & Master Smiths, Kaldigards Finest Leathers.
Notable Locations: Aerie of the Eagle Queens, Sky Lords Palace, Anacoraam Citadel, Sky Gliders Launch
Platforms & Builders.
Local Lore: The community of Ashtaar is a series of cliff side aeries, caves and pueblo style settlements
set high upon the cliffs of the Sunset Mountains populated by a mixed population of elvish clans whose
only loyalty is to their clan lords and each other. The clan leaders pay nominal homage to the Rulers
Council in Myth Gaellium, most of the people live with their eagle steeds in large multi-storied, terraced
pueblos and in similar villages built in recesses in at least 500 up in the soaring jagged cliffs. Many
mountain sides are covered with high rice and maze growing terraces and the people also breed horned
mountain sheep for their wool, milk and meet. The haunting calls of rams horn hunting horns can be
heard echoing mournfully through the mountain valleys and glades. The elves of Ashtaar are born to
ride their eagle partners, who are larger than the average giant eagles and intelligent to boot. Most
everyone rides an eagle at some time in their lives, almost all are accomplished climbers and
mountaineers and those to old, young or infirm to ride are often transported in the giant cliff-gliders
manufactured in the larger cliff top settlements.

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The settlements are fiercely independent and there is great inter-clan rivalry which occaisionally spills
over into violence, but this is rarely deadly and often highly ritualised. The eagle riders of Ashtaar fear
no one and even the local dragons have learned to leave them well alone. Often detachments of eagle
riders will operate within lowland settlements but this is always for pay and only ever for a set time or
purpose. Some clans do hire out as mercinaries but never act against another group of Ashtaarii elves.
There is one thing guarenteed to unite the clans, and that is to attack a fellow clan member. Some how
all the clans are related by blood or marriage and racial differences are more cosmetic than cultural.

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Myth Galloaer - Myth Galloaer

Brief Description: Cliff top tree city

Who Rules: Sky Lords of Aerdrie Faenya
Population: 8600 (Green Elves 40%, Moon Elves 20%, Dark Elves 20%, Ghost Elves 10%, Others 10%)
Products: scrolls, lore gems & crystals, potions, religious items, silks, ropes, wines, aerial harnesses &
weaponry, weapons & armour.
Armed Forces: 2500 eagle riders padded armour, buckler, scimitar, dagger, trident, bola, shortbow.
Major Temples: Aerdrie Faenya, Selune, Gaerron Lord of the Eagles, Rillifane, Solonor, Erevan Ilesere,
Fenmarel Mestarine.
Magi of Note: Kannafei Lords of Sea and Sky, 19 Stars of Corellon Circle, Eagle Queens High Magi Circle.
Organisations of Note: Platinum Falls Pearl Harvesters Guild, Skyship Growers & Shapers Guild,
Orannafei Eagle Riders and Husbanders Academy, Skysong Spell DSingers and Cloud Shapers Guild.
Notable Locations: The Platinum Falls, Aerie of the Eagle Queens, Fourcloud Palace, Greywing Citadel,
Valley of the Three Winds Singing.
Local Lore: Perched high atop two thousand foot high table top mountains in the sprawling city of Myth
Galloaer. Established 10000 years before the arrival of the Durothils from Tintageer, Galloaer was more
much of its history a home to a vast population of Avariel Elves and their Great Eagle brothers and
sisters. War, famine and the coming of the reptillian races saw a rapid decline in Avariel numbers, so
that in time they abandoned their cliff top holdings and flew south across the great oceans and into the
mists of time.

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Abandoned for an age the city and its aging mythal were discovered by Green and Dark Elf refugees
from the Sundering of Illythiir. Seeking to escape the evil sorceries of their surviving overlords the Elves
of Myth Galloaer vowed to never again allow themselves to be subject to rulers who built their power
upon tghe misery of others. Befriended by the great eagle sorcerers the refugees repaired the city and
re-established its defences, over time othetr groups of refugees found their way to the cliff top realm
and were adopted into the clans of the table top mountains. The citys mythal protect it from direct
visual observation and the natural weather systems mean that the tree city is almost always covered in
mist and cloud. Most of the community live in carefully shaped hollowed out giant kauri, banyan, fig,
elm and redwood trees. Hidden high in the vine and moss covred canopy tree flets and craftily hidden
tree homes straddle the enourmous branches deep within the ever present mists of the high forest.

The Great Eagles are ruled by a clan of eagle sorcerers and druids, they are allied with and bonded to
the elves who share their cliff top homes. Even the dragons fear them, and many of these great birds are
of an age equak to many of the ancient wyrms with whom they share the mountain peaks. Their aeries
surround the city but they can be found with isolated elf clans throughout the table top range.

Vaerntillath - Vaerntillath
Brief Description: Walled Coastal Town & Floating Villages
Who Rules: Lady of the Jade Sea & Sea Gypsy King.
Population: 11000 (Green Elf 40%, Sea Elf 40%, Moon Elf 10%, Dark Elf 5%, Ghost Elf 5%)
Products: pearls, fish, sea weed, jade, marble, diamonds, emeralds, small boats, silk ropes, fine mithral
weapons & armours.
Armed Forces: 1000 Dolphin riders trident, buckler, sabre, dagger, blow gun.
2500 archers leather armour, buckler, sabre, longbow, dagger, spear.
300 Griffon Knights: mithral elf chain, elven longsword, elven shortsword, dagger, longbow, javelin,
longspear, bola.
Major Temples: Deep Sashelas, Solonor, Aerdrie, Sehanine, Corellon.
Magi of Note: Caerlite Starsingers, Sword Mages of the Blue Dolphin Dreaming, Wave Singers of Star
Organisations of Note: pearl farmers co-operative, Sea Gypsies council, Gem Miners Guild, rope makers
& silk weavers markets.
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Notable Locations: Fish farmers & netters village, floating markets, Sea Gypsies floating village, Tree
Palace of the Jade Princess, Jade Sea Wall and beacon tower.

Local Lore:
This insular community of sea going green elves, sea elves and a small community of moon, dark and
ghost elf famers, armourers and merchants has established an harmonious interdependence, and as
such most elves living here are of mixed sea and land elf heritage, quite capable of living above or below
the waves. The towns population is evenly divided between those who dwell on shore, upon the fishing
boats or in the grottos and sea stilt houses above or below the waters of the Jade Sea. The Sea gypsies
are an independent lot and are not really subjects of the realm, but freely dwell here becuase of the
long familial connections. The sea elves have lived here since just after the flooding of the Jade Sea,
they have as many connections with the sea gypsies as they do with the small community of permanant
land dwellers.

The Jade Lady is a Half Sea-Moon Elf with dark and green elf ancestors, she is a high mage and priestess
and chosen of Deep Sashelass, and is the 20th Jade Lady to rule here. If ever the town is attacked then
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she is willing, along with her guard, the Griffon Knights to lay down her life to give her people time to
flee to the waters. The floating markets are popular with travellers from all across the three realms and
with travellers from across the Sea of Fallen Stars. The most popular items are the pearls and gems set
within fine silver and platinum jewellery. Also in high demand are the mithral weapons and armour
created by the sea gypsies in their water born forges and smithies, using metals mined from deep
beneath the waves. The Jade ladies most prized possession is the Sashelan Glass, an artifact capable of
transforming whole communities of beings into water breathing creatures. With the constant border
wars between Orishaar and Illythiir many people from both realms have travelled north to visit the Jade
Lady with the express purpose of being transformed into sea going elves in an attempt to escape the
troubles and strife of the surface world.

Myth Gaellium - Myth Gaellium

Brief Description: Lake Side city astride forest covered hills.
Who Rules: High Council of Matrons & Matriarchs.
Population: 62500 (Moon Elves 50%, Green Elves 30%, Sea Elves 10%, Dark Elves 5%, Ghost Elves 5%).
Products: mithral weapons & armours, scholarly works, magic items, dry goods, exotic animals, lore
books and gems, silk, fruits & vegetables, herbs & spices, art works, musical instruments.
Armed Forces: 3000 light infantry studded leather armour, scimitar, full rectangular shield, javelin,
dagger, battle axe, shortbow.
1000 Heavy infantry elven chain mail, kite shield, scimitar, dagger, longbow, long spear.
1500 light cavalry studded leather, buckler, scimitar, dagger, shortbow, long spear.
300 Mercenary eagle riders see above.
300 Mercenary dolphin riders see above.
500 Mercenary river boat sailors see above.
Major Temples: Sehanine Moonbow, Deep Sashelass, Solonor, Eilistraee, Erevan Ilesere, Siamorphe
Magi of Note: Azure Fires of the Brilliant Sun Circle, Thunder Shields of the Great Soul Tree Blade &
Spell Singers, Naga Lords & Ladies of the Serpent.
Organisations of Note: Spellblade Ladies of the Matriarchs, Academy of Corellons Grace University
and Magic academy, Brotherhood of Foresters and Tree Wardens.
Notable Locations: Pearl Palace of the Matrons & Matriarchs, Twisted Towers of the Naga The Great
Soul Tree and surrounding groves, Fellowship of Smithies & Armourers forges and armouries.
Local Lore: The greatest city of Eillur, and the second oldest. This sprawling collection of interconnected
groves and soaring granite and marble towers has spread itself over a vast area covering more than 10
square miles. It is one of the few cities able to been seen from space much thre city is made up of
sprawling parks and gardens interspersed with vast tracts of virgin forest and small lakes and streams
that all flow into the Sea of Snakes. The Moon Elves here are immigrants from Orishaar and share much
in common with their southern cousins. That aside they also reject many of the more negative aspects
of Orishaarii culture. The greatest high magi and priests of the realm gather here at the cities various
seats of learning, the standing army patrols the rivers and woods within 100 miles of the city, and have
been known to help out other cities and settlements of the realm in times of need. This doesnt happen
too often as the Matrons dont like to put themselves into debts of honour with other members of the
council as this can upset the delicate balance of power.
The realm is ruled by a council of powerful women who head up the major clans on Eillur, each city and
settlement send its representatives along to live in the city with their families and entourage. This acts
to keep the various clans in line as their rulers must spend much of their time fending of the
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machinations of their equally ambitious and narciscistic fellow rulers. This form of rule keeps the
kingfdom week and harks back to the Three Leaves Wars, when the machinations of the Illythiiri
exposed the mewling corruption of Eiellurs clan lords and led to their expulsion and the establishment
of the Ruling Council of Matriarchs, over seen by the Great Mother who acts as Araegisess and
independent umpire at meetings and decisions of the council. The independent tribes and clans of the
realm pay only nominal homage to the Ladies in the city and there is little here to interest them. Apart
from trade opportunities and the fine weapons and armours manifactured here the vast majority of
Eiellurs people have little reason to visit this hotbed of political intrigue and debauchery.
The mythal covering the city is amongst the most ancient and is failing slowly, there are those who could
repair it but the politics involved means that this is never likely to happen. This is a pity really as the
mythal is sentient and one of the most powerful ever created by the elves of the Great Sun Sea.

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Ellin Ellin
Brief Description: Isolated arboreal community.
Who Rules: Leaf Ladies and Lords of Rillifane and Eldath
Population: 3700 (Green Elves 75%, Dark Elves 10%, Ghost Elves 3%, Moon Elves 2%).
Products: Bows, forest fruits and fungi, silks & ropes, grown tree homes, potions & scrolls, education,
healing balms, herbs and spices.
Armed Forces: 500 archers leather armour, longbow, scimitar, dagger, spear.
600 Foresters Priests, druids, rangers & clerics of Rillifane & Eldath leather armour, bola, staff, club,
throwing sticks (boomerangs), bucklers, spears, longbows.
Major Temples: Rillifane, Eldath.
Magi of Note: Organisations of Note: Foresters & Tree Wardens Guild, High Ladies of the Trees,
Notable Locations: Mighty Banyan of Arvandor, Feywaters of the Blue temple to Eldath, Neveraan
Grove of Rillifane, Kellstarlon Tree Hall and Citadel.
Local Lore: Long established as a retreat for the more peace loving and those closest to nature, the tree
settlement of Ellin is dominated by the clergy and followers of Rillifane and Eldath. All here are
vegetarians and have withdrawn from the daily dealings of their fellow elves, seeking attunement and
enlightenment through communion with nature and living a life of reflective and harmonious peace and
contemplation. To this end the residents would rather hide than fight, run away and allow there
communitts indiviual settlements to burn. They will fight and are quite implaccable when roused but
this is rarely the case. Quite a few gold and silver dragons reside amongst the elves here and they help
tio guarentee its peaceful and neutral state of existence. Located in a tree filled valley on a sweeping
bend of the river Ellin has always been small, it is largely hidden by its craftily constructed tree halls and
homes. Its trees have lots of staircases inside tree trunks, leading in one direction to underground
storage caverns, not usual for Elven habitations, and in the other to treetop "rooms" walled in treeboughs magically shaped into cradle-like frame works, through which are woven growing broadleaf
plants. The city is dominated by the stately theurglass tree towers that dot the landscape topped by the
giant stone platforms and aeries built to accommodate the citys numerous dragons and the families of
their riders. The entire is a mixture of the natural and the magically grown, with much of the city hidden
above, within and below the trees and natural rock formations that are scattered about the city. Only a
few rope bridges and wooden lifts give access to the upper reaches of the city and these are carefully
guarded at all times.
Elf priests use combinations of spells that cause trees to grow into dense barriers of boughs, thorns, and
foliage, to confuse scent tracking and by causing predators to "look past" enspelled areas and be unable
to notice that they're doing so, and general confusion/fatigue spells that afflict all who don't carry
"keys" talismans or tokens conferring immunity to those spells. In other words, wander near and you'll
feel disoriented and tired and subconsciously want to get away, but aside from getting away won't want
to do anything else energetic.

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Ssrisargaroth - Ssrisargaroth
Brief Description: Stone citadel and surrounding communities.
Who Rules: Grand Duke or Duchess and council of noble advisors.
Population: 5400 (Dark Elf 80%, Moon Elf 15%, Green Elf 3%, Ghost Elf 2%).
Products: Adamantine weapons & armour, magical items, leather goods, large weapons, wines, ales,
spirits & beers, clothing, metal goods, potions & lore gems, river boats & barges.
Armed Forces: 350 Darksong Knights elven chainmail, elven longsword, elven shortsword, buckler,
shortbow, dagger, polearm, longspear.
500 - Star Knights of the Shattered Sword - elven chainmail, elven longsword, elven shortsword, buckler,
shortbow, dagger, polearm, longspear.
250 Dusk Knights of the Waxing Moon - elven chainmail, elven longsword, elven shortsword, buckler,
shortbow, dagger, polearm, longspear.
Major Temples: Eilistraee, Corellon, Angharad.
Magi of Note: New Moon High magic Circle, Orcs Eye Blade Singers College, Ladies of the Matron,
Mother & Maiden High Magic Circle.
Organisations of Note:
Notable Locations:
Local Lore:
A place of exiles, the city of Sunlit Shadows is the home to a community of Eilistraee worshippers driven
from their lands in the south by the Gaunadaur worshippers of Illythiir. Ruled by the exiled princess,
Halynnamiir dalHune, the elves of the various clans are totally loyal to the princess and to the realm
that gave them succour. The central citadel houses much of the population including the three orders of
knights, each one dedicated to one of the three patron deities of the realm. Its high towers and
imposing 100 high, 30 thick, granite walls and 150 high conical towers stand guard over a community
thast lives in constant fear that those they escaped from and who demanded their deaths will come for
them, so for 2000 years they have been in constant training for that day.

The weapons and armour produced here are made with ores mined far to the north and sent south by
their cousins in Miyeritar. In turn the weapons are sent north as payment for the ores. There is much
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trade and cultural interchange between the elves of Ssrisargaroth and Miyeritar. The warrior priests
here are amongst the finest defenders of the realm, and have been called on by all peoples of the
kingdom to defend them at some time. This is the price the people here are willing to pay for being
allowed to exist in peace and harmony. The current ruler is just the 6 th in over 2000 years since their
exile from the tropical south.

Surrounding the citadel are endless fish filled lakes, streams and ponds surrounded by glittering gold
covered pagodas and stupas and gardens. Villas and palaces dot the surrounding landscape and further
out are the farms and orchards that fee the city and also supply fresh food to many of the smaller
surrounding communities. The greatest of these out buildings is the summer palace of the ruling
princess, its archtecture is open and airy reflecting the homes and villas of the tropical south from
whence many of these exiles ancestors originally came.

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Syorpiir Syorpiir
A land born of freedom, in a world where slavery and tyrrany reigned, the realm of Syorpiir has always
been a bulwark against the overweening ambitions of both Orishaar and Illythiir. First to out the Illythiiri
spies who began the Three Leaves wars (which continue sporadically), the rulers of Syorpiir have done
what ever was necessary to maintain a stable and independent realm. The steaming rainforests of the
south and the rolling uplands of the Thunder Plains form a verdant backdrop to the rich diversity of
flora, fauna, and culture of this vibrant and exotic realm. The principality is the oldest of the northern
realm and was formed by Moon Elves ex slaves and Sun Elven Elven nobles fleeing the narcicistic tyrrany
of their Aryvandaaran overlords. Peace has been hard won, but over the millenia, it has become a
corner stone of their existence and they will die to the last elf to defend it.
This intractable attitude and ingrained self belief has enabled the elves of Syorpiir to resist the current
invasion of their realm by Orishaaran mercenaries. The fact that some notables are recruiting
mercinaries from Illythiir and the Misty Vale says much about the diverse politics that controls the
realm, even a few decades ago such a thing would not have been contemplated. But now with the
deaths or exile of most of the royal line, all possibilities are being explored, even an alliance with
Sharlarion, the very city state they fled from so many millenia ago.

Gildalaer - Gildalaer
Brief Description: Small tree city
Who Rules: Prince or Princess of the Realm & council of clan elders.
Population: 6600 (Sun Elf 75%, Moon Elf 10%, Green Elf 10%, Dark Elf 5%)
Products: Living crystal tree towers, theurcrystal art works, floating towers & citadels, magic items,
leather and timber products.
Armed Forces: 2500 archers leather armour, elven longsword, longbow, dagger, spear.
Major Temples: Corellon, Angharad, Rilifane, Eilistraee, Solonor.
Magi of Note: Golden Legions of the Rising Sun High & battle magi society, Crystalomancers of the
Fallen Moon.
Organisations of Note: Kalongrymm Legion Mercinary Company, Crystal Towers freelance builders &
dwelling designers guild.
Notable Locations: Fourteen Tree Towers of Lifes Breath, Cascading Ponds of Angharads Joy, Arching
Palace of the Light of Arvanaith.

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Local Lore: Gildalaer has managed to keep itself apart from the troubles that have plagued the rest of
the realm for much of the last 5000 year. Eastablished as a colony of the capital when its own
population grew beyond its wall, the site was chosen because of its location within the hills of Angharad,
named as such because it was an avatar who led the people here when they originally fled north from
the slave pits of Illythiir. The entire settlement is made up of 300 theurcrystal living tree towers
interconnected with a web of silken rope and swing bridges. Most tree towers are over 300 high, with
several towering well above 500 at the heart of the community which strtches over a 50 square mile
area. The elves here tend to mind their own business and have an uncomfortable relationship with
those occupying Syorpiirs former capital. The Golden Legions are currently on the payroll of the
Princess and have been the difference between independence and subjugation by an avaricious

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The crystalomancers here are in demand through out the south and inparticular in Illythiir. Their talents
are the art works they produce can be found in all the great cities of the south. The remaining rulers are
even now in secret negotiations with the Pcions of Illythiir in an attempt to enlist their help against
Orishaar without losing their hard won independence. Theit distants cousins within the Misty Vale have
been helping with negotiations and have supplied much information on Orishaaran troop movements as
well as providing mercinaries willing to fight alongside their northern kin against Syorpiirs enemies. No
matter who or where they are.

Sardelmir - Sardelmir
Brief Description: Crystal tower mountain fastness.
Who Rules: Prince or Princess of the Realm & council of clan elders.
Population: 9000 (Sun Elf 80%, Moon Elf 10%, Green Elf 5%, Dark Elf 3%, Other 2%).
Products: Exotic plants & animals, gems & jewellery, metal products, weapons & armour.
Armed Forces: 3000 archers chain mail, elven longsword, dagger, longbow, spear.
Major Temples: Rillifane, Angharad, Erevan, Solonor, Eilistraee.
Magi of Note: Maasorynorl High Magic Circle, Elkorinn Circle of Crystalomancers & Life Shapers. Eagle
Riders of Gerlindaar Blade & Spell Singers.
Organisations of Note: Sisterhood of the Emerald Crown, Calcalimn Order of Battle Poets & Minstrels,
Sarborlan, Royal Order of Foresters, Rangers, Scouts & Guides.
Notable Locations: Garnet Star Citadel, Gorodium Amphitheatre, The High-Tor Aerie, Skystone Markets,
Beldaraen Libraries and University, Emerald Crown Bibliorum.
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Local Lore: Located high within the Azure Ranges, on the rising shores of Callorsitan Meer, the brightly
glowing, crystal towers of this city send sparkling waves of light out across the mirror like waters of its
high mountain lake. The Elves here have never been conquered and show no signs of giving into
Orishaaran overtures any time soon. Their independence lies in the power of the more than 200 High
magi who call the city home. The mythal covering the city makes all but impossible for any being other
than those who live within it from accessing any form of magic what so ever. There are perculiar racial
exclusions such as all dragons and anyone with goblinoid blood, but also avariel and those with seaelven blood within their veins.
A shimmering crystaline wall dotted with great towers topped with multifaceted domes guards the city
from external, above ground intruders. The central palace, the Garnet Star Citadel, is home to the
Moonfire Prince, a high mage who rules with an iron fist in a silken glove.

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The forests above and around the city are home to mounatin dwelling clans of Green Elves who are
fiercely loyal to the Prince and have a well earned reputation as head hunters and flayers of enemies
hides and sending them back as a warning to others to stay away from their mountain fastness. Known
as a source of great arcane achievments and works of art, Sardelmir is a centre of learning for peoples
all across the three realms. Individuals mat petition for entry to the city if they have only come for the
purposes og learning and sharing wisodom and knowledge. The greatest libraries within the Sun Sea
region are located within the city as are the greatetst sc holars of the age.

Hathoss - Hathoss
Brief Description: Loose collection of tree hamlets & steadings.
Who Rules: High Sherriff and council of merchants crafters & famers.
Population: 7800 (Moon Elf 40%, Halfling 40%, Forest Gnome 10%, Green Elf 5%, Dark Elf 5%)
Products: Agricultural & horticultural products, metal goods, horses, art works, timber products, silver
ware, toys, beers & ales, wool & flax, silks, pack animals (alpacas & water buffalo).
Armed Forces: 600 Elven Archers - chain mail, elven longsword, dagger, longbow, spear.
500 Halfling Slingers leather armour, buckler, shortsword, dagger, sling.
300 Gnomish Artillerists & Grenadiers chain mail, light crossbow, light ballista & catapult, dagger, hand
Major Temples: Solonor, Angharad, Gond, Brandobaris, Eilistraee.
Magi of Note: Dark Lady of Twilight Corselutaar of the realm, Jalsimmer coven of agrimancers &
weather shapers, Blue Briar Mechansaars of Gond.
Organisations of Note:
Notable Locations:
Local Lore: Long ago a group of slaves fled north from the ruins of Illythiir when it was destroyed in the
Sundering. Amongst that group were selveral dozen gnomes ansd halflings who follwed their Green
Moon and Dark Elf saviours north into the mist covered rainforests north of the Plains of Thunder. After
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many years travelling they settled within the vale they currently occupy and established a community of
co-dependent hamlets, villages and steadings. Nowadays these communities have spread far beyond
ther original valley so that now the community of Hathoss covers the hills and valleys either side of
Hathdale. A bucolic abd deeply secretive society. They have little time for outsiders, and tend to hide
from, then slay those who disturb their peaceful lives.

Merchants who approach cautiously with nothing to hide then they can become quite wealthy trading
with the various mixed race communitys here. The ony form of law enforcment here are the Local
Sherriffs who can call upon the local militias to help protect the community. Whilst fiercely
independent, they are also implaccably loyal to the Crown Prince. This is the price they are happy to pay
for a life of secluded freedom to live as they choose.

Baerglimm Baerglimm
Brief Description: Walled port city.
Who Rules: Military Governor (Formerly the crown prince of Syorpiir).
Population: 52400 (Moon Elves 50%, Green Elves 20%, Sun Elves 20%, Dark Elves 5%, Others 5%).
Products: Ships & coastal boats of all kinds, Chandlery, sails & ropes, cotton & flax, clothing, weapons &
armour, diamonds & other rare gems, wool & rice, cheeses, wines & spirits, fruits & vegetables, books &
scrolls, leather goods, live stock.
Armed Forces: 5000 Heavy Infantry chainmail, longshield, glaive, scimitar, dagger, javelin, shortbow.
2500 Marines/sailors sabre, dagger, hand axe, shortbow, spear.
800 Knights of the Sapphire Moon chainmail, kite shield, longbow, elven longsword, dagger, longspear,
batle axe.
Major Temples: Angharad, Rillifane, Corellon, Labelas,
Magi of Note: Court Magi of the Military Gonernor, Dark Spirits of Liberty Hidden High Mage Circle,
Ship shapers & growers guild.
Organisations of Note: Azure Kingfishers occupational mercinary company, Gelldelorn Free Merchants
Society, Black Robes (Military magi, inquisitors & spellsingers), Delladin Life Shapers & Crystalomancers.
Notable Locations: Fallarsilvv Harbour Guild and Merchants Halls, Crystal Snows Manor, Tower of the
Seven Suns, Occupational Citadel of the Military Govenor, Palace of the Fallen Dreams.
Local Lore: Formerly the capital of Syorpiir and home the the Dellyndoraar ruling family, this ancient city
of classical Moon Elf architecture is a city suffering the occupation of Orishaaran troops. A town of
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crafters, artisans and merchants, the city is the hub of all trade passing in and out of the three northern
realms. In times past its strong military traditions managed to keep invaders at bay, but with the
sudden death of Princess Alathena, and with no clear successors, some greedy nobles of Orishaar siezed
the opportunity to expand their reach across the Sun Sea. Since their surprise invasion, and occupation
of the capital, the merchant nobles of Orishaar and their mercinary lackeys have ruled the city with an
mithral fist whilst maintaining a strangle hold on the trade coming north across the sea.

The occupational troops control the sweeping plains around the city, but as yet are loosing the war
when it comes to forest battles. Of late Dark Elven mercinaries wearing the liveries of Illythiir have been
seen amongst those forces opposed to Orishaaran occupation. The exiled heir to the throne, Crown
Prince Orlkashaar resides in distant Attornash, awaiting the time when he can reclaim his throne and
punish the Orishaarn usurpers. The city itself rises from the waters edge, with buildings right up to the
sea walls. The walls are 60 high, 20 thick crenellated blocks of enspelled granite topped by 3 wicked
barbicans interspersed soaring conical towers topped with deadly siege machines of unique design. The
citizens are taxed heavily and any dissention is quickly stepped on. Life goes on as normal so long as the
local merchants only do business with those baring licenses (them selves very expensive), issued by the
Governor and those business types hailing from Orishaar itself.

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The harbour city of Baerglimm Baerglimm

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The Grand Empire of Orishaar

Founded by Moon Elves seeking a life away from the stifling traditions and customs of Aryvandaar and
seeking to return to their maritime roots, in the tradition of their Moonflower progenitors. The realm of
Orishaar has always been a rival for dominance within the region of ancient Illythiir. While both nations
were adversely affected by the effects of the sundering, neither nation could gain pre-eminence for
millenia. Orishaar dominated the northern and western shores of the Sea of Dreams, whilst Illythiir
controlled the south and eastern reaches. Border conflicts and petty wars were common place for much
of their joint history. Both nations flourished as they dominated their neighbours through intimidation,
trade monoplies and war. The balance only tipped when the Vyshaan came to power.
Seeing the High Queen of Orishaar as a potential rival to ultimate power and hegemony in the south, the
Coronal of Aryvandaar betrayed his southern allies to their Illythiiri rivals thus removing a potential rival
and giving the forces of Aryvandaar a pretext for invdading the south. The survivors of Orishaar, sensing
a change in the winds, allied themselves with their Illythiiri overlords, making available their surviving
fleets and crews to the Dark Elven armies in their war against Aryvandaar to the north. The corsairs of
Orishaar remained to terrorise the southern seas right up until the end of the last Crown War, when the
combined fleets of Illefarn and Keltormir finally drove them from their island fastness on Harnost. Thus
bringing to an end the once great abd infamous realm of Orishaar.

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Aelaviir - Aelaviir
Brief Description: Walled port city.
Who Rules: Grand Sea Lord & Council of Captains.
Population: 105000 (Moon Elf 65%, Sun Elf 20%, Dark Elf 10%, Green Elf 3%, Other 2%)
Products: Ships, sails, rope, chandlery, food stuff, weapons & armour, timber products, metal goods,
herbs & spices, beers, wines spirits & ales, clothing, buildings, education, magic items, art works &
musical instruments.
Armed Forces: 15000 heavy infantry (chainmail, kite shield, scimitar, dagger, longbow, longspear.)
3000- marines/sailors (leather armour, scimitar, buckler, battle axe, dagger, shortbow)
1000 Griffon Riders (studded leather, longspear, scimitar, dagger, bola, shortbow)
1500 heavy Cavalry (chainmail, shield, lance, scimitar, shortbow, dagger, flail)
Major Temples: Angharad, Corellon, Deep Sashelass, Labelass, Waukeen, Eilistraee, Solonor, Valkur.
Magi of Note: High Magi of the Ocean Depths, War Lords & Ladies of the Argent Moon, Glittering
Crescent Magi Circle, Lore Ladies & Sojourn Librarians,
Organisations of Note: Sea Lords Map Makers & Explorers Guild, Starfire Ship Makers, Verdant Spires
Life Shapers Guild, Melankorns Silk Weavers and Growers.
Notable Locations: 44 Spires of the Sea Lords Citadel, Knowledge Seekers Librarium of the Ages, Mithral
Crescent of the Triune Goddess, Galvonstars Shipyards, Feanaryll Harbour, Aschers Beacon, Contiadors
Brewerers & Vintners halls, Sfatrfire hall.
Local Lore: The oldest and largest city of Orishaar, Aelviir is home to the Corsairs of the Crescent Sun,
and is the main trading hub for all trade coming into the Great Sun Sea region. It has the south coasts
best and deepest harbour, it was here at the dawn of the nations birth that the fleets of Moon Elven
dragon and swan ships found safe anchorage after a journey of more than a year seeking a land of
promise. The founding settlers seeking new markets and opportunities chose the Bay of the Argent
Moon as the site of there new settlement. From here many headed north and east seeking to establish
new holdings free of the stifling traditions of the old world cities of Aryvandaar. Prevented from
migrating south because of aggressive moves of Illythiiri borderers the people of Aelviir began building a
bigger and better harbour and bigger and better ships and soon gained a strangle hold on sea trade
through out the Great Sun Sea and the Sea of Dreams.

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The city itself is a glittering collection of soaring towers, stately manors and glittering spires over looking
a harbour filled with the countless sails of ships of a hundred nations from around the known world.
Orishaaran colonies established all across the greater southern seas all started from this city and over
the course ofthe life of the city, many times its own populations have found new homes in the realms
far from their maritime home. Aelviir is the greatest hub of maritime trade outside of Aelinthaldaar in
Illefarn. The two cities compete for markets, and the corsairs operating from this safe harbour are
infamous throughout the Shining Seas as the most ruthless and blood thirsty collection of sea going
pirates of the western realms.

Aagentyr Aagentyr
Brief Description: Hill top citadel and cavern/mining complex.
Who Rules: The Mithral Lord & Council of Guild Masters
Population: 56000 (Moon Elves 35%, Sun Elf 10%, Green Elf 25%, Dark Elf 20%, Rock Gnome 10%)
Products: Mithral, silver, gold, lead, copper, iron, armour & weapons, gems, jewellery, metal goods.
Armed Forces: 1000 heavy infantry (chainmail, shield, lance, scimitar, shortbow, dagger, flail)
250 Griffon Riders (studded leather, longspear, scimitar, dagger, bola, shortbow)
500 Gnomish Tunnel rats (platemail, pickaxe, crossbow, spear, dagger).
Major Temples: Garl Glittergold, Eilistraee, Angharad, Corellon, Dumathoin, Solonor).
Magi of Note: Geomancers and Mage Miners, Mithral Smiths and Metal Shapers, Gem Enhancers &
Enchanters Guild, Garnet & Tourmalline High mage circles.
Organisations of Note: Gem Mine Owners & Cutters Cartel, Metal Smiths and Enchanters Colleges, The
Garlgoloth Miners & Labourers Consortium.
Notable Locations: Gnomish Miners Compound and Barracks, Mines overseers castle, High Fortess of
the M ithral Lord, The Wall (100 high, 50 thick curtain wall surrounding the entire city, with 130 high
square towers every 100 feet, Great hall of the Guild Lords, Palace of Garnet Spires.
Local Lore: Long seen as the centre of mining and weapons manufacture within the kingdom, the mines,
smelters and smithies run all night and day, every day of the year with much of the underground work
being done by rock gnome miners who are well compensated and looked after for their services. This
symbiotic relationship has allowed Orishaar to equip her armies with the finest weapons and armour
within the Sun Sea region. With the abundant wealth supplied from the Garnet Hills Mines, the High
Queens of Orishaar have recently begun expanding their reach beyond their traditional dominance of
the southern seas and islands and have begun persuing their dreams of empire at the expense of their
neighbours to the north.
The people of Aagentyr are a mixed lot with many coming here seeking to make their fortunes in the
frontier like conditions of this industrial Moon Elven city. Their methods are as much in tune with
nature as a mining and manufacturing city can be and are reniniscent of the industrial cities found
throughout northern Tintageer millenia ago.

Porathoss - Porathoss
Brief Description: Fortress city and citadel.
Who Rules: Sky Lord and Council of Dragon Lords
Population: 28700 (Moon Elf 75%, Sun Elf 10%, Dark Elf 10%, Other 5%)
Products: iron, silver, copper, lead, gold, mithral, metal goods, wines & ales, hides & meat, leather
goods, weapons & armour, livestock.
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Armed Forces: 360 Dragons & Riders (studded leather, pole axe, shortbow, scimitar, dagger.)
500 Griffon Riders (studded leather, longspear, scimitar, dagger, bola, shortbow)
1500 Heavy Infantry (chainmail, kite shield, scimitar, dagger, longbow, longspear.)
2000 Archers (leather armour, scimitar, dagger, longbow, spear)
Major Temples: Bahamut, Angharad, Aerdrie Faenya, Corellon, Eilistraee.
Magi of Note: Dragon Magi of Nareen, Hawkwind Ladies of the Sshindalaen, Gathoss High Magic Circle,
Battle Magi of the Redeemers.
Organisations of Note: Dragon Riders of the Karnathon, Cliff Side Vintners, Sky Hunters Guild.
Notable Locations: Ardanost Dragon Aerie, Palace of Bitter Winds , Citadel Soaring home of the Sky
Lords, Callium Mines, Sky Magi College and Academy of the Air.
Local Lore: Built atop and within the towering buttes and volcanic peaks of the Callium Range, Porathoss
houses those elves and dragons loyal to the High Queen of Orishaar. Over the centuries there has been
a great deal of interbreeding between the two races, such that many elves can claim at least one dragon
ancestor, and all of the dragons have had atleast 1 elven partner. The people here are unusually fecund
for elves and the citys population is but 1/10th of the total number of elvenand draconic members of
the Dragon Clans of Porathoss. The city is also famous for its fine weapons and armours, many are
made to incorporate discarded dragon scales, hides, claws and teeth. These items are very expensive
when tempered by the combined might of elven and draconic magic.
Just as famous are the wines made from the alpine grapes grown on cliff side ledegs and terraces, these
vinyards are famous throughot the tropical south as one of the few places where decent red wines are
made. The city itself is a high walled citadel topped by towers crowned by stone aeries and often
surrounded by flying, frolicking dragons and their riders. Much of the city is within the mountains and
spread out over several square miles of table top mountain and ancient volcanic vents. Merchants
approach the city via skyship, or one of the few treacherous trails that wind up the cliff sides to the
moutain tops. Griffon ridng knights will often overfly approaching parties and if attacked a partol od
dragons may come to investigate. Most dragons have High or Battle Magi, Blade Singers, or Spell
Singers as partners/lovers/husbands & wives, and all belong to one of the 10 major Elf/Dragon Clans,
the Sky Lord is a cousin to the High Queen and one of the few she will listen to because of his
implaccable forthrightness and honesty.

Myth Lurue - Myth Lurue

Brief Description: Mythal clad forest city and central palace city.
Who Rules: High Queen of Orishaar & ruling council of Lords.
Population: 45000 (Moon Elf 80%, Sun Elf 10%, Dark Elf 5%, Others 5%).
Products: magic items, education, potions & scrolls, music & art, musical instruments, clothing, cotton,
silk, leather goods, bows, arrows, weapons & armour, jewllery.
Armed Forces: 2500 heavy infantry (chainmail, kite shield, scimitar, dagger, longbow, longspear.)
800 heavy knights (chainmail, shield, longspear, longbow, scimitar, dagger, javelin.)
3000 Archers (leather armour, scimitar, dagger, longbow, spear)
Major Temples: Angharad, Corellon, Solonor, Labelass, Eilistraee, Eldath, Valkur.
Magi of Note: Court High Magi of the Queen, Adamantine Ladies sisterhood of Crystalomancers and
Life Shapers, Black Rods of Admontaer, Circle of the Sapphire Sun, Metal Moon, Borlanue Stars.
Organisations of Note: Queens Guard of Ancient Glories, Pasacadaal Bards/Minstrels/Spell Singers
Guild, Elleth Bowyers & Fletchers Courts, Hunters of Darkness Royal Spies/Scouts & Pathfinders.

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Notable Locations: Grand Palace of the High Queens of Orishaar, Adamantine Citadel of the Knights of
Angharad, Library of Tintagen Lore and Antiquities, Korselmyr College of Music and the Arts, the Grand
Amphitheatre, the Galloaer Night Gardens.

Local Lore: Set deep within the primordial heart of the forest, the city of the Silver Queens is a jewel
reminiscent of the ancient cities of southern Tintageer. The trees growing within the city are almost all
descended from the three Baelar Trees grown from seeds found within the pockets of a refugee fleeing
the race wars of their ancient home. The city glows like a many jewelled tiara in the early morning light
as the sun light reflects of the many glittering theurcrystal towers and marble and granite mansions that
line the streets of this fabulous city. The city itself is a mixture of the natural and the grown, but all is
distinctly southern Tintageer is archtecture and cultural flavour. Many of the Moon Elves who had come
to Faerun prior to the final exodus from Tintageer have since found their way to Orishaar. The city is
shaped like an eight pointed star with major magi or priestly towers set at each of the major points. The
winding and hedge lined streets are designed with aethetics and defence in mind. Each rooftop is an
archery platform, each curving laneway and street a blind trap for invaders.

From her glittering, many spited palace at the heart of the city, the High Queen rules over all the fiefs,
principalties and cities of the kingdom, from conquered Baerglimm in the north, to the fortresses of the
southern border lords, the Queens word is law. Descended directly from Sharlario Moonflower, the
women who have ruled this land have done so in the finest traditions of sailors, caravaneers, merchants
and traders, creating a maritime trading empire spread all over the Great South Seas. The Queens royal
writ has allowed the Corsairs of Orishaar to trade and raid all over the knowm world, with some fleets
even vetring back to the seas of Faerie to bring riches and wealth to this already prosperous nation.

Harlonbyra Harlonbyra

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Brief Description: Lake side port town.

Who Rules: Lady of the Arlonn Deep
Population: 12100 (Moon Elf 50%, Green Elf 30%, Sun Elf 10%, Dark Elf 5%, Other 5%)
Products: fish, pearls, shell fish, kelp, timber products, gold, leaf boats, pleasure craft.
Armed Forces: 300 heavy infantry (chainmail, kite shield, scimitar, dagger, longbow, longspear.)
750 archers (leather armour, scimitar, dagger, longbow, spear)
500 marines/sailors (leather armour, scimitar, buckler, battle axe, dagger, shortbow)
Major Temples: Deep Sashelass, Angharad, Solonor, Corellon, Eilistraee).
Magi of Note: Portal Builders and Shapers, Ladies of the Starmirror Sea, Taluequess High Magi.
Organisations of Note: Pearl Farmers & Merchants Association, Leaf Boat & barge Growers & Shapers,
Kelp Farmers of the Arlonn Deep. Penderyll Song Knights of Ardeep.
Notable Locations: Green Pearl Bay pearl oyster farms, Grotto of the Adent Lady, Hirindor Pleasure
Craft, Taelgard leaf Boats and Barges, Coral Palace of the Ardent Lady.

Local Lore: A sleepy lakeside backwater, Harlonbyra is a city built upon the waters of the Mirrorstar Sea,
that sits within a forest filled valley known as the Arlonn Deep. The rulers coral and living timber palace,
sits a mile out from the shore, and nearly every pesron lives in rirver side stilt houses or upon river
boats. The green elves tend to live in tree hamlets and villages that surround the lake. Vast beds of
lotus blossoms surround the city as do countless canoes, leaf boats and pleasure craft helmed by
families seeking escape from the summer heat. The valley in which the city is located is protected from
the worst of the summer monsoons and hurricanes, pearls, pleasure craft, fresh water kelp products
and a haven for the rich and famous is what this city is noted for.

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The Ardent Lady, is a direct descendant of a union between the houses Moonflower and Amarillis, and
they have ruled here in peace and tranquility for most of the realms existence. The fact that there has
been a Green, Sea and Moon Elf community here since before the earliest migrations of the elves from
Faerie and Tintageer is lost on most elven scholars. The histories recorded and laid down upon the
mithral tablets kept in the Ladies Grotto, record the elves having always lived here, in small isolated
hamlets, even before the rise of the great Batrachi empires. This is not a closely guarded secret, just
esoteric knowledge about a group of Elven portals travellers seeking new worlds away from the troubles
and strife of the old.

Talevermine - Talevermine
Brief Description: Arboreal tree town.
Who Rules: Leaf Lord & council of clan nobles.
Population: 9000 (Moon Elf 45%, Green Elf 35%, Sun Elf 20%).
Products: forest products, fruits & vegetables, game meats, herbs & spices, silk & hemp, staves &
wands, magical items, exotic birds of prey, giant eagle chicks, clothing.
Armed Forces: 1200 archers (leather armour, scimitar, dagger, longbow, spear.)
300 eagle riders (leather armour, scimitar, dagger, shortbow, spear)
Major Temples: Aerdrie Faenya, Angharad, Corellon, Solonor.
Magi of Note: Beremfyr Free Magi of the Oak Lords, Werendol Tree Sheppards & Life Shapers,
Arasstynor High Magi.
Organisations of Note: Grey Eagles Aerial Legion, Tree Keepers & Arborists Guild, Stave Hammers Staff
& Wand Crafters Collective.
Notable Locations: Aerie of the Greys, Tree Towers of the Leaf Lord, Hemrenesta Village of Tree
Local Lore: Talevermine is your classical arboreal community. A carefully concealed city spread out
through a large region od dense, promordial forest. There are no roads or marked trails, and the average
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dwelling is well over 300 above the ground. Some of the trees are actually Eldar Treants who have
reached a stage of somnolence. These ancient beings tower 300 to 500 above the forest floor, and
count their ages well in to the 20th or 30th millenia. The elves here breed and ride a rare species of cloud
grey giant forest eagle that is large enough for an elf to ride, but agile enough to hunt beneath the forest
canopy. The feathered armour and cloaks made here have given the people who dwell within the
rainforest a reputation as silent hunter killers who swoop down upon their enemies from within the
forests murky, twilight filled depths. Many inhabitants dwell only in hollowed trees, or move from tree
flet, to tree flet in an endless seasonal cycle.
Traders from far and wide meet in the Great Green Glenn, a massive clearing 50 miles from the heart of
the city that acts as a communal market and place for clan gatherings. Clans and merchants approach
the clearing, which is 5 miles across and camp at its edge in the direction from whence they came.
There is no trade or free contact between the clans or merchants until differences between the groups
have been settled, usually by ritual combat and punishments. Once honour has been satisfied, trade
terms have been reached, marriages honoured or dissolved and news exchanged, it becomes a virtual
free for all as the people mix for ceremonies, celebratrions and trade.

Artelforlynn - Artelforlynn
Brief Description: river side tree town and docks
Who Rules: Lady of the Ryshaar River Valley
Population: 5500 (Moon Elf 50%, Green Elf 50%)
Products: bows, arrows, silk products, wooden items & timber furniture, forest fruits & herbs, game
meats, furs & hides, jewellery, clothing, semi-precious gems.
Armed Forces: 500 Archers (leather armour, scimitar, dagger, longbow, spear.)
320 Heavy Infantry (chainmail, kite shield, scimitar, dagger, longbow, longspear.)
50 eagle riders (leather armour, scimitar, dagger, shortbow, spear.)
Major Temples: Rillifane, Solonor, Aerdrie Faenya, Angharad.
Magi of Note: Fellendraer Moon Magi, Sehalune High Magi Circle, Vernallyndaar Portal Magi & Colony
Organisations of Note: Belltaynar River Runners, Gissonn Living Sculptures Collective, Faernath Tree
Herders, Gray Feather Riders of Illash, Hadronn Song Knights.
Notable Locations: Crystalmeer Docks, Emberleen Theurcrystal Tree Town, Ladys Floating Palace and
Barges, Ronars Bargewrights.

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Local Lore: Artelforlynn has been settled since the earliest recorded history of the elves, once located
within the island chain of Tintageer, the Green Elves migrated their home city to Faerun (Nantarylliir to
them) to avoid the worst excesses of the race wars between the Dark and Sun Elves of the old world.
Set amongst a grove of rare Ebonfowr Trees (300 tall, black timbered mahognay like trees), on the
banks of the Mirrormeer, deep within the Ryshaar Valley, the city spark;les with a thousand faerie lights
coming from colonies of bioluminescent strands of moss, hanging like old mens beards from the
branches. Flocks of exotic parrots, and peacocks give the city colourful rainbow like quality.

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The city is a carefree place where war and strife have never been felt in over 10000 years. The citys
protective wards keep it hidden and slightly out of phase with the rest of the forest, so that only the
dosckside trees and stone buildings can be easily seen. It takes an attuned resident and and a being with
Moon or Green Elven blood to enter the upper reaches of the city. The wards still draw their powers
from the fey realm and movement between thge two rea,lities is easier here than in other places. More
than one feywild being or monster has suddenly found itself within Orishaars tropical forests and the
reverse is also true. Random tears between the two worlds, appearing and disappearing are quite
commoin within 30 miles of the hidden comunity.

Merriath - Merriath
Brief Description: river side tree town and docks.
Who Rules: Lord Marshall of the Northern Reaches.
Population: 8000 (Moon Elf 70%, Green Elf 30%).
Products: bows, arrows, silk products, wooden items, music & musical instruments, game meats & furs,
magic items, scrolls & potions, rare magical artworks.
Armed Forces: 1000 Archers (leather armour, scimitar, dagger, longbow, spear.)
600 heavy infantry (chainmail, kite shield, scimitar, dagger, longbow, longspear.)
500 Medium Cavalry (chainmail, shortbow, scimitar, shield, dagger, spear.)
Major Temples: Solonor, Corellon, Angharad, Erevan.
Magi of Note: Illtavaar High Magi Circle, Border Lords Battle Magi, Peace Makers of the Green.
Organisations of Note: Telpior Knights of the Northern Reaches, Royal Scouts & Path Finders League,
Notable Locations: Popynfhaors Rest, Aselymbor Docks & Ware house caverns, Barindar Armoured
Grotto, Velsharynn Opal Tower Trees.
Local Lore: Established as a garrison town and supply base for the northern and eastern border forts,
Meriath quickly developed as a trading hub for many of the mountain elf communities, with its deep
water river port and easily defensible cliff side citadel. It was from here that the many invasions of
Eiellur were launched, and driven back time and again. The cavalry of Orishaars eastern army gets its
supplies from here as they patrol the great grasslands, claimed by Orishaar for its vast herds of horses
and antelope. The Telporian Knights operate from here and are famed as champions of lost and
hopeless causes. They are independent of the political machinations of the local lords and are loyal to
the High Queen, and answerable only to her.

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The Archers of the Sun, a legion of specialist longbow archers who operate as border guards are feared
throughout the region. Their bows, cut from plum-yew sapplings and individually fitted, are renowned
for shooting 50% further, with a +2 non-magical bonus to hit and damage. These bows are never sold
and each is custom made, the user grwoing into their bow and treating it like a third arm. Any being
baring a Sun Bow who is not the owner, is asking for a quick and arrow filled death if they cant explain
how they ca,e by the bow.

Harnost - Harnost
Brief Description: fortified island citadel and harbour town.
Who Rules: Corsair Lady of Harnost.
Population: 5000 (Moon Elf 100%) + intinerant population of 200 5000 sailors, merchants & slaves.
Products: ships & weapons of war, contraband, looted cargoes & treasures.
Armed Forces: 3500 marines /sailors (leather armour, scimitar, buckler, battle axe, dagger, shortbow)
500 heavy infantry (chainmail, kite shield, scimitar, dagger, longbow, longspear.)
Major Temples: Deep Sashelass, Valkur, Angharad, Solonor.
Magi of Note: Weather Magi of the Shining Deep, Navigators & Charters Guild, Bloodfire High Magi.
Organisations of Note: Cathkathaar Corsair Captains League, Irynthall Coster of Sun Sea Merchants,
Stevedores Guild, Gordiann Shipwrights, Naborenn armourers & Weapon Shapers.
Notable Locations: Navigators & Charters Guild Hall, Cathkathaar Citadel, Gordiann Shipyards,
Stevedores Guild Hall.
Local Lore: At the top of the steep hill over looking Harnosts Bay of Plenty is the many columned temple
to Deep Sashelass, scattered over the hillside are the soaring towers and manor halls of the sea captains
and their merchant benefactors. They are all painted bright colours, decorated with freizes, sculptures,
water features and flower filled gardens and trees all around. At the feet of the great peak that is
Harnost is the deep water harbour, filled with ships of all kinds and sizes, surrounded on 3 sides by a
great granite sea wall, 50 high and wide topped by battlements and sea towers bristling with weapons
useful against sea and air borne attackers.

Harnost has been the centre of Orishaaran corsair activity for nearly 4000 years. From here the great
pirate fleets sail forth to harry the merchant and warships of rival sea going nations such as Illythiir,
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Keltormir, Shantel Othreier and Illefarn. They never knowingly attack each other, for fear of being
destroyed by their fellow captains. How ever, the mysterious disappearance of a ship and its crew,
without trace is not unheard of, and the convenience of such deaths is purely coincidental. Almost
anyone and anything can be had here for a price. The great storage caverns act as clearing houses for
stolen contraband before being legitamately sold on in the markets of Aelaviir and Baerglimm.
Enslaving of ones own people is a taboo strictly enforced, but the enslavement and sale those taken
during raids at sea is a well known and accepted practise.

Great fleets of ships both merchant and pirate can find safe harbour here if they are flying an Orishaaran
or allied flag, the island is a jumping off point for invasions both north and south, and upto 500 ships can
be comfortably sheltered beneath the towering cliffs of the harbour. A colony of loyal sea-elves with
Moon Elven blood help out by keeping the harbour clear of hazards and acting ship scrapers and hull
caulkers. In exchange they gain access to surface goods and magic items un available to them
otherwise. They live in the lava vents and tubes of the dormant volcano that is Harnost.

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Notables of the Four Kingdoms

Gray Eagles
Intelligence: Very (12+)
Alignment: Neutral (varies)
No. Appearing: 1-2- (200+)
Climate/Terrain: Subtropics/mountains & rainforest
Organisation: Life pairs (and colony)
AC: 6 (Base)
HD: 15+
Move: Fly 56, Walk 14
Attacks: 5 Beak/Talons/Wing Buffet
Damage: Beak 2d10/2d6+10/1d6+10
Special Attacks: Mighty screech, dive attack/snatch & drop
Special Defenses: see below
MR: 20%
Morale: 20 (Fearless- but not stupid)
Gray Eagles are the largest true raptors, out sizing even the giant desert rocs. Females are believed to
have weighed 100150 kg and males 90120 kg. They have a relatively short wingspan of roughly 8
12 meters. These relatively short wings aid Gray Eagles when hunting in dense scrubland and forests.
The strong legs and massive flight muscles enable the birds to take off with a jumping start from the
ground, despite their great weight. The tail is quite long (up to 200 centimetres (somewhat longer in
some in female specimens), and very broad, further increasing manoeuvrability and compensating for
the reduction in wing area by providing additional lift. Total length was perhaps up to 6-8 meters in
females, with a standing height of around 3-5 meters tall or even slightly more. Gray Eagles prey on
large, antelopes, and other large mammals, birds and fish, attacked at speeds up to 120 km/h, often
seizing its prey's pelvis with the talons of one foot and killing with a blow to the head or neck with the
other. Its large beak is used to rip into the internal organs and death is induced by blood loss.
With a life span approaching 2000 years, the eagles occupy, in pairs, territories up to several hundred
square kilometres with a colonys territory covering up to 100 times this area. They are found mainly in
the wetter sub-tropical forests but are widespread in the scattered forest and scrublands of other the
Thunder Plains and surrounding territories.
Extremely intelligent, the Gray eagles are known to form bonds with elves and other nature loving
creatures. They are not naturally magical, but do have a habit of developing druidical and sorceress
powers later in their long lives. They can gain levels as druids up to 12 th level, and 8th level as sorcerers,
but their spells are limited to those that they witness others casting. They tend to mate for life and are
usually the apex predator in a region, with some chromatic and metallic dragons being the only
creatures to challenge them. The two do not often come into conflict except when prey is scarce.

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Gray Eagles have several special abilities that make them formidable foes. They have excellent vision,
able to see a mouse on a rock, at 30000 feet, with absolute clarity. They can see by moon and star light
as well as they can by the light of the sun. They have a limited form of telepathy between others of their
own kind. Their favourite mode of attack is to dive from a height onto their prey, seizing and killing it
before it can react. They gain a +4 surprise bonus in thick forest or fog, and prey seized in this manor
suffers double talon damage. They can lift up to 300 kg with ease, and have been known to seize horses
and their riders, but they usually stay well away from humanoids and their stock. A gray eagles most
potent weapon is its screech, a sound so sharp and piercing that it will shatter hard fragile items and
ruin eardrums within 50, leaving creatures deafened until healed.

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Emellin Moonflower
Race: Moon Elf
Sex: Female
Ht: 54
Wt: 115 lb
Hair: Fiery Red
Eyes: Sky Blue
Age: 320

Align: NG
Class: Duskblade
Level: 14
HP: 97
Kit: Moon Knight
God: Angharad

Str 17
Int 18
Wis 15

Con 16
Dex 17
Chr 20

Abilities: As per moon elf & Duskblade.

Equipment and belongings:
+3 Mithral Chainmail (fly 24/B, feather fall 3/day), twin +4 Elven Longswords of Speed glow azure
when evil within 120. 1/week can be left to attack on their own as swords or dancing. This lasts for 3
turns. Bracer of the Moon Moon Web & Faerie Sword 3/day for 1 hour. Provide +6 AC bonus.
In -15500 DR On her return journey High Queen Amanaers royal fleet was swamped by a hurricane
sweeping out of the Sea of Dreams. Almost the entire fleet was lost, along with the Queen and her
entourage. Crowned in her place was her niece, the princess Emellin Moonflower, who restoredher
families fortunes after millennia in the political wilderness. In 15000 DR the first great kingdom of the
dwarves of Faern emerged, centered in the great cavern of Bhaerynden, deep beneath eastern
Orishaar. Gnomish miners from Porathoss made first contact with these folk, and it was not too long
before High Queen Emellin was negotiating a trade agreement with the Dwarves beneath her realm.
Then in 15300 DR the elf Vyshaan clan rose to power in Aryvandaar under Coronal Ivsaar
Vyshann, the great-great grandson of Origath Vyshaan, and a distant relative of Orishaars high queen.
Whilst they were unassailable within their own realm, they still harboured paranoid fear over Queen
Emellin Moonflowers own claim the throne of Aryvandaar. In -15002 DR a horde of giants, orcs, goblins
and gnolls lead by an ancient batrachi lich, poured out of the Haungalyrr Mountains and across the Nek.
The horde of over 300000 beings sacked and burned a dozen Orishaaran and Ilythiiri settlements before
the two nations put aside their differences long enough to destroy the roving horde. Whilst the Moon
Elves destroyed their enemies outright, the Dark Elves enslaved thousands of the beasts to work in their
mines and breeding programs.
The second act in this war came about in the year -14876 DR when a horde of enslaved orcs & gnolls
with strange demonic traits pours across the Lowshaardale and into southern Orishaar. Their use of fire
set alight a large tract of forest that threatened Porathoss. The surface city was destroyed but the mines
and deep citadels remained untouched. High Queen Emellin personally lead her legion of eagle riders
from Myth Lurue and managed to destroy most of the horde on the shores of the Mirrorstar Sea. Right
at the moment of victory a wyvern riding Batrachi lich appeared and in the ensuing battle both the lich
and Queen Emellin were destroyed. Orishaars araegisses, and Emellins youngest sister, Amberlinn
Moonflower was later crowned the 14th High Queen of Orishaar.
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Allejandra Moonflower
Race: Moon Elf
Sex: Female
Ht: 58
Wt: 115 lb
Hair: Raven Blue
Eyes: Emerald Green
Age: 234

AC:---Classes: FG/MG/THf
Levels: 15/15/16
HP: 81
Kit: Infiltrator
God: Angharad

Str 15
Int 18
Wis 14

Con 15
Dex 17
Chr 19

Born into the famous family after whom her home city was named, Alejandra Moonflower was a rebel
from an early age. Comitted to a life in the Royal Scouts and Guides as an advanced urban scout,
Alejandras promising career as an infiltrator and spy was cut short by the death of her father, the
grandson of Sharlario Moonflower, Reloraan, the Duke of Sharlarion. At constant odds with the ruling
Durothil Lords, Alejandra gave up her postion as araegisses of the city and gathered to her a collection
of similarly disaffected nobles and commoners.
Then in the year 22500 DR, Moon, Dark and Green elves from Aryvandaar with sponsorship from
Shantel Othreier, migrated south via swan and dragon ships. Led by the great grand-daughter of
Sharlario Moonflower, the Duchess Allejandra Moonflower. Moon Elves from Yrchionmanthaar helped
their kin establish the settlements of Orlothia and Shaarril in the Forest of Orishaar. The collective heads
of the three founding clans, Moonflower, Amarilliss and Hawksong, with Angharads blessing selected
Princess Allejandra as the realms first High Queen.
Later in the year -22439 DR Queen Allejandra gave birth to triplets much to the joy of her people, the
princesses, Allessra, Amnestriana and Indyllia reflect their mothers striking beauty, with milk white
skin, azure blue eyes and flaming red hair. These were the first of 5 children born to Alejandra and her
husband, the Prince Consort Aelaviir.
Life for the elves of Orishaar was peaceful and prosperous until the year -22323 DR, when a mighty
hurricane swept in from the Sea of Dreams, smashing its way through the settlements of Orlothia and
Shaarril, leaving much death and destruction in its wake. The survivors gathered at the place where
they first landed, the Bay of the Argent Moon, and begin enlarging the trade port Argentaar, renaming it
Aelaviir in honour of the High Queens consort, the Prince Aelaviir Starsong of Ardeep.
The new realm of Orishaar went into mourning in the year -22201 DR when the queen passed to
Arvanaith during a difficult birth. In her place the queens eldest daughter, the Princess Allasshara
Moonflower, assumed the throne of her fledgling nation. Prince Aelaviir stayed on to advise his
daughter, acting as co-ruler until she came of age. After which he spent his time raising his 5 other
children alongside their many relatives. Prince Aelaviir and his eldest son, Ordanthor, along with a
contingent of servants and knights eventually migrated north to live with his relatives in Shantel Othreir.

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Magic Items of Renown

Ritual of Solitude/Compliment/Myriad
School: Transmutation/Conjuration
Casting Time: 1 Turn+
Components: VSM
Duration: Permanent
Area of effect: 1 or more individuals
Saving Throw: None
More than 80% of the elves living in Sers today came from surface elf stock that entered these waters
during the Crown Wars or the more recent Fall of Myth Drannor. Many used High Magic. The ritual of
Akh`Faen`Tel`Quess allowed them to become true sea elves without the loss of their magic. It was
the ability to cast wizardly magic that allowed the elves to so swiftly dominate Sers and hold it for so
long. This ritual alters the form of an elf into any living elf race or subrace. It also allows for
transformation into human, dwarf, lythari, avariel, or even a dhaeraow (drow). The ritual is permanent
until a second ritual is performed to revert the elf to his original form, or upon death (which happens
slowly over 1 to 12 hours).
The effects of the ritual can be enhanced with the addition of more casters. As a ritual of compliment,
the High Magi of Eiellur used three casters to transform 30-300 individuals into sea elves. Later when
the populations of entire cities sought to escape the Dark and Gold Elven ravagers, a dozen or so High
Magi working in a ritual of myriad could transform up to 10000 individuals in one 3 hour casting.

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Sashelan Glass

The Sashelan Glass is the Eielluran artifact that allows any elf that touches it (and thus passes through it)
to transform into an aquatic elf allowing many tel.quessir to escape the harsh life of the surface.
Created by High Magi and Priests of Sashelass working together, this mithral framed, ovoid mirror,
covered in stylised corals and inset with emeralds, sapphires, blue-green coral and pearls glows with a
constant azure light. The mirrors surface constantly ripples like water touched by a gentle breeze. The
mirror stands anywhere between 1 and 10 in height and between 6 and 5 wide. It is self supporting
and can be left to hang in the air of its own accord.
Powers: The mirror acts to focus the powers imbued in it by Deep Sashelass and Angharad, the mirrors
surface appears solid but to fully transform, and elf, or being with elvish blood, must pass their body
completely through to make the change permanent. Merely touching the mirror transforms the person
into a sea elf for 1-4 hours. Infirm beings can have the mirror placed around them or can be carried
through. Transformation is a voluntary thing, and a being cannot be forced to pass through the mirror,
even if tricked or charmed. The willingness to undertake the transformation has to be voluntary or the
being is wasting their time for it cannot be reversed. Upon command the mirror can be shrunk for easy
transport or enlarged to allow large groups to pass through together. Once transformed beings maintain
all of their previous skills and abilities, but gain the physical characteristics and limitations, including the
need to enter the water within a few hours of transformation.
The glass was created in Eiellur not long after Orishaar and Ilythiir began butting heads and attempting
to extend their imperial reach into the Sun Sea lands. Seeking a way to escape the avaricious ambitions
of the surface empires. Thus when an avatar of Sashelass appeared to the Jade Lady, the ruler of
Vaerntillath extolling the virtues of peace life beneath the waves, it was not long before word spread of
the Deep Lords magnificent gift and invitation to the surface folk. Whatr was not shared was the
knowldege of the Sashelan Glass, and the rites of transformation. Elves fleeing Cormanthyr used the
Sashelan Glass to transform into sea elves just as their predecessors had done during the Crown Wars.
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Royal Regalia of Orishaar

Choker of Emellin
This diamond and emerald studded choker, was a gift to Emellin from the people of Aelaviir. The choker allows
the wearer to breath underwater and swim like a sea elf. The wearer gains the ability to see underwater like a
dolphin as well as having low-light vision out to 500 yards. The wearer is immune to poisons and gasses, and can
stay in water indefinitely. Lastly wearers of Emellins Choker have the ability to communicate with most
underwater creatures with low intelligence or better via a limited form of telepathy out to a range of 500 yards.

Tiara of Allejandra
This finely crafted mithral and silver tiara, set in a forest leaf design with sparkling emeralds and diamonds was
the crown crafted for Duchess Alejandra Moonflower at her coronation as the first High Queen. The tiara itself
moulds itself to the wearers head and can only be removed with the wearers consent. The tiara acts as a green
stone amulet, provides a +4 bonus to AC & saving throws.
The gem provides the wearer with a full strength mantle:

Defensive & Utility (three times per day)

Time Stop
Polymorph Any Object
Teleport W/O Error
Heal Self
Wall of Force
Stone Skin
Alter Self
Protection from Evil

Offensive (once per day)

Glass Shields
Prismatic Spray
Translocation Trick
Ice Storm
Lightning Bolt
Magic Missile (12 bolts)

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Warding Ring of Saarbreaze

This diamond and emerald band is engraved upon the inside in moon letters, visible only under the light of a full
moon. The words invoke a version of the Analyse Mythal spell, combined with the Mythalardarach ritual of
solitude. This allows the rings wearer to analyse any ward, mantle, spellweb, barrier or mythal to determine its
powers. They are able to temporarily able manipulate such powers to suit their needs. Elemental characteristics
can be changed, triggers altered, powers turned on or off etc, in fact just about anything can be done for up to 1
hour per level. In the case of a living mythal, the ring wearer must work in co-operation with the beings within
the mythal. For without it the ring is just a fancy toy, not the artefact it is supposed to be. (Wizardly mythals are
the exception...these can be played with at will.)

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Vaerylln Star Sceptre

This baton of office has been borne by the high queens since the time of Alejandras grand-daughter. Made of
silver plated adamantium, the sceptre acts as a rod of enemy detection, and also generates a truth field, and
forces beings into their true shapes providing the barer with true sight and tongues. In addition, once per hour
the sceptre can generate a backlash field that redirects any magic or psionics directed at the bearer back onto its

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Resources Used
The Grand History of the Realms Brian R James & Co
Lost Empires of Faerun Eric Boyd, George Krashos & Co
Empires of the Shining Sea Steven E Schend & Dale Donovan
Cloak and Dagger Eric Botd, Steven E Schend & Co
Cormanthyr: Empire of the Elves Steven E Schend
Forgotten Realms Adventures
Forgotten Realms Players Guides 1-4
Forgotten Realms Campaign Guides 1-4
The North: Boxed Set Ed Greenwood
Lands of Intrigue: Boxed Set Steven E Schend
Players Handbooks: All
Dungeons Masters Guides: All
Elves of Evermeet
Evermeet Island of the Elves Elaine Cunningham
Complete Elves Handbook
Volos Guides all of them
Sea of Fallen Stars Steven (Es a really good daddy now) Schend
Demihuman Deities Eric Boyd & others
The Shining South Tom Prusa
Serpent Kingdoms Ed Greenwood, Eric Boyd, Darrin Drader
Vilhon Reach Jim Butler
The Border Kingdoms Ed Greenwood
Various Dragon Magazine articles by Ed Greenwood

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