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By Dadz Amil, Armando Lagon Jr. and 46 others in CB (Cistron Baby) (Files) Edit Doc
DATE: JUNE 11, 2012
1. Which of the following is not part of patient's profile?
A. Personal and Family History
B. Review of Systems
C. Identifying data
D. History of Past Illness
2. what is an objective observation?
B. anorexia
C. vertigo
D. palpitations
3. How do you assess Vocal Resonance?
A. Inspection
B. Palpation
C. Percussion
4. Palpation is used to assess the following,except:
B. Bruits
C. Thrills
D. Heaves
5. The best way in detecting ascites
D.auscultation urinary retention, a distended bladder is best detected by?
A. inspection
B. palpation
C. percussion
D. auscultation
7. Patient complained of "tearing pain" in the abdominal area. what is your impression?
A. ureteral stone
B. acute chelcystitis
C. dissecting aortic aneurysm
D. Acute Myocardial Infarction
8. Important information when pointing to the location of pain.
A.severity of the illness
B. patern of illness
C. medical or surgical interventions to be used
D. organ involved

9.which of the following is an aggravating factor.?

A. Alcohol consumption in acute pancreatitis
B. Doubling up in acute cholecystitis
C. valsalva maneuver in brain tumor and migraine headache
10. Cataracts is the opacity in - Lens
11.In Finger following test, inability to look left and up is paralysis of?
12. Eye signs of Vitamin A deficiency include the following, except:
A. bitot
B. pterygium
C. keratomalacia
D. xeropthalmia
13. Painful swelling and redness of lid margin due to inflammation of gland of Zeis.
A. Hordeolum
B. Chalazion
C. Blepharitis
D. Angioneurotic edema
14. The following eye signs are cues of General Systemic Diseases. EXCEPT.
A. papilledema
B. Hard eyeball
C. keratomalacea
D. proptosis
15. Which of the following is the best site to assess for anemia?
A. Nail
B. palms and soles
C. Lips
D. Palpebral conjunctiva
16. Type of Facie: Ashen face, sunken eyes....prolonged illness and a sense of impending doom.
A. Moon face
B. Lionine Facie
C. Hippocratic facie (Answer)
D. Nephrotic facie
17. Which is an abnormal finding in a 16 year old athlete?
A. PR =120 bpm
B. BP of 90/60
C. (choices to be updated)
18. The first evidence of shock is...
A. Tachypnea
B. Hyperpnea
C. Hyperthermia

19. In a patient with dengue hemorrhagic fever, which of the following vital signs is indicative of
intravascular volume depletion?
a. Heart Rate of 90
b. B/P of 90/70
c. Respi rate = 22
d. Pulse pressure 40
20. Which of the following is an abnormal V/S finding?
A. A resting athlete with a heart rate of 56 bpm
B. Person with temperature 37.8C from aerobic exercise
C. Axillary temperature of 36.0C of a neonate
D. A newborn sleeping with a heart rate of 80 bpm
21. True about early diastole:
A. Pressure in ventricle is lower than atrium
B. Pressure in ventricle is higher than atrium
C. Pressure in ventricle causes mitral valve to open
D. Pressure in atrium causes mitral to close
22. Which of the following is a pathologic splitting?
a. splitting on inspiration
b. spitting on supine
c. localized splitting
d. splitting on expiration
23.type of murmur heard between s2 and next s1
(B) Diastole
(C) Continuous
(D) Pre-systolic
24. Splitting of heart sounds occur due to the ff reasons except
-Right sided contraction is stronger than the left
25 True of JVP
A. Directly measures RV pressure
B. Normal is 4 cm from sternal angle (ans)
C. Normal is 9 cm from sternal angle
D. Abnormality signifies left-sided pathology
26. A patient comes in with sever chest pain associated with cold, clammy extremities. Which of the
following PE exam is temporarily skipped?
A. Palpation
B. Inspection
C. Auscultation
D. Percussion
27. 5 year old girl, high grade fever, grade 2 murmur, no history of dyspnea on exertion or cyanotic episodes.
A. ECG and 2D echo to diagnose source of murmur
B. Wait for fever to subside and see patient again
C. Chest Xray to visualize heart enlargement
D. Refer to cardiologist

28. Sign used to validate pneumonia: TACHYPNEA

29. The following cardiac events characterizes systole in the cardiac cycle: Ventricular pressure is
greater than atrial pressure
30. To better visualize the ear canal, you have to... - Pull auricle upward and backward.
31. sensorineural loss - B.normal ear
32. The triangle formed by the ant belly of digastric, midline and hyoid bone
A. submental
33. Palpation of lymph nodes...Which of the following does not fit the technique?
A. Patient relaxed either sitting or standing
B. Neck flexed forward to relax SCM
C. Gentle rotatory motion of finger tips
D. One hand placed behind the occiput
34. In palpation of the thyroid gland using the anterior approach, the examiner's fingers are usually located
over which landmark?
A. cricohyoid cartilage
B. Cricoid cartilage
C. Hyoid
D. thyroid cartilage
35. which of the following is an important characteristic of thyroid gland?
D. mobility during swallowing
36. Lateral border of breast:
A. anterior axillary line
B. midaxillary line
C. posterior axillary line
D. midclavicular line
37. A 25 yr old patient with a solitary nodule, hard and ill defined mass. What's the possible diagnosis?
A. Fribroadenoma
B. Fibrocystic change
C. Physiologic nodule
D. Cancer until proven otherwise (answer)
38. (something bout a guy nagpaexamine sa iya breast na naay mass) common area for breast cancer upper outer quadrant
39. In proper breast assessment...?
A. divide breast into four quadrants
B. localize findings as the time on the face of a clock
C. measure the distance in centimeters from the nipple
D. All of the above
40. All of the following are retractive signs of breast cancer, except:
A. inverted nipple
B. dimpling
C. mass attached to the chest wall
D. orange peel skin

41. Which is the appropriate method for palpation of the breast?

C. Palpate the breast against the chest wall
42. A symptom most likely associated with Herpes Zoster.
A. dyspnea
B. chest pain
C. hemoptysis
D. cough
43. Boundary between the lung & the heart can be best asses
A. Inspection
B. Palpation
C. Auscultation
D. Percussion
44. An ICU patient with metabolic acidosis suddenly develops slow, deep breathing. This type of breathing is
consistent with?
A. Hyperventilation
B. Hyperpnea
C. Kussmaul breathing
D. All of the above
45. which particular percussion note presents with a lound intensity, low pitch and long duration?
46. Which breath sound has a long inspiratory phase and a soft, low pitched expiratory phase? vesicular
47. In normal adults, which best describe the extent of diaphragmatic excursion?
A. level of flatness on expiration & inspiration
B. level of dullness on full expiration & inspiration
C. level of resonance on expiration & inspiration
D. level of tympany on expiration & inspiration
48. On auscultation of a normal adult lung, voice sounds are heard on stethoscope as: muffled sounds
49. In performing a proper chest percussion which among of the ff. steps typifies the proper maneuver?
A. left pleximeter flexed and ready to strike
B. right plexor finger firmly on the surface
C. quick sharp motion of the wrist
D. all of the above
50. Landmark that is best used in counting the ribs and ICS.
A. sternal angle

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