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Bulletin Board Rubric

Initial Discussion Post

Post is original, thought provoking,
and stimulates inquiry, investigation,
and higher order thinking.

Post is acceptable but does not
consistently demonstrate higher
order thinking.

Post is posted by the due date, and

addresses all components of the

Post is posted by the due date, but

does not address all components
of the instructions.

Post uses APA in-text citations and

references when appropriate.

Post notes either an incomplete

APA in-text citation or reference.

Post is vague, is
incomplete, or
demonstrates a low
level of thinking.
(0 points)
Post is posted after the
due date or is off-task
from the instructions.
(0 points)
Post does not include
appropriate APA in-text
citations and
(0 points)

Discussion Response Posts

Posts are original, thought
provoking, and stimulate inquiry
and investigation.

Posts are acceptable but do
not consistently demonstrate
higher order thinking.

Posts are vague, incomplete, or
demonstrate a low level of thinking.
(0 points)

Posts are posted by the due

date, and address all
components of the instructions.

Posts are posted by the due

date, but do not address all
components of the

Posts are posted after the due date

or are off-task from the assignment
(0 points)

Posts use APA in-text citations

and references when

Posts note either an

incomplete APA in-text
citation or reference.

Posts do not include appropriate

APA in-text citations and
(0 points)

Total Discussion Points Earned: ______ 20 points each (10 % of your grade)

2014 Laureate Education, Inc.

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