Definitions and Abbreviations: Longevity

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Definitions and Abbreviations

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Listed Alphabetically:
Benefic sight: Favorable aspect
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Jatak: Native
Karkatva: House A: Lord of A, or the responding planet.
Karyesh: Another term for Significator
KAS: Krushnas Ashtakavarga System
Malefic sight: unfavorable aspect
Navamansha: Navamsa
Neecha: Debilitated
Samdharmi: Sanskrit word: Sam = similar, Dharm = custom, duty, law, the soul, nature,
etc. So the meaning of samdharmi is having the same nature or performing a similar
duty. If any planet is said to be samdharmi, it simply means it can perform the duty of
another planet.
Sight: Aspect
Uccha: Exalted
Upachaya stan: Upachaya Houses 3, 6, 10, & 11
Vyavsay Jatak: Occupation
WS: Worksheet
Yog Karak: Lord of a Trine and a Kendra.

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