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Your CVNow CV Critique

John Stanton <>

to me

March 14, 2016

Hello Saqib,
This free CV evaluation is intended to give you an honest, straightforward assessment
with some suggestions to help in your job search. I personally review hundreds of CVs
each month so I'm able to provide insight into how you compare to other job seekers
competing for the same positions.

Visual Presentation and Organisation

Weve all been told that appearances do not matter as much as substance, but in the case
of your CV this just isnt true. I found your design to be visually uneven. The appearance is
not polished, and aesthetics matter more at the relatively early stage of your career. The
ideal CV design is clean, and uncluttered, with effective and strategic use of white space.
You must remember that your CV is your marketing tool and it is the first impression a
potential employer has of you.
I liked your use of bullets to emphasise, but you probably want to consider limiting them in
some areas to increase the impact to the employer. If they see too many bullets, they
might find it difficult to zero in on the most important information. Size and type of bullets
are also a consideration. Although seemingly minor, visual impact of a resume is the key
to ensuring that an employer reads it thoroughly.
Make certain that the additional pages of your CV include your contact details on them. If
a hiring manager prints your CV and the pages are accidentally separated, the manager is
still able to identify the additional pages. They will not spend time trying to place a page
that has been separated and will move on to the next CV.
Some of your phrases or statements are too short. Brevity is important, but if the
statement is too short to convey something new or interesting about you, it should be
omitted, or lengthened until it does.

CV Writing
For someone in the early stages of their career, an objective statement at the top of their
CV makes good sense. An objective statement tells a prospective employer what position
you are seeking. It should also reflect the individual strengths that you can bring to the
company. An objective statement should be concise, while at the same time, not limiting
your opportunities.
From the way the CV is worded, you come across as a "doer," as opposed to an
"achiever." Too many of your job descriptions are task-based rather than results-based.
This means that they tell what you did rather than what you achieved. This is a common
mistake for non-professional CV writers. To be effective and create excitement, a
strong CV helps the hiring executive envisage you delivering similar achievements at his
or her company. Here are some examples of task-based sentences in your CV:
"Material reservation and job planning as per requirement"
"Power Gas Turbines annual maintenance in combined cycle power plant"

Employers want to know about your previous contributions and more specifically, how
you made a difference at your last position. More importantly, they want to know how
you are going to make a significant difference at their company.
When I read your CV, I did not find the kind of compelling language that would bring your
work to life. Instead, I saw many passive words and non-action verbs. Phrases like
performed and responsible for are overused, monotonous, and add little value to your
CV. Strong action verbs, used with compelling language are what's needed to outline
exemplary achievements. Now, lets put it all together. Heres a real life example taken
from a former clients CV. By changing the language, we helped to improve the perception
of the candidate.
Passive language / Doing: Negotiated contracts with vendors
Action language / Achieving: Slashed payroll/benefits administration costs 30% by
negotiating pricing and fees, while ensuring the continuation and enhancements of
A change like this makes a dramatic improvement.
It may not seem obvious, but a regular review of every word and sentence in your CV is a
good idea. Hiring managers are looking for an excuse to eliminate you as a candidate. You
may not be able to see awkward phrases and grammatical errors if you've already spent a
lot of time with your own CV.

Digital Readiness
Your CV is 33kb in size. About 16% of CVs are smaller than yours. You have a little room
to work with, so if you want to spend some more time on formatting, you can do so and not
risk getting filtered out based on size.


We've helped more than professionals, from
every industry, at every level. Below are real
stories of others we've helped:
An Executive Assistant, she followed a CVLYDIA
writing guide and everything seemed in place.
But she wasn't getting any interviews.
View Lydia's Story

finance professional that needed a new CV to
apply to a job within just two days.
View Michael's Story

nurse coming back into the workforce after
taking a break from her career.
View Carmen's Story


The first step to getting hired is getting your CV
in professional shape. When you work with our
certified CV writers, you're working with experts
in your industry.


If you have any questions about the CV
Rewriting process, please read through
our Frequently Asked Questions .
If you still have questions, email us.

is saved in PDF format. 19% of CVs look like yours. While this may
viewing consistent for recruiters, some older Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) ? have
problems reading them. If you have the ability, you might consider saving your document
in Microsoft Word format for some online submissions.




Resume Scanning Software Litmus Test...

93% of all Hiring Managers use a CV scanning software to filter candidates from
the application pool. To illustrate how you stand up to the automation, I passed your CV

through the very same software that Hiring Managers use to filter the real talent from the
hundreds, sometimes thousands, of candidates that apply for a single open position.
Continue below to view how Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) present you...

The Raw Data, pulled directly from your CV.

Saqib Raza's experience appears to be concentrated in Engineering / Power Engineering, with
exposure to Power Engineering / General Power Related. Saqib Raza's experience appears to be
ENTRY LEVEL, with only 17 months of experience, with no management experience.
Full Name

Most Recent Employer

Most Recent Professional Position

Saqib Raza

Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim

Management Associate

Does this look like you?

The content of this section has been pulled
directly from your CV by an Applicant
Tracking System that is used by many
multi-national corporations. If this is not a
proper representation of who you are as a
candidate, we're here to help.
Email me with any questions!

Contact Info




Gujranwala, Gujranwala PK 1 total years

Most-Recent Education

Management Score

University Of Engineering


How the Tracking Systems think of you as an Applicant

Hiring Managers use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to automatically designate a Best Fit based on your experience level and the kinds
of keywords spread throughout your CV. The ATS will also assign a weighted score to Key Skills & Competencies from your CV to paint a
picture of who you are as a potential employee.
Here is how your CV stacks up...

Where the ATS thinks you fit:

Power Engineering

17.70% ?
13.70% ?

Does this properly describe the career youre pursuing? If not, check out a real-life scenario where we helped someone change their story.

Top Skills:


combined cycle



Other Core Competencies:

gas turbines
plant maintenance
steam turbines
Less Weighted Skills:
auto cad
mechanical engineering
ms office
production management
machine shop
mold design
quality assurance

production planning

Is this the skillset that you want to convey to employers? If not, email me! I'm here to help you land more interviews so you can get more job offers.
Our critiquers are always striving to improve!
How helpful was John 's critique?

My Suggestions


Email me with any questions! I critique CVs professionally, and I'm here to help

you get more interviews and job offers.

Or, feel free to browse our suite of services to enhance your CV and boost your
personal brand.
Thanks, and good luck!

John Stanton

CVNow CV Expert

I'm ready! Let's get

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