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SAP Router Update :

1. Take backup of saprouter files
2. Delete the below files in Saprouter
3. Execute below command. You can obtain the Distinguished Name from
http: // from the step 5. Supply the PIN
password. The
command wi ll output the new local.pse file.


sapgenpse.exe get_pse v r certreq p local.pse "Distinguished Name"

Got absolute PSE path "C:\usr\sap\saprouter\local.pse".
Please enter PIN:
Please reenter PIN:
Supplied distinguished name: "CN=ITsiti, OU=000012345, OU=SAProuter,
Creating PSE with format v2 (default)
Generating key (RSA, 2048bits) ... succeeded.
certificate creation... ok
PSE update... ok
PKRoot... ok
Generating certificate request... ok
Head to http: // Click on Apply Now.
Select the SAProuter Name (Distinguished Name)
Now, copy the content from the local.pse fi le (from step 3) and paste
into below text field.
Choose Request Certi ficate. You wi ll get the SAProuter certificate.
Next, create a new fi le name srcert (in the same directory wi th no
extension) and copy/paste the certificate (from the step 7) into it.
Next, create a new fi le name srcert (in the same directory wi th no
extension) and copy/paste the certificate (from the step 7) into it.
sapgenpse.exe import_own_cert srcert p local.pse
Please enter PIN:
CAResponse successfully imported into PSE "C:\usr\sap\saprouter\local.pse"

10.Assign the SAProuter user credentials. The output will create cred_v2
sapgenpse seclogin p local.pse O sidadm
running seclogin with USER="sidadm"
creating credentials for user "HOSTNAME\sidadm" (yourself)...
Please enter PIN:
Adjusting credentials and PSE ACLs to include "HOSTNAME\sidadm"...
Oh, you supplied your own name explicitly ... ok.

C:\usr\sap\saprouter\sec\cred_v2 ... ok.

C:\usr\sap\saprouter\local.pse ... ok.
Added SSOcredentials (#0) for PSE "C:\usr\sap\saprouter\local.pse"
"CN=HOSTNAME, OU=0000123456, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE"
Finally, verify your SAProuter update validation.

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