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1) Define open channel flow?(Nov/Dec 2013)(May/June 2013)
2) Define pipe flow?
3) what are the different between pipeflow and open channel flow?
4) Whar are the types of flow?
5) Define uniform and non uniform flow?( Nov/Dec 2012)(Nov/Dec 2013)
6) What are the types of flow in open channel?(May/June 2012)?
7) Define turbulent flow?
8) Define specific enery flow?(Nov/Dec 2012)
9) Define critical flow and super critical flow?(May/June 2013)
10) Define critical depth.(Nov/Dec 2013)
11) What are the flow classified with based on Reynolds number?
12) Define wide open channel?
13) Define relative velocity co efficient?
14|) Define specific energy equation?
15) Define critical velocity?
16) Different between normal depth and critical depth?(May/June 2012)
17) Define hydraulic mean depth?(Nov/Dec 2012)
18) Write down the formula for Froude number?
19) Define alternative depth?
20) Define specific energy?(May/June 2012)
21) What is condition for obtaining one in one depth for a given specific energy?
22) Sketch the velocity distribution of the trapezoidal channel section?(May/June 2013)
23) Define chezy equation?
24) Define manning equation and what are the factors affecting that?(May/June 2013)
25) What is mean by hydraulic section?
26)Write the Bazins formula for the discharge in the channel?(Nov/Dec 2013

1) Define open channel flow and its types?(May/June 2013)(May/June 2014)
2) Derive the expression for critical depth and critical velocity?(May/June 2014)
3) Explain specific energy concept and how the flows are classified?(Nov/Dec 2013)
4) Define i)critical flow ii)critical depth iii)critical velocity iv)alternative depth.
5) What do you understand critical depth of an open channel when the flow in it is not uniform?
6) calculate the specific energy of 12m3/s of water flowing with a velocity of 1.5m/s in a rectangular channel
7.5m wide.find the depth of water in the channel when the specific energy would be minimum.what would be
the value of critical velocity and minimum specific energy?(May/June 2014)
7) A rectangular channel for a certain discharge the Froudes number corresponding to two alternate depths of
F1 F2.Show that (F2/F1)=(2+ F22)/(2+ F12).(My/June 2012)
8)Derive the geometrical properties of a most economical triangular channel section(Nov/Dec 2012).
9)Water flow at rate of 20 cumes in a rectangular channel 14m widw at a velocity of 1.8m/s.Determine the
specific energy of the following water velocity and minimum specific energy corresponding to this
discharge.(My/June 2013)
10) The rectangular channel carrys the of 30m3/s.The bottom width of channel is 6m and flow velocity is
1.75m/s.Determine the 2 alternative depth in the channel.
11) In a rectangular channel 3.5 m wide, has a specific energy of 2.5m when carrying a discharge of
7.52m3/s.calculate the alternate depths and corresponding Froude numbers.(Nov/Dec 2013)
12) If y1 and y2 are alternate depths in a rectangular channel flow,show that y3c=2 y12 y22/ y1+ y2 and hence
specific energy E= y12+ y1y2+ y22/ y1+ y2.
13)Distingush between steady uniform floe and unsteady non-uniform flow?

14)A 3m wide rectangular channels conveys 12m3/s at the depth of 2m.calculate(i)specific energy of flowing
fluid(ii)critical depth,critical velocity and the minimum specific energy(iii)Froude number stste wheather flow
is sub critical (or)super critical?(May/June 2014)
15) A rectangular channel has a width of 2.0m and carries discharge of 4.80m 3/s.with a depth of 1.60m.At a
section a small smooth hump with a flat top of height 0.50m ,
i)estimate the depth of flow over the hump and at a section before the hump.
ii)Estimate the minimum size of the hump to cause critical flow over the hump.
16)Derive the chezys formula for velocity determination(May/June 2013)


1.Define varied flow. Explain its classification.
2.Define gradually varied flow and rapidly varied flow in open channel.
3.State the assumptions made in the derivation of dynamic equation for gradually varied flow.
4.Distinguish between draw down and back water curves
5.Write the expression to determine the length of thebackwater curve.
6.What is backwater curve in gradually varied flow profile and give practical example for getting this type of profile.
7.Write doem the dynamic equation for gradually vaired flow?(May/June 2012)
8.What are the flow profiles possible in mild slopedchannels?
9.Classify surface profiles in a channel
10.What are the methods used to determine the length of surface profile?
11.Define the Afflux. (May/June 2014)
12.What is transition in open channel?
13.Write down the applications of transition.
14.What is hydraulic jump in horizontal bed channel?(Nov/Dec 2013)
15.Write the expression for hydraulic jump?
16.Define loss of energy due to hydraulic jump.
17.State the uses of hydraulic jump.
18.Explain the classification of hydraulic jumps.
19.Define surges. (Nov/Dec 2012)
20.What are meant by positive and negative surges?(May/June 2012)
21.What is mean by best section?(May/June 2013).
22.Write down the dynamic equation for gradually varied flow.
23.write the application of numerical method.
24.Why the flow has to be classified? explain.
25.What is the purpose of hydraulic curve?

PART B (16 Marks)

1. How do you classify profiles? Briefly explain the various salient features of various profiles. Also write a note on
hydraulic jump. (May/June 2013)
2. A tropizoidal channel is 8m wide at bed and the depth of flow as 2m.the bed fall is 0.5m per km.the side slopes are
1:1 taking Bazins constant as 2.35,find the discharge throught the channel(Nov/Dec 2012)
3. (i) Derive the dynamic equations for gradually varied flow?with respect to
i)channel bed,ii)horizontal.(Nov/Dec
2013)(ii)A river 100 m wide and 3m deep has an average bed slope of 0.0005. Estimate the length of the GVF profile
produced by a low weir which raises the water surface just upstream of it by 1.5 m. Assume N = 0.035. Use direct step
method with three steps.
4. (i) Explain the classification of hydraulic jumpsand its expression for losses?(May/June 2013)
(ii) A spillway discharges a flood flow at a rate of 7.75 m3/s per metre width. At the downstream horizontal apron the
depth of flow was found to be 0.5 m. What tail water depth is needed to form a hydraulic jump? If a jump is formed,
find its type, length, head loss and energy loss as a percentage of the initial energy.
5. In a rectangular channel of 0.5 m width, a hydraulic jump occurs at a point where depth of water flow is 0.15 m and
Froude number is 0.5. Determine
(i) The specific energy
(ii) The critical and subsequent depths
(iii) Loss of head and
(iv) Energy dissipated

6. A river of 45 m wide has a normal depth of flow of 3 m and an average bed slope of in 10,000.A weir is build across
the river raising the water surface level at the weir site to 5 m above the bottom of the river. Assuming that the back
water curve is an arc of circle; calculate the approximate length of the curve. Mannings n = 0.025
7. (i) How the stream discharge is measured by chemical method?(May/june 2013)
(ii)The bed width of a rectangular channel is 24 m and the depth of flow is 6m. The discharge in the canal is 86 cumecs.
The bed slope of the channel is 1 in 4000. Assume Chezys constant C = 60. Determine the slope of the free water
8.A rectangular channel 8.5m wide has a uniform depth of flow 2.5m and has a bed slope of 1in 3000.water raised level
0.8m.determine the water surface slope with respect to horizontal at this section.Mainings n=0.02.(Nov/Dec 2013)
9. (i) A trapezoidal channel with side slope 1:1 has to be designed to convey 15m3/s at a velocity of 3m/s.that the
amount of concrete lining for the bed and sides is the minmum.Calculate the area of lini9ng?(May/June 2013)
(ii)With neat diagrams explain different types of channel transitions.
10. (i)Write the gradually varied flow equation in an open channel flow. Deduce
(ii)Explain with a neat diagram the surges produced when (i) a sluice gate is suddenly raised (ii)sluice gate is suddenly
11.Find a rate of flow and conveyances for a rectangular channel 7.5m wide for a uniform flow at the depth of
2.25m.the channel is having the bed slope of 1 in 1000.take chezys constant c=55.(May/June 2014)
12.Explain about profile determination by numerical methodsand its types?(May/June 2013)
13.Write the quation for gradually varied flow.Write the assumpition made in it.(Nov/Dec 2012)
14.Define i)Direct step method ii)standard step method iii)graphical method.
15.Find the slope of the bed of a rectangular channel of width 6m and depth of flow 3m and rate of floe 27.110m3/s.take
chezys constant c=55.
16.Show that the hydraulic radius is half the flow depth for the most economical trapezoidal channel section(Nov/Dec
17.Derive the chezys formula for discharge through channel.Write the formulas to find out the constant c.(May/June
2012) (May/June 2014)


1.Define varied flow. Explain its classification.
2.Define gradually varied flow and rapidly varied flow in open channel.
3.Write the expression for hydraulic jump? (Nov/Dec 2013)
4.Define loss of energy due to hydraulic jump.
5.State the uses of hydraulic jump. (May/June 2013)
6.Explain the classification of hydraulic jumps.
7.Define surges. (Nov/Dec 2013)
8.What are meant by positive and negative surges? (Nov/Dec 2012)
9.Define the term backwater curve. (May/June 2014)
10.Write dynamic equation for gradually varied flow?
11.Define surface flow profile.
12.classify the surface flow profile.
13.Define hydraulic slope.
14.Define hydraulic curve
15.write the applications of energy applications
16.Define critical depth (or) transition depth?(Nov/Dec 2012)
17.Define critical velocity
18.Define sub critical and super critical flow.(May/June 2014)
19.write the momentum equation of RVF
20.write the applications of graphical methods
21.write the applications of standard step method
22.write the applications of standard step method.
23.Define hydraulic jumps
24.Define energy dissipation
25.What is mean by surges and write the causes of surges?(May/June 2013)

(16 Marks)
1.Derive the equation for energy of RVF?
2.Explain the types of flow and write the applications of its each.(May/June 2014)
3.Derive the equation for rapidlly varied flow stating assumptions.
4.Ina given channel yoand yc are two fixed depths,if Q ,n,and So are fixed.also there are three possible
relations between yoand yc.Futher there two cases yo does not exist.Based on these,how the channels are
5.Explain direct step method for computing the length of the water surface profile.
6.What is transition?How transitions are made in open channel?Also give its applications
Show that the head loss in a hydraulic jump formed in a rectangular channel may be ecpressed as
7.Derive the dynamic equations of rapidly varied flow in an open channel and also state the methods of
estimating the flow profile.
8.Show that the loss of energy in a hydraulic jump,where y1 and y2 are the two conjugate depths.
/\E=( y2- y1)3/4y1y2
9.How to estimate length of hydraulic jump and draw sketch of the jump?
10. A river of 45 m wide has a normal depth of flow of 3 m and an average bed slope of in 10,000.A weir is
build across the river raising the water surface level at the weir site to 5 m above the bottom of the river.
Assuming that the back water curve is an arc of circle; calculate the approximate length of the curve.
Mannings n = 0.025
11. (i) What are the assumptions made in the analysis of gradually varied flow?
(ii)The bed width of a rectangular channel is 24 m and the depth of flow is 6m. The discharge in the canal is
86 cumecs. The bed slope of the channel is 1 in 4000. Assume Chezys constant C = 60. Determine the slope
of the free water surface.
12. (i)What are the conditions for the formation of hydraulic jump?what its type?how the energy
dissipated?(Nov/Dec 2012)
(ii)In a rectangular channel of bed width 0.5 m, a hydraulic jump occurs at a point where depth of flow is 0.15
m and Froudes number is 2.5. Determine
(1) The specific energy (2) The critical depth (3) The subsequent depths (4) Loss of head (5) Energy
13. A venturi flume is 1.30m wide at entrance and 0.65m in the throat.Neglating hydraulic losses in flume
caluculating the flow if the depth at the entrance and throat are 0.65m and 0.6m respectively.A hump is now
installed at the throat of height 200 that a standing wave(hydraulic jump)is formed beyond the throat.
What is the increase in the upstream depth when the same flow as before passes through the
flume?(May/June 2014)
14. (i)Write the gradually varied flow equation in an open channel flow. Deduce
(ii)Explain with a neat diagram the surges produced when (i) a sluice gate is suddenly raised (ii)sluice gate is
suddenly lowered.
15.Derive the term i)afflux ii)break water curve.Derive an expression for the length of break water
curve?(May/June 2014)
16.Explain about profile determination by numerical methods?
17)How the discharge measurement done using standing wave flume without hump?(May/June
PART A (2 Marks)
1. What do you mean by turbine?
2. Define pump:
3. Explain net head
4. Write the classification s of turbines based on specific spedd?(Nov/Dec 2013)
5. Define mechanical efficiency
6. Define volumetric efficiency
7. Define over all efficiency of turbines? (Nov/Dec 2012)

8. Explain impulse turbine

9. Explain Reaction turbine and give some examples?(May/june 2013)
10. Explain tangential flow turbine
11. Explain radial flow turbine (Nov/Dec 2012)
12. Explain inward flow radial turbine
13. Explain outward flow radial turbine
14. Draw typical velocity triangle for inlet and outlet of pelton wheel?(May/June 2012)
15. What is Pelton wheel:
16. What is breaking jet?
17. What is jet ratio?
18. What is Draft tube?
19. Define Degree of Reaction (R)
20. What is radial discharge?
22. What would be turbines classifies based on diection of flow?(May/June 2012)
23. Define propeller turbine:
24. Define Kaplan turbine:
25. What are the uses of draft tube? (May/June 2013)
26. What are types and functions of draft tube? (May/June 2014)
27. What are the types of characteristic curves?
28. What is specific speed of the turbine?
32. What are the main mechanisms of Radial flow reaction turbine?
33.write the classifications of turbines?(Nov/Dec 2013)
PART B (16 Marks)
1. A Pelton wheel operates with a jet of jet of 150 mm diameter under the head of 500 m, its mean runner diameter is
0.25 m and it rates with a speed of 375 rpm. The angle of bucket tip at outlet as 15, coefficient of velocity is 0.98,
mechanical losses equal to 3% of power supplied and the reduction in relative velocity of water while passing through
bucket is 15%. Find (i) the force of jet on the bucket (ii) the power developed (iii) bucket efficiency and (iv) overall
efficiency. (May/June 2013)
2. Derive the equation for power and work done for the impact of jets on moving curved vanes. Explain the
classification of turbines. (May/June 2013)
3. A pelton wheel id designed to be the following specification power=9560KW,head=350m,speed=750 rpm,overall
efficiency=85%,calculate the wheel dia,dia of jet,no of jet,c=0.95,speed ratio=0.45.(May/June 2014)
(ii) A Pelton turbine is having a mean bucket dia 1m and is running at 1000 rpm.The net head on the pelton wheel is 700
m.If the side clearances angle is 150 and discharge through nozzle is 0.1m3/s.Find
(1) power available at the nozzle
(2)hydraulic efficiency of the turbines(May/June 2012)
4. (i) Draw the characteristics curves of turbines and explain.
(ii) A jet water having the velocity of 40m/s strike a curved vane,which is moving with an velocity of 20m/s.the jet
makes an angle of 300.with the direction of motion of vane at outlet.Draw the velocity triangle at inlet and outlet and
determine the vane angle at inlet and outlet .(May/June 2014)
(5) The power produced by the turbine.
5. A Pelton wheel generates 8000 kW under a net head of 130 m at a speed of 200 rpm.Assuming the coefficient of
velocity for the nozzle 0.98, hydraulic efficiency 87%, speed ratio 0.46 and jet diameter to wheel diameter ratio 1/9,
(i) Discharge required
(ii) Diameter of the wheel
(iii) Diameter and number of jets required and
(iv) Specific speed of the turbine. Take Mechanical efficiency is 75%.(May/June 2013)
6. In an inward flow reaction turbine, head on turbine is 32 m. The external an internal diameters are 0.44 m and 0.72 m
respectively. The velocity of flow through the runner is constant and equal to 3 m/s. The guide blade angle is 10 and
runner vanes are rigid at inlet. If the discharge at outlet is radial, determine
(i) The speed of the turbine
(ii) The vane angle at outlet of the runner and
(iii) Hydraulic efficiency.
7. (i) Distinguish between impulse and reaction turbines.

(iii) A Pelton wheel is required to develop 8825 kW when working under the head of 300 m. The speed of the pelton
wheel is 540 rpm. The coefficient of velocity is 0.98 and the speed ratio is 0.46. Assuming jet ratio as 10 and overall
efficiency as 84%. Determine :
(1) The number of jets(2) The diameter of the wheel
(3) The quantity of water required (May/June 2013)
8. (i) What are the various types of draft tube?(May/June 2013)
(ii) A Kaplan turbine is to be designed to develop 9100 kw.The net available head is 5.6m.If the speed ratio=2.09,flow
ratio=0.68,overall efficiency 86%and the diameter of the boss is 1/3 the diameter of the runner.Find the diameter of the
runner,its speed and the specific speed of the turbines(May/June 2012)
(1) The diameter of the runner wheel
(2) The specific speed of the turbines
(3) The guide vane angle at inlet and
(4) Runner vane angles at inlet and exit.
9.Classify hydraulic machine and give one examples for each.
10.Show the efficiency of a free jet striking noemally a series of flat vanes mounted on the Periphery of a wheel never
exceeds 50%.
11.What are the characteristics curves in turbines?List the types.Explain in details with neat sketch?(May/June 2013)
12.Different between radial flow and axial flow turbines?(May/June 2014) 13.obtain an expression for the workdone
perpendicular second by water on the runner of a pelton wheel.hence derive an expression for maximum efficiency of
the pelton wheel giving the relationship between the jet speed and bucket speed.
14.Derive an expression for Eulers head devolped method by a rortdynamic hydraulic machine?(May/June 2013)
15.Sketch the main parts of the pelton wheel turbines(May/June 2012)
16.Derive the impulse momentum principle.?(May/June 2014)?

PART - A (2 Marks)
1.How are fluid machines classified?
2What is priming in acentrifugal pump? (Nov/Dec 2013)
3. What are the main parts of centrifugal pump?
4. Write down the use and types of centrifugal pump? (Nov/Dec 2012)
5. Define specific speed of pump?(May/June 2012)
6. What is Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)?
7. Define slip of a reciprocating pump and negative slip:(Nov/Dec 2012)
8. What do you know coefficient of discharge?
9. What do you know Drop down curve
10.Write short notes on caviation curve?(May/June 2014)
11. What is an indicator diagram of reciprocating pump?(Nov/Dec 2013)
12. What is Air vessel?
13. What is the purpose of an air vessel fitted in the pump?
14. What is the work saved by fitting a air vessel in a single acting,
double acting pump?
15. What is indicator diagram in Reciprocating Pump? (Nov/Dec 2013)
16. What is the relation between Work done of a Pump and Area of Indicator Diagram?
17.Draw indigator diagram for single acting reciprocating pump?(May/June 2012)
18.What is the minimum speed to start the pumps?
19.What is mean by multistage pumps?
20.Define negative slip.(Nov/Dec 2102),(Nov/Dec 2013),(May/June 2013/2014)
21.Define flow separation condition.
22.What is mean by air vessel.
23.Define rotary pumps?
24.Note on dlip and negative in reciprocating pump?(Nov/Dec 2013)
25.Define gear pumps.
26)Write a short notes on Indicator diagram?(May/June 2013)
1. calculate the vane angle at the inlet of centrifugal pump impeller having 200mm dia at inlet and 400 mm dia at
outlet.the impeller vane set at the angle of 450 to the outer rim and the entry of the pump is radial.the pump runs at

1000rpm and the velocity of the flow through the impeller is constant at 3m/s.calculate the work done per KN of the
water and velocity as well as direction of the water at outlet.(May/June 2014)
2. Discuss in detail the working of Centrifugal pump. Also write a note on working of jet pump. 3. (i) With the help of
neat sketches, explain the features of a volute type and a diffusion type centrifugal pump
(ii)A centrifugal pump delivers salt water against a head of 15 m at a speed of 100 rpm. The vanes are curved backward
at 30 with the periphery. Obtain the discharge for an impeller diameter of 30 cm and outlet width of 5 cm at a
manometric efficiency of 90%.
4. (i) Draw the indicator diagram of a reciprocating pump for the following cases : (1) Without air vessels on both
suction and delivery sides.(2) With air vessel only on suction side.
(ii) For a hydraulic machine installed between A and B, the following data is available: At A At B Diameter 20cm 30cm
Elevation 105m 100m Pressure 100 kPa 200 kPa.The direction of flow is from A to B and the discharge is 200 litres per
second. Is the machine a pump or a turbine?
5. Asingle acting reciprocating pump has a plun 80mm dia and the stoke of 150mm draws water from a sumpm
3m below the pump axis through a section pipe 30mm dia and 4.5m long.if separation occurs at a preasure of 80kpa
below atmospheric pressure.Find the maximum speed at which the pump may be operated without separation.assume
the tha plunger moves with simple harmonic motion.(May/June 2014)
6. A three throw pump has cylinders of 250 mm diameter and stroke of 500 mm each. The pump is required to deliver
0.1 m3/sec at a head of 100 m. Friction losses are estimated to be m in the suction pipe and 19 m in delivery pipe.
Velocity of water in delivery pipe is m/s, overall efficiency is 85% and the slip is 3% Determine
(i) Speed of the pump an (ii) Power required for running the pump
7. (i) A centrifugal pump having outer dia equal to two times the inner dia and running at 1000 r.p.m. works against a
total head of 40m.the velocity flow equal to 2.5m/s.Dia of impeller is 500mm and width at outlet 50mm.determine
(1) Manometric efficiency (2) vane angle at inlet(3) Mechanical efficiency(4) work done by impeller on
water/s.(Nov/Dec 2013)
(ii) The impeller of a centrifugal pump has an external diameter of 450 mm and internal diameter of 200 mm. The speed
of the pump is 1440 rpm. Assuming a constant radial flow through the impeller at 2.5 m/s and that the vanes at exit are
set back at an angle of 25, Determine:(1) The inlet vane angle
(2) The angle, the absolute velocity of water at exit makes with the tangent
(3) The work done per unit weight.
8. (i) Explain the working principle of double acting reciprocating pump with a neat sketch. (ii) Length of 350 mm. The
speed of the pump is 60 rpm and the discharge is0.02cumecs of water. Determine (1) The theoretical discharge (2)
Coefficient of discharge(3) Percentage slip.
9. (i) Compare and contrast Centrifugal pump and reciprocating pump.
(ii)The cross sectional area of a plunger of reciprocating pump equals 1.5 times that of a delivery pipe. The delivery
pipe is 60m long and it rises upward at a slope of 1 in 6. If the plunger has an acceleration of 2.4m/s2 at the end of the
stroke and separation pressure is 2.5m of water find whether separation will take place.
10. (i)Explain the different types of Reciprocating pumps? (ii)Differentiate pumps and turbines.
11.What indicator diagram?explain with neat sketch and include the acceleration head and fricition head during
different strokes.and also write down the total work done?(Nov/Dec 2013)
12.What is priming in a centrifugal pump?What is the necessity of using multistage centrifugal pumps?explain the
principles of centrifugal pumps?(May/June 2013),(May/June 2012)
13.Write short notes on types of rotary pumps?
14.Explain with neat sketch the construction details and working principles of a reciprocating pump?(May/June
2012)(May/June 2014)
15.Explain the working principles of submergible and gear pump with neat sketch.(May/June 2013)

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