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Ghause Azam Abdul Qadir Gilani

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We all know that, after the prophets, the Auliyae Karaam (saintly personalities) were
instrumental in spreading the message of Islam. There are numerous such
personalities in Islamic history. The most famous reference work in this respect is
Tazkiratul Auliya by Shaikh Fariduddin Attar, written more than 800 years ago and
giving insight into the lives and extraordinary powers/character of about 95 auliya.
Whoever finds time to read this wonderful book will notice that most of those auliya
came from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc. In the Subcontinent we had giants such
as Baba Tajuddin, Hazrat Nizamuddin Aoulia, Khwaja Moeenuddin Chisti and Data
Sahib in Lahore, while there were others in Multan, Pakpattan, Jalalpur Shareef, Uch
Shareef, etc.
The Muslims of the Subcontinent are quite fond of visiting the graves and tombs of
these holy figures. They go in thousands, even in hundreds of thousands, to
participate in annual celebrations and/or commemorations at tombs. There is
definitely a respectful place for the auliyas and there is no harm in offering fateha at
their graves or praying to Allah using the good names of these saints, but Islam
forbids personal veneration.
Both Hazrat Karkhi and Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani had, in fact, advised Muslims to
invoke their names when praying to the Almighty for acceptance of their prayers, but
that is very different from venerating their persons.
Today I would like to mention some sources for a better understanding about the life
of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani of Baghdad. In the Quran the Almighty has ordained:
Behold! On the Aoulias of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve. (10:62) For
His Benevolence He specially chooses whom He pleases. For Allah is the Lord of
bounties unlimited. (11:73)
Ghause Azams full name was Abdul Qadir, tribal name Abu Muhammad and
Mohiuddin, Ghause Azam titles. He was born in 470 AH in Jilan, a suburb of
Baghdad, and he died in 561 AH in Baghdad. The word Ghaus means one who has
the plight of others at heart and helps them. Most Muslims consider him to be the
helper, sympathiser and rescuer of the aggrieved, hence the title Ghause Azam the
great helper. From his fathers side he was a descendant of Hazrat Imam Hassan (RA)
and from his mothers side of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA). His ancestors belonged to
the religious notables of Jilan and Baghdad.
There are many reliable books and documents testifying that our Holy Prophet
(pbuh) had given good tidings to Ghause Azams father, Abu Saleh, of the birth of his
son in these words: O Abu Saleh! The Almighty has blessed you with a son who is a
saint; he is loved by the Almighty and me. He will have the same status amongst
saints as I have amongst the prophets. All auliyas will be subservient to him and his
foot will be on their necks (meaning that they would have a much lower status than
he did).
The most famous auliya to have forecast these good tidings were reported to be
Shaikh Hassan Basri (RA), Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (RA) and Shaikh Abu Baker (RA).

Maktab Al-Madinah Babul Madina, Karachi, has published a brief but invaluable
booklet on the life and super human abilities of Ghause Azam. This booklet has so far
had 60,000 copies published in eight editions. It consists of 108 pages and contains
an invaluable treasure of information, giving complete details about Ghause Azams
childhood, his education, knowledge, extraordinary kindness, his charitable and
philanthropic nature, patience, super human abilities like knowledge of the unknown,
curing the incurably ill and the general way of life by which he achieved such a high
position in the eyes of the Almighty. Readers can learn much from it on how to lead a
good, blessed, blissful life.
Of the many things written by Ghause Azam, I will name only one Ghaniatul
Taebeen (translated by Allama Muhammad Iqbal Qadri and published by Akbar Book
Sellers, Zubaida Centre, Urdu Bazar, Lahore). It is a veritable treasure of invaluable
knowledge. This book can be considered to be a simple but precise explanation of
the Holy Quran and is very useful for those who have, so far, been reading it without
translation. It allows for a much greater understanding of things we have read before
without knowledge of its real meaning. I would strongly advise everyone to read this
invaluable book of wisdom.
There were reports that Ghause Azam once went to the grave of Hazrat Maroof
Karkhi (RA) and offered fateha. He then requested Hazrat Maroof Karkhi to pray for
him, but a voice was heard coming from the grave saying: Abdul Qadir, please pray
for me for the Almighty has blessed you with a much higher status than mine
My dear friend, a fine human being, a great social worker and philanthropist,
Maulana Muhammed Bashir Farooq Qadri, is a great admirer of Ghause Azam. He is a
living example of someone who practises what Ghause Azam preached and follows
his instructions and advice on his way of life. Bashir Bhai is president of the
International Saylani Welfare Trust, Karachi.
This organisation, under his guidance, provides lunch to at least 100,000 people
every day, supplies meat regularly to poor families in the suburbs of Karachi, offers
scholarships to deserving students, offers free medical care to thousands of poor
people every day, provides financial support to people to start small businesses in
order to be able to stand on their own feet, provides sewing machines to women to
enable them to earn an honest living, runs vocational training centres for poor
students, runs an excellent IT training institute and publishes thousands of books on
Islam, manners, morals and ethics.
I have had the pleasure of attending some of their functions and it has always been
heart-warming. May Almighty shower His unlimited blessings on Bashir Bhai and his
colleagues for doing such fine humanitarian work in the same spirit as Ghause Azam
Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani used to do and preach Ameen.
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