Enhancing Community-Police Relations in Barangay 143 PAsay City

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Background of the Study

Cooperation between police and the public is a prerequisite for the success in law
enforcement agency, notably the police as well as better, peaceful and harmonious society.
Communities depend upon on police to protect and perform their duties in accordance with their
profession, and the police, in turn, rely on community support and cooperation. Benevolent and
without prejudice relationship between the community and police will help to bring optimistic
feedback to crime and other social dilemmas.
PoliceCommunity relations refer to the ongoing and changing relationship between the
police and the communities they serve. This includes issues of cooperation, race relations, and
fear of police, violence, and corruption. Police community relations are aimed at establishing a
dialogue with the police.
When there is a good police- community relation, police have a better understanding of
the public concerns(especially those that are crime related), and citizens are more inclined to
report crimes that occur to the police, provide tips or intelligence to law enforcement, willingly
serve as witnesses, and are happy to participate in jury trials(Bonna I.Abuyan-Obmerga, 2014).
In addition, police also become proactive, thereby preventing crimes before they occur or
minimized their impact instead of simply reacting to call or service. Good police-community
relations prevent the possibility that the public thinks that police are simply mechanism for
intelligence collection ( Samples.jpub.com).
The police deal with the community on several levels: individually, as a
group/organization, and as political actors. When it appears that law enforcement represents the
interests of the communities in which they police, there is general harmony. When police are out
of sync with these sentiments, there is discontent and dissention. Also, keep in mind that
Different community groups view the police differently and have varying notions of the priorities
and objectives of law enforcement and criminal justice (Cordner and Scarborough, 2007: 10).
For that kind of working conditions to be created, the police should demonstrate a high sense of
responsibility in dealing with members of the public and in discharging their duties. On the other
hand, the public must understand that maintaining law and order is a collective responsibility
between the parties and should do everything possible to assist the police in protecting lives
and property (Maikano Madaki. Ph. D and Mustapha Hashim Kurfi, 2013).
Despite the increasing importance attached to public and police relationship around the
globe, there appears to have little reported improvement in the practices in implementation of
effective relationship between concerned parties. At present, limited research has been carried
out into the enhancing police-community relationship in the country. This paper therefore
attempts to fill the gap and to contribute to the growing literature on the enhancing relationship
between police and the community in our country.
This paper therefore focuses on Enhancing the Police-Community Relationship
particularly at Barangay 143, Pasay City.

Theoretical Framework
Enforcement, Service and Community Models. The author has used his these model for
more than five decades suggested that the citizens must understand that their security and
welfare are at great extent, dependent upon the maintenance of an orderly society, which in turn
is dependent upon the effectively and efficiency as well as the prestige of the police.
The aim of the Enforcement, Service and Community Models is to determine how
policing information has been practice and what environmental variables are most effective in
enhancing police-community relation. This knowledge is beneficial to police as lawful agent and
the community because it provides a foundation to improve relation and leadership status. This
models objective is to guide the researcher in focusing on the how the variable factors affect
both concerned parties (i.e. police and community) in relation to Police-Community Programs
being implemented. (Fielding, 2001) .The philosophy here is that the police and the public have
the responsibility for keeping their society safe in order to ensure security of lives and property.
The researchers adopted this theory because currently, the paper talks about those
community-policing factors that affect the relationship between police and community, which
means it will help us to understand better the reasons behind the mutuality of support applied
between the police and community and to what extent does the enhancing of relationship
programs between the parties is being implemented.

Conceptual Framework
Independent Variables

Profile of the Respondents


Educational Attainment
Socio Economic Status

Dependent Variable

Police Community Programs:


Program for Sports

Environmental Programs
Disaster Operation Programs
Lectures and Seminars to
Barangay Tanods
e. Anti-Gambling Programs

The independent variable is the Profile of the Respondents which is composed of age, gender,
educational attainment, socio economic status, occupation and its relationship to the dependent
variable which is the police community programs such as program for sports, environmental
programs, disaster operation programs, lectures and seminars to barangay tanods, antigambling programs.

Statement of the Problem and Research Questions

The aim of the study is to enhance the police and community relationships particularly at
Barangay 143, Pasay City. Specifically, it aims to answer the following:
1. What are the profiles of the respondents in terms of:
a. Age
b. Gender
c. Educational Attainment
d. Socio Economic Status
e. Occupation
2. To what extent does Police Community Relations being enhanced in terms of implementing
programs such as?

Program for Sports

Environmental Programs
Disaster Operation Programs
Lectures and Seminars to Barangay Tanods
Anti-Gambling Programs

3. Is there a significant difference on the extent of Implementation when grouped according to

There is no significant difference on the extent of Implementation when grouped according to

Significance of the Study

The study will be significant to both concerned parties( Police and the Community) as
this will provide knowledge or will build awareness of the importance of having proper
relationship between parties for the reason of improving the Police-Community Program to be
implemented. It will also give insights to Police, as lawful agents of the society, to gain
respect/trust in the society and vice versa. It is believed that the study to be performed will
provide result in to have a better way in maintaining relationships efficiently and effectively and
will contribute to the growth and development of Enhancing Police-Community relationship in
the country. In addition, this will also serve as a basis for future researchers.

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of the study delimited to the extent of Police-Community Relationship program
implemented in Barangay 143, Pasay City.
Study will seek to enhance the role played by each party (i.e. police and community) in crime
prevention, the extent to which Police-Community Relationship program implemented in the
community and how it can influence crime reduction in the society.
Also the research will be delimited to establish role of community policing as a crime reduction
has impacted on the community livelihood. Furthermore, the study is also delimited to the
influence of police-community partnership on crime reduction.

Definition of Terms
Barangay Tanod/s- they are also called police officer at the lowest unit of government ( i.e.
Community variation- it means different changes in standard living, environment, and other
factors affecting the lives of the people as a community.
Criminal Justice- is the system of practices and institutions of governments directed at
upholding social control, deterring and mitigating crime, or sanctioning those who violate laws
with criminal penalties and rehabilitation efforts
Deterrence- use of punishment as a threat to deter people from offending.
Dilemmas- Problem
Law enforcement- relating to the prevention and detection of crime
Neighborhood- : Geographic area with people living close to one another
Police- lawful agent
Police Misconduct- illegal actions taken by police officers.
Police-Community Relation- refer to the ongoing and changing relationship between the police
and the communities they serve
Policing- this refers activities carried out by police officers in order to preserve law and order
Procedural Justice- idea of fairness in the processes
Public Opinion- idea of fairness in the processes

Method of Research
The study employed the descriptive type of research. Descriptive research, also known as a
statistical research, describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon
being studied. Descriptive research answers the questions who, what, where, when and how.
Population and Sample Size
The respondents of the study includes 20 or 100 percent of PNP employees assigned at Pasay
Police Station and 300 residents of Barangay 143, Pasay City, randomly selected from the total
population of 3,777.
The Descriptive survey was utilized to determine the extent of implementation of Police
Community Relation Program in Barangay 143, Pasay City.
Description of Respondents
The description of the respondents will be based on their profile given in the Statement of the
Research Instrument
In this study, the information will be collected through self-administered questionnaire
distributed personally by the researcher to the respondents. The questionnaire will be
composed of two parts, the first part is the profile of the respondents and the second is the
study of the visibility of the police, as lawful agents in the implementation of police community
programs to enhance the police-community relationship.
Data Gathering Procedure
The researchers first step was to gather the needed literature to support the study. The first
step was the USL EBSCoHost, utilizing the World Wide Web and other online journals
subscribed by University of Saint Louis, and previous studies conducted. Second step
The researcher will ask for the list of people registered living within the vicinity of Barangay 143,
Pasay City. . After the list is provided, researchers will select 300 respondents given the said
criteria or profile of the respondents.
Statistical Treatment of Data
The data gathered were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted using z-test, frequency distribution
and percentage count to describe the profile of the respondents.
Weighted mean is use to assess the implementation of police community relations.
Sheffes Post Hoc Tests and One way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) was utilized to determine
the difference in the extent of implementation and problems encountered.

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