(What To Write, How To Elaborate On The Points Given) - Then, Use 30 Minutes To Write and 5

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Analysis of PMR Guided Writing Questions




Informal Letter


Giving opinion




Report based on pictures


Informal Letter based on notes given


Story based on pictures


Speech based on poster about safety in school


An Article A visit to old folks home


Story based on pictures


Article comparing where to go for a holiday (beach or highland)


Speech qualities of a good student

General Guidelines for GUIDED WRITING [25 marks -- 40 minutes]

1. Always read the question carefully and highlight what you need to do (task). Check the
tone/pronoun needed.
2. Use the 40 minutes wisely: Use 5 minutes to plan your essay and organise your thoughts
(what to write, how to elaborate on the points given). Then, use 30 minutes to write and 5
minutes to edit.
3. Remember to use all the points given.
4. Remember to give relevant details or elaborate the points given. Use WH- questions to
help you develop your points.
5. Vary your sentence structures so that your essay is not dull and monotonous.
6. Include an introduction (may copy from the question andcheck if you need to
changethe pronoun) and a conclusion.

7. Also, make sure your paragraphs are well-organised.

8. Read through your written piece and edit it.
Good morning to the principal, teachers and fellow students. I am honoured to be given
this opportunity to talk on 'The Benefits of Sports'.
Thank you.


133, LorongBayu,
Taman Bayu,
01000 Kangar,
3 DEC 2012.

Address of sender

Dear Yati,
Yours sincerely,


At 8.00 a.m., 35 studentsand.............................................................................

Reported by
Ramesh s/o Muthusamy
(Secretary of Community Club)

Health is Wealth
Which is more important? .........................................................................................................
............................................. ......................................................................................................................

Written by,

It was raining heavily. ......................................................................................

As I was walking home,.........................................................................................


Greeting / Salutation
Dearest and My dearest
(is most often used)
(are usually used only for people you love)
My dear .
(is used if you have a close relationship with someone, like your family or best friend)
Opening Remarks
How are you? I hope you are fine
I received your letter yesterday / a few
days ago

What a surprise to hear from you

How are you? I am sorry I couldnt write

Closing Remarks
That will be for now. I hope to hear from
you soon.
Do write soon.

Please send my warmest regards to your

I shall write again when I have time.

The Format



1, Jalan Bukit Lagi,

01000 Kangar,


2 June 2012


Dear Fadzle,
It was a wonderful surprise to hear from you


Do write to me again after your examinations. Until

then, good luck in the exam!


Your friend,

Ending &


Example of question on informal letter.

You are advised to spend about 40 minutes on this question.
You have just spent your school holidays in Malacca. You have made short notes about
the places you visited. Write a letter to your pen-friend overseas to tell him or her what
you saw and did there.
1. Historical sites visited A Famosa- bought souvenirs
2. Crocodile Farm saw many species of crocodile watched crocodile feeding session
3. Mahkota Parade large shopping complex watched movie in the Cineplex
4. A Famosa Water World enjoyed water games- had a picnic
When writing your letter :

Use all the notes given

Elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
Make sure it is not less than 120 words.


8, Taman Seri Wang,

02600 Arau,
29July 2012

Dear Annie,
How are you? I hope you are fine. I am fine here. I am writing this letter to tell you what
I saw and did in Malacca.
Firstly, I visited historical site, A Famosa. I bought souvenirs. Then, I visited Crocodile
Farm. I saw many species of crocodiles and watched crocodile- feeding session. After that, I
went to Mahkota Parade, the large shopping complex. I watched movie in Cineplex. Lastly, I
visited A Famosa Water World. I enjoyed water games and had picnic.
That is all for now. I hope to hear from you soon. Please send my regards to everyone
at home. Bye
Yours sincerely,

Exercise 1
You are advised to spend about 40 minutes on this question.
Your school celebrated Teachers Day last week. Write a letter to a friend to describe this
special occasion.
Use these notes in your letter:

Assembly at 7.30 am

Speech by principal gave advice to students

Aim of celebration show appreciation to teachers

Speech by head prefect

Activities carried out games class parties - concert

When writing your letter :

you may use all the notes
elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
add any other relevant information
make sure it is not less than 120 words
(25 marks)


The purpose of a recount is to retell or recount events or past experiences. (The prefix re
means again. So to recount is to tell again).
Types of Recount
Personal recounts a recount of an experience in which the writer is personally or
directly involved
Factual recounts a recount of an event or incident such as a newspaper report.
Imaginative recounts retelling a fictitious or imaginary event.

There is always a setting of a scene in the opening or introduction eg.

I went to the beach last week.

The events in a recount are often in a chronological order (or the order in which the

events happen).
I went to the beach last week. I saw many people there. Many of them were playing in the

The recount will always have a closing statement.

When it was dark, people started packing their things. I picked up my things and left.
Language Features

Recounts are written in the past tense.

Recounts can be written in the first or third persons point of view.

1st person point of view The event or experience is happening to the person writing the

eg. I went to the beach last week.
3rd person point of view An observer or a third party is telling or writing the recount.
eg. Johan went to the beach last week. He saw many people there.

Sequence connectors are often used in recounts to narrate events in a chronological

eg. Next, then, after that, following this, etc.

Sample Question
Your class went on a four-day trip to Taman Negara during the last school holidays. With the
help of the notes you made in your diary, write an account of the trip.

24thApril gathered at school compound left at 7.00 a.m checked into hostel.
25thApril hiked up GunungTahan lush green jungle beautiful scenery
26thApril canopy walk 400 metres long exciting to walk 25 metres above the ground
27thApril packed things got ready to go home exhausted but happy

When writing your recount:

use all the notes given

elaborate on the notes to make it more interesting
make sure it is not less than 120 words

Sample Answer
During the first semester holidays, my class organized a trip to Taman Negara in
Pahang. Our class teacher, Pn. Maimun, accompanied us on the trip.
On 24 April, all the students gathered in the school with our bags. The bus arrived
promptly. It was a 42-seater air-conditioned bus. Although the journey was five hours, we did
not feel tired. As soon as we arrived at our destination, we checked into a budget hotel.
After a good nights sleep, we were ready for the most exciting event the climb up
GunungTahan, the highest peak. Although the hill slopes were steep and jagged and the hike
up was a real challenge, we were excited. We enjoyed the cool, crisp mountain air. The view of
the lush green scenery and the variety of exotic flora and fauna was a real treat. In fact, the
scenery was so beautiful that we stopped to take some photographs.
The next day, we braced ourselves for another challenging activity the canopy walk.
Although some of us were at first reluctant to walk at a height of 25 metres above the ground,
we gave in after much persuasion from our class teacher. It was a real thrilling experience to
view the green jungle canopy. The rustling of the leaves and the sounds made by the animals
sounded like a strange musical piece.
The next day, we packed our things and left for home. We slept during the entire journey
as we were exhausted. Nevertheless, it was a very exciting trip.

Exercise 2

Study the pictures below and answer the question that follows

The Nature Club of your school organised a 3-day trip to Pangkor Island. Write a recount
on the activities carried out during the 3-day trip.

When writing your recount:

use all the notes given

elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting

make sure it is not less than 120 words

(25 marks)


Study the map carefully.

Locate the starting point of the route (if any) and trace it to the end.
Look out for landmarks, road names, buildings, rivers, and any written information
on the map. Make use of them in your answer.

Remember to mention the route taken if the question requires.

Expand your points. Include details of what you saw and did at each


place. Make your description as interesting as possible.

Read the question to decide the correct tense to be used.

Finally, check your answer for errors especially in spelling, punctuation,


and facts.


Study the map carefully.

Look out for arrows or a sequence of dates /time. Arrange your writing


to the directions or series of events given.

Expand your points. Include details of what you saw and did at each


place. Make your description as interesting as possible.

Read the question to decide the correct tense to be used.

Finally, check your answer for errors especially in spelling, punctuation,

and facts.



Sample Question
Study the map below and answer the question that follows.

Your friend would like to come to your house in PersiaranEmas 2. With the help of the
map above, describe clearly the route to your house from the bus-stop in JalanBesar.

When writing your description:

use all the notes given

elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting

make sure it is not less than 120 words

(25 marks)


Sample Answer

The bus will drop you at JalanBesar. Walk down the road towards the traffic lights at the
crossroads of JalanBesar. You will pass JalanUtama. Hotel Utama and Kelab Golf Utama are on
your left. Go along this road until you come to a T-junction. Turn right and walk for about 20
metres and then turn left into JalanJambatanDua. You will see a mosque on your right. Take the
bridge over Sungai Buaya. Go straight until you come to JalanEmasDua, the second junction on
your right. You will have passed a school on your right and a playground on your left. Turn into
JalanEmasDua and go along this road. The road turns into PersiaranEmasDua. My house , No 4,
is the second on your right.


Exercise 1

During the last school holidays, you and your friends went to an island. The map above shows
the route you took and the places you and your friend visited. In not less than 120 words,
describe what you saw and did there.

When writing your description:

use all the notes given

elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting

make sure it is not less than 120 words

(25 marks)


Speeches are made during special occasions like school assemblies, student gatherings and
other social occasions like weddings, anniversaries, dinners and farewell parties.
When making speeches, you should:
Greet your audience

Introduce yourself

Introduce your topic

Make your speech.

Elaborate on your points

Thank your audience

Sample Sentences for Speech

Opening Address (Greeting Audience, Introducing Speaker)
1. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to give a
2. Boys and Girls, A very good morning to you all. Before I begin my talk today, let me
introduce myself to you. I am Adnan b. Khalid from the Kangar Health Department.
Introducing the topic
1. Today, I am going to talk on the topic How to Keep Our Teeth Clean and Healthy.
2. Without wasting any more time, I would like to introduce my topic today, and that is
Qualities of a Responsible Prefect.


Sample Question 1
There has been an increase in the number of robberies in your area. You have been asked to
give a speech at your school assembly on how to defend your homes from burglars. You have
made the following notes:

Ensure that all doors, windows and gates are locked before you go to sleep or before
you leave the house.

Have additional security devices like an alarm, a peep hole, safety-chain catch and good

Avoid keeping too much money or valuables in your house.

If you are going on holidays, stop the delivery of newspapers.

Sample Answer

Introduction of the topic

Additional information

Main point

Main point

Main point

Thank the audience


Good morning to our principal, senior assistants, teachers and friends. Today, I wish to give
a talk on how to ensure the safety of our homes and prevent housebreaking.
Statistics provided by the Police Department revealed that cases of house-breaking had
soared last year compared to the previous years. Our lackadaisical attitude towards home
security has resulted in burglars gaining easy entry to our homes.
How can we ensure the safety of our homes? First of all, ensure that all doors, windows
and gates are locked before we go to sleep or before we leave our homes. Sometimes we leave
our grilles ajar and sometimes we leave our door keys dangling from the lock.
We should have additional security devices like an alarm, a peep hole, safety-chain latch
and good padlocks. Statistics reveal that installing a burglars alarm is the best investment for
home security. Having a peep hole and safety-chain latch will prevent unwelcome guests from
entering your home.
In addition, we should avoid keeping too much money or valuables in the house.
Keeping them in a bank is always a better guarantee for the safety of our valuables.
If you are planning to go on a holiday then make sure you halt the delivery of
newspapers so that it does not seem obvious that there is nobody at home.
So my dear friends, I hope that we will pay attention to these preventive measures that
we often overlook. Remember Prevention is better than cure. Thank you.

Your school is organising a Road Safety Week to make the students aware of their
responsibilities on the road. As President of the Road Safety Club, you have been asked to give
a speech about Ways to Reduce Road Accidents during the school assembly.

You have made the following notes to help you:

make sure bicycles and other vehicles are road-worthy

follow all traffic rules strictly
do not race or speed on the road
get involved in awareness campaigns
never cycle or ride a motorcycle if you are tired

When writing out your speech:

use all the notes given
elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
make sure it is not less than 120 words
(25 marks)


Different ways of giving opinions

In my opinion
Personally, I am of the opinion that
From my point of view, I think
As far as I am concerned
I strongly feel that
It seems to me that
It is my opinion that

Giving reasoned opinions

To start
First of all,
In the first place,
To begin with,
To add information or points in support of an existing opinion

Apart from this
Other than that
In addition
Added to this is the fact that

To show an opposite stand

On the contrary
In contrast
On the other hand

Sample question :
Games should be made compulsory for students. Do you agree ?


Sample Answer

Personally, I am of the opinion that gamesshould be made compulsory for students.

In the first place to be healthy, a person must exercise regularly. A person who plays
games will have a healthy body and a healthy mind. On the other hand, a person who does not
play games will be inactive and weak.
Furthermore, games helps students to develop a spirit of co-operation. Besides, students
will learn to work as a team. They will be more disciplined as they have to obey the rules. In
addition, they will learn to put the interest of the team before self-interest.
Apart from this, games are a form of relaxation. All work and no play makes Jack a
dull boy, goes the saying. A student cannot study all the time. If he does, he will soon become
a bundle of nerves. On the contrary, if he plays games, it will make him fit and healthy.
Playing games is definitely beneficial to
students. Therefore, games should be made compulsory for students.


Readthe dialogues between Khairul and Farah. Who do you agree with? Write a composition to
state your choice.

When writing your composition:

useall the notes given

elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
make sure it is not less than 120 words.

(25 marks)


General guidelines
1. Reports can be divided into a few types ( school magazines, newsletters and
2. Reports are usually brief and written in simple language.
3. Read the question given carefully. Understand the short notes given.
4. When you have understood the notes given, expand these notes.
5. You may use your own ideas to make the report more interesting.
6. Know who you are writing for. This allows you to write with your readers in mind.
7. Arrange your points in paragraphs. Each main idea should have some supporting ideas.
8. Give your report a suitable title and write your name at the bottom on the left.
9. Check your spelling, punctuation and grammar.


Sample Question
Your school organised the annual Sports Day. Based on the pictures and notes below, write a
report for your school magazine.

When writing your report:

useall the notes given

elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
make sure it is not less than 120 words.

(25 marks)


Sample Answer
Last Saturday, my school held its Sports Day. The school field was decorated with colorful flags.
The houses were also decorated in their respective colours. The students were in their own
house-coloured T-shirts. The students were all busy getting ready for the sports to begin.
The sports began with the march past by the students. All of them looked smart in their
house colour. The mascot for Green House was a gorilla and it really caught the attention for
everyone around. After the speeches, the Negaraku was sung.
Then there were the running events like 100m, 200m and 400m. The most exciting
events were of course the relay events among the houses. The supporters were really
screaming and shouting for their house teams towin. When their house won, their screams were
even louder.
At the end, the winners were given prizes. Green House was the champion. Everyone
enjoyed themselves ast it was really a grand affair.


Exercise 1
Your friend is taking a test on bed-making. Based on the pictures and notes below, give her
instructions on how to make a bed. Your composition should not be less than 120 words.



Articles can be divided into a few types. There are articles for school magazines,
newsletter and newspaper.

Articles are usually short and straight to the point.

Language used in articles must be simple.
Read the task given carefully, understand the short notes given and expand
You may use your own ideas to make the article more interesting.
Know who you are writing for. This allows you to write with your reader minds.
Arrange your points in paragraphs. Each main idea should have some supporting ideas.
Give your article a suitable title.
Finally, check your answer for errors especially in spelling, punctuation and grammar.


Sample Question

You are advised to spend about 40 minutes on this question.

You are the President of Nature Club. Your club has planned some activities in order to
improve the school environment. You wish to write an article for your members.

clean school compound

pin up posters and pictures showing clean environment
paint classrooms and school hall
cut grass in school garden
rearrange potted plants
put up the articles

When writing your article:

useall the notes given

elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
make sure it is not less than 120 words.
(25 marks)


Sample Answer
Keep Our School Clean

All of us want to study in a school with a pleasant environment. It will be more conducive
for teaching and learning process
There are many things we can do to make the school compound clean. First, we will cut
the grass in the school garden. To do this, we will be divided into groups. One group will cut the
grass, another group will buy more potted plants and place them in suitable places. We will
rearrange the potted plants to make the garden look its best.
The school notice boards are bare. The walls are old and dirty. Again, we will be divided
into groups. One group will do the painting of classrooms and halls. Another group will pin up
posters and pictures. All these show a clean environment.
Lastly, we will put up articles on the importance of a clean environment. This makes
interesting reading. We will take these articles from magazines and books.


You are advised to spend about 40 minutes on this question.

You attended a talk on Taking Care of Your Health conducted by a doctor from University
Malaya Medical Centre. You summarized the talk and made the notes below. Write an article of
at least 120 words for your school magazine based on the information given.

Taking care of your health


Practice good eating habits drink lots of water, drink fruit/vegetable juices and eat
fruits get essential nutrients strengthen immune system

Exercise regularly better blood circulation.


Eat lots of food that have high fat, sugar and salt content example : fried chicken, junk
food, carbonated drinks lead to diseases heart disease, diabetes

Smoke nicotine very harmful destroys lungs and causes cancer smoke also
harms non- smokers.

(25 marks)



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