Analysis of The Eye of A Needle

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Analysis of the Eye of a Needle


Character/s and characterization

Were the characters life-like?
Yes, the characters were life-like. The author provided us with
enough childhood background to make us feel like the narrator was
actually a real person retelling the story. The author also gave the
characters flaws and fears that made them more relatable.
Who was the main character? the antagonist?
The main character in the story was the narrator. The story was
focused on how she dealt with the constant blackmailing of the
antagonist, Socorro.


Were the surroundings described vividly and clearly?
The surroundings were described vividly and clearly. The author
described them through a childs perspective that made the story more
interesting since some parts are exaggerated. The author created an
atmosphere fit for the story.
Did the reader need to infer about the time and place?
The reader did not need to infer about the time and place
because the author was specific where the characters were.
How important was the setting?
The setting in this story played an important role. If it happened
in a different place, it would have a very different outcome. The story
happened in a Catholic school, with very strict nuns and if it was in a
different school, no one would have cared if the narrators cotton
panties was on diplay.


Was the conflict internal or external?
The conflict was both internal and external. The narrator was
having an internal battle whether or not she should tell her mother

about Socorros blackmailing while she was also in a conflict with

Socorro who would not stop threats.


Were the events arranged logically?
The events were logically, chronologically specifically. There were
no twists ants turns of the events. You do not need to reread the story
just to catch up with the plot. It was direct to the point.
What was the major climax?
The major climax was when the narrators mother told her that
her pearl earrings were with the jeweller for cleaning. That was the
major turning point of events because after that the narrator could
barely hold herself up. She thought she was going to the principals
office now that her plan was completely blown off by one single event.
Were there episodes that may be deleted or removed without affecting
the story?
No, there were no episodes that may be deleted or removed
because every event in the story adds to the build-up of the climax.


What was the central theme of the story and how would you apply it in
your life?
The central theme of the story is to do good things all the time
because you will never know when death will come knocking at your
door. Knowing this, we will try to be our best every day. We will help
people with the best of our ability.


What is the purpose of the title?
The purpose of the title is to suggest the theme. The title The
Eye of A Needle is originally from a Bible verse, Matthew 19:24,
"Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a
needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Is the title suitable for the plot?

Yes, the title is suitable to the plot because the whole story was
basically about your chances of entering heaven.


What was the purpose of the beginning?
The purpose









Authors Style
Describe the writers style.
The writers style was long and wordy. She explained things in
detail. It was easy to understand the story despite the use of
unfamiliar words.

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