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Domain F: Developing as a Professional Educator

TPE 12: Professional, Legal, and Ethical Obligations

TPE 13: Professional Growth
37. Models ethical commitment, values, and practices dedicated to 'all students can learn at
high levels'. (TPE 12)
38. Acknowledges own personal values and biases, recognizes and resists acts of intolerance,
and understands the ways these values and biases affect the teaching and learning of students.
(TPE 12)
39. Works constructively with colleagues, students, their parents, and community members to
communicate student progress and promote learning. (TPE 12)
40. Demonstrates professionalism by portraying professional image, using effective
communication skills, modeling ethical and moral behaviors, welcoming and accepting
constructive criticism in positive ways, and implements all district, state and federal laws
regarding the education of PK12 students. (TPE 12)
41. Takes responsibility for student academic learning outcomes and communicates student
learning progress consistently and effectively over time. (TPE 12)
42. Models a variety of communication and collaboration skills needed to effectively work with
colleagues, students, their parents, and community members and promote equitable learning
and healthy learning environments for all students. (TPE 12)
43. Engages in and promotes appropriate communications with staff, students, and parents via
the Internet, telephone, text messages, and social media networks. (MySpace, Facebook,
Twitter etc.) (TPE 12D)
44. Uses and reflects on multiple sources of information (including student learning data,
principles of human development and learning, relevant theory, and research) in making
instructional decisions to promote all students' learning and for improving pedagogical
practices. (TPE 13)
45. Individually and collaboratively with colleagues, examines and reflects on their teaching
practices and professional behaviors in relation to principles of classroom equity, student
learning evidence, laws, and the professional responsibilities. (TPE 12/13)
46. Uses site-based and community resources to provide integrated support for the social,
emotional, health, educational, and language service needs of each child. (TPE 12)
Integrating - The candidate provides clear, consistent, and convincing evidence demonstrating
the competency or competencies. Candidate's practices demonstrate a preponderance of
appropriate, relevant, accurate, and clear or detailed evidence. The evidence is purposefully
connected and reinforced across this TPE Domain.
Applying - The candidate provides clear evidence demonstrating the competency or
Candidate's practices demonstrate a preponderance of appropriate, relevant, or accurate
evidence. Evidence is connected across this TPE Domain.
Emerging - The candidate provides partial evidence demonstrating the competency or
competencies. Candidate's practices demonstrate a preponderance of minimal, limited, cursory,
inconsistent, and/or

ambiguous evidence. Evidence is weakly connected across this TPE Domain and may be
Beginning - The candidate provides little or no evidence demonstrating the competency or
competencies. Candidate's practices demonstrate a preponderance of inappropriate, irrelevant,
inaccurate or missing evidence. Evidence is unconnected across the TPE Domain.
Observation Date: 04/20/2016
Form Status: Completed
Evidence/Feedback/Next Steps
She taught a well organized lesson on The Art of Biosphere and a Lesson Review. She actively
engaged her student in the process. Asking questions and engaging them in the process.

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