In My Opinion 2

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In my opinion, verybody should be admitted in College regardless

their academic ability. It is important to realize that people have

different skills and is Colleges job to exploide them. Even when
academic ability is important, it is also relevant social and
communicatiin skills and the background or experience of the
prospect student.
First of all, students with low academic scores can have a higher
development in related areas. It is important to remark this because
the universities should identify the hidden habilities in students. And
even when a lot of students do not have remarkable scores,
sometimes they have speach skills or they can write beautiful
literature. Regarding this, universities can help them choose a major
focused on arts or policy, for example. Additionally, a lot of people
with low scores are able to socialize in a better way, and maybe they
can study a major with a focus on people or human been interaction.
Secondly, not always scores say all about a student. It is also
important to consider the background, it means that the experience
of a prospect college student can make a big difference. Indeed, the
work experience or life experience can be valuable for the university
and the new students, even when they are low score students, can
have brillant ideas based on their background. Furthermore, a lot of
people start to understand the complexity of the theory on their jobs,
when they start to build or create with teir hand. It could be
considered by the universities in order to accept students regardless
of their academic abilities.
Finally, it is not fair to judge a persons abilities only by their school
scores. People are more thatn a number. Universities can accept
prospects students with low develompent in order to exploit other
abilities they have in order to help them choose the rigth major and
als the university can win a lot with their experience and background.
For all these reasons I agree with the statement that Universities most
accept everybody without watching only their scores.

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