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Personal Choices

Positive Commandsthings the Bible tells us that we should do, such as love one
Negative Commandsthings the Bible tells us that we should not do, such as tell
Guiding Principles:
(From Romans 14-15, these will help you in situations where the Bible gives neither
a positive nor a negative command.)
1. The Principle of Personal Persuasion (Having no doubt in your own mind as
to what you should do.)
2. The Principle of Not Judging Others (Christ is the only one who can judge
3. The Principle of Not Being a Stumbling Block (What one Christian does
should not cause others to sin.
4. The Principle of Surrendering Personal Rights (Just because you CAN do
something, doesnt mean you SHOULD. We may have to give up doing
something we have the right to do so that we can help others grow toward
spiritual maturity.)
5. The Principle of Glorifying God (Always ask, Does this action point people
to Christ?)
Dealing with Guilt
No one has to teach us to do wrong; it comes naturally. We inherited this nature
because we descended from Adam. Because of that sinful nature, we often fail to
make the right decisions. But because of Gods mercy, we can have forgiveness.
The solution to guilt is confessing our sins and trusting that God genuinely forgives
us and forgets that sin.
Confessionacknowledging before God that the behavior is wrong.
Know about Illegal Drugs
Treat your body with respect as being made in Gods image.
Developing Friendships
Decisions such as choosing the right kinds of friends and developing daily discipline
lead to fruitful lives. A friend is a person who supports you and encourages you in
righteous living.
Characteristics of friendship:
A common viewsharing the same life values and perspectives
TrustCan you count on each other to be a true friend? To support each
other? To not allow changes in life to affect the friendship?
Respecttreating each other as you ought to be treated; being sensitive to
each others differences; being considerate if he/she needs space and
privacy, allowing him/her to cultivate other interests and friendships.

To initiate friendship, the most important thing is love extended to another person.

Agapao (Agape) loveactions that originate within a person and then are expressed
for the benefit of another; it is given unconditionally (no conditions, the person
doesnt have to DO anything to receive it.)
Fileo loveactions that benefit someone else because of their character, behavior,
or relationship to the one loving, a brotherly loveto be a friend.
Studying Honestly
Cramming is not a good method of studying. Here are some much better methods:
1. ConcentrateRead with total attention, avoid being distracted. If you do not
take time to understand the material, you will not be able to answer the
questions on the test.
2. Plan deadlines for every projectKeep a calendar and spread out projects
when you can.
3. Start strong and dont procrastinateThe more work you postpone, the more
work you will have to do in less time.
4. Review, review, reviewPay close attention to questions you got wrong and
sections you did not completely understand.
5. Prepare thoroughly for a testSummarize your material in outline form; make
a list of possible test questions and make sure you know the answers. Get a
good nights sleep.
Studying Honestly
Academic honesty/integrityWe all know that cheating is a form of stealing. It also
shortchanges learning; many lessons are lost. Three reasons students cheat are
laziness, pressure to make good grades, and hopelessness with a subject that is too
hard. Commit to do what is right and avoid working with others who cheat.
Finding Gods Will
Four ways God gives guidance:
1. Through Biblical teachings
2. Through circumstances
3. Through mature counselan older, more mature person gives sound advice
because he/she has lived through more trials and has faced many more
4. Through His Spiritto know and do Gods will requires you be controlled by
the Holy Spirit
Many of your daily decisions will be made through a conviction in your heart as to
what you should do. When you are faced with a decision, consider the resultsWill
it bring peace to you and to others?
Getting Things Done

Planning & Goal-setting

Procrastination causes the quality of your work to suffer. It is the result of poor
planning, poor goals, or poor priorities.
1. Set clear goals, measurable in both achievement and time.
2. Plan each step
3. Establish step priority

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