Addif Netmask + Broadcast + Deprecated - Failover Up

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Setup IPMP groups on all nodes for all public network interfaces which
are used for a HA dataservice. At least you need one test IP for each
network adapter and one production IP for each IPMP group.
e.g: IPMP group active-active with interfaces qfe0 and qfe4 with one
physical IP.
Entry of /etc/hostname.qfe0:
<production_IP_host> netmask + broadcast + group ipmp1 up \
addif <test_IP_host> netmask + broadcast + deprecated -failover up
Entry of /etc/hostname.qfe4:
<test_IP_host> netmask + broadcast + group ipmp1 deprecated -failover up
The IPMP group name ipmp1 is freely chosen in this example!
If the defaultrouter is NOT 100% available please read infodocs
70060 and 70062.
Do not use test IP for normal applications.
Test IP for all adapters in the same IPMP group must belong to a single IP subnet.
You need an additional IP for each logical host.
In the /etc/default/mpathd file, the value of
FAILBACK must be yes (default). Bug 6429808.
Link Based
When using Solaris9 12/02 or later & SC3.1 Update1 or later there is no
need for a IPMP test address if you have only 1 NIC in the IPMP group.
(RFE 4511634, 4741473)
e.g: of /etc/hostname.qfe0 entry:
<production_IP_host> netmask + broadcast + group ipmp1 up

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