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Roles of Core Technologies in an Effective IT System

A functional IT system requires all the technologies involved to work together to achieve the its
intended purpose. If one of these technologies fails to perform, the entire system becomes
vulnerable to breakdown and failure. Of this technologies, the most crucial are referred to as core
technologies, they include; computers, programs, databases, networks, web systems, and
Programs are the instructions that automate processes in a computer system. They govern how
components that makeup a computer system function. Computer programs can be dived broadly
into operating systems and application software, the prior manage access to available resources
in a system while the later is geared to solving defined problem #. These two classifications
continue to spawn new software sub-classifications as computing moves beyond the traditional
computers to other gadgets and devices.
The strength of using computers for information processing lies with their capacity to to handle
vast amounts of data, calculations and iterations while maintaining a high level of accuracy,
reliability and low investment and supervision. With increase and improvement in computer
software, we have been able to produce increasing amount of data. The need to store this
information has spurred the growth of database applications.
Databases are computer programs whose purpose is to store data in an highly organized tables.
They also offer tools to and make manipulate the data so as to get useful information efficiently.
Databases provide an efficient way to catalogue and store data. By definition, a database is
typically a computerized record keeping system with the overall purpose of maintaining
information and making it available whenever required. They provide capacity to manipulate
and analyze data in a fast; cost-effective and consistent manner by storing these data in highly
organized tables and making links between this tables.
Communication technology has greatly benefited from computers, communication systems that
serve computer data transfer needs are referred to as computer network. Networks are virtual
pathways through which information is transferred from one system to another. Computer
network connect computer devises and resources in close proximity or across large geographical
regions. These connections are through physical cables and wireless signal, light or even
microwave signals. Networking software allows computer systems interact and communicate
through this different media. In the last decade, the need to transfer data from one place to
another reliably has fueled the rapid growth of the networking technologies.
The interconnections, interactions, and dependencies among networked information systems
and other critical infrastructure systems (e.g., electric power grids) can dramatically magnify the
consequence of damages resulting from even simple security violations and/or faults.
With the growth of computing power; worldwide connections for data transfer and increased
technology acceptance, more transactions are being carried out through computerized systems.
Information that was easily safeguarded before the advent of computing is now falling in the
wrong hands with devastating consequences. The need for institutions and individual to
safeguard the security and integrity of their information has growth dramatically. News report of
un-authorized access to vast amounts of sensitive personal data have been commonplace the last

few year. The recent breach of security at Federal Office of Personell management was noted to
be; The second, larger attack affected not only applicants for security clearances but also nearly
2 million of their spouses, housemates and others. This events have necessitated the steady
growth of technology assurance; a field of technology that deals with securing data and the
resources involved is data collection, storage, computation and transmission. In a nutshell,
information assurance secures all the core technologies and the data involved.
The need for better data security and access control has grown in tandem with the growth in data
access hence giving an impetus to the demand for security assurance technologies.
As the internet has gained acceptance as an effective mode of information collection and
dissemination, technologies that allow the collection, processing, flow and sharing of this
information are being developed and improved daily, these are what we refer to as webtechnologies. These technologies are what we refer to as web-technologies. Through computer
network, they make data available worldwide at a fraction of a second.
#Bourgeois, D. T., Ph.D. (2014). Information Systems for Business and Beyond. Retrieved
March 13, 2016, from Systems for Business
and Beyond/Textbook.html
The Core Technologies: Why Are They Important To Technology Educators?
W. Harley Smith & Robert C. Gray

(1) Foster, Elvis C. & Godbole, Shripad. ( 2014). Database systems: a pragmatic approach.
[Books24x7 version] Available from
Database Systems: A Pragmatic Approach
by Elvis C. Foster and Shripad Godbole
Apress 2014 (528 pages) Citation

Under fire for data breach, Obama personnel chief steps down

Jul. 10, 2015 6:44 PM EDT
Computer software is the driving force behind automation, from controlling production processes
in large manufacturing factories to running implantable surgical devices, any application where
repetition, calculation, precision and automation can fit, software would be needed to achieve
intended function.
What an entire accounting department did using manual systems is now possible with just afew
workers using computers. The adaptability of computer software to handle different functions
has fueled their acceptance to almost all areas of human existence.
Information is being collected and entered into computer systems by human being or by
automated data collection devices, for this data to be useful, it needs to be stored in an organized
continues to evolve as technology grows. From criminal organization to hostile governments and
highly skilled individuals.

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