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Stored Procedure Transformation

Stored Procedure Transformation is a passive transformation. It can be used in both connected and
unconnected mode.
Stored procedures are stored and run within the database. They contain a pre-compiled collection of PLSQL statements. The stored procedures in the database are executed using the Execute or Call
statements. Informatica provides the stored procedure transformation which is used to run the stored
procedures in the database.
Some of the tasks you can do with stored procedures are listed below:

Check the status of a target database before loading data into it.
Determine if enough space exists in a database.
Perform a specialized calculation.
Dropping and recreating indexes.

The stored procedure must exist in the database before creating a Stored Procedure transformation,
and the stored procedure can exist in a source, target, or any database with a valid connection to the
Integration Service.

Stored Procedure Transformation Overview:

One of the important features of stored procedure is that you can send data to the stored procedure
and receive data from the stored procedure. There are three types of data which pass between the
integration service and the stored procedure:

Input / Output Parameters: Used to send and receive data from the stored procedure.
Return Values: After running a stored procedure, most databases returns a value. This value can
either be user-definable, which means that it can act similar to a single output parameter, or it
may only return an integer value. If a stored procedure returns a result set rather than a single
return value, the Stored Procedure transformation takes only the first value returned from the
Status Codes: Status codes provide error handling for the Integration Service during a workflow.
Stored procedure issues a status code that notifies whether or not the stored procedure
completed successfully. You cannot see this value.

Connected and Unconnected Stored Procedure Transformation:

Connected Stored Procedure Transformation: The stored procedure transformation is

connected to other transformations in the flow of the mapping. Use connected Stored
Procedure transformation when you need data from an input port sent as an input parameter
to the stored procedure, or the results of a stored procedure sent as an output parameter to
another transformation.
Unconnected Stored Procedure Transformation: The stored procedure transformation is not
connected directly to the flow of the mapping. It either runs before or after the session, or is
called by an expression in another transformation in the mapping.

Specifying when the Stored Procedure Runs:

The property, "Stored Procedure Type" is used to specify when the stored procedure runs. The
different values of this property are shown below:

Normal: The stored procedure transformation runs for each row passed in the mapping. This is
useful when running a calculation against an input port. Connected stored procedures run
only in normal mode.
Pre-load of the Source: Runs before the session reads data from the source. Useful for
verifying the existence of tables or performing joins of data in a temporary table.
Post-load of the Source: Runs after reading data from the source. Useful for removing
temporary tables.
Pre-load of the Target: Runs before the session sends data to the target. This is useful for
verifying target tables or disk space on the target system.
Post-load of the Target: Runs after loading data into the target. This is useful for re-creating
indexes on the database.

Stored Procedure Transformation Example:

Problem Statement: Populate the total salary of an employee using a stored procedure.

Create a stored procedure in the source database (HR) to compute the sum of salary and
commission of an employee:
create procedure
add_sal_comm (i_emp_id in number, total out number) is
select salary+( salary* NVL(COMMISSION_PCT,0))
into total
from employees
where employee_id = i_emp_id;

Create a new mapping m_Employees_Str_Procedure by Go to toolbar -> click mapping-> Create

Drag the source (HR.EMPLOYEES) and Target Definition (TARGET.EMPLOYEES_SALARY) into
the mapping
Add Stored Procedure Transformation by Go to Toolbar->click Transformation -> Create. Select
the Stored Procedure transformation

The stored procedure import wizard appears, connext to the HR database and select the required
stored procedure (add_sal_comm)
Connect the employee_id port of source qualifier transformation to the I_EMP_ID port of stored
procedure transformation.
Connect the employee_id port of source qualifier transformation to the employee_id port of
Connect the total port of stored procedure transformation to the total port of target.

Populate the remaining ports of the target from the source qualifier

Click on Mapping ( from tool bar) -> then Validate ( to validate the mapping)
Now save the mapping ( by clicking on Repository-> Save or you can also press Ctrl+S)
Generate the workflow and run it

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