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Promotional and Advertising Management

Final Project Report on Eno
Submitted By
Submitted To

Dec 15, 2015

INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 3
PROMOTIONAL MIX..................................................................................................... 3
ATL.......................................................................................................................... 3
BTL.......................................................................................................................... 3
TTL.......................................................................................................................... 3
PROMOTIONAL MIX OF ENO........................................................................................ 4
FACEBOOK PAGE...................................................................................................... 4
TV............................................................................................................................ 5
NEWS PAPER............................................................................................................ 6
MAGAZINES............................................................................................................. 6
WEBSITE.................................................................................................................. 6
TRIAL MARKETING................................................................................................... 7
BILLBOARDS............................................................................................................ 7
CSR PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES............................................................................... 7
PROFESSIONAL ENDORSEMENTS............................................................................. 8
ANIMATED CARTOONS............................................................................................. 8
RETAIL SALES PROMOTION...................................................................................... 8
CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT...................................................................................... 8
ADS EXPLANATION...................................................................................................... 9
PRINT ADS............................................................................................................... 9
COMPANY PROJECTION............................................................................................ 9
SPECIFIC BRAND AD.............................................................................................. 10
REBRANDING......................................................................................................... 11
NEED CREATION.................................................................................................... 12
VIDEO ADS............................................................................................................ 13
SPECIFIC BRAND AD.............................................................................................. 13
NEED CREATION.................................................................................................... 13
REBRANDING......................................................................................................... 14
BRAND GOODWILL................................................................................................ 14
REFERENCES............................................................................................................ 15

Eno is the most global of GlaxoSmithKline's (GSK) products. The fast-acting effervescent fruit
salts, used as an antacid and reliever of belatedness, was invented in the 1850s by James
Crossley Eno (1827-1915). It has sales of nearly 30 million; its major markets are Spain, India,
Brazil, South Africa, Malaysia and Thailand. It is frequently used as a substitute for baking
powder. It is available in sachets and bottles and in different flavors like, masaumbi, orange,
lemon, regular and guava.

Promotional mix is a process of marketing activities whose purpose is to communicate the
companys offerings to the target audience. To earn profits a company has to communicate the
benefits and utility of the brand to the end user and to achieve this they use different type of
promotional activities under the heads of ATL, BTL & TTL advertising. Each technique has its
own unique strength, features and eventually helps to communicate the message effectively to
the target audience.

ATL stands for above the line advertising. When companies try to reach out to the mass audience
they use mass media tools like TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Banners, and Billboards.
These tools are most effective when the target audience is huge in number and difficult to define.

BTL stands for below the line advertising. It is used to target well defined, specific target
audience. BTL uses tools like, Pamphlets, Brochures, Sponsorships, Sales Promotions, Public
Relations, Personal Selling, and Direct Selling.
It is direct mean of advertisement which creates brand awareness and ensures direct feedback s

TTL stands for through the line advertising. It comprises of the best fit between ATL and BTL
advertising tools, by using the strength of both the techniques TTL is more of an integrated
approach to reach out to the target audience and is used for better exposure and to gain benefits
of both the other techniques.


In this part we are going to use different marketing tools to promote and sell out our brand to the
end user. Promotional mix will be designed carefully by keeping in mind the strength of each and
every tool, its reach, effectiveness and the nature of product itself. We are going to implement
various advertising and promotional strategies to create an increased demand of Eno in the
market by associating the brand with healthy life style, convenient product which provides
instant relief and is easy to carry and use. A full-fledged advertising campaign will help us in
making the customers aware of ENO and it flavors including the new Eno pomegranate, their
prices, their main features and the places where the buyers can buy them easily. Lastly, our focus
will be mainly on targeting value based advertising.

Facebook fan page has become one of the major tools for marketers to promote their brands to
the target audience. It has proven to be a great addition into marketing tool for companies
because of great improvement in internet technology and more mobile internet usage, people
here in Pakistan are slowly and gradually switching towards this medium as well, people living
in urban areas have less time to watch TV or go through conventional medium like newspapers
and magazines but they do use web a lot nowadays, thats why we are going to utilize it for our
benefit and promote ENO on Facebook. We have created ENOs Facebook page which is named
as ENO PK, earlier there was no Facebook page of ENO for Pakistani audience so this is the
only platform where the target audience can communicate with us and get to know about the
brand. We do realize that mostly youth uses Facebook as a medium to get knowledge about the
brands and they like to watch videos because of the fact that, in daily routine they love to watch
movies, this habit attracts them towards watching video ads rather than other type of ads so we
have uploaded videos made by our team, we have also uploaded teaser ads to create curiosity in
the target audience minds which helps us to increase traffic and keeps the audience interested and
guessing that whats going to happen next. We are not only focusing on video element because it
can get one sided so we have also used pictures depicting different usage of ENO, we are also
running awareness campaign about different causes of indigestion, acidity and ways to keep
them safe like use ENO, avoid oily and spicy food, take proper sleep, avoid stress and eat good
healthy diet. We are also planning to start quiz competition for creating interest and traffic and
the winner would be awarded gifts according to our policy. This will help us to create a unique

bond with the audience and creates an image of caring brand in their mind. To involve the
audience we have offered them to join us in making upcoming ads of ours, this is the sign of
truly customers brand which keeps the customers close to its heart. Message communicated
through Facebook page would be consistent with other mediums used for promotional activities
so that audience doesnt get confused and we would also use tolls like hoot suite and Facebook
insights for gathering data about the users which will enable us to create better Facebook
marketing strategy.
However, we do realize that Facebook is an unstable platform. It is a medium of rapid change
and exponential growth for the companies. New techniques, tools and challenges emerge on
almost daily basis. It is fluid and unpredictable and there is no way one can create long term
strategy for the Facebook promotional activities, keeping this in mind we are going to adopt
flexible strategy which will be reviewed quarterly so that we may adjust when and where
situation demands. A strategy that doesnt attempt to predict the landscape over the long term but
instead puts in place the procedures, resources and structures to adapt to changes as they come
into view would be the success factor for us to promote ENO on Facebook.

TV is a very effective medium to reach mass audience. We are going to use this medium to
promote Eno. Video ads made by us will be run on national and private TV channels. National
TV channel PTV has the biggest reach in Pakistan thats why we are going to promote Eno on
this channel. Private media had brought media revolution in the Pakistani market and has
attracted lots of TVC as well. We are going to promote our brand Eno on these private media
channels especially during cricket matches where small pop ups appear during the match, small
ad clips will also be run between the overs because cricket lovers are more likely to remain on
the same channel because of the curiosity that what is going to happen in the next over, over can
start in any second etc. This will help us to expose the ad better than any other time. The biggest
advantage we have is that our ads are already small in duration and yet they are able to convey
the message within this short span of time so our cost would also be less and we would be able to
target the audience without cutting the ad during normal time but it has to be cut between the
overs in cricket matches because of very small time slot.

News Paper is a mass media tool to reach out to the target audience which is difficult to define
and wide spread. This is conventional marketing tool used by the marketers but here in Pakistan
it is still running successfully, getting the job done for the companies and is considered as a
successful promotional tool in Pakistan. We have made print ads which will be published in
newspapers so that we may reach out to the mass market and communicate our message
effectively. Top Urdu newspapers like Jang, Express, Nawa-e-Waqt and others will be
approached to publish our print ads because these newspapers have huge reader base which will
help us to get the most of the attention, exposure of ENO. Top English newspapers like Dawn,
The Nation, Business Recorder and others will used to target more sophisticated target market
who works in corporate sector, stock exchange and own business. This will again help us to
communicate about ENO on mass level and this target market faces lots of stress, pressure and
tension in their work life because of their nature of work and thats where ENO comes into play
because it helps to get rid of acidity caused by stress and less sleep.

Promotional activities through magazines are another conventional and successful way to
promote the brand in Pakistan and we are going to utilize this platform as well. We are going to
invest in magazines like, Akhbar e Jahan, Sunday Magazine, Family Magazine and others like
these to reach out to our target market and convey the message effectively via print ads. We are
also going to publish ads off ENO in cooking magazines like, Masla TV Food Mag, Dalda ka
Dastarkhwan, Cooking Light, Bawarchi Khana and others to target female section of our target
market, it makes a perfect match to promote ENO in cooking magazines because both go side by
side. This will enable us to promote the brand and bring it as top of the mind brand because of
continuous exposure along with Eno gets to work in 6 seconds positioning strategy, along with
this it will help us to target huge audience base because of the fact that these magazines are the
top read magazines of Pakistan.

Like Facebook marketing, website is another vital source of marketing the products to the end
users. We are going to use this interactive platform in the future to promote Eno because of the
fact that Eno doesnt have dedicated website for Pakistani market but it does have one for India

so we are going to obtain special domain name for Pakistani version of website where we are
going to provide all the details about Eno, its flavors, usage in different scenarios, latest addition
of flavors, happenings, lifestyle tips, FAQs, video corner, live chat option to communicate with
our web handling team etc.

The premise of trial marketing will be to create a closer bond between the consumer and the
brand by immersing them in using the new flavors of Eno as well as quick feedback about the
product. We are going to install our stalls at big shopping malls of Pakistan like, Dolmen mall,
Centaurs, Safa gold mall, The Mall of Lahore; Vogue Towers etc. these stalls will provide free
samples of Eno as well as on the spot trial drinks. The reason behind installing these stalls is that
there are many fast food chains in these malls where people love to eat, after eating heavy food
they are surely going to feel heavy and acidic and thats where our Eno stalls will come into play
which will provide instant drinks to them, it will not only make them feel happy and light but
will also help us to promote our brand and get instant feedback from the users which can be
utilized for the betterment of the brand.

Billboards on major highways, signals would enable us to promote our brand on a mass scale.
Highways and signals like Islamabad highway, Kashmir highway, PWD signal, Shaheen chowk,
GPO chowk and others have huge amount of traffic throughout the day and by installing
billboards at these places we would be able to attract most of the attention of the travelers,
another reason is that traffic signals at such chowks are usually closed for longer period of time
because of the traffic coming from all sides so it would help us to expose our brand Eno for a
longer period of time as well.


We can use corporate social responsibility as a promotional tool to contribute something positive
for the society as well as to promote Eno. We can start educational campaign like supporting the
schools in areas like FATA, KPK, Baluchistan which were once hit by the terrorists and are now
going through rehabilitation process after successful military operation in the region, in this
campaign we are going to convey the message that buy 1 bottle of Eno and donate PKR 5 for the
supporting the school initiative plus send back or deliver used Eno sachets to the nearest retail

stores and contribute in this initiative. We can also award primary level scholarships to 50
students of these schools through lucky draw which will touch and improve the lives of the
people living in these areas. These small steps will enable us to use CSR as a marketing tool to
gain emotional benefits in consumers mind.

Product endorsement by health and care professionals can also be used to promote the brand.
These types of professionals will communicate healthy lifestyle tips recommended by Eno. We
will give them letter pads of Eno, which they will be using for writing prescriptions for the
patients and clients. Specially designed pens of Eno will be delivered to them, calendars, free
samples and other such small incentives will be given to them and in return they will promote
and refer our product in case of acidity, indigestion, heartburn etc.

Animated cartoon series has become one of the most successful tools to promote the brand in the
Pakistani market. We have seen successful campaigns run by different brands through animated
cartoon series and we can also use this to our advantage. Animated cartoon characters would be
used in a small series of episodes which will not only grab the attention of the audience but will
also us to promote our product amongst childrens and youth.


Retail sector is very powerful in Pakistan as it sells directly to the end users. Retailers know the
taste of the customers, their buying patterns, buying frequency and can also convince the buyers
to buy a certain product or service. We can also use this to our advantage by offering discounts
and allowances to distributors and retailers in order to push Eno into the market. It will employ
both push strategy through promotions and pull strategy through advertisements and campaigns
on the store.

In Pakistan celebrity endorsement has been a successful marketing tool for the marketers because
generally we like to follow celebrities; we admire them and listen to them closely. We can also
use this to endorse and promote Eno. We should make wasim akram our brand ambassador
because he has a huge fan following in Pakistan as well as throughout the world and people love
to hear from him and follow him and the products he uses.


First print ad is of company projection. In this ad there is a person who is looking towards a king
size sandwich with greedy eyes and facial expressions, he is also holding a fork which depicts
that he is about to eat the sandwich. Towards the left part of the ad it is written When Its You
vs. Food! which means that when you have eaten heavy food and you still want to fight it out
against your stomach to eat more of your favorite meal then Eno is the solution for you, which
makes your stomach light, helps to digest heavy meal and provides instant relief from
indigestion. Then we have written about the usage of Eno which is the leading antacid against
acidity, gastric, discomfort and heartburn. Customers can use Eno in the above said cases to get
instant relief from the discomfort. Furthermore, the print ad tells the audience about different
flavors of Eno, there are total 6 types of flavors. The colors used in this ad are bright, lively and
catchy like colorful sandwich with fresh salad, bread and other stuff depicts liveliness in the ad
and blue theme grabs attention and is a sign of confidence.


Second print ad is about specific brand. In this ad we have shown a stomach which is getting red
hot because of acidity and indigestion. We are asking question from the audience indirectly that
do you also feel bloated after having heavy meal. If the answer is yes, then Eno Regular is going
to solve your problem and provide you with comfort and relief from acidity and indigestion.
Lastly, we have created a new tagline for Eno for this promotional campaign which is Pait Mae
Gurr Gurr, ENO Se Phurr! This means that whenever you feel discomfort in your stomach
because of acidity, indigestion or any other reason than Eno is going to take it away from you
instantly and it is going to set you free from any such thing. The tagline is unique, new and



Third ad is about improving the state of the product, bringing it back on to its feet when it is
going down in the market. There is a heart running away from Eno, the heart is on fire which
means its heartburn. Symbol between the graphics means that Eno is greater than heartburn, it is
the solution of heartburn and now you dont have to worry about it because Eno loves to take on
the heartburn and provide you with instant relief which starts working in 6 seconds. We have also
introduced new pomegranate flavor because of the season and are also providing 20% extra in
sachets. This ad is quite unique, attractive and has the capability to grab the attention of the
audience because of its message, graphics theme and lively colors. We have tried to convince the
customers to use Eno by linking it with incentive of 20% extra offer and new flavor as well.



Last ad under the head of print ad is need creation. Before making this ad we asked people about
what they think about Eno, what is the usage of Eno? The reply was when we feel heavy, in
acidity and indigestion but no one said that it can also be used in stress which causes acidity
afterwards. Thats why we decided to make an ad on a person who is feeling stress because of
office work which is hectic and very demanding. The message is very clear that stress is both
physically and emotionally damaging for you because it affects your health by creating acidity
and by emotionally destabilizing you. Eno comes to the rescue once again which provides instant
relief from acidity caused by severe stress of daily life, office work etc and there is a catchy line
written at the end of the ad that Eno gets you back on track because it starts to work faster than
other tablets and liquid antacids available in the market.

First ad in the video category is about the specific brand. In this ad our team member Abubakar
is shown entering into a restaurant and he is very hungry, his facial expressions and gestures
depict that he is very hungry after watching delicious food at the restaurant. In the second scene
he is shown eating Chicken Karahi and Siggi alone to satisfy his stomach from hunger. After
finishing all the heavy stuff he feels satisfies and happy but as soon as he tries to get up from his
chair to walkout of the restaurant he fails, holds his stomach and falls on the chair because he eat
too much food which caused acidity and indigestion, the music in the background also depicts
the same thing. In the next scene his two friends (Shamroze and Haseeb) can be seen coming into
the restaurant for dinner, when they enter into the restaurant they see Abubakar who is sitting on
the chair with hands on his stomach and feeling the heat, his friends try to meet him with
enthusiasm but Abubakar fails to respond in the same manner because of acidity and indigestion,
he tries to speak but awkward sound comes out from his mouth which creates confusion and
shock in the minds of his friends and they say to each other that what had happened to our
friend? Suddenly a person from the background asks him that are you having acidity as well. He
replies positively, he gives him Eno and says that you need Eno, Abubakar pours Eno into the
water and drinks it, in the background the person says a line in Urdu which means that as soon as
you use Eno, the acidity runs away. After this Abubakar feels relaxed and light, he gets up and
meets with his friend with full energy who asks now you are ok? His energy replies positively to
the question.

The second ad under the video category is of need creation. In this ad a busy employee is shown
who is extremely busy in his office work, working on files and is under a bit of stress, pressure
and tension, these things suddenly shot up when he receives a call from his boss who tells him
something on call and when the call finishes the employee starts to search certain files under a
big pile of files on his right desk but fails to find the desired file and sits back on the chair with
full of stress, tension and pressure. In the next scene a person asks from the background that are
you also feeling acidity because of stress. He replies in yes by shaking his head, the person gives
him Eno and the employee drinks it and feels much more relaxed and satisfied because the


acidity which was created because of stress was gone as soon as he drank Eno. Lastly, voice
comes from the background that Eno Jo asar kary sirf 6 second mae.

Last ad of the video section is about rebranding Eno. In this ad a university students can be seen
coming out from the cafeteria, he is holding his stomach and making different facial expressions
because he eat heavy meal from the cafeteria. In the next scene he is preparing for a boxing
match, thats where suspense comes into play that what is the link of boxing with Eno or a boy
coming out of the cafeteria. Well, the ad moves on and the boy prepares along with his coach he
throws some fierce punches. Suddenly a burger pops up with question mark on it, in the next
scene the coach and the boxer can be seen again who are preparing for some kind of match. In
the next scene a tagline appears When its you vs. Food which is the famous tagline of Eno, it
means that when your stomach is quite full but you still want to eat some of your favorite stuff
then its you vs. food type of situation, after this tagline the suspense brings out the message of
the ad that the boy was actually fighting against the food but because he was already full so he
wasnt able to eat it straight away so thats why he was fighting against it. In the next scene it is
written that Dont fight it, Use Eno which means dont fight with food, just take Eno and feel
light so that you can eat your favorite burger. Lastly, it is shown that we are offering new Eno
pomegranate flavor plus 20% extra.

Last ad in the video category is about brand goodwill. In this ad we have shown that Eno has
taken the initiative of making better and stronger Pakistan by helping out the childrens of TDP
(temporarily displaced people) to get education. People can donate for the education of these
childrens who are the future of Pakistan, their schools have been destroyed by the terrorists and
are now going through rebuilding process. Whenever they buy bottle of Eno PKR 5 will be
donated by us for the education of these childrens. The reason behind PKR 5 is that we are only
targeting primary education in those areas; the education will be very affordable because the area
is already deprived of education so the fees charged by the schools will be easily affordable by




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