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Department of Electrical Engineering

Communications Lab


Sampling and time division


Lecturer: Dr. Farouq Al - Taweel

Sampling and time division multiplex


1. To verify the sampling theorem.

2. To investigates the T.D.M. and the F.D.M processes.

3. To demonstrate the relationship between the pulse width

and the allowable share of the sampling period.

In all telecommunications networks there is a need to
interconnect switching centers and telephone exchanges as
economically as possible. Clearly if the distance between
transmitter and receiver is short the cost of the terminal
equipment which combines information channels may exceed
the cost of installing extra cable pairs, thus there are certain
distance below which limits can be set on the number of
telephone channels it is worthwhile to combine for the purpose
of transmission. Although it might appear that the economist
could draw a continuos curve relating distance to the number
of telephone channels
Channel combining (multiplexing) equipment operating in
the frequency domain is known as frequency division
multiplexing (F.D.M.) while in the time domain, it is known as
time division multiplexing (T.D.M). the quantum of telephone
channels in F.D.M is the group, which comprises twelve
telephone channels, and for T.D.M is either twenty-four or
thirty telephone channels. The common European standard has
now been agreed as thirty channels, which corresponds to
2048 Kbit/s. further agreed orders in the hierarchy are at
information rates of 8448 Kbit/s, 34368 Kbit/s and 139264
Kbit/s. The basic processes in building this hierarchy from an
analog telephone channel occupying 300Hz to 3400Hz are

sampling at 8KHz, 8-bit encoding, and the T.D.M of 30 of

these 64 Kbit/s channels.

The Apparatus
It comprises a sampling source, which may be varied in
frequency or sample pulse width, a multiplexer and a
demultiplexer. The multiplexer accepts two input channels,
samples each, and intervals the samples. The signal on one of
these channels is a waveform containing first and third
harmonics of a 1KHz signal. The output from the multiplexer
may be observed, or may be transmitted into the
demultiplexer which separates the two channels, and passes
the pulse train of each through a low pass filter to
reconstitute the original signals.
The following additional equipment is required:
Audio signal generator
An oscilloscope

The Sampling Process Theory

In certain communication process, such as the pulse code
modulation is necessary to sample a waveform at regular
intervals in order to communicate discreet information rather
than continuos information. The process of sampling is
equivalent to multiplying the waveform to the sampled by a
series of regularly spaced delta functions as shown in figure
Communications engineers often have to work
simultaneously in both the frequency and the time domain, and
probably the best known rule which connects manipulations in
these two domains is that multiplication of waveforms in the
time domain transforms into convolution of their corresponding
amplitude spectra in the frequency domain. If sampling is the
multiplication of the analog waveform by a delta series in the

time domain the spectrum of the sampled signal is the

convolution of the analog waveform spectrum with another
delta series. This shown in figure (2).
If T is the interval between pulses in the time domain i.e.
in figure (1) then the corresponding interval between the
frequencies which contain signal energy is 1/T. consider an
analog waveform which has a spectrum which extends from
0Hz to an upper limit of fmHz. It can now be seen that
provided 1/T is greater than 2fm then a complete replica of the
spectrum of the sampled signal lies below the frequency 1/2T
and the introduced in of a low pass filter would restore the
original signal unchanged. If 1/T < 2fm then overlap of the
spectra of the sampled signal will occur resulting in distortion
as shown in figure (3).
The preceding argument holds true even if the analog
signal spectrum begins at 1/T < 0Hz, and indeed in the limit it
could be a sinusoid with energy only at fm. if a waveform has
frequencies in its spectrum extending from a lower frequency
to an upper fmHz it is possible to convey all the information in
that waveform by 2fm or more equally spaced samples per
second of the amplitude of the waveform. This rate is often
referred to as the Nyquist sampling rate.
The way in which the pulse width affects the spectrum
will be used to demonstrate the effect in practice. Using X for
the multiplication process and * for the convolved process,
figure (4-a) shows that. Using the rule referred to before
where x and * change places when moving between T&F
domains. Figure (4-b) shows that. The extra ingredient used in
moving from fig. (4-a) to fig. (4-b) is the relationship between
a square pulse and its amplitude density spectrum. This shown
in fig. (5).

Time Division Multiplexing

T.D.M. is the process whereby two or more digital streams

are combined to facilitate transmission over a common
highway. There are two basic forms of T.D.M. in common use
today. These are synchronous digital multiplexing and
asynchronous digital multiplexing. In practice S.D.M. is in
common use for combining pulse code modulated telephone
channels, each at 64 Kbit/s into multiplex streams comprising
either 24 telephone channels or 30 telephone channels. In
principle it is possible for all multiplexers in a different small
run off a common clock, but the practical difficulties caused
by differing distances and time delays have prevented this
happening yet. In order to overcome this time delay problem,
A.D.M is used where the multiplexer outputs exceeds 2Mbit/s.
If 30 channels, each of 64 Kbit/s are to be combines, the
width of each pulse is constrained to some what less than
1/30th of the tributary sampling interval which is 1/64 Kbit/s.
each of the tributaries is then delayed by a multiple of 1/30 th
of this interval. It might be supposed that this aggregate digit
rate is exactly 30x64 Kbit/s, but extra digits must be added
to provide ancillary function. For example at receiver channel
identification is necessary and signaling information associated
with each channel must be transmitted. Figure (6) shows that.

Observations of signals

1. The T.D.M. in this apparatus is a synchronous multiplexer

which combines two digit streams. The basic principles of
this operation can be established by observation of the
various signals involved.
2. Using an oscilloscope observe the waveform of the 1KHz
plus 3KHz channel 1 generator at the sample and hold input.
3. For ease of observation the sampling pulse source has
been partially synchronized to the channel 1 input and this
should be used for triggering, with the sampling pulse

source adjusted to a frequency of about 18KHz and a pulse

width of 10s.
4. Fine adjustment of the sampling rate will probably be
necessary to lock the pulse stream to the oscilloscope
5. To remove any spurious second channel input pulses, that
input should be earthed.
6. Without adjusting the time base of the oscilloscope
observation of the T.D.M output can be easily seen to have
an envelope identical to that of the original waveform. If
necessary, by expansion of the oscilloscope time base the
repetition period of about 50s and the pulse width of 10s
can be clearly observed.
7. Using a signal generator a sinusoid with a amplitude of
about 5V and a frequency of 2KHz can be applied to channel
2 input. Again observing the output it is clear that two
separate pulse streams exit, one having an envelope
consisting of the waveform of channel 1, while the other
carries channel 2.
8. The channel 2 input frequency may need to be adjusted
slightly to ensure a steady trace.
9. Connecting the multiplexer output to the demultiplexer
input and observing each of the channel outputs allows the
demultiplexer input and demonstrated.
10. If the oscilloscope has a double beam, the channel 1 input
may be compared directly with channel 1 output. The time
delay of the system can be measured and the same
operations may be performed on channel 2.
11. The frequency of channel 2 may now be varied and the
effective cut-off for a particular sampling frequency can be
12. With the pulse width at 10s observe the channel 1
output and slowly reduce the sampling frequency from 20
kHz to its minimum.

13. Repeat the process with a sinusoid applied to channel 2

while observing channel 2 output. As only one frequency
component is present in this case it is useful to measure the
amplitude of the output signal at each frequency.
14. The complete process should be repeated at a variety of
pulse widths between 10s and 150 s.
15. The relationship between the pulse width and the
allowable share of the sampling period is critical and should
be borne in mind when explaining the variations in output
waveform for each combination of the variable parameters.

It may sound as if its an difficult process, and
indeed may be so mathematically, but it is in
fact a simple geometrical process. it comes into
statistical analysis when two random variables
are to be added together and the statistics of
the combination is required.
Results and conclusions
If a distance between transmitter and receiver is short the
cost of the terminal equipment which combines information
channels may exceed the cost of installing extra cable pairs.
Channel combining equipment operating in the frequency
domain which is known as F.D.M. while the time domain is
known as T.D.M.
The quantum of telephone channels in F.D.M is the group,
which comprises 11 telephone channels, and that for
T.D.M are either 24 or 30 telephone channels.
The common European standard has now agreed as thirty
channels, which corresponding to 2048 Bit/s.

The apparatus in this experiment comprises a sampling

source, which may varied in F or sample pulse width, a
multiplexer and a demultiplexer.
The process of sampling is equivalent to multiplying the
waveform to be sampled by a series of regularly spaced
delta functions.
Convolution is in fact simple geometrical; process which
is multiplication of the analog waveform by a delta series
in the time domain the spectrum of the sampled signal is
the convolution of the analog waveform spectrum with
another delta series.
In practice an analog signal is sampled with pulses with
have a non-zero width.
T.D.M is the process whereby 2 or more digital screams
are combined to facilitate transmission over a common
highway. There are two basic forms of its, synchronous
which have a common clock frequency and asynchronous
digital multiplexing.
The problem of the asynchronous D.M is the time delay
and to over come this problem it is used where the M
output exceeds 2Mbit/s.
The relationship between the pulse width and the sample
period is critical.


The following figure shoes that the narrower the pulse the
broader the amplitude density spectrum between its central
crossing points.




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