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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Contact: Allen Blakemore


Statement on Killing of Police Officers in Baton Rouge

Cleveland, OH Lt. Governor Dan Patrick issued the following statement today in
response to todays brutal attack on police officers in Baton Rouge, LA
Today the nation is less safe than ever. We must stand as one to condemn these
acts of violence.
In the last 2 weeks, over 20 officers were either killed or wounded by gunmen who
shot them just because they were police.
As I stated on Fox News the day after the shootings in Dallas and again to the
President on the ABC Town Hall, the violence against police must end now.
While we dont yet know the details or the motive for these latest police killings, we
do know that we currently are living in an environment where police officers do not
feel safe because of the heated anti-police rhetoric that is being heard far too often
in cities across the country. We also know, as Dallas Police Chief David Brown, told
us repeatedly last week, that on most days his officers do not feel they have the
support of the community.
Again, I call upon the President to put blue lights on the White House, as has been
requested by police, in show of support for law enforcement.
My prayers are for the fallen, the injured, and the families affected by this needless
The Lt. Governor is currently in route to the Republican National Convention this
afternoon and expects to be in Cleveland early this evening.
More information about Texans for Dan Patrick is available at

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